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ax], uoanOs Hor @ area BuryOpaR, fed syn peouiop 0; uoppansysu/wor'vex3-voRnjos'o8 sia ‘woo 9921-uop nos Informal Speaking and Listening Rubric om Ruguet 2019 Categories/criteria tevelt Level? Level 3 Level 4 Thinking * demonstrate imited abi 0 ‘iplore/exores thoughts when te explore/express thoughts ‘ven speaking to ots Co ‘Sbeoinning to ratecs anahze, ypotheste) ~ exores/exoresses own thoughts ~ exlores/expresses cxlginl/ ‘reat thoughts when soeaking hypothesizes) Siaieciteeescraner | ~ demonstrates some sity to Bula ‘onthe ideas of othe “integrates ond extends the ideas of thers when speaking ‘communication “expresses ideas, opinions feelings ~ expresses ideas, opiions,felng®| “ expreses eas, opinions felngs| ‘witvimied erty when sneaking | "wit partial clarty when pecking | clearly when speaking to othersin_ | clearly and in an engaging manner {oothers ints of totes in terms of terms of Inhen speaking to others inter of: ‘tency tency A ‘fuency ‘fuency syolame volume vole volume speed speed speed speed ‘imonaton intonation -imonation “ngonation inflection Hosiection tection “nection vee aiid erty 7 ~eltempts to use new vocabulary ~oeee new vocabulary effectively “explores new vocabulary successfully “ha aicaly maining 7 * maintains aye contat some ofthe “maintains appropiate eye contact ‘then seeshing “mates ime ure of gestures when “makes some uagot gestures when ~ ures gestures neturaly and ttectively when speaking ‘Active Listening stan to others points of view ity to intone, “Tistens some of he tne to others idoes, opirions, poits of vow ~Tistonsattenively to thers eas, epinins, points of view “listers attentively and respect ‘others 12685 opinions. points * challenges to others idoas, inion, points ove may be rppropriate * attempts to challenge others ides, options, pairs of view appropriately ~ ehalengoe other= eas, opinions Doints of ew eppropritaly points of vsw appropratly ana ~ attempts to ask aparoprate ~ eke insightful questions | appropriate posture and body language when istering to others Sha body language some othe {me when steninat others ~ demonsrates appropriate posture ‘and body language wnenlstening toothers ~ encourages speaker through Sppropnate ose of posture and Boa language From Cooper. Talk About Astossment, E. © 2006 Nelson Bducation Ld, Reproduced by pormssion. wew.cengage com/permissions Qoserved tent yext. ina small oup oF H discussing assiqned nore aouraiuas Yee spear Ja\oran aus, Aypraydusod Jo JopI0 ut ‘sypE a past _Usiug Tero Jo sammonais eoryeunuTeiB/qwoneIUAS qaLOpRp Jo BuTaUres w Hos aidan yeIp s2auaqUAS g] Jo SatTOS e sapnyourT oUISsAsse ayqronpordar au, ossossy abonbur7 14g povniuog Rit aRe hebdhe y Se33] spa ahaha ak D4) Proseee ‘hep [ooyps ayy moysnony pue yoorg ADeI—MT ap ULL yjoq quaurdojaaap aferiuey-Tex0 uo siseyduro We YEA eouaNbas TeuOnONASUt ue uo paoeyd aq asnur ‘oon ‘ou, “USTBUG fex0 Jo samyONS os Aq po8ua!Teyo are squapnys Supjwads yssug-eaneu ‘paBequeapestp Jo Jaqumu queoyURys qeIp sayeoqpuy Yorwasas ‘Ioe5 Ul ‘punoxByoeq aFenFucy-ystsUG-UOU w WO ‘auroo YSHBUG Te10 Jo soMINNS om Aq PaSus|Teyo aTe OY SIUAPNIS [TE 7ON, ‘oe Jo ssorprefox ‘ys ug Sune] Ty ‘woxy stwas ony 07 dn ‘ofenBuel a4 0} oUt are OYAL sxaUE [Te 0] TURAAIAT OST 814801 Squy, waIB YSISSe 0} MORSE apeEdordde sour axp pure ‘syuapMS 3U9}OgP -ofen Sue Fujoey safluareyo atp Jo UOReOTpU Feo|D ¥ saplaoud ywaUISSISTE ST, “Ayoamoayzo ort pure ‘pear Syeads ‘vost oF Ange rau sqMUE YOR ysHPAUL [exo Jo samyonns ayy Furroyseur ejqnox} acy siuopms AUER ‘asenBuE] oan -dooar sjropras auy Jo 3593 @ S17] “SHIMPL Aq pasn ysTBUG UaxOUS Jo saMIINNS xxo|diuroo oxp Jo pueysrapun pure 0} Uys 08 [qe St HapRYS B 7eYs UW] SASSAL_ILOM pure sypuas Sumura0u00 uoneunoyur saptacid juowssassy aenSUer] [PO OU, queuissessy oSenSuey [P19 tpeep A010 | uy Aoaxz09 payeadas aauaqes yoee JO} JUIOd ouo o109g :6uj109g ‘kemoures | ‘att Ur g 19g pue Z 19g 01 onUNUOD “pIODaI FuNpear v p1oday Pom ovo se YoU | ‘ga0us Bur00s op wo Aap saoUaRUAS 9xp Jo UONAAGax SAUapMS ax PI0d9Ri 6 01 | wio¥g sopu0 wr saouaqes ax ToNSTURUPY “7 795 8 wog -oumpaoout “asamp Aeg EHO eOwo6 nofl aro a4 wt “eu snp A307 poos £10, “asnoy tay 0) Bupqom 5} ATES segbog 5927 ‘fips 7 yoy fijoxe fins oj nof ayy prnom J pun ‘saouaruas awos puas 07 Gupob ‘wo uopms axp Tay, "ampasomd Bumsan etn Yas ApS atp TET ‘aged pure aut remyeu waza ray 2foads “SOTeH PIO aun kq pareorpur Sunsezyd ova Bujsn qUApnas oxy 0} BoxOHLOS YOUO PE 'z “‘souN}UaS JxOU Sy} 0} SULAOUT axoyaq sei au 01 owq JWpMIS oy JoamIpax ApUOS ‘rapUeM PrOYs LONUAPE J] Jouissosse sn imoysnonp woRWeMe fry SquaprYs ax: BAeY NOK Buns 2¢ T 40,S|UIpYy 0} MOH “L61) "70 ony H oLOpR %q oUvos04 snoweaut fq poouanyfur st juswssessn sun Top abipaymouyon 0) ayH PInom sLOYIND UL qoddns jucwdopeaap afensire 210 anrsuoqur paou sywopms ystiay 24st pazepIsuod axe pte YSH/Ug Tez0 50 SIN -onais ayy 420 [aNIMOD payyut] ATU parmboe avy ¢ aijaq Suods sywapms -puwstopim pure 09 UeISF, 01 WNP JOH MOU 003 are yep somgonns souanos oppurey siuopmas coy sAoUs Pays prodes TeNITe aD {Jo siséqeue pu 21098 «sex ayy puosag oRFEULIOYT "savuAIUES YSTBUg wt UNOS ‘samyonuys JUOLOTTP axp aye SIEpMS MOY OUT SIYs'SUT SOpIAOIG IWOUISSASSE | sy, 704s BuLODS ay Uo pepsOdas axe sasuodsax ‘yeadax oy UEPMS amp 10} sou S3QVHD IN 30¥NDNV1 W4O usar open 9004 mB UKEOD BWSS3SSv 39 mame [6] suogs THOL ‘ne 304 Aba 331 Voy ws> 93 389 08H PURL AW (o0yor oe pnela a wap OVA wa Bo PUL ket “Foxog oo oars Bue or YBNI wi PUP 409 SUL sm ia “Huy faq ave Uaym apruy owod oF Apoai og & v moro] z L 8 us revougns ‘an aip 0 (By sou B 79 pug ou Sojo4 iq wip Hip wows aunpou ays sows 2H ‘puby Jey Bue #309 BHR UI HI oy g v ea maar on vatpaman aS |B z L “ga[pun Au 69 03 FOE BIBYR JBA8 OHiG Pad TOY, 28 ramians “AwO}s pun] 424 Bujoe 504s “UespInD oy 810 8794. “oe 8 upg 6 Auwow g v Tostuan pe epen sa | & @ L "Aan 6 yor sfdand ay} aa 9) )e]2/2 (2 | [4 SS ee ee EE Tre

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