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Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura


• An electronic device that manipulates

information, or data.
• Ability to store, retrieve and process data.

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

History of Computer
(2nd Century B.C) 3

• Calculating Machines
• Abacus
• First mechanical calculating device for
counting large numbers

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura Google Search

History of Computer
(2nd Century B.C) 4

• Calculating Machines
• Napier’s Bones
• Invented by John Napier
• Built for the purpose of multiplication

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura Google Search Google Search

History of Computer
(2nd Century B.C) 5

• Calculating Machines
• Pascal’s Adding and Subtraction
• Invented by Blaise Pascal
• An adding and subtracting machine
which consists of wheels, gears and

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

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History of Computer
(2nd Century B.C) 6

• Leibniz’s Multiplication and Dividing

Machines (1673)
• Invented by Gottfried Leibniz
• Mechanical device that could multiply
and divide.

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

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History of Computer
(1800’s) 7

• Jacquard Punch Card System

• Invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard
• A reader that could recognize the
presence of holes in the punched card as
binary one and the absence of the holes
as binary zero.

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

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History of Computer
(1800’s) 8

• Babbage’s Analytical Engine

• Invented by Charles Babbage
• “father of Computer” (1823)
• Mechanical machine designed to do
complex mathematical calculations

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

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History of Computer
(1800’s) 9

• Herman Hollerith
• Founder of a company late became part
of IBM
• Hollerith’s Punched Card Tabulating

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

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History of Computer
(1800’s) 10

• Augusta Ada Byron

• First computer programmer
• Developed concepts of decision
structures, loops, and a library procedure
with Babbage.

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

Google Search
History of Computer
(1960’s) 11

• Ted Hoff, Stan Mazer, Roger Noyce &

Federico Faggin
• Engineers at the Intel Corporation
• Developed the first Microprocessor chip
that serves as the CPU for

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

Google Search
History of Computer
(1960’s) 12
Google Search

• Paul Allen & Bill Gates

• co-founders of Microsoft Corporation
• Developed the language and the
operating system for the IBM PC.

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

Google Search
History of Computer
(1980’s) 13

• Timothy “Tim” Berners Lee

• British computer scientist
• Invented the World Wide Web

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

Google Search
Google Search
References 14

• What is Computer?
• Understanding PC Hardware (K12). 2017. Jemma
Development Group
• Ten Commandments Retrieved from
• Images Retrieve from Google Search

Prepared by: Aira Mae Alura

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