Epp 5 W12&13

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East Negros Academy, Inc.

Learning Module for EPP 5(Week 12-13) Page 1 of 19


Toboso, Negros Occidental



Name of Learner: ______________________________________

Prepared by:
Katherine Joy U. Palabrica
EPP Teacher

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Dec. 5-18, 2020  naipaliliwanag ang Dip:
(2 linggo) kabutihang dulot 1. What word/s will
ng come to your
pag-aalaga ng mind when you
hayop na may read the term
dalawang paa at poultry
pakpak o isda Deepen:
EPP5AG- 1. Chicken
0e-11 2. Duck
 natutukoy ang 3. Quail
mga hayop na Do:
maaring 1. Answering
alagaan gaya ng questions.
manok, pato, itik, Deepen:
pugo/ tilapia 1. Research the
EPP5AG- different breeds of
0g-15 quails, ducks and
 nakagagawa ng chicken that are
talaan ng mga commonly raised in
kagamitan the Philippines.
at kasangkapan Enumerate the
na dapat ihanda reasons why they
upang are commonly
makapagsimula sa raised. Write it on
pag-aalaga ng a clean bond
hayop o isda paper.
 naisasapamilihan
ang inalagaang
 natutuos ang
puhunan, gastos,
at kita

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MODULE 12&13-
Identify the different poultry that can be raised in the
Select the best breed of chicken, duck, and quail that van be
raised in the backyard
 Discuss the proper care of chicken, duck, and quail.


Direction: Search for the meaning of the following

1. Breed
2. Broiler Chicken
3. Broody
4. Galvanize
5. Plumage
6. Wattle

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Activity I.
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Direction: What word/s will come to your mind when you

read the term poultry? Write it down inside the bubbles.



The term poultry is applied to chickens, quails,

pigeons, ducks, and geese. Of all the fowls, chicken is the
most important because it represents more than 85% of
all the poultry produced in the world. Poultry raising is
very important to man because poultry meat supplies the
protein needed by the human body. It is also a source of
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additional income. The popular breeds of poultry that can

be raised in the backyard are:


1. Egg breeds-These layers are most productive in their

first year of laying. The following are suitable egg breeds
that can be raised locally and their characteristics.

a) Leghorn — It is a small, stylish, active, and alert

breed. It is an excellent layer of large, whiteshelled eggs,
but the meat is considered inferior to that of most breeds
of chicken. They are good layers but non-sitters. The skin,
back, and shanks are yellowish, and the earlobes are
white or creamy white. The most common variety is the
Single Comb White Leghorn.

b)Minorca — It is one of the heaviest of the egg breeds.

The bird has a full, closely feathered body and a large
comb and wattle. It lays very big and white-shelled eggs.
Its skin is white. The shanks and toes of the birds that
belong to the black varieties are black and slate but are
white in the white and buff varieties.

c)Mikawa — It is a breed of fowl developed in Japan.

The hen is a good layer of large pinkish-white shelled
eggs, and its meat is excellent for the table. It has a fairly
large body similar in form to the Leghorn. Its color is buff
while the beak, skin, shanks, and toes are yellow.

2. Meat type — These chickens are of good size, have

compact build, and are noted for their quality and
quantity of flesh. Among these are the Rhode Island
Red, White Plymouth Rock, and Hubbard.

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3. General purpose breeds — The breeds that belong

to this group are good egg layers and have tasty and
juicy meat. Among these are the Rhode Island Red,
New Hampshire, and Vantress.

Characteristics of Good Layers

Good layers stock should have the following


1. Comb, wattles, and earlobes — Single-combed

white leghorn is, by far, the best egg-type chicken. It
has a single comb and its size is large when fully
developed. Their wattles and earlobes are very
prominent at adult age. A good layer's comb is full,
reddish in color, warm, and waxy.

2. Pubic bones — These are two small bones located

below the tail and extending along the sides of the
vent. During laying period, the distance between
these two bones widen. If two to three fingers can be
placed between the pubic bones, then the bird is a
good layer. If not, then it is a poor layer.

3. Vent — This is the exit for the digestive and

reproductive systems. During heavy production, the
size of the vent is large, oval-shaped, moist, and

4. Abdomen — This part is the area between the pubic

bones and the tip of the breast (keel) bone. This is
enlarged, soft, and with thin skin if the bird is a good

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5. Span — This is the distance between the pubic bones

and the tip of the keel. The wider the distance
between them is, the better layer it is.

Housing of Chickens
Like human beings, animals need shelter. Housing is one
of the basic needs in poultry raising. Houses for
domesticated animals such as poultry should be designed
and constructed in imitation of their natural habitat.

A good poultry house should be able to give comfort to

the birds and convenience to the caretaker. It should
protect the chicken from the rain, strong winds, and
extreme temperatures. It should be roomy and easy to

Types of Poultry Houses

1. Litter-floor type — This is a whole house unit or a

house divided into pens where the floor is the ground
or concrete, covered with litter material such as rice
hulls and sawdust to absorb the moisture from the

2. Slatted-floor type — This is an entire house or unit

divided, elevated, and slatted into pens. It is made of
bamboo splits, lumber, rattan, or wire mesh.

3. Cage system- Some chickens are housed in an

individual cage, particularly those intended for
ornamental purposes. Others stay in colony cage

Control and Prevention of Common Poultry


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Poultry disease is one of the major problems in

poultry raising. A disease is an impairment that interrupts
the performance of the vital functions of the poultry.
When a disease starts in the flock, the most important
thing to do is to act quickly to prevent the disease from
spreading. Precautionary measures should be taken
immediately and treatments should be given at once.
Animal diseases are classified into three—viral, bacterial,
and parasitic.

1. Viral disease — As its name implies, it comes from a

virus. Smaller than bacteria, this virus reproduces
inside the cells.

2. Bacterial disease — The body of an animal is

affected not by the bacteria themselves but by the
toxins (poison) they produce.

3. Parasitic disease — It is caused by parasites that

attach themselves to the body.

Diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, or

improper nutrition are major causes of losses in poultry
operations. The best way to control diseases is through
prevention which can be achieved by vaccination program,
hygiene and sanitation, and proper manure management.

Harvesting Poultry

The right time for harvesting broiler chickens is when they

have reached 45—49 days of age. By this time, they
should weigh 1.3-1.5 kg. Once this age is reached and the
required weight is obtained, the broiler must be harvested
and sold without delay. A delay means additional cost of
feeding in maintaining the birds.

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Poultry raisers usually sell their products either directly to

the local market or through a middleman. Marketing is
also made with local hotels, restaurants, and grocery
stores, especially those with freezers.

Ducks, like chickens, can be a profitable agri-
business. They provide meat and eggs. Unlike chicken
eggs, however, duck eggs can be made into balut, penoy,
and salted eggs or itlog na maalat. Ducks may be
classified into egg, meat, and dual-purpose type.

1. Egg type
a)Native ducks — They are mainly raised for balut,
penoy, and itlog na maalat. They are popularly known as
"itik Pateros" by the Filipino people. Their feathers are
black and gray, but some are mixed brown and white.

b)Indian runner — It originated from England and

termed as the "Leghorn" of the duck family because of its
excellent egg laying capacity. It has a long body and a full
breast. Its eggs are big and have white shells.

2. Meat type (Muscovy duck, Pato real, or Bibe)

This type of ducks which originated from Brazil are
purposely bred and raised for their high-quality meat.
There are two standard varieties of the Muscovy breed:
the white and dark. The white variety has pure white
plumage or feathers; they have pale orange legs and a
pinkish beak. The dark variety has a black and white beak;
they never scatter their eggs anywhere unlike other ducks
that lay their eggs anywhere. They build their own nests,
sit on their eggs, and hatch and rear their young. They
prefer to stay on land, and they never quack.

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3. Dual-purpose type
This type of ducks is an excellent egg layer and has
palatable, soft, and tender meat. The Peking duck is a
native duck of China that is raised for its eggs and meat.
It lays larger eggs than those of the native and other
ducks raised in the country. It has a long, broad body, full
breast, long neck, and creamy plumage. The pure Peking
ducks produce the first quality table meat used in the
Chinese dish called Peking duck. They are good layers,
docile, and are well-adapted to the Philippine climate.

Housing of Ducks
If you have a place where poultry raising is allowed
and space is available, you can raise a small flock of ducks
in the yard of a household at a low cost. The main
facilities and equipment that you will need to get started
are of a simple structure, such as a partially-enclosed
shed, inexpensive fencing, a feed hopper or trough made
of wood, and a simply constructed watering device. The
most complicated equipment you will need is the brooder,
which is required for the first week or so.
A duck house is usually made of bamboo and nipa
with one room and with three sides closed and a portion
of the front side left open to serve as a door. A profitable
duck raising need not be located near a large body of
water. You can dig a small artificial pool so that the duck
can wave freely to develop good health, vigor, and higher
fertility. You can build duckeries near water ponds for
fresh water and snails that are plentiful in these places for
duck feeds. It should be high enough to let a person stand
inside. A house for 100 ducks should measure 4 m x 4 m x
3 m high. The duck house should have a feeding trough
from which the ducks can feed without scattering food.

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Build fences to separate duck houses from one

another. These fences should be low enough for you to go
over them from one pen to another. They should extend
down to the shallow edge of the water to prevent ducks
from staying away too far.

Sex Selections and Mating

Mating of ducks starts from proper selection of
breeders when they are about eight weeks old, and again
at four to six months old before they are placed in
breeding pens. Drakes or male ducks should have the
same age as the female ducks or even a month older.
They should be raised separately from female ducks. They
are put together only when ready for mating.

One drake may be mated to 6—10 female ducks.

Heavier breedings, however, should have a closer ratio of
males to females than light breeding. Pateros ducks start
laying when they are four to six months old and Peking
ducks start laying at six to seven months old.

Determining the Sex of Ducks

After receiving the purchased ducks from the
hatcheries, females should be separated from males.

Below are the steps to determine the sex of ducks.

1. Hold the duckling upside down with your left hand.
Press the base of the tail with your thumb to expose
the cloaca.
2. Open the vent by lightly pushing in together the right
thumb and first finger of the right hand.
3. Part the right thumb and first finger slowly to fully
extend vent and expose the pink colored cloaca. If no
penis is present, it is a female duck. If the duckling is
a male, a small knob-like projection of about the half
of the size of a pinhead will come out.

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Culling is removing undesirable ducks in the flock. It
is done during egg production and other stages of growth.
Culling is done in order to:
1. separate injured or sick bird of any age,
2. separate crippled and those with pendulous crop or
crooked beaks,
3. separate excessively broody hens,
4. remove ducks that have stopped laying eggs for no
apparent reason,
5. use unproductive birds as food before they become a
total loss, and
6. separate birds with parasites and other diseases to
lessen the danger of the spread of parasites and

Common Parasites and Diseases and Their Control

Ducks are more resistant to diseases than chickens

and other fowls. Like other poultry, however, ducks may
succumb to pests and diseases.

Parasites are organisms which live in or on another
living organism (animal or plant) and derive nutrients at
the host's expense.

These are the two classes of parasites.

1. Internal parasites — These include intestinal worms.
Worms are the most common internal parasites of
domesticated fowl. These include the following:

a) Tapeworms — These are flat, segmented, ribbon-like

worms found among poultry species. They are attached to

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the walls of the small intestines. Heavy infestation can

cause unthriftiness in both young and adult ducks.
b) Roundworms -These worms are unsegmented with
elongated rounded bodies pointed at both ends; mostly
free living but some are parasitic.
c)Pinworms — These are small, thread-like parasites
found in the small intestines of ducks and other poultry

2. External parasites — These include lice and mite.

a)Lice — These are the most common parasites of poultry
especially ducks. Lice feed by biting off and chewing the
scale of duck skin and feathers. They cause irritation
causing the ducks to lose appetite and the capacity to lay
b) Mite — It includes red mite, feather mite, and scaly leg
(1) Red mite — It sucks blood at night. It lives and
lays its egg in the cracks and crevice of the
poultry house. It is gray when it is empty and bright
red when it is full.
(2) Feather mite -This kind of mite stays on the
body of the ducks but it does not cause
serious damage as that of the red mite. It causes
irritation to ducks that reduces egg
(3)Scaly leg mite- This mite lives under the scales
on the shanks and feet of the affected duck.
Heavy infestations cause thickened and
enlarged scales on the shanks that become
seriously disfigured. TO control the spread of
the parasite, soak the shank of the affected
duck in lubricating oil or kerosene.

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Control and Prevention

To prevent the infestation of these parasites, strict
sanitation must be observed by doing the following:
1. Strict house-and-range sanitation must be observed.
2. Clean and disinfect the house before stocking.
3. Regularly remove duck dung.
4. Clean the water and the feeder regularly.
5. Always keep the surrounding of the duck house clean.
6. Always remove spoiled feeds from the feeder.
7. Conduct regular deworming of the ducks.

1. Avian pest — It is characterized by harsh breathing,
coughing, sneezing, followed by nervous
manifestation. Vaccination of the birds prevents the
occurrence of the disease. Watering and feeding
equipment should be disinfected and sick bird should
be isolated.

2. Fowl cholera — The bacteria called Pasteurella

multocida cause the disease. It is acquired through
feeds or water contamination from droppings and
discharge of infected birds. It occurs in four forms
based on clinical manifestation named locally as:
tanga, dapa, tuyo, and buto-buto.

3. Tanga — It is the most acute form of the disease.

4. Dapa — It is characterized by egg-laying posture

with head and neck in stooping position.

5. Tuyo -It is the chronic form of dapa characterized by

progressive emancipations and dehydration,
weakness, poor appetite, and ruffled lusterless
feathers. The term "tuyo" usually occurs after an

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outbreak of "dapa" and persists for weeks or months

before death.

6. Buto-buto -It is another chronic form of duck

cholera characterized by hard selling of the leg joints.
It can persist for long periods. Affected ducks may lay
eggs if they can walk to the feeding troughs.

Quail, locally Known as pugo, belongs to the family
of Phasianidae. It is a small game bird found in ternpcratc
and tropical regions. It is precocious and highly Prolific.
Quails by sornc distinction are classified as "game" or
hunting birds and as such they should not bc cotnparcd
with chickens, whose requirements are different. Quail
managetnent are not cotnplicated as those for chickens.

Types and Breeds of Quail

There are several Known breeds of pugo which are
found in the Philippines for commercial production.

The different quail breeds found in the Philippines are:

1. Native- It is popularly known as pugo which are
found in the fields and forests. The most popular is
the pugong gubat because Of its comparatively bigger
body conformation. The native is not suitable for
commercial production.

2. Japanese-Taiwan-It is popularly known as "Chinese

quail." It has dark brown feathers mixed with white
and gray. The female has a gray underside flecked
with darker feathers, while the male has many
reddish feathers on the underside.

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3. Japanese Seattle — It is an American breed that is

similar to the Japanese-Taiwan. It has jersey (rust-
maroon) feathers at the base of the heads.

4. Tuxedo- It is black with a white spot on the breast.

It is considered as "poging pugo" because it looks as
if it is wearing a suit.
5. Silver -It is white with black eyes. Its breed came
from the Canaan Valley, Egypt.
6. Negro - It is black or grayish black in color.
7. Brown Cross No. 1 — It is a combination of
Japanese Seattle and Negro quail.
8. Brown Cross No. 2 — Its parent stocks are Negro
and Japanese-Taiwan quails.

Quail Raising
In raising quails, it is important to consider the laying
quality, the size of the birds, vigor, health, shape, feather
arrangement, age, and color of the stock. A good breed
should be purchased from a reliable breeder farm or from
a quail raiser association to ensure high quality
performance of the flock.

Selection of Stock
It is best to start with quail pullets about 30—35 days
old. Some of the pointers in selecting quails are:
1.Body conformation
a)The feathers should be clean with no white or black
b)Choose birds with uniform sizes. The 30—35-day-old
bird has live weight of 100 grams for the Japanese
quail (Coturnixjaponica). The American quail (Coturnix
coturnix), however, weighs heavier at 220 grams for
the mature bird and 200 grams for the 30—35-day
2. Record of parent's stock
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a) Size of eggs
b) Laying efficiency — a 65% average-laying efficiency
indicates that the pullets came from
good stock
c) Growth rate/body weight
3. Size of the flock
It is more advantageous to buy good stock or to start
with a few pairs of high quality breed and increase the
flock than to purchase many poor stock. Quails multiply
rapidly and therefore, expansion will not be a problem. A
beginner can start with 10-15 pullets. Quails are not easy
to raise and a beginner should first get the necessary
experience before going into a large scale.

Activity I.
Direction: Answer these questions in your own words.

1. What benefits can you get from raising poultry?


2. Which do you prefer—raising chickens, ducks, or

quails? Why?

3. How can you prevent the infestation of parasites and

diseases when raising poultry?

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4. What should you consider when choosing which type

of quail to raise?

Direction: Research the different breeds of quails,
ducks and chicken that are commonly raised in the
Philippines. Enumerate the reasons why they are
commonly raised. Write it on a clean bond paper.

Direction: Write true if the statement is correct. If not,
change the underlined word/s to make the statement true.

___________1. A good layer's comb is full, pinkish in

color, warm, and waxy.
___________2. The abdomen of a good layer is enlarged,
soft, and with thin skin.
___________3. Housing is important in poultry raising.
___________4. Strict sanitation must be avoided to
prevent the infestation of parasites
in your poultry.
___________5. Healthy chicks have dry, fluffy feathers.

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Gee E. Velasquez (2018). Dynamics Series in Home
Economics and Livelihood Education.“Poultry Raising.” pp
75-99. JO-ES K-12 Series.

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