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Top 10 differences from Japan

normally there are not many differences just that they celebrate on different days
and have different hours, but there is a problem in the culture.
I already explain why.
Japanese workers treat companies like a god, that is one of the secrets of their productivity
and efficient operation. In contrast, Mexicans do not act like this. There are cultural
differences between Mexico and Japan that can cause a Japanese company established in
the country to not run properly, so there needs to be an understanding between the two
cultures, said Dr. Taku Okabe, researcher at the University Center for Economic Sciences
Administrative (CUCEA).
Dr. Antonio Mackintosh Ramírez added that, unlike the Mexican, the Japanese is a day and
night worker. Between Japanese and Mexican culture there is an abysmal difference. When
Japanese entrepreneurs come to Mexico, they do not find those human resources that they
are used to having in their companies, and they ask that employees do not think that their
work is temporary. “When a Japanese worker enters a company, he knows that he will be
there almost all his life. There he stays to work, he identifies with the company, he feels it
his own and he doesn't want it to fall, ”he explained.
Okabe stressed that the Japanese are Buddhists, but not very believers and the Mexicans,
mostly Catholics. That difference is important, and has been taken into account by some
sociologists, who affirm that “for Mexican Catholics, after God, there is his family and
everything else immediately. In Japan there is no such philosophy of the Catholic religion.
As companies are moral people who have no death, it is as if they were God. So, as the
Japanese have nothing else to believe in, joining a company they dedicate themselves to
working for an entity that does not die. ”

“When the Japanese come to establish companies in Mexico, they often say that Mexicans
don't work well, but it really isn't true. What happens is that they have their own culture and
philosophy, and as visitors they have to understand it, otherwise their companies will not
run properly, "Okabe said.
Japanese entrepreneurs who do understand Mexican culture manage to create a good
atmosphere in their companies. Okabe said that Japanese culture is peculiar in the world
concert and, therefore, there must be a mutual understanding between Mexico and Japan.

Doctors Okabe and Mackintosh Ramírez are two of the authors of the book Mexico-Japan
Relations in the context of the Economic Association Agreement, edited by the University
of Guadalajara, UCLA Program on Mexico and the University of Seijo, Japan.

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