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Step 5: Evaluate the Solution

By: Harjas Singh

How well does your design meet the design constraints and solution?- ​My design does a
pretty good job on meeting design constraints and the solution. For design constraints I make
sure that I accomplished and reached those expectations. For the constraints it is said to have 3
unique parts which I met. I had a base which was a 3in by 3in rectangular box, my second
unique box was a half of the square box that has a little slit so that my last piece which was a
crown can slide in. The half box slides in on top of the base and the crown slides into the half
box. The three pieces connect to make a name plate with text to make it more customizable to
the audience and how it represents the and etc. This one is done for someone's 16th birthday.
This project uses an interlocking joint with the base box and the half box that goes on top of the
base with interlocking joints, and Dado joints for the crown piece to slide into the second box slit
that was made close to the top so that the name plate can be complete. I have not exceeded
the overall size of the indicial pieces and haven't exceeded the assembled product itself as well
which is why I think I did a pretty good job on meeting the design constraints and solution. Also
all of my parts were protyped in Fusion 360 to make sure that everything fits right and is aligned
properly and everything can slide in well. As for the tolerances it was not met the first time.
Tolerance needed some work on and had to get fixed and worked on for some time because
there wasn’t enough space and room for the pieces to fit easily so I messed up on the tolerance
to slide in and work so I had to fix that and make that better.

What was challenging about this project?- ​The challenging part about this project is trying to
make all of these pieces to interlock and to get the right sizes. My main problem was the pieces
I made that some of them got made under the same name which made it hard to separate them
and work on the pieces. The other issue I had was the sizing of the interlocking pieces. When I
did the joint feature the space I had for the interlocking pieces weren’t lining up and it wasn’t
connecting which caused me to have a lot of stress and difficulties. I had to resize a lot of the
pieces, I had to redo some of them multiple times and I also had to try all different things to
make the pieces connect and to make them interlock like they should. Another difficult time I
had was getting the drawing files dimensions. The reason is that none of my dimensions would
work for any pieces. It would say that it is messed up so it can’t pick up the dimensions I was
trying to get and doesn’t help me change the view of the piece. I worked on that for 2 hours
trying to fix it and try possibly anything I could but it wouldn’t work. So I finally decided to do the
only thing left which was to hand draw all three pieces on different sheets of paper, label the
dimensions of each sheet and draw the final assembled product as will and label that all by
hand. That part put a lot of stress and tested my patience to the extreme but I found a way
around it and got everything I had to complete and finished which wasn’t that bad at the end.
What engineering concepts do you feel like you applied? What concepts are you still
struggling with understanding?-​ ​The engineering concept that I feel like I applied was using a
design brief and a decision matrix to pick the best decision for the product which I finalized.
Another concept that I applied that I get I am doing well in is sketching. The sketching is brief. I
feel like it gives me a better understanding and a better view of how I want to do my project and
what I want to make. But it also helps me with my dimensions and what the sizes and heights
that I need. Another concept that I feel like I applied and somewhat had to apply was the
interlocking joints and using joints in this product. I have a better understanding of how the joints
have to work and how they cna make products stronger and hold together without tape or glue. I
also learned how to design the interlocking joins and Dado joints that I wanted to use for the
project. The concepts that I am still struggling with understanding is the small tolerances for the
interlocking joints and how I need to design that to make them fit, making new component as its
own and not be connected with other component which makes the project harder and also work
photoshop a lot better than I do, especially designing two pieces that need to fit together and
joint together especially. One thing I usually don’t struggle with but this time I struggled with is
the dimensions of the pieces and the final product and designing some of the interlocking legs,
and pieces so that the pieces can fit together and work and look like I imagined and designed it
to do.

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