Week 1 Part 1

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4CL SIMON, James Ivan R.

13 January 2021

WEEK 1 Part 1
Topic 1: Authority structure on board ship

LO1.1 Differentiate the functions of each member of a ship’s organization

CO1:Describe the functions of each member of a ship's organization

Before answering the Topic Questions make sure that you have read and understood the Learning
Management System for week 1.
Watch and understand the Video links below to reinforce your knowledge and understanding.

1. Ship's Organization by Department | Seafarer's Duties and Responsibilities (LPU-LIMA) Feb 12, 2020

Q1. Describe the ship’s organization

The crew are the personnel who is responsible for the operation of the ship.Ship’s organization
consist of three departments: Deck, Engine and Steward department. These departments consist of crew
members which is responsible for different task on board Ships. Deck department is responsible for
navigation, communication, safety and security, ship’s maintenance and cargos. Engine Department is
responsible for the machineries and engines onboard ship. Lastly, steward department is responsible for
the meals of the crew of the ship.

Q2. Enumerate the duties and responsibilities of the Deck department, Engine
Department and the Steward department
Deck Department - responsible for navigation, watch keeping, maintenance of ship’s hull, cargo hold and
loading and unloading of cargos.
Engine Department - they are responsible for inspection, maintenance and repair of all machineries.
Steward Department - This is the one responsible for the planning and preparation of the meals.
Q3. What are the responsibilities of the management officers on board the ship?
Master - holds the overall command of the ship
- stands on behalf the shipowner
Chief Officer -responsible for the deck maintenance and cargo handling
-also for the administrative task, such as scheduling of works and quality control
Chief Engineer -the head of the engine department
-responsible for the all operations and maintenance of the machineries onboard ship
1st Engineer - second in command in engine department
-supervises the daily maintenance and operations the engineering system
-the busiest engineer on board for him to fulfill the supervisory and operational duties onboard
Q4. Explains support level, states position and describes roles
2nd officer/mate- is the Third most experience in the bridge, he is responsible for navigational watch,
such as
3rd officer/mate- responsible as the safety officer, which is for the fire fighting equipments, lifeboats and
other emergency equipments used onboard
-stand as the 8-12 navigational watch
PUMP MAN - He assists the Chief Mate during loading and unloading, discharging and crude oil
washing on tanker ships. He is also assigned on assisting on ballasting, inserting,purging, gas freeing and
tank washing.
BOSUN - He is the head of unlicensed deck department, which he keeps good maintenance of the ship’s
hull and usually delegates the task to the deck crew.
ABLE BODIES SEAMAN - He is the one steering the vessel during pilotage. They also does the
maintenance jobs , like washing,paintings and greasing.
ORDINARY SEAMAN - They are only allowed to assist the ABs while learning the jobs before getting
DECK CADET - Their duty is to observe and have some trainings to learn the different jobs on board.
3rd Engineer- 2nd assistant engineer
-in charge of the boiler, fuel, auxiliary machineries and responsible for bunkering operations
4th Engineer— 3rd assistant engineer, most junior engineer
-responsible for electrical, sewage treatment, lube oil, bilge, and oily water separation system.
-in-charge on the maintenance of the lifeboat and may assist the third mate
FITTER - Their work includes riveting, grinding, welding, drilling and the use of lathe machine. They are
also responsible is assembling and disassembling, reassembling and building new parts.
OILER - His job includes inspection and maintenance of pumps, motors and condensers on board. He do
the greasing, lubricating, de rusting and painting the equipments.
WIPER - His job is like the OS, which is to support the other crew on their jobs.
ENGINE CADET - Like deck cadet, his duty is to learn and train.
Q5. Outlines the chain of command in the ship’s organization.

Credits: Seaman Memories

Q6. Enumerate the personnel on each department and their duties and responsibilities.
CAPTAIN - he is the one who makes decisions and judgement because he has the absolute authority.
CHIEF ENGINEER - He is the overall in charge of engine room safety, machinery operation,
maintenance, bunkering and technical administration. He is also responsible for Oil Record Book and
Engine Log Book.
SECOND ENGINEER - He do the planning, scheduling, delegating and directing the maintenance plan
on the engine room.
THIRD ENGINEER - He is responsible for general maintenance of machinery and equipments and watch
keeping duties.
FOURTH ENGINEER - His duties include maintenance of purifiers, air compressors, sewage treatment
and general maintenance while learning the duties and responsibilities of 3rd Engineer. He is the one
responsible for toolbox meeting with other crew members.
ETO or ELECTRO-TECHNICAL OFFICER - His duty is to keep the automated machineries running at
all times. It also includes the UMS test schedukes.
FITTER - Their work includes riveting, grinding, welding, drilling and the use of lathe machine. They are
also responsible is assembling and disassembling, reassembling and building new parts.
OILER - His job includes inspection and maintenance of pumps, motors and condensers on board. He do
the greasing, lubricating, de rusting and painting the equipments.
WIPER - His job is like the OS, which is to support the other crew on their jobs.
ENGINE CADET - Like deck cadet, his duty is to learn and train.
CHIEF OFFICER - He is the training manager, garbage manager, rest hour supervisor, disciplinarian and
job administrator. His watches is 0800H to 1200H and 1300H to 1700H
SECOND OFFICER - He is the navigational officer, responsible in fixing voyage plans, chart corrections
and publication updates. His watch is 1200H to 1600H.
THIRD OFFICER- His duty is to be the safety officer on board, which includes lifesaving and
firefighting equipments.His watch is 0800H to 1200H. He also updates the muster list and assigning
crew’s duties and responsibilities during emergencies.
PUMP MAN - He assists the Chief Mate during loading and unloading, discharging and crude oil
washing on tanker ships. He is also assigned on assisting on ballasting, inserting,purging, gas freeing and
tank washing.
BOSUN - He is the head of unlicensed deck department, which he keeps good maintenance of the ship’s
hull and usually delegates the task to the deck crew.
ABLE BODIES SEAMAN - He is the one steering the vessel during pilotage. They also does the
maintenance jobs , like washing,paintings and greasing.
ORDINARY SEAMAN - They are only allowed to assist the ABs while learning the jobs before getting
DECK CADET - Their duty is to observe and have some trainings to learn the different jobs on board.
CHIEF STEWARD - He directs and supervises the planning and preparation of the meals and also
responsible for cost control and requisition of provisions.
CHIEF COOK - His job is to prepare and cook the meals for the crew. He also maintain good
housekeeping on the galley.
MESS MAN - This is the one responsible for cleaning the cabins of the officers on board. He also the one
responsible on the mess hall, such as fixing and preparing the plates,incharge of washing etc.

Q7. Who is the overall in command of the ship?

-The captain is the overall in command of the ship.
Q8. When the master or captain dies who will be the next in command of the ship?
The second in command is the Chief Mate or Chief officer.
Q9. As an Engine cadet on board the ship, what are your duties and responsibilities?
As an Engine Cadet, my one and only duty is to learn the different jobs and their duties and
responsibilities on board. To learn their jobs, I have to experience and do their jobs.
Q10. Who gives order to abandon the ship?
The Captain is the one who will command abandon ship.
Q11. Who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Main Engine?
The second Engineer is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the main engine.
Q12. If you are the chief Engr. on board the ship and the main engine won’t start, do you think the
Master should know about it? Why?
When the main engine stops,the Engineer must report to the Captain so the captain will be
knowledgeable for the situation because it may be a problem with the main engine whcih may cause a big
problem to the whole ship.

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