Literature: Folktales Fairy Tales

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Directions: Listen to Track 30. ( )


fairy tales

~ 14
Directions: Now answer the questions.

29. What is the lecture mainly about?

® Oral traditions in folktales and fairy tales
® Common characters and plots in folktales and fairy tales
© Differenc es between folktales and fairy tales
@ Hidden meaning s in folktales and fairy tales

30. What does the professo r mean when he says that folktales are commun al?
® They vary little from one commun ity to another.
@ They serve to strengthe n ties among individua ls within a commun ity.
© They relate importan t events in the history of a commun ity.
@ They can be adapted to meet the needs of a commun ity.

. pt af a "fairy"?
31 . Why does the professor clarify the canee
"f · tale"
® To explain the origins of the terrn a,ry 11
• ,,

® To eliminate a possible definition of the term fairv tale

© To support a clairn abaut the functian af fai~y ta!es
® To indicate that fairies are a majar elernent in fairy tales

32. What daes the prafessar say abaut the setting of fairy tales?
® The tales are usually set in a nanspecific location.
® The lacation is deterrnined by the country of origin of a tale.
© The tales are set in a lacation familiar to the author.
® A storyteller varíes the lacatian af a tale depending on the audience.

In the lecture, the professar discusses characteristics of folktales and ta·

3 3. 1 d" · . "Y tale
n icate the characterist1cs af each type of tale. Puta check in the correct baxes.s.

Folktales Fairy Tales

Their appeal is now mainly to children.

The plot is the anly stable element.

- -
The tales are transmitted arally.

There is one accepted version.

Characters are well developed.

The language is relatively formal.

34. Listen to Track 31. O

® To suppart the student's statement
~ ;o ;.s: the ~tudent to clarify her statement
o rn out rf the students know wh t
® To clarify the relationsh· b ª.story the line comes from
,p etween time an d space .m fairy tales


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