Homework2 Assignment EDMM 3280 Jarrash Alawi

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Homework #2 - Lean Enterprise & Six Sigma

Name: _____________________________Alawi Al Jarrash___________________________________

Only 1 document - PDF version of the homework will be accepted.

Please see the syllabus on the guideline for the Homework

1. Think about a practical process that you do everyday that you would like to do “better and faster
with minimal defects”. For example: Use this process “Preparing for your classes” or you can
choose something else that you really want to work on. Once you found a process, please do the
following: (7pts)
i. Draw a SIPOC diagram (See Figure 3-3) to shows all the interrelated activities (Label each one P1,
P2, P3 ….) within that process
ii. Draw a Value Stream Mapping for this process (See Figure 2-1). Do note that this picture can be
hand-drawn or use sticky notes arranges on a wall and then insert the picture or insert an image if
drawn with computer). For each of these inter-related activities, please label the specific inputs to
produce specific outputs (include both internal and external customers and suppliers).
iii. Make a list of all waste and a value-added activity; Enter the information into Table 1
iv. On your process Map, please draw a “Kaizen burst” for each of your non-value activity
v. For each of the interrelated activities (Label each one P1, P2, P3 ….), using Table 2,
vi. enter the seven waste into the first column,
vii. then for each of the interrelated activities (P1, P2, P3 ….) describe and align these non-value
activities with a type of waste.

2. I would like you to DEFINE the problem or problems in this process. Write a Problem Statement
describes the current state. Clearing including the following information: (1pt)

• What is your reason for action (Important and why)?

• What are your final goals?
• List your deliverables and how you are going to measure it. Write your deliverables in in this
sentence format: What you want to do by how much by when.
• What you want to do? (This should be a verb … Improve, reduce, eliminate)
• By how much? (from 10% to 50%)
• By went? (The end of the project where you made the transformation to the future state)
3. Look at an area in your room and apply the 5S technique. (This can be the desk that you are
studying, you closet, your bathroom, or even your kitchen counter). (1pt)
i. For each of the 5S, please take a before and after picture
ii. Explain what changes that you made.
4. There are 8 parts in a product and they are each at 6 sigma with a 1.5 shift, determine the ppm for
the product. (1pt)
Below are templates that you can use for your homework.

Upload you completed homework into Homework #2 dropbox. (save file your lastname_first name)

Question 1:

a. Draw a SIPOC diagram (See Figure 3-3) to shows all the interrelated activities (Label each one P1, P2,
P3 ….) within that process
b. Draw a Value Stream Mapping for this process (See Figure 2-1). Do note that this picture can be
hand-drawn or use sticky notes arranges on a wall and then insert the picture or insert an image if
drawn with computer). For each of these inter-related activities, please label the specific inputs to
produce specific outputs (include both internal and external customers and suppliers).
List your Value and Non-Value added

Inter-related activity Value-Added Non-Value Added

P1: Heating Waiting for the temperatures to
P2: Adding flavors and color Transferring the ingredients
P3: Mixing the products Time taken
P4: cooling Taking a lunch break
P5: packaging Confirming for accuracy
P6: Adding necessary labels Printing the labels
Table 1: Summary of Value and Non-Value Activity

Summary of your observed Waste

List the seven P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

waste in this
Correction of Confirming
defects accuracy of
motion Transferring
waiting Waiting for Time Taking
temperatures wasted lunch
to rise. break
Extra Printing
processing labels
Table 2: Summary of Waste Matrix
QUESTION 2: Write a Problem Statement describes the current state.

I would like to reduce the time taken to produce the yoghurts. This way, I might reduce the number of
employees and eventually reduce my expenses.
My final goals is to maximize on revenues.
I want to increase the number of yoghurts I produce from 10 liters to 15 liters a day by the next 3 weeks.
QUESTION 3: 5S activity

Picture Before 5S Picture After 5s Description or

comment on the
Took everything I had
and separated it into
what I often use and
what I rarely use and
what I will never use.

I then placed the items

where they are
supposed to be.

I cleaned what needed

attention. I then
arranged the items
uniformly. Finally, I
continued working in
the new arranged

QUESTION 4. Show your working There are 8 parts in a product and they are each at 6 sigma with a 1.5
shift, determine the ppm for the product. (1pt)
Percent conformance for 6 sigma is 99.9996600.

For 8 parts, raise by power 8.

Therefore (1 − 0.99999668 ) = 27.2 𝑝𝑝𝑚

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