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Foxboro Evo™

Process Automation System

Virtualization User's Guide for

Windows Server 2016

*B0700HD* *A*


Rev A
March 12, 2018
Schneider Electric, Foxboro, Foxboro Evo, and TriStation are trademarks of Schneider Electric SE, its
subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 2018 Schneider Electric.

All rights reserved.


Before using the Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc. supplied software supported by this docu-
mentation, you should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc. will no lon-
ger provide you with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your
system or its operation.
2. All software issued by Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc. and copies of the software
that you are specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal
copyright laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes men-
tioned in the software license.
Figures................................................................................................................................... vii

Tables.................................................................................................................................... xv

Safety Information .............................................................................................................. xvii

Preface.................................................................................................................................. xix
Revision Information ............................................................................................................. xix
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................ xix
Definitions and Acronyms ...................................................................................................... xx
Glossary ................................................................................................................................ xxii

1. Overview of Virtualization................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
Windows Server 2016 Benefits .................................................................................................. 1
Typical Virtualized System ................................................................................................... 4

2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems................................... 5

Supported Hosts for Virtual Machines ...................................................................................... 5
Site Planning ............................................................................................................................. 6
V91 Server Virtualization Host Recommendations and
Requirements for Foxboro Evo Systems with Virtualization ................................................. 6
Major Considerations and Differences in Physical Stations and Virtual Machines ................ 8
Network Alarm Planning for Foxboro Evo Systems with Virtualization ............................... 9
Sizing Requirements for Load Balancing V91 Server
Virtualization Host with Virtual Machines and Software .................................................... 10
Logical/Virtual CPU Availability for Virtual Machine Use on V91 Servers ........................ 11
Sizing Guidelines for the Number of Virtual/Logical CPUs to Use Per Virtual Machine .... 12
Configuration Recommendations ........................................................................................... 12
Role and Operation Restrictions for Foxboro Evo Users on Virtual Machines .................... 12

3. Physical V91 Server Setup ............................................................................................... 13

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V...................................................... 17

Virtual Networking on Windows Server 2016 Using Hyper-V Manager Setup ....................... 18
Creating the Virtual Network Switches .............................................................................. 20
First Virtual Network Switch ......................................................................................... 20
Second New Virtual Network Switch ............................................................................ 24
DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN) Connection ..................................... 25

B0700HD – Rev A Contents

Helping to Prevent MAC Address Duplication for Virtual Networks ................................. 29

Virtual Machine (VM) Using Hyper-V Manager Creation ...................................................... 29
Virtual Machine Time Synchronization Options Configuration ............................................. 39
Virtual Machine Behavior During the Host System Startup and Shutdown Configuration ..... 43
Configure Virtual Machine Behavior When the V91 Server
Virtualization Host Shuts Down ........................................................................................ 43
Configuration of Additional Network Interface Cards
for Use in Foxboro Evo Systems for a Virtual Machine Using Hyper-V Manager ................... 45
Virtual Machine Operating System Installation ....................................................................... 52
Configuring C:\ and D:\ Drive Partitioning Sizes for the Virtual Machine ......................... 55
Multiple CPU Cores on Stations with Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 or
Later or Non-Foxboro Evo (Off-Control Network) VM Stations ............................................ 56
Disabling Multiple CPU Cores on VM Stations ................................................................. 57
Identifying the Virtual Machine Network Adapters To Be
Connected to the Foxboro Evo Control Network ............................................................... 57
Windows Server 2016 Operating System Activation for Virtual Machines .............................. 64
Foxboro Evo Installation Media .............................................................................................. 65
Control Core Services on a Virtual Machine Installation ......................................................... 65
Post-Installation Procedures .................................................................................................... 67
Removing the Remote Desktop Services Role ..................................................................... 67
Enabling Audio for Remote Desktop Services Sessions .................................................. 76
Adding the Remote Desktop Client Access License ............................................................ 77
Starting Remote Desktop Services for Remote Access ......................................................... 77
Configuring Foxboro Evo Virtual Machine
Foxboro Evo Control Network Connections to be Static ................................................... 78
Foxboro Evo Control Software or Foxboro Control Software Installation ............................... 80
Antivirus Security Considerations for Virtualization ................................................................ 80

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines..................................................................... 81

Hyper-V Manager for Starting and Stopping VMs .................................................................. 81
Starting the VM ................................................................................................................. 81
Shutting down the VM ...................................................................................................... 83
State of Virtual Machines (VM) .............................................................................................. 84
Setup for Health Alerts for Physical V91 and Virtual Machines Running on V91 ................... 89
Health Alerts for Physical V91s .......................................................................................... 89
Health Alerts for Virtual Machines Running on V91s ........................................................ 91
Example ........................................................................................................................ 91
Observing Resource Utilization on the Physical V91 Host Server ........................................... 92
Task Manager Application ................................................................................................. 92
Accessing the Task Manager and Information Screens ................................................... 92
Resource Monitor ............................................................................................................. 100
Resource Utilization of Virtual Machines .............................................................................. 106

Contents B0700HD – Rev A

6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines.......... 111
V91 Full System Backup and Restore .................................................................................... 111
Virtual Machine Backup and Restore .................................................................................... 111
Backing up and Restoring Virtual Machines Using Veritas System Recovery .................... 112
Exporting and Importing a VM from One Windows Server 2016
V91 to another Windows Server 2016 V91 ...................................................................... 113
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard Re-Installation .................................................... 120

7. Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 121
Windows SmartScreen System Message ................................................................................ 121
WinRM Is Not Running ....................................................................................................... 126
HP HomePage Required Settings Needed ............................................................................. 147
Security Certificate Condition on the HP HomePage ........................................................... 155
Size of Remote Desktop Server C: Drive Inadequate ............................................................. 177
Post Deployment Configuration System Message on the Server 2016-Based Primary
or Secondary Domain Controller .......................................................................................... 178
Additional Information .................................................................................................... 182
System Message in Server Manager that the IP Helper Service Has Stopped ......................... 190
Pinging between V91 Servers Results in Timeout ................................................................. 203

Appendix A. DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN) ........................................ 219

Appendix B. NIC Teaming in Combination with Various

NIC Selections Available with V91.................................................................................... 221

Appendix C. Virtual Machine Configuration for Foxboro Evo

Control Software History Collector................................................................................... 227

Appendix D. System License Activation ............................................................................ 229

Overview ............................................................................................................................... 229
Server Windows 2016 Standard License Activation ............................................................... 229
Online Activation (Windows Server 2016) ....................................................................... 230
Offline Activation (Windows Server 2016) ....................................................................... 235
Offline Activation (Windows Server 2016) ....................................................................... 239

Appendix E. IP Address Schemes....................................................................................... 241

Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop

Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems .................................................................... 243
Network Connections ........................................................................................................... 243
Enabling Remote Desktop Services ....................................................................................... 243

B0700HD – Rev A Contents

Types of Licenses .................................................................................................................. 244

License Management ............................................................................................................. 245
Examples of Remote Desktop Server/Licensing Server Configurations .................................. 246
Remote Desktop Server CAL and Remote Desktop Services License Server Activation ......... 247
Foxboro Evo System Administrator
Configuration Tasks for Remote Desktop Services ................................................................ 248

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host ........................................ 251
Offline Upgrade .................................................................................................................... 251

Appendix H. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model

2015SA108F ..................................................................................................................... 265

Appendix I. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model

2015SA47F ....................................................................................................................... 269

Index .................................................................................................................................. 275

1-1. Network Details for Virtual Machines Created by Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisor ....... 2
1-2. Model V91 Server Virtualization Host, Virtual Machines and Remote Clients ............. 3
1-3. Typical Virtualization Example Using Standalone V91 ................................................. 4
2-1. Physical Connection Loss to Virtual Machine ............................................................. 10
3-1. Quick Start Guide for Creating Virtual Machines on a V91 Server
Virtualization Host ..................................................................................................... 14
4-1. Hyper-V Manager - Actions - Virtual Switch Manager ................................................ 19
4-2. Virtual Switch Manager - Create Virtual Switch ......................................................... 20
4-3. Virtual Switch Manager - Properties for First Mesh Connection ................................. 22
4-4. Apply Networking Changes Dialog ............................................................................. 23
4-5. Virtual Switch Manager - Apply Network Changes to First Virtual Switch ................. 24
4-6. Virtual Switch Manager - Properties for Second Mesh Connection ............................. 25
4-7. Virtual Switch Manager - Apply Network Changes to Second Virtual Switch ............. 26
4-8. Virtual Switch Manager - Properties for DCS ACN Connection ................................ 28
4-9. Hyper-V Manager - Create Virtual Machine ............................................................... 30
4-10. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Before You Begin ....................................................... 31
4-11. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Specify Name and Location ....................................... 32
4-12. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Virtual Machine Generation ...................................... 33
4-13. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Assign Memory .......................................................... 34
4-14. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Configure Networking .............................................. 35
4-15. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Connect Virtual Hard Disk ....................................... 37
4-16. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Installation Options ................................................... 38
4-17. New Virtual Machine Wizard - New Virtual Machine Wizard Summary .................... 39
4-18. Settings - Management - Integration Services - Time Synchronization ........................ 41
4-19. Settings - Management - Integration Services - Unchecked Time Synchronization ..... 42
4-20. VM - Settings Menu ................................................................................................... 43
4-21. Settings - Automatic Stop Action ................................................................................ 44
4-22. Settings - Add Hardware - Network Adapter ............................................................... 46
4-23. Settings - Network Adapter ......................................................................................... 47
4-24. Settings - Network Adapter - Advanced Features ......................................................... 48
4-25. Settings - Add Hardware Network Adapter ................................................................. 49
4-26. Settings - Network Adapter - Select Second Network .................................................. 50
4-27. Settings - Network Adapter - Select Second Network - MAC Address ........................ 51
4-28. Change Boot Order Configuration ............................................................................. 52
4-29. Uncheck Enable Secure Boot ...................................................................................... 53
4-30. Browse for ISO Image ................................................................................................. 54
4-31. Open Network and Sharing Center ............................................................................. 58
4-32. Change Adapter Settings ............................................................................................. 59
4-33. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 1 ................................ 59
4-34. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 2 ................................ 60
4-35. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 3 ................................ 60
4-36. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 4 ................................ 60
4-37. Access Virtual Machine Settings .................................................................................. 61
4-38. Network Adapter Settings - Step 1 .............................................................................. 61

B0700HD – Rev A Figures

4-39. Network Adapter Settings - Step 2 .............................................................................. 62

4-40. Network Adapter Connected to DCS ACN Network - Disconnected Status .............. 63
4-41. Network Adapter Settings - DCS ACN Network ........................................................ 64
4-42. Primary Domain Controller (PDC) - Message ............................................................ 66
4-43. Server Manager - Dashboard ....................................................................................... 67
4-44. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Select Destination Server ................................... 68
4-45. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Server Roles ......................................... 69
4-46. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Features That Require Remote
Desktop Services ......................................................................................................... 70
4-47. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Server Roles - Part 2 ............................ 71
4-48. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Features ............................................... 72
4-49. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Confirm Removal Selections ............................. 73
4-50. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Removal Progress .............................................. 74
4-51. Restrict Remote Desktop Services Users to a Single Remote Desktop
Services Session ........................................................................................................... 75
4-52. Local Group Policy Editor - Enabled .......................................................................... 76
4-53. Local Group Policy Editor - Not Configured .............................................................. 77
4-54. Network Adapter Settings - Mac Address Set to Static ................................................ 79
5-1. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Start ....................................................... 81
5-2. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Connect ................................................. 82
5-3. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Power Icon ............................................. 82
5-4. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Action Menu - Start ............................... 82
5-5. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Shutdown ............................................... 83
5-6. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Connect ................................................. 83
5-7. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window On Icon ................................................. 84
5-8. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Action Menu .......................................... 84
5-9. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Action Menu - Shutdown ....................... 84
5-10. VM State - Hyper-V Manager Access .......................................................................... 85
5-11. VM State - Virtual Machines and Current State .......................................................... 86
5-12. VM State - VDHS61 Off State - Checkpoints and Details Area .................................. 86
5-13. VM State - VDRCH9 Running State - Checkpoint and Detail Information ............... 87
5-14. VM State - Details - Summary Tab ............................................................................. 88
5-15. VM State - Details - Memory Tab .............................................................................. 88
5-16. VM State - Details - Networking Tab ......................................................................... 88
5-17. Service Manager - Local Server Information/Options .................................................. 89
5-18. System Management Home page - Local Server Information/Options ........................ 90
5-19. System Management Home page - Array Controller Information/Options ................. 90
5-20. Hyper-V Manager on Physical V91- Information/Options ......................................... 91
5-21. Hyper-V Manager - VM State ..................................................................................... 92
5-22. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Access Task Manager .................................................... 92
5-23. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Task Manager - More Details ....................................... 93
5-24. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Processes Tab Information ............................................ 94
5-25. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Processes - Detailed View Options ................................ 95
5-26. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Processes - PID Option Details ..................................... 95
5-27. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Performance Tab .......................................................... 96
5-28. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor Access .............................................. 96
5-29. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Users Tab ..................................................................... 97
5-30. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Details Tab ................................................................... 98

Figures B0700HD – Rev A

5-31. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Services Tab .................................................................. 99

5-32. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Overview Tab .............................. 100
5-33. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Overview Tab Expanded ............. 101
5-34. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - CPU Tab Expanded .................... 102
5-35. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Memory Tab ............................... 103
5-36. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Disk Tab Expanded ..................... 104
5-37. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Network Tab Expanded .............. 105
5-38. Hyper-V Manager - Virtual Machines ....................................................................... 106
5-39. V91 Host Server - List of Virtual Machines ............................................................... 107
5-40. V91 Host Server - Expanded List of VM ................................................................... 107
5-41. V91 Host Server - Expanded VM View ..................................................................... 108
5-42. V91 Host Server - View - Add, Remove Columns ..................................................... 108
5-43. V91 Host Server - Add/Remove Columns Screen ..................................................... 109
6-1. VM - Export - Selected VM ...................................................................................... 113
6-2. VM - Export - Destination External Hard Drive Disk .............................................. 113
6-3. VM - Export - Location Folder on External Hard Drive ........................................... 114
6-4. VM - Export - Destination External Hard Drive Disk .............................................. 114
6-5. VM - Export - External Hard Drive/Disk ................................................................. 115
6-6. VM - Import Virtual Machine Wizard ...................................................................... 116
6-7. VM - Import Virtual Machine - Locate VM Folder for VM Import .......................... 117
6-8. VM - Import Virtual Machine - Select Virtual Machine ........................................... 118
6-9. VM - Import Virtual Machine - Choose Import Type .............................................. 119
7-1. Windows SmartScreen System Flag - Lower Right Corner ........................................ 121
7-2. Windows SmartScreen Important Message Flag - W ................................................. 122
7-3. Action Center Screen- Security Section .................................................................... 122
7-4. Security Section - Turn Off Messages ........................................................................ 123
7-5. Security Section - Change Settings ............................................................................ 123
7-6. User Account Control - Allow Changes to Computer ............................................... 124
7-7. Windows SmartScreen - Turn Off Windows SmartScreen ........................................ 125
7-8. Windows SmartScreen - Get Administrator Approval ............................................... 125
7-9. WinRM Refresh Did Not Succeed - WinRM Not Running/Could Not Be Started .. 126
7-10. Server Manager Tools Menu - Services ...................................................................... 127
7-11. Administrative Tools - Services ................................................................................. 128
7-12. User Account Control - Allow Changes .................................................................... 129
7-13. Services - Windows Remote Management ................................................................. 129
7-14. Windows Remote Management - Disabled ............................................................... 129
7-15. Windows Remote Management - Properties ............................................................. 130
7-16. Windows Remote Management - Properties - General - Startup Type ...................... 131
7-17. Windows Remote Management - Properties - General - Start ................................... 132
7-18. Administrative Tools - Group Policy Management ................................................... 133
7-19. Server Manager - Tools - Group Policy Management ................................................ 134
7-20. Group Policy Objects - Virt WS2012R2 Windows
Remote Management Service Enabled x.x ................................................................. 135
7-21. Organizational Units - Link Existing GPO ............................................................... 136
7-22. Existing OU - Select GPO - Select Remote Management Service .............................. 137
7-23. SE VM Host - Remote Desktop Enabled Hosts -
Linked Remote Management Service ........................................................................ 138
7-24. Remote Desktop Enabled Hosts - Linked Group Policy Objects - Link Order ......... 138

B0700HD – Rev A Figures

7-25. SE VM Host OU - New Organizational Unit ........................................................... 139

7-26. New Organizational Unit - Name ............................................................................. 139
7-27. New Organizational Unit - Link an Existing GPO... ................................................. 140
7-28. Custom OU - Select GPO - Select Remote Management Service .............................. 141
7-29. SE VM Hyper-V Servers Custom - Linked Remote Management Service ................. 142
7-30. Linked Group Policy Objects - Link Order .............................................................. 142
7-31. Administrative Tools - Active Directory Users and Computers ................................. 143
7-32. Server Manager - Active Directory Users and Computers .......................................... 143
7-33. Active Directory Users and Computers - SE VM Hyper-V Servers - Computers ....... 144
7-34. Move Computer - Drag and Drop Method ............................................................... 145
7-35. Select Computer - Select Move Option ..................................................................... 145
7-36. Move Destination Path ............................................................................................. 146
7-37. Remote Desktop Enabled Hyper-V Servers - Computers in Destination Folder ........ 146
7-38. Administrator Command Prompt - Update Group Policy for Computers ................. 147
7-39. WinRM - Running and Set to Automatic ................................................................. 147
7-40. File Menu - Add/Remove Snap-in Option ................................................................ 148
7-41. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Add ............................................. 148
7-42. Select Group Policy Object - Welcome to the Group Policy Wizard ......................... 149
7-43. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Local Computer Policy ................ 150
7-44. Console1 - Security Page - Site to Zone Assignment ................................................. 151
7-45. Site to Zone Assignment List - Enable and Show Contents ....................................... 152
7-46. Site to Zone Assignment List - Show Contents ......................................................... 153
7-47. File Menu - Save ....................................................................................................... 154
7-48. Console1.msc - Confirm Save As .............................................................................. 155
7-49. Problem Message - Close the Webpage ..................................................................... 156
7-50. File Menu - Add/Remove Snap-in Option ................................................................ 157
7-51. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Add ............................................. 158
7-52. Select Group Policy Object - Welcome to the Group Policy Wizard ......................... 159
7-53. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Local Computer Policy ............... 160
7-54. Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Edit Policy Setting .............................. 161
7-55. Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Disabled .............................................. 162
7-56. File Menu - Save ....................................................................................................... 163
7-57. Console1.msc - Confirm Save As .............................................................................. 164
7-58. Group Policy Management ....................................................................................... 165
7-59. Group Policy Management - Virt WS2012R2 IE 11 Merged Baseline 1.0 ................ 166
7-60. Group Policy Management Console .......................................................................... 166
7-61. Example SE - Virt WS2012R2 IE 11 Merged Baseline x.x - Edit .............................. 167
7-62. Group Policy Management Editor - Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors ...... 168
7-63. Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Disabled .............................................. 169
7-64. Administrator: Command Prompt - Run Group Update Command ........................ 170
7-65. System Management Homepage - Local Server Certificate - localhost ....................... 171
7-66. Local Server Certificate - Close and Restart Browser ................................................. 172
7-67. System Management Homepage - Create PKCS #10 Data ........................................ 173
7-68. System Management Homepage - Success Message (in Green Text) ......................... 174
7-69. Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Enabled ............................................................ 175
7-70. File Menu - Save ....................................................................................................... 176
7-71. Console1.msc - Confirm Save As .............................................................................. 177
7-72. Server Manager - Flag System Message Icon .............................................................. 178

Figures B0700HD – Rev A

7-73. System Message Flag - Task Details Option .............................................................. 178

7-74. Task Details and Notifications - Promote Server to Domain Controller .................... 179
7-75. Flag Message - Promote Server to Domain Controller ............................................... 179
7-76. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -
Deployment Configuration ....................................................................................... 180
7-77. Confirm Canceling Wizard Dialog ............................................................................ 181
7-78. Server Manager - No System Message ....................................................................... 181
7-79. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard - Detected Error
Message ..................................................................................................................... 182
7-80. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -
Show More of the Message ........................................................................................ 183
7-81. Deployment Configuration Dialog - WinRM Message ............................................. 183
7-82. Tools Menu - Services ............................................................................................... 184
7-83. Services - Windows Remote Management - Running ................................................ 185
7-84. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -
Deployment Configuration ....................................................................................... 186
7-85. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -
Domain Controller Options - Detected Error Message ............................................. 187
7-86. Domain Controller Options - Reinstall Domain Controller
Confirmation Dialog ................................................................................................. 187
7-87. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -
Domain Controller Options ...................................................................................... 188
7-88. Confirm Canceling of Wizard Dialog ....................................................................... 188
7-89. Server Manager - No System Message ....................................................................... 189
7-90. Services - Disable WinRM Service ............................................................................ 189
7-91. Server Manager Dashboard - Local Server - Services Detected Error .......................... 190
7-92. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - WinHTTP Web Proxy
Auto-Discovery Service ............................................................................................. 191
7-93. Services (Local) - WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service - Disabled ............ 191
7-94. Server Manager - Tools - Services .............................................................................. 192
7-95. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) ..................................................................... 193
7-96. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Startup Type - Disabled ............................ 194
7-97. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Startup Type - Apply Disabled -
Close Screen .............................................................................................................. 195
7-98. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties ........................................ 196
7-99. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Startup Type -
Automatic ................................................................................................................. 197
7-100. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Startup Type -
Automatic - Apply ..................................................................................................... 198
7-101. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Startup Type -
Automatic - Start Service ........................................................................................... 199
7-102. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Close Screen ................. 200
7-103. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Startup Type -
Automatic - Start Service ........................................................................................... 201
7-104. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Close Screen .............................................. 202
7-105. Server Manager Dashboard - Local Server - No Detected Error ................................. 202
7-106. Pinging Between V91 Servers - Time Out ................................................................. 203
7-107. All Control Panel Items - Windows Firewall ............................................................. 204

B0700HD – Rev A Figures

7-108.Windows Firewall - Advanced Settings ...................................................................... 205

7-109.Advanced Settings ..................................................................................................... 206
7-110.User Account Control - Allow Changes to Computer ............................................... 206
7-111.Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Left-Side Panel ..................................... 207
7-112.Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Inbound Rules ..................................... 207
7-113.Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Action - Inbound Rules ........................ 208
7-114.Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - New Rule ............................................. 208
7-115.New Inbound Rule Wizard ....................................................................................... 209
7-116.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Rule Type - Custom .................................................... 210
7-117.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Program - All Programs ............................................... 211
7-118.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Protocol and Ports - All Programs ............................... 212
7-119.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Protocol and Ports - Protocol Type ICMPv4 ............... 213
7-120.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Scope - Any IP Address ............................................... 214
7-121.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Action - Allow the Connection .................................... 215
7-122.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Profile - Domain, Private, Public ................................. 216
7-123.New Inbound Rule Wizard - Name - Allow_Ping ..................................................... 217
7-124.Inbound Rules (Left Panel) - Inbound Rule Listing - Allow Ping .............................. 217
7-125.Command Prompt - Ping Command - Successful ..................................................... 218
A-1. DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN) - Example ................................... 219
B-1. Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated Network Onboard Ports .................................................. 221
B-2. Two Single Port MESH/FECN NICs + Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs ................. 222
B-3. DCS ACN NIC Team with Onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NIC 1 & 2 and
Virtualization Host Network Team with Onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NIC 3 & 4 222
B-4. Two Dual Port MESH/FECN NICs + Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs .................. 223
B-5. Two Single Port MESH/FECN NICs + Two Single Port RJ-45 PCIe NIC
+ 4 RJ-45 Integrated NICs ....................................................................................... 224
B-6. Two Dual Port MESH/FECN NICs + Two Dual Port Additional NICs
+ 4 RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs ................................................................................. 225
D-1. Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition License Key Certificate of
Authenticity .............................................................................................................. 230
D-2. System Properties - Activate Windows ...................................................................... 231
D-3. Enter Your Product Key in the Product Key Field ..................................................... 232
D-4. Microsoft Software License Confirmation ................................................................. 233
D-5. System Properties - Windows Is Activated ................................................................. 234
D-6. Windows Menu ........................................................................................................ 235
D-7. User Account Control Dialog ................................................................................... 235
D-8. Command Prompt Window ..................................................................................... 236
D-9. Command Prompt Window - Command Entry ....................................................... 236
D-10. Country of Origin Screen for Operating System ....................................................... 237
D-11. Call and Provide Your Installation ID - Phone Number for Activation ..................... 237
D-12. Enter Confirmation ID - Use Voice or Phone KeyPad for Input ............................... 239
F-1. Remote Desktop Services Licensing Components ..................................................... 245
F-2. Scenario 1: License Server is a Foxboro Evo Server without Direct Internet Access ... 246
F-3. Scenario 2: License Server is a Foxboro Evo Server with Internet Access .................... 247
F-4. Scenario 3: License Server is NOT a Foxboro Evo Server .......................................... 247
G-1. Virtual Machines - Server Menu - ShutDown ........................................................... 251
G-2. Hyper-V Manager - Server Menu - Stop Service ....................................................... 252
G-3. Server Action Menu - Stop Service ............................................................................ 252

Figures B0700HD – Rev A

G-4. Stop VM Management Service - Message - Turn Off ................................................ 253

G-5. Virtual Machines - Location of VM Files .................................................................. 253
G-6. Virtual Machine Folders - Copy to External Storage Device ...................................... 254
G-7. Copying Files from VM to New V91 Server ............................................................. 254
G-8. Files from VM Copied to New V91 Server ............................................................... 255
G-9. Virtual Machine - Action Menu - Import Virtual Machine ....................................... 255
G-10. Import Virtual Machine Wizard - Before You Begin ................................................. 256
G-11. Import Virtual Machine - Locate Folder - Browse ..................................................... 257
G-12. Import Virtual Machine - Select Virtual Machine ..................................................... 258
G-13. Import Virtual Machine - Choose Import Type - Register ........................................ 259
G-14. Import Virtual Machine - Locate Virtual Hard Disks - Location ............................... 260
G-15. Saved State Detected Errors ...................................................................................... 260
G-16. Import Virtual Machine - Connect Network - Not Connected to Virtual Switch ..... 261
G-17. Import Virtual Machine - Completing Import Wizard .............................................. 262
G-18. Hyper-V Manager - Imported Virtual Machine ........................................................ 262
G-19. Virtual Machines - Menu - Settings .......................................................................... 263

B0700HD – Rev A Figures

2-1. Major Considerations and Differences in Physical Stations and Virtual Machines ......... 8
2-2. Minimum Sizing Requirements for Virtual Machine Types ........................................ 11
2-3. Number of Virtual/Logical CPUs Available for Use
with V91 Server’s Virtual Machines ............................................................................ 11
2-4. Virtual/Logical CPUs to Use Per Virtual Machine ...................................................... 12
4-1. Recommended Memory for Control Core Services (CCS),
Control Software (CS) Use .......................................................................................... 34
4-2. Recommended Disk Space for Control Core Services (CCS),
Control Software (CS) Use .......................................................................................... 36
5-1. Alert Applications and Access Types ............................................................................ 89
5-2. VM Information Provided ........................................................................................ 108
F-1. Licensing Questions Answered .................................................................................. 249

B0700HD – Rev A Tables

Safety Information
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to
become familiar with the device before trying to install, operate, ser-
vice, or maintain it. The following special messages may appear
throughout this manual or on the equipment to warn of potential
hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies
a procedure.

The addition of either symbol to a "Danger" or

"Warning" safety label indicates that an electrical
hazard exists which will result in personal injury if
the instructions are not followed.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to

potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages
that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.
Please Note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and main-
tained only by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by
Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this

A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the con-
struction, installation, and operation of electrical equipment and has
received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.
Foxboro Evo™ systems with Windows Server 2016 allow you to run virtual machines with Con-
trol Core Services v9.4 or later software and connect to them using thin clients.
The virtualization of the Foxboro Evo Control Core Services and Foxboro Evo Control software
(hereinafter referred to as the Control Software) is supported on the Microsoft® Hyper-V™
hypervisor on the Foxboro Evo V91 Server Virtualization Host. The number of virtual machines
able to run on a single V91 have been optimized to maintain that the virtual machines behave log-
ically on Foxboro Evo systems the same as physical stations.

Virtualization is not supported on Magelis servers.

This user document is written for experienced Foxboro Evo system users. As such, it focuses on
what is different for a virtualized Foxboro Evo system in comparison to our standard physical Fox-
boro Evo system. Therefore, this user document assumes that the reader is already familiar with
Control Core Services v9.4 and/or Foxboro Evo Control Software v7.1 or later, the Foxboro Evo
Control Network (hereinafter referred to as the control network), and Windows Server® 2016
Standard functionality (including Remote Desktop Services capabilities). If the reader is not
already knowledgeable with these subject areas, please review the documents listed in the “Refer-
ence Documents” section below. The intent of this user document is to not repeat functionality
that is already documented in other locations.
For information regarding the Model V91 Server Virtualization Host, refer to this document:
Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model V91 Server Virtualization Host (HP DL380
Gen9) Windows Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE).

Revision Information
This is the initial release of this document.

Reference Documents
In addition to the information presented herein, you should be familiar with the following
I/A Series or Foxboro Evo and the Control Software documents:
♦ Alarm and Display Manager Configurator (ADMC) Guide (B0700AM)
♦ Control Core Services v9.4 Software Installation Guide (B0700SX)
♦ Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY)
♦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
♦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) V2.6.4 Release Notes (B0700SM)
♦ Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
♦ Control Database Deployment User's Guide (B0750AJ)

B0700HD – Rev A Preface

♦ Flat Panel Monitor Software Setup for UNIX® and Windows® Workstations
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Software Installation Guide (B0750RA)
♦ Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model V91 Server Virtualization Host
(HP DL380 Gen9) Windows Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE)
♦ Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide (B0750AR)
♦ Monitor Software Setup for Windows® Workstations (B0700GD)
♦ System Management Displays Guide (B0193JC)
♦ System Manager Guide (B0750AP)
♦ System Manager V2.12 Release Notes (B0750RS)
♦ Security Implementation User's Guide for I/A Series and Foxboro Evo Workstations (Win-
dows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Operating Systems) (B0700HG)
♦ Veritas System Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series®
and Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH)
♦ Symantec System Recovery 2011 Workstation Edition and Server Edition Guide for
I/A Series Workstations (B0700ES)
♦ Switch Installation and Configuration Guide for the Foxboro Evo Control Network
♦ The Foxboro Evo Control Network Architecture Guide (B0700AZ)
♦ Thin Client User’s Guide (B0700VN)
♦ Workstation Alarm Management Guide (B0700AT)
Most of these documents are available on the Foxboro Evo Electronic Documentation media
(K0174MA). The latest revisions of each document may also be available through the Global
Customer Support Center (Global CSC) webpage https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com.

Definitions and Acronyms

This section provides a convenient summary of the definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations used
in this document.

Acronyms Definitions
AD Active Domain
CAL Client Access License
COA Certificate of Authenticity
CCS Control Core Services Software
CS Control Software
DCS Distributed Control System
DCS ACN DCS Auxiliary Communications Network
DSRM Directory Services Remote Mode
FECN Foxboro Evo Control Network
Gb Gigabit

Preface B0700HD – Rev A

Acronyms Definitions
GB Gigabyte
GPO Group Policy Object
LGPO Local Group Policy Object
NIC Network Interface Card
OU Organizational Unit
PDC Primary Domain Controller
POSE Physical Operating System Environment
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
RDS Remote Desktop Services
RDS CAL Remote Desktop Services Client Access License
SDC Secondary Domain Controller
TC Thin Client
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and
Internet Protocol (IP)
VHD Virtual Hard Disks
VHN Virtualization Host Network
VM Virtual Machine
VOSE Virtual Operating System Environment

B0700HD – Rev A Preface

The following terminology is used in this document.

You must be familiar with these terms as they are described below before reading
this document.

DCS Auxiliary 1Gb network that cannot share any of the same network hardware
Communications (switches) with the control network. Foxboro Evo control communication
Network (ACN) cannot occur over the DCS ACN.

DSRM When you install Active Directory, you are prompted to enter a password
for Directory Services Restore Mode. This should be different from your
Administrator password.

FERRET The main application for collecting data using the FERRET diagnostic
tool. The application is usually installed on a single station at site and col-
lects other stations remotely. The application consists of the main execut-
able along with utilities that assist in collection.

Foxboro Evo The Foxboro Evo Control Network (formerly known as The Mesh control
Control Network network) supports communication among Foxboro Evo controllers,
(FECN) workstations, and servers and provides multiple communication paths
between any two devices or stations connected to the network.

Foxboro Evo The Foxboro Evo Hyper-V Host Domain (FEHVHOST) is a dedicated
Hyper-V Host Server 2016-based client for V91 servers only.

Physical A traditional Foxboro Evo workstation (example: H92) or server (exam-

Machine/Physical ple: H90).

Remote Client Either:

A thin client, as described in the Thin Client User’s Guide (B0700VN).
A computer using Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (formally known as
Terminal Services) Client to establish a remote session connection to a
remote server.

Remote Desktop Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) provides remote display and
Protocol (RDP) input capabilities over network connections for Windows-based applica-
tions running on a server.

Remote Desktop Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (formerly known as Terminal Ser-
Services (RDS) vices) provides functionality similar to a terminal-based, centralized host,
or mainframe environment in which multiple terminals connect to a host

Preface B0700HD – Rev A

Remote Server Either:

A virtual machine running on a V91 Server Virtualization Host.
An H90 server (physical machine) running Microsoft Windows Server
2016 Standard Remote Desktop Services (formally known as Terminal

SMDH System Management Display Handler, a Control Core Services system

monitor application described in System Management Displays (B0193JC)
or System Manager (B0750AP).

System Definition The software application used to define a Foxboro Evo Process Automa-
(SysDef ) tion or an I/A Series System configuration.

Thin Client (TC) A physical hardware terminal with a compact form factor which operates
software via a remote session to a remote server. Thin client details are
described in the Thin Client User’s Guide (B0700VN).

V91 Foxboro Evo or I/A Series V91 Server Virtualization Host. The V91 and
the V90 servers are the only hardware supported by Schneider Electric for
Control Core Services and/or the Control Software virtual machines. This
user's guide is for a V91 Virtualization Host with Windows Server 2016.
The V91 hardware is described in: Hardware and Software Specific Instruc-
tions for Model V91 Server Virtualization Host (HP DL380 Gen9) Windows
Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE).
For information on a V91 Virtualization Host with Windows Server
2012, refer to the Virtualization User's Guide for Windows Server 2012 R2

Virtual Machine A virtual station running the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating
(VM) system. It can run the Control Core Services software v9.4 and later
and/or Control Software v7.1 and later. It can be connected to the Con-
trol network and/or to non-control networks, such as DCS ACN.

Virtualization Host The Virtualization Host Network is a customer-supplied dedicated net-

Network (VHN) work required to connect V91 servers.

B0700HD – Rev A Preface

1. Overview of Virtualization
This chapter provides an overview of virtualization in the Foxboro Evo systems.

Before proceeding in this chapter, read through the “Glossary” on page xxii. It is
very important that you are familiar with the exact meanings of the terms used in
this document.

In a Foxboro Evo system, physical stations using Control Core Services software communicate
over the control network. Similar functionality can be provided using virtualization technology.
In a virtualized environment, all control communications to/from Foxboro Evo stations occur
over the control network while all remote desktop traffic operates over a Distributed Control Sys-
tem Auxiliary Communications Network (DCS ACN). For more information on the DCS ACN,
refer to Appendix A “DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN)”.
Remote clients can connect to a virtual machine running Control Core Services software on a Fox-
boro Evo Model V91 Server Virtualization Host. Remote clients include Foxboro Evo thin cli-
Remote clients connect to virtual machines on the V91 Server Virtualization Host over a dedi-
cated DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN), discussed later in this document. This is
a network other than the control network that cannot share any of the same network hardware (for
example, switches and so forth) with the control network.
The virtual machines communicate to the other Foxboro Evo stations and control processors over
the control network, as discussed in The Foxboro Evo Control Network Architecture Guide
(B0700AZ). The V91 is physically connected to the control network and the DCS ACN. How-
ever, the V91physical operating system environment (POSE) is not allowed to communicate over
these networks.

Windows Server 2016 Benefits

The V91 server can be used in a standalone configuration, that is, without connecting the V91
server to any other V91 server, which is similar to how the V90 server is used with Windows 2008
R2 Hypervisor. V91 server is based on Windows Server 2016 Hypervisor.
Some of the benefits of using Server 2016 Hypervisor in standalone configuration include the
ability to:
♦ Export virtual machines without shutdown. For more information, refer to “Export-
ing and Importing a VM from One Windows Server 2016 V91 to another Windows
Server 2016 V91” on page 113 in Chapter 6 “Backup and Restore of V91 Server Vir-
tualization Host and Its Virtual Machines”
♦ Support NIC teaming.

B0700HD – Rev A 1. Overview of Virtualization

The following information provides network details related to the V91. Figure 1-1 provides an
example of a V91 server virtualization host with multiple virtual machines connected to remote
clients. These virtual machines communicate with each other via virtual switches/networks main-
tained by the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor application and also communicate with hardware
outside their server virtualization host via the V91 Ethernet ports connected to the control net-
work and/or the DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN).

The Foxboro Evo Control Network (FECN) is formerly known as The Mesh con-
trol network (MESH).

1. Remote clients cannot communicate over the Foxboro Evo Control Network.
2. The Physical Operating System Environment on the V91 server virtualization host cannot
communicate over the Foxboro Evo Control Network.
3. All network connections to the V91 server virtualization host must be 1Gbps bandwidth. It is
inadvisable to use copper to fiber converters to change the connection to 100Mbps. It is inadvisable
to connect to any other devices that reduce the bandwidth from 1Gbps.

Figure 1-1. Network Details for Virtual Machines Created by Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisor

1. Overview of Virtualization B0700HD – Rev A

As shown in Figure 1-1, all connections from a virtual machine to the control network must be
redundant. Thus, the V91 server virtualization host must dedicate two 1Gbps Ethernet ports for
the control network connections.


All network connections to the V91 server virtualization host must be

1Gbps bandwidth. It is inadvisable to use copper to fiber converters to
change the connection to 100Mbps fiber.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

The Microsoft® Hyper-V™ hypervisor creates each virtual machine instance on the V91 server
virtualization host, as illustrated in Figure 1-2.

Model V91 Server Virtualization Host with Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition

Microsoft® Hyper-V™
Virtual Machine
with Windows Server 2016
Standard Operating System
Running Foxboro Evo Software

DCS Auxiliary Communications Network

Remote Client

Figure 1-2. Model V91 Server Virtualization Host, Virtual Machines and Remote Clients

B0700HD – Rev A 1. Overview of Virtualization

Typical Virtualized System

Figure 1-3 provides an example view of a virtualized Foxboro Evo system using standalone/non-
networked V91 server (similar in function to the V90 servers).

Thin Clients (or Other Remote Clients)

Figure 1-3. Typical Virtualization Example Using Standalone V91

2. Site Planning and Configuration
for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems
This chapter provides the planning requirements and the configuration tasks for virtual
machines and their hosts in Foxboro Evo systems and also includes performance and sizing
This chapter provides information related to virtualized Foxboro Evo systems:
♦ Supported host server hardware and software specifications
♦ Site planning requirements and considerations
♦ Configuration recommendations

Supported Hosts for Virtual Machines

In virtualized Foxboro Evo systems, a virtual machine running Control Core Services software is
created by the Microsoft® Hyper-V™ hypervisor on a Foxboro Evo Model V91 server virtualiza-
tion host. This is a server class computer platform that provides the hardware necessary to run the
server virtualization host operating system (Windows Server 2016 Standard) as well as the soft-
ware which manages its virtual machines (Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor). A Foxboro-configured
V91 server virtualization host can be configured with sufficient hard drive space, RAM, CPU and
networking resources to support a maximum of 10 virtual machines. The V91 is described in the
Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model V91 Server Virtualization Host (HP DL380
Gen9) Windows Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE) guide included with your server.
The virtual machines created on a V91 run:
♦ Control Core Services software v9.4 or later as described in the Control Core Services
Software Installation Guide included with your version of the Control Core Services
♦ Control Software v7.1 as described in the Foxboro Evo Control Software Installation
Guide (B0750RA).

Virtual machines on the V91 server virtualization host appear and are configured in
System Definition the same as if they were physical Foxboro Evo Control worksta-
tions (hereinafter referred to as Stations) or servers. There is no difference in the
configuration required.

The V91 server virtualization host does not appear and is not configured in the Sys-
tem Definition database.

B0700HD – Rev A 2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems

Virtual machines on the V91 server virtualization host appear in the SMDH and
System Manager software views the same as if they were physical workstations or
Stations or servers. There is no difference in the configuration required.

Only the status of the virtual machines are viewable in System Manager or SMDH.
The V91 physical operating system environment (POSE) is not viewable through
System Management or SMDH.

Virtual machines on the V91 server virtualization host appear in FERRET the same
as if they were physical workstations or Stations or servers.
V91 server virtualization hosts and virtual machines on networks that are not control
networks cannot be viewed from FERRET.

Site Planning
The following sections discuss the site planning required before adding a V91 server virtualization
host in a Foxboro Evo system:
♦ V91 server virtualization host requirements for Foxboro Evo systems with
♦ Major considerations and differences in physical stations and virtual machines
♦ Network alarm planning for Foxboro Evo systems with virtualization
♦ Sizing requirements for load balancing the V91 server virtualization host with virtual
machines and software
♦ Logical/virtual CPU availability for virtual machine use on V91 Servers
♦ Sizing guidelines for the number of virtual/logical CPUs to use per virtual machine

V91 Server Virtualization Host Recommendations and

Requirements for Foxboro Evo Systems with Virtualization
The requirements for setting up virtualized Foxboro Evo systems are:
♦ Each V91 server virtualization host can maintain no more than ten virtual machines.
♦ Each virtual machine is capable of running Remote Desktop Services. The maximum
number of RDP sessions depends on the number and types of applications being run
in the remote sessions. This includes the number of process control points being
updated, number of alarms being delivered, number of displays open, etc. If your
application needs are high, you may find the actual number of client sessions to be
lower. Experimental results indicate that for planning purposes, the number of RDP
sessions per virtual machine cannot exceed 30 RDP sessions for FoxView VMs and 10
RDP sessions for Control HMI VMs.

2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems B0700HD – Rev A

♦ The total number of RDP sessions across all VMs on a V91 server cannot exceed 60.
♦ If the virtual machine is running the Control Software History Collector, refer to
Appendix C “Virtual Machine Configuration for Foxboro Evo Control Software His-
tory Collector” for instructions on planning how to configure your virtual machine’s
operating system accordingly.

The virtual machines on the V91 have the capability to support multi-monitor con-
figurations at 1080p resolution. While 1080p multi-monitor functionality operates
normally for clients accessing these virtual machines remotely, it may not work cor-
rectly for any users who log into the V91 itself locally (that is, through a keyboard
plugged directly into the V91) to access its virtual machines. For local users, one
monitor view of a virtual machine desktop is the only view possible when invoking
a virtual machine window on the V91’s own display monitors. A multi-monitor
view of the virtual machine desktop is not supported. Additionally, when locally
viewing a virtual machine desktop, the resolution is significantly lower than 1080p.
It is highly recommended that you only use remote clients to connect to a
virtual machine, not direct local access on the V91.

Serial annunciator keyboards are not supported with the V91 or virtual machines.
USB annunciator keyboards are supported with virtual machines. For more infor-
mation, refer to Thin Client User's Guide (B0700VN, Rev. H or later).

B0700HD – Rev A 2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems

Major Considerations and Differences in Physical Stations and

Virtual Machines
When planning to implement virtualization within your system, be aware of the following differ-
ences listed in Table 2-1.

For security, if you have physical access to the V91, you have access to all of its vir-
tual machines. Consequently, it is recommended that you secure the physical access
to the V91 since anyone who gains physical access will be able to access all of its vir-
tual machines as well.

Table 2-1. Major Considerations and Differences in Physical Stations and Virtual Machines

Consideration Virtual Machines Physical Stations Notes

Consolidation Up to 10 virtual N/A - There is a one- It is inadvisable to put
machines can be hosted to-one relationship primary and secondary
by a single V91 server between standalone functionality on the
virtualization host. physical workstation same V91 server virtual-
and server hardware to ization host. For exam-
the workstation and ple, refrain from putting
server software func- the Primary Domain
tionality. Controller and the Sec-
ondary Domain Con-
troller on the same V91.
Display Interface Monitors are connected Monitors are connected
to remote clients who directly to the physical
use the DCS Auxiliary workstations (H92) or
Communications Net- servers (H90).
work (ACN) to connect
to a virtual machine
residing on a V91 using
Remote Desktop Ser-
Peripherals Virtual machines do not All Foxboro qualified For example, the Mas-
have access to the physi- peripherals can be used ter Timekeeper (MTK)
cal peripheral ports on with a physical worksta- cannot be put on a vir-
the V91 and therefore tions (H92) or servers tual machine due to the
only Network Interface (H90). need for access to the
Cards (NICs) are sup- Time Strobe Card
ported. (TSC).

2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems B0700HD – Rev A

Table 2-1. Major Considerations and Differences in Physical Stations and Virtual Machines

Consideration Virtual Machines Physical Stations Notes

Security Physical access to the Access to one physical Since the V91 can host
V91 server virtualization workstation (H92) or up to 10 virtual
host provides access to server (H90) does not machines, security needs
all virtual machines grant access to multiple for the V91 increase.
residing on it. physical workstations
(H92) or servers (H90).
Network Virtual machines are not Physical workstations
directly connected to a (H92) or servers (H90)
physical switch. See are connected directly to
“Network Alarm Plan- physical switches
ning for Foxboro Evo
Systems with Virtualiza-
tion” on page 9.

Network Alarm Planning for Foxboro Evo Systems with

When designing a network for remote client communications in a virtualized Foxboro Evo sys-
tem, take these subsections into consideration.
The Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor configures virtual networks for internal communication
between the virtual machines. Refer to Figure 1-1 “Network Details for Virtual Machines Created
by Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisor” on page 2 for an illustration of a virtual network. You must
plan for this virtual network as well as for the physical network which interconnects the physical

When the physical connection from a virtual machine host server to a switch on
The MESH/FECN network is lost (removed, broken or pulled), the virtual
machine still retains a working connection with its virtual network /switch, as
shown in Figure 2-1. Due to the presence of this virtual network/switch, in the
event of a physical network cable’s unavailability, only one system alarm (from the
switch) is generated instead of two system alarms (from switch and Application
Workstation) as is the case with physical servers. You can use NetSight Console to
generate additional alarms in this situation for more information. Refer to the sec-
tion “Alarming via Foxboro Evo Control Processors” in NetSight Console for The
MESH Control Network (B0700EJ, Rev. B or later).

B0700HD – Rev A 2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems

Figure 2-1. Physical Connection Loss to Virtual Machine

Sizing Requirements for Load Balancing V91 Server

Virtualization Host with Virtual Machines and Software
The sizing requirements for the V91 server virtualization host’s operating system and its available
virtual machines are provided in Table 2-2.

For virtual machines with Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0 or earlier, when
you create a virtual machine using the Hyper-V hypervisor, it is created with one
CPU core only. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0 or earlier do not support
the use of more than one CPU core.
Virtual machines with Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.1 or later, or virtual
machines without Control Core Services, can be configured to use multiple CPU
cores, as described in “Multiple CPU Cores on Stations with Foxboro Evo Control
Core Services v9.4 or Later or Non-Foxboro Evo (Off-Control Network) VM Sta-
tions” on page 56.

2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems B0700HD – Rev A

Table 2-2. Minimum Sizing Requirements for Virtual Machine Types

Device/Role RAM Hard Drive

Virtual Machine - Remote Desktop Services 8 GB 150 GB Minimum1
(8192 MB)
Virtual Machine - Control Software Galaxy 4 GB 250 GB Minimum
(4096 MB)
Virtual Machine - Control Software Historian 4 GB 500 GB Minimum
(4096 MB)
Virtual Machine - All other roles 4 GB 150 GB Minimum
(4096 MB)
1. For the Control HMI based remote desktop services VM, make sure that you refer to “Size of
Remote Desktop Server C: Drive Inadequate” on page 177.

Logical/Virtual CPU Availability for Virtual Machine Use on V91

The model code for each available V91 server enables you to select the number of CPUs (3rd
position Populated Processor socket selection). Table 2-3 indicates the total number of vir-
tual/logical CPUs that can be assigned to these virtual machines.

Table 2-3. Number of Virtual/Logical CPUs Available for Use

with V91 Server’s Virtual Machines

VM Maximum Logical/Virtual
Selection Physical CPU on V91 CPUs for Virtual Machine Use
1x6 Core Quantity 1 of 6 core CPU with HyperThreading 10
2x6 Core Quantity 2 of 6 core CPU with HyperThreading 20

B0700HD – Rev A 2. Site Planning and Configuration for VMs in Foxboro Evo Systems

Sizing Guidelines for the Number of Virtual/Logical CPUs to Use

Per Virtual Machine
When running Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.1 or later in a virtual machine environ-
ment, the recommended number of virtual/logical CPUs to use per virtual machine is provided in
Table 2-3.

Configuration Recommendations
Table 2-4. Virtual/Logical CPUs to Use Per Virtual Machine

Functionality Recommendation
Control Software Galaxy Server Select 2 virtual/logical CPUs1
Control Software Historian Server Select 2 virtual/logical CPUs1
Remote Desktop Services Select 2 virtual/logical CPUs
All other functionality Select 1 virtual/logical CPU
1. As recommended in the Wonderware document Wonderware System Platform in a Virtualized Envi-
ronment Implementation Guide.

V91 server virtualization hosts are not shipped from the factory with any virtual
machines configured on them.

For the steps needed to configure virtual machines for a V91 server virtualization host, see
Chapter 3 “Physical V91 Server Setup”.

Role and Operation Restrictions for Foxboro Evo Users on

Virtual Machines
To manage the role and operation restrictions for Foxboro Evo users configured for a virtual
machine, refer to “Creating Users in Active Directory” in the Control Core Services Software Instal-
lation Guide included with your version of the Control Core Services. Also, for Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services software, refer to Security Implementation User's Guide for I/A Series and
Foxboro Evo Workstations (Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Operating Systems) (B0700HG).

3. Physical V91 Server Setup
This chapter describes how to setup the physical V91 server and activate the Windows Server 2016
Standard operating system on Model V91 server virtualization hosts.

The default factory shipped Administrator account name and the password for that
account in the V91 server virtualization host are as follows:
Account Name: Account1
Account As-Shipped Password: Password1
It is strongly advised that you change the default password after receiving the V91.
Make sure that any new passwords are documented in a secured location.

The physical V91 server setup chapter provides this information:

♦ A flow chart indicating the information required to set up your virtual machines on a
V91 virtualization host
♦ The manual steps required to set up the physical server, with references to more
detailed information

B0700HD – Rev A 3. Physical V91 Server Setup

Figure 3-1. Quick Start Guide for Creating Virtual Machines on a V91 Server
Virtualization Host

Be sure to check the Global Customer Support website
(https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com) for the latest patches for the
Windows Server 2016 operating system.

3. Physical V91 Server Setup B0700HD – Rev A

The manual setup of the physical V91 server is as follows:

1. Install the Windows Server 2016 Host OS image (K0177BB) on the physical V91
Servers. After reboot, set the computer names.
2. On each V91 Server, activate Windows Server 2016 OS. See Appendix D “System
License Activation”.
3. To configure virtual machine functionality, proceed as follows:
a. On the PDC and SDC VMs, install your preferred virus scanner.
b. See Chapter 7 “Troubleshooting”.
c. See Chapter 5 “Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines”.
4. See Chapter 4 “Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V”.

B0700HD – Rev A 3. Physical V91 Server Setup

4. Virtual Machines on Windows
Server 2016 Hyper-V
This chapter describes the procedures for setting up virtual machines using the Microsoft Hyper-
V Manager on V91 Microsoft Windows 2016 Server.


Be sure to follow the virtual machine sizing guidelines for your V91
server virtualization host, which can support up to ten virtual

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

The only image available for virtualization is for Windows Server 2016 (not Enter-
prise) for use with Enterprise Edition Control Core Services software v9.4 or later as
well as the Control Software v7.1 or later image.

The tasks for setting up the virtual network and creating, installing, and configuring virtual
machines include:
♦ Setup of the Virtual Network on the Windows 2016 Server
♦ Creation of the VM
♦ Configuration of the time synchronization options
♦ Configuration of VM behavior
♦ Configuration of additional NICs for Foxboro Evo Systems
♦ Installation of VM operating systems
♦ Use of multiple CPU cores on stations
♦ Activation of VMs with Windows Server 2016 Standard OS
♦ Pre-installation steps for modifying the registry setting
♦ Installation of the software for Foxboro Evo systems
♦ Post installation procedures
♦ Antivirus Security considerations

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Virtual Networking on Windows Server 2016 Using

Hyper-V Manager Setup
To configure virtual networking specific to Control Core Services software, you use the Hyper-V
hypervisor software and Hyper-V Manager. Proceed as follows:
1. Open the Hyper-V Manager. Click the Start button and then click Administra-
tive Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
2. Select the server name you want to configure.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

3. Click Virtual Switch Manager on the Actions pane on the right-hand side of the
window in the Hyper-V Manager as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1. Hyper-V Manager - Actions - Virtual Switch Manager

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Creating the Virtual Network Switches

First Virtual Network Switch
1. In the Virtual Switch Manager window, in the Virtual Switches pane on the left, click
New Virtual Network Switch to create the first virtual network switch. In the
Create Virtual Switch pane, select External and click Create Virtual Switch.
See Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. Virtual Switch Manager - Create Virtual Switch

Only the External Network type is supported. The NIC must be in the Connected
and Enabled state.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

2. On the Virtual Switch Properties window (Figure 4-3), enter the following informa-
a. For the Name, type First MESH Connection.
b. Under Connection Type, select External Network.
c. From the drop-down list, select the NIC that represents the “First I/A Control
Network Connection”, for example Allied Telesis AT-2912T Gigabit
Ethernet or Allied Telesis AT-2911xx Gigabit Fiber Ethernet.
d. Uncheck the Allow management operating system to share this net-
work adapter checkbox.


For the Foxboro Evo Control Network (FECN/MESH) connection, you

must uncheck the box related to allowing management to share this
network. This is a security best practice step for complete logical
separation of this network from the host operating system. In other
words, there should be no access to this control network from the host
operating system.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-3. Virtual Switch Manager - Properties for First Mesh Connection

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

In the following screens, whenever you press an Apply button, the following dialog
box (Figure 4-4) may appear. If it appears, click Yes.

Figure 4-4. Apply Networking Changes Dialog

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Second New Virtual Network Switch

1. Select New Virtual Network Switch again in the left pane.
2. In the right pane select External.
3. Click Create Virtual Switch to apply the network changes.

Figure 4-5. Virtual Switch Manager - Apply Network Changes to First Virtual Switch

4. In the Virtual Switch Properties pane, enter the following information:

a. For the Name, type Second Mesh Connection.
b. For the Connection Type, select External.
c. From the drop-down list, select the NIC that represents the “Second I/A MESH
Connection”, for example Allied Telesis AT-2912T Gigabit Ethernet
#2 or Allied Telesis AT-2911xx Gigabit Fiber Ethernet #2.
d. Uncheck the Allow management operating system to share this net-
work adapter checkbox.


For the Control Network (FECN/MESH) connection, you must uncheck

the box related to allowing management to share this network. This is
a security best practice step for complete logical separation of this
network from the host operating system. In other words, there should
be no access to this control network from the host operating system.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 4-6. Virtual Switch Manager - Properties for Second Mesh Connection

In the following screens, whenever you press an Apply button, the dialog box
(Figure 4-4) may appear. If it appears, click Yes.

DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN) Connection

1. In the left pane, select New Virtual Network again.
2. Select External.
3. Click Create Virtual Switch.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-7. Virtual Switch Manager - Apply Network Changes to Second Virtual Switch

4. In the Virtual Switch Properties pane, enter the following information as shown in
Figure 4-8:
a. Enter DCS ACN (Auxiliary Communications Network) Connection for
the Name.
b. Select External for Connection Type.
c. From the drop-down list, select the NIC connected to the remote client network.
d. Uncheck the Allow management operating system to share this net-
work adapter checkbox.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A


For the DCS ACN connection, this is a security best practice step for
complete logical separation of this network from the host operating
system. In other words, there should be no access to this network from
the host operating system.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.


In some extreme circumstances, you may be required to access a

virtual machine through this network from the host operating system.
In this scenario, it may be acceptable to select the Allow
management operating system to share this network adapter
checkbox as long as the security implications of this step are

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-8. Virtual Switch Manager - Properties for DCS ACN Connection

In the following screens, whenever you press an Apply button, the Apply Network-
ing Changes dialog box (Figure 4-4) may appear. If it appears, click Yes.

5. Click Apply and then click OK.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Helping to Prevent MAC Address Duplication for Virtual

In the case where you are using multiple V91 servers, perform the following to help to prevent
MAC address duplication for the virtual network:
1. Open the Hyper-V Manager. Click the Start button and then click Administra-
tive Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
2. Select the server name you want to configure.
3. In the Actions pane on the right-hand side of the window in the Hyper-V Manager,
click Virtual Switch Manager.
4. Under Global Network Settings on the left side panel, click MAC Address Range.
5. Review the MAC address range displayed and make sure that this range is unique on
all V91 servers. For example, if the address range on the:
a. First V91 is: from 00-15-5D-C0-7C-00 to 00-15-5D-C0-7C-FF
Then modify the address range on the:
b. Second V91 to be: from 00-15-5D-C1-7C-00 to 00-15-5D-C1-7C-FF
c. Third V91 to be: from 00-15-5D-C2-7C-00 to 00-15-5D-C2-7C-FF
d. Fourth V91 to be: from 00-15-5D-C3-7C-00 to 00-15-5D-C3-7C-FF
And so forth.
6. After you have completed modifications, click Apply or OK to save the modified

Virtual Machine (VM) Using Hyper-V Manager

Proceed as follows to create a virtual machine:
1. To open the Hyper-V Manager from Administrator Tools, click the Start button and
then click Administrative Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Actions panel on the right, click New and select Virtual Machine. See
Figure 4-9.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-9. Hyper-V Manager - Create Virtual Machine

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

3. On the Before You Begin screen (Figure 4-10), after reading the information, click

Figure 4-10. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Before You Begin

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

4. On the Specify Name and Location screen (Figure 4-11):

a. In the Name field, enter a name for the virtual machine.
b. In the Location field, enter or browse to a location where the virtual machine is to
be stored.
c. Click Next.

Figure 4-11. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Specify Name and Location

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

5. Click the Generation 2 option button for Windows Server 2016 VM installation
and click Next as shown in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Virtual Machine Generation

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

6. On the Assign Memory screen (Figure 4-13), in the Startup Memory field, enter the
appropriate value from the following table.

Table 4-1. Recommended Memory for Control Core Services (CCS), Control Software (CS) Use

Windows Operating System Memory

Workstation with Windows Server 2016 Standard 4096 MB
Remote Desktop Services Server with Windows Server 2016 8192 MB

For other applications, refer to the documentation specific to that application for
recommended memory use.

7. Click Next.

Figure 4-13. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Assign Memory

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

8. In the Connection field on the Configure Networking screen, select the network for
the virtual machine and click Next.

Figure 4-14. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Configure Networking

By default, virtual machines are created with one virtual Network Interface Card
(NIC). You may only add additional NICs after the virtual machine is created.

Additional network connections are required for use with Control Core Services
software. These are covered in the section “Configuration of Additional Network
Interface Cards for Use in Foxboro Evo Systems for a Virtual Machine Using
Hyper-V Manager” on page 45.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

9. On the Connect Virtual Hard Disk screen, select Create a virtual hard disk
and enter the selections as follows. Then click Next.

Make screen selections depending on whether you already have a hard drive or you
are creating a new hard drive. You can specify the selections now or modify the
properties later.

♦ In the Name field, enter a name for the virtual hard disk.
♦ In the Location field, select a location in which to store the virtual hard disk.
♦ In the Size field, you can keep the default 127 GB or change the default to the
application-specific recommended size.

Table 4-2. Recommended Disk Space for Control Core Services (CCS), Control Software (CS) Use

Stations Hard Drive Space

For CS Galaxy Minimum of 250 GB is required
All other CCS and CS Stations Minimum of 150 GB is recommended

The maximum size for the virtual hard drive is also determined by the availability of
total hard drive space on the V91 server virtualization host.

Be aware that once a virtual hard disk is created, its size cannot be easily increased.
To increase the size, you may have to delete the virtual hard disk partition and re-
install all software.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 4-15. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Connect Virtual Hard Disk

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

10. On the Installation Options screen, click one of the option buttons and click Next.

In most cases, it is recommended that you select Install Operating system

Figure 4-16. New Virtual Machine Wizard - Installation Options

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

11. On the summary screen, review your selections and if correct, click Finish to create
the VM. Otherwise, click Previous to make corrections. See Figure 4-17.

Figure 4-17. New Virtual Machine Wizard - New Virtual Machine Wizard Summary

Virtual Machine Time Synchronization Options

The Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service allows the virtual machine to synchronize its time
with the V91 server virtualization host. It can be configured from the Integration Services section
of the Management Settings of a virtual machine.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V


Enabling this service can cause issues on a DCS system where a

central time synchronization system/service is used, such as the
system described in Time Synchronization User's Guide (B0700AQ).
The V91 server virtualization host is unable to use that system.
Therefore, the time synchronization options should be unchecked and
disabled as described in the following procedure.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

To disable the Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service, proceed as follows:

1. On the Virtual Machine pane in Hyper-V hypervisor, right-click the virtual machine
that you want to configure and select Settings.
2. In the left-hand pane in the Management subsection, select Integration Services,
as shown in Figure 4-18.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 4-18. Settings - Management - Integration Services - Time Synchronization

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

3. Clear the Time Synchronization checkbox and click OK. See Figure 4-19.

Figure 4-19. Settings - Management - Integration Services - Unchecked Time Synchronization

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Virtual Machine Behavior During the Host System

Startup and Shutdown Configuration
You can configure the behavior of virtual machines during virtualization host startup and shut-
down. By default, virtual machines are configured to the “save” state when the V91 server virtual-
ization host shuts down, and to start up automatically if they were running when the V91 was last
shut down. The default startup setting does not require modification, but the virtual machine
shutdown behavior must be changed to shut down the virtual machine's guest operating system.

Configure Virtual Machine Behavior When the V91 Server

Virtualization Host Shuts Down
To configure how the virtual machine should behave during V91 server virtualization host
shutdown, proceed as follows:
1. On the Virtual Machine pane in Hyper-V Manager, right-click the virtual machine
that you want to configure and select Settings. See Figure 4-20.

Figure 4-20. VM - Settings Menu

Before the NIC binding, confirm that the “Enable Secure Boot” checkbox has been
unselected as shown in Figure 4-29 on page 53. This setting is under VM ->
Settings -> Security.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

2. On the Settings Selection screen (Figure 4-21), click the Automatic Stop Action
and the Shut down the guest operating system option buttons.
3. Click OK.

Figure 4-21. Settings - Automatic Stop Action

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Configuration of Additional Network Interface Cards

for Use in Foxboro Evo Systems for a Virtual Machine
Using Hyper-V Manager
Virtual machines are created with one virtual Network Interface Card (NIC) by
default. You may only add additional NICs after the virtual machine is created.

References to “The MESH Network” imply the Foxboro Evo Control Network

To configure additional NICs, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Hyper-V Manager. Click the Start button and then click Administra-
tive Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click the virtual machine name in the middle window and select Settings.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

3. In the Settings Selection screen:

a. In the left pane, select Add Hardware.
b. In the right pane select Network Adapter.
c. Click Add.

Figure 4-22. Settings - Add Hardware - Network Adapter

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

4. On the Network Adapter screen, select First Mesh Connection from the Network
drop-down list as shown in Figure 4-23.

Figure 4-23. Settings - Network Adapter

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

5. Select Advanced Features and then click the MAC Address Dynamic option button
and select the Enable MAC address spoofing checkbox. Then click Apply.
Make sure the settings appear as shown in Figure 4-24.

Figure 4-24. Settings - Network Adapter - Advanced Features

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

6. In the Settings Selection screen, select Add Hardware and Network Adapter again
(Figure 4-25). Click Add.

Figure 4-25. Settings - Add Hardware Network Adapter

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

7. On the Network Adapter screen, select Second Mesh Connection from the Net-
work drop-down list as shown in Figure 4-26.

Figure 4-26. Settings - Network Adapter - Select Second Network

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

8. Select Advanced Features and then click the MAC Address Dynamic option button
and select the Enable spoofing of MAC addresses checkbox. Make sure the set-
tings appear as shown in Figure 4-27.
9. Click Apply and then OK.

Figure 4-27. Settings - Network Adapter - Select Second Network - MAC Address

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Virtual Machine Operating System Installation

Install the virtual machine’s operating system from the restore DVD (K0177BD for Windows
Server 2016 VM) for the Hyper-V image for the Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) Standard operat-
ing system.

Check that your virtual machine is the only virtual machine accessing the physical
drive of the host machine at this time. For additional information, see Chapter 7

For a Windows Server 2016 virtual machine, you must use an ISO file of the K0177BD media to
boot it. To boot from the ISO, proceed as follows:
1. Copy the ISO image to the host server’s local hard drive or external hard drive from
the virtual machine operating system’s image system restore DVD (K0177BD).
2. Add a SCSI DVD drive manually to the virtual machine and change the boot order as
shown in Figure 4-28.

Figure 4-28. Change Boot Order Configuration

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

3. After adding the SCSI DVD drive, open the Security setting to confirm that the
Enable Secure Boot checkbox is disabled (refer to Figure 4-29) before booting the
virtual machine.

Confirm this is disabled -

Uncheck if checked

Figure 4-29. Uncheck Enable Secure Boot

4. Double-click the virtual machine and select Media > DVD Drive > Insert
Disk... to browse for the ISO image from the host’s hard drive or external hard drive
as shown in Figure 4-30.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-30. Browse for ISO Image

5. Turn on the virtual machine.

6. When the virtual operating system boots from the DVD restore media, a blue screen
appears with the following text:
Windows Server 2016 OS Virtual Machine
Image Restore Media DVD


N = NO - Abort and EXIT
Y = Yes - Restore Server 2016 VM Image
7. Enter Y to restore the system. A final screen appears with the following text:
You are about to delete the contents of your hard drive!
Press Y to Continue or N to Abort
8. Enter Y to begin the restore process. The restore process takes a few minutes.
9. When prompted for additional media, use the “Media-DVD Drive-Eject” selection to
install the existing media. Then select Insert Disk to select the second and third
ISO files.
10. Once the process is complete, one of the following happens:

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

♦ If the process was successful, a green screen appears.

♦ If a problem was encountered, a red screen appears. (Resolve the problem and
restart the OS image recovery procedure, Step 1.)
11. When the green screen appears, press <Enter> to reboot the station. The station
boots into a Windows virtual operating system environment.

Configuring C:\ and D:\ Drive Partitioning Sizes for the Virtual
Prior to installing any software, review the C:\ and D:\ drive partition sizes. If they are not ade-
quate for the software you need to install, change the partition sizes using the Microsoft Disk
Management tool included as part of the operating system.
The Hardware and Software Specific Instructions that shipped with your model-coded V91 Vir-
tualized Server contain detailed instructions on managing disk arrays, drives and partitions.

Changing the size of the drive after the installation of any software will require the
reinstallation of that software.

For similar instructions on resizing the drive partitioning sizes, refer to the hardware specific doc-
umentation that is shipped with your V91 hardware.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Multiple CPU Cores on Stations with Foxboro Evo

Control Core Services v9.4 or Later or Non-Foxboro
Evo (Off-Control Network) VM Stations
You can enable multiple CPU cores for these types of virtual machines:
♦ All Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs with Control Core Services 9.1 and later
♦ All Windows Server 2016 VMs running Control Core Services v9.4 or later
♦ Non-Control Core Services (Off-Control Network) virtual machines
Proceed as follows:
1. Add or increase the number of virtual CPUs for the virtual machine as follows:
a. Make sure the virtual machine is shut down.
b. Open the virtual machine Settings window as shown on Figure 4-37, “Access Vir-
tual Machine Settings” on page 61.
c. Select the Processor selection.
d. From the virtual CPU drop-down menu, select the number of desired virtual
CPUs (up to four are available).
e. Click Apply and close the window.
2. Enable the use of multiple CPUs in the operating system. This is applicable only if
using the restore DVD (part number K0177BD).
a. Boot up the virtual machine.
b. Invoke a command prompt with administrator privileges. Click the Start but-
ton, and click All Programs > Accessories. Right-click Command Prompt
and click Run as administrator.
c. For Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs only, in the command prompt, type the fol-
lowing and press <Enter>:
bcdedit /set onecpu off

This substep is not necessary for Windows Server 2016 VMs as they have multi-
core CPU functionality enabled by default.

When finished, the command prompt displays this message:

The operation completed successfully.
d. After successful completion, reboot the virtual machine.

Using multiple cores on a virtual machine may decrease the maximum number of
virtual machines available on a V91 server virtualization host.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Disabling Multiple CPU Cores on VM Stations

After you have enabled the multiple CPU cores, you can disable them at a later time.
Proceed as follows:
1. Change the number of virtual CPUs for the virtual machine as follows:
a. Make sure the virtual machine is shut down.
b. Open the virtual machine Settings window as shown on Figure 4-37, “Access Vir-
tual Machine Settings” on page 61.
c. Select the Processor selection.
d. From the virtual CPU drop-down menu, change the number of desired virtual
CPUs to “one”.
e. Click Apply and close the window.
2. Disable the use of multiple CPUs in the operating system. This is applicable only if
using the restore DVD (part number K0177BD).
a. Boot up the virtual machine.
b. Invoke a command prompt with administrator privileges. Click the Start but-
ton, and click All Programs > Accessories. Right-click Command Prompt
and click Run as administrator.
c. In the command prompt, type the following and press <Enter>:
bcdedit /set onecpu on
d. After successful completion, reboot the virtual machine.

Identifying the Virtual Machine Network Adapters To Be

Connected to the Foxboro Evo Control Network
During the Control Core Services software installation, a Foxboro network driver is bound to the
network adapters connected to the control network. You are prompted to select which network
adapters on the system are to be bound to the driver. On a physical system, it is usually simple to
select the adapter because the adapter hardware descriptions are provided. In the case of virtual
machines, all the adapter types are the same. This requires that you know the network connection
name of each adapter prior to binding the Foxboro Evo driver.

If the virtual machine only has network connections to the control network, it is
not necessary to continue with this procedure. This procedure applies to virtual
machines having both the control network and non-control network connections.

Proceed as follows to identify the network connection name of the virtual machine adapters con-
nected to the control network:
1. From Hyper-V hypervisor on the V91 server virtualization host, connect to the target
virtual machine.
2. In the virtual machine, right-click the network graphic in the system tray and click
Open Network and Sharing Center.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-31. Open Network and Sharing Center

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

3. In the Network and Sharing Center screen, click Change adapter settings.

Figure 4-32. Change Adapter Settings

a. Rearrange the network connections by selecting the drop-down icon as shown in

Figure 4-33.

Figure 4-33. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 1

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

b. Click Details, as shown in Figure 4-34.

Figure 4-34. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 2

c. If required, rearrange the columns, as shown in Figure 4-35.

Double-click the line adjacent to each column.

Figure 4-35. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 3

d. Make sure to show the full details of the Device Name column, as shown in
Figure 4-36.

Figure 4-36. Virtual Machine Settings and Network Adapter Settings - Step 4

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

4. From the File menu on the Virtual Machine Connection screen, select Settings to
open the virtual machine settings.

Figure 4-37. Access Virtual Machine Settings

5. In the Virtual Machine Settings window, click the network adapter connected to the
“DCS ACN Connection” virtual network and select Not connected from the Net-
work drop-down list on the right side. See Figure 4-38.

Figure 4-38. Network Adapter Settings - Step 1

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

6. Click Apply. The window refreshes and appears as shown in Figure 4-39.

Figure 4-39. Network Adapter Settings - Step 2

7. Click OK to close the window.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

8. One of the network connections on the Network and Sharing Center screen on the
virtual machine should have changed to indicate a disconnected status with a red “X”
(Figure 4-40).

Figure 4-40. Network Adapter Connected to DCS ACN Network - Disconnected Status

9. Write down the device names of the network which is shown with the disconnected
status. This is your DCS ACN connection NIC and the remainder of the network
connections are the NICs connected to the control network.
10. After you have recorded the device names for all three networks, reconnect the DCS
ACN network as described in the following substeps.
a. From the File menu on the Virtual Machine Connection screen, select Set-
tings to open the virtual machine settings.
b. Select the network adapter which was previously connected to the “DCS ACN
Connection” virtual network, and whose Network drop-down menu had been set
to “Not Connected”.
c. Set the Network drop-down menu to DCS ACN Connection as shown in
Figure 4-41.
d. Click Apply.
e. Click OK.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-41. Network Adapter Settings - DCS ACN Network

The network connection changes to a non-disconnected status.

11. Repeat this procedure for any other network, if applicable. Save the network connec-
tion names you wrote down for use during the Control Core Services software instal-

Windows Server 2016 Operating System Activation

for Virtual Machines
Activating the operating system license for each instance of a virtual machine uses the same steps
as for the V91, only with the steps occurring in the virtualized machine itself. These steps are
detailed in Appendix D “System License Activation”.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Foxboro Evo Installation Media

These methods can be used to prepare Foxboro Evo installation media (typically an ISO) for
installation in a virtual machine:
♦ Load the media directly on each virtual machine, mounting the ISO on the V91 to
one virtual machine at a time as described in “Virtual Machine Operating System
Installation” on page 52.
♦ Copy the contents of the installation media to a network file sharing location and
then access it from multiple virtual machines simultaneously (via the network share).
To provide files required for Control Core Services Software installation on a virtual machine
which are available in a folder (for example: Commit files), copy the folder and its contents to a
network file sharing location (accessible from the control network) and then access it from multi-
ple virtual machines simultaneously (via the network share).

Floppy disks/drives and USB-based read/write media are not supported for virtual

Control Core Services on a Virtual Machine

The Control Core Services installation instructions for a virtual machine are identical to a regular
Control Core Services software installation with one exception - the installation media must be
made available to the virtual machine by utilizing one of the methods described in the previous
While installing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services software v9.4 or later on client
machines, the following message may be displayed when connecting to the Primary Domain
Controller (PDC): “Unable to determine the local time on Primary Domain Controller (PDC)”,
as shown in Figure 4-42.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

Figure 4-42. Primary Domain Controller (PDC) - Message

1. Change the Computer name of the virtual machine.

2. Assign an IP address to the DCS ACN’s NIC.
3. Copy the Commit files to the virtual machine or make them available on the network
location - e.g. \\network_location\folder_name.
Now you are ready to install the Control Core Services software.
You need to reboot your system once to resume the installation. Refer to the Control Core Services
Software Installation Guide included with your version of the Control Core Services for installa-
tion instructions.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Post-Installation Procedures
Following the installation of Control Core Services software, you need to be aware of the follow-
ing procedures:
♦ “Removing the Remote Desktop Services Role” on page 67
♦ “Adding the Remote Desktop Client Access License” on page 77
♦ “Starting Remote Desktop Services for Remote Access” on page 77
♦ “Configuring Foxboro Evo Virtual Machine Foxboro Evo Control Network Connec-
tions to be Static” on page 78

Removing the Remote Desktop Services Role

This step should only be done after all Control Core Services software has been
installed. The Control Core Services software should be disabled while removing
the role.

If the virtual machine is not being used for Remote Desktop Services, you may
remove this role. There is still one remote connection to the virtual machine

If the virtual machine will not be used as a Remote Desktop Services server, remove the remote
desktop services role. Removing the role makes the machine suitable for single connection and
will not require the use of RDS user CAL licenses.
To remove the Remote Desktop Services role, proceed as follows:
1. Disable Control Core Services software from the virtual machine’s Control Panel and
reboot the virtual machine.
2. In the virtual machine, open the Administrative Tools, then start the Server Manager
on the virtual machine.
3. Under the Manage drop-down menu, select Remove Roles and Features.

Figure 4-43. Server Manager - Dashboard

4. In the wizard that appears, in the Before You Begin window, click Next.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

5. In the Select destination server window, confirm Select a server from the
server pool and the correct station are selected. When ready, click Next.

Figure 4-44. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Select Destination Server

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

6. In the Remove server roles window, click Remote Desktop Services for

Figure 4-45. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Server Roles

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

7. The next window lists other features will be removed as well. These features require
Remote Desktop Services. Click Remove Features.

Figure 4-46. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Features That Require Remote Desktop

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

8. The Remove server roles window now shows the item “Remote Desktop Services”
unchecked. Click Next.

Figure 4-47. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Server Roles - Part 2

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

9. In the Remove features window, click Next.

Figure 4-48. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Remove Features

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

10. In the Confirm removal selections window, click Remove.

Figure 4-49. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Confirm Removal Selections

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

11. Once the removal operation completes, click Close.

Figure 4-50. Remove Roles and Features Wizard - Removal Progress

12. Reboot the station.

To restrict a single user to a single session:
1. To open the Local Group Policy Editor application, open a command prompt. In the
prompt, type gpedit and press <Enter>.
2. On the Local Group Policy Editor, select Local Computer Policy -> Computer
Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components ->
Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Connec-
3. If the State of the item “Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote
Desktop Services session” is Not Configured, double-click it and set it to Enabled.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 4-51. Restrict Remote Desktop Services Users to a Single Remote Desktop Services Session

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

4. The State should be Enabled as shown in Figure 4-52.

Figure 4-52. Local Group Policy Editor - Enabled

5. Reboot the station.

Enabling Audio for Remote Desktop Services Sessions

Audio playback is disabled for remote desktop sessions. The following instructions enable audio
playback, required to play sound on a remote client. Proceed as follows:
1. To open the Local Group Policy Editor application, open a command prompt. In the
prompt, type gpedit and press <Enter>.
2. On the Local Group Policy Editor, select Local Computer Policy -> Computer
Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components ->
Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Device and
Resource Redirection.
3. If the State of item “Allow audio and video playback redirection” is Not Configured,
double-click it. Select Enabled, and then click OK.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 4-53. Local Group Policy Editor - Not Configured

4. Confirm the State is now Enabled. Reboot the station.

Adding the Remote Desktop Client Access License

If the virtual machine will be used as a Remote Desktop Services server, a proper remote desktop
client access license (RD CAL) needs to be added. For more information on how to add RD
CALs, refer to “Remote Desktop Server CAL and Remote Desktop Services License Server Acti-
vation” on page 247 in Appendix F “Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services
to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems”.

Starting Remote Desktop Services for Remote Access

The Remote Desktop Services service is disabled by default it needs to be enabled in order to
access the virtual machine using the remote desktop client.
To enable this service follow the instructions below for standard installations:
1. Open the Control Panel and open Administrative Tools.
2. Open Services from Administrative Tools.
3. Select the Remote Desktop Services service, right-click and select Properties.
4. In the Startup type selection drop-down, select Automatic to have it start automati-
cally every time, or select Manual to start it temporarily on demand only.
5. Click the Start button to start the service.
6. Click Apply to save the changes.
7. Click OK.
8. Close the Services window.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

If you have installed the Enterprise Edition Control Core Services software on this virtual
machine, refer to “Remote Desktop Services” in Security Implementation User's Guide for I/A Series
and Foxboro Evo Workstations (Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Operating Systems)
(B0700HG) and follow its instructions.

Configuring Foxboro Evo Virtual Machine

Foxboro Evo Control Network Connections to be Static
For all configured virtual machines, reconfigure the virtual Control Network interface from
dynamic to static.
When the virtual machines are initially configured, the interface is set to dynamic to autofill the
interface’s MAC address. Refer to Figure 4-24, “Settings - Network Adapter - Advanced Features”
on page 48. After this MAC address is configured, the virtual Control Network interface must be
changed from dynamic to static.
To configure virtual networking settings specific to Control Core Services software, you use the
Hyper-V hypervisor software.


MAC addresses should be set to static only after the installation of

CCS software.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

1. Open the Hyper-V hypervisor manager. Click the Start button and then click
Administrative Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click the virtual machine name in the middle window and select Settings.
3. Expand the Network Adapter and select Advanced Features.
4. Click the Static option button and click OK.

4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V B0700HD – Rev A

5. Change the MAC address setting for the interface from Dynamic to Static. as
shown in Figure 4-54.

Figure 4-54. Network Adapter Settings - Mac Address Set to Static

6. Repeat for all configured virtual machines.

B0700HD – Rev A 4. Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V


Be sure that the Static MAC address selection is set prior to using the
Export/Import function. Otherwise, the I/A First and Second Control
Network NICs of the VM may become unbound and I/A
communication may not work.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

Foxboro Evo Control Software or Foxboro Control

Software Installation
The Control Software installation instructions for a virtual machine are the same as for a regular
Control Software installation of a physical station, with one exception - the installation media
must be made available to the virtual machine by utilizing one of the methods described in “Fox-
boro Evo Installation Media” on page 65.
Refer to the Foxboro Evo Control Software Installation Guide (B0750RA) for Control Software
installation instructions.

Antivirus Security Considerations for Virtualization

You are responsible for installing your own preferred antivirus scanner software to secure the vir-
tual machines on a V91 server.

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual
This chapter includes information related to VM startup and shutdown, state of VMs, setup of
health alerts for both physical and virtual machines, utilization of resources, reboot and re-inti
a liza ti on of server remotely.
Hyper-V virtual management provides the following capabilities:
♦ Start up and shut down the virtual machines using the Hyper-V Manager
♦ View the state of the VMs
♦ Set up health alerts for both physical and virtual machines
♦ Observe resource utilization for the physical V91 host server and the virtual machines

Hyper-V Manager for Starting and Stopping VMs

Starting and stopping the virtual machines using Hyper-V Managers can be done in multiple
ways. Any of the following procedures will either start the virtual machine to bring it online or
shutdown the virtual machine to take it offline.

Starting the VM
To start a virtual machine, there are multiple options. Proceed as follows:
1. Open the Hyper-V Manager.
2. Select the virtual machine you want to start.
a. Right-click to access the Main Menu and select Start. See Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Start

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

Alternately, right-click to access the Main menu and select Connect... as shown
in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Connect

b. On the VM window, click the Power icon as shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Power Icon

Or, alternately, select the Action menu and select Start as shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Action Menu - Start

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

Shutting down the VM

To shutdown a virtual machine that is currently running, there are multiple options. Proceed as
1. Open the Hyper-V Manager.
2. Select the virtual machine you want to shutdown and perform the following:
a. Right-click to access the Main Menu and select Shutdown as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Shutdown

Alternately, right-click to access the Main menu and select Connect... as shown
in Figure 5-6.

Figure 5-6. Hyper-V Manager - Access to Main Menu - Connect

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

b. On the VM window, click the On icon as shown in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window On Icon

Alternately, select the Action menu and select Shutdown... as shown in

Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-8. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Action Menu

Figure 5-9. Hyper-V Manager - Access to VM Window Action Menu - Shutdown

State of Virtual Machines (VM)

When selecting a virtual machine associated with a select server, the following information is
available for that virtual machine from the initial screen:
♦ Name
♦ Current state (on/off )
♦ CPU usage
♦ Assigned memory
♦ Uptime
♦ Status
♦ Additional checkpoint and detail information

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

To view the state of virtual machines, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Hyper-V Manager as shown in Figure 5-10 and under the Hyper-V Man-
ager in the left panel, select the server name, in this case, S12HVDH1.

Figure 5-10. VM State - Hyper-V Manager Access

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

2. In Figure 5-11, which is a section of Figure 5-12, the Name column appears with the
list of all the VMs associated with the selected server and the State column appears
indicating the current state of the virtual machines. Be advised that the following sce-
narios may occur:
a. If the state of the virtual machine is dormant, not active, the VM is in the shut-
down (off ) state.

Figure 5-11. VM State - Virtual Machines and Current State

When you click the desired virtual machine (for example, VDHS61) to view the
details for that VM currently in the Off state, no information is available/shown
in the bottom checkpoint and detail areas (Figure 5-12).

Figure 5-12. VM State - VDHS61 Off State - Checkpoints and Details Area

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

b. If the state of the virtual machine is running or active, the VM will have informa-
tion in the Checkpoint and/or Detail areas.
When you click the desired virtual machine (for example, VDRCH9) to view the
details for that VM (currently in the Running state), the bottom checkpoint and
detail panels indicate information as shown in Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13. VM State - VDRCH9 Running State - Checkpoint and Detail Information

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

3. Within the detail panel (Figure 5-13), there are four folder tabs across the bottom of
the screen. To access additional information regarding the selected VM, select one or
more of the following tabs:
♦ Summary
♦ Memory
♦ Networking
See Figure 5-14, Figure 5-15, and Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-14. VM State - Details - Summary Tab

Figure 5-15. VM State - Details - Memory Tab

Figure 5-16. VM State - Details - Networking Tab

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

Setup for Health Alerts for Physical V91 and Virtual

Machines Running on V91
This section provides information regarding health alerts for the following:
♦ V91 Health Alerts
♦ V91 VM Health Alerts

Health Alerts for Physical V91s

The following applications provide the ability to receive health alerts for the physical V91s:
♦ Server Manager application local direct access or via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
♦ HP Home Page application local direct access or via RDP
Table 5-1 indicates the access type and the appropriate application to use.
Table 5-1. Alert Applications and Access Types

Access Type Server Manager HP Home Page

Local Access Yes Yes
Remote Access via Server Manager (Multiple Yes No
Remote Access via RDP Yes Yes

The Server Manager available options and information are shown in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17. Service Manager - Local Server Information/Options

The HP Home Page available options and information are shown in Figure 5-18 and Figure 5-19

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

Figure 5-18. System Management Home page - Local Server Information/Options

Figure 5-19. System Management Home page - Array Controller Information/Options

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

Health Alerts for Virtual Machines Running on V91s

The following applications provide the ability to receive health alerts for the virtual machines run-
ning on a V91:
♦ Hyper-V Manager on a physical V91 with local direct access or via Remote Desktop
Protocol (RDP).
♦ After logging into the VM (local to V91 via the virtual machine connection or via
RDP/Thin Client)
♦ Server Manager and
♦ System Manager applications (only on the Foxboro Evo Control Network
(FECN)). This is documented in detail in System Management Displays
(B0193JC) and System Manager (B0750AP).
The Hyper-V Manager on a physical V91 provides columns of status information for the VM
health as shown on Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20. Hyper-V Manager on Physical V91- Information/Options

Figure 5-21 shows the current state of the VDRFV8 virtual machine as running.

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

Figure 5-21. Hyper-V Manager - VM State

Observing Resource Utilization on the Physical V91

Host Server
To observe the current utilization of the various resources of the physical V91 host server, you can
access the following applications to access related resource utilization information:
♦ Task Manager Application
♦ Resource Monitor Application

Task Manager Application

Within the Task Manager application, you have access to the following information screens:
♦ Process
♦ Performance (access to Resource Monitor application)
♦ Users
♦ Details
♦ Services

Accessing the Task Manager and Information Screens

1. To access the Task Manager application from the physical host server, right-click Task
Bar and select Task Manager as shown in Figure 5-22.

Figure 5-22. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Access Task Manager

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

2. On the Task Manager window, click More details (bottom left screen) to access the
following five tabs: Processes, Performance, Users, Details, and Services. See
Figure 5-23.

Figure 5-23. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Task Manager - More Details

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

a. The Task Manager view changes to the Detailed view. Under the Processes tab, for
example, CPU and Memory utilization for applications and background processes
is displayed as shown in Figure 5-24.

Figure 5-24. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Processes Tab Information

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

b. For additional column information details related to the present view, right-click
and select the additional information columns required. See Figure 5-25.

Figure 5-25. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Processes - Detailed View Options

For example, to display PID column information, select the PID option. See Figure 5-26.

Figure 5-26. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Processes - PID Option Details

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

c. The Performance tab provides access to performance information as shown in

Figure 5-27. In addition, the icon at the bottom of the screen provides access to
the Resource Monitor as shown in Figure 5-28. For information regarding the
Resource Monitor, see “Resource Monitor” on page 100.

Figure 5-27. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Performance Tab

Figure 5-28. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor Access

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

d. The Users tab provides access to the User information listed in Figure 5-29.

Figure 5-29. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Users Tab

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

e. The Details tab provides details as shown in Figure 5-30.

Figure 5-30. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Details Tab

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

f. The Services tab shows information similar to that in Figure 5-31.

Figure 5-31. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Services Tab

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

Resource Monitor
From the Performance Screen in the Task Manager application, you have access to the
Resource Monitor Application with the following related screens:
♦ Overview
♦ Memory
♦ Disk
♦ Network
1. To access the Resource Monitor application, click the icon at the bottom of the Per-
formance tab as shown in Figure 5-28.
a. The Resource Monitor appears with the five folder tabs as shown in Figure 5-32.

Figure 5-32. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Overview Tab

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

a. Figure 5-33 indicates an Overview of the following screens: CPU, Memory, Disk
and Network. Each of these screens can be expanded for additional resource utili-
zation information.

Figure 5-33. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Overview Tab Expanded

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

b. The CPU screen shows the Processes information and can be expanded to provide
information regarding the CPU services, associated handles, and associated mod-
ules as shown in Figure 5-34.

Figure 5-34. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - CPU Tab Expanded

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

c. The Memory tab provides a list of processes and physical memory information as
shown in Figure 5-35.

Figure 5-35. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Memory Tab

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

d. The Disk tab showing Processes with Disk Activity also expands to also provide
Disk Activity and Storage information. See Figure 5-36.

Figure 5-36. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Disk Tab Expanded

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

e. The Network tab provides a list of processes with Network Activity and can be
expanded to show Network Activity, TCP Connections, and Listening Ports as
shown in Figure 5-37.

Figure 5-37. V91 Host Server - Task Bar - Resource Monitor - Network Tab Expanded

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

Resource Utilization of Virtual Machines

To view the resource utilization of virtual machines, proceed as follows.
1. In the left panel, select the Hyper-V Manager as shown in Figure 5-38 and select the
physical V91 Server host, in this case, V91S12HVHS1.

Figure 5-38. Hyper-V Manager - Virtual Machines

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

2. The virtual machines associated with the physical V91 Server host appear in the mid-
dle panel as shown in Figure 5-39. The information regarding the selected VM is dis-
played in the following areas: Virtual Machines, Checkpoints, VM basic identification

Figure 5-39. V91 Host Server - List of Virtual Machines

3. To expand the view, maximize the window and look at the window marked Virtual
Machines (Figure 5-40).

Figure 5-40. V91 Host Server - Expanded List of VM

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

The columns in this expanded view provide information about resource utilization for
each of the individual VMs. See Table 5-2 and Figure 5-41.

Table 5-2. VM Information Provided

Column Information Provided

1 Name Name of VM
2 State Current State of VM: Running or Off
3 CPU Usage % of CPU Utilization by the VM
4 Assigned Memory Assigned RAM to the VM
5 Uptime Time VM has been running
6 Status Information of current operations, if any, to the
VM. For example, sending or receiving replica-

Figure 5-41. V91 Host Server - Expanded VM View

4. If necessary, you can add or remove columns in the VM view. Select View and then
Add/Remove Columns... as shown in Figure 5-42.

Figure 5-42. V91 Host Server - View - Add, Remove Columns

5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

5. From the subsequent Add/Remove Columns screen (Figure 5-43), select the desired
column(s) to add or remove from the screen. Click OK.

Figure 5-43. V91 Host Server - Add/Remove Columns Screen

B0700HD – Rev A 5. Hyper-V Management of Virtual Machines

6. Backup and Restore of V91
Server Virtualization Host and Its
Virtual Machines
This chapter provides instructions on how to backup and restore a V91 server virtualization
host and its virtual machines.

V91 Full System Backup and Restore

The V91 server virtualization host, as the platform on which virtual machines run, requires a sys-
tem level backup and restore plan for a V91 to be restored in the event of data or hardware
unavailability. A minimum system backup includes the operating system, its disk partition, and
any associated system recovery partitions. The resulting image provides the means to perform a
bare metal restore of the V91.
The instructions for a full backup of a system are provided in Veritas System Recovery 2016 Desk-
top, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series® and Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Sys-
tems (B0700HH). In particular, refer to the sections “Backing Up to a Network Location” and
“Restoring a Workstation or Server from a Network Backup Device” in B0700HH.
During the manufacturing of the V91, the Veritas System Recovery 2016 software packages are
installed and configured on the V91’s physical operating system environment (POSE), Microsoft
Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition, on the C: drive.
The Veritas System Recovery 2016 Server Edition Kit is included with the V91, and contains the
♦ Disk 1 of 2, Veritas - System Recovery 2016 Installation Multilingual CD-ROM, for
♦ Disk 2 of 2, Veritas - System Recovery 2016 SRD English Only CD-ROM, Recovery
Disk for Servers
♦ Veritas System Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series®
and Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH)

Virtual Machine Backup and Restore

This section discusses how to back up and restore an individual virtual machine.

Only network targets are supported with Veritas System Recovery 2016 software.
USB hard drives or optical drives are not supported for virtual machines.

Virtual machines running on the V91 should also be backed up regularly to allow restoration of
one or more virtual machines in the event of data corruption or hard disk becoming unavailable.

B0700HD – Rev A 6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines

While you can include the virtual machines in a full system backup, it is not practical to perform
a complete system restore just to restore a single virtual machine image. Backups of the virtual
machine volume(s) produce smaller images, which can then be used to restore individual virtual
machines. The reduced size of the images and the resulting reduction in the time it takes to per-
form this type of backup makes it more suitable as a virtual machine backup strategy especially
because virtual machine backup is usually performed more often than full system backups.
It is not necessary to shut down running virtual machines during the backup operations. Veritas
System Recovery will backup the virtual machine images even while the virtual machines are run-

Backing up and Restoring Virtual Machines Using Veritas System

For backing up and restoring a single virtual machine, use Veritas System Recovery. As virtual
machines have no access to the physical USB ports on their V91 server virtualization hosts, only
backup and restore operations to a network location are supported for the virtual machines. Veri-
tas System Recovery is included in as part of the virtual machine installation software on its DVD.
For more information on how to backup and restore using Veritas System Recovery in a virtual
machine, refer to the sections “Backing Up to a Network Location” and “Restoring a Workstation
or Server from a Network Backup Device” in Veritas System Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Vir-
tual Editions Guide for I/A Series® and Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH).
The virtual machine’s Veritas System Recovery Server Edition Kit is included with the V91, and
contains the following:
♦ Disk 1 of 2, Veritas - System Recovery 2016 Installation Multilingual CDROM, for
♦ Disk 2 of 2, Veritas - System Recovery 2016 SRD English Only CDROM, Recovery
Disk for Servers
♦ Veritas System Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series®
and Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH)

6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

Exporting and Importing a VM from One Windows Server 2016

V91 to another Windows Server 2016 V91
A virtual machine on one Windows Server 2016 V91 may be exported to an external hard drive
and then imported to another Windows Server 2016 V91 using the following procedure.
To export/import a selected VM from one Windows server to another Windows server, proceed as
1. Right-click the VM to be exported and then select Export... Refer to Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. VM - Export - Selected VM

2. Export Virtual Machine dialog starts, to give the path where the VM being exported
needs to be saved click the Browse button. Refer to Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2. VM - Export - Destination External Hard Drive Disk

B0700HD – Rev A 6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines

3. Type the destination folder name or click the folder name where the VM is to be
exported as shown in Figure 6-3 and click Select Folder.

Figure 6-3. VM - Export - Location Folder on External Hard Drive

4. With the destination folder selected as shown in Figure 6-4, click Export.

Figure 6-4. VM - Export - Destination External Hard Drive Disk

6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

5. Once the export is done, copy the export folder in another Server 2016 V91 at the
path D:\VirtualMachine.

Figure 6-5. VM - Export - External Hard Drive/Disk

B0700HD – Rev A 6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines

6. On the destination Windows 2016 Server V91, access Hyper-V Manager and click
Import Virtual Machine. The Import Virtual Machine wizard appears as shown
in Figure 6-6. Click Next.

Figure 6-6. VM - Import Virtual Machine Wizard

6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

7. Click the Browse... button (Figure 6-7) to locate the folder on the external drive
containing the VM to be imported. After selecting folder, click Next.

Figure 6-7. VM - Import Virtual Machine - Locate VM Folder for VM Import

B0700HD – Rev A 6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines

8. On the Select Virtual Machine screen, select the VM to import and click Next.

Figure 6-8. VM - Import Virtual Machine - Select Virtual Machine

6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines B0700HD – Rev A

9. On the Choose Import Type screen, do the following:

a. Check the default option Register the virtual machine in-place (use
the existing unique ID) is selected as shown in Figure 6-9.
b. Click Next and then click Finish.

Figure 6-9. VM - Import Virtual Machine - Choose Import Type

10. After the VM is imported, check all the Network Connections and turn on the new

B0700HD – Rev A 6. Backup and Restore of V91 Server Virtualization Host and Its Virtual Machines

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard Re-

If it is necessary to reinstall Windows Server 2016 Standard as shipped from the factory configu-
ration, use the restore media that ships with the V91 Virtualized Server. Use the restore media as
described in Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model V91 Server Virtualization Host
(HP DL380 Gen9) Windows Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE).
The Microsoft Hyper-V role of Windows Server 2016 Standard is enabled as part of the restore
media installation.

No other software or applications may be installed on the Microsoft Windows
Server 2016 Standard V91 physical operating system environment (POSE). The
V91 Host’s POSE is dedicated for the sole purpose of managing a group of virtual

7. Troubleshooting
This chapter provides information related to troubleshooting any suboptimal conditions that
may occur.
This troubleshooting section provides resolutions to the following conditions:
♦ Unrecognized applications and files cannot be downloaded from the Internet; they are
♦ A detected error message appears indicating that a service cannot be performed
♦ HP HomePage required settings need configuration when there is a website security
certificate issue on the HomePage
♦ A security certificate issue from the HP HomePage needs resolution
♦ The size of the remote desktop server C: drive needs to be increased
♦ After successfully completing the Primary or Secondary Domain configuration, a sys-
tem message appears suggesting that there are steps required to promote the server to a
domain controller
♦ A system message in Server Manager indicates the IPHelper service has stopped
♦ Pinging between V91 servers is not working and a time out occurs even when the
Server Manager and Hyper-V Manager continue to function and manage the V91

Windows SmartScreen System Message

Unrecognized applications and files cannot be downloaded from the Internet.
The Windows SmartScreen feature provided by Microsoft, as quoted from Microsoft’s literature,
“can help keep your PC safer by informing you before running unrecognized applications and
files downloaded from the Internet.” This feature is turned off by default for the Windows Server
2016 images provided by Schneider Electric.
When the Windows SmartScreen feature is turned off, the following steps can be taken to allow
changes to the PC.
1. When a system flag appears in the lower right corner on the desktop screen as shown
in Figure 7-1, click on the flag and a more detailed system message appears as shown
in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-1. Windows SmartScreen System Flag - Lower Right Corner

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

2. Click the Important message flag as shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2. Windows SmartScreen Important Message Flag - W

3. The Action Center window is displayed as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3. Action Center Screen- Security Section

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

4. To address this system message, there are two options:

Option 1: Disable the system message.
♦ Click Turn off messages about Windows SmartScreen as shown in
Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4. Security Section - Turn Off Messages

Option 2: Enable the Windows SmartScreen.


Be sure to consult your organization's security advisor before enabling

Windows SmartScreen. This application needs to be able to
communicate with Microsoft servers in order to function properly.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

a. Click Change settings.

Figure 7-5. Security Section - Change Settings

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

b. Click Yes on the UAC dialog.

Figure 7-6. User Account Control - Allow Changes to Computer

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

c. On the Windows SmartScreen, select one of the following options recommended

by your organization's security advisor. See Figure 7-7 and Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-7. Windows SmartScreen - Turn Off Windows SmartScreen

Figure 7-8. Windows SmartScreen - Get Administrator Approval

d. After selecting the recommended option, click OK to close the window.

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

WinRM Is Not Running

Server Manager Display shows a detected error message indicating that refresh/automatic refresh
did not succeed because WinRM was not running and could not be started. See Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9. WinRM Refresh Did Not Succeed - WinRM Not Running/Could Not Be Started

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

Resolution: Temporary
To resolve this condition temporarily, modify the WinRM service on the servers using the follow-
ing steps:
1. On the Tools menu in Server Manager, select Services to open the Services win-
dow. See Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-10. Server Manager Tools Menu - Services

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

Alternately, select Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Administra-
tive Tools and then select Services. See Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11. Administrative Tools - Services

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

2. If prompted, select Yes on the User Account Control screen.

Figure 7-12. User Account Control - Allow Changes

3. Locate the service named Windows Remote Management (WS-Management). This

service is shown as disabled. See Figure 7-13 and Figure 7-14.

Figure 7-13. Services - Windows Remote Management

Figure 7-14. Windows Remote Management - Disabled

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

4. Right-click Windows Remote Management and select Properties. See Figure 7-15

Figure 7-15. Windows Remote Management - Properties

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

5. In the General tab, from the Startup Type: drop-down menu, select Automatic.
Click Apply. See Figure 7-16.

Figure 7-16. Windows Remote Management - Properties - General - Startup Type

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

6. Click Start to start the selected service (Figure 7-17). Then click OK.

Figure 7-17. Windows Remote Management - Properties - General - Start

7. Repeat each of these steps for each of the Servers to resolve the condition (temporar-

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

Resolution: Permanent
To resolve this condition permanently, modify the Group policy on the domain to start the
WinRM service on the servers using the following steps:

The steps below provide information on how to link Virt WS2012R2 Windows
Remote Management Service enabled to the desired OU.

1. Log on to the Domain Controller and open the Group Policy Management window
in one of the following ways:
a. Under Administrative Tools, select the Group Policy Management option as
shown in Figure 7-18, or

Figure 7-18. Administrative Tools - Group Policy Management

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

b. Select Tools on the Server Manager and then select Group Policy Manage-
ment. See Figure 7-19.

Figure 7-19. Server Manager - Tools - Group Policy Management

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

2. Under Group Policy objects, verify Virt WS2012R2 Windows Remote Management
Service enabled x.x is available as shown in Figure 7-20.

Figure 7-20. Group Policy Objects - Virt WS2012R2 Windows

Remote Management Service Enabled x.x

3. You can do either of the following to correct the condition permanently:

♦ Link to a pre-existing Organizational Unit (OU). For example, link this policy
object to Remote Desktop Enabled Hyper-V Servers OU, or
♦ Link to a newly created custom Organizational Unit. For example, create a cus-
tom OU and link the policy to it.

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

4. If creating your own custom OU, go directly to Step 5 to do so.

Otherwise, to link to a pre-existing OU, perform the following steps (a. thru d.):
a. Under Schneider Electric, expand the OUs under SE VM Host Computers.
Under the SE VM Hyper-V Servers, right-click Remote Desktop Enabled
Hyper-V Servers to access the menu and select Link an Existing GPO...
See Figure 7-21.

Figure 7-21. Organizational Units - Link Existing GPO

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

b. When the GPO screen opens, select Virt WS2012R2 Windows Remote Man-
agement Service enabled x.x. Then click OK as shown in Figure 7-22.

Figure 7-22. Existing OU - Select GPO - Select Remote Management Service

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

c. This linked policy shows up in the Linked Group Policy Objects tab as shown in
Figure 7-23.

Figure 7-23. SE VM Host - Remote Desktop Enabled Hosts -

Linked Remote Management Service

d. To change the order of the linked policy, you can click the Up/Down arrow icons
in Figure 7-24. Go directly to Step 6 to move the Server computer object to the
modified OU.

Figure 7-24. Remote Desktop Enabled Hosts - Linked Group Policy Objects - Link Order

5. To create your own custom Organizational Unit and link a policy to it, review the steps
(a. thru f.) in the following example.
a. Right-click the SE VM Hyper-V Servers OU or where ever the new OU needs to
be created. Select New Organizational Unit.

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 7-25. SE VM Host OU - New Organizational Unit

b. Type in the name of the new organizational unit (see Figure 7-26). Click OK.

Figure 7-26. New Organizational Unit - Name

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

c. When the new OU is created, right-click the name of the OU. Then select Link
an Existing GPO...

Figure 7-27. New Organizational Unit - Link an Existing GPO...

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

d. When the Select GPO screen opens (Figure 7-28), select Virt WS2012R2 Win-
dows Remote Management Service enabled x.x. Click OK.

Figure 7-28. Custom OU - Select GPO - Select Remote Management Service

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

e. This linked policy shows up in the Linked Group Policy Objects tab as shown in
Figure 7-29.

Figure 7-29. SE VM Hyper-V Servers Custom - Linked Remote Management Service

f. You can link multiple policies to this custom OU. To change the order of the
linked policy, you can click the Up/Down arrow icons in Figure 7-30.

Figure 7-30. Linked Group Policy Objects - Link Order

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

6. Once the policy link is created, you need to move the Server computer object to the
modified OU. The following example indicates how to move Computer objects from
the SE VM Hyper-V Servers OU to the Remote Desktop Enabled Hyper-V Servers
Open Active Directory Users and Computers in either of the following ways:
a. In Administrative Tools, select Active Directory Users and Computers as
shown in Figure 7-31, or

Figure 7-31. Administrative Tools - Active Directory Users and Computers

b. In the Tools menu on Server Manager, select Active Directory Users and
Computers as shown in Figure 7-32.

Figure 7-32. Server Manager - Active Directory Users and Computers

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

7. In the Active Directory Users and Computers window (Figure 7-33), under Schneider
Electric expand the SE VM Host Computers and select the SE VM Hyper-V Serv-
ers OU to view the computers currently under this OU in the right side panel.

Figure 7-33. Active Directory Users and Computers - SE VM Hyper-V Servers - Computers

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

8. Select the computer you want to move and do either of the following:
a. Drag and drop that computer to the destination OU. If, for example, you are
moving to Remote Desktop Enabled Hosts, you may see a dialog informing you
regarding the move. Click Yes. See Figure 7-34.

Figure 7-34. Move Computer - Drag and Drop Method

b. Alternately, select the computer to move and right-click to access the menu. Select
Move. See Figure 7-35

Figure 7-35. Select Computer - Select Move Option

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

On the Move window, select Schneider Electric > SE VM Host Computers

> SE VM Hyper-V Servers > Remote Desktop Enabled Hyper-V Servers
OU as shown in Figure 7-36.

Figure 7-36. Move Destination Path

c. Verify the moved computers are under the Remote Desktop Enabled Hyper-V
Servers OU as shown in Figure 7-37.

Figure 7-37. Remote Desktop Enabled Hyper-V Servers - Computers in Destination Folder

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

9. After the computers are in the correct OU, you must update the Group Policy for
these computers. Using the Administrator command prompt, run gpupdate /force
to update the group policy as shown in Figure 7-38.

Figure 7-38. Administrator Command Prompt - Update Group Policy for Computers

10. Check the WinRM service to verify it is running and set to automatic. See
Figure 7-39.

Figure 7-39. WinRM - Running and Set to Automatic

HP HomePage Required Settings Needed

If the HP HomePage is needed to correct a suboptimal condition involving the website security
certificate on the HomePage, then the HomePage settings must be set appropriately.
For HP HomePage to function correctly, confirm that you performed these procedures.
1. Turn off the IE Enhanced Security Configuration is Turned off option as follows:
Navigate to Server Manager > Local Server and select IE Enhanced Security
Configuration. Turn off IE Enhanced Security Configuration for
Administrators and Users.
2. Add the HP HomePage location to the Site to Zone Assignment List as follows (Steps
a. thru i.):
a. To open the Microsoft Management Console, type MMC.exe in the run com-

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

b. From the File menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in...as shown in Figure 7-40.

Figure 7-40. File Menu - Add/Remove Snap-in Option

c. From the Add or Remove Snap-ins screen as shown in Figure 7-41, select Group
Policy Object...and then click Add.

Figure 7-41. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Add

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

d. On the Select Group Policy Object screen as shown in Figure 7-42, click Finish.

Figure 7-42. Select Group Policy Object - Welcome to the Group Policy Wizard

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

e. When the Local Computer Policy appears in the Selected snap-ins: listing
(Figure 7-43), click OK.

Figure 7-43. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Local Computer Policy

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

f. To add the following snap-in Group Policy Object, from the left panel of
Figure 7-44, select Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration >
Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet
Explorer > Internet Control Panel > Security Page. Then, double-
click the Site to Zone Assignment List.

Figure 7-44. Console1 - Security Page - Site to Zone Assignment

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

g. In the Site to Zone Assignment List as shown in Figure 7-45, click the Enabled
option button and then select Show.

Figure 7-45. Site to Zone Assignment List - Enable and Show Contents

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

h. As shown in Figure 7-46, in the Show Contents field, enter the HP HomePage
under Value Name (https://localhost:2381) and in the Value section, enter 2 and
select OK on the Show Contents screen.
i. On the Site to Zone Assignment List, click OK.

Figure 7-46. Site to Zone Assignment List - Show Contents

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

3. From the File menu (Figure 7-47), select Save to save the updated file.

Figure 7-47. File Menu - Save

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

4. Click Save on the Save As screen to save the file and click Yes on the Confirm Save
As screen to confirm the replacement of the Console1.msc file as shown in
Figure 7-48.

Figure 7-48. Console1.msc - Confirm Save As

5. Close MMC.exe.

In order for the HP System Management home page to open in Internet Explorer,
you are required to run the utility in administrator mode (Run as Administrator)
and provide the administrator credentials.

Security Certificate Condition on the HP HomePage

Application of the IE11 Security enhancements may have an effect on the proper functioning of
the HP HomePage especially when the name of the computer changes. For example, after joining
the V91 Host server to a domain, the HP HomePage will show a detected certificate error and the
option to ignore and continue will not be there. The only option is to close the webpage. See
Figure 7-49.

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

Figure 7-49. Problem Message - Close the Webpage

To resolve the condition with the website security certificate on the HP HomePage for the V91
Server 2016, you must temporarily disable the security setting “Prevent ignoring certificate errors”
on the Host Server and if applicable, also on the domain controller.
This policy setting helps to prevent the user from ignoring detected Secure Sockets Layer/Trans-
port Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificate errors (such as, ‘expired’, ‘revoked’, or ‘name mismatch’
detected errors) that interrupt browsing in Internet Explorer.
♦ If you enable this policy setting, the user cannot continue browsing.
♦ If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the user can choose to ignore
detected certificate errors and continue browsing.

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

To disable the Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors local policy, proceed as follows:
1. To open the Microsoft Management Console, type mmc.exe in the run command.
2. Add the following snap-in “Group Policy Object” as follows (Steps a. thru d.):
a. From the File menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in...as shown in Figure 7-50.

Figure 7-50. File Menu - Add/Remove Snap-in Option

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

b. From the Add or Remove Snap-ins screen as shown in Figure 7-51, select Group
Policy Object...and then click Add.

Figure 7-51. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Add

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

c. On the Select Group Policy Object screen (Figure 7-52), click Finish.

Figure 7-52. Select Group Policy Object - Welcome to the Group Policy Wizard

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

d. When the Local Computer Policy appears in the Selected snap-ins: listing under
Console Root as shown in Figure 7-53, click OK.

Figure 7-53. Add or Remove Snap-ins - Group Policy Object - Local Computer Policy

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

3. Navigate from Console Root as shown in Figure 7-54. Select Local Computer Pol-
icy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows
Components > Internet Explorer > Internet Control Panel. Then double-
click Prevent ignoring certificate errors.

Figure 7-54. Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Edit Policy Setting

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

4. Click the Disabled option button as shown in Figure 7-55. Click Apply and then
click OK.

Figure 7-55. Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Disabled

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

5. From the File menu (Figure 7-56), select Save to save the file.

Figure 7-56. File Menu - Save

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

6. Click Save on the Save As screen to save the file and then, click Yes on the Confirm
Save As screen to confirm the replacement of the Console1.msc file as shown in
Figure 7-57.

Figure 7-57. Console1.msc - Confirm Save As

7. Close MMC.exe.

Confirm that you re-enabled this policy after fixing the condition. Go back to the
“Prevent ignoring certificate errors” security setting on the local Server and PDC
Group Policy Object, and click the Enabled option as shown in Figure 11-71.
Then, click Apply and click OK as stated in Step 28 near the end of this procedure
(related to disabling/enabling the local policy).

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

If just disabling the Local policy (Steps 1 thru 5) does not resolve the problem and you still see the
same behavior, proceed with the following instructions for disabling “Prevent ignoring certificate
errors” Group policy on the domain Controller.
1. To open Group Policy Management on the Domain Controller, select Group Policy
Management in the Server Manager Tools menu as shown in Figure 7-58.

Figure 7-58. Group Policy Management

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

2. In Group Policy Management window, expand and find “Virt WS2012R2 IE 11

Merged Baseline 1.0” policy underneath the Schneider Electric OU as shown in
Figure 7-59.

Figure 7-59. Group Policy Management - Virt WS2012R2 IE 11 Merged Baseline 1.0

3. If the following dialog box appears, click OK as shown in Figure 7-60.

Figure 7-60. Group Policy Management Console

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

4. Right-click the policy name and select Edit from the menu as shown in Figure 7-61.

Figure 7-61. Example SE - Virt WS2012R2 IE 11 Merged Baseline x.x - Edit

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

5. The Group Policy Management Editor Window opens in the right-side panel. Navi-
gate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates >
Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Internet Control Panel.
Double-click Prevent ignoring certificate errors as shown in Figure 7-62.

Figure 7-62. Group Policy Management Editor - Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

6. On the subsequent display, click the Disabled option button as shown in

Figure 7-63. Then, click Apply.

Figure 7-63. Help to Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Disabled

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

7. As this is a Group security policy, it is recommended that the Group policy update (on
the computer) be forced to update the Group policy on these computers as follows.
Run the gpupdate /force command from the administrative command prompt on
the computers as shown below.

Figure 7-64. Administrator: Command Prompt - Run Group Update Command

8. Now open the HP HomePage application, this time continue to this website
option will be available.

In order for the HP System Management home page to open in Internet Explorer,
you are required to run the utility in administrator mode (Run as Administrator)
and provide the administrator credentials.

9. Select Continue to this website (not recommended). The System Manage-

ment Homepage application starts.
10. Now add the new computer name to the certificate as follows:
11. Navigate to Settings > System Management Homepage > Security > Local
Server Certificate

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

12. Add localhost in the Alternative Names: field in the Current Certificate section and
press Create.

Figure 7-65. System Management Homepage - Local Server Certificate - localhost

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

13. On the following screen, as shown in Figure 7-66, close the window and restart the
Internet Explorer browser. This window is acceptable.

Figure 7-66. Local Server Certificate - Close and Restart Browser

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

14. When the System Management Homepage application starts (Figure 7-67), complete
the following steps (a. thru c.) to add the new computer name to the certificate:
a. Navigate to Settings > System Management Homepage > Security > Local
Server Certificate
b. Type localhost in the Create PKCS #10 Data section/Alternative Names: field
and then click Create.

Figure 7-67. System Management Homepage - Create PKCS #10 Data

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

c. The following Success screen (Figure 7-68) appears.

Figure 7-68. System Management Homepage - Success Message (in Green Text)

15. Restart the Internet Explorer browser.

16. Log in to System Management Homepage https://localhost:2381
17. Click Continue to this website (not recommended).
18. Click the Certificate Error button next to the address bar.
19. Click View Certificate.
20. When the new popup with heading Certificate opens, in the General tab, click
Install Certificate.
21. On the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.
22. Select Store location > Local Machine.
23. At the UAC dialog, select Yes.
24. Select Place all certificates in the following store. Click Browse.
25. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and then click OK. Click
Next and then Finish on the wizard.
26. Click Yes on the certificate import security message.
27. On all the open popup screens, click OK to close.
28. Restart the browser. The detected Certificate error is no longer shown; this indicates
this problem is resolved.

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

29. Go back to the “Prevent ignoring detected certificate errors” security setting on the
local Server and PDC Group Policy Object, and click the Enabled option button as
shown in Figure 7-69. Then, click Apply and click OK.

Figure 7-69. Prevent Ignoring Certificate Errors - Enabled

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

30. From the File menu, select Save to save the updated file.

Figure 7-70. File Menu - Save

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

31. Click Yes to confirm the replacement of the Console1.msc file.

Figure 7-71. Console1.msc - Confirm Save As

32. Close MMC.exe.

33. Close all the windows, restart the HomePage browser window, and confirm the
detected certificate error is resolved.

Size of Remote Desktop Server C: Drive Inadequate

With the increase of managed applications and more data on remote desktop servers, there is a
need to increase the size of the C: partitions.
For each remote desktop user, 3 GB of space is required for managed applications on the C: drive
partition. Refer to the Control Software Deployment Guide (B0750BA) for information regarding
instructions on how to configure/extend a drive.

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

Post Deployment Configuration System Message on

the Server 2016-Based Primary or Secondary Domain
Even after successfully completing the Primary or Secondary Domain configuration, you may see
a system message suggesting that there are steps required to promote the server to a domain con-
This message is due to a pre-existing condition in the Windows operating system and can be
resolved as follows:
1. Click the flag in the graphic as shown in Figure 7-72.

Figure 7-72. Server Manager - Flag System Message Icon

2. Select Task Details as shown in Figure 7-73.

Figure 7-73. System Message Flag - Task Details Option

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

3. Click Promote this server to a domain controller on either the Task

Details and Notification screen as shown in Figure 7-74 or on the flag message as
shown in Figure 7-75.

Figure 7-74. Task Details and Notifications - Promote Server to Domain Controller

Figure 7-75. Flag Message - Promote Server to Domain Controller

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

4. When the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard starts, on the
Deployment Configuration screen, click Cancel. If a detected error occurs, see
“Additional Information” on page 182 and resolve the condition. Otherwise, proceed
to Steps 5 and 6 to complete the task.

Figure 7-76. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -

Deployment Configuration

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

5. Click Yes on the Confirm Canceling Wizard as shown in Figure 7-77.

Figure 7-77. Confirm Canceling Wizard Dialog

6. Reboot the server. Now there is no longer a system message in the Server Manager as
shown in Figure 7-78.

Figure 7-78. Server Manager - No System Message

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

Additional Information
If you see a detected error message when performing Step 4 in the previous section, perform the
following steps to resolve the condition and complete the procedure.
1. To resolve the detected error message condition, proceed as follows:
a. When the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard starts, on the
Deployment Configuration screen, click Next if the following message occurs:
Error determining whether the target server is already a domain
controller. The Windows Remote Management...

Figure 7-79. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard - Detected Error Message

b. When the message changes to The Windows Remote Management (WinRM)

service is not running, and attempts to start the service have
f..., click Show More as shown in Figure 7-80.

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 7-80. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -

Show More of the Message

c. On the Message Detail Deployment Configuration dialog, click OK as shown in

Figure 7-81.

Figure 7-81. Deployment Configuration Dialog - WinRM Message

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

d. On the Tools drop-down menu, click Services as shown in Figure 7-82.

Figure 7-82. Tools Menu - Services

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

e. Temporarily, enable WinRM Service as detailed in “WinRM Is Not Running” on

page 126. Verify WinRM is running as shown in Figure 7-83.

Figure 7-83. Services - Windows Remote Management - Running

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

f. Access the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard and click
Next again as shown in Figure 7-84.

Figure 7-84. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -

Deployment Configuration

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

g. This time the wizard will continue and display a detected error as shown in
Figure 7-85. Click Show more.

Figure 7-85. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -

Domain Controller Options - Detected Error Message

h. The entire message and other information is shown on the Domain Controller
Options screen as shown in Figure 7-86. Click OK.

Figure 7-86. Domain Controller Options - Reinstall Domain Controller

Confirmation Dialog

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

i. When the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard reappears as

shown in Figure 7-87, click Cancel.

Figure 7-87. Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard -

Domain Controller Options

j. On the Confirm Canceling Wizard dialog (Figure 7-88), click Yes.

Figure 7-88. Confirm Canceling of Wizard Dialog

2. Reboot the server. Now there should be no system message in the Server Manager as
shown in Figure 7-89.

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

If the system message is still there, repeat Steps a to j.

Figure 7-89. Server Manager - No System Message

3. After reconfirming that the detected error message is no longer there, disable the
WinRM Service as shown in Figure 7-90.

Figure 7-90. Services - Disable WinRM Service

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

System Message in Server Manager that the IP Helper

Service Has Stopped
When the IP Helper service is running, you may receive a system message in Server Manager that
the service has stopped. If one of the dependent services WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery
Service is set to disabled by group policy, the IP Helper Service stops.
Server Manager shows that one IP Helper service has stopped in Figure 7-91.

Figure 7-91. Server Manager Dashboard - Local Server - Services Detected Error

On the IP Helper Properties screen on the local computer, the Dependencies tab indicates the sys-
tem components on which the IP Helper service depends as shown in Figure 7-92.

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

Figure 7-92. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - WinHTTP Web Proxy

Auto-Discovery Service

If you select the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service on the Services screen, you can
see that the service is disabled as shown in Figure 7-93.

Figure 7-93. Services (Local) - WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service - Disabled

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

To resolve this system message in Server Manager, either disable the IP Helper service (recom-
mended option) OR enable WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service.
1. To disable the IP Helper service, proceed as follows:
a. From the Tools menu on the right-hand upper corner in Server Manager, click
Services as shown in Figure 7-94.

Figure 7-94. Server Manager - Tools - Services

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

b. To disable the IP helper service, right-click IP Helper and select Properties to

view the General properties for the service as shown in Figure 7-95.

Figure 7-95. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer)

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

c. From the General folder on the IP Helper Properties screen (Figure 7-96), access
the Startup Type drop-down menu and select Disabled.

Figure 7-96. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Startup Type - Disabled

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

d. Click Apply to apply the change to the Startup Type. Then click OK to close the
screen (Figure 7-97).

Figure 7-97. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Startup Type - Apply Disabled -
Close Screen

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

2. Alternately, to enable the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service, do the fol-
a. Right-click the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service and select
Properties to view the General Properties as shown in Figure 7-98.

Figure 7-98. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

b. From the General folder on the screen, access the Startup Type drop-down menu
and select Automatic as shown in Figure 7-99.

Figure 7-99. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Startup Type -

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

c. Click Apply to apply the change to the Startup Type as shown in Figure 7-100.

Figure 7-100. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Startup Type -
Automatic - Apply

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

d. Click Start to start the service as shown in Figure 7-101. Then click OK to close
the screen.

Figure 7-101. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Startup Type -
Automatic - Start Service

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

e. Click OK to close as shown in Figure 7-102.

Figure 7-102. WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Properties - Close Screen

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

f. Once the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery service is running, go to the IP

Helper service. Right-click on IP Helper Services and select properties. Then,
click Start to start the IP helper service as shown in Figure 7-103.

Figure 7-103. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Startup Type -

Automatic - Start Service

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

g. Once the IP Helper service starts running, click OK to close the screen as shown in
Figure 7-104.

Figure 7-104. IP Helper Properties (Local Computer) - Close Screen

The Server Manager as shown in Figure 7-105 no longer shows the detected error for the
local server.

Figure 7-105. Server Manager Dashboard - Local Server - No Detected Error

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

Pinging between V91 Servers Results in Timeout

Even when Server Manager and Hyper-V Manager continue to function fine and are able to man-
age V91 Servers, pinging between V91 servers times out as shown in Figure 7-106.

Figure 7-106. Pinging Between V91 Servers - Time Out

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

You must create a Custom Windows Firewall rule to allow for ping communication.
To create the custom firewall rule, proceed as follows:
1. From the Control Panel, open the Windows Firewall (to set firewall security options
to help protect your computer from hackers and malicious software) as shown in
Figure 7-107.

Figure 7-107. All Control Panel Items - Windows Firewall

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

2. In the Windows Firewall, click Advanced settings in the left-side panel as shown
in Figure 7-108 and in Figure 7-109.

Figure 7-108. Windows Firewall - Advanced Settings

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

Figure 7-109. Advanced Settings

3. On the User Account Control screen as shown in Figure 7-110, click Yes to allow
changes to this computer.

Figure 7-110. User Account Control - Allow Changes to Computer

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

4. On the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security screen as shown in Figure 7-111, in
the left-side panel, click Inbound Rules as shown in Figure 7-112.

Figure 7-111. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Left-Side Panel

Figure 7-112. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Inbound Rules

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

5. With Inbound Rules selected in the left-side panel and the current rules listed as
shown in Figure 7-113, click New Rule... in the right side panel as shown in
Figure 7-114.

Figure 7-113. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Action - Inbound Rules

Figure 7-114. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - New Rule

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

6. The New Inbound Rule Wizard starts as shown in Figure 7-115. The wizard provides
the Steps required in the left-panel which correspond to the screens.

Figure 7-115. New Inbound Rule Wizard

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

7. Rule Type: Select the Custom option button as shown in Figure 7-116 and click

Figure 7-116. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Rule Type - Custom

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

8. Program: Select the All Programs option button as shown in Figure 7-117 and
click Next.

Figure 7-117. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Program - All Programs

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

9. Protocol and Ports: On the Protocol and Ports screen, expand the Protocol type drop-
down menu as shown in Figure 7-118.

Figure 7-118. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Protocol and Ports - All Programs

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

10. Select the protocol type ICMPv4 as shown in Figure 7-119 and click Next.

Figure 7-119. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Protocol and Ports - Protocol Type ICMPv4

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

11. Scope: With the Any IP address option button still selected, click Next as shown
in Figure 7-120.

Figure 7-120. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Scope - Any IP Address

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

12. Action: With the Allow the connection selected, click Next as shown in
Figure 7-121.

Figure 7-121. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Action - Allow the Connection

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

13. Profile: With all the profiles selected to indicate when the rule applies, click Next as
shown in Figure 7-122.

Figure 7-122. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Profile - Domain, Private, Public

7. Troubleshooting B0700HD – Rev A

14. Name: For the Name field, enter Allow Ping and for the Description field enter
This custom rule allows ICMPv4 protocol communication so that Ping
command can work as shown in Figure 7-123. Click Finish.

Figure 7-123. New Inbound Rule Wizard - Name - Allow_Ping

15. The new inbound rule appears as shown in Figure 7-124.

Figure 7-124. Inbound Rules (Left Panel) - Inbound Rule Listing - Allow Ping

B0700HD – Rev A 7. Troubleshooting

16. Close the Windows. The ping command is now successful as shown in Figure 7-125.

Figure 7-125. Command Prompt - Ping Command - Successful

Appendix A. DCS Auxiliary
Communications Network (ACN)
This appendix describes the DCS Auxiliary Communications Network dedicated to virtualized
Foxboro Evo systems with remote clients. This network is an off-control network.
The DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN) is a dedicated network which is required if
your virtualized Foxboro Evo system includes remote clients. DCS ACN is an off- (or non) con-
trol network that cannot share any of the same network hardware (switches, etc.) with the Fox-
boro Evo Control Network. Remote clients are not allowed to communicate over the Foxboro
Evo Control Network.
When developing DCS ACN, it is your responsibility to confirm that it supports all network
functionality required for the remote client/server virtualization host communications.

V91 Server Virtualization Host

Dedicated Gigabit
Ethernet Port Switch

Network Cloud

Switch Switch

Remote Client Remote Client Remote Client Remote Client Remote Client

Figure A-1. DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN) - Example

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix A. DCS Auxiliary Communications Network (ACN)

Appendix B. NIC Teaming in
Combination with Various
NIC Selections Available with V91
This appendix describes how to use NIC teaming with the V91 NIC selections that are
The NIC part numbers are listed in the model code table in the user’s guide Hardware and Soft-
ware Specific Instructions for Model V91 Server Virtualization Host (HP DL380 Gen9) Windows
Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE).
Scenario 1: Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated Network Interface Ports
NIC teaming is optional for this selection, that is, if desired, integrated Cu NICs 1, 2, 3 or 4 can
be used to create a NIC team.

Figure B-1. Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated Network Onboard Ports

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix B. NIC Teaming in Combination with Various NIC Selections Available with V91

Scenario 2: Two Single Port MESH/FECN NICs + Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs
NIC teaming is optional for this selection, that is, if desired, onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs
1, 2, 3 or 4 can be used to create NIC teams for Host and DCS ACN Network.

Figure B-2. Two Single Port MESH/FECN NICs + Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs

An additional NIC teaming example (Figure B-3) shows DCS ACN NIC Team with onboard
RJ-45 Cu Integrated NIC 1 and 2 with onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NIC 3 and 4.

Figure B-3. DCS ACN NIC Team with Onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NIC 1 & 2 and
Virtualization Host Network Team with Onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NIC 3 & 4

Appendix B. NIC Teaming in Combination with Various NIC Selections Available with V91 B0700HD – Rev A

Scenario 3: Two Dual Port MESH/FECN NICs + Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs
The suggested NIC teaming shown in Figure B-4 is:
♦ DCS ACN Team with one of the ports on dual port RJ-45 PCIe NIC and one
onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NIC.

Figure B-4. Two Dual Port MESH/FECN NICs + Four RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix B. NIC Teaming in Combination with Various NIC Selections Available with V91

Scenario 4: Two single port MESH/FECN NICs + Two single port RJ-45 PCIe NIC + 4 RJ-45
Integrated NICs
The suggested NIC teaming shown in Figure B-5 is:
♦ DCS ACN Team with one single port RJ-45 PCIe NIC and one on board RJ-45 Cu
Integrated NIC
Optionally, onboard RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs 2 and 3 can be used to provide additional net-
work bandwidth.

Figure B-5. Two Single Port MESH/FECN NICs + Two Single Port RJ-45 PCIe NIC
+ 4 RJ-45 Integrated NICs

Appendix B. NIC Teaming in Combination with Various NIC Selections Available with V91 B0700HD – Rev A

Scenario 5: Two Dual Port MESH/FECN NICs + Two Dual Port Additional NICs + 4 RJ-45
Cu Integrated NICs
The suggested NIC teaming shown in Figure B-6 is:
♦ DCS ACN Team with one port each from the two dual port MESH/FECN NICs
(Foxboro part no: RH103AQ or RH103AS).

Figure B-6. Two Dual Port MESH/FECN NICs + Two Dual Port Additional NICs
+ 4 RJ-45 Cu Integrated NICs

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix B. NIC Teaming in Combination with Various NIC Selections Available with V91

Appendix C. Virtual Machine
Configuration for Foxboro Evo
Control Software History Collector
This appendix describes how to configure a virtual machine to support the Foxboro Evo
Control Software History Collector.
The Control Software History Collector is not supported on a server-based operating system
(such as Windows Server 2016 Standard) unless the Processor Scheduling option in the virtual
machine is edited as described below.

This modification affects the way that tasks are scheduled within the operating sys-
tem, making task scheduling similar to that of a workstation-based operating system
(such as Windows 7). This affects all other applications which need to run task
scheduling as a server-based operating system, such as a Galaxy or Wonderware His-
torian. It is inadvisable to install any applications with this dependency on the same
virtual machine as the Control Software History Collector.

Proceed as follows to modify the Processor Scheduling option for every virtual machine on which
a Control Software History Collector will run:
1. Log in to the virtual machine as an Administrator.
2. Click the Start button, and then select Control Panel > System.
3. Select Advanced system settings.
4. Select the Advanced tab.
5. In the Performance area, select Settings.
6. Select the Advanced tab.
7. In the “Processor scheduling” area, select the Programs bullet (deselecting Background
8. Click OK to close the Performance Options dialog box.
9. Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.
10. Close the Control Panel.
Now the task scheduling on the virtual machine will behave as it would for a workstation-based
operating system, and Control Software History Collector can run on it. No reboot is required
after finishing this procedure.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix C. Virtual Machine Configuration for Foxboro Evo Control Software History Collector

Appendix D. System License
This appendix provides information required to activate the system licenses for the V91 physical
server and the VM Microsoft operating systems Windows 2016 Standard Edition.

The V91 server requires that the Microsoft system software licenses be activated on the new sys-
tem or reactivated if the system needs to be completely restored for some reason. Two operating
systems are supported on the V91 server virtualization host:
♦ Microsoft 2016 Standard (on the physical servers)
♦ Microsoft 2016 Standard for the Domain controllers (virtual machines)
♦ Microsoft 2016 Standard for the Foxboro Evo Control Core Services or Control Soft-
ware (virtual machines)

Server Windows 2016 Standard License Activation

The V91 server virtualization host is not shipped with the operating system pre-activated. When
turning on the V91 for the first time, an activation notification appears in the lower right hand of
the screen with the text:
Windows Server 2016 Standard
Build 9600

For a newly restored V91 (backup/restore process), you will also need to reactivate
the Microsoft system software license.

Licensing keys are shipped mounted on the right side of the V91.

The Windows license keys have some of the characters obscured for use in

Figure D-1 displays the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Microsoft Certificate of
Authenticity (COA) license key for Windows Server for Embedded Systems Standard Edition R2.
This is the license key for the V91’s physical operating system environment - Microsoft Windows
Server 2016 Standard Edition. The physical key 5 x 5 COA Alphanumeric string on this COA
license is used to activate the Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition that ships with
the V91.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix D. System License Activation

Figure D-1. Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition License Key Certificate of Authentic-

The J0202AB I/A Series Special Instructions are a label with a Microsoft 5 x 5 OEM COA license
numbers. This Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition License Key 5 x5 numbers are to enable
licensing of the two instances of Server 2016 virtual machine operating systems that ship with the
base V91 server virtualized host. The single 5x5 license key on the J0202AB label may be used to
instantiate two instances of virtual machines. The virtual machines use Microsoft Windows Server
2016 Standard Edition.

It is inadvisable to use the virtual key associated with the “Windows Server Embed-
ded Standard 2016 1-5 CPU 5 Clt” on the virtual machines. Microsoft has no way
to validate the licensing when downloading Windows Server 2016 operating sys-
tem. That is why the additional COA licensing numbers are provided on the
J0202AB label.

Also available is the Microsoft (OEM) Certificate of Authenticity (COA) license key for Windows
Server for Embedded Systems Standard Edition R2. These COA licenses are shipped with any
V91 with more than the two default virtual machine licenses configured in the V91 V-Code. The
V-Code is listed in the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model V91 Server Virtual-
ization Host (HP DL380 Gen9) Windows Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE).
You can activate a system license through the Internet (online) or from a phone call (offline) as
described below.

Online Activation (Windows Server 2016)

To activate a system license by connecting to the Internet, proceed as follows:

The V91 being activated by this method needs to be at least temporarily connected
to the Internet to locate and hook up with the Microsoft License Validation Servers.
After activation, the V91 may again be taken off the Internet or air gapped.

1. Activate the operating system by opening the PC System Properties screen and click
Activate Windows in the bottom right corner as shown in Figure D-2.

Appendix D. System License Activation B0700HD – Rev A

Figure D-2. System Properties - Activate Windows

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix D. System License Activation

2. In the Product Key field, type your product key as shown in Figure D-3.

Figure D-3. Enter Your Product Key in the Product Key Field

When you type in a product key, it is auto-formatted as:


Appendix D. System License Activation B0700HD – Rev A

3. After entering the key, Windows will activate (the Internet connection required) and
the following message will be displayed: Thanks, you’re all done.To close the
message, click Close as shown in Figure D-4.

Figure D-4. Microsoft Software License Confirmation

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix D. System License Activation

4. The System Properties window appears as shown in Figure D-5.

Figure D-5. System Properties - Windows Is Activated

Appendix D. System License Activation B0700HD – Rev A

Offline Activation (Windows Server 2016)

You can activate the license for the V91’s operating system, without connecting to the Internet,
from a phone call. However, you must first have the correct product key number entered prior to
using the phone for offline activation.
To enter the Product Key number on your system,
1. For the V91, log in as administrator and access the command prompt as follows:
a. Using the Windows icon in the left corner, access the menu as shown in
Figure D-6. Select Command Prompt (Admin).

Figure D-6. Windows Menu

b. When the following dialog appears (Figure D-7), click Yes to continue.

Figure D-7. User Account Control Dialog

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix D. System License Activation

2. To install the Installation ID, at the Command Prompt, type the following command
substituting the actual product key number for the “Xs” and press the Enter key:
3. At the Command Prompt window, with the path C:\windows\system32>, type
slui.exe 4 and press the Enter key. See Figure D-8 and Figure D-9.

Figure D-8. Command Prompt Window

Figure D-9. Command Prompt Window - Command Entry

Appendix D. System License Activation B0700HD – Rev A

4. The distribution of this version of the operating system is from the United States.
When the Country of Origin screen appears (Figure D-10), select United States.
Then, click Next.

Figure D-10. Country of Origin Screen for Operating System

5. When the next screen appears (Figure D-11), a Toll Free Number is presented, which
is the number to call to activate the software.

Figure D-11. Call and Provide Your Installation ID - Phone Number for Activation

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix D. System License Activation

6. When you call the Toll Free number, the following will occur:

If there is a mistake when giving the numbers to Microsoft, a detected error mes-
sage is returned when the Enter Confirmation button is pressed. You must hang up,
and restart the licensing process all over again.

a. You are welcomed to the Microsoft Activation System and are asked if this call is
to activate Windows, Microsoft Office, or other.
Speak clearly into the phone and say, “Windows”.
b. You are then asked if you are at the computer screen and are given an opportunity
to activate via a smart phone. Speak clearly into the phone and say “No”.
c. The Microsoft Automated Activation center supplies a new set of numbers that
will be said rapidly by the group - Group A through H as shown in Figure D-12.
Another person should be available to assist by either writing down the numbers
to speak or looking at the screen while you type.

The activation process allows you to hear a group of numbers again and also hear
the numbers from the beginning. However, the number announcement cadence
does not slow down. It is very quick.

d. The automated license process asks you to key in the Installation ID numbers via
the nine sets of seven numbers. These numbers may be spoken clearly into the
phone or you may use the phone keypad for input.

Appendix D. System License Activation B0700HD – Rev A

Figure D-12. Enter Confirmation ID - Use Voice or Phone KeyPad for Input

7. After completing the numeric entry of 6 numbers per groups A thru H, click Acti-
vate Windows. One of the following occurs:
♦ If you have detected error messages, you must complete the activation process
from the beginning.
♦ If you were successful at entering all of the numbers correctly, activation occurs
and no detected error messages are returned.

Offline Activation (Windows Server 2016)

With a phone call, you can activate the license for the V91 operating system without connecting
to the Internet. Refer to “Offline Activation (Windows Server 2016)” on page 235.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix D. System License Activation

Appendix E. IP Address Schemes
This appendix describes network configuration related to the use of virtualization with Foxboro
Evo systems.
The following IP address scheme is recommended for the DCS Auxiliary Communications Net-
work (ACN). This scheme is only designed to provide guidance and in the case that a similar
scheme is already in use on any existing network, it should be modified to confirm that all the IP
addresses are unique and there are no address conflicts.
For a virtual machine on a V91 server virtualization host with Control Core Services software or
the Control Software:
♦ For a station with a Foxboro Evo IP address such as 151.128.X.Y, use 172.17.X.Y.
Change only the first two quadrants from 151.128 to 172.17. For example, on a
station with a Foxboro Evo IP address of, its corresponding IP
address for the DCS ACN would be
♦ For subnet mask, use
For remote clients, as well as virtual machines used to provide off-Control Network functionality,
such as an off-Control Network PDC:
♦ Use an IP address range of to and for subnet mask,

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix E. IP Address Schemes

Appendix F. Remote Client
Connections Using Remote Desktop
Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo
This appendix addresses remote client performance, network connection requirements, enabling
RDS, and licensing.
To access applications on the virtual machine from a remote client, there are several prerequisites
that must be in place:
♦ The virtual machines must have Remote Desktop Services enabled. To enable this ser-
vice via Active Directory Domain policies on virtual machines with Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services, refer to the section “Remote Desktop Services” in the Security
Implementation User's Guide for I/A Series and Foxboro Evo Workstations (Windows 10
or Windows Server 2016 Operating Systems) (B0700HG).
♦ The virtual machines must have the appropriate operating system licenses and they
must be activated. Refer to “Offline Activation (Windows Server 2016)” on page 239
in Appendix D “System License Activation”.)
♦ The virtual machines must have the appropriate Remote Desktop Session licensing.
Refer to “Types of Licenses” on page 244. At least one remote server or virtual
machine on the network should be configured to be a Remote Desktop Services
License Server and the server must be activated.

Network Connections
Remote clients connect to a virtual machine on a V91 over a dedicated DCS Auxiliary Communi-
cations Network (ACN). You are responsible for building and maintaining this network.
On a V91 server virtualization host, Foxboro Evo virtual machines communicate over the control
network, discussed in The Foxboro Evo Control Network Architecture Guide (B0700AZ).

Enabling Remote Desktop Services

A supported virtual machine on a V91 can perform the role of a Remote Desktop Server. To sup-
port remote client sessions, the virtual machine must be configured to support Remote Desktop
Services. By default, these services are not usually turned on for security reasons. For
virtual machines, confirm that you have turned on this feature.
Refer to “Terminal Services and Remote Desktop Services” in the release notes included with your
version of Control Core Services for instructions.
For virtual machines with Enterprise Edition Control Core Services software, refer to the section
“Remote Desktop Services” in the Security Implementation User's Guide for I/A Series and Foxboro

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems

Evo Workstations (Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Operating Systems) (B0700HG) and enable
the “Foxboro IA Remote Desktop Servers” policy.

Types of Licenses
The three types of licenses required for the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system are:
♦ Windows Server Operating System License
♦ Windows Server Client Access License (CAL)
♦ Remote Desktop Services Client Access License (RDS CAL)

The V91 server virtualization host ships with five CALs as part of the base Windows
Server 2016 Standard Certificate of Authenticity (COA).

There is also a license required by Foxboro: each instance of Control Core Services running either
locally or remotely on the V91 requires an S10 license. You are responsible for purchasing the cor-
rect number of CALs, Remote Desktop Server CALs, and S10 code, and S46/47/48 or
S56/S57/S58 code licenses (for stations with the Control Software). All licenses can be purchased
from your local Foxboro representative.

Software Licenses
All prior shipping versions of Microsoft operating systems on Foxboro stations had their licenses
pre-activated. The Foxboro Evo Model V91 server virtualization host requires that all instances of
the Windows Server 2016 operating system (Standard) require licensing activation.
♦ Windows Server license: The license associated with the operating system itself. This
may either be Windows Server 2016 Standard used for the server virtualization host
or Windows Server 2016 Standard used for the virtual machines.
♦ Windows Server Client Access license: The Windows Server 2016 Standard Client
Access License (CAL). You need one of these for every machine or device or user that
will be connecting to the V91 server virtualization host. The base product ships with
five Microsoft CALs for two virtual machines up to 25 Microsoft CALS for 10 virtual
machines. It is up to you to purchase more as required. Foxboro part number
J0201FN provides five Microsoft Windows Server 2016 CALs.
♦ Remote Desktop Services Client Access license: The Remote Desktop Services func-
tionality is included in Windows Server 2016. To utilize the Remote Desktop Server
functionality of the Windows Server software, you will need an incremental Remote
Desktop Services Client Access License (Remote Desktop Server CAL). A Remote
Desktop Server CAL (formerly known as Terminal Services Client Access License or
TS CAL) is required for each user or device accessing Remote Desktop Server func-
tionality running on a Windows Server. You need one Remote Desktop Server CAL
for every remote session that connects to and displays applications running on the
The V91 does not include any Remote Desktop Server CALs; you must purchase the appropriate
number of Remote Desktop Server CALs and any additional CALs you need separately. Foxboro
part number J0201FP provides five Remote Desktop Server 2016 Device CALs. Foxboro part

Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems B0700HD – Rev A

number J0201FS provides five Remote Desktop Server 2016 User CALs. These RDS CALs are
required and must be activated.

License Management
Microsoft describes four components that are involved in the management of Remote Desktop
Server CALs:
♦ The remote client device requesting a connection to the virtual machine
♦ The Remote Desktop Server platform (as acquired from Foxboro)
♦ The Remote Desktop License Server (may be one of the servers from Foxboro)
♦ The Microsoft Clearinghouse
These are depicted in Figure F-1.


- Via telephone call
Remote - Using another computer on
Client the Internet
Device Server - Directly connecting to the

Remote Remote
Desktop Desktop
Server Server

(I/A Series (I/A Series

Server) Server)

Figure F-1. Remote Desktop Services Licensing Components

The Remote Desktop Server platform is the V91 to which remote client devices connect in order
to run applications that are available on that server virtualization host. In order for a remote client
device to successfully connect to a Remote Desktop Server, there must be a valid Remote Desktop
Server CAL available for that remote session. After a license is granted to a remote client device,
that license is cached in the remote client.
Microsoft provides two licensing options: Per Device and Per User. Additionally, a hybrid may be
used where some licenses may be allocated per device and per user. The Per Device licensing
works best for environments where multiple users with different user accounts share the same
device (for example, manufacturing floors and 24/7 offices). The Per User licensing works best
where a small number of users connect to the Remote Desktop Server from multiple devices.
The pool of available CALs and Remote Desktop Server CALs resides on a “Remote Desktop Ser-
vices Licensing Server”, which is required to store and track all Microsoft CALs and Remote
Desktop Server CALs on a network. The Licensing Server can be a separate server or an additional

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems

function of a virtual machine on a V91, or Foxboro P91, H90 or P90 server.

Remote Desktop Servers get the Remote Desktop Server CALs from the available pool located on
the Licensing Server. When Remote Desktop Services are enabled on a virtual machine on a V91
server, these virtual machines or stations immediately begin trying to locate a Licensing Server.
There is usually only one station per network that acts as the Licensing Server and that station
does not need to be a Remote Desktop Server. It must be running the Windows Server 2016
operating system and have the Remote Desktop Services Licensing Service installed. The latter is
installed via the Control Panel (Control Panel > Add Remove Programs > Windows Compo-
nents > Remote Desktop Services Licensing Service). For more details on licensing and
the License Server, open the Help and Support Center by clicking Start > Help and Support
and search for “license”.

Examples of Remote Desktop Server/Licensing Server


Remote Remote Clearinghouse
Client Client
Device Device

Connect to another
computer that has
Internet access or use
the telephone method
Remote Remote Remote
Desktop Desktop Desktop Another
Server Server Server & computer with
License Server Internet
(I/A Series (I/A Series (I/A Series access
Server) Server) Server)

Figure F-2. Scenario 1: License Server is a Foxboro Evo Server without Direct Internet Access

Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems B0700HD – Rev A

Remote Remote Clearinghouse
Client Client
Device Device

Access to the Internet

using a separate NIC
that is not connected to
the control network.
Remote Remote Remote
Desktop Desktop Desktop
Server Server Server &
License Server
(I/A Series (I/A Series (I/A Series
Server) Server) Server)

Figure F-3. Scenario 2: License Server is a Foxboro Evo Server with Internet Access

Remote Remote Microsoft
Client Client Clearinghouse
Device Device
Access to the Internet using
a separate NIC that is not
connected to the control
network or use the telephone

Remote Remote
Desktop Desktop
Server Server

(I/A Series (I/A Series

Server) Server)

Figure F-4. Scenario 3: License Server is NOT a Foxboro Evo Server

Remote Desktop Server CAL and Remote Desktop

Services License Server Activation
Both the Remote Desktop Server CALs and the Remote Desktop Services License Server itself
must be activated by Microsoft before they can be used. In order to distribute permanent licenses,
the License Server must be activated. When it is activated, the License Server is given a digital cer-

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems

tificate that will then allow it to accept and activate Remote Desktop Server CALs on its local net-
work. The Remote Desktop Services License Server holds the pool of licenses. There are three
ways to activate the License Server:
1. Contact Microsoft Clearinghouse over the telephone: (888) 571-2048.
Use the number prompted (see Appendix D “System License Activation”).
2. Use another computer to connect to Microsoft Clearinghouse over the Internet.
3. Use the Remote Desktop Services License Server itself to connect to Microsoft Clear-
inghouse over the Internet.
The first two methods do not require the License Server to have access to the Internet. However,
they require manually typing the obtained license codes into the Remote Desktop Services
License Server. License Server activation is performed using the Remote Desktop Services Licens-
ing tool (Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services
Licensing. Then right-click the server and click Activate). The Remote Desktop Services
License Server must be activated within 120 days of using Remote Desktop on a Windows 2016
Remote Desktop Server. After this time, the Remote Desktop refuses connections to clients with-
out activated Remote Desktop Server CALs.

Foxboro Evo System Administrator

Configuration Tasks for Remote Desktop Services
Due to the design of Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, it is not possible for Foxboro to pre-
configure this feature for its end-users. There are steps that an on-site system administrator must
1. Make sure the Remote Desktop Services component is turned on in the Foxboro Evo
2. Decide which server is going to act as the Remote Desktop Services License Server.
This can be one of the Foxboro Evo servers, but it does not have to be. The Foxboro
Evo server(s) must have network connectivity to the server acting as a License Server.
3. Decide whether the Remote Desktop Server is going to use the License Server Discov-
ery Process or to look for a specific License Server. (The latter requires modifying the
registry as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 279561 accessible on Micro-
soft's web site: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=279561.)
4. Decide whether to use the Per User or the Per Device licensing option.
5. The License Server must be activated by one of three methods (direct connection to
the Internet, use another box that has an Internet connection or make a call to Micro-
soft to acquire the activation code). Activation must occur within 120 days of using
Remote Desktop Services; otherwise, the licenses will expire and cannot be renewed.
6. Install the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) software on the remote clients if they
are not going to use the browser method.

Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems B0700HD – Rev A

Table F-1. Licensing Questions Answered

Where is
What type is How do I Where do I How many do I activated How is it
License it? order it? find it? need? ? activated?
V90/V91 The 25-charac- Any V90/V91 On a sticker on One key per On the Over the
OS ter license key ordered in Buy- top of the V90/V91 V90/V91 internet,
for the V90/V91 Automation V90/V91; it's host OS phone, or
host operating comes with one labeled Physi- smart-
system (Win- cal Key phone app
dows Server
2016 Enterprise
Edition/ Win-
dows Server
2016 Standard)
VM OS A 25-character A V90/V91 On the Server V90: On each Over the
license key for a ordered in Buy- 2016 Ent Lic 1st key: VMs 1-4 VM's OS internet or
virtual Automation Key(s) sticker phone
machine's oper- comes with 1-4 on top of the 2nd key : VMs 5, 6
ating system keys (V90)/ V90 (there may
(Windows 5 keys (V91) be up to four 3rd key : VMs 7, 8
Server 2016 depending on keys on this
Standard Edi- how many VMs sticker) 4th key : VMs 9, 10
tion) were ordered for
the V90/V91 V91:
1st key: VMs 1, 2

2nd key : VMs 3, 4

3rd key : VMs 5, 6

4th key : VMs 7, 8

5th key: 9, 10
CAL Client Access 5, 10, 15, 20, or Shipped sepa- Nowhere; It's not; it's
License, 25 are included rately from the it's a paper simply a
required for automatically V90/V91. license paper
each device or with purchase of Shipped in an that's not license
user connect- a V90/V91 envelope when enforced
ing to or (based on ordering part by Micro-
accessing data whether 2, 4, 6, number soft
on a server 8, or 10 VMs J0201FN
(H90, V90, V91, were ordered); if
or VM) via a more are
plant network, needed, order
Internet, or part number
intranet. This J0201FN (5-
includes access pack per device
through Remote and/or user
Desktop Ser-

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix F. Remote Client Connections Using Remote Desktop Services to Virtualized Foxboro Evo Systems

Table F-1. Licensing Questions Answered

Where is
What type is How do I Where do I How many do I activated How is it
License it? order it? find it? need? ? activated?
RDS CAL Remote Desk- J0201FP (5- Shipped in an One for every On the Refer to
top Services pack, per envelope when Remote Desktop RDS “Remote
Client Access device) ordering either session from a thin License Desktop
License, OR part number client to a VM Server Server CAL
required for J0201FS (5- J0201FP or and Remote
each device or pack, per user) J0201FS Desktop
user accessing Services
data on a License
Server (H90, Server Acti-
V90, V91 or vation” on
VM) via Remote page 247.
Desktop Ser-

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91
2012 Host to V91 2016 Host
This appendix describes steps to modify, redeploy, or convert a VM setup with Microsoft Server
2012 R2 Hyper-V to a Microsoft VM Server 2016 based Hyper-V.
An upgrade from a V91 Server 2012 host to V91 Server 2016 Host can be performed in two ways
1. Offline Upgrade
2. Online Upgrade
Prior to performing the steps to modify, re-deploy, or convert a virtual machine installation, con-
figuration, or setup utilizing Windows Server 2012 R2 based Hyper-V into a Windows Server
2016 based Hyper-V, confirm the following:
♦ A second V91 server running Server 2016 is available and configured for use.
♦ You review the settings for all VMs and make sure the MAC Address for the
FECN/MESH network is set to static.
♦ You verify that the virtual network names used are the same on all servers to avoid sys-
tem messages during the import process.

Offline Upgrade
To perform the upgrade procedure, proceed as follows:
1. To shut down the virtual machines, select the VM(s), right-click the VM name to
access the menu, and select Shut Down... as shown in Figure G-1.

Figure G-1. Virtual Machines - Server Menu - ShutDown

2. Stop the Hyper-V Service in one of two ways and then turn off the message which

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host

a. Right-click the server name and select Stop Service as shown in Figure G-2.

Figure G-2. Hyper-V Manager - Server Menu - Stop Service

Or, in the right side actions panel as shown in Figure G-3, click Stop Service.

Figure G-3. Server Action Menu - Stop Service

b. When the message dialog box appears, shown in Figure G-4, click Turn Off.

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host B0700HD – Rev A

Figure G-4. Stop VM Management Service - Message - Turn Off

3. When the service is turned off, use Windows/File Explorer to navigate to the location
of the VM files, for example, D:\Virtual Machines. See Figure G-5.

Figure G-5. Virtual Machines - Location of VM Files

4. Copy the VM folders to an external or portable storage device, such as an external

USB hard drive, as shown in Figure G-6.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host

Figure G-6. Virtual Machine Folders - Copy to External Storage Device

Perform the following steps on the Windows Server 2016-based V91 server.

5. Install the Windows Server 2016 host operating system on V91 server and install the
Windows Server 2016 LGPO.
6. Create the virtual switches’ three attributes: DCS ACN Connection, First Mesh Con-
nection, and Second Mesh Connection.
7. Copy the Virtual Machines files into a suitable folder on the new V91 server. For
example, copy the files into the D:\Virtual Machines\FromS2008V90 folder. Copy
progress is shown in Figure G-7 and completion is shown in Figure G-8.

Figure G-7. Copying Files from VM to New V91 Server

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host B0700HD – Rev A

Figure G-8. Files from VM Copied to New V91 Server

8. After the copy is complete, import the virtual machines one by one into the Windows
Server 2016-based V91 Server as follows:
a. Open Hyper-V Manager.
b. Click Import Virtual Machine from the right side panel as shown in
Figure G-9.

Figure G-9. Virtual Machine - Action Menu - Import Virtual Machine

9. When the Import Virtual Machine wizard appears, click Next as shown in
Figure G-10.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host

Figure G-10. Import Virtual Machine Wizard - Before You Begin

10. On the Locate Folder screen, browse to the location of the virtual machine (for exam-
ple, D:\Virtual Machines\From S2008V90\VDRCF6\) as shown in Figure G-11.
Click Next.

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host B0700HD – Rev A

Figure G-11. Import Virtual Machine - Locate Folder - Browse

11. The wizard will identify the virtual machine available to import. Select the virtual
machine and click Next as shown in Figure G-12.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host

Figure G-12. Import Virtual Machine - Select Virtual Machine

12. On the Choose Import Type screen, keep the default selection: Register the virtual
machine in-place (use the existing unique ID) as shown in Figure G-13. Click Next.

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host B0700HD – Rev A

Figure G-13. Import Virtual Machine - Choose Import Type - Register

13. On the Locate Virtual Hard Disks screen, browse to the location of hard drives (nor-
mally, the same folder as the VM) as shown in the example D:\Virtual
Machines\FromS2008V90\VDRCF6 in Figure G-14.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host

Figure G-14. Import Virtual Machine - Locate Virtual Hard Disks - Location

14. If the saved state is incompatible, a system message appears as shown in Figure G-15.
Click Delete Saved State to proceed.

Figure G-15. Saved State Detected Errors

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host B0700HD – Rev A

15. Since the Ethernet switches’ GUID is not the same, a message appears indicating it is
unable to find the Ethernet switch. Click Next to proceed through the screens with
the network connections in the Not Connected state as shown in Figure G-16.

Figure G-16. Import Virtual Machine - Connect Network - Not Connected to Virtual Switch

16. When the summary screen appears, click Finish as shown in Figure G-17.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host

Figure G-17. Import Virtual Machine - Completing Import Wizard

17. The newly imported virtual machine appears in the Hyper-V Manager as shown in
Figure G-18.

Figure G-18. Hyper-V Manager - Imported Virtual Machine

18. From the VM in Hyper-V Manager, select Settings... as shown in Figure G-19 to
perform the following tasks.

Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host B0700HD – Rev A

Figure G-19. Virtual Machines - Menu - Settings

19. Since all the network connections for this newly imported VM are set to Not Con-
nected, you must:
♦ Review all of these connections and connect to the appropriate networks on the new
♦ Verify that the “Enable MAC address spoofing” checkbox is enabled for The
MESH/FECN network.
20. After the network connections have been made to the correct NICs, make sure to ver-
ify that the newly imported VM is fully functional.
21. Repeat these procedures for each of the virtual machines.
Once all of the virtual machines have been imported and verified to be fully functional and run-
ning on the new V91 server, the older V91 server can either be discarded or reconfigured depend-
ing on the hardware version of the older V91 server.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix G. Upgrade from V91 2012 Host to V91 2016 Host

Appendix H. Schneider Electric
Availability/Reliability Model
This appendix provides the Schneider Electric Availability/reliability Model 2015SA108F
Calculation - Parallel Redundant Server Calculations. This document contains the
Calculation Methodology, Assumptions and Results.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix H. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA108F

Appendix H. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA108F B0700HD – Rev A

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix H. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA108F

Appendix I. Schneider Electric
Availability/Reliability Model
This appendix provides the Schneider Electric Availability/reliability Model 2015SA47F
Calculation. The document contains the Calculation Methodology, Assumptions and Results.

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix I. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA47F

Appendix I. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA47F B0700HD – Rev A

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix I. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA47F

Appendix I. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA47F B0700HD – Rev A

B0700HD – Rev A Appendix I. Schneider Electric Availability/Reliability Model 2015SA47F

backup and restore performance and sizing guidelines
procedures 111 load server with virtual machine stations and
software 10
C physical stations and virtual machines
Central Virtualization Management considerations 8
features 81 differences 8
Client Access License (CAL) 244 POSE 111
virtual machine behavior R
during V91 shutdown 43 Remote Desktop Server 245
Control Software History Collector 227 RemoteDesktop Services
CPU availability client access license 77
physical and logical/virtual 11 remove desktop services role 67
sizing guidelines 12 resource utilization
create V91 host server 92
virtual machine using Hyper-V hypervisor 29 virtual machines 106
D virtual machine 111
DCS Auxiliary Communications Network restrictions
(ACN) 219 role and operation for Foxboro Evo and I/A
Series users 12
export and import S
VMs 113 set up
Foxboro Evo software 1
H I/A Series software 1
History Collector 227 virtual machine considerations 6
Hyper-V sizing requirements
install 17 V91 load balancing 10
Hyper-V installation 17 virtual machines 11
Hyper-V Manager
system license activation
VM start and stop 81
Windows 2012 R2 229
The Foxboro Evo control network 57
Hyper-V 17
Time Synchronization Service 39
installation media 57 troubleshooting 121
types of virtual machines
sizing requirements 11
DCS Auxiliary Communications Network V
(ACN) 219 Veritas system recovery for VMs 112
NIC teaming virtual machine 1
V91 NIC Selections 221 backup 111
health alerts 91

B0700HD – Rev A Index

network adapter 57
resource utilization 106
state, detailed information 84
virtual machine behavior
configure 43
virtual machine environment
I/A Series software 1
V91 Server Virtualization Host
software 5
virtual machine host
hardware 5
virtual machine setup considerations 6
virtual machine station suboptimal conditions
219, 227, 265, 269
virtual machine using Hyper-V hypervisor
create 29
benefits 1
virtualized system
without CVM functionality 4

Windows Server 2016 Standard
Reinstallation 120

Index B0700HD – Rev A

Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.
38 Neponset Avenue
Foxborough, MA 02035-2037
United States of America

Global Customer Support


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