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Master Class
L e s s o n s a n d P r o j e c t s f r o m T o d ay ’ s T o p C r o c h e t e r s

J e a n L e i n h a u s e r and R i t a W e i s s
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black


SKILL LEVEL Designed by Darla J. Fanton


• Approximately 38" x 38" Because the double-ended hook creates

(96.5cm x 96.5cm)
• Afghan is very stretchy
lengthwise. If desired, afghan
a soft fabric with a different look to each
may be blocked to measure
37" x 46" (94cm x 117cm). side, it is particularly well suited to afghans,

• Cascade Yarns Cherub DK

especially warm and cuddly baby afghans.
(55% nylon, 45% acrylic, each
approximately 1¾ oz [50g] and Once you’ve made one project using the
190 yd [174m], 3 light/DK
• 760 yd (696m) / 4 balls
double-ended crochet technique, you’ll want
in color 16 Lilac
• Cascade Yarns Cherub to make many more. While the instructions
Kaleidoscope DK (55%
TJ142-7-2010 IMUS 7/CRA0220 Crochet Master Class W:8.5”XH:10” 175L 128 M/A Magenta(V)

nylon, 45% acrylic, each

approximately 1¾ oz [50g] and
look very complicated, the technique is really
190 yd [174m], 3 light/DK
weight) simple and fun to do. The results are sure to
950 yd (870m) / 5 balls in color
993 Lavender/Rose Variegated
please everyone.
• One size K-10½ (6.5mm)
14" (35.5cm) double-ended
crochet hook or circular
double-ended crochet hook,
or size needed to obtain
• One size I-9 (5.5mm) crochet
hook (for edging only)
• Tapestry needle

19 sts and 31 rows = 4" (10cm)
using larger hook

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

stitch guide ROW 3: To pick up lps, with lilac and working right to left;
ch 1, sk first 2 vertical bars; *pick up lp in next horizontal
HALF DOUBLE CROCHET DECREASE (HDC DEC): Yo, insert hook st (see Fig 3), pick up lp under next vertical bar (see Fig 4),
in next st and draw up a lp, insert hook in next st and sk next vertical bar; repeat from * across. Slide all sts to
draw up a lp, yo and draw through all 4 lps on hook— opposite end of hook and turn—163 lps on hook. [ F I GS 3, 4]
hdc dec made.

top loop horizontal st

note : When picking up a lp in a horizontal st, insert
hook under top lp only.
bottom loop horizontal st
ROW 1: With double-ended hook and variegated yarn, 3rd vertical bar
ch 163; working through bumps on back of ch (see
[ FIG 3 ]
Fig 1), pick up a lp in 2nd bump from hook and each
remaining bump, leaving all lps on hook. Slide all
sts to opposite end of hook and turn—163 lps on hook.
[ F I G 1]

2nd vertical bar

2nd bump from hook [ FIG 4 ]

[ FIG 1 ]
ROW 4: Pick up variegated yarn; yo, draw through one lp;
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*yo, draw through 2 lps (one lp of each color); repeat

ROW 2: To work lps off hook: place lilac on hook with slip from * across until one lp remains on hook. Do not turn.
knot, working from left to right draw slip knot through ROW 5: Repeat Row 3 with variegated yarn.
first lp; *yo, draw through 2 lps (one lp of each color)
(see Fig 2); repeat from * across until one lp remains on ROW 6: Repeat Row 4 with lilac.
hook. Do not turn. [ F I G 2 ] ROWS 7–264: Repeat Rows 3–6, 64 times more, then repeat
Rows 3 and 4 once more.
ROW 265: Bind off in the following manner; with
variegated yarn, and working right to left, ch 1, sk first
vertical bar; *insert hook in next horizontal st, yo, draw
through st and lp on hook (sl st made); repeat from *
[ FIG 2 ] across, transfer final lp to regular hook for first side
edging. Fasten off lilac.

100 C R O C H E T M A S T E R C L A S S

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black


note : Edgings are worked with standard crochet hook with

the predominantly lilac side of afghan always facing you.

First Side Edging

With variegated yarn and working in ends of rows, evenly
space 133 sc along first long edge, placing last sc in end of
foundation ch—133 sc. Fasten off.

Second Side Edging

Join variegated yarn with sc in opposite end of foundation
ch; evenly space an additional 132 sc along 2nd long edge,
placing last sc in end of Row 265—133 sc. Do not fasten
off, continue working in rounds.

Afghan Edging
RND 1: Ch 2, 2 hdc in same st as last sc worked; *hdc in next
7 sts; hdc dec in next 2 sts; (hdc in next 3 sts; hdc dec in
next 2 sts) 29 times; hdc in next 7 sts; 3 hdc in next st to
turn corner; working along side, hdc in next 131 sts**; 3 hdc
in next st; repeat from * to **; join with a sl st in 2nd ch of
beginning ch-2—3 hdc in each corner with 131 hdc along
each edge between corners. Fasten off variegated yarn.

TJ142-7-2010 IMUS 7/CRA0220 Crochet Master Class W:8.5”XH:10” 175L 128 M/A Magenta(V)
RND 2: Join lilac with a sl st in center st of any corner group;
ch 3, 4 dc in same st as joining; *(ch 1, sk next st, dc in next
st) 66 times; ch 1, sk next st**; work 5 dc in center st of next
corner group; repeat from * around, ending last repeat at
**; join with a sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch-3—5 dc in
each corner with 66 dc and 67 ch-1 sps along each edge
between corners. Fasten off lilac.
RND 3: Join variegated yarn with sc in center st of any
corner group, 2 sc in same st; *sc in next 2 sts; (dc in st 1
rnd below next ch-1 sp, sc in next dc) 67 times; sc in next
dc**; 3 sc in center st of next corner group; repeat from
* around, ending last repeat at **; join with a sl st in first
sc—3 sc in each corner with 67 dc and 70 sc along each With tapestry needle, weave in all yarn ends. Block as
edge between corners. Fasten off. desired.

D O U B L E - E N D E D C R O C H E T 101

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Crochet Master Class
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