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Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal Vol. 8(Spl. Edn.), 545-548 (Oct.


Nutrition and Oral Health - (Review)


Department of Public Health Dentistry, Tagore Dental College and Hospital,

Rathinamangalam, Vandalur post, Chennai - 600107, India.
*Corresponding author E-mail:


(Received: August 15, 2015; accepted: September 20, 2015)


Nutrition and health of oral tissues have an interdependent relationship. The well-being of
the oral tissues, the quantity and quality of saliva and the dimension of taste depend on the intake
of nutrients. Oral health determines the type of food consumed and ultimately the nutritional level.
This review of literature aims to outline this interdependent relationship between the health of oral
tissues and the nutrition.

Ke ywords: Nutrition, dental diseases, nutritional deficiency

INTRODUCTION infectious diseases. However, the most significant

effect of nutrition on teeth is the local action of diet
“Life is not merely being alive, but being well.” in the mouth on the development of dental caries
Marcus ValeriusMartialis and enamel erosion.2
Nutrition affects the development of the
teeth and the development and maintenance of the A nutritious diet, including adequate
oral tissues. Often, the very early signs of amounts of protein, vitamins, essential fatty acids
suboptimum nutritional status are first seen in the and Micronutrients, can play an important role in
mouth, which has been described as a “mirror of the resistance to infectious conditions including
nutritional status.” Dental health professionals are periodontitis. 3, 4
therefore in a position to be the first to notice
compromised nutrition, and a sound knowledge of The burden of dental diseases
the symptoms and signs will enable them to take Dental diseases are a costly burden to
the appropriate action.1 health care services. The treatment of dental caries
is expensive for governments of both developed
Oral health is related to diet in many ways, and developing countries and costs between 5
for example, nutritional influences on craniofacial and 10% of total health care expenditures in
development, oral cancer and oral infectious industrialised countries exceeding the cost of
diseases. Dental diseases impact considerably on treating cardiovascular disease, cancer and
self-esteem and quality of life and are expensive to osteoporosis. In most developing low-income
treat. The objective of this paper is to review the countries, the prevalence rate of dental caries is
evidence for an association between nutrition, diet high and more than 90% of caries is untreated.5
and dental diseases and to present dietary
recommendations for their prevention. Nutrition The impact of dental diseases on quality of life
affects the teeth during development and Despite a low mortality rate associated
malnutrition may exacerbate periodontal and oral with dental diseases, they have a considerable
546 LEELAVATHI et al., Biomed. & Pharmacol. J., Vol. 8(Spl. Edn.), 545-548 (Oct. 2015)

impact on self-esteem, eating ability, nutrition and (3–10 years of age) who are generally immune
health both in childhood and older age. compromised by malnutrition and common tropical
infections. If not promptly treated, ANG and other
Teeth are impor tant in enabling oral inflammatory lesions in malnourished children
consumption of a varied diet and in preparing the may evolve into noma (cancrumoris).5 This is a
food for digestion. In Modern society, the most dehumanizing orofacial gangrene that destroys
important role of teeth is to enhanceappearance, the soft and hard tissues of the oral and Para oral
facial appearance is very important in determining structures.5
an individual’s integration into society. Teeth also
play an important role in speech and To summarize the main issues in this review
communication.5 1. Dental structures are influenced by
nutritional status only during the period of
The second International Collaborative tooth formation. Thereafter, deficient nutrition
Study of Oral Health Systems (ICSII) revealed that has no direct influence on tooth structure (but
in all countries covered by the survey substantial may influence the supporting structures of
numbers of children and adults reported impaired the teeth and the oral mucosa).
social Disease, such as avoiding laughing or 2. Adequate early feeding programs in
smiling due to poor perceived appearance of developing countries are important in
teeth.5 avoiding enamel defects and compromised
salivary secretion, both of which may
Nutrition and oral infectious diseases increase susceptibility to dental caries, the
Malnutrition consistently impairs innate latter having more widespread oral
and adaptive defences of the host, including consequences.
phagocytic function, cell mediated immunity, 3. The early signs of nutritional deficiencies are
complement system, secretory antibody, and seen in the oral soft tissues and include
cytokine production and function. In PEM, there are thinning, inflammation, and ulceration.
marked changes in the oral microbial ecology Malnutrition also impairs immune responses
resulting in a preponderance of pathogenic and may predispose to life-threatening
anaerobic organisms, increased propensity of diseases of the oral soft tissues such as
bacteria to bind to oral mucosal cells, attenuation noma.
of acute phase protein response, and dysfunction 4. Oral cancer is the fifth most common cancer
of the cytokine system. Cellular depletion of worldwide, and there is good evidence that
antioxidant nutrients promotes immuno vitamin C is protective, but evidence for other
suppression, accelerated replication rate of vitamins is less consistent. However, vitamin
ribonucleic acid viruses and increased disease C may serve as a proxy for other bioactive
progression. Therefore, malnutrition can intensify components in fruits and vegetables; there
the severity of oral infections and may lead to their is an increasing body of evidence that
evolution into life-threatening diseases. The impact suggests that diets high in fruits and some
on oral health of malnutrition was recently reviewed vegetables protect against oral cancer.
by Enwonwu et al.7 5. An optimal nutritional status is important in
reducing the origin and severity of
Among the suspected causative factors periodontal disease but is likely to be of
are increased oral burden of free glucocorticoids limited value if the stimuli from dental plaque
and impaired host defense of saliva. No are notremoved. Further research is needed
inflammatory oral lesions underscore the in order to identify to what extent dietary
association between malnutrition and oral health modification And /or supplementation will
as lucidly as acute necrotizing gingivitis (ANG) and modulate periodontal disease and tooth loss.
noma (cancrumoris). ANG is a craterlike lesion 6. Nutritional status and oral health are
involving the interproximal gingival papillae and reciprocally related, and each one affects
predominantly affects impoverished young children the other—a downturn in nutrition impairs
Table 1: Effect of nutritional deficiency on oral health 6, 7

Nutrient Dietary Source Function Oral sign of deficiency

Vitamin A Carotenoids (found in Epithelial differentiation. Gingivitis, Periodontitis Hyperplasia of the gingiva.
dark-green and yellow.
Thiamin (B1) Wheat flour and breakfast Coenzyme thiamine Cracked lips A satin looking gingiva and tongue ,
cereals, eggs. pyrophosphate Angular cheilosis
Riboflavin Dairy products and eggs Flavoproteins coenzymes Inflammation of the tongue
(B2) whole grains. involved energymetabolism.
Niacin (B3) Dairy products, liver, Nucleotide coenzyme Fiery red inflammation of the tongue Angular cheilosis
meat,eggs, yeast. involved in energy metabolism; Ulcerative gingivitis
Vitamin B12 Meat, fish, eggs, dairy Purine and pyrimidine Angular cheilosis Halitosis Bone loss Hemorrhagic
products synthesis gingivitis Detachment of periodontal fibers Painful
ulcers in the mouth
Vitamin B6 Liver, meat, fish, whole Coenzyme involved in Teeth or bone decay Periodontal disease. Anemia
grains, milk, amino acid metabolism; Sore tongue Burning sensation in the oral cavity.
folate Liver, kidney, green leafyvegetables, Purine and pyrimidine Glossitis; Stomatosis; Recurrent aphthae; Angular
oranges fortified breakfast cereals synthesis. cheilitis; Candidiasis
Vitamin C Citrus fruits, berries, Antioxidant involved in Bleeding gums,Mobile teeth,
potatoes, green vegetables redox reactions; Delayed wound healing.
Vitamin D Oily fish, fortified Calcium homeostasis Hypoplasia if deficiency occurs during tooth
margarine, eggs, sunlight Mineralization. Absence of lamina dura. Abnormal
alveolar bone patterns
Vitamin E Vegetable oils, sunflower An antioxidant None
seeds, whole grains, eggs
Vitamin K Vegetables, pulses, liver Formation of clotting factors Gingival bleeding; Post extraction hemorrhage
Iron Meat, fish, dark-green hemoglobin and myoglobin Very red, painful tongue with a burning sensation
vegetables, pulses cocoa, formation enzyme component
fortified cereals breakfast. Dysphagia Angular cheilosis. Mucosal atrophy
increases susceptibility to carcinoma) Candidosis
LEELAVATHI et al., Biomed. & Pharmacol. J., Vol. 8(Spl. Edn.), 545-548 (Oct. 2015)

Zinc Shellfish, fish, meat, poultry, dairyproduct A component of >70 enzymes Taste disturbances May be protective
selenium Richest source is animal Enzyme component in against oral cancer (high levels protects
products glutathione peroxidase. promote caries
548 LEELAVATHI et al., Biomed. & Pharmacol. J., Vol. 8(Spl. Edn.), 545-548 (Oct. 2015)

oral function, and this in turn compromises relates to oral health. Nutritional risk evaluation
nutritional well-being. should be done during initial and periodic dental
examination. Monitoring and follow-up should
CONCLUSION include periodic diet recall to evaluateCounseling
outcome. To achieve the overall health of an
Malnutrition can cause poor oral health individual, oral health guidelinesand questions
and poor oral health can indirectly cause about oral health problems and the use of dental
malnutrition. To break this vicious circle, good prostheses should be incorporated into nutritional
nutritional habits must be imbibed. Dentists should assessment protocol.
be responsible for counseling patients on diet as it


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