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Effect of screening for red cell antibodies, other than anti-D, to

detect hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: a population
study in the Netherlands

J.M. Koelewijn, T.G.M. Vrijkotte, C.E. van der Schoot, G.J. Bonsel, and M. de Haas

emolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
BACKGROUND: Hemolytic disease of the fetus and (HDFN) has, for a long time, been a major
newborn (HDFN) is a severe disease, resulting from cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality.1
maternal red cell (RBC) alloantibodies directed against In 1941, Levine and colleagues2 suggested
fetal RBCs. The effect of a first-trimester antibody that destruction of red cells (RBCs) in the fetus and
screening program on the timely detection of HDFN newborn may be due to maternal alloimmunization
caused by antibodies other than anti-D was evaluated. against blood group antigens of the unborn child. Immu-
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Nationwide, all nization is triggered by previous incompatible blood
women (1,002 in 305,000 consecutive pregnancies transfusion or by fetomaternal hemorrhage, mostly
during 18 months) with alloantibodies other than anti-D, during a previous pregnancy from a blood group antigen–
detected by a first-trimester antibody screen, were mismatched fetus. In most cases of severe HDFN, alloim-
included in a prospective index-cohort study. In a munization against the D antigen is involved.3,4 Several
parallel-coverage validation study, patients with HDFN strategies have been developed to prevent D immuniza-
caused by antibodies other than anti-D, that were tion, leading to a substantial decrease of D immunization
missed by the screening program, were retrospectively in developed countries.5 Consequently, alloantibodies
identified. other than anti-D emerged as an important cause of
RESULTS: The prevalence of positive antibody screens
at first-trimester screening was 1,232 in 100,000; the
prevalence of alloantibodies other than anti-D was 328 in
ABBREVIATIONS: HDFN = hemolytic disease of the fetus and
100,000, of which 191 of 100,000 implied a risk for
newborn; IUT(s) = intrauterine transfusion(s).
occurrence of HDFN because the father carried the
antigen. Overall, severe HDFN, requiring intrauterine or From Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, and Landsteiner Labora-
postnatal (exchange) transfusions, occurred in tory, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam,
3.7 percent of fetuses at risk: for anti-K in 11.6 percent; Amsterdam; and the Institute of Health Policy and Manage-
anti-c in 8.5 percent; anti-E in 1.1 percent; Rh antibodies ment, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
other than anti-c, anti-D, or anti-E in 3.8 percent; and for Address reprint requests to: M. de Haas, Sanquin Research,
antibodies other than Rh antibodies or anti-K, in none of Amsterdam, and Landsteiner Laboratory, Academic Medical
the fetuses at risk. All affected children, where antibodies Center, University of Amsterdam, Plesmanlaan 125, 1066 CX
were detected, were promptly treated and healthy at the Amsterdam, the Netherlands; e-mail:
age of 1 year. The coverage validation study showed a The study was supported by the Dutch Council of Health
sensitivity of the screening program of 75 percent. Five Insurances.
of 8 missed cases were caused by anti-c, with delay- Source of the study: OPZI (detection and prevention of
induced permanent damage in at least 1. pregnancy immunization)-project: the nationwide evaluation of
CONCLUSION: First-trimester screening enables timely pregnancy screening for RBC antibodies other than anti-D, and
treatment of HDFN caused by antibodies other than of antenatal anti-D-prophylaxis in the Netherlands, performed
anti-D, however, with a sensitivity of only 75 percent. by Sanquin Research and the Academic Medical Center of the
A second screening at Week 30 of c– women will University of Amsterdam, financed by the Council of Health
enhance the screening program. Severe HDFN, caused Insurances.
by antibodies other than anti-D, is associated with anti-K, Received for publication August 28, 2007; revision received
anti-c, and to a lesser extent with other October 16, 2007, and accepted October 31, 2007.
Rh-alloantibodies. doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2007.01625.x
TRANSFUSION 2008;48:941-952.

Volume 48, May 2008 TRANSFUSION 941


severe HDFN, in particular anti-K and anti-c.6-10 Severe giver (in the Netherlands, independent midwife [⫾80%],
HDFN caused by antibodies other than anti-D can be general practitioner [⫾5%], or obstetrician [⫾15%]13) is
treated with intrauterine transfusions (IUTs) during preg- responsible for the application of the screening test. The
nancy and with exchange transfusions after birth. Screen- coverage of the RBC antibody screening is close to
ing for RBC alloantibodies in all pregnant women has 100 percent.14 Certified Dutch laboratories (n = ⫾90)
been implemented in most developed countries, to detect process the screening test according to existing national
possible HDFN caused by anti-D and other antibodies. guidelines. Accepted screening tests are those with the
Moreover, screening during pregnancy facilitates quick sensitivity of at least that of the bovine albumin indirect
identification of the specificity of detected antibodies, if a antiglobulin test (IAT) to detect clinically relevant
blood transfusion to the mother is necessary during deliv- antibodies.15
ery. Evidence for the effectiveness of this universal screen- A positive screening result is checked by one of two
ing approach, however, is lacking. specialized national reference laboratories with our IAT in
In the Netherlands, universal screening for RBC anti- the presence of polyethylene glycol or with the technique
bodies in the first trimester (200,000 pregnancies/year) has used by the screening laboratory. After confirmation of the
been implemented since July 1, 1998.11 Our prospective positive screening result, the risk for HDFN is determined
nationwide controlled study evaluated this program along by establishing the alloantibody specificity (occasionally
the criteria of Wilson and Jüngner12 for screening pro- more than one) and by subsequent serologic typing of the
grams. This set of 10 criteria is widely accepted for evalu- father for the antigen(s) against which the maternal
ating a new screening program. Our research questions, alloantibodies are directed. If the father has the corre-
reported in this article, elaborate the first (“Is the health sponding antigen, the pregnancy is considered “at risk for
problem important?”), the fifth (“Is an appropriate screen- HDFN” and monitored by repeated laboratory testing,
ing test available?”), and the seventh criteria (“Is the processed in reference laboratories (titer and antibody-
natural course of the disease understood?”), respectively. dependent cellular cytotoxicity test). The repeat frequency
To evaluate the health problem of HDFN, the following depends on antibody specificity, test result, and duration
three main questions were consequently addressed in of pregnancy. If the father is heterozygous for an antigen
general, and for each alloantibody specificity, other than corresponding to a maternal alloantibody, a noninvasive
anti-D, separately: 1)What is the prevalence of pregnancies fetal typing with maternal plasma is offered (for D, c, E,
with a fetus at risk for HDFN caused by antibodies other and K).
than anti-D; 2) in what proportion of these pregnancies In pregnancies with M or N antibodies of the immu-
does the fetus develop HDFN; and 3) what is the diagnostic noglobulin M (IgM) class only, repeated laboratory testing
performance in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and predic- is performed in Weeks 24, 30, and 36, to detect a potential
tive value of a first-trimester RBC antibody screening for switch to clinically relevant IgG-class antibodies (previous
detecting the fetuses at risk for severe HDFN due to RBC guidelines).
antibodies other than anti-D? To evaluate the benefit of If test results suggest a major risk (IAT titer in
screening with regard to blood transfusion around delivery phosphate-buffered saline ⱖ16 or antibody-dependent
to the mother, the following secondary questions were cellular cytotoxicity test result ⱖ30%) for severe HDFN
addressed: 4) what is the prevalence of blood transfusion (the need for IUT and/or neonatal blood transfusion),
during pregnancy and delivery to the mother; 5) what is the women are referred to secondary care for clinical moni-
diagnostic value of a single first-trimester RBC antibody toring, by ultrasound and Doppler flow measurement.
screening in detecting all antibodies that may be relevant Amniocentesis for fetal genotyping or Liley index is,
for transfusions during delivery; and 6) are, in case of blood because of its risk of complications and antibody boost-
transfusion, all antibodies detected by RBC antibody ing, only performed if the serologic analysis or the clinical
screening known at the transfusion laboratory? Empirical monitoring points to an increased risk.16 IUT treatment is
answers should support if not improve the current expert centralized at the Leiden University Medical Center in
opinion-based programs. Leiden.17

MATERIALS AND METHODS The following definitions are used in this article:
National screening program 1. Clinically relevant RBC alloantibodies: alloantibodies
The Dutch screening program offers RBC antibody screen- that cross the placenta (IgG class) and that are
ing, free of charge, as part of the booking visit protocol directed against an antigen expressed on fetal RBCs.
around the 12th week of pregnancy. This protocol includes 2. Index pregnancy (included in index-cohort study):
typing for ABO, and screening for human immunodefi- pregnancy with clinically relevant RBC alloantibodies
ciency virus, hepatitis B, and syphilis. The obstetric care- other than anti-D.

942 TRANSFUSION Volume 48, May 2008


3. Pregnancy/fetus at risk of HDFN

associated with antibodies other Pregnancies with clinically Controls
relevant alloantibodies 481
than anti-D: pregnancy with clini- other than anti-D
cally relevant antibodies, other 1002
than anti-D, recognizing an antigen
expressed by fetal RBCs, the father
consent no consent
having the corresponding antigen,
900 102
or paternal antigen status
unknown. abortion abortion
< 16 < 16
4. Dominant alloantibody specificity weeks weeks
at screening (in patients with more 10 15
than one alloantibody specificity): 890 87
the alloantibody specificity associ-
fetal death fetal death
ated with a paternal antigen; if mul- >= 16 < >= 16 < 22
tiple alloantibodies are associated 22 weeks weeks
with paternal antigens, the highest 5 2
estimated risk for HDFN is anti-K, 885 85
-c, -E, -Rh antibodies other than
anti-c, -D, -E, -Duffy (Fy), -Kidd fetal death fetal death fetal death
>= 22 >= 22 >= 22 weeks
(Jk), -Ss, or other.6,7,18 weeks weeks 1
5. Controls (children): children, born 5 6
from pregnancies in which no 880 79 480
clinically relevant RBC alloanti- lost to no outcome
bodies were detected or children follow-up data:
born from pregnancies with clini- 1 12

(at risk)* (3 at risk)
cally relevant antibodies, who were
antigen negative. anti-D
twins twins
2 21 9

Study design live born pregnancies live born

Three related observational studies children with live born children
898 child(ren) 489
were conducted: 1) a procedural study 67
with laboratory registry data of positive
antibody screens; 2) a prospective neonatal
index-cohort study based on screen- death
detected index pregnancies (see Fig. 1);
and 3) a coverage validation study to
Fig. 1. Flow chart of pregnancies, included in index-cohort study (September 1,
retrospectively identify, at the national
2002-June 1, 2003, and October 1, 2003-July 1, 2004). *Anti-c, delivery abroad, no
level, cases of severe HDFN, undetec-
HDFN until Week 36. †Anti-c (delivery abroad), -Cw, -Jka.
ted by the screening program. The
entire study was discussed with and
approved by the relevant professional
organizations (obstetricians, midwives, general practitio- Inclusion of index pregnancies: selection of
ners, pediatricians, clinical laboratories). Representatives controls for the index-cohort study and data
from those organizations monitored the study process. collection methods
The study was approved by the ethical review board of
Included were two predefined cohorts of index pregnan-
the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam. All women
cies (September 1, 2002, until June 1, 2003, and October
gave informed consent.
1, 2003, until July 1, 2004) with clinically relevant alloan-
tibodies, other than anti-D, recognized by first-trimester
screening and confirmed in either of the two reference
Laboratory registries laboratories (n = 1002). Consent for collection (by struc-
The two reference laboratories registered the numbers tured questionnaire) of detailed clinical data about the
and test results of all positive antibody screens. We used outcome of the pregnancy and after delivery (until
the results of 2003 and 2004. 6 weeks after birth) and collection of cord blood

Volume 48, May 2008 TRANSFUSION 943


was given by 900 women; an additional 90 women gave Data analysis

consent for collection of general HDFN-related informa-
Prevalence of clinically relevant RBC alloantibodies,
tion via the obstetric caregiver (see Fig. 1). The women
other than anti-D, at first-trimester screening
without consent did not differ from those with consent,
The denominator was based on vital statistics data (which
regarding age (32.4 years vs. 32.3 years; p = 0.86), the
in the Netherlands include newborns from 24 weeks of
dominant RBC alloantibody specificity, and the prop-
pregnancy onward), adjusted for the expected proportion
ortion at risk for HDFN because the father had the
of abortions between screening and 24 weeks (32/1002,
antigen(s) (56% vs. 59%; p = 0.60). If completion of the
3.19%) and for unregistered pregnancies (2%; G.J. Bonsel,
questionnaire by the obstetric caregiver was incomplete,
personal communication, 2005); calculations available
data were collected by a telephone interview of the preg-
from the authors on request. The prevalence of additional
nant woman/mother by one of the investigators (JMK,
antibodies, detected later in pregnancy (after screening),
was estimated in all index pregnancies with consent,
For comparative analysis of icterus, phototherapy,
based on laboratory monitoring (in index pregnancies at
and cord blood variables, we collected outcome data of
risk of HDFN associated with antibodies other than
481 control pregnancies. The control group consisted of
anti-D) or on cord blood analysis (all index pregnancies);
412 pregnant women without antibodies, and of 69
data were available in 794 of 900 pregnancies.
women with M or N antibodies of the IgM class only,
without a switch to IgG during pregnancy. Controls were Outcome analysis
randomly selected (1:1), only during the first 9-month All outcomes were analyzed in pregnancies with a gesta-
period, from the same obstetric practice as the pregnancy tional age of at least 16 weeks.
under study, and matched for the duration of pregnancy
(⫾4 weeks; response 412/458, or 90%). Measures of diagnostic performance
Serologic analysis of cord blood included: typing for Standard measures of performance (sensitivity, specificity,
ABO and specific antigen testing (in index pregnancies) etc.) were computed with their confidence intervals (CIs).
and the direct antiglobulin test (DAT), according to the
existing guidelines.15 In the case of a positive DAT, an Statistical analysis
eluate was made for identification of the alloantibody All data were analyzed with computer software (SPSS 11.0,
specificity. Hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (Hct) levels SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). Testing of differences between
were determined on a hematology analyzer (Cell-Dyn categorical variables was performed by Pearson’s chi-
4000, Abbott Diagnostics, Santa Clara, CA). Genotyping of square or Fisher’s exact test. For testing of continuous
the child was performed, if no serologic typing result was variables, the t test was used. All statistical tests were two-
available, with DNA isolated from buccal swabs in those tailed. Results were routinely checked for interaction with
index pregnancies where the father was heterozygous or ethnicity (based on racial classification as used in the
the paternal antigen was unknown. national obstetric registration).

Inclusion of patients for coverage validation study
Two independent epidemiologic case-finding strategies Prevalence of alloantibodies, other than anti-D, at
were applied, unrelated to the screening data. First, at the first-trimester screening
end of 2003 and the end of 2004, all Dutch obstetric part- The prevalence of a positive screen was 1,232 in 100,000
nerships (n = 116; response, 100%) and pediatric partner- (Table 1). The positive screen was not confirmed in the
ships (n = 112; response, 88% in 2003
and 98% in 2004) were contacted per-
sonally twice (by JMK or TGMV) to TABLE 1. First-trimester screening results, based on laboratory
registries in the two reference laboratories January 1, 2003, until
report any patient with severe HDFN, January 1, 2005
associated with antibodies other than Percentage of Prevalence
anti-D, in the past year (death, IUT, screen-positive number per
exchange transfusion, or blood transfu- Result Number samples 100,000*
Screen-positive pregnancies 4971 1232
sion in the first week of life). Second,
Positive screening, not confirmed 998 20 247
based on the records of Sanquin Blood Antibodies without a risk to mediate HDFN 2359 47 584
Supply (coverage of the Netherlands, HDFN-risk relevant antibodies 1614 32 400
Anti-D 335 7 83
100%), detailed hospital information on
Antibodies other than anti-D 1279 26 317
the transfusion indication for exchange
* Denominator of prevalence = the estimated number of pregnant women in week 12 in
transfusions was collected (response, 2003 and 2004 = 403,500.
543/759, 72% of units of blood).

944 TRANSFUSION Volume 48, May 2008


reference laboratories in 20 percent of pregnancies; in case was caused by “late-detected” anti-c, detected in the
47 percent the detected antibodies were without clinical 20th week of pregnancy during laboratory monitoring
relevance and in 7 percent anti-D was found (Table 1). because of screen-detected anti-E. IUTs were given to five
The prevalence of pregnancies with clinically relevant affected fetuses, 4 due to anti-K and 1 to anti-c (Table 3).
alloantibodies, other than anti-D, was 328 in 100,000 The first IUT was given in Weeks 21, 22, 25, 30 (all anti-K),
(Table 2). Anti-E was the most frequent alloantibody, and 31 (anti-c). Complications of IUTs or exchange trans-
other than anti-D, followed by anti-K and anti-c. Alloanti- fusions occurred in 2 children: 1 child was born prema-
bodies, other than anti-D, of more than one specificity turely (Week 34) after 4 IUTs (anti-K); he was treated for
were found in 14 percent (140/1,002) of the index preg- 6 weeks at the neonatal intensive care and monitored at
nancies, of which the combination of anti-c plus anti-E home for irregular heart beating during the next 6
(possible anti-cE) was the most frequent (47/192). The months. Another child suffered from necrotizing entero-
estimated prevalence of pregnancies at risk of HDFN, colitis after an exchange transfusion (anti-e). All children
associated with antibodies other than anti-D, was 191 in with severe HDFN were confirmed to be in good health at
100,000, with anti-E as the most frequent alloantibody the age of 1 year. Assuming that no severe HDFN occurred
specificity, followed by anti-c. in pregnancies for which no outcome data were available,
Additional clinically relevant antibodies detected the prevalence of severe HDFN associated with antibodies
after the first screening, at one of the follow-up tests, were other than anti-D, in all pregnancies, was 7 in 100,000, in
present in 56 of 794 index pregnancies followed to term. index pregnancies (2.1%) and in index pregnancies at risk
The mean gestational age at detection was 29 weeks of HDFN, due to antibodies other than anti-D, 3.7 percent
4 days. In four cases the additional antibodies were (Table 4).
detected in cord blood. In none of these 56 pregnancies Icterus occurred in 25 percent and phototherapy was
was a blood transfusion given between screening and given in 17 percent in case the child was born from an
delivery. In 40 of these 56 pregnancies the child was index pregnancy at risk of HDFN due to antibodies other
antigen positive for 43 additional maternal antibodies than anti-D, compared to 10 percent icterus and 5 percent
detected after the first screen (anti-D, 2; anti-c, 16; anti-C, treatment with phototherapy in children born from index
3; anti-Cw, 1; anti-E, 4; anti-K, 1; anti-Fya, 5; anti-Fyb, 2; pregnancies not at risk for HDFN. Similarly, in controls,
anti-Jka, 4; anti-Jkb, 1; anti-S, 2; anti-s, 2) and in 16 preg- icterus occurred in 10 percent and was treated with
nancies antigen negative for 17 additional antibodies phototherapy in 4 percent (data not shown). The mean
(anti-c, 1; anti-C, 1; anti-Cw, 3; anti-E, 1; anti-K, 2; anti-Kpa, gestational age at delivery was 278.0 days (SD 10.7) in con-
1; anti-Fya, 1; anti-S, 1; anti-Wra, 4; anti-Cob, 1; anti-Vw, 1). trols, 275.3 days (SD 18.7) in cases not at risk (p = 0.008,
Hence, in 40 women immunization occurred in the compared to controls); and 273.5 days (SD 19.4) in cases at
current pregnancy or was boosted in the current preg- risk (p < 0.001, compared to controls; p = 0.165 compared
nancy after immunization in the past. to cases not at risk).
Anti-c was the most frequent late-detected additional
antibody (17 of 56 pregnancies): in 13 of these 17 pregnan-
cies anti-c was found in addition to screen-detected Risk of occurrence of HDFN in index pregnancies,
anti-E; 16 children were typed c+ and 1 c–; and 170 of 794 related to antigen positivity of the child
index pregnancies concerned c– women, without anti-c. In 85 percent of index pregnancies, the cord blood
In 25 of these, the father was also c–, hence the prevalence samples (n = 716) were typed for the corresponding
of “pregnancy-induced” anti-c was 14 percent in the 145 antigen after birth or were genotyped with DNA from a
pregnancies that were at risk because the father was c+. buccal swab (n = 47). In three children, the phenotype of
M or N antibodies of the IgM class showed a preva- the child was not compatible with that of the purported
lence of 130 in 100,000 (95% CI, 112-148 in 100,000), with father: one child was “unexpectedly positive” (anti-E,
no switch to IgG. In none of these pregnancies (including without clinical consequences) and two children “unex-
negative controls) were other clinically relevant RBC anti- pectedly negative” (anti-S, anti-c plus -E).
bodies detected upon follow-up serologic monitoring, or Table 3 shows the outcome of severe HDFN, includ-
at birth in the cord blood. ing cord blood Hb and Hct levels and nontreated or
treated icterus. In K+ and c+ children, the risk for severe
HDFN was 26 and 10 percent, respectively. Children with
HDFN in screen-detected index pregnancies K-, c-, and Rh-antibodies other than anti-c, -D, or -E and
Severe HDFN, with a need for IUT or exchange transfusion Duffy alloantibodies had icterus more often and photo-
in the first week, occurred in 21 of 567 index pregnancies therapy more often than did controls at birth. As expected,
at risk of HDFN associated with antibodies other than antigen-negative children, born from index pregnancies
anti-D; the HDFN was caused by anti-K, anti-c, or, less at risk for HDFN, showed a risk for occurrence of icterus
frequently, by other Rh antibodies (Table 3). One severe and need for phototherapy similar to that of children born

Volume 48, May 2008 TRANSFUSION 945

TABLE 2. Prevalence of clinically relevant alloantibodies other than anti-D, identified upon first-trimester screening, related to the risk of occurrence of
HDFN because the father is positive for the corresponding antigen (September 1, 2002-June 1, 2003, and October 1, 2003-July 1, 2004)
Phenotype of the father At risk for HDFN

Dominant alloantibody specificity Prevalence,* number Number Number Number Prevalence,* number
other than anti-D Number per 100,000 (95% CI) negative hetero† homo† Number?‡ Number per 100,000 (95% CI)
Kell antibodies 242 79 (69-89) 196 31 6 9 46 15 (11-19)
K 212
Kpa 4
K plus c 2
K plus other than anti-c or -D 24
Anti-c 152 50 (42-58) 6 63 74 9 146 48 (40-56)
c 93
c plus E 47

Volume 48, May 2008

c plus other than anti-D, -K, or -E 12
Anti-E 289 95 (84-105) 108 140 26 15 181 59 (51-68)
E 270
E plus other than anti-c, -D, or -K 19
Rh antibodies other than anti-c, -D, or -E 133 44 (36-51) 79 27 22 5 54 18 (13-22)
C 21
Cw 82
e 9
f 1
Combination of above 11
Combination of above plus other antibodies 9
Duffy antibodies 69 23 (17-28) 12 40 14 3 57 19 (14-23)
Fya 60
Fyb 1
Fya plus other 8
Kidd antibodies 43 14 (10-18) 1 16 25 1 42 14 (10-18)
Jka 39
Jkb 2
Jka plus other 2
Ss antibodies 53 17 (13-22) 10 26 10 7 43 14 (10-18)
S 43
s 5
S plus other 5
Antibodies other than Rh, Kell, Fy, 21 7 (4-10) 6 7 4 4 15 5 (2-7)
Jk, Ss antibodies
Other 20
Combination other 1
Total 1002 328 (307-348) 418 350 181 53 584 191 (176-207)
* Denominator of prevalence = the estimated number of pregnant women in Week 12 in study period, or 305,700.
† Hetero = heterozygously positive and homo = homozygously positive for at least one alloantibody specificity.
‡ ? = phenotype information unavailable.
TABLE 3. Outcomes index pregnancies and controls, according to antigen status of the child (liveborn only, n = 1387)
Dominant Severe HDFN§ Hb of cord blood Hct of cord blood Icterus|| Phototherapy
alloantibody (n = 1387) (n = 1020) (n = 913) (n = 1379) (n = 1384)
specificity Total, Number of Number of Number of Mean (SD), <Mean – <Mean – Days
other than anti-D* Number number (%) IUTs¶ ETs BTs g/dL** 2SD, % Mean (SD) 2SD, % Number % Number % mean
Antigen positive† 403
Anti-K 19 5 (26.3)a 4 1 0 14.9 (2.7) 8.3 0.47 (0.11)f 18.2g 7 37k 8 42a 3.4
Anti-c 118 12 (10.2)a 1 6 5 14.9 (1.9)c 11.4g 0.49 (0.08)c 8.5i 46 39a 39 33a 4.3m
Anti-E 95 2 (2.1)b 0 1 1 15.2 (1.7) 2.7 0.50 (0.06)g 1.5 26 27a 18 19a 2.4
Anti-Rh other than 40 2 (5.0)b 0 2 0 14.8 (1.5)d 2.9 0.49 (0.07)r 9.7 12 30a 8 20a 4.0
-c, -D, -E
Duffy antibodies 42 0 — — — 16.0 (2.0) 0.0 0.52 (0.08) 4.5 11 26b 6 14m 5.0n
Anti-A/-B‡ 30 0 — — — 14.7 (2.0)e 7.4 0.48 (0.11)h 12.0j 4 13 3 10 3.0
Other 59 0 — — — 15.2 (1.8) 4.2 0.51 (0.06) 0.0 11 19l 4 7 2.5
Controls and antigen 964 0 15.5 (1.7) 2.4 0.52 (0.07) 102 11 39 4 2.8
negative children†
Unknown antigen† 20†† 0 — — — No data No data 3 16 2 19
* Dominant alloantibody specificity: for ranking, see definitions.
† If the antigen typing result of the child was unknown, children of homozygously positive fathers were considered as antigen positive and children of antigen-negative fathers as antigen
‡ Detected in cord blood in controls and children antigen negative for all other maternal alloantibody specificities.
§ Severe HDFN: perinatal death, need for IUT, and/or exchange and/or top-up transfusion < 168 hours after birth because of RBC alloantibodies.
|| Recognized icterus: a score of “significant” on the icterus scoring list for at least 1 day on two or three variables (face, belly, sclerae). This scoring list was completed by the caregiver
during 6 days. If no scoring list was available, the retrospectively reported degree of icterus during the first week was used.
¶ IUT = one or more intrauterine transfusions, in some cases followed by ET and/or BT. ET = one or more exchange transfusions, no IUT, in some cases followed by BT. BT = blood trans-
fusion, 168 hours after birth, no IUT or ET.
** Measured in mmol/L; 1 mmol/L = 1.6 g/dL.
†† Maternal antibodies: anti-E (n = 7); Rh antibodies other than anti-c, -D, or -E (n = 2); or other (n = 11).
p values calculated for each alloantibody specificity compared to controls: a p < 0.001; b p = 0.002; c p = 0.001; d p = 0.014; e p = 0.019; f p = 0.028; g p = 0.035; h p = 0.004; i p = 0.011;
p = 0.032; k p = 0.003; l p = 0.05; m p = 0.009; n p = 0.016.

Volume 48, May 2008


TABLE 4. Prevalence of severe HDFN associated with antibodies other than anti-D, screen-detected (September
1, 2002-June 1, 2003, and October 1, 2003-July 1, 2004) and screen-undetected (January 1, 2003-January 1,
Severe HDFN*, caused by
alloantibodies other than anti-D
Antibodies responsible
Pregnancies ⱖ 16 weeks for HDFN anti-
Dominant alloantibody other Number at Number per 100,000
than anti-D, first-trimester screen All (number) risk for HDFN Number population† (95%-CI)
Screen detected 233 43 5 1.7 (0.2-3.1)
K 4
K plus c 1
Screen undetected None 0
Screen detected 147 142 12 4.0 (1.7-6.3)
c 10
E plus c 1
c plus A 1
Screen undetected 5 1.3 (0.2-2.4)
c 3
c plus E 2
Screen detected 281 174 2 0.7 (0-1.6)
c plus E‡ 1
E plus B 1
Screen undetected 2
E 2 0.5 (0-1.2)
Rh antibodies other than anti-c, -D, -E
Screen detected 132 53 2 0.7 (0-1.6)
Screen undetected e 1
C plus Jka 1 0
Duffy antibodies
Screen detected 69 57 None 0
Screen undetected None 0
Screen detected 115 98 None 0
Screen undetected 1
Miltenberger 1 0.3 (0-0.8)
Screen detected 977 567 21 7.0 (4.0-10.1)
Screen undetected 8 2.0 (0.6-3.4)
All 9.1 (6.1-12.1)
* Severe HDFN: for definition see Table 3.
† Prevalence in population: denominators: detected = 298,000, estimated number of pregnancies ⱖ 16 weeks in study period (1.5 years);
undetected = 393,500, estimated number of pregnancies ⱖ 16 weeks in 2003 and 2004 (2 years).
‡ Additional anti-c detected in Week 20.

from control pregnancies and from index pregnancies not no mortality in 13 pregnancies with unknown outcome)
at risk. Hb and Hct in cord blood were significantly lower and 0.20 percent (1/489), respectively. Causes of death in
for antigen-positive children with anti-c; Rh antibodies 19 index pregnancies (of which 14 at risk of HDFN) were
other than anti-c, -D, or -E; and anti-A or anti-B. Cord hypertensive disorders and/or abruptio placentae (n = 5),
blood Hb results of children who were transfused antena- preterm birth (n = 5), congenital malformations (n =
tally were excluded; the Hb levels of these fetuses before 2), placental problems (n = 3), hydatidiform mole (n = 1),
the first IUT varied from 5.1 to 8.0 g per dL. twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (n = 1), and unknown
(n = 2).

Perinatal mortality in index pregnancies and

controls Severe HDFN in screen-undetected cases
Although we did not observe perinatal mortality directly The coverage validation study identified eight cases of
caused by HDFN, perinatal mortality occurring at at least severe HDFN, all with a negative screen at the first
22 weeks in children from index pregnancies was six times trimester; seven of eight infants needed an exchange
higher than in controls: 1.21 percent (12/991, assuming transfusion because of anti-c (n = 3), anti-c and anti-E

948 TRANSFUSION Volume 48, May 2008


TABLE 5. Diagnostic performance of first-trimester RBC alloantibody screen for detecting HDFN caused by
antibodies other than anti-D*
Positive predictive
value first-trimester
Dominant alloantibody specificity Severe HDFN† RBC alloantibody screen‡
first-trimester screen Sensitivity Specificity Severe HDFN Phototherapy§ Icterus§
Anti-K 100 11.6 (2.0-21.2) 21.7 (8.0-35.3) 18.0 (5.3-30.7)
Anti-c 76.2 (55.2-97.2) 8.5 (3.9-13.0) 26.0 (18.4-33.5) 24.8 (17.4-32.2)
Anti-E 57.1 (5.3-100) 1.1 (0-2.7) 10.5 (5.8-15.2) 13.7 (8.4-18.9)
Rh antibodies other than 100 3.8 (0-8.9) 6.4 (0-13.3) 10.2 (1.7-18.8)
anti-c, -D, or -E
Anti-Duffy No patients 0 9.7 (1.6-17.8) 12.9 (3.7-22.1)
Other 0 0 1.7 (0-4.4) 6.6 (1.4-11.9)
Total 77.8 (62.1-93.5) 99.82 (99.80-99.83) 3.7 (2.1-5.3) 13.2 (10.3-16.1) 15.2 (12.1-18.3)
* Data are reported as % (95% CI).
† Severe HDFN: for definition see Table 3.
‡ Positive test = clinically relevant antibodies other than anti-D with pregnancy at risk for HDFN (father antigen positive/antigen typing
§ Adjusted for antibody-unrelated icterus and phototherapy.

(n = 2), or anti-E (n = 2), respectively (Table 4). One of the relevant antibodies other than anti-D (index pregnancies)
children (anti-c plus anti-E) suffered from kernicterus versus 1.7 percent (7/412) of the controls (p < 0.001). For 1
with a maximum bilirubin level of 1109 mmol per L and of the 55 mothers who received transfusions, the pretrans-
showed permanent severe brain damage at 1 year. fusion serologic analysis showed additional antibodies,
Another child (anti-c) had an intracerebral bleeding, not detected during laboratory monitoring at the refer-
caused by asphyxia, possibly related to the severe prenatal ence laboratory (anti-Cw and anti-s). No antibodies, rel-
anemia (Hb 2.4 mmol/L = 3.8 g/dL). At 1 year, the progno- evant for transfusion, were detected in controls. The
sis was still unclear. One child only needed a top-up trans- sensitivity of the current program for detecting all
fusion because of anti-Miltenberger, a low-incidence transfusion-relevant antibodies was 98 percent (65/66). In
antigen. In this child other unrelated morbidity contrib- the majority of women who received transfusions with
uted to the observed anemia. The prevalence of severe clinically relevant antibodies other than anti-D (36/55,
HDFN with negative antibody screens was 2 in 100,000, 66%), the screening early in pregnancy was the first occa-
leading to a total prevalence of 9 in 100,000 (Table 4). sion at which the RBC antibodies were detected in the
mother; in only 19 of 55 index pregnancies the presence of
the RBC antibodies was already known.
Diagnostic performance of the screening program In 13 percent (7/55) of the women with clinically rel-
for detecting severe HDFN evant antibodies, other than anti-D, who received a blood
The sensitivity of the current program for detecting severe transfusion around delivery, the presence or specificity of
HDFN associated with antibodies other than anti-D was the antibodies was not known by the transfusion labora-
77.8 percent (Table 5). The specificity was 99.8 percent. tory of the hospital where the transfusion was given. This
The positive predictive value for detecting severe HDFN, concerned anti-K (n = 2), anti-c, anti-c plus -E, anti-S,
phototherapy, and icterus was 3.7, 13.2, and 15.2 percent, anti-Cw, and anti-Vw, including one case in which the
respectively, depending on alloantibody specificity, the specificity of the antibodies, detected by the antibody
highest positive predictive values being for anti-K. To screen, was known, but not that of additional antibodies
detect one fetus at risk for severe HDFN, the number of detected later in pregnancy.
pregnant women needed to be screened was approxi-
mately 15,000, the number of women needed to be
screened to detect an IUT-dependent case was 60,000, and Ethnicity
the number of women needed to be screened to detect
No role of ethnicity-related heterogeneity could be estab-
one case needing IUT and/or exchange transfusion was
lished in any of the results.

Blood transfusion during pregnancy and delivery DISCUSSION

to the mother This is the first report of a large prospective cohort study
A blood transfusion during pregnancy or delivery was on the epidemiology of alloantibodies, other than anti-D,
given to 6.1 percent (55/897) of the mothers with clinically in pregnancy and on the effectiveness of a single general

Volume 48, May 2008 TRANSFUSION 949


first-trimester screening program for such antibodies. We The nationwide design with full collaboration of all
found a 1:80 prevalence of positive antibody screens and caregivers and laboratories allowed for an unbiased esti-
a 1:300 prevalence of clinically relevant alloantibodies, mate of all principal variables. The following caveats
other than anti-D, primarily of the specificities anti-E, -K, can be recognized: 1) The retrospective identification of
and -c; a 1:500 prevalence of pregnancies with alloanti- screen-negative patients with severe HDFN may be
bodies other than anti-D at risk of HDFN (father antigen incomplete because of undiagnosed HDFN after death of
positive); a performance of moderate diagnostic value of a fetus and unintentional incomplete responses. There-
first-trimester screening to detect these at-risk pregnan- fore, the calculated sensitivity of the screening may in fact
cies (approx. 75% sensitivity, close to 100% specificity); be slightly lower than reported. 2) The ultimate benefit of
excellent outcome in detected cases; and, of eight cases of RBC alloantibody screening also rests on the effectiveness
HDFN due to antibodies other than anti-D, with negative and side effects of treatment and the absence of overtreat-
RBC antibody screens, at least one case with causally ment. The observational data suggest sufficient effective-
related poor outcome. The sensitivity of detecting all anti- ness and lack of serious side effects. IUT appeared safe (no
bodies, relevant in case of blood transfusion to the mother consequences observed at the age of 1 year) as was
during delivery, was 98 percent. already known from the literature,32 and overtreatment
Comparison of our results with other studies is ham- with phototherapy is unlikely, given the same prevalence
pered by the fact that screening protocols are heteroge- of phototherapy in antigen-negative children of pregnan-
neous or nonexact or that the definitions of a clinically cies at risk of HDFN, caused by antibodies other than
relevant alloantibody is lacking and, most importantly, by anti-D, compared to children 1) from screen-positive
the use of preselected high risk study populations with an pregnancies not at risk or 2) from screen-negative
unknown relation to the prevalence in the general popu- pregnancies.
lation level.19-24 Our study can best be compared with two In terms of the criteria of Wilson and Jüngner,12
regional Swedish studies25,26 in unselected populations, in HDFN, caused by antibodies other than anti-D, in our
which slightly different screening protocols were applied. study, concerns a nonnegligible perinatal entity with cur-
The prevalences of clinically relevant alloantibodies other rently 7 to 8 severe cases per 100,000 pregnancies. Mortal-
than anti-D in these studies were 0.24 percent (188/ ity and long-term morbidity due to severe HDFN are rare
778,300) and 0.15 percent (171/111,939), respectively; it is in cases detected by screening. Without such a screening
not clear whether only pregnancies at risk were included, program, fetal death due to severe intrauterine anemia is
but we assume that this is in fact the case, taking into likely to occur in approximately 2 in 100,000 pregnancies,
account the proportion of antigen-negative children and where now IUT is life-saving because the risk of occur-
the prevalence of alloantibodies of the different specifici- rence of HDFN is detected in time. The effect on long-term
ties. The prevalences of severe HDFN, due to antibodies morbidity depends on adequate detection of icterus in the
other than anti-D, were 0.03 and 0.02 percent, respec- newborn. The unfavorable outcome in at least 1 and prob-
tively. These data fit well with our data. ably 2 of 8 screen-undetected cases suggests that in the
The observed sensitivity of the Dutch screening absence of screening, 2 to 4 in 100,000 children are at risk
program for detecting severe HDFN, caused by antibodies for a delayed diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia and subse-
other than anti-D, with a single first-trimester screening quent kernicterus. This is particularly true if postnatal
was approximately 75 percent, for which we could not monitoring by a caregiver is limited, as is true in many
find comparable estimates. To increase sensitivity one countries, the Netherlands included.
might consider a second screening in pregnancy. In the The fact that 1 case of severe HDFN, caused by anti-
literature, however, no cases of severe HDFN were ever bodies other than anti-D, is detected by screening 15,000
detected by a second screening of D+ women, most likely women is comparable to other pre- and postnatal screen-
due to the small numbers of women included.27-29 Simi- ing programs, and justifies RBC antibody screening, if data
larly, in one of our academic hospitals, we detected, by a on remaining criteria (e.g., costs) essentially do not differ
second screening of 5800 women before delivery, a from those of accepted programs. Furthermore, by screen-
maximum of 10 cases of new alloantibodies, other than ing in the first trimester anti-D will also be detected with a
anti-D, none of which caused HDFN (J.M. Koelewijn, per- similar benefit of early diagnosis of severe HDFN, caused
sonal communication, 2004). by antibodies other than anti-D. In particular, in our study,
In 7 percent of the index pregnancies, later in preg- anti-c was associated with the 25 percent “missed” cases
nancy “new” additional antibodies were detected, of of severe HDFN.
which 70 percent probably developed because of expo- At the size of a nationwide program, the sensitivity
sure to antigen-positive fetal cells during the current would increase by a relevant degree, if a second screening
pregnancy. This confirms a high rate of further alloimmu- in screen-negative c– women only (approx. 18% of the
nization in patients who are already alloimmunized, that population33) would be introduced. A second screening
is, after blood transfusion30 and IUT.31 for all pregnant women is a common policy in many coun-

950 TRANSFUSION Volume 48, May 2008


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