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Name : Elizabeth (Liza) Gultom
Gender : Female
Status : Single
Nationality : Indonesian

Address : Perum Tugu Indah Blok B No.14, RT.004/011, Kel. Tugu,
Kec. Cimanggis, Depok 16951
Phone : +62 811.181.7722
Email :

PT. ALFA GOLDLAND REALTY (May 2015 – Apr 2019)
Type of Company : Property
Position : Land Certification Manager
Responsible :
• Lead and manage team for land certification process for Suvarna Sutera area.
• Responsible and manage petty cash and cost monitoring.
• Coach and support team from set up, monitoring until closing the projects. Monitor all
project process, project forecast, project updated, solve project problem issue to make
sure all project closed and in line with management and/or legal target.
• Responsible and support team to interface with local government if needed (such as Lurah
BPN and ect) in dealing, negotiation, meeting and others; to make sure project closed on
time and ready to handover the land certificates to Legal Department.
• Conduct monthly reporting for Director.


Type of Company : General Contractor
Position : Project Manager
Responsible :
• Lead and manage team based on projects handled, for all aspects of the project over the
entire project life (initiate, plan, execute, control and closed by handover it to Customer).
• Assisted team in coordination with Third Parties which related (likes vendor, subcontractor
and etc), to strictly comply with the relevant conditions of the contract.

Elizabeth Gultom
Ph : +62 811.181.7722
Email :

• Responsible on project cash flow, project budgeting, cost monitoring.
• Develop resources with tools and others equipment based on project requirement.
• Assisted team for project process, project forecast, project updated, project quality and
safety, and etc, which should be in line with customer requested.
Project Handlded :
• Streriliasasi dan Re-Wiring LC Lintas PSE-MRI & PSE-BKS – PT. Kereta Api Indonesia
• Installation of pipes distribution for Bekasi-Karawang area – PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara
• Installation of pipes distribution for Jakarta area – PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara
• Construction KRL Stabling of Parung Panjang Station – PT. Kereta Api Indonesia

PT. ALBOK BOILER INDUSTRI (Dec 2012 – July 2013)

Type of Company : Boiler Manufacture
Position : Project Manager
Responsible :
• Lead and manage team for Power Plant Department.
• Assisted team in coordination with Third Parties which related (likes vendor, subcontractor
and etc), to strictly comply with the relevant conditions of the contract.
• Responsible on project cash flow, project budgeting, cost monitoring.
• Develop resources with tools and others equipment based on project requirement.
• Responsible for all aspects of the project over the entire project life (initiate, plan, execute,
control, and closed).
• Assisted team for project process, project forecast, project updated, project quality and
safety, and etc, which should be in line with customer requested.
Project Handlded : Coal Power Plant (PLTU) 2x7 MW Berau – KSO PT. Indokomas Buana
Perkasa and PT. Hasta Prajatama

PT. TRI TOTAL SOLUTION (Aug 2009 – Sep 2012)

Type of Company : Telecommunication Contractor
Position : Project Manager
Responsible :
• Lead and manage team for Telecommunication Department, for all aspects of the project
over the entire project life (initiate, plan, execute, control, and closed by handover it to
• Supported Customer on Acceptance Test Protocol (ATP) process before sites handover
from Operator and/or other parties, if needed.
• Assisted team in coordination with Third Parties which related (likes vendor, subcontractor
and etc), to strictly comply with the relevant conditions of the contract.
• Responsible on budgeting, cost monitoring, develop resources, tools and others equipment
based on project requirement.
• Represented Customer to interface with the Landlord, Community, Government and/other
parties regarding site acquisition process and others issue which related with Customer’s
sites in responsible Regions (if necessary).

Elizabeth Gultom
Ph : +62 811.181.7722
Email :

Project Handlded :
• Managed Services of 215 sites of Operator Three in West Kalimantan Region – PT. Huawei
Investment Indonesia
• CME of 3 sites of Three in West Java Region – PT. Nokia Siemens Network
• SACME of 5 sites of Three in Central Kalimantan Region – PT. Nokia Siemens Network
• SITAC of 31 sites of Three in Sulawasi – PT. ZTE Indonesia
• BSS of 20 sites of Telkomsel in Jakarta Region – PT. Huawei Investment Indonesia


Type of Company : Telecommunication
Position : SITAC Manager
Responsible :
• Lead and manage team in Region and Headquarters for Site Acquisition process, according
to Customer’s defined objective, start from sites survey, sites acquisition, lands payment
for lease/purchase sites, community permit process, build permit process, and
reimbursement of lands payment to Customer.
• Represented Customer to interface with the Landlord, Community, Government and/other
parties regarding site acquisition process and others issue which related with Customer’s
sites in responsible Regions (if necessary).
• Assisted team in manage subcontractors and in providing solutions for problems arising on
a day-to-day basis and to make sure team reach the target.
• Conduct evaluation performance of subcontractors and take necessary measurements for
• Processed any related liaison with other internal and external parties including government
authorities, legal representatives/notary and clients, if necessary.
• Conduct monthly evaluation to the performance of internal teams and take necessary
measurements for improvement.
• Liaison with other internal and external parties including government authorities, legal
representatives/notary and clients, if necessary.
• Monitor price negotiation and ensure the leasing price is within the customer price
• Control Site Acquisition process within the regions, according to the defined time schedule,
including closely monitor the progress of obtaining all required permits and take necessary
• Budget and maintain project operational cost.
Project Handlded :
• SITAC of 325 sites of Indosat for Kalimantan Area – PT. Indosat Tbk.
Position : act. Documentation Manager and PMO Advisor (Jun 2008 – Jul 2009)
Responsible :
• Lead and manage Documentation Department with close coordination with all team
members in project in collecting and filling all project documents.
• Ensured all team using a template documents based on Customer requirements and

Elizabeth Gultom
Ph : +62 811.181.7722
Email :

• Assisted team in collected and provided documents for each sites and submitted into Site
Binders and handover to Customer Set up and manage target of Site Binder submission to
Customer as final sites acceptance.
• Supported all departments on managing Subcontractors to provide project documents
based on departments needs and project target.
• Conduct weekly evaluation of team performances and take necessary measurements for
Project Handlded :
• Documentation of 325 sites of Indosat for Kalimantan Area – PT. Indosat Tbk.
• Acceptance Protocol of 325 sites of Indosat for Kalimantan Area – PT. Indosat Tbk.

PT. NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORK (Feb 2005 – Apr 2007)

Type of Company : Telecommunication
Position : SITAC Manager
Responsible :
• Lead and Manage team for Site Acquisition processes according to Customer’s defined
objective, start from sites survey, sites acquisition, lands payment for lease/purchase sites,
community permit process, and build permit process for Region responsible.
• Supervised, controlled and supported team Site Acquisition, to achive the defined time
schedule, including closely monitor the progress of obtaining all required permits and take
necessary consequences.
• Represented Customer for interface with the Landlord, Community, Government and/other
parties regarding any issues on build Customer’s sites in Region Jakarta.
• Budget and control operational costs of SITAC in order to ensure the project runs efficiently
and with the most cost effective manner, including on this is the approval of Business Trip
and Overtime and approve the site office settlement for SITAC team.
• Liaison with other internal and external parties including government authorities, legal
representatives/notary and clients, if necessary.
• Conduct monthly evaluation to the performance of both internal teams and SITAC
subcontractor and take necessary measurements for improvement.
• Prepare daily, weekly/ monthly SITAC report to the Regional Manager and Roll out Manager
using the agreed reporting form sheet and proposed for improvement.
• Monitor price negotiation and ensure the leasing price is within the customer price
• Successful acceptance of all acquired sites by HCPT in accordance to the defined time
schedule and the Scope of Work in the respect of Quantity and Quality.
• Provided weekly and monthly SITAC report to Customer.
Project Handlded :
• SITAC of 510 sites of Three for Jakarta Region – PT. Hutchinson CP Telecomunication
• SITAC of 40 sites of Three for Batam Region – PT. Hutchinson CP Telecomunication

Elizabeth Gultom
Ph : +62 811.181.7722
Email :

Position : Procurement Coordinator Asst
Responsible :
• Involved in PLN subcontractors recruitment for East Region.
• Visited and checked the legality of the Subcontractors.
• Involved in obtaining pricing and contract negotiation with the Subcontractors.
• Determined fair market price for all services during negotiation with the subcontractors.
• Coordinateon controled and evaluatede subcontractors’ KPI according to the Scope of
Work, timeframes and project goals.
• Liaison with local Power and other parties related PLN connection to site.
Project Handlded :
• SACME of 600 sites of Three for East Indonesia Region – PT. Hutchinson CP

Position : SITAC Technical Asst (3G and HCPT Project), February – December 2005
Responsible :
• Support and provide team requirements and needs for daily activity, such us daily operation
cost, office supplies, car and driver, cash advances, tools, flight and hotel booking and etc.
• Support Manager in monitoring and checking team settlement and time sheet.
• Provide daily / weekly / monthly update report for SITAC activities to management based
on team report after Manager approval.
• Controled and supervised SITAC team daily jobs, reporting and team development.
• Supported manager for team development, restructure organization, team assets and
tools, team job description, and SITAC process and procedure.

Supported others department as well, such as :

Technical Assistant Operation Dept. (HCPT-Project), Feb 2006 – Apr 2007
• Monitor and final approval for Site Binder of 200 CAC sites from Nokia and Alcatel.
• Supported Manage Service team on managed sites to keep stabile in On Air status, with solving
problems which had blocked sites On Air, especially SITAC, CME and Power issues.
Technical Assistant CME Dept. (CAC Project), Nov - Dec 2005
• Responsibled for administration and documentation of department.
Design Engineer for supported CME Dept. (TINEM project - IKC program), June 2005.
• Checked and verified As Built BOQ and As Built drawing for PO revision of CME subcontractors.

• Graduated from Atmajaya University, Magister Management
• Graduated from Pancasila University, Electrical Engineer

Elizabeth Gultom
Ph : +62 811.181.7722
Email :

Working more than 18 years in in several companies with different industries and different projects
had practice my skills and capabilities in manage the projects. With my project management skill
with good analytically skills, problem solver, manage and supervise project, work with deadlines
and under pressure, self and team motivated, initiative, persistence and also able to work as an
individual and team member.

Sri Tunjung Rianto I Gusti Putu Hadiyatna
Operation Director Project Manager
Direct Superior in Alcatel-Lucent Customer from Cegelec (IBP)
M : +62 816.960.099 M : +62 812.1929.9299
E : E :

Teguh Hendarto Joseph Tjong

HR & Finance Director CEO Director
Superior in Albok Boiler Industri BOD of Alam Sutera
M : +62 811.950.572 M : +62 815.8718.983
E : E :

(or please visit my profile at with user name Liza Gultom)

-Be a reliable leader in the organization with accomplish reviews their visions through personal growth and personnel growth-

Elizabeth Gultom
Ph : +62 811.181.7722
Email :


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