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Pathology (February 2015) 47(2), pp.



Prevalence of maternal red cell alloimmunisation: a population study

from Queensland, Australia
1Pathology Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, and 2Pathology Queensland, Royal Brisbane and
Women’s Hospital, Qld, Australia

Summary clinically significant HDFN, however there are other antigens

The aim of this study was to determine the current prevalence that have also been found to be associated with HDFN.5,6 The
of red cell antigen alloimmunisation in Australia. Blood group antibody prevalence varies between countries reflecting geo-
(ABO and RhD) and red cell antibody screen results of graphic variations in gene frequencies, transfusion practices and
pregnant women who presented at public hospitals in blood banking techniques amongst others.
Queensland between the period of January 2011 and June The aims of antibody testing in the antenatal and perinatal
2013 were evaluated retrospectively. Antibody prevalence in setting are to identify RhD negative women who qualify for RhD
pregnancy was compared to other published studies. A total immunoprophylaxis, and those women with clinically significant
of 482 positive antibody screens from 66,354 samples alloantibodies to assist in management of HDFN. There are over
(0.73%) were identified. The prevalence of antibodies was: 400 red cell surface antigens, of which more than 43 have been
anti-E 27.6%; anti-D 10.4%; anti-Kell 9.5%; anti-c 8.7%; anti- reported to be associated with HDFN.7 These have been grouped
Duffy 3.1%, including Fya and Fyb; anti-MNS 7.9%, including according to their likelihood of causing HDFN in the Australian
M, N, S and s; anti-Lewis 6%, including Lea and Leb; and and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT) Ltd
multiple antibodies (16%, including anti-D). Compared to Guidelines for Blood Grouping and Antibody Screening in the
other studies, including one from Australia in 1977, the Antenatal and Perinatal Setting (Table 1).8 Group 1 and 2
anti-D alloimmunisation rate had dropped significantly, with antibodies have been reported to be most commonly associated
little change in anti-c and some increase in anti-E and anti-Kell with clinical HDFN with anti-D, anti-c and anti-K most associ-
cases. Continued vigilance is required to ensure eligible RhD ated with moderate to severe HDFN.
negative women receive prophylaxis according to the current Regardless of which antibody is implicated, apart from Kell
RhD immunoprophylaxis guidelines, especially those who antibody, the pathogenesis of cell mediated haemolysis is the
have a fetomaternal haemorrhage (FMH). RhD positive same.9,10 Once the antibodies enter the fetal circulation, they can
women that are at risk of developing an antibody during coat the fetal red cells (if they are positive for the corresponding
pregnancy should have their pregnancy monitored according antigen), and thereby initiate the destruction and early removal of
to published guidelines. Once antibodies are identified, con- the red cells from the circulation by macrophages in the fetal
sideration should be given to paternal antigen status in an spleen. In Kell alloimmunisation, however, the mechanism of
attempt to identify the pregnancy that will be at risk of action involves suppression of erythropoiesis at the level of the
alloimmunisation. progenitor cell.11–13 The clinical consequences of any alloim-
munisation can be devastating. Anaemia and hyperbilirubinae-
Key words: Alloimmunisation, antenatal antibody screen, haemolytic disease mia vary from mild to severe, with risk of serious consequences
of newborn. including hydrops fetalis and kernicterus if timely recognition
and treatment are not implemented. In affected pregnancies, fetal
Received 20 March, revised 17 October, accepted 26 October 2014 monitoring by Doppler ultrasound of the middle cerebral artery
peak systolic velocity (MCA PSV) and intrauterine transfusion
(IUT) for treatment of clinically significant fetal anaemia has
INTRODUCTION become standard antenatal care. Antibody titres are usually done
Maternal alloimmunisation occurs when the mother’s immune to assist the clinician in deciding when to start monitoring a
system is sensitised to foreign red cell surface antigens, stimulat- pregnancy more closely, with a lower threshold for anti-Kell
ing the production of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies. These alloimmunised pregnancies because of the unique pathogenesis.
IgG antibodies are capable of crossing the placenta and causing
haemolytic disease of the fetus and the newborn (HDFN).1,2 The MATERIALS AND METHODS
most frequent antigen to cause severe incompatibility is the RhD
In this study, the blood group (ABO and RhD) and red cell antibody screen
antigen due to its high prevalence and immunogenicity as
results of pregnant women tested between the period of 1 January 2011 and 30
compared to most other red cell surface antigens.3 Since the
June 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Testing was performed by Pathology
widespread use, at least in the developed world, of antenatal and Queensland, which provides pathology services to all Queensland Health public
postnatal RhD immunoprophylaxis, there has been not only a hospitals and is composed of a hierarchical networked system of 33 laboratories.
significant drop in cases of anti-D alloimmunisation but also a These laboratories consist of district laboratories in rural hospitals, group
shift towards non-anti-D alloimmunised cases.4 Anti-c and anti- laboratories in large regional hospitals and unit base laboratories providing
Kell are the other main antibodies known to be associated with tertiary referral services in the metropolitan teaching hospitals.

Print ISSN 0031-3025/Online ISSN 1465-3931 # 2015 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
DOI: 10.1097/PAT.0000000000000225

Copyright © Royal College of pathologists of Australasia. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
152 PAL and WILLIAMS Pathology (2015), 47(2), February

Table 1 Antibodies grouped according to their likelihood of causing HDFN8

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

D Cw P1
c Fyb N
E Jka H
e Jkb Lea 2%
C JK3 Leb
K S Leaþb
k s Lua 6%
Fya M Lub
Gea Sda 50%

Testing was carried out according to the ANZSBT Guidelines for Blood 5%
Grouping and Antibody Screening in the Antenatal and Perinatal Setting.8 As
per the guidelines all RhD negative females underwent testing at first presen- 3%
tation and then again at 28 weeks gestation. RhD positive females underwent 10%
testing at presentation and then again if clinically indicated. Any woman with a
clinically significant antibody, that was likely to result in HDFN, underwent
extra testing including antibody titres and antibody quantitation (available for
anti-D and anti-c only) to assist with antenatal and perinatal management.
Antenatal women with antibodies that were not clinically significant (e.g.,
reacting only at room temperature) were not reported and extra antibody Rhesus
screening was not performed.
Column agglutination technology was used for blood group (BioRad Dia- Kell
Clon ABO/Dþ Reverse grouping for patients) and antibody screen (BioRad Duffy
Coombs Anti IgG) testing. All antibody screens were analysed and individual
patient results were recorded, taking into account possibility of multiple screens Kidd
during the same pregnancy. Any woman with multiple antibody screens during MNS
the same pregnancy was only included as a single entry, thus avoiding
erroneously higher subject numbers. Also women with positive antibody screens Lewis
who were subsequently identified as having passive anti-D were excluded from Other
the study.
2 or more antibodies
Fig. 1 Antibody prevalence in 482 positive antibody screens.
Results from 66,354 pregnant women were evaluated. The
majority of non-anti-D antibodies were found in RhD positive
overall antibody prevalence was 0.73% with the prevalence
women, in particular anti-E. Only a small number of RhD
of anti-D 0.08% and non-anti-D 0.65% (Table 2). The most
negative women had non-anti-D antibodies.
common antibodies were reactive with Rhesus antigens,
accounting for almost half of all antibodies (Fig. 1). Anti-E
(27.6%) was most frequent followed by anti-D (10.4%), anti- DISCUSSION
Kell (9.5%) and anti-c (8.7%). The antibodies and the sub- Recent studies show the overall incidence of maternal alloim-
groups that were detected in the positive screens are listed in munisation has declined significantly since the introduction of
Table 3. Approximately 16% of the positive screens had two or RhD immunoprophylaxis, with lower rates reported with pro-
more antibodies, the majority of which involved clinically tocols that include antenatal dosing.14 This study found an
significant antibodies as described in Table 1. Of the 482 overall prevalence of antibody formation, which is similar to
positive screens, 21% occurred in RhD negative women and that reported in the literature from countries that follow a
79% in RhD positive women (Fig. 2). These positive screens similar antenatal and perinatal RhD immunoprophylaxis pro-
represent 0.9% of all RhD negative women and 0.7% of all RhD gram to Australia. The type and frequency of reported anti-
positive women, respectively. Table 4 illustrates the differences bodies appears to vary according to the population studied and
in antibody prevalence between the RhD negative and RhD time period studied in relation to implementation of immuno-
positive women in the study group. The data showed that the prophylaxis5,15–19 (Table 5).

Table 2 Antenatal antibody screens performed in Queensland between 1 January 2011 and 30 June 2013

RhD negative women RhD positive women

Total antibody screens 66 354 10 890 (16.4%)* 55 464 (83.6%)*

Positive screens (overall antibody prevalence) 482 (0.73%)* 100 382
Anti-D antibody prevalence 50 (0.08%)*
Non-anti-D antibody prevalence 432 (0.65%)*

Percentage of total antibody screens

Copyright © Royal College of pathologists of Australasia. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 4 Antibody prevalence in RhD negative and positive women

System and antibody RhD negative (n ¼ 100) RhD positive (n ¼ 382)

RhD negative women Rh 58 (58%)* 184 (48.2%)*

21% D 50 0
C 4 4
c 0 42
E 4 129
e 0 6
Cw 0 3
Kell 8 (8%)* 38 (9.9%)*
K (Kell) 7 37
k (Cellano) 1 1
Duffy 0 15 (3.9%)*
Fya 0 13
RhD positive women Fyb 0 2
79% Kidd 1 (1%)* 24 (6.3%)*
Jka 1 20
Jkb 0 3
JK3 0 1
MNS 1 (1%)* 37 (9.6%)*
S 0 7
s 0 2
M 1 28
N 0 0
Lewis 0 29 (7.6%)*
Fig. 2 Positive antibody screens (n ¼ 482). Antibodies represent 0.9% of all Lea 0 28
RhD negative women ((100/10890)100) and 0.7% of all RhD positive women Leb 0 1
((382/55464)100). Leaþb 0 0
Lutheran 0 4 (1.1%)*
Lua 0 4
Lub 0 0
Gerbich Gea 0 0
Compared to Australian historical data,17 the incidence of P P1 1 (1%)* 2 (0.5%)*
RhD alloimmunisation (Table 6) has dropped from 13.3 per High frequency LAN 0 1 (0.3%)*
1000 samples in 1977 to 0.8 per 1000 samples in 2013, which is 2 or more antibodies 31 (31%)* 48 (12.6%)*
similar to that reported in other countries after the successful
Percentage of total antibodies (n) in RhD negative and positive women.

Table 3 Antibody prevalence in 482 positive antibody screens

System and antibody Number Percentage

implementation of RhD immunoprophylaxis. Even with these
immunoprophylaxis protocols, anti-D alloimmunisation may still
Rh 242 50.2%
occur as a result of chronic transplacental haemorrhage or failure to
D 50 10.4% administer RhD immunoglobulin at times of risk or at a sufficient
C 8 1.7% dose. RhD alloimmunisation is a significant ongoing concern in
c 42 8.7% low socio-economic groups and in the developing countries20–22
E 133 27.6%
e 6 1.2% where immunoprophylaxis is not widely available.
Cw 3 0.6% Whilst HDFN related to anti-D remains a significant clinical
Kell 46 9.5% issue, non-anti-D antibodies may also cause severe disease.
K (Kell) 44 9.1%
k (Cellano) 2 0.4%
Non-anti-D antibodies were more frequent in our population
Duffy 15 3.1% than anti-D, with a prevalence similar to that reported by others
Fya 13 2.7% (Table 5). Our data showed a much higher detection rate of anti-E
Fyb 2 0.4% as compared to the other studies. This may reflect the sensitivity
Kidd 25 5.2%
Jka 21 4.4% of the testing methodology used in various countries to the
Jkb 3 0.6% naturally occurring IgM anti-E. The method used by Queensland
JK3 1 0.2% Pathology is known to be sensitive to IgM anti-E and, hence, the
MNS 38 7.9%
S 7 1.5% actual numbers of women with IgG anti-E may be lower.
s 2 0.4% However testing to differentiate between IgG and IgM anti-E
M 29 6.0% is not currently routinely carried out. Our study reported lower
N 0 0.0%
Lewis 29 6.0%
rates of Kell sensitisation than others (Table 6), which may
Lea 28 5.8% reflect the population screened and/or the selection of Kell
Leb 1 0.2% negative blood for females of childbearing age, as is practised
Leaþb 0 0.0% in many transfusion units across Australia. Women with non-
Lutheran 4 0.8%
Lua 4 0.8% anti-D antibodies should be readily detected if appropriate
Lub 0 0.0% screening is performed in the first trimester. In the absence of
Gerbich Gea 0 0.0% a positive antibody screen at this initial screening, routine follow-
P P1 3 0.6%
High frequency LAN 1 0.2%
up testing is not recommended as it is not cost effective and
Two or more antibodies 79 16.4% clinically significant late onset alloimmunisation is rare.23 This is
in contrast to the recommendations for RhD negative women.8

Copyright © Royal College of pathologists of Australasia. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
154 PAL and WILLIAMS Pathology (2015), 47(2), February

Table 5 Antibodies in other countries as reported in literature

Koelewijin Geifman-Holtzman Filbey Pepperell Queenan Polesky

et al. (2008)15 et al. (1997)5 et al. (1995)16 et al. (1977)17 et al. (1969)18 (1967)19

Place The Netherlands New York, United States Sweden Australia New York, United States Minnesota, United States
Time period 2003–05 (2yr) 1993–95 (2.5yr) 1980–91 (12yr) 1965–75 (10yr) 1960–67 (8yr) 1960–66 (7yr)
Study size 403,500 37,506 110,765 72,138 18,378 43,000
Total antibodies 4971 550 836 1467 630 2956
Overall prevalence 1.23% 1.47% 0.75% 2.03% 3.43% 6.87%
Anti-D prevalence 0.08% 0.26% 0.14% 1.32% 1.65% 4.33%
Non-anti-D prevalence 1.15% 1.21% 0.61% 0.71% 1.78% 2.54%

Antibody (% of total antibodies)

D 6.74% 18.4% 19.0% 65.3% 48.3% 63.1%
C 0.42% 4.7% 4.3% 0.6% 5.3% 15.2%
c 1.87% 5.8% 4.5% 4.0% 1.9% 2.3%
E 5.43% 14.0% 6.1% 4.7% 5.3% 2.7%
e 0.18% – 0.1% 0.04% 0.4% 0.07%
Cw 1.65% 0.2% 1.2% – – 0.14%
Kell 4.35% 22.0% 5.7% 2.3% 4.7% 3.1%
Duffy 1.39% 5.6% 3.1% 0.5% 1.9% 0.6%
MNS 1.07% 4.7% 4.2% 1.2% 3.1% 1.5%
Kidd 0.87% 1.5% 1.2% 0.14% 1.1% 0.2%
Lewis – 20.5% 28.8% 11.9% 8.1% 3.2%
P – 0.2% 5.7% 8.8% 2.3% 0.9%
Others 2.94% 0.2% 14.4% 0.07% 14.3% 6.6%

Table 6 Antibody frequency compared with that in reported literature (per 1000 samples)

Pal et al. Koelewijin Geifman-Holtzman Filbey Pepperell Queenan Polesky

(2013) et al. (2008)15 et al. (1997)5 et al. (1995)16 et al. (1977)17 et al. (1969)18 (1967)19

D 0.8 0.8 2.6 1.4 13.3 16.5 43.3
E 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.9 1.9
c 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.7 1.6
Kell 0.7 0.7 3.2 0.4 0.5 1.6 2.2

CONCLUSION Address for correspondence: Dr Manika Pal, Pathology Queensland, Princess

Alexandra Hospital, Wooloongabba, Qld 4102, Australia. E-mail: manika.pal
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Copyright © Royal College of pathologists of Australasia. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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