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September 6, 2019
(ENGR 3210)

Product / Service Description

 Company / Brand Name

PRESCO (Philippine Renewable Energy Source Corporation)

 Service Description

Electric Company that provides convenient power solutions to Rural and

Urban Areas of Nueva Ecija. Provides electric services as easy as possible to
those areas that still lack electric supply. Manage Power supply that primary
monitor the electricity spending, controls the flexibility of the electricity spend and
doesn’t overspend the use of the electricity. Apply sustainable living by
generating renewable energy source, innovative machineries and high-specs

The Company’s dedication to pursue excellence in corporate governance.

Its mandate is to support the Management in the formulation and implementation
programs and initiatives, and in monitoring compliance to achieve the highest
standards of competence and ethical culture among the company. Electrical
experts certified electricians and contractors who can help consumers with our
electric service application needs. Specialize in constructing the required service
entrance and in acquiring the Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection (CFEI) from
your local government so your home can be energized by PRESCO.

 Service Segmentation and Modification

 Guided by the principle of Leadership, Integrity, Fairness and Excellence

(LIFE). Aims to provide excellence and credibility surpasses the satisfaction
and conformity
 Anti-Corruption practices that emphasize the public and private entities
against money and gift-giving.
 Strengthen the board charter for its purposes, authority, duties and
responsibilities, structure and procedures, employee and customers.
 In line with the commitment to the principles of good corporate governance,
that ensure that the company has an appropriate mix of expertise,
experience, independence, and skills that would encourage critical discussion
and promote a balanced decision in the attainment of the Company’s
strategic objectives and sustainable development.
 PRESCO cares for your personal information and takes your privacy
seriously.  We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is
protected from collection to disposal. 
 Electric Service that provides the freewill of the consumers on how they
spend, loading and managing the electricity. It covers the transparency,
companionship and satisfaction.
 Feasible and accessibility of electricity service, areas far from business
environment, modifying and reactivating the service, enough supply of
electricity to prevent power interruption and control the service that given by
the company.
 Involves supply of Renewable Energy source generated by a solar panel that
tend to supply their everyday living and development of the service to more
areas that still lacks electric supply.
 PRESCO is determined to bring the light of hope to underserved communities
within and beyond the company franchise area, carrying out the company's
dream to make the future brighter for the Filipino people.

 Competitor Survey
PRESCO doesn’t have a direct competitor here in Nueva Ecija as it is the
first Solar Panel Corporation who provides electricity in some areas that still lack
of electric supply. Powered by solar panel which compose of different parts that
will able to generate electricity. Nueva Ecija only have a Solar Panel Provider,
which only sold solar panel individually but doesn’t provide service like the
PRESCO who have served over hundreds of houses in a certain community.
Located at Gen. M. Natividad, Nueva Ecija.

While PRESCO offers:

Product Details
Solar panels are the most visible element of our system, which is why
we’re likely the most familiar with it. They are, in essence, the “face” of solar.
The way that solar panels work is that the panels generate DC electricity
as sunlight, or solar irradiation, stimulates electrons to move though solar cells
that are in-built into the solar panels.
Contrary to what some may think, it is the sunlight itself, and not heat, that
generates the electricity. In fact, overheated panels can become less efficient,
similar to a computer overheating. T
here are a wide variety of solar panels on the market so knowing where to
start can be tricky. We’ll delve further into this in another article on another day,
but for now, let’s quickly go into the technology and products so that you can
better understand the options available to you right now.

Polycrystalline panels is used by our company where it consists of multiple

smaller crystals, can be light or dark blue in color and have variation in texture
where some patches are lighter than others. Each solar cell is an individual
energy conversion unit, which produces a DC voltage whenever it receives light.
By connecting the modules in one or more series circuits, their DC voltage output
can be aggregated into a single electric supply. 

The 80W panel provides much higher power demands and includes
bypass diodes to minimize the effect of shadows. It delivers maximum power in
the smallest module size saving weight and space. Suitable for powering many
higher power consumption devices. The 80-watt panel provides a continuous
trickle feed maintaining and extending the life of any 12-volt battery
High efficiency crystalline cell for "all weather" charging


Cable (5m), connectors, detailed installation instructions and a digital test

meter to enable the user to analyze the performance of both solar panel and


Solar “photovoltaic” panels use the power of the sun to generate electricity
and can be used in a variety of applications from calculators to homes. They are
most effective, versatile and cost saving in many commercial and leisure
applications for charging 12/24V batteries.
Solar panels provide power through batteries at off grid and isolated locations
and are widely used in critical telecommunications and telemetry applications.
Solar panels enable rapid installation of equipment at remote sites, either
temporary or permanent, avoiding the costs and inconvenience of grid
connection. They are designed for very low maintenance and longevity.


The daily power production of a solar panel can be calculated by

multiplying the panel’s peak power rating by between 0.5 and 6 depending on the
time of year, angle and location.


Solar panels are usually installed at a 55-65° angle for optimal

wintertime performance. For a year round power supply solar panels can be
combined with Wind chargers.

Solar panels can be connected in parallel to increase power and in series to

increase voltage.
To complete the system deep cycle batteries, a voltage regulator and electrical
cables are required to get up and running. A range of convenient mounting kits
are available for pole or wall mounting.

The building of the company constructed near the Community of the area
where we provide electric service in General Natividad, Nueva Ecija. The
distance is 8-10 km from the community and it takes 15-20 mins. in travel.


To build a strong power grid and maintain the best power utility practice in Nueva
Ecija, with the collective efforts of a national professional work force


To contribute to the nation's social and economic development and satisfy our
customers’ needs by efficiently developing and adequately operating the power
grid to provide reliable electricity transmission service


 To provide our customers the best value in energy, products and services
 Provide the customers with the highest quality products and services,
consistent with their requirements and with international standards.
 Treat the customers fairly, courteously and with integrity in all of its
business transactions;

PRESCO adheres to a strict safety policy at the workplace and
promotes safe practices in communities living near transmission facilities.

Reforestation and tree replacement programs are implemented by
PRESCO. PRESCO is mindful of its operations' impact on the environment
and ensures its sustainability in the light of modernization and

PRESCO sees education as a link for the youth towards a more
secure and progressive future. After all, these are not merely students we
are providing for these are tomorrow's leaders. As PRESCO strengthens the
increase production of electric supply, it is also committed to strengthening
the nation.

Our host community, our partners. PRESCO places premium on its
communities protecting its facilities. Through the construction of multi-
purpose halls, and other infrastructure, PRESCO guarantees that their basic
socio-economic needs, among others, are fulfilled.
 Plan to achieve the VMGO

PRESCO’s vision, mission, strategic objectives, policies and procedures

that guide its activities, including the mechanisms for effective monitoring of
Management’s performance.

 Performance
PRESCO strives to create and enhance value for all the customers,
employees, investors, and communities they serve. They proactively seek
and implement opportunities that drive and sustain higher levels of
organizational performance and growth, cost-effectiveness and efficient
delivery of services. Organizational agility, a sense of urgency and creativity
are key to achieving these.

 Accountability / Empowerment
PRESCO employees accept responsibility, assume ownership and
take full accountability for all their actions, in their decisions or behaviors in
the delivery of services and management of resources, in their public and
private spheres, regardless of their level in the organization.

 Integrity / Transparency
PRESCO is faithful to all responsibilities and obligations as
employees of a power and energy company; behaving at all times in
accordance with ethical and corporate governance standards.

 Teamwork / Collegiality
PRESCO upholds harmonious collaboration, synergy and motivation
among their people at all levels and across all activities; moving with a
greater sense of purpose and sharing responsibility for the Company’s
 Adherence
PRESCO’s employees identify themselves with the company; giving
total dedication and commitment to it, exemplified by performing their very
best in every endeavor; with great concern for the company, its resources,
customers, employees, investors and the communities they serve.
 Registration Requirement and Government Support Services
*National Grid Corporation of the Philippines - NGCP is the sole
transmission concessionaire in the country and is tasked to operate, maintain,
and further expand the national power grid as part of the reform in the local
power sector.
*Land Registration Authority - is an agency of the Philippine
government attached to the Department of Justice responsible for issuing
decrees of registration and certificates of title and register documents, patents
and other land transaction for the benefit of landowners, agrarian reform-
beneficiaries and the registering public in general; providing a secure, stable and
trustworthy record of land ownership and recorded interests therein so as to
promote social and economic well-being and contribute to the national
*Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)- is an agency of Department of
Finance. BIR collects more than half of the total revenues of the government.
Caesar Dulay is the current Commissioner of BIR. (Income Tax and Registration)
*Energy Regulatory Commission - ERC is an independent, quasi-
judicial and quasi-legislative regulatory body vested with broad regulatory and
monitoring functions over the Philippine electric industry to ensure its successful
restructuring and modernization, while, at the same time, promoting consumer
interest. (Certificate of Compliance)
*Department of Energy - is the executive department of the Philippine
Government responsible for preparing, integrating, manipulating, organizing,
coordinating, supervising and controlling all plans, programs, projects and
activities of the Government relative to energy exploration, development,
utilization, distribution and conservation. (Certificate of Endorsement)
*Local Government Unit (LGU)- Among the social services and facilities
that local government should provide, as stipulated in Section 17 of the Local
Government Code Department of Science and Technology - the executive
department of the Philippine Government responsible for the coordination of
science and technology-related projects in the Philippines and to formulate
policies and projects in the fields of science and technology in support of national
development. (Mayor’s and Barangay’s Permit)
*Registration with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
protects the rights and welfare of workers in the Philippines. It is of importance
to register with DOLE to avoid labor cases filed against your company. The
Department of Labor & Employment-National Capital Region (DOLE–NCR) is the
premier Regional Office responsible for the implementation of policies and
programs that promote gainful employment opportunities, develop human
resources, protect the welfare and advancement of workers, and maintain
harmonious industrial relations between and among the workers and employers.
*It depends on your membership type. SSS coverage is mandatory for
the employer, employed, self-employed, and OFW members, so they’re required
to pay the contribution. The Social Security Law mandates employers to deduct
monthly contributions from their employees’ salary and remit them along with
their share of contribution to the SSS. However, SSS coverage is optional for
voluntary and non-working spouse members. They’re not required to pay the
contribution, but they can do it to qualify for SSS benefits and loans. And even
when they fail to pay for several months, they’re still covered and entitled to any
benefit, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.

*The Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), more popularly known

as the Pag-IBIG Fund, is a Philippine government-owned and controlled
corporation under the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council responsible for the administration of the national savings program and
affordable shelter financing for Filipinos employed by local and foreign-based
employers as well as voluntary and self-employed members. It offers its
members short-term loans and access to housing programs. PAG-IBIG Fund is
a mutual fund developed for the primary purpose of providing affordable housing
program for the majority of Pinoys. Aside from housing, another goal of PAG-
IBIG Fund is to generate savings.
*The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation or Philhealth is a
government owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) founded on February 5,
1995. Its main goal is to ensure the health of every Filipino through social health
insurance regardless of social status: poor, rich, young, old, sick, healthy,
working or jobless.
*The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) of the Philippines is a government
agency whose role is to suppress and prevent the outbreak of destructive fires,
enforce relevant laws, and provide or help provide emergency medical and
rescue services.
*The law was enacted in 1965 to ensure for the safety of the public that
only qualified and reliable contractors are allowed to undertake construction in
the country, meaning those obtaining the Philippine Contractors Accreditation
Board (PCAB) License.
*The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) shall
be the primary government agency responsible for the conservation,
management, protection, proper use and sustainable development of the
country's environment and natural resources.
*Effectivity of the PSA is upon approval by the Energy Regulatory
Commission (ERC). Both parties are committed to file the ERC application for
approval of the PSA on or before October 20, and secure the ERC’s issuance of
a provisional authority, in time for an implementation of the PSA by January
*The purpose of Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) is to provide an
understanding of the project's progress so that appropriate corrective actions
can be taken when the project's performance deviates significantly from the
Since, paying for the electricity in advance, you will receive a billing
statement at the end of the month. Every day, your meter is read remotely that
reveals how much electricity was used and how much is left as your available
Tracking use since the electricity use is being monitored on a daily basis,
the consumer always knows how much electricity they’re using, how much it
costs, and how much remains in the balance. The daily alerts receive are quite

 Technology needed in the operation of Business

PRESCO takes special pride in design, supply, installation and

commission of commercial and domestic systems to march individual client's
specification and needs.
Solar “photovoltaic” panels use the power of the sun to generate electricity
and can be used in a variety of applications from calculators to homes. They are
most effective, versatile and cost saving in many commercial and leisure
applications for charging 12/24V batteries. Solar panels provide power through
batteries at off grid and isolated locations and are widely used in critical
telecommunications and telemetry applications.
Solar panels enable rapid installation of equipment at remote sites, either
temporary or permanent, avoiding the costs and inconvenience of grid connection.
They are designed for very low maintenance and longevity.

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