Lesson 9 - Question Bank

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Lesson 9 – Question Bank

(C) Numericals

1. A mercury manometer is used in the venturimeter installed in a pipe of

diameter 25 mm to measure the discharge through it. The diameter of the
constriction of venture is 10 mm. At full flow through the pipe gives a
manometer reading of 5 cm. Determine discharge through the pipes.

2. Petroleum oil (sp. Gr. =0.9) flows isothermally through a horizontal 5 cm

pipe. A pitot tube is inserted at a centre of a pipe and its leads are filled with
the same oil and attached to U-tube containing water. The reading on the
manometer is 10 cm. Calculate the volumetric flow of oil in m³/s. The
coefficient of pitot tube is 0.98.

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