Challenges To National Security of Pakistan

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Challenges to National Security

of Pakistan
(changing security dynamics)

Imtiaz Shahid Introduction

(PAPs) 1. National security is a multi-dimensional
Chapter 28 2. For national security, a nation must possess
economic security, energy security and
environmental security, etc.
3. National security is required to maintain survival of
state through use of economic power, diplomacy,
power projection and political power.
4. Security threats not only include conventional foes
but also non state actors such as
a. Violent actors
b. Multinational corporations
c. NGOs
d. Natural disasters
Fast changing global and regional dynamics

Challenges to Pakistan National Security

1. Internally, Pakistan is facing enormous challenges
a. Terrorism
b. Sectarianism
c. Corruption
d. Economy
e. Energy crisis
f. Covid
2. Externally, pakistan is having security challenges
from regional and sub regional entities
a. India
i. Issue of Kashmir
ii. Establishment of consulate in
iii. Indian shelling on LOC
b. Afghanistan
i. Durand line
ii. Blame game of intervention
c. Iran
i. Society on sectarian lines
Pakistan security challenges in the Next Decade
1. Pakistan's highest priority should be to improve
internal security, otherwise it will adversely affect
its role at the international level
2. India
a. The current pattern of off-again, on-again will
persist during 2015-25
b. Little chance of India and pakistan
developing a shared view of regional security
c. Kashmir issue and water dispute will haunt
their relations
d. The notion of some kind of military action
against pakistan to keep paksitan under
psychological pressure.
3. Afghanistan
a. Weaken the capacity of kabul to cope with
b. Escalation of internal conflicts in afghanistan
c. Economic and social pressure on state and
society of pakistan
1. Strategies in consultation with
2. Strengthen border security
3. Do not expect too much from Afghanistan
4. Regular interaction with China
5. Periodic diplomatic mission to CAR
6. Stay away from ME regional conflicts.

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