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People today tend to have high daily expenses, for example on cable subscriptions, transport
and mobile phone bills. The need to pay bills drives people to consider saving money, even wealthy
people consider saving money.

First, for emergency funds. Unexpected things can happen, such as car repairs and hospital bills
due to vehicular accidents, a sudden loss of job, extra tuition for a school field trip, and an invitation to a
friend’s wedding party.

Second, education is important and necessary for better future, for oneself and one’s offspring.
These days, the better the education, the higher the tuition will be. Moreover, tuition from primary
school to university increases each year. Without saving money, paying tuition will be so hard that
sometimes people decide not to continue their studies due to a lack of funds.

Third, people need to save money for retirement. Life still goes on when people retire from a
job, so they will need to save money to fulfill their daily needs.

Finally, that last reason for saving money is for entertainment. Travelling on a holiday or hanging
out with friends at a café is needed to relieve stress after working for a long time.

Those are the four reasons why saving our money is important. Remember the proverb
“forewarned is forearmed.”

1. Find out the meaning of the following terms and find the example of each of them from the text!
- General idea: the general though of a text that tells the reader the outline of the text
: the general idea of the text is telling the readers the benefit of saving
- Main idea: the most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of text, which
tells the reader what the text is about.
: the benefit of saving for education (paragraph 3)
- Topic sentence: a sentence that introduces a paragraph by presenting the one topic that will be
the focus of that paragraph
: second, education is important and necessary for better future, for oneself and
one’s offspring. (paragraph 3)
- Thesis statement: a one or two sentences encapsulation of your paper’s main point, main idea
or main message.
: People today tend to have high daily expenses, for example on cable
subscriptions, transport and mobile phone bills. The need to pay bills drives people to consider
saving money, even wealthy people consider saving money. (paragraph 1)
- Supporting sentences: the supporting sentence of a paragraph develop the main idea you
presented in the topic sentence.
: Unexpected things can happen, such as car repairs and hospital bills due
to vehicular accidents, a sudden loss of job, extra tuition for a school field trip, and an invitation
to a friend’s wedding party. (paragraph 2).
2. Analytical Exposition Text
- Purpose : to persuade the reader or listener that there is something that,
certainly, needs to get attention. 
- Generic Structure : thesis, arguments, conclusion
- Language Features : using the simple present tense, use words that express the author's
thoughts or feelings, using the internal conjunction, which is a conjunction, using causal
conjunctions (reason-why) or cause-and-effect

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