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1.Make a summary and content analysis of Noli Me Tangere.Focus on its patriotic importance

In movie Noli me tangere the character of Crisostomo Ibarra is being introduced in the opening
scene. He returns home after seven years of studying in Europe after hearing his father’s death
which later on in the movie he found that his father died in protecting a young Filipino boy from
Spanish tax collector. Padre Damaso being adversary of Don Ibarra starts to directly insult
Crisostomo Ibarra. Instead of retorting Ibarra excuses himself that he has business matters to
attend to.In the following day Ibarra is having a conversation with his lover Maria Clara and try
to visit his father’s grave. Ibarra find out that a his father was transferred in a Chinese cemetery
due to Padre Damaso. He also found out that the corpse was thrown into the lake because there
was a storm on that day. On the other hand the other story was take place. The story of
Sisa,Basilio and Crispin. The two were accused of being thieves. Basilio was locked up in the
church by the Sacristan Mayor for his said crime. Basilio escapes from the church and runs
away.Sisa without knowing what really happens goes to church to get him and to find out that
Crispin is gone.She runs home as she is being arrested and Crispin nowhere to be found After
released on the jail she tries to find her children only to find bloody garment of Basilio. Due to
the tragic happening in his life she loses her mind.
Going back to his way of dealing with problems is irrational but he does not give up easily and
he is always determined to see his goals completed. Revenge was not in Ibarra’s plan in the first
place instead he carried through his father’s plan of putting up a schools,since he believed that
education would pave the way to his country’s progress .During the inaguration of school ,a
suspicious incident happen that will lead to kill Ibarra..He would have been killed in sabotage if
it is wasn’t for Elias ,a mysterious man who had warned Ibarra.At the party ,Padre Damaso
insults Ibarra’s father which causes him to leap his feet and pose a knife on the priest’s neck.He
did not go in the act because of Maria Clara’s persuasion and she is set up with another man.Due
to this reason Ibarra became excommunicated.Elias put Ibarra out of the jail and gets him on a
banca as they plan to go abroad first,meanwhile Ibarra talks to Maria Clara to find out that she
does not want to marry her new suitor and that her true father is not Capitan Tiago instead Padre
Damaso .Before he leaves Ibarra hugs Maria Clara.While rowing in the river,Ibarra and Elias
realize that a few Spaniards saw them from a far.Elias tells Ibarra to hide under the zacate and
Elias jumps off the banca pretending to be Ibarra and gets on shot.
On the other side of the river,Basilio is grieving for his mother,Elias come to him ,shot and
bloody and tells him that he is going to die and a young Basilio should burn the bodies.Elias tells
to Basilio that there is a gold under the land that they are standing on young basilio does
son.Ibarra is left alone to escape and the story ends.
Content Analysis
In the movie as I observe Ibarra’s interact with Elias shows how he is patriotic when it comes to
fighting for what is right in his country.Elias and Ibarra are having conversation regarding the
fact that that Ibarra has the power to request the Spanish government to take into account of
possible changes he might brought to our country by his advance knowledge and education he
receives in abroad.On the otherhand he want less religious influence to the people ,more safety
and respect for Filipinos .Ibarra believes Roman catholic based religious institution on his own
nation are those devils that has negative influence to people.This interacted scene with Ibarra
actually supports the way he expresses his patriotism towards the country.This can be explained
as he manages to use his knowledge that he has received abroad as a tool to help transform our
country into radicalized nation where people actually valued and treated as normal human
beings.Indeed Ibarra is a patriotic person for his country.
Sisa’s life in the novel symbolizes Philippines who abused by Spanish colonizers.Basilio and
Crispin his sons embodied the Filipino who were maltreaded by the Spaniards.They were the
clear representation of child abuse and slavery which still prospers even of today.They were the
victims of abuses by the church and those people in authority .Ideally we can compared it how
the Filipino people live during spanish colonial period cries and woes of his countrymen against
abusive officials.
I also appreciate the character of Elias demonstrating how patriotic he is sacrificing his own life
to Ibarra just to continue their plans for our country .At the end of the movie ,wounded Elias
found the child Basilio and his dead mother Sisa who became crazy as she learned that her sons
were implicated by theft by the sacristan mayor,Elias instructed Basilio to dig for his and Sisa’s
grave and there is buried treasure which he can use for his education.

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