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AMVER Report Assignment

Assignment: Create two AMVER reports

Time needed: Approximately 60 minutes

The AMVER reports that need to be completed are:

• Sailing Plan
• Position Report

Due Date: please make sure to submit this assignment by April 9th at 2359. You may compose
both of these reports together and submit them in the same submission on Brightspace
(make sure to label your reports).

You will have to use the AMVER Manual (provided on Brightspace) and refer to the Amver
PowerPoint to complete these two reports. You must also use the information provided below
in your report:

Name of Vessel: Use your full name, make up your own call sign (ex. A/KEVIN CALNAN/YOLO//)

Time and Date: The current UTC time and date when completing this assignment

Course/Speed: 348T/19.3 knots

Voyage plan/waypoints:

Waypoint Waypoint Description LAT LONG CSE to ETA to WPT

Next WPT (UTC)
0 Pier 16° 20.0’ N 108° 01.0’ E 043T 07 APRIL 2000

1 Pilot Station/Sea Buoy 16° 20.9’ N 108° 01.3’ E 061T 07 APRIL 2100

2 C/C 18° 31.2’ N 110° 40.8’ E 348T 07 APRIL 2345

3 C/C 19° 08.5’ N 112° 33.7’ E 045T 08 APRIL 0200

4 C/C 20° 34.7’ N 113° 26.9’ E 000 T 08 APRIL 1200

5 C/C 21° 37.2’ N 113° 59.9’ E 017 T 09 APRIL 1200

6 Sea Buoy 22° 06.3’ N 114° 10.2‘ E 035 T 09 APRIL 2100
7 Pier 22° 18.4’ N 114° 12.7’ E 09 APRIL, 2300

Disclaimer: The voyage plan waypoints and ETAs are not real, it’s only for example purposes.
Destination: Hong Kong (22° 18.4’ N, 114°12.7 ’E)

ETA to destination: 09 April 2300Z (10 April 0600 LT)

Port of departure: Da Nang, Vietnam (16° 20.0’ N, 108° 01.0’ E)

Best method of contact: Inmarsat-C 294837

Medical staff onboard: One MD and one Nurse

The “X” line: Use this to declare the time of your next report. Your entry should look something
like this: X/NEXT REPORT AT 191253Z// (input the time and date accordingly)

For position report only, use this position, course and time:

19° 08.5’ N 112° 33.7’ E 045T 08 APRIL 0200 (UTC)

Helpful hints:

• Ensure to use all capital letters in this report, as this is how reports should be sent.

• When completing the sailing plan, remember only the “main” parts of the voyage plan
need to be included. You do not need to include the transit from the pier to sea buoy or
sea buoy to pier.

• You may find it more efficient to copy and paste the example reports found in the
Amver manual PDF on BrightSpace and update the necessary information (instead of
manually copying and typing the full report).

• If you can figure out how to use TurboWin or AmverSeas software, go for it! This is what
is used in the real world, but it may take a while to get installed and set up depending
on your situation. I would recommend doing these reports manually, it will take less

Grading: There are three possible grades for this assignment, counted as a quiz grade.

o 100% - report is complete and correct (a few errors is okay)

o 85% - report is incomplete, wrong information or has too many errors
o 0% - no submission received or report does not have correct format

Disclaimer: The voyage plan waypoints and ETAs are not real, it’s only for example purposes.

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