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Industralization, though considered as the regional and economic

development of a region has adversely impacted human as well as
environment in many ways. Industralization is accompanied with
environmental degradation and pollution (air, soil, water) causing havoc
to human’s health. Skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal problems, chronic
diseases, etc are some examples.
2. From study, we have observed the prevelance rate of diseases higher in
elderly population in the industrial region as the intensity and span of
exposure to the polluted surrounding conditions are higher in them. And
also, elderly people are more vulnerable to diseases as their immune
system gets weaker.
3. High level of TDS causes high prevalence rate of digestive system, hair,
skin, eye, ear problems.
4. Industrial activities like manufacturing of fertilizers, chemical products,
oil refinery, dispose waste water and hazardous waste should be
minimized as much as possible or banned, if other alternative ways.
Design of proper landfills are also important for controlling of
groundwater pollution.
5. Recycling , proper disposal, reducing used of hazardous waste, etc can
help in reducing of hazardous wastes. Many wastes from industrial sites
can actually be recycled, so recycling whenever possible. Reusing
whatever we can and reducing whenever necessary.

Submitted by :
1. Rikuthakani Phawa
2. Songthet Chinnunnem Haokip

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