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Grade 12

Introduction to World Religions and

Belief System
Module 3: Positive and Negative Effects of Religion

1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

MDM-Sagay College, Inc.
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What I need to know

Module 3: Negative and positive Effects of
Lesson 1. Positive and Negative Effects of Religion
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the student shoul be able to:
1. Identify the positive and negative effects of religion
2. Present pieces of evidence that religion brought about an event in history
3. Justify that religion can have positive or negative effects on society
4. Show some proofs of the positive and the negative effects of religion through
print and electronic media

What is It

Religion provides belief and solace to people when they are down and
hopeless. It is the binding fabric for the society. It provides objectives to people
for work or for their life. There are many religions in the world, however, only
nine are considered major religions which are the main topics of this book.
These religions have existed since ancient times and are still in existence up to

However, there are some pieces of evidence that these religions became
sources of conflicts around the world. In fact, they have become the proverbial
“sweet and bitter pills” necessary for human life. Hence, it is important for a
learner to look at the advantages and the dis advantages of religion, or the
positive and the negative impacts of religion on individual and society.

Positive Effects of Religion on Individual and Society

1. As a way of devotion.
Religion is an individual’s way of devotion and process of connecting with whom
he/she believes as “divine.” These patterns of behavior are innate in all human kind-
to search for the “spiritual someone” to whom he/she offers his/her adoration and
gratitude. These behaviors are deeply attached to an individual’s soul and mind which
proves that he/she come to being because there is a Supreme Power that has made it
2. As a recourse to have mental peace.
Many believe that the realization of the Supreme Power above the human ego is only
possible by following the path of religion. It teaches that wealth would not stay after
death but it is the good deeds that would remain till eternity. A religious person never
loses focus and enjoys peace of mind. In this fast paced world when everything is one
click away, all we need is mental peace. Religion can be a way in helping us attain
3. Religion encourages social work.
Many religious organizations engage in social work that contributes to the welfare of
society. They provide alms to the poor, conduct medical missions to the
underprivileged, and also set up educational institutions for the youth so that they
can have access to formal education. Religion also promotes god will in the society by
fostering a sense of brotherhood among the people.
4. Religion teaches men to be compassionate.

Religious people are compassionate towards other as religion teaches its followers to
be benevolent and sympathetic to other human beings. It regulates life and
encourages individuals not to indulge in bad habits that are detrimental to society.
Majority of people suffering from drug-related and alcoholic addiction turn towards
religion to develop will power to stop the bad habit or vice.
5. Religion provides wisdom.
Holy Books like The Bible and The Vedas impart wisdom to the people which
benefits humanity as a whole. All religions stress on following the path of
righteousness and work towards the betterment of the society. They teach people to
differentiate between what is right and wrong.

Negative Effects of Individual and Society

1. Religion as an expansionist tool. Since time immemorial, religion was use by

groups and even empires to fight wars with other groups or kingdom to advance their
ideals and expand their territories. Followers of a particular religion believe that their
teaching are superior to other religions and this usually breeds conflict.

There are two battles cited here as proofs that religion has been used to
advance the ideal of expansionism. Read the accounts below and analyze them

The Battle of Tours in 732 A.D.

The Battle of Tours was fought on October 10, 732 A. D. between forces under the Frankish
leader Charles Martel and a massive Islamic army led by Emir Abdul Rahman near the city of
Tours, France. During the battle, the Franks defeated the Islamic army and Emir Abdul Rahman
was killed. The battle stopped the northward advance of Islam from the Iberian Peninsula, and is
considered by most historians to be of macro historical importance in that it halted the Islamic
conquest and preserved Christianity as the controlling faith in Europe.

Had Charles Martel failed, there would have been no Charlemagne, no Holy Roman Empire
or Papal States, and definitely Islam would have been the controlling faith in Europe instead of
Christianity. The majority view argues that all these events occurred because Charles Martel was
able to contain Islam from expanding into Europe while it could.

Battle of Hattin, 1187

The Battle of Hattin took place on July 4, 1187, between the Crusader Kingdom of
Jerusalem and the forces of the Ayyubid Sultan Salah ad- Din, known in the west Saladin. It is also
known as the Battle of the Horns of Hattin, from a nearby extinct volcano.
The Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader
forces, removing their capability to wage war again. As direct result of the Battle, Muslim once
again became the eminent military power in the Holy Land, re-conquering Jerusalem and several
other crusader- held cities. These Christian defeats prompted the third crusade which began two
years after the Battle of Hattin. Source:

2. Religion tends to have conflict with science.

One of the major drawbacks of religion, as far as science is concerned, is the belief
that the world originated from super natural power. Scientific rational thinking is
discouraged and people asking questions based on reason are hounded and some
were even killed.
A classic example of this is the trial of Galileo. Read the account below and
analyze very carefully the reason why he was tried.

The theory that the earth revolves around the sun is called the heliocentric theory, ‘helio’
meaning ‘sun’ and centric meaning ‘in the center.’ This theory was developed in parts by
different astronomers over many years, namely Aristarchus, Copernicus, Kepler, and

Nevertheless, Galileo went on defending heliocentrism despites pressures from

the Catholic institution. In 1632, he published his “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief
World System” which implicitly defended heliocentrism. Responding to mounting
controversy over theology, astronomy and philosophy, the Roman Inquisition tried
Galileo in 1633, and found him “vehemently suspect of heresy” sentencing him to
indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.
3. Religion tend to discriminate. A religious state rarely aspects the rights of minority
religion and even some social groups. Forced conversations are rampant with regular
diatribes launched against gay and other racial communities.

We can cite here as an example the persecution that led to trial launched by the
Catholic Church against Joan of Arc.

The Trial of Joan of Arc

In addition to the charges of sorcery, heresy and witchcraft, Joan of Arc was also tried
of wearing men’s clothing. The Bishop of Beauvais, Pierre Cauchon was appointed as the
examiner and judge of the Trial.
The trial of Joan of Arc, which was overseen by an English-backed Church at Rouen,
Normandy in the first half of 1431, was one of the more famous trials in history, becoming
the subject of many books and films. It culminated in the execution of the person, known
to history as Joan of Arc, the young French peasant girl who was the defendant in the case.
The trial verdict was later reverse on appeal by the Inquisitor General in 1456, thereby
completely exonerating her. She is now considered a French national heroine and saint of
the Roman Catholic Church.

4. Religion can be the antidote to progress. Overtly, some scholars say, religious
societies cannot progress as they do not allow free thinking innovation and scientific
inventions. Progress is only possible when people are encouraged to think out of the
box and religion is not adopted as a way of life.
5. Religion can be used as political tool. Political parties around the world exploit
the general discontentment among people to whip up the religious passion and
capture power. This is a topic worth pondering upon because it opposes the very
nature and definition of religion.

Religious Conflicts in the modern Period.

1. Palestine and Israel conflict
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict can be viewed primarily as an ethnic conflict
between two parties where one party is an ethnic group consisting of members of
single religious tradition (Jews) and the other party is an ethnic group which is
multi-religious( although most consisting of Muslims, then Christians and the
other religious groups including Samaritans even Jews). Although one of the
parties is composed of many religions this war is often viewed as religious
conflict between Jews and Muslim Palestinian over the Wailing Wall, led to
Palestinian riots including Hebron and safe massacres.
2. Pakistan and India conflict
This conflict started when Muslim members in Indian National Congress
complain that they do not have sane rights as the Hindu members. Seeing that
this disparity was irreparable, it has been proposed that the establishment of a

separate nation for Muslims is essential in otherwise Hindu-dominated
3. Buddhist Uprising
During the role of Catholic Ngo Dinh Dem in South Vietnam, the
discriminations against the majority Buddhist population generated growth of
Buddhist institutions as they sought to participate in national politics and gain
better treatment. The Buddhist uprising of 1966 was a period of civil and
military unrest in South Vietnam, largely focused in the Corps area in the north
of the country and central Vietnam.
4. Lebanese Civil War
Scholars have different opinions as what triggered this war. However there is
popular belief that the militarization of the Palestinian refugee population, with
the arrival of the PLO guerilla forces did spark the Lebanese Civil war. The
conflict played out three religious line namely Sunni Muslims, Christian
Lebanese and Shiite Muslim.
Some violence still occurred. In late December 1991 a car bomb exploded in the
Muslim neighborhood of Basta. At least thirty people were killed and 120
wounded including former Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan who was riding in a
bulletproof car.
5. Yugoslav Wars
The Croatian war (1991-1995) and Bosnian war (992-1995) have been viewed
as religious wars between the orthodox Catholic and the Muslim populations of
former Yugoslavia that is Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks.

Great Benefits from Religion

Discussed in the proceeding paragraphs are the positive and the negative effects
of religion to individuals and society. If we were to weigh the effects, it seems that
there are more negative effects as compared to the positive ones. Nevertheless this
tendency is outweighed by the facts about the benefits of religion to humanity in its
entirety. This makes the study of world’s great religions even more interesting.

Religion has been a featured of the world for it came into existence. Different
religious traditions have played a major role in the evolution of the society. The
following is a synthesis of the great benefits that world has received from religions.

1. Teaching of good will and the Golden.

Within all religions there are teachings of good will to our fellowmen. The
golden rule of religious teaching is to treat others as we would like to be treated by
2. Role in promoting ethics in political life
One very important message of religion that inspired some religious
reformers is that men are equal before God. This belief has ignited the spirit of some
religious leaders to oppose slavery in the 19 th century, because it goes against the
religious teachings on the divinity of all men.
3. Inner strength
Throughout history of mankind it has been proven that religion has been a
source of courageous actions. One distinct example is the rise of the
crusaders in the 12th century to defend the Holy land against Islamic
4. The Message of forgiveness
Central to the religious faiths is the teaching of forgiveness. This has
inspired some great leaders of the faith like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi,
Nelson Mandela and 14th Dalai Lama to preach the message of forgiveness.
5. Man’s thirst for the Unknowable

The religious urge to discover more about life never left man. From
primitive civilizations to the acme of Western civilization, there have always been
people unsatisfied with a purely materialistic interpretation of life. This has
encouraged people to give priority to inner life of prayer and meditation as well as
outer achievements.
6. Selfless service
Religious teaching emphasize the need for serving our fellowmen. The
loftiest teaching is to do this selfless service without expectation of reward or praise,
but to work with a feeling of oneness and identification with other people. In its purest
form, religion can inspire people to serve the welfare of others, not out of ego, but out
of sense of divine duty. This principle of selfless service is found in all the main
religions and has led to the foundation of many charitable works.
7. Religious music
Some of the most profound, moving and sublime music has been
created within the context of religion. Great composers Beethoven, Bach and Schubert
were able to compose divine and sacred music which are undoubtedly religiously-
inspired and are still being played up to this day.
8. Religious art
During the Renaissance, it was often organized religion. Which was the
greatest patron of the arts. The Catholic Church patronized some of the greatest work
of Michelangelo such as the painting on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel and his famous
sculpture, The Pieta. The lavishly decorated Buddhist temples in Thailand are works
of art religiously inspired. The purest form of religion encourages the highest
expression of the Divine through artistic form.


Answer the following question: 150 words each.

1. Enumerate and explain the positive effects of religion to an individual and
2. Enumerate and explain the different negative effects of religion to an individual
and society.
3. How do you justify that religion can have either positive or negative effects on
individual and society.
4. Identify the positive and negative effects of religion on your family and in
yourself as a person. List down in a sheet of paper.

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