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No Stories Names Stories

1 Ant and the dove 1.There was once an ant who fell into a lake from the ant hill
2.The water started to carry her down the lake.
3. A dove saw the helpless ant in the water.
4.The dove quickly dropped the leaf from the tree top into the
5. The ant, climbed on the leaf, and came to the banks of the lake.
6.Not long after, a man who was out in the forest tried to catch the
dove in his net.
7.As the man was about to drop the net over the dove, the ant bit
the man on his toe.
8.The man dropped the net down in pain and the dove flew away
2 The Dog and the Bone
1. A hungry dog once found a bone.
2. It felt very happy.
3. It held the bone tight in its mouth.
4. On its way home, it came to a small water pool.
5. On its way, the dog had to cross a water pool with log of wood
on it.
6. It stopped at the middle of the log and looked into the water.
7. The dog saw its own image in the water.
8. The dog felt another dog is also carrying a bone.
9. It wanted the bone.
10. The dog opened its mouth to bark for the other bone.
11. The bone in its mouth, fell into the pool.
12. The dog lost its bone and went home sad, feeling hungry.

3 The story of three pigs 1. Three little pigs set out to build a home.
2. The first little pig built a straw house.
3. The wolf came and blew it away.
4. The second little pig built a house of sticks.
5. The wolf came and blew it away.
6. The third little pig built a house of bricks.
7. The wolf could not blow it.
8. He tried to enter through the chimney but the
third little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the
The wolf fell into it and died.
4 The gingerbread man 1. A little old woman made a gingerbread man.
2. As she opened the oven, he jumped out and ran away.
3. The little old man and woman chased him.
4. A pig and a dog joined the chase.
5. As, the gingerbread man came to the river.
6. A fox offered him a back ride, and ate him up.
5 The fox and the crane 1. Once a fox invited a crane to dinner.
2. He gave some soup to the crane in a flat dish.
3. The crane could not eat and went home.
4. The crane wanted to teach the fox a lesson.
5. After a few days, he invited the fox to dinner.
6. The crane gave soup in a glass.
7. The fox could not eat and went home.

6 The Monkey’s 1. Once upon a time, there lived two cats in a village. They
Justice were friends.
2. The two cats found a loaf of bread.
3. They both wanted the bread as they were very hungry.
They began to fight over it.
4. A monkey was sitting on the tree and saw them fighting.
5. He came to the cats and said that he will settle their fight.
6. Both the cats agreed.
7. The Monkey split the bread into two pieces.
8. One-piece was big and the other piece was small. Then he
ate from the big piece.
9. But this made the other piece big.
10. So it ate from the other piece.
11. The monkey ate the whole loaf of bread.
12. It climbed back the tree laughing at the cats. Two foolish
cats could not eat anything.
Moral - When Two People Fight the Third One Always Gets
the Profit.

7 Monkey and the 1. Once a cap seller went to a village to sell his caps.
cap seller 2. On the way he felt tired and sat under a tree.
3. He put the caps beside him and slept.
4. Some monkeys lived in that tree.
5. They climbed down and took away the caps.
6. The cap seller woke up and saw that his caps were missing.
7. He saw the monkeys wearing his caps.
8. The cap seller the monkeys imitate.
9. The cap seller thought of a plan. He threw down his cap.
10. The monkeys also threw down their caps.
11. The cap seller took his caps and went away.
8 The Boy and 1. Once there was a boy who liked cashew nuts. 2. So his
Cashew Nuts mother always gave him a few nuts to eat, he asked her for
more nuts.3. His mother told him that if he ate too many then
he would get pain in his stomach.4. One day he was alone in
the house. His mother had gone out for some work.5. The boy
took the jar of cashew nuts and ate as many cashew nuts as
he could.6. Next day the boy fell sick. He had pain in his
stomach. 7. He felt sorry for not listening to his mother.
9 The story of Tomato
and Onion
10 Who will Bell the cat? 1. Once there was a big house, where bags of rice were kept. Many
rats lived there.
2. There was a cat that comes to the house for his food.
3. The cat would come there without any sound and run after the
rats and eat them.
4. Every day that cat comes and eats the rats. All the rats were very
scared and had a meeting.
5. They all came together and started their discussion. Rats were
very confused and did not know how to stop the cat.
6. Suddenly a rat said, " We should tie a bell around the cat's neck".
If they tie a bell around the cat's neck, the rats can hear the sound
of the bell if the cat comes.
7. Every rat thought that it was a great idea. But in the end, a rat
asked "Who will bell the cat? "
11 Pigeons and the Moral: Unity is strength.
hunter. 1. Once there lived a flock of pigeons on a tree. They were very
2. But one day a hunter spread a net to catch those pigeons.
3. The hunter had kept some food grains on the net to attract the
4. The flock of pigeons was attracted by food-grains and was soon
trapped in the net.
5. One of the pigeons said that they should not lose their courage.
6. They together tried to fly and were successful as they were able
to fly away with the net.
7. After flying for some time they reached a place.
8. There lived a mouse who was a friend of the pigeons.
9. Then the mouse along with its friends cut the net and set the
flock of pigeons free.
12 Story of Christ

13 The ant and the 1. One summer’s day, in a field, a Grasshopper was playing.
grasshopper 2. It saw an Ant was taking food to its house.
3. The grasshopper asked the ant to come and play with him.
4. The ant said that it was storing food for winter.
5. "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper. "We have got
plenty of food at present."
6. But the Ant went on its way and store the food.
7. When winter came, the Grasshopper did not have any food and
was hungry.
8. The ant had lot of food for him and his family.
14 The Cow and the Tiger 1. Once there lives a cow with her calf.
2. The cow would go near the forest for eating grass.
3. One day a tiger saw the cow and wanted to eat the cow.
4. The cow requested the tiger that she will go home feed her calf
and then come back.
5. The tiger agreed. The cow returned home.
6. Next day morning the cow and the calf came to the forest and
waited for the tiger.
7. Both the cow and the calf were asking the tiger to eat them and
leave the other.
8. The tiger said that it will not eat both of them as they very

Moral: Honesty is Best Policy

15 Thomas the engine

16 The story of
17 Fox and the 1. One day a fox was walking in a forest and saw a bunch of
Grapes grapes.
2. It was thirsty and wanted to eat them.
3. The fox started jumping and tried to reach the grapes.
4. It tried many times but could not reach them and was tired.
5. The fox said to itself that the grapes are sour and walked
Moral: Nothing comes easy without hard work.
18 1. One hot summer’s day, a fox was walking through a
2. He saw a bunch of grapes.
4. The fox tried to reach to grapes, but they were very high.
5. The fox jumped high into the air, but he could not jump
high enough.
6. He tried again and again until he was too tired to jump any
7. The grapes were too high, and the fox could not reach
8. The angry fox left the garden saying, "I am sure those
grapes are sour."

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