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Integrative Reflection

Every individual have their own personalities or characteristics, we excel on these

things but others are not, we aren’t good on that thing but they excel on that. We all
have our own weaknesses and strengths. Strengths are those come naturally to you,
things you can use to achieve more things in your life and it is your edge to other
people. In accounting terms, it is your asset that you must be proud of and an asset that
you own. On the other hand, weaknesses stymied you from achieving things.
Weaknesses are not something that you lack; it is something that you must develop to
become eventually your strength. For me, it is important to know your weaknesses as
much as knowing your strengths because these can help you know what are those
things that needs for improvements and things that aren’t need that much attention to
improve because you already are.

Based on strengths and weaknesses of mine, I can say that those are really my
weaknesses and strengths. Though others are not, I think, or maybe I still don’t know
myself that’s why I think other strengths and weaknesses are not ‘me’ or I’m not just
aware of those things that I do. These results helped me became aware on what truly I
am; what are those things that I need to improve and things that I excel. The character
survey helped me know what are my strengths and weaknesses. It is really helpful,
especially for those people who still don’t have an idea about their own strengths and
weaknesses. This can help them become aware and make their own weaknesses into

I am happy and grateful in my life because I have a complete family, a family that
is always there whenever I have a problem. I’m happy because my parents sent me to
school to become an educated person and they have given me everything, whether it is
a needs or desires. My parents taught us not to give up especially during hard times.
Strive harder and eventually you will get or achieve your dreams in life with a positive
mind that you have reached that dream because you work hard for it. I am blessed to
have so many great things in my life -God, family and friends. I am contented in my life.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”—Albert Einstein. It’s
never too late to change your life to become a better person. There’s always a hope that
tomorrow will be a better day than yesterday. But it’s up to you whether or not it turns
out that way.

In the future or ten years from now I can see myself as a matured person with a
positive mind; thinks that every problem has a solution and keep on trying or reaching
those things that I love without any hesitations. A very confident person but humble and
has a kind heart to help people in need. I will make an action and make things happen
instead of waiting for it to happen without doing anything. Ten years from now, I guess I
already acquire lots of learning in life. I have experience a lot of things that could give
me lessons that can surely help me. These experiences will mold me to become a
better person.

For me, having those good features doesn’t mean that you are truly beautiful you
need also to consider your inner you, because what’s the sense of those perfect skin
color, perfect body curves, pointed nose ,zero blemishes and etc., if your attitudes did
not compliment your inner self. Avoid creating a new you or faking yourself, instead
work on with your attitude, improves it and then you’ll be beautiful. Beautiful body
features plus beautiful attitude is the best equation to answer the question “What makes
me beautiful”.

Embrace yourself. Be contented and love yourself. We are all beautiful. Avoid
using make up to cover up your face. Make ups can transform you into a whole new
person. You don’t need those, you just need to accept and appreciate yourself. It is
more important to be beautiful in the inside.

If you want to feel good about yourself, to make your family happy and to achieve
those things that you like, try reflecting about yourself, try to ask yourself “ How long do
you want to be like this?” “How long do you want to hear bad things coming from other
people about you, especially from your family?” Try improving yourself. Make people
proud and prove them they’re wrong. Most especially love yourself and make time with
yourself sometimes. Know you strengths and weaknesses and make those weaknesses
into strengths too. Do things that can make you feel good, can make you happy and
confident at all times.

A woman’s overall health, impacts her pregnancy, so pregnant women should be

careful at all times. Being pregnant is not just a simple way of giving birth to a new cute
baby. There are many processes that women undergo before she gave birth. Women
suffer a lot during pregnancy. As a woman I understand that pregnancy is very difficult
especially when you are still a teenager. Early pregnancy is very hard for teenage
women because the teenagers’ bodies are not yet for pregnancy. That’s why I
discourage early pregnancy and focus first in my studies.

Love scale survey helped me realize things about how deep is my love for my
partner and the things that I normally do with my partner. Also, taking this survey gives
me an idea on how I react towards my partner, and what I think about my partner.
Overall, the feeling of being in love is good but we should know our limitations and
always think first of the consequences before doing anything that can ruin our life.

Love language survey is very helpful for us. Taking this survey helped me to
know the real me. I’m surprised that, word of affirmation is the highest in the survey
because I thought it would be, acts of service. Maybe I don’t really know myself that
much. I guess this survey really helped a lot. It benefited me a lot to know my love
languages and which languages I performed and do well and which is the least.

Multiple intelligence survey, helped me know what are the things I am good at
and it helped me know the real me. taking the survey makes me realize that
intrapersonal is really my multiple intelligence. I had already taken this kind of survey in
the past but the results are still the same, nothing’s change. Musical is my last multiple
intelligence, it shows that I am not really into music, which is really true. Taking the
survey is fun; many people should try this too.

Overall, the activities we had are fun. It really helped me knowing the true me and
the characteristics I have. With those activities, my favorite activity is “What makes me
beautiful”. It makes me realize that we should love ourselves and be contented on what
we have. We don’t need to use make ups to cover up those ugly features on our face,
we don’t need to do plastic surgery to be beautiful, we just need to accept and
appreciate ourselves. It is more important to be beautiful in the inside.

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