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Connection to MSuite server is failed <résolu>.

Description du problème :

On ne peut pas utiliser MSuite client, un message d’erreur s’affiche :

1) IP is incorrect
2) Port is incorrect
3) Port is occupied
4) Connection to server is down

Analyse  :

Il est confirmé que :

IP est IP du U2000 serveur.

Port 12212

Login/pwd : admin/Huawei_U2000

Donc, il reste que port est occupé.

Solution  :

1. Sur U2000 serveur / ossuer

ossuser@U2000:/opt/oss/engr/engineering> ./



The communication port 12212,12213,12214,12215 has been occupied.

Run the "bash /opt/oss/engr/engineering/tool/" command to q

uery the port usage, or retry in two to three minutes.


Whether continue is false when launch check, exit start OSS Engineering Server.

2. Vérifier les ports

ssuser@U2000:/opt/oss/engr/engineering> su root


U2000:/opt/oss/engr/engineering # bash /opt/oss/engr/engineering/tool/FindProces

Searching for process running on port 12212,12213,12214,12215 ......


Port: 12212 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202


Port: 12212 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202


Port: 12212 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202


Port: 12212 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202


Port: 12212 is being used by PID: ossuser 28210


Port: 12212 is being used by PID: ossuser 28210


Port: 12214 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202


Port: 12214 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202


Port: 12215 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202


Port: 12215 is being used by PID: ossuser 24202

3. Redémarrage du MSuite services

ossuser@U2000:/opt/oss/engr/engineering> ./

Stopping OSS Engineering Server...

Stop OSS Engineering Server Successfully.

ossuser@U2000:/opt/oss/engr/engineering> ./

Starting OSS Engineering Server...

Start OSS Engineering Server Successfully.

4. Ouvrir MSuite client.

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