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2. MEGA FERONIKA ( 4183131025 )
3. ELSSYA DWI I MANULLANG ( 4183131046 )
4. ESTER SIRAIT ( 4183131017)



Praise and Gratitude the writer praises the presence of God Almighty because of
His blessings, grace and gift, the writer can compile this paper on time. This paper
discusses about study concept of derivative. With help from various parties, this paper can
be completed completely.

Therefore, the authors would like to thank all parties who have helped in the
preparation of this paper. This paper is compiled from various sources and there are a
number of concepts cited from some references. We realize that this paper is still far from
perfection both from the form and the material.

Constructive criticism from the reader really expects the writer to refine the next
paper. Finally, hopefully this paper can provide benefits to the reader.

Medan, 17 October 2018,

Group 3
List Of Content
1. Definition Of Derivative
A derivative is a measurement of how a function changes over against changes the value of the
inputs, or in general the derivative showed how one quantity is changing due to changes of other
quantities. The process of finding the derivative is called differentiation.

2. Formula Of Derivative
i. f(x) = k → f’(x) = 0
ii. f(x) = x → f’(x) = 1
iii. f(x) = k.x → f’(x) = k
iv. f(x) = xn → f’(x) = nxn-1
v. f(x) = k.xn → f’(x) = knxn-1
vi. f(x) = g(x) + h(x) → f’(x) = g’(x) + h’(x)
vii. f(x) = g(x) - h(x) → f’(x) = g’(x) – h’(x)


In this unit we learn how to differentiate a ‘function of a function’. We first explain what
is meant by this term and then learn about the Chain Rule which is the technique used to perform
the differentiation.
Suppose, in general, that we have two functions:
f(x) and g(x)
Then y = f◦g(x) equal to y = f(g(x)) is a function of a function.
F(x) = sin x
G (x) = x3
So, the function of a function is :
Y = f(g(x)) → y = f(x3)
Y = sin x3


The Chain Rule is used when we want to differentiate a function that may be regarded as
a composition of one or more simpler functions. If our function f(x) = (g ◦ h)(x), where g and h
are simpler functions, then the Chain Rule may be stated as :

f ′ (x) = (g ◦ h) ′ (x) = (g ′ ◦ h)(x)h ′ (x)

There is also another notation which can be easier to work with when using the Chain
Rule. Let u be a function of x, i.e., u(x) and let y be a function of u, i.e., y(u) then the derivative
of y(u(x)) = f(x) is given by

dy dy du
= x
dx du dx

If y = (f(x))n, let u = f(x), so y = un.
From the chain rule:
dy dy du
= x
dx du dx
= n un−1 f’(x) = n (f(x))n−1 × f’(x)
= n f’(x) (f(x))n−1
This special case of the chain rule is often extremely useful.
The key to using the chain rule is to choose u appropriately, so that you are able to
dy du
calculate both of the derivatives and . This makes the rule very easy to remember. The
du dx
dy du
expressions and are not really fractions but rather they stand for the derivative of a
du dx
function with respect to a variable. However for the purposes of remembering the chain rule we
can think of them as fractions, so that the du cancels from the top and the bottom, leaving just
To use this formulation of the rule in the examples above, to differentiate y =( x2 + 1)17
put u = x2 +1, so that y = u17. The alternative formulation of the chain rules says that:
dy dy du
= x
dx du dx
= 17 u16 × 2x = 17(x2 + 1)16 × 2x.
Which is the same result as before. Again, if y =( z3 +4z2 −3z−3)−6 then set u = z3 +4z2 −3z−3 so
dy dy du
y = u−6 and = x
dx du dx
= −6u−7 ×(3z2 +8z−3).
You select the formulation of the chain rule that you find easiest to use. They are equivalent.
3. Composite Chain Rules
A function may be a composite of three functions or even more. The chain rules that we have
discussed above also apply to such functions, just say the rules of the chain. If:
y = f (u), u = g (v), and v = h (x).
dy dy du dv
= x x
dx du dv dx

If y = f (u) and u = g (x)
dy dy du
= x
dx du dx
Next, if y = f (u), u = f (v), v = g (w), w = h (x)
dy dy du dv dw
= x x x
dx du dv dw dx
4. Derivatives of Inverse Functions
In this section we will discuss how to find derivatives of inverse functions.
Inverse function is a function that if composed with the original function will produce
an identity function or can be written:

𝑓 ∘ 𝑓 −1 = 𝑓 −1 ∘ 𝑓 = 𝐼 atau (𝑓 ∘ 𝑓 −1)(𝑥) = (𝑓 −1 ∘ 𝑓)(𝑥) = x

The requirement for a function to have an inverse is that the function is the
injunctive function and the domain of the inverse function is the range of the original

If 𝑓: 𝐼 → ℝ, 𝐼 ⊂ ℝ and 𝑓 are the injunctive functions then 𝑓 has an inverse that is 𝑓 −1:
𝑅𝑓 → 𝐼 with 𝑅𝑓 declaring Range / region of results 𝑓.
Here is the theorem to determine the inverse derivative of a function.
If 𝑓 has derivatives at 𝐼 ⊂ ℝ and 𝑓 ′ (𝑥) ≠ 0 at 𝐼 then 𝑓-1 has a derivative at 𝑓 (𝐼). And
can be determined by,
(𝑓 −1) ′ (𝑥) =
  f  ' [ f  - 1 ( x )]
dx 1
dy dy
To better understand the rules of this chain, see the following example.
1. f(x) =
Determine (f-1) (x) with:
Derivating f-1
x x
f(x) = ↔y=
x+1 x+1
↔ y (x+1) = x
↔ xy+y = x
↔ y = x-xy
↔ y = x (1-y)
(1− y)
↔ f-1(y) =
(1− y)
↔ f-1(x) =
(1−x )
Using the above theorem can be derived from the inverse trigonometric function given below.


Differential calculus is a branch of calculus in mathematics that studies how the value of a function
changes according to changes in input value. The main topics in learning differential calculus are
derivatives. The derivative of a function at a certain point explains the properties of a function that
approaches the input value. For functions that have real value with a single real variable, the derivative
at a point equals the slope of the tangent to the function graph at that point. In general, the derivative
of a function at a point determines the best linear approach to function at that point.

1. dx, called the differential of x, given by the relation dx = ∆x

2. dy, called the differential of y, given by the relation dy = f’(x)dx

The differential, dy may be found by using the definition dy=f’(x)

2.First derivativeand slope

The first derivative of a function at a point is the slope of the function. On the curve ofthe straight line
the slope is constant at each point along the straight line. While the curve is not a straight line the
magnitude of the slope changes at any time.

Change x = ∆x

Change y = ∆y

Differential x = dx

Differential y = dy

Kuosien diferennsi = ∆y/∆x

Derivative = dy/dx

dy/dx = ∆y/∆x

suppose that the point (x 1,y1) and point (x2,y2) is two point located on y=f(x) curve then the slope of the
point (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is

Higher Order Derivatives

The second derivative, or second order derivative, is the derivative of the derivative of a function.
The derivative of the function f(x) may be denoted by  f’(x) , and its double (or "second") derivative is
denoted by f’’(x) . This is read as " f double prime of x ", or "The second derivative of  f(x)’’ ".
Because the derivative of function f  is defined as a function representing the slope of function f , the
double derivative is the function representing the slope of the first derivative function.

Furthermore, the third derivative is the derivative of the derivative of the derivative of a function,
d f ( x) d3 y
; y ''' atau
which can be represented by  f(x)’’’ or dx 3 dx 3  . This is read as " f triple prime
of x", or "The third derivative of " . This can continue as long as the resulting derivative is itself
differentiable, with the fourth derivative, the fifth derivative, and so on. Any derivative beyond
the first derivative can be referred to as a higher order derivative.


1. y = 6x3 + 12x2 + 5x + 2  d3y/dx3 = ……?

dy/dx = 18 x2 + 24 x + 5

d2y/dx2 = 36x + 24.  d3y/dx3 = 36

2. y = xm  y(n)
y(1) = m xm-1

y(2) = m (m-1) xm-2

y(n) = m (m-1) (m-2) (m-3) … (m-n+1) xm-n

3. y = x6  y y (4)
y(4) = = 360 x2

4. Jika Y = u.v  y(n) = …

Y(1) = u’v + uv’

Y(2) = u’’v + u’v’ + u’v’ + uv’’

= u’’v + 2u’v’+uv’’

n u
[ k]
∑ (n−k) (k )
v ; n = 1,2,3 ,... ..... .. ..
Y = X (3X+5)  Y (Use LEIBNIZ’S rule)
y(n) 4= k=o 3 (4)

u(0) = u dan v(0) = v

Answer :
rule of LEIBNIZ
Example : u = x4 and v = (3x – 5)3

4 4
( ) u(4 ) v (0) + ( ) + u(3) v (1)
Y(4) = 0 1

4 4 4
( ) u(2) v(2) + ( ) + u(1) v (3) + ( ) + u(0 ) v (4 )
2 3 4

U=x v = (3x+5)3

U(1) = 3x3 v(1) = 9 (3x+5)2

U(2) = 12x2 v(2) = 54 (3x+5)

U(3) = 24x v(3) = 162

U(4) = 24 v(4) = 0

4 4!
( )= = 1.
0 0 ! (4 − 0) !

(4 ) = 4 ( 4 ) = 4 (4 ) = 6 (4 ) = 1
1 3 2 4

Y(4) = 1.24. (3x5)p + 4 (24x) {9(3x+5)}+

6.12x2 {54(3x+5)} + 4.4x3 . 162 + 1.x4

= 27216 x3 + 28600 x x2 + 27000 x + 300

Implicit differentiation

Definition of implicit differentiation

: the process of finding the derivative of a dependent variable in an implicit function by differentiating
each term separately, by expressing the derivative of the dependent variable as a symbol, and by
solving the resulting expression for the symbol

To this point we’ve done quite a few derivatives, but they have all been derivatives of function of the
form y = f( x ). Unfortunately, not all the functions that we’re going to look at will fall into this form. Let’s
take a look at an example of a function like this.

Example 1

Find y ’ for x y = 1

In this case we’re going to leave the function in the form that we were given and work with it in that
form. However, let’s recall from the first part of this solution that if we could solve for y than we will get
y as a function of x .
xy = xy (x) = 1
y (x) doesn’t mean y times x . y is some some (probably unknown) function of x . The next step is to
differentiate both sides with respect to x as follows,

d d
( xy ( x ) ) = (1)
dx dx
In the left side, we’ve got to recognize that we ‘ve actually got a product here, the x and the y (x ). So,
to do the derivative of the left side we’ll need to do the product rule.

(1) y ( x )+ x ( y ( x ) )=0
Now, recall that we have the following notational way of writing the derivative.

d dy
( y ( x))= = y '
dx dx
Using this we get the following

y + x y ' =0

−y x −1
y'= = = 2
x x x
In the solution above we replaced the y with y ( x ) and then did the derivative. Recall that we did this to
remind us that y is in fact a function of x

Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometry Functions

In this section we are going to look at the derivatives of the inverse trig functions. In order to
derive the derivatives of inverse trig functions we’ll need the formula from the last section
relating the derivatives of inverse functions. If f(x) and g(x) are inverse functions then,
g(f(x))=x We’ll go through inverse sine, inverse cosine and inverse tangent in detail here and
leave the other three to you to derive if you’d like to.

Inverse Sine

So, evaluating an inverse trig function is the same as asking what angle (i.e. y) did we plug into
the sine function to get x. The restrictions on y given above are there to make sure that we get a
consistent answer out of the inverse sine. We know that there are in fact an infinite number of
angles that will work and we want a consistent value when we work with inverse sine. Using the
range of angles above gives all possible values of the sine function exactly once. If you’re not
sure of that sketch out a unit circle and you’ll see that that range of angles (the y’s) will cover all
possible values of sine.

Note as well that since −1≤sin(y)≤1

we also have −1≤x≤1

Example 1 Evaluate sin−1(12)

Show Solution

We have the following relationship between the inverse sine function and the sine function.


In other words they are inverses of each other. This means that we can use the fact above to find
the derivative of inverse sine. Let’s start with,



This is not a very useful formula. Let’s see if we can get a better formula. Let’s start by recalling
the definition of the inverse sine function.


Using the first part of this definition the denominator in the derivative becomes,


Now, recall that

cos2y+sin2y=1⇒cosy=√ 1−sin2y

Using this, the denominator is now,

cos(sin−1x)=cos(y)=√ 1−sin2y

Now, use the second part of the definition of the inverse sine function. The denominator is then,

cos(sin−1x)=√ 1−sin2y =√1−x2

Putting all of this together gives the following derivative.

ddx(sin−1x)=1√ 1−x2

Inverse Cosine

Now let’s take a look at the inverse cosine. Here is the definition for the inverse cosine.


As with the inverse sine we’ve got a restriction on the angles, y

, that we get out of the inverse cosine function. Again, if you’d like to verify this a quick sketch of a unit
circle should convince you that this range will cover all possible values of cosine exactly once. Also, we
also have −1≤x≤1 because −1≤cos(y)≤1

Inverse Tangent

Here is the definition of the inverse tangent.


Again, we have a restriction on y

, but notice that we can’t let y be either of the two endpoints in the restriction above since tangent isn’t
even defined at those two points. To convince yourself that this range will cover all possible values of
tangent do a quick sketch of the tangent function and we can see that in this range we do indeed cover
all possible values of tangent. Also, in this case there are no restrictions on x

because tangent can take on all possible values.

Example 3 Evaluate tan−11

Show Solution

Because there is no restriction on x

we can ask for the limits of the inverse tangent function as x

goes to plus or minus infinity. To do this we’ll need the graph of the inverse tangent function.
This is shown below.
From this graph we can see that


The tangent and inverse tangent functions are inverse functions so,


Therefore, to find the derivative of the inverse tangent function we can start with


We then have,


Simplifying the denominator is similar to the inverse sine, but different enough to warrant
showing the details. We’ll start with the definition of the inverse tangent.


The denominator is then,


Now, if we start with the fact that


and divide every term by cos2 y

we will get,


The denominator is then,


Finally using the second portion of the definition of the inverse tangent function gives us,


The derivative of the inverse tangent is then,


There are three more inverse trig functions but the three shown here the most common ones.
Formulas for the remaining three could be derived by a similar process as we did those above.
Here are the derivatives of all six inverse trig functions.

ddx(sin−1x)=1√ 1−x2 ddx(cos−1x)=−1√ 1−x2 ddx(tan−1x)=11+x2ddx(cot−1x)=−11+x2ddx

(sec−1x)=1|x|√ x2−1 ddx(csc−1x)=−1|x|√ x2−1

We should probably now do a couple of quick derivatives here before moving on to the next

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