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1) Make participle adjectives using the verbs in brackets, and fill in the gaps.
1. interest
a. Alison was interested in listening about our trip.
b. He told us some interesting stories from his trip.
2. amuse
a. The show was ______________; we had a lot of fun.
b. I was _______________, listening to his jokes.
3. surprise
a. I was _______________when I saw him at my doorstep.
b. It was __________________to see him at my doorstep.
4. relax
a. We lay down and the teacher played some ______________music.
b. After one hour of exercising I felt _______________.
5. excite
a. I was ___________about going to see the finals.
b. The finals were really __________________.

2) Fill the gaps with the most appropriate form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Having a sibling is better than being an only child. (good)

2. Blanka Vlašić is our ____________athlete. (good)
3. Your hair is _______________than mine. (beautiful)
4. This week`s temperatures are __________________than last week`s. (high)
5. That was the ___________________test I`ve ever taken. (difficult)
6. This was the __________________ idea I`ve ever heard! (bad)
7. This path is the ______________, but the other one is the ________________. (short,
8. This is the _______________room I`ve ever seen! (tidy)
9. What was Elvis Presley`s ______________________hit? (big)
10. This is the ________________I could do, considering everything. (little)

3) Complete the sentences below using either as ….as or not as …as and the adjective
in brackets.

1. The blue car is as fast as the red one. (fast)

2. Peter is _____________________Fred although he`s 30 and Fred is only 12. (not/tall)
3. Today it`s ______________________it was yesterday. (not/windy)
4. Buses are ______________________as trains. (not/comfortable)
5. His new novel is just ________________________his previous one. (boring)

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