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Study At Home During This Pandemic Situation

In my opinion, study at home activities during this inexorable pandemic situation is actually
very useful. Why? because in this kind situation we are not allowed to do much activity outside,
include studying at school. So, by being held study from home it will help students on learning.
Although the lesson given and received will not be as optimal as during normal learning and will
circumscribe communication between teachers and students, but at least it helps and of course
it’s better than doing nothing. I know that many people hope that the school will reopen
immediately. But in my point of view, schools should not be opened first, because soon this
pandemic will still be ongoing, and the dangers is extant. There are still many students
especially elementary school students who don’t care about this situation or they don’t even
understand what’s going on right now. Also, there is still some people who don’t do social
distancing and rarely wear mask. So, it is better if the government provides a policy that
learning from home will be extended. I know from some point of view there will be students
who have paucity and difficulties, such as a slow internet network or insufficient credit or
maybe several students don’t have an electronic device such as, laptop. In my opinion, this
problem should be handled by the school and the government. The school and government
should give or provide credit and if possible, schools can also lend electronic devices such as
laptops for students who are not well off from a financial perspective. As time goes by this
pandemic will pass and everything will return to normal, including schools. Because of that we
must have forbearance and don't act rashly

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