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Escuela de Idiomas.


Lenguas Modernas Mención Turismo


Elbis José Pérez 17-9889


Evelyn Pérez


Unidad I: Reglamento de la práctica profesional (pasantía)



Nagua, MTZ

The appearance of a respiratory syndrome with no known cause in Wuhan at the

end of 2019 alerted the entire country of China, and it was not until January 7 when
they learned that it was a new coronavirus that the WHO later called it COVID- 19 1.
Other coronaviruses have previously been known to cause severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV), but
none of them caused the extent of COVID-19 contagion, since this in three months
has come to infect 170,000 people and be present in 157 countries on all continents.
As COVID-19 is an emerging virus and the population has not developed immunity
against it, nor is a vaccine available at the moment, the only option is to emphasize
preventive measures, the physical distance being more than two meters the one that
has been shown to be the most effective in reducing virus reproduction
1. What are the measurements mentioned in the video?
The World Travel and Tourism Council presented a series of measures to be taken
in hotels and commercial establishments to promote safe activity, once the most
critical phase of the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus pandemic, which causes the covid-19
disease, passes.
Among those measures that we must choose according to the video are, that in the
buffets, the guests will not manipulate the food such as, for example, the breakfasts
will be delivered in the rooms in a personalized way, there will also be a reduction of
people who use the elevators as a measure not to be exposed to the COVID-19,
there must be also a communication Between the hotels and the guests, the clients
having to wear masks and the use of clean hands or disinfectant, the crowding of
people and parking should also be limited.
In hotels there should be antibacterial gel mainly in public spaces to keep customers

2. In your opinion, do you think these measures are applied in hotels in our
Yes, I particularly think that all these defense mechanisms against covid19 have
been put in place in Dominican hotels, although we emphasize that despite these
regulations, contagion continues to increase.

3. What other measures would you mention that we could implement in hotels
in the country?
1. Informative talks on the Coronavirus for all the departments of the different
2. Reinforcements in the practices of preventive measures and hygiene of both
our staff and our clients.
3. Use of sanitary gel at the entrances of restaurants, bars, events, parties,
beaches, etc.
4. Use of sanitary gel in administrative offices and disinfection of desk surfaces,
door handles, counters, receptions, restaurant tables, bars, etc.
5. Frequent disinfection of children's club toys and utensils.
6. In addition to the hygiene protocols mentioned, I would carry out weekly
laboratory tests of food, water and swimming pools.
7. Cleaning and disinfection of public areas especially contact surfaces.

The COVID-19 infection has caused more than 2,000,000 deaths worldwide and
given its epidemic nature and the absence of an effective vaccine, we must be very
strict with preventive measures and carry them out routinely.

precautions taken by the hotel la Catalina for the prevention of covid 19.

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