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J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.


Perception and Awareness of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Speciality Among Medical Postgraduate Trainees
V. Nandagopal1 • Y. Meghna1 • G. Rajasekhar1 • R. Sudheer1

Received: 30 March 2019 / Accepted: 17 November 2019

Ó The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2019

Abstract Introduction
Introduction Oral and maxillofacial surgery evolves
around the head and neck region, and acts as a connecting The scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) often
bridge between medical and dental specialities. Little is overlaps with that of other surgical specialities [1]. It acts
known regarding the scope of oral and maxillofacial sur- as a border between dentistry and medicine [2, 3]. This
gery among the medical postgraduates; good awareness specialty has gained interest in areas of facial trauma,
towards oral and maxillofacial surgery among different dentofacial deformities, pathologies, temporo-mandibular
branches of medical professionals is essential for better joint disorders, salivary gland pathologies, oral cancer,
referral and, in turn, for the benefit of the patient. The main distraction osteogenesis, dental implants, and of cleft lip
objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and and palate [4].
awareness of oral and maxillofacial surgery speciality In contrast to common myth that the work of an oral and
among medical postgraduates. maxillofacial surgeon does not end with tooth and its sur-
Materials and methods A questionnaire survey was con- roundings, it expands to include procedures that enhance
ducted among 306 medical postgraduates of medical the quality of life by providing better form, function and
institutions associated with and without dental institutions. aesthetics, as well as life-saving procedures.
Results In this study, we found that there is a very low Patients regularly present to their general practitioners,
awareness of oral and maxillofacial surgery speciality in dentists or emergency departments with problems that
the medical postgraduates in terms of its scope of service require expertise of specialists in oral and maxillofacial
and emphasis should be laid on the public image regarding surgery. Our medical colleagues need to have the necessary
this speciality. knowledge and understanding about the scope of the spe-
ciality for a timely referral of patients to the specialist, for
Keywords Awareness  Maxillofacial  Postgraduate  prompt assessment and treatment [5].
Speciality This short survey is undertaken among the medical
postgraduate trainees of medical institutions associated
List of abbreviations with and without dental institutions to assess their per-
OMFS Oral and maxillofacial surgery ception and awareness towards oral and maxillofacial
ENT Ear–nose–throat surgery as a speciality and about the diverse scope of
surgical procedures that an oral and maxillofacial surgeon
performs. The objectives of this study are: (1) to assess the
perception and awareness of OMFS speciality among
medical postgraduate trainees studying in medical institu-
tion associated with dental institution; (2) to assess the
& V. Nandagopal
perception and awareness of OMFS speciality among
medical postgraduate trainees studying in medical institu-
Mamata Dental College and Hospital, Khammam, India tion not associated with dental institution; and (3) to

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

Table 1 Definitive management of a patient with jaw bone fractures in casuality are effectively managed by?
Maxillofacial surgeon Plastic surgeon Orthopaedic surgeon Neurosurgeon Total

Medical college with dental college 134 25 7 0 166

Medical college without dental college 44 49 40 7 140
Total 178 74 47 7 306

Table 2 Chi-square tests 180

160 07
Value Df P value 140 25 Neuro surgeon
Pearson’s Chi-square 81.841 a
3 .0001 40
100 orthopaedic
a 80
2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum 134 49 surgeon
expected count is 3.20
40 plastic surgeon
20 44
medical medical
correlate between the perception and awareness of medical surgeon
college with college without
postgraduate trainees of medical institutions associated dental dental
with and without dental institution about OMFS speciality.
Fig. 1 Graph showing the referral pattern of medical postgraduates
for management of jaw bone fractures
Materials and methods
According to this survey, out of 306, 125 medical post-
The cross-sectional study of ‘Perception and Awareness of graduates were aware that injuries to the bony cavity of
oral and maxillofacial surgery specially among medical orbit are treated by maxillofacial surgeon, followed by
postgraduate trainees’ is a questionnaire study. Closed- ophthalmologist (104), neurosurgeon (27) and plastic sur-
ended questions were formulated for the evaluation of geon (50). With regard to nasoethmoidal complex frac-
awareness about a variety of conditions treated by the oral tures, only 73 of all medical postgraduates referred the
and maxillofacial surgeons. The questionnaire was dis- patients to maxillofacial surgeon, followed by ENT spe-
tributed among 306 medical postgraduate trainees of cialist (172), neurosurgeon (1) and plastic surgeon (48).
medical institutions associated with and without dental Medical postgraduates were asked about various con-
institutions. The questionnaires were then evaluated and ditions, which are managed by oral and maxillofacial sur-
analysed. geons. Only 160 of them knew that wisdom tooth removal
is a specialist job, performed by an oral and maxillofacial
surgeon. Only 72 of them are aware that dental implant
Results surgery is performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
Remaining participants think it is performed by
A total of 306 medical postgraduates (of which 166 are prosthodontist (221) and periodontist (13).
from medical institution associated with dental institution According to 225 medical postgraduates, cleft lip and
and 140 are from medical institution without dental insti- palate repairs are executed by plastic surgeon, followed by
tution) were given questionnaires to assess the knowledge maxillofacial surgeon (45) and paediatric surgeon (36).
and awareness about oral and maxillofacial surgery. In this Temporo-mandibular joint disorders (ankylosis, joint dis-
study, postgraduates of different clinical and non-clinical locations, etc.) are best treated by ENT specialist according
medical specialities from first, second and third years were to 92 medical postgraduates, followed by orthopaedic
included in the study. surgeon (65), plastic surgeon (57) and maxillofacial sur-
In this study, in a total of 306 participants 185 were geon (9) (Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and Fig. 2, 3). Only 97 of all
aware of oral and maxillofacial surgery as a speciality in medical postgraduates knew that reconstructive surgeries
the branch of dentistry, whereas 121 were not aware of the of malignant tumours can be performed by oral and max-
speciality and 97 of them had visited, consulted or referred illofacial surgeon and 33 of them think that cysts of the
a patient to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. In this study, jaws are managed by maxillofacial surgeon. Only 56 of
178 medical postgraduates knew that jaw fractures are them knew that the common facial pains like trigeminal
managed by maxillofacial surgeon (Tables 1, 2 and Fig. 1). neuralgia can be treated by maxillofacial surgeon.

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

Table 3 Temporo-mandibular joint disorders (ankylosis, joint dislocations) are best treated by?
Plastic surgeon ENT specialist Orthopaedic surgeon Maxillofacial surgeon Total

Medical college with dental college 7 61 33 6 166

Medical college without dental college 50 31 32 2 140
Total 57 92 65 9 306

Table 4 Chi-square tests

Value df Asymptomatic significance (two-sided)
Pearson’s Chi-square 56.128 3 .000
Likelihood ratio 60.499 3 .000
Linear-by-linear association 29.209 1 .000
No. of valid associations 306
0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.20

Table 5 Cleft lip and palate repairs are executed by?

Plastic surgeon Maxillofacial surgeon Paediatric surgeon Total

Medical college with dental college 116 41 9 166

Medical college without dental college 109 4 27 140
Total 225 45 36 306

Table 6 Chi-square tests
160 9
Value Df P value 140 41
120 27 Pediatric surgeon
Pearson’s Chi-square 37.703a 2 .000 100
80 Maxillofacial
0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum 60 116 surgeon
expected count is 1.10 40 Plastic surgeon
medical college medical college
with dental without dental
maxillofacial Fig. 3 Graph showing the referral pattern of medical postgraduates
150 surgeon for cleft lip repairs
65 27
100 32 surgeon
31 ENT specialist
61 followed by ENT specialist (101), maxillofacial surgeon
0 7 plastic surgeon (19) and neurosurgeon (3). Patients with maxillary sinus
medical college medical college pathology are referred to ENT specialist by 245, followed
with dental without dental
by maxillofacial surgeon (41) and general surgeon
Fig. 2 Graph showing the referral pattern of medical postgraduates (20) (Tables 7, 8 and Fig. 4). Among 306 medical post-
for temporomandibular joint disorders graduates, only 60 of them knew that aesthetic corrections
of jaw deformities are best treated by maxillofacial sur-
Among all medical postgraduates, 199 are of the view geon, followed by plastic surgeon (219) and orthopaedic
that salivary gland disorders would be treated by general surgeon (27) (Tables 9, 10 and Fig. 5).
surgeon, followed by maxillofacial surgeon (87) and plastic At the end of the survey, only 133 of the medical
surgeon (20). In total, 147 of all medical postgraduates postgraduates feel that oral and maxillofacial surgeon has a
referred patients with facial space infections (Ludwig’s role to play in emergency management of head and neck
angina, cavernous sinus thrombosis) to general surgeon trauma. In total, 153 of them agree that OMFS is an

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

Table 7 Patients with facial space infections (Ludwig’s angina, cavernous sinus thrombosis) are referred to?
General surgeon ENT specialist Maxillofacial surgeon Neurosurgeon Total

Medical college with dental college 41 89 17 1 166

Medical college without dental college 106 12 2 2 140
Total 147 101 19 3 306

Table 8 Chi-square tests

Value df Asymptomatic significance (two-sided)

Pearson’s Chi-square 97.809a 3 .000

Likelihood ratio 107.503 3 .000
Linear-by-linear association 21.641 1 .000
No. of valid associations 306
0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.69

180 Neuro 180

160 surgeon 160
19 14
140 17 140
20 13
120 2 Maxillofacial 120
12 surgeon Orthopaedic
80 89 100 113 surgeon
60 ENT specialist 80 106
106 Plastic surgeon
40 60
20 41 40
0 general
surgeon 20 39 Maxillofacial
medical college with medical college 21
0 surgeon
dental without dental
Medical medical
college with college
Fig. 4 Graph showing the referral pattern of medical postgraduates
for facial space infections dental without dental

Fig. 5 Graph showing the referral pattern of medical postgraduates

for aesthetic corrections of jaw deformities
Table 9 Aesthetic corrections of jaw deformities are best treated by?
Maxillofacial Plastic Orthopaedic Total Discussion
surgeon surgeon surgeon
OMFS as a department is recognized by majority of the
Medical college 39 113 14 166
with dental
medical postgraduates, but most of them were not aware of
college the wide surgical scope of this specialty; this is in accor-
Medical college 21 106 13 140 dance with the studies conducted by Laskin [5], Lesny [6],
without dental Spina et al. [7] and Langdon [8]. This is similar to the study
college done by us. Ameerally et al. conducted a study in England
Total 60 219 27 306 and concluded that up to 79% of the general population had
not heard of OMFS department, and around 74% of them
did not understand its role and scope [9]. Ifeacho et al. [10]
Table 10 Chi-square tests
concluded that although most of the medical professionals
Value Df P value had heard of this particular specialty, they were not clear
Pearson’s Chi-square 3.477a 2 .176 about the clinical expertise this branch could offer. In a
study done by Hunter et al. [11], it was found that in those
0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is 8.69
medical professionals who did not know about this branch,
the referral pattern for treatment of conditions that over-
lapped with different specialties mostly did not favour the
important integrated speciality which can help and aid the
choice of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
medical speciality. In total, 294 of them agree that oral and
According to Lau SL, the medical conditions asked to
maxillofacial surgery speciality needs more public
medical postgraduates could be treated by different

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

specialties. In fact, oral and maxillofacial surgeons could knowledge to make informed decisions about their
treat all of the listed conditions. Although there are over- patient’s management. The awareness of OMFS speciality
lapping responsibilities over some specialties, there are among the medical postgraduate trainees could be brought
never absolute right or wrong on who should do what. It all by giving lectures, informative material and working as
depends on the training they have received and the culture team in complex head and neck surgeries. Equally, the
in different places. This study showed that postgraduates public would benefit from knowing what OMFS offers
from the medical college associated with a dental college them, so that they can request an appropriate referral.
made better referrals of patients with various conditions in
Compliance with ethical standards
the scope of OMFS compared to the postgraduates from
medical college which did not have an associated dental Conflict of interest No conflict of interests to disclose.
college. A dental surgeon would mostly refer these cases to
an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, while a medical pro-
fessional would tend to do it differently [12]. Although References
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could provide. Awareness of the scope of OMFS should
lead to improved access and efficient delivery of a quality Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
service. Our medical colleagues need to have the necessary


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