Wills 3rd Part

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G.R. No.

L-1787             August 27, 1948 will void

Testacy of Sixto Lopez. JOSE S. LOPEZ, WON the will was written in a language known to the
petitioner-appellee, vs.AGUSTIN LIBORO, testator.
WON That his signature appearing in said will was a
FACTS: forgery (using his thumbmark)

In the Court of First Instance of Batangas the HELD:

appellant opposed unsuccessfully the probate of
what purports to be the last will and testament of Don 1. NO. The purpose of the law in prescribing the
Sixto Lopez, who died at the age of 83 in Balayan, paging of wills is guard against fraud, and to afford
Batangas, on March 3, 1947, almost six months after means of preventing the substitution or of defecting
the document in question was executed. To this the loss of any of its pages In the present case, the
objection is added the alleged error of the court "in omission to put a page number on the first sheet, if
allowing the petitioner to introduce evidence that the that be necessary, is supplied by other forms of
will was written in a language known to the decedent identification more trustworthy than the conventional
after petitioner rested his case and over the vigorous numerical words or characters. The unnumbered
objection of the oppositor. page is clearly identified as the first page by the
internal sense of its contents considered in relation to
The will in question comprises two pages, each of the contents of the second page. By their meaning
which is written on one side of a separate sheet. The and coherence, the first and second lines on the
first sheet is not paged either in letters or in Arabic second page are undeniably a continuation of the
numerals. This, the appellant believes, is a fatal last sentence of the testament, before the attestation
defect clause, which starts at the bottom of the preceding
page. Furthermore, the unnumbered page contains
ISSUE: the caption "TESTAMENTO," the invocation of the
Almighty, and a recital that the testator was in full use
1. WON the omission of page number will make the of his testamentary faculty, — all of which, in the
logical order of sequence, precede the direction for appellant contends should have been done, there is
the disposition of the marker's property. Again, as nothing curious or suspicious in the fact that the
page two contains only the two lines above testator chose the use of mark as the means of
mentioned, the attestation clause, the mark of the authenticating his will. It was a matter of taste or
testator and the signatures of the witnesses, the preference. Both ways are good. A statute requiring
other sheet can not by any possibility be taken for a will to be "signed" is satisfied if the signature is
other than page one. made by the testator's mark

2. No. The omission to present evidence on the

testator's knowledge of Spanish had not been
deliberate. It was due to a misapprehension or G.R. No. L-58509 December 7, 1982
There is no statutory requirement that such THE WILL OF RICARDO B. BONILLA deceased,
knowledge be expressly stated in the will itself. It is a MARCELA RODELAS, petitioner-appellant, vs.
matter that may be established by proof aliunde. The AMPARO ARANZA, ET AL., oppositors-appellees,
Court so impliedly which the probate of a will written ATTY. LORENZO SUMULONG, intervenor.
in Tagalog was ordered although it did not say that
the testator knew that idiom. In fact, there was not  FACTS:
even extraneous proof on the subject other than the
fact that the testator resided in a Tagalog region, This case was certified to this Tribunal by the Court
from which the court said "a presumption arises that of Appeals for final determination pursuant to Section
said Maria Tapia knew the Tagalog dialect. 3, Rule 50 of the Rules of Court.

3. No. The testator affixed his thumbmark to the As found by the Court of Appeals:
instrument instead of signing his name. The reason
for this was that the testator was suffering from ... On January 11, 1977, appellant filed a petition with
"partial paralysis." While another in testator's place the Court of First Instance of Rizal for the probate of
might have directed someone else to sign for him, as the holographic will of Ricardo B. Bonilla and the
issuance of letters testamentary in her favor. The On November 13, 1978, following the consolidation
petition, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. 8432, was of the cases, the appellees moved again to dismiss
opposed by the appellees Amparo Aranza Bonilla, the petition for the probate of the will. They argued
Wilferine Bonilla Treyes Expedita Bonilla Frias and that:
Ephraim Bonilla on the following grounds:
(1) The alleged holographic was not a last will but
(1) Appellant was estopped from claiming that the merely an instruction as to the management and
deceased left a will by failing to produce the will improvement of the schools and colleges founded by
within twenty days of the death of the testator as decedent Ricardo B. Bonilla; and
required by Rule 75, section 2 of the Rules of Court;
(2) Lost or destroyed holographic wills cannot be
(2) The alleged copy of the alleged holographic will proved by secondary evidence unlike ordinary wills.
did not contain a disposition of property after death
and was not intended to take effect after death, and Upon opposition of the appellant, the motion to
therefore it was not a will dismiss was denied by the court in its order of
February 23, 1979.
(3) The alleged hollographic will itself,and not an
alleged copy thereof, must be produced, otherwise it The appellees then filed a motion for reconsideration
would produce no effect, as held in Gam v. Yap, 104 on the ground that the order was contrary to law and
Phil. 509; and settled pronouncements and rulings of the Supreme
Court, to which the appellant in turn filed an
(4 ) The deceased did not leave any will, holographic opposition. On July 23, 1979, the court set aside its
or otherwise, executed and attested as required by order of February 23, 1979 and dismissed the
law. petition for the probate of the will of Ricardo B.
Bonilla. The court said:
The appellees likewise moved for the consolidation
of the case with another case Sp. Proc. No, 8275). ... It is our considered opinion that once the original
Their motion was granted by the court in an order copy of the holographic will is lost, a copy thereof
dated April 4, 1977. cannot stand in lieu of the original.
In the case of Gam vs. Yap, 104 Phil. 509, 522, the II. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING
Supreme Court held that 'in the matter of holographic THAT THE DECEDENT HAS DISCARDED BEFORE
wills the law, it is reasonable to suppose, regards the HIS DEATH THE MISSING HOLOGRAPHIC WILL;
document itself as the material proof of authenticity
MOREOVER, this Court notes that the alleged
holographic will was executed on January 25, 1962 The only question here is whether a holographic will
while Ricardo B. Bonilla died on May 13, 1976. In which was lost or cannot be found can be proved by
view of the lapse of more than 14 years from the time means of a photostatic copy. Pursuant to Article 811
of the execution of the will to the death of the of the Civil Code, probate of holographic wills is the
decedent, the fact that the original of the will could allowance of the will by the court after its due
not be located shows to our mind that the decedent execution has been proved. The probate may be
had discarded before his death his allegedly missing uncontested or not. If uncontested, at least one
Holographic Will. Identifying witness is required and, if no witness is
available, experts may be resorted to. If contested, at
Appellant's motion for reconsideration was denied. least three Identifying witnesses are required.
Hence, an appeal to the Court of Appeals in which it However, if the holographic will has been lost or
is contended that the dismissal of appellant's petition destroyed and no other copy is available, the will can
is contrary to law and well-settled jurisprudence. not be probated because the best and only evidence
is the handwriting of the testator in said will. It is
On July 7, 1980, appellees moved to forward the necessary that there be a comparison between
case to this Court on the ground that the appeal does sample handwritten statements of the testator and
not involve question of fact and alleged that the trial the handwritten will. But, a photostatic copy or xerox
court committed the following assigned errors: copy of the holographic will may be allowed because
comparison can be made with the standard writings
I. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT of the testator. In the case of Gam vs. Yap, 104
A LOST HOLOGRAPHIC WILL MAY NOT BE PHIL. 509, the Court ruled that "the execution and
PROVED BY A COPY THEREOF; the contents of a lost or destroyed holographic will
may not be proved by the bare testimony of IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THE
witnesses who have seen and/or read such will. The DECEASED CHUNG LIU, NGO THE HUA,
will itself must be presented; otherwise, it shall petitioner-appellant, vs.CHUNG KIAT HUA, LILY
produce no effect. The law regards the document CHUNG CHO, BONIFACIO CHUNG SIONG PEK
itself as material proof of authenticity." But, in and CHUNG KA BIO, oppositors-appellees, CHUNG
Footnote 8 of said decision, it says that "Perhaps it KIAT, KANG, oppositor-appellant, PHILIPPINE
may be proved by a photographic or photostatic TRUST COMPANY, special administrator.
copy. Even a mimeographed or carbon copy; or by
other similar means, if any, whereby the authenticity Lorenzo Sumulong for petitioner-appellant. Zosimo
of the handwriting of the deceased may be exhibited Rivas for oppositor-appellant Chung Kiat Kang.
and tested before the probate court," Evidently, the Bienvenido A. Tan, Jr. for oppositor-appellee
photostatic or xerox copy of the lost or destroyed Bonifacio Chung Siong Pek. Crispin D. Baizas for
holographic will may be admitted because then the other oppositors-appellees.
authenticity of the handwriting of the deceased can
be determined by the probate court.  

WHEREFORE, the order of the lower court dated LABRADOR, J.:

October 3, 1979, denying appellant's motion for
reconsideration dated August 9, 1979, of the Order           This is an appeal from an order of the Court of
dated July 23, 1979, dismissing her petition to First Instance of Rizal, Pasay City Branch, Hon.
approve the will of the late Ricardo B. Bonilla, is Jesus Perez presiding, appointing Chung Kiat Hua
hereby SET ASIDE. as administrator of the estate of the deceased Chung
Liu in Special proceeding No. 1552-P of said court.
          On December 7, 1957, Ngo The Hua, claiming
Teehankee, Actg. C.J., Melencio-Herrera, Plana, to be surviving spouse of the deceased Chung Liu,
Vasquez and Gutierrez, Jr., JJ., concur. filed a petition to be appointed administratrix of the
estate of aforementioned deceased. Her petition was
opposed Chung Kiat Hua, Lily Chung Cho, Bonifacio
G.R. No. L-17091             September 30, 1963
Chung Sio Pek and Chung Ka Bio, all claiming to be appointment of administrator of the estate is
children of the deceased Chung Liu by his first wife, concerned (t.s.n. pp. 3-6, hearing of July 3, 1958).
Tan Hua. They claim that Ngo The Hua is morally
and physically unfit to execute the duties of the trust           On December 2, 1959, after a lengthy hearing,
as administratrix, and that she and the deceased the low court found that Ngo The Hua and the
have secured an absolute divorce in Taiwan, both deceased were validly divorced by the
being Chinese citizens, confirmed a legalized by the aforementioned Taipei District Court, and that Chung
Taipei District Court, Taipei, Taiwan August 25, Kiat Hua, Lily Chung Cho, Bonifacio Chung Siong
1955. In this same opposition they prayed the Chung Pek and Chung Kiat Bio are children of the
Kiat Hua, allegedly the eldest child of the deceased, deceased. So it issued the order appointing Chung
be appointed administrator instead. These oppositors Kiat Hua as administrator of the estate of Chung Liu.
prayer was in turn opposed by Ngo The Hua who
claim that the oppositors are not children of Chung           From this order, both the petitioner and Chung
Liu. Kiat Kang appealed. On May 30, 1961, however,
petitioner Ngo The Hua filed a petition to withdraw
          On January 13, 1957, Chung Kiat Kang, her appeal stating that she had entered into an
claiming be a nephew of the deceased, filed his amicable settlement with the oppositors-appellees.
opposition to the appointment of either Ngo The Hua Her petition was granted by this Court in a resolution
or Chung Kiat Hu on the ground that to be appointed dated June 26, 1961.
they must first prove their respective relationship to
the deceased Chung Li and prayed that he be           Hence only the appeal of oppositor Chung Kiat
appointed administrator. Kang remains for the consideration of this Court.

          The petition was heard and evidence           Appellant now contends that the lower court
presented by both petitioner Ngo The Hua and the erred in passing upon the validity of the divorce
oppositors Chung Kiat Hua, et al. When Chung Kiat obtained by the petitioner and the deceased and
Kang's turn to present his evidence came, he upon the filiation of the oppositors-appellees, such
manifested, through his counsel, that he was waiving being a prejudgment "since it is well-settled that the
his right to present evidence in so far as the declaration of heirs shall only take place after all
debts, expenses and taxes have been paid" in           On the other hand, it is clear from the facts of
accordance with See. 1, Rule 91 of the Rules of this case that is was deemed necessary by the lower
Court. The pertinent portion of the section cited by court to determine the relationship of the parties, as
appellant is as follows:. advanced by petitioner and the oppositors-appellees,
to be able to appoint an administrator in accordance
          SECTION 1. When order for distribution of with the order preference established in Section 5,
residue made. — . . When the debts, funeral Rule 79 of the Rules of Court. Said section provides
charges, and expenses of administration, the that letters of administration shall be granted to the
allowances to the widow and inheritance tax, if any, surviving spouse the next of kin, or to any principal
chargeable to the estate in accordance with law, creditor, in this order. Oppositors-appellees denied
have been paid, the court . . shall assign the residue petitioner Ngo The Hua's claim that she is the
of the estate of the Persons entitled to the same . . surviving spouses of Chung Liu, and petitioner
likewise denied the oppositors-appellees' claim that
          No distribution shall be allowed until payment they are children of the deceased. Since these
of the obligations above-mentioned has been made applicants were asking for the letter of administration
or provided for . . (Emphasis supplied). on the theory that they are preferred according to
Section 5 Rule 79 because of their relationship to the
          A cursory reading of the above-quoted section deceased Chu Liu, the lower court necessarily had to
discloses that what the court is enjoined from doing pass first on the truth of their respective claims of
is the assignment or distribution of the residue of the relationship to be able to appoint an administrator in
deceased's estate before the above-mentioned accordance with the aforementioned order of
obligations chargeable to the estate are first paid. preference.
Nowhere from said section may it be inferred that the
court cannot make a declaration of heirs prior to the           Let it be made clear, that what the lower court
satisfaction of these obligations. It is to be noted, actual decided and what we also decide is the
however, that the court in making the appointment of relationships between the deceased and the parties
the administrator did not purport to make a of claiming the right to be appointed his
declaration of heirs. administrator, to determine who among them is
entitled to the administration, not who are his heirs
who are entitled to share in his estate. This issue of appellant not having any interest in Chung Liu's
heirship is one to be determined in the decree of estate, either as heir or creditor, he cannot be
distribution, and the findings of the court in the case appointed as co-administrator of the estate, as he
at bar on the relationship of the parties is not a final now prays.
determination of such relationships as a basis of
          WHEREFORE, the order appealed from is
hereby affirmed, with costs against appellants. So
          Having resolved the issue raised, it is ordered.
unnecessary to rule on the other questions raised by
the appellant Chun Kiat Rang. It is well-settled that Bengzon, C.J., Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Barrera,
for a person to be able to intervene in an Paredes, Dizon, Regala and Makalintal, JJ., concur.
administration proceeding concerning the estate of a Concepcion and Reyes, J.B.L., JJ., took no part.
deceased, it is necessary for him to have interest in
such estate (Sec. 4, Rule 80, Rules of Court Moran, G.R. No. L-31703             February 13, 1930
Comments on the Rules of Court, Vol. II, 195 ed. P.
382). An interested party has been defined in this CARMEN G. DE PEREZ, trustee of the estate of
connection as one who would be benefited by the Ana Maria Alcantara, plaintiff-appellee, vs.
estate such as an heir, or one who has a certain MARIANO GARCHITORENA, and JOSE
claim against the estate, such as a creditor CASIMIRO, Sheriff of the Court of First Instance
(Saguinsin vs. Lindayag, et al., G.R. No. L-17759, of Manila, defendants-appellants.
Dee. 17, 1962; Intestate Estate Julio Magbanwa, 40
O.G. 1171; Williams vs. Williams, 11 Ga. 1006, cited L. D. Lockwood and Jose M. Casal for appellants.
in Francisco, Rules of Court, Vol. IV, 195 ed., p. Eduardo Gutierrez Repide and Leoncio B. Monzon
411). Appellant Chung Kiat Kang does not claim of to for appellee.
be a creditor of Chung Liu's estate. Neither is he an
heir in accordance with the Civil Code of the ROMUALDEZ, J.:
Republic of China (Exh. 28 of Chung Kiat Hua), the
The amount of P21,428.58 is on deposit in the
law that applies in this case, Chung Liu being a
plaintiff's name with the association known as La
Chinese citizen (Art. 16, New Civil Code). The
Urbana in Manila, as the final payment of the 1. The lower court erred in holding that a trust was
liquidated credit of Ana Maria Alcantara, deceased, created by the will of Doña Ana Maria Alcantara.
whose heiress is said plaintiff, against Andres
Garchitorena, also deceased, represented by his 2. The lower court erred in concluding and declaring
son, the defendant Mariano Garchitorena. that the amount of P21,428.58 deposited with La
Urbana is the property of the children of the plaintiff
And as said Mariano Garchitorena held a judgment as "herederos fidei-comisarios."
for P7,872.23 against Joaquin Perez Alcantara,
husband of the plaintiff, Carmen G. de Perez, the 3. The lower court erred in making the injunction
sheriff pursuant to the writ of execution issued in said permanent and condemning defendant to pay the
judgment, levied an attachment on said amount costs.
deposited with La Urbana.
The question here raised is confined to the scope
The plaintiff, alleging that said deposit belongs to the and meaning of the institution of heirs made in the
fideicommissary heirs of the decedent Ana Maria will of the late Ana Maria Alcantara already admitted
Alcantara, secured a preliminary injunction to probate, and whose legal force and effect is not in
restraining the execution of said judgment on the dispute.
sum so attached. The defendants contend that the
plaintiff is the decedent's universal heiress, and pray The clauses of said will relevant to the points in
for the dissolution of the injunction. dispute, between the parties are the ninth, tenth, and
eleventh, quoted below:
The court below held that said La Urbana deposit
belongs to the plaintiff's children as fideicommissary Ninth. Being single and without any forced heir, to
heirs of Ana Maria Alcantara, and granted a final writ show my gratitude to my niece-in-law, Carmen
of injunction. Garchitorena, of age, married to my nephew, Joaquin
Perez Alcantara, and living in this same house with
The defendants insist in their contentions, and, in me, I institute her as my sole and universal heiress to
their appeal from the decision of the trial court, the remainder of my estate after the payment of my
assign the following errors: debts and legacies, so that upon my death and after
probate of this will, and after the report of the The appellants contend that in these clauses the
committee on claims and appraisal has been testatrix has ordered a simple substitution, while the
rendered and approved, she will receive from my appellee contends that it is a fideicommissary
executrix and properties composing my hereditary substitution.
estate, that she may enjoy them with God's blessing
and my own. This will certainly provides for a substitution of heirs,
and of the three cases that might give rise to a
Tenth. Should my heiress Carmen Garchitorena die, simple substitution (art. 774, Civil Code), only the
I order that my whole estate shall pass unimpaired to death of the instituted heiress before the testatrix
her surviving children; and should any of these die, would in the instant case give place to such
his share shall serve to increase the portions of his substitution, inasmuch as nothing is said of the
surviving brothers (and sisters) by accretion, in such waiver of inheritance, or incapacity to accept it. As a
wise that my estate shall never pass out of the hands matter of fact, however, clause XI provides for the
of my heiress or her children in so far as it is legally administration of the estate in case the heiress
possible. instituted should die after the testatrix and while the
substitute heirs are still under age. And it is evident
Eleventh. Should my aforesaid heiress, Carmen that, considering the nature of simple substitution by
Garchitorena, die after me while her children are still the heir's death before the testator, and the fact that
in their minority, I order that my estate be by clause XI in connection with clause X, the
administered by my executrix, Mrs. Josefa Laplana, substitution is ordered where the heiress instituted
and in her default, by Attorney Ramon Salinas and in dies after the testatrix, this cannot be a case of
his default, by his son Ramon Salinas; but the simple substitution.
direction herein given must not be considered as an
indication of lack of confidence in my nephew The existence of a substitution in the will is not and
Joaquin Perez Alcantara, whom I relieve from the cannot be denied, and since it cannot be a simple
duties of administering my estate, because I substitution in the light of the considerations above
recognize that his character is not adapted to stated, let us now see whether the instants case is a
management and administration. fideicommissary substitution.
In clause IX, the testatrix institutes the plaintiff herein heir instituted receives the inheritance and enjoys it,
her sole and universal heiress, and provides that although at the same time he preserves it in order to
upon her death (the testatrix's) and after probate of pass it on the second heir. On this point the
the will and approval of the report of the committee illustrious Manresa, in his Civil Code (Vol. 6, pp. 142
on claims and appraisal, said heiress shall receive and 143, 5th ed.), says:
and enjoy the whole hereditary estate. Although this
clause provides nothing explicit about substitution, it Or, what amounts to the same thing, the
does not contain anything in conflict with the idea of fideicommissary substitution, as held in the
fideicommissary substitution. The fact that the Resolution of June 25, 1895, February 10, 1899, and
plaintiff was instituted the sole and universal heiress July 19, 1909, requires three things:
does not prevent her children from receiving, upon
her death and in conformity with the express desire 1. A first heir called primarily to the enjoyment of the
of the testatrix, the latter's hereditary estate, as estate.
provided in the following (above quoted) clauses
which cannot be disregarded if we are to give a 2. An obligation clearly imposed upon him to
correct interpretation of the will. The word sole does preserve and transmit to a third person the whole or
not necessarily exclude the idea of substitute heirs; a part of the estate.
and taking these three clauses together, such word
3. A second heir.
means that the plaintiff is the sole heiress instituted
in the first instance. To these requisites, the decision of November 18,
1918 adds another, namely that the
The disposition contained in clause IX, that said
fideicommissarius be entitled to the estate from the
heiress shall receive and enjoy the estate, is not
time the testator dies, since he is to inherit from the
incompatible with a fideicommissary substitution (it
latter and not from the fiduciary. (Emphasis ours.)
certainly is incompatible with the idea of simple
substitution, where the heiress instituted does not It appears from this quotation that the heir instituted
receive the inheritance). In fact the enjoyment of the or the fiduciary, as referred to in articles 783 of the
inheritance is in conformity with the idea of Civil Code, is entitled to enjoy the inheritance. And it
fideicommissary substitution, by virtue of which the
might here be observed, as a timely remark, that the degree."
fideicommissum arising from a fideicommissary
substitution, which is of Roman origin, is not exactly Another clear and outstanding indication of
equivalent to, nor may it be confused with, the fideicommissary substitution in clause X is the
English "trust." provision that the whole estate shall pass unimpaired
to the heiress's children, that is to say the heiress is
It should also be noted that said clause IX vests in required to preserve the whole estate, without
the heiress only the right to enjoy but not the right to diminution, in order to pass it on in due time to the
dispose of the estate. It says, she may enjoy it, but fideicommissary heirs. This provision complies with
does not say she may dispose of it. This is an another of the requisites of fideicommissary
indication of the usufruct inherent in fideicommissary substitution according to our quotation from Manresa
substitution. inserted above.

Clause X expressly provides for the substitution. It is Lastly, clause XI more clearly indicates the idea of
true that it does not say whether the death of the fideicommissary substitution, when a provision is
heiress herein referred to is before or after that of the therein made in the event the heiress should die after
testatrix; but from the whole context it appears that in the testatrix. That is, said clause anticipates the case
making the provisions contained in this clause X, the where the instituted heiress should die after the
testatrix had in mind a fideicommissary substitution, testatrix and after receiving and enjoying the
since she limits the transmission of her estate to the inheritance.
children of the heiress by this provision, "in such wise
that my estate shall never pass out of the hands of The foregoing leads us to the conclusion that all the
my heiress or her children in so far as it is legally requisites of a fideicommissary substitution,
possible." Here it clearly appears that the testatrix according to the quotation from Manresa above
tried to avoid the possibility that the substitution inserted, are present in the case of substitution now
might later be legally declared null for transcending under consideration, to wit:
the limits fixed by article 781 of the Civil Code which
prescribed that fideicommissary substitutions shall be 1. At first heir primarily called to the enjoyment of the
valid "provided they do not go beyond the second estate. In this case the plaintiff was instituted an
heiress, called to the enjoyment of the estate, By virtue of this consequence, the inheritance in
according to clause IX of the will. question does not belong to the heiress instituted,
the plaintiff herein, as her absolute property, but to
2. An obligation clearly imposed upon the heir to her children, from the moment of the death of the
preserve and transmit to a third person the whole or testatrix, Ana Maria Alcantara.
a part of the estate. Such an obligation is imposed in
clause X which provides that the "whole estate shall Therefore, said inheritance, of which the amount
pass unimpaired to her (heiress's) surviving children;" referred to at the beginning, which is on deposit with
thus, instead of leaving the heiress at liberty to the association known as La Urbana in the plaintiff's
dispose of the estate by will, or of leaving the law to name, is a part, does not belong to her nor can it be
take its course in case she dies intestate, said clause subject to the execution of the judgment against
not only disposes of the estate in favor of the heiress Joaquin Perez, who is not one of the fideicommissary
instituted, but also provides for the disposition thereof heirs.
in case she should die after the testatrix.
The judgment appealed from is affirmed, with costs
3. A second heir. Such are the children of the heiress against the appellant, Mariano Garchitorena. So
instituted, who are referred to as such second heirs ordered.
both in clause X and in clause XI.
Johnson, Malcolm, Villamor, Ostrand, Johns and
Finally, the requisite added by the decision of Villa-Real, JJ., concur.Street, J., reserves his vote.
November 18, 1918, to wit, that the
fideicommissarius or second heir should be entitled
to the estate from the time of the testator's death,
which in the instant case, is, rather than a requisite, a
necessary consequence derived from the nature of
the fideicommissary substitution, in which the second
heir does not inherit from the heir first instituted, but
from the testator.

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