Week 2

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Weekly journals

(Week Two)

This is the second week of teaching practice. On 14th February 2021, I receive an email from Ain
Jaloot school that said I can practice as a student teacher and I will start joining the next day. On 15th
February 2021 morning, I join the grade 4 class on Teams my mentor school teacher greeting me to
the pupils she was very nice. Ms. Estelle is an English teacher, so today she gave the students an
exam it is called PCAT it is including fail the blink with the correct vocabulary (past tens). Ms. Estelle
gave the pupils around 20 minutes to finish this assessment. My mentor school teacher such a
supportive person the reason she tells grade four students (don’t rush and stress yourself, if you
have any question I’m here to help you). This is a good way to encourage the students when they
need it. Teacher able to check the student’s grade.
Today’s 17 February 2021, 4B students have a lesson about body parts, teacher was asking grade 4
students one by one to read the sentence. The teacher asks the pupils to write the word (Hurt) in the
chat box. After that Ms. Estelle did an activity (listen and circle the picture), the lesson was about
listening and writing at the same time the teacher was repeating the sound twice for them in case if
there is any student have a misconception, this activity teaches grade 4 students the skills of writing
and listening. I think it was a good lesson the reason they can be prepared for wiring and listening in
the future and the rest sections as well.

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