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TEST 4 (Module 4)

NAME ................................................................................................ DATE .....................................

CLASS ................................................................................................ MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

Vocabulary Grammar
A Fill in with: rhythm, accepted, waving, C Put the verbs in brackets into the
donates, earned. passive form.
14 Exhibitions of famous oil paintings ..............
1 They marched in the streets ……………..
(hold) at the art gallery.
their flags in the air.
15 The Starry Night .........................................
2 Helen’s brilliant performance .......................
(paint) by Vincent van Gogh.
her first prize in the competition.
16 The Degas painting ....................................
3 Nicholas started moving to the ....................
(auction) tomorrow.
of the music.
17 The young artist .........................................
4 He often ................................... large sums
(just/award) first prize for his sculpture.
of money to charity.
18 The collage ................................................
5 Joan ...................................... the invitation
(must/finish) by next Friday.
to join me for dinner.
Marks ____
Marks ____
52 10
51 5
D Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.
B Complete the sentences with the 19 Did you draw this portrait ......................... ?
words: still, waste, impression, features, 20 Georgia prepared the food for the party all
by ………….. . INCLUDEPI
display, draws, brightly, work. INCLUDEPI
CTURE "http
CTURE "http 21 We started this business ........................... .
6 The sculpture he was working on was a ://cms/cms
://cms/cms 22 John and Michael can get to the theatre
unique …………………….. of art. /albums/CO /albums/CO
……………….. .
7 Our Art teacher asked us to try ourREL/COREL
hand at REL/COREL
23 Paul cut ………….. while peeling an apple.
a …………………….. life painting. _278/thum
Marks ____
8 The exhibition …………………….. b_278010.j paintings
51\* MER
pg" 5
by Michelangelo. pg" \* MER

9 The artist …………………….. inspiration GEFORMATI E Complete the sentences using GEFORMATI
from the natural world. NET conditionals.
10 The sculptor used ………………… material 24 What ............................... (you/do) if you
like plastic bottles and tins for his creations. ............................... (get) mugged?INCLUDEPI
CTURE "http
11 The dancers wore ……………………..- 25 If I ...................... (be) you, I ......................
coloured traditional costumes. (be) careful what you say.
12 Ms Graham worked very hard to leave a 26 How ............................... (you/feel) if you
positive …………………….. on her class. ............................... (win) the lottery?

13 There’s a folk art collection on ………….. at 27 If Tom ............................... (have) b_278010.j

a car, he
the museum this week. ............................... (drive) to work. pg" \* MER
Marks ____
Marks ____
42 8
81 8

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

TEST 4 (Module 4)
pg" \* MER
pg" \* MER
Reading NET

F Read the text and for questions 28-31 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

It’s an expression Lie Wei’s determination and success lies in his parents’
of talent! It’s life
A Unique Pianist lived to its fullest!
insistence that he is no different from other young
people. Their constant encouragement, love and
It’s unique!
devotion has enabled Lie to use his feet and mouth to
Who could possibly combine incredible talent and a do things people normally do with their hands. He
rare determination to produce something so uniquely skilfully dresses himself, feeds himself, brushes his
beautiful? teeth and even uses the computer. Most amazingly
however, he masterfully presses the piano keys to
Lie Wei, a 23-year-old pianist from Beijing who moved
create beautiful melodies. Lie Wei entered the talent
the hearts of the world when he played the piano on
show because he wanted his
‘China’s Got Talent’ with his feet. The audience and
parents to be proud of him but he achieved much more
judges listening to his performance of Richard
than this. One of the judges realised that there was
Clayderman’s Mariage D’amour were stunned by the
more to Lie’s performance than the way he played the
young man’s outstanding talent.
piano. When he inquired how Lie managed to play so
Lie lost both his arms while playing a game of “hide n well, Lie replied: “For people like me, there are only two
seek” in an accident with electrical wires when he was options. One was to abandon all dreams which would
ten. However, this did not prevent him from pursuing lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to
his lifelong dream of becoming a musician. He began struggle without arms to live an outstanding life.”
to learn how to play the piano at 19, even though his Lie’s willpower points to what really matters in life. His
first teacher gave up on him saying that it was life serves as an example to people who are
impossible to play the piano using only one’s toes. He challenged by disabilities but also to people who are
suffered from cuts and cramps as he persisted in simply dissatisfied with life. His desire to “live a
learning to play with his feet, but in the end he proved wonderful life” is one we should all live by!
his teacher wrong.

28 Lie Wie’s accident made 30 Which of the following is NOT true?

A him think he was unable to play a musical A The judges were impressed by Lie Wie’s
instrument. skilful performance.
B him try harder to fulfil his dream. B Lie Wie has lost all hope for the future.
C him abandon his dream of becoming a C Lie Wie’s life is an example for all people
musician. to follow.
D his family and friends treat him differently. D The judges were surprised by how well he
29 Lie Wie’s parents played with his feet.
A were a source of inspiration for him. 31 What is the writer’s purpose?
B thought he would not succeed. A to announce the winner of the talent show.
C discouraged him from learning how to play B to inform people about the art of playing
the piano. the piano.
D have helped dress and feed him since the C to talk about the extraordinary life of a
accident. young person.
D to encourage young people to take part in
talent shows.
Marks ____
45 20
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2
CTURE "http
TEST 4 (Module 4) REL/COREL
pg" \* MER

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

TEST 4 (Module 4)

Everyday English Listening

G Fill in: That sounds great, Count me in, I Listen to a conversation between
How about going, I’m afraid I can’t make it. two friends talking about a film they
saw at the cinema. Mark the
A: Hi Charlie! What are you doing on Friday sentences T (true) or F (false).
B: I don’t know. I haven’t made any plans yet. 36 Both Jack and Alice enjoyed the film
A: 32) ................................... to the tap dance very much. ………
display at the city hall? 37 Jack thought the beginning of the
B: 33) ..................................... . What time is it? film was boring. ………
A: It starts at 6:30 pm. 38 Alice and Jack agree that the plot
B: 34) ................................................... at 6:30. of the film was well-developed. ………
A: No problem! The actual tap dancers don’t 39 Alison feels that the characters
come on stage until 7:30. I can pick you up at on sci-fi films don’t always look
7:00 if you like. convincing. ………
B: OK! 35) ........................................................ . 40 Jack and Alison don’t like the
A: All right then! See you later. same kind of films. ………

Marks ____
54 20

Marks ____

Writing 41 4

H Your teacher has asked you to write a short biography of an artist you admire.

Write a brief account of the events in his/her life and in his/her achievements. "http

Write your biography using the ideas below (120 – 180 words). Follow the ://cms/cms
CTURE "http
 Paragraph 1: Biographical details://cms/cms
(name, date of birth, what famous for) Wassily Kandinski,
b. 16/12/1866, Moscow, first abstract artist
 Paragraph 2: early years (childhood REL/COREL
experiences) grew up in Moscow, could hear colours pg" &
\* see
sounds, studied Law and Economics, enjoyed music GEFORMATI
 Paragraph 3: adult experiences At 30, gave up teaching to become an artist, taught himself NET then
pg" \* MER
went to Munich art school, developed his style
 Paragraph 4: achievements became NET
an accomplished painter and art theorist, taught art and
design, wrote many books, influenced many artists, 3 wives, 1 child
 Paragraph 5: comments (Date of death, how people think of them) d. 13/12/1944, very
influential artist, works greatly appreciated, paintings sell for tens of millions, famous work The Blue
Rider (1911), Fugue (1914), Points (1920), On White II (1923), and Composition VII (1913). Fugue
(1914), Points (1920), On White II (1923), and Composition VII (1913).

Marks ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4


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