Berkhout, Hartmann and Trott

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Connecting technological

capabilities with market needs

using a cyclic innovation model
Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann and Paul Trott
Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management, Section of Technology Strategy &
Entrepreneurship, Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, PO Box 5015, 2600
GA Delft, The Netherlands.;;

One of the key limitations of current models of innovation is that they still represent variations
on the familiar pipeline architecture. In addition, they are not embedded in the strategic issues
of company boards and therefore remain isolated entities. Equally, the activity of entrepre-
neurship, while long recognized as a key factor in firm innovation management, is not captured
and is inadvertently understated or only implied at best. We find that there is incongruence
between current theoretical models and innovation practice. We offer a socio-technical
framework that replaces the family of linear concepts by a cyclic alternative. It combines
hard and soft sciences, bridges research and development and marketing communities and
helps firms and policy makers to better understand the iterative nature of the innovation

1. Introduction
It would seem that the challenges that lay
ahead for R&D will be as significant as those
I n a recent article in this journal, Howells (2008)
discusses some of the key developments that
are currently affecting research and development
that have been faced in the past. Many of us who
have been studying innovation and how firms
(R&D) activity (see also Coombs and Georghiou, manage this process have to accept that, despite
2002). He identifies the following changing dy- our best efforts, beyond R&D laboratories inno-
namics of R&D: vation remains poorly understood. This view is
confirmed by Coombs and Georghiou (2002). If
(1) The increasingly distributed and open nature we are objective and honest with ourselves, the
of networked research and innovation; linear model of innovation from scientific discov-
(2) The growth of externally sourced R&D (and ery to commercialization in the market still dom-
as a consequence, the relative decline in internally inates thinking, not just with the general public
generated R&D) within firms; but also within board rooms and government
(3) Overcoming barriers towards the increased policy making departments across our nations.
productivity and effectiveness of R&D; Moreover, this misunderstanding extends beyond
(4) The continued globalization of R&D, parti- the linearity of the process to the characterization
cularly in terms of its spread and reach, associated of it. For example, there remains a strong belief
with R&D offshoring; that innovation is fuelled by serendipity and that
(5) The relative shift from manufacturing-centred R&D departments are freewheeling places of
R&D towards more service-orientated R&D. artistic disorder. Yet, in the large industrialized

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Connecting technological capabilities with market needs using CIM

firm where R&D is institutionalized, it is fully Section 2 examines the context of industrial
recognized that invention and creativity emerge R&D. The final section reconceptualizes firm
from the routine of R&D, and innovation follows innovation and offers a non-linear framework
under management instruction and control (Pear- that may help firms and policy makers better
son, 1983). This is not only merely understood understand how innovation occurs in practice.
but also is a requirement. For when firms such as Firms will benefit from better insights into the
Siemens spend annually in excess of $5 billion on dynamics between technological research, pro-
R&D, their shareholders would rightly expect duct development and market transitions while
that this investment is closely managed and its policy makers, who are responsible for the gov-
activities monitored. Moreover, a decent return ernance of the economy and therefore an integral
on these R&D investments is expected. Indeed, part of the innovation cycle, will be able to base
Alan Pearson noted in a review of 12 years of their decisions on the insights gained from the
R&D Management that ‘investment in R&D other actors.
must be looked at in the same way as any other
investment in the business- the benefits it pro-
duces must exceed the costs’ (Pearson, 1983). 2. A review of models of innovation
This is very different from what many outside
of the ‘innovation and R&D management world’ The fundamental question for innovation re-
see and understand by innovation. Their under- search is to explain how firms develop innovative
standing is characterized by a less-ordered, chao- solutions in the form of products, processes and
tic and yet abundantly creative activity with little services. For many years, this was seen as im-
routine, proceeding to a more orderly process possible to carry out; indeed, it was viewed as a
where ideas are taken and moulded into products random phenomenon or ‘manna from heaven’. In
by engineers, while marketing educates and in- his early works, Joseph Schumpeter (1934) re-
forms the public why they need these new pro- jected this view and argued that innovation had
ducts. This, as all students of innovation know, is three main aspects:
the linear technology push model of innovation.
(i) A high level of uncertainty;
Despite the key R&D challenges spelt out by
(ii) The need to move quickly, to reap potential
Howells (2008) – especially points 1 and 2 –
economic reward;
beyond the R&D laboratories, firms and policy
(iii) Recognizing the inherent resistance to new
makers seem locked into old thinking. The past
should inform and enable us to develop research
questions for the future. It is from this standpoint This early view of innovation is sometimes
that a comparative historical analysis of innova- referred to as Schumpeter Mark I. At this stage,
tive firms seems necessary to enhance our under- there is a clear emphasis and recognition of the
standing. Theory is by definition a simplification need of the entrepreneur to fight numerous bat-
(abstraction) of reality, and simplification is ne- tles: the battle to get investors to secure their
cessary and helpful in order to make sense of backing; the battle with competitors; and the
history (Penrose, 1959). If we need theory to battle to convince equivocal customers. Signifi-
make sense of history, so we need history to cantly, as models of innovation have developed
make sense of theory. It is therefore timely to over the twentieth century, the need to fight and
revisit Roy Rothwell’s (1992) seminal article on battle seems to have been overshadowed by a
models of innovation wherein he noted that in the growing list of factors deemed necessary for
5th generation model, innovation is becoming innovation to occur (Rothwell, 1992; Van der
faster; it increasingly involves inter-company net- Panne et al., 2003). However, this misses the point
working; and it employs a new electronic toolkit about the human involvement and in particular
(expert systems and simulation modelling). the dynamic and crucial role of the entrepreneur.
New conceptual thinking is required if we are This paper illustrates that firm innovation success
to help inform policy makers and other groups today continues to be dependent on the battling
beyond the R&D laboratory. This paper chal- activities of the entrepreneur, and these need to be
lenges the current theory by identifying limita- central in any model of firm innovation.
tions of past models and schools of thought, and Today, we recognize how different theoretical
uses these to develop a more realistic and effective perspectives can shed light on different aspects of
model of firm innovation. Section 1 reviews the firm innovation, and hence the growth in cross-
development of theory and models of innovation. disciplinary approaches to the study of innovation.

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R&D Management r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann and Paul Trott

[Evidence of this is provided by the research is merely applied science. It is linear because there
undertaken over the past 30 years at the Science is a well-defined set of stages that innovations are
Policy Research Unit (SPRU)]. In terms of devel- assumed to pass through. Indeed, even the so-
oping understanding at the level of the firm, it is called ‘open innovation’ model of innovation
the research activities of business schools around (Chesbrough, 2003) essentially characterizes a
the world that have developed understanding linear process from R&D to marketing. It pre-
here. Manchester Business School and the pio- sents the innovation process as a funnel that
neering work of Alan Pearson in the 1970s begins with scientific research and progresses
deserve special mention here. Traditional eco- linearly via technological and product develop-
nomics treated innovation as an activity that ment to the market. It is because of its simplicity
had inputs and outputs, and it was these that that Open Innovation has been so readily em-
formed the basis of their studies. Hence, the focus braced by firms in the R&D community (see Trott
is on investment, allocation of resources, patents and Hartmann, 2009 for a more detailed discus-
and profits – all easily quantifiable attributes. This sion). The problem with this view is that it
also reflected the necessity of the discipline to generalizes a chain of causation that only holds
measure things (anything, really) so that equa- for a minority of innovations. And it ignores the
tions and statistics can be applied. Statisticians many feedback loops that occur between the
asked ‘what is research?’ A simple answer was not various stages of the process (Kline and Rosen-
easily found. Indeed, until the 1960s there were berg, 1986). It was only in the 1980s that manage-
some liberal interpretations by firms and govern- ment schools around the world seriously began to
ments as they attempted to assess how much challenge the sequential linear process. The re-
money to spend on R&D and what was its cognition that innovation occurs through the
impact. In 1963, industrialized countries followed interaction of the science base (dominated by
the US National Science Foundation and adopted universities and industry), technological develop-
the Frascati manual, which offered helpful defini- ment (dominated by R&D-intensive industry) and
tions to facilitate measurements of science and the needs of the market (dominated by innovative
technology (Godin, 2003). firms) was a significant step forward (see Figure
In Europe and North America, industrialists in 1). The explanation of the interaction of these
the 1910s and 1920s were convinced of the in- activities forms the basis of models of innovation
calculable value of the progress of pure science today. There is, of course, much debate and
(Carty, 1924). It was US economists and policy disagreement about precisely which activities in-
makers after the Second World War who were fluence innovation and more importantly, the
largely responsible for the linear model of science internal processes that affect a company’s ability
and innovation. This was because statisticians to innovate.
had to measure research spending and this led Nonetheless, there is broad agreement that it is
to the categorization of science and research (see the linkages between these key components that
also Bush, 1945). Since then, largely because of its will produce successful innovation. From a Eur-
simplicity, this model has taken a firm grip on opean perspective, an area that requires particular
people’s views on how innovation occurs. Indeed, attention is the linkage between the science base
it dominated the science and industrial policy for and technological development. The European
40 years. With regard to its merits, the linear Union (EU) believes that, compared with the
model is based on the assumption that innovation United States, European universities have not

Figure 1. Conceptual chain of knowledge flows within innovation.

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Connecting technological capabilities with market needs using CIM

established effective links with industry, whereas science and technology base (Bessant et al., 2000;
in the US universities have been working closely Katz, 2003).
with the industry for many years1 (Miyata, 2003). The preceding discussions have shown that
There are two basic variations of the linear innovation is not a singular event, but a series
model for product innovation. First, and most of activities that are linked in some way to the
crudely, there is the technology-driven model and others. This may be described as a process and
second the customer ‘need-driven’ model that involves (Kelly and Kranzberg, 1978):
emphasizes the role of marketing, as an initiator
(i) A response to either a need or an opportunity
of new ideas as a result of close interactions with
that is context dependent;
customers (von Hippel, 1978). While the first can
(ii) A creative effort and if successful, results in
be applied to a few cases, most notably in tech-
the introduction of novelty; and
nology-intensive industries such as the pharma-
(iii) The need for further changes.
ceutical industry (where a cure for an ailment is
very likely to have a market), it is not applicable The recognized complexity of the innovation
in many other instances. These models concen- process not only makes it difficult to manage,
trate on what is driving the downstream efforts explain and study but also presents problems for
rather than on how innovations occur (Galbraith, the development of a generalized model. Saren
1982). Hence, the linear model is only able to (1984) argued that the absence of a definitive
offer an explanation of where the initial stimulus model compounds the problems of semantics
for innovation was born. Mostly, the future is and definitions when discussing innovation. In
unknown – some firms will prosper, others will his review of models of innovation, he put for-
not. In virtually all areas of business, it is not ward a taxonomy of different types of innovation
always clear who are the players in the innovation models: (a) Departmental-stage models; (b) Ac-
race. Very often contenders will emerge from the tivity-stage models; (c) Decision-stage models; (d)
most unexpected places. Furthermore, companies Conversion process models; and (e) Response
frequently find themselves in a race without models.
knowing where the starting and finishing lines Innovation has been described as an informa-
are. Even when some of these are known, com- tion-creation process that arises out of social
panies often start out with the aim of becoming a interaction. In effect, the firm provides a structure
leader and end up being a follower (Pavitt et al., within which the creative process is located (Non-
1991). aka and Kenney, 1991). These interactions pro-
The interactive model develops this idea further vide the opportunity for thoughts, potential ideas
and links the technology push and market pull and views to be shared and exchanged. A great
models of innovation (Rothwell and Zegveld, deal of technical skill is based on know-how and
1985; Sundbo, 2002). It emphasizes that innova- much industrial innovation occurs through on-
tions occur as the result of the interaction of the the-spot experiments – a kind of action-oriented
market place, the science base and the organiza- research with ad hoc modifications during step-
tion’s capabilities. Like the coupling model, there by-step processes, through which existing reper-
is no explicit starting point. The use of information toires are extended. Such knowledge can only be
flows is used to explain how innovations transpire learned through practice and experience where
and that they can arise from a wide variety of the creation of new knowledge within an organi-
points. While still oversimplified, it is a more zation depends on tapping the tacit and often
comprehensive representation of the innovation highly subjective insights, intuitions and hunches
process. It can be regarded as a logically sequen- of individual employees and making those in-
tial, although not necessarily a continuous process sights available for testing and use by the organi-
that can be divided into a series of functionally zation as a whole (Nonaka and Kenney, 1991).
distinct but interacting and interdependent stages This implies that certain knowledge and skills,
(Rothwell and Zegveld, 1985). The overall innova- embodied in the term ‘know-how’, are not easily
tion process can be thought of as a complex set of understood and moreover, less able to be com-
communication paths whereby knowledge is trans- municated. The recognition of the value of inter-
ferred. These paths include internal and external actions to facilitate the innovation process
linkages. The generation of ideas is shown to be emphasized the significance of networks in the
dependent upon inputs from three basic compo- innovation process, which led to the development
nents (as outlined in Figure 1): organization cap- of network models of innovations (Nonaka and
abilities, the needs of the market place and the Takeuchi, 1995).

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Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann and Paul Trott

Roy Rothwell (1992) reviewed the factors that novations, including radar, rocket technology and
affect innovation and put forward the notion of a new weapons. A period of rapid growth in ex-
fifth-generation model of innovation that was penditure by countries on R&D was to follow.
based on observations that innovation was be- But economists soon found that there was no
coming faster; it increasingly involved inter-com- direct correlation between R&D spending and
pany networking; and it used a variety of new national rates of economic growth. It was clear
technologies (expert systems and simulation mod- that the linkages were more complex than first
elling). This he argued was replacing the fourth- thought. There was a need to understand how
generation innovation process, which itself had science and technology affected the economic
marked a shift from perceptions of innovation as system. The neo-classical economics approach
a strictly sequential process to innovation per- had not offered any explanations. A series of
ceived as a largely parallel process. This shift studies of innovation were undertaken in the
owed much to observations, at that time, of 1950s, which concentrated on the internal char-
innovation processes in leading Japanese corpora- acteristics of the innovation process within the
tions (see Nonaka and Kenney, 1991; Nonaka economy. A feature of these studies was that they
and Takeuchi, 1995). More recently, an attempt adopted a cross-discipline approach, incorporat-
has been made to pull together different but ing economics, organizational behaviour and
related areas of research, namely the innovation business and management. These studies looked
theory of the firm, the resource based-view and at:
the complexity theory. It introduces the theore-
(i) The generation of new knowledge;
tical framework of Total Innovation Manage-
(ii) The application of this knowledge in the
ment, and presents a tri-dimensional innovation
development of products and processes; and
strategy model (Xu et al., 2007).
(iii) The commercial exploitation of these pro-
It is clear that the innovation process is com-
ducts and services in terms of financial income
plex and full of uncertainties, which combine to
make innovation a risky investment. But, the
level of risk correlates to the level of improve- In particular, these studies revealed that firms
ment or change required. Scientists and engineers behave differently (see Carter and Williams, 1959;
know that they can improve the performance of Simon, 1957; Woodward, 1965). This led to the
virtually all existing products. The difficulty lies development of a new theoretical framework that
in the cost of achieving this improvement and attempted to understand how firms managed the
also whether the market is willing to pay for this above, and why some firms appeared to be more
improvement. Furthermore, the process is de- successful than others. Later studies in the 1960s
pendent on information and knowledge flows, were to confirm these initial findings and uncover
and it is this concept in particular that is a significant differences in organizational character-
cornerstone of all models of innovation (see istics (Burns and Stalker, 1961; Cyert and March,
Adams et al., 2006), and is applicable to large 1963; Myers and Marquis, 1969). Hence, the new
and small firms alike (Berry and Taggart, 1994). framework placed more emphasis on the firm and
In a major review of the literature in this journal, its internal activities than had been the case
Hidalgo and Albors (2008) review the scope, previously. The firm and how it used its resources
trends and major actors (firms, organizations, were now seen as the key influence on innovation.
government, consultants, academia, etc.) in the Schumpeter first argued that modern firms
development and use of methods to manage equipped with R&D laboratories have become
innovation in a knowledge-driven economy, the central innovative actors. Since his work,
and confirm that today knowledge plays a crucial others have contributed to the debate (Chandler,
role in fostering innovation in a social network 1962; Nelson and Winter, 1982; Cohen and Le-
theory of innovation. vinthal, 1990; Pavitt, 1990; Prahalad and Hamel,
1990; Patel and Pavitt, 2000). Success in the
future, as in the past, will surely lie in the ability
3. Industrial R&D to acquire and utilize knowledge and apply this to
the development of new products. Uncovering
One of the most important influences on innova- how to do this remains one of today’s most
tion seems to be industrial R&D. After all, during pressing management problems.
the Second World War, military R&D had pro- In their study of the US manufacturing sector,
duced significant technological advances and in- Cohen and Levinthal (1990) reconceptualize the

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Connecting technological capabilities with market needs using CIM

traditional role of R&D investment, which was firms that TQM used within R&D management
viewed simply as a factor aimed at creating can help to improve innovative performance.
specific innovations. They see R&D expenditure Armed with this information, the challenge for
as an investment in an organization’s absorptive firms remains immense. Putting in place the
capacity. They argue that an organization’s abil- necessary stimulus and then nurturing capacity
ity to evaluate and utilize external knowledge is may sound straightforward, but what does this
related to its prior knowledge and expertise, and mean? A major review of the innovation manage-
that this prior knowledge is, in turn, driven by ment literature by Van der Panne et al. (2003)
prior R&D investment. The point here is that provides us with some of the answers. This
over long periods of time organizations build up a research examined factors that contribute to the
body of knowledge and skills through experience success and failure of innovative projects within
and learning-by-doing (Teece, 1986). In addition firms and this is classified into four major groups:
to these internal organizational processes, Kay
(i) Firm-related factors;
(1993) suggests that the external linkages that a
(ii) Project-related factors;
company has developed over time and the invest-
(iii) Product-related factors; and
ment in this network of relationships (generated
(iv) Market-related factors.
from its past activities) form a distinctive compe-
titive capability. Moreover, this can be trans- Marketing can provide the necessary informa-
formed into competitive advantage when added tion and knowledge required by the firm to ensure
to additional distinctive capabilities such as tech- the successful development of innovative new
nological ability and marketing knowledge (Cas- products and the successful acceptance and diffu-
per and Whitley, 2003). sion of new products. In both cases, it is usually
the insights with respect to understanding poten-
tial customers that marketing supplies. Uncover-
ing and understanding these insights are where
3.1. Firm characteristics that facilitate the effective marketing is extremely valuable. The
innovation process
deep insights necessary for truly innovative pro-
The innovation process, outlined in the previous ducts require great skill as much of the informa-
sections, identified its complex nature. It also tion gained from customers for such products
emphasized the need to view innovation within needs to be ignored (Veryzer, 2003). Research
the context of the organization. In a recent study within marketing has shown for many years that
examining the relationship involving innovation gaining valuable insight from consumers about
stimulus, innovation capacity and innovation innovative new market offerings, especially dis-
performance, Prajogo and Ahmed (2006) found continuous new products, is extremely difficult
that there was a strong relationship between and can sometimes lead to misleading informa-
innovation stimulus and innovation capacity tion (Veryzer, 2003; King, 1985; Tauber, 1974;
and a strong relationship between innovation Martin, 1995; Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). The
capacity and innovation performance. The find- greater uncertainties involved with discontinuous
ings did not find any direct relationship between innovations demand both insight and foresight
innovation stimulus and innovation performance. from firms. Advanced technology presents signif-
The implications of this for firms are clear: if firms icant technical and market uncertainty, especially
wish to improve innovation performance, they when the technology is emerging and industry
first need to put in place and then develop standards have yet to be established. Appreciating
processes that stimulate innovation such as ap- and understanding the potential new technology
propriate leadership, R&D and creativity. Within and uncovering what the market will and will not
such an environment, the nurturing and building embrace are a key challenge for marketing. In-
of innovation capacity can then occur. Prajogo deed, bridging the technology uncertainty and the
and Ahmed (2006) argue that Innovation Capa- market need is critical for any commercially
city is the combination of technological and hu- viable new product.
man factors. In other words, having good science Highly innovative or discontinuous new pro-
and laboratories is necessary but insufficient. In ducts are particularly demanding in terms of early
addition, effective intangible skills are required timely information if they are to avoid being
such as project management, innovative experi- harshly judged later by the market (Christensen,
ence and risk management. For example, Prajogo 2003). Whether this information and knowledge
and Sohal (2006) found in a study of Australian are provided by marketing personnel or by R&D

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Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann and Paul Trott

scientists and engineers does not matter, but its Virtual R&D teams have a wide array of informa-
input to the new product development process is tion and communication technologies (ICTs) at
essential. The product development team needs to their disposal. ICTs allow team members to
determine: What are the potential applications of communicate and collaborate as they cope with
a technology as a product? Which application(s) the opportunities and challenges of cross-bound-
should be pursued first? What benefits can the ary work (Montoya et al., 2009). Information
proposed product offer to potential customers? flows in a huge osmosis process through the
What is the potential market size and is this boundaries of the firm. When this is coupled
sufficient? (Leifer et al., 2000, p. 81). with changes in manufacturing and operations
When it comes to managing the innovation technologies enabling rapid prototyping and flex-
process within the firm, the stage gate approach ible manufacturing at low costs, the process of
is a widely used product development process that innovation seems to be undergoing considerable
divides the effort into distinct time-sequenced change (Schrange, 2000; Chesbrough, 2003;
stages separated by management decision gates. Dodgson et al. 2005). Models of innovation
It has been popularized by Robert Cooper’s need to take account of these new technologies,
research in this area (Cooper, 1981; Kleinschmidt which allow immediate and extensive interaction
and Cooper, 1995). Multifunctional teams must with many collaborators throughout the process
successfully complete a prescribed set of related from conception to commercialization. With this
cross-functional tasks in each stage before obtain- in mind, we now turn our attention to a new
ing management approval to proceed to the next conceptual approach.
stage of product development. The framework of
the stage-gate process includes work-flow and
decision-flow paths and defines the supporting 4. A new conceptual approach to
systems and practices necessary to ensure smooth innovation
operation. However, the stage-gate procedure
suffers from a number of limitations: The preceding sections have challenged the cur-
rent innovation theory by identifying limitations
(i) The procedure is sequential and therefore will
of the various models and schools of thought.
be slow;
Specifically, these are:
(ii) Decisions are focused on the next gate rather
than on the end of the chain; (i) Variations on linear thinking continue to
(iii) Deviating activities can be stopped or frozen dominate models of innovation. Actually, most
too early. The high levels of uncertainty that innovation models show innovation paths, repre-
accompany breakthrough concepts make the senting a stage-gate type of activity, controlling
stage-gate procedure a model of lost opportu- the progress from idea to market introduction,
nities; and rather than giving insight in the dynamics of
(iv) The stage-gate procedure is a black box with actual innovation processes;
respect to the actual network processes at the (ii) Science is viewed primarily as technology
innovation shop floor. orientated (physical sciences) and R&D is closely
linked to manufacturing, causing insufficient at-
Finally, enabling technologies have also had a
tention to the behavioural sciences. As a conse-
dramatic impact on the innovation process.
quence, service innovation is hardly addressed;
Dodgson et al. (2005), developing and reinforcing
(iii) The complex interactions between new tech-
the point made by Rothwell (1992), suggest that
nological capabilities and emerging societal needs
there are significant changes occurring at all levels
are a vital part of the innovation process, but they
of the innovation process forcing us to reconcep-
are underexposed in current models;
tualize the process with emphasis placed on the
(iv) The role of the entrepreneur (individual or
three areas that have experienced the most sig-
team) is not captured; and
nificant change through the introduction and use
(v) Current innovation models are not embedded
of new technologies. These are: technologies that
within the strategic thinking of the firm; they
facilitate creativity; technologies that facilitate
remain isolated entities.
communication; and technologies that facilitate
manufacturing. Globalization and technological In this section, we propose a different way of
advances are driving organizations to extend the viewing the firm-based innovation process. It at-
boundaries of R&D teams from traditional co- tempts to capture the iterative nature of the net-
located settings to dispersed or virtual settings. work processes in innovation and represents this in

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Connecting technological capabilities with market needs using CIM

the form of an endless innovation circle with the industry (‘industry pull’). Knowing how
interconnected cycles. This circular concept helps the consortium members transform Delphi
to show how the firm gathers information over technology into new business (‘innovation
time, how it uses technical and societal knowledge process’) is a crucial asset. We found that a
and how it develops an attractive proposition. This cyclic interaction between push and pull is
is achieved through developing linkages and the key to long-term success. Nearly 30 years
partnerships with those having the necessary of firsthand experience with Delphi was
capabilities (‘open innovation’). In addition, the condensed into the development of the fra-
entrepreneur is positioned as a ‘circle captain’. mework of the CIM. This knowledge is
This framework is the result of a combination of currently being applied to a growing number
analysis of theory and practical evidence, based on of business areas outside the geophysical
many years of experience within industries that community. In other words, CIM has
work with scientists to develop valuable new pro- evolved from a descriptive learning model
ducts and services. Furthermore, evidence has been (of Delphi) to a prescriptive deployment
gathered from Delphi, a science-industry consor- model for managing innovation processes.
tium that consists of a large number of interna-
tional companies within the field of geo-energy.
Later in this paper, we will summarize how the
framework was successfully used to accelerate the
innovation activities in the science-driven Dutch
The Delphi consortium and the CIM
water sector. It is as a result of this evidence that
The Delphi consortium develops new ima-
ging technology for the global geo-energy the framework is presented here for the benefit of
industry. Seismic waves are used to extract R&D practitioners and academics for their con-
detailed geological information from up to sideration.
10 km below the surface of the Earth. These Traditionally, innovation models are linear (ex-
data are vital in the search for new oil and plicit or implicit). They describe the processes
gas reservoirs, and in monitoring the exploi- along the innovation path as a causal sequence
tation of existing fields. With most easy-to- (much like in relay): investments in scientific re-
detect reservoirs already found, enhanced search must lead to application-oriented develop-
seismic imaging technology is an absolute ment routes, which subsequently ought to result in
necessity to be successful in finding and successful market introductions. If we invest en-
exploiting the remaining difficult-to-detect ough in science and technology, the rest will work
ones. out all right; this is often the reasoning2. Such a
In 1982, Delphi was founded by the first linear science-push approach in innovation policies
author with five contributing companies. is still occurring on a large scale, with the result
Today, the consortium has more than 30 that most innovation systems underperform. Re-
international members, including all major cently, Chesbrough (2003) showed that the well-
oil companies such as Exxon, BP and Shell, known in-house stage-gate model – a pipeline
and a large variety of innovative service where promising ideas are developed towards
companies such as Schlumberger and Halli- successful market introductions – can be extended
burton. All key players in the geophysical to a more open version that allows interactions
value chain are present in the consortium
from outside the pipeline. This pipeline was ex-
tended by Kirschbaum (2003) by introducing the
The biggest challenge is to keep the existing
possibility of spin-in and spin-out. Despite these
members of the consortium onboard as well
as to attract new companies. To remain extensions, the stage-gate model lacks insight in
successful, Delphi research must develop the actual processes underlying innovation. This is
new technical capability that outperforms the reason we position stage-gate like models as a
the existing generation of products and ser- project management tool to control the progress
vices, generating new business for the con- along the innovation path.
sortium members. This turns the consortium
membership fee into an attractive invest-
ment. A one-way flow of scientific results 4.1. The power of cyclic interaction
to the members (‘science push’) is not an
In almost every natural system, feedback is an
option. It is necessary to have insight in
essential phenomenon. This means that there
emerging bottlenecks and opportunities in
exists a path that carries part of the output back

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to the input. Mathematically, this phenomenon is two linked cycles, forming a double loop with
described by an integral equation of the second technological research in a central position (this is
kind. In ecological systems, we find an abundance how R&D is traditionally viewed). The cyclic
of feedback paths. This makes them complex and interaction processes for the development of
therefore human interference often has unex- new technologies occur in the natural & life
pected consequences, which we do not under- sciences cycle (left-hand side of Figure 2) with
stand. Think of the debate on climate change. the help of a wide range of disciplines from these
On a micro scale, we observe that, for instance, sciences. Technological research in this cycle is a
the human cell – considered to be the most cross-disciplinary activity: a team of scientists
advanced chemical factory – is full of feedback. from different disciplines of the natural and life
Thermodynamic experts believe that nature aims sciences is needed to develop a new technological
at minimum energy systems and that minimum capability (many-to-one relationship). In the last
energy requires many feedback paths. If this is the decades, we have seen that industrial firms have
case, we must conclude that our current innova- outsourced a large part of their science-based
tion models, being characterized by little feed- technological research to universities. Note that
back, are squandering a lot of energy. Hence, in Figure 2 the natural and life sciences deal with
innovation processes should not be forced into quantitative models that not only explain the
simple one-way pipelines, but rather be organized properties of physical systems (‘know-why’) but
by interconnected cycles with feed forward and also are increasingly capable of predicting their
feedback connections: from linear to non-linear behaviour. This predictability allows us to de-
thinking. In this way, a dynamic network envir- velop reliable technology with fully repeatable
onment is created in which the social and beha- behaviour (‘know-how’).
vioural sciences are linked to engineering, and Similarly, the cyclical interaction processes for
where the natural and life sciences connect with the development of new products occur in the
market goals (Berkhout, 2000). This is what is integrated engineering cycle (right-hand side of
captured in the proposed innovation framework. Figure 2). Modern product development is a
Supported by today’s powerful communication cross-technology process in which a package of
technology, serial process management along a different (often patented) technological capabil-
linear path is replaced by parallel networking ities is needed to design and prototype a new
along a largely self-organizing circle. Vital deci- product (many-to-one relationship). As in cross-
sions in innovation do not occur in the gates of a disciplinary science, here too we see that many
staged project management pipeline, but do occur different experts are needed to succeed. Nowa-
at the innovation shop floor itself or, in terms of days, we observe that in most industrial firms
our model, in the nodes of the cyclic networks. It specialized skills of technical suppliers from out-
is our experience that young people like to work side the firm play an important role in making the
in such an environment. engineering process successful. This is consistent
with the open innovation concept (Chesbrough,
2003). Note that ‘products’ refer to everything
mankind builds: not only tangible products like
4.2. Double dynamics around houses, cars and computers but also non-tangible
technological research products like websites, games, insurance policies,
Examining the areas of overlap in Figure 1, we laws and combinations thereof.
will show how outputs in the form of innovative Figure 2 visualizes that in the natural and life
products and services are created. Figure 2 shows sciences cycle, technological research is driven

Figure 2. The dynamics surrounding technological research are driven by the cyclical interaction between new discoveries in the
natural and life sciences (left-hand side) and technical specifications for new process–product combinations (right-hand side).

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Connecting technological capabilities with market needs using CIM

by new scientific insights: science push. It also needed to assess and foresight shifts in societal
shows that in the engineering cycle technological needs and emotions as well as changes in trade
research is driven by new functional requirements conditions and regulations (many-to-one rela-
in product development: function pull. The dy- tionship). We see in all industrial sectors an
namics in technological research are therefore increasing interest for this type of research, mean-
driven by new scientific insights as well as new ing a shift towards a more scientific approach to
product specifications. For example, the market market studies. Note that in Figure 3 the beha-
need for better image quality stimulated the vioural and social sciences deal with socio-eco-
development of Blu-ray. Better image quality nomic models to explain the properties of markets
implies higher resolution, which in turn means and the underlying behaviour of consumers. Until
that more data must fit on the same-sized disc. To today, the predictive power of these models needs
enable this, solid-state lasers of shorter wave- improvement.
length had to be developed. Similarly, the out- Likewise, the cyclic interaction processes re-
break of the swine flu created the need for a quired to serve the changing society with new
vaccine. Active interaction between the integrated product–service combinations occur in the differ-
engineering cycle and the natural and life sciences entiated services cycle (right-hand side of Figure
cycle was required to develop this vaccine. In a 3). In this cycle, services (e.g., the provision of
dynamic technological infrastructure, scientists ‘iTunes’ for the ‘iPod’) are seen as an invaluable
and engineers must constantly inspire each other. link between products and markets: the combina-
To achieve this, research must be organized in a tion of products and services determines customer
different manner: no barriers between the two value. Users play an increasing role in making the
cycles. In Figure 2, the technological node should innovation process successful. Utilizing the crea-
function as a knowledge-driven roundabout. tive input of customers is known as democratizing
innovation (Von Hippel, 2005). It is interesting to
note that in recent years the service sector has
expanded considerably, not only because of the
4.3. Double dynamics around market greater demand for services from the end-user but
transitions also because industry has outsourced many of its
Figure 3 also shows two linked cycles. In this case, non-core processes. This trend is still going on.
it is the world of market change rather than the The term knowledge-based economy has been
world of technological change that plays the coined to characterize some of the main changes
central role. The cyclical interaction processes in the development of economies over the past 20
for the development of new insights into emerging years. Within the EU, services now account for
changes in demand – causing rising and falling 60% of the GDP (Eurostat, 2006). Similarly, the
markets – occur in the behavioural and social influence of technology in general and the deploy-
sciences cycle (left-hand side of Figure 3) with ment of ICT in particular cannot be overstated.
the help of a wide range of different disciplines In virtually all industries, there has been a huge
from the behavioural and social sciences. With growth in specialist knowledge and skills being
these insights, new socio-technical solutions can made available to firms. A new range of disci-
be developed faster and with less economic risk. plines have emerged offering specialist knowledge
Understanding changes in demand is very much a and skills. This has been replicated in virtually all
cross-disciplinary activity: a team of disciplinary industries (Dodgson et al. 2005). The develop-
experts from the social and behavioural sciences is ment of these economies has led to a massive

Figure 3. The dynamics surrounding market transitions are driven by the cyclical interaction between new scientific insights in
changing consumer behaviour (left-hand side) and new industrial supply of product–service combinations (right-hand side).

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increase in the amount of specialized business 4.4. Cyclic innovation model (CIM)
services, which now provide critical inputs to
firms in all sectors (changes in the B2B market). If we compare Figures 2 and 3, the dual nature of
It is this area of the Western economy (United scientific exploration and product creation be-
States and Europe), which has witnessed huge comes clear: science has both hard and soft
expansion and development. It is these knowl- aspects, and product creation has both technical
edge-intensive business services (KIBS) that are and social aspects. Figure 4 combines Figures 2
the key behind the development of the service side and 3. The result is the CIM (Berkhout, 2000;
of the economies. For example, the provision of Berkhout et al, 2007), a cross-disciplinary view of
specialist services to the geo-energy industry has change processes (and their interactions) as they
led to huge growth for Halliburton and Schlum- occur in an open innovation arena. Behavioural
berger, the world market leaders for oil services. sciences and engineering as well as natural
Halliburton and Schlumberger provide borehole sciences and markets are brought together in a
services to companies drilling for oil and gas. To coherent system of synergetic processes with four
maximize returns in this industry, accurate data principal nodes that function as roundabouts.
are required in challenging complex fields, such as The combination of the involved changes leads
porosities, permeabilities and saturations. This to a wealth of business opportunities. Here, en-
enables not only the drilling engineer but also trepreneurship plays a central role: making use of
the geophysicist, petrophysicist, reservoir geolo- those opportunities. The message is that without
gist and reservoir engineer to carry out their tasks the drive of entrepreneurs there is no innovation,
effectively. All these services can be found on the and without innovation there is no new business.
right-hand side of Figure 3. Figure 4 shows that the combination of change
The growth in ICT during the 1980s and the and entrepreneurship is the basis of new business.
development of the internet in the 1990s and into The most important feature of Figure 4 is that
the 21st century has led to enormous sums of the model architecture is not a chain but a circle:
money being spent by firms in order to ensure innovations build on innovations. Ideas create
that they are equipped to compete. In addition, the new concepts, successes create new challenges
introduction of business systems such as Enterprise and failures create new insights. Note that new
Resource Planning systems has led to significant ideas may start anywhere in the circle, causing a
reductions in costs and improvements in efficiency. wave that propagates clockwise and anti-clock-
If one then adds to the KIBS, the huge growth in wise through the circle. In an innovative society,
entertainment industries including the gaming in- businesses are transparent and the speed of pro-
dustry (Xbox, Nintendo, PlayStation, PC games, pagation along the circle is high, resulting in
etc.), the new on-line gambling industry (Party- minimum travel time along the innovation path.
Gaming, Gaming Corporation) and the more Today, time is a crucial factor in innovation.
recent social networking industry (which includes Indeed, when it comes to managing the process
MySpace, Bebo and Facebook) one begins to within the firm the stage-gate approach domi-
recognize just how much change and growth there nates practice. This is because the project man-
has been to economies over the past 10 years. agement advantages tend to outweigh the
For many years, the innovation literature over- limitations it poses to the innovation process.
looked the concept of new service innovation. This can be illustrated within Figure 4; here, the
Innovation was deemed to require a new physical central position in the innovation circle is fre-
‘thing’. We have already argued that products are quently occupied by a manager, who adopts a
much more than tangible entities and therefore stage-gate approach and culture, rather than an
technology is much broader than the knowledge entrepreneur. In our experience with the Delphi
to design and build tangibles. In addition, the consortium, having an entrepreneur in the centre
world of business suggested that new services enhances the innovation process.
could deliver potentially even more significant Figure 4 also shows that the proposed model
changes than new products. Together, they served portrays a system of dynamic processes – circle of
as the kernel of new business models. The one change – with four ‘nodes of change’: scientific
caveat here is that frequently the new service is exploration, technological research, product crea-
underpinned by a new technology application. tion and market transitions. But more impor-
This suggests that, today, interaction between tantly, between these nodes there are ‘cycles of
the processes in Figures 2 and 3 is at the base of change’ by which the dynamic processes in the
most innovations. nodes influence each other. In other words, they

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Connecting technological capabilities with market needs using CIM

Figure 4. The cyclic innovation model (CIM) presents the processes in innovation by a circle of change. Changes in science (left)
and industry (right), and changes in technology (top) and markets (bottom) are cyclically interconnected. Nodes function as
roundabouts. Entrepreneurs function as circle captains.

inspire, correct and supplement each other (first- effect. Innovation resides in the world of orga-
order dependency). This produces a system of nized chaos, steered by the ambitions of the firm.
linked cycles, which in turn also influence each Autonomous societal transitions manifest them-
other (higher-order dependencies). The result is a selves in markets as changes in the need for
more or less synchronized regime of highly non- products and services (the demand). Think of the
linear dynamic processes that spark a creative huge influence of education and emancipation on a
interaction between changes in science (left-hand society. On the other hand, autonomous techno-
side) and industry (right-hand side), and between logical developments generate new products and
changes in technology (top) and market (bottom). services (the supply). Think of the huge influence
These are the dynamics that we have realized in of mobile and web-based communication technol-
the Delphi consortium. For example, looking at ogy on society. It is the cyclic interaction of both
the dynamics between sciences and products we autonomous innovation drivers, social and techni-
recently introduced the concept ‘science of noise’ cal, which will create new business with a max-
showing that what until now has been classified as imum value for society. In this respect, specialized
useless measurement components actually con- versions of the model can be formulated, depend-
tains an abundance of valuable geological infor- ing on which values we particularly aim for. For
mation. This new view may cause a new instance, if we would like to emphasize changes in
generation of geo-imaging products. In addition, today’s energy system – aiming at a decentralized
looking at the dynamics between technology and green alternative – then ‘market transitions’ should
markets, we introduced the concept of incoherent be replaced by ‘energy transitions’ in Figure 4.
seismic source arrays. This new data acquisition Similarly, if we would like to emphasize changes in
capability fulfils an important market need to the global ecological system – aiming at maintain-
improve the illumination of deep and geologically ing biological diversity on the planet – then ‘mar-
complex targets in an economic way. These are ket transitions’ should be replaced by ‘ecological
also the dynamics referred to by Richard Florida transitions’. For the coming decades, quality of life
(2005). Note that in this type of socio-technical will become one of the biggest drivers in innova-
complexity, causality is not a meaningful concept tion worldwide. This means that the transition
anymore. Borrowing an observation from the node in the cyclic process model should be focused
famous Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli on the changing values in society at large: ‘value
(Donati, 2004), many processes interact and we transitions’. We believe that current single-value
can no longer distinguish between cause and business models, aiming only at the financial

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returns on investment, should be transformed into 4.5. The role of science in innovation
models that are focused on a multi-value proposi-
tion (business model innovation). Figure 4 shows that on the innovation circle, the
left-hand side is directed to research activities of
the science community while the right-hand side
Making the Dutch water sector more compe-
addresses the innovation activities of the business
titive using CIM
The Netherlands have an excellent track re- community. In a productive innovation system,
cord in the international business of water. science and business will challenge each other
Despite this excellence, growth is less than the continuously on technology-related (upper part)
Dutch ambition. Recently, a taskforce was and market-related (lower part) issues. Looking
formed to investigate the reason for this lag- at the upper part of the circle first, interesting
ging growth figure, as well as to propose a plan examples of new enabling technology can be
of action to increase the Dutch export at least found in the bio-sciences where molecular biology
by a factor of two. The taskforce chose to has a great impact on innovations in the food
adopt the CIM as an instrument of change. industry. Crops, for instance, are made more
Figure 4 was used to position the key players resistant to diseases and pests, as well as increas-
in the innovation arena: who is acting in which ing their yield and their nutritional value. It may
nodes and cycles. Their role in the Dutch water be the solution to the insufficient security of the
sector was assessed, and in particular, the food supply on our planet. But bio-sciences also
interrelationship between the players was in- have great impact on the future of drugs, moving
vestigated. Looking at the total CIM picture, from one medicine for everybody to DNA-related
two system errors became readily evident: differentiation. Other impressive examples of new
1. The sector is highly fragmented with enabling technology can be found in the nanos-
hundreds of players. There is insufficient ciences where nanoparticles are designed to create
symbiosis between science and business. coatings and materials with properties beyond
2. The sector is highly technology oriented; imagination. Today, we already see spectacular
too many players have relatively little insight
applications in the pharmaceutical industry (drug
in the transitions that are occurring in to-
delivery), but radical innovations may also be
day’s global water market.
expected in the renewable energy sector (e.g.,
Next, the taskforce investigated the opportu-
nities in the global market via a bottom-up voltaic solar cells with triple the present effi-
process (lower part of CIM), followed by ciency). All these new technological capabilities
making an inventory of the technological will have a major impact on the way we live and
strengths of the national technology players therefore also on the way markets will evolve.
(upper part of CIM). From this big picture The above natural and life sciences, however,
analysis, promising clusters were proposed, also play another role in innovation. Industrial
consisting of partners that together involve R&D solutions are often discovered without fully
all cycles of CIM. Many clusters are active understanding all aspects. Such industrial ‘short
now, and some of them are internationally cuts’ are important because time has become a key
very successful. This outcome confirms our issue in innovation. Refinement of the solution
experience that the CIM offers high added requires filling in the knowledge gaps, and here the
value as a common framework in fragmented science community becomes an important strategic
sectors. Communication between the many partner: the explication of implicit knowledge.
diverse players, essential in innovation, im- Instead of challenging scientists by asking ‘surprise
proves within a short time because each me’, the industry is now asking scientists ‘help me’.
player can identify his position in the arena Note that this is a different role: science push is
as well as his relationship with other players. replaced by business pull. The CIM shows that
In addition, sector activities with little or no both roles of science in innovation should occur in
contribution to the common targets can be a parallel manner, and even more importantly,
identified and removed from the agenda. Our they should be cyclically interconnected.
experience also shows that a ‘circle captain’
Let us now move to the business side of the
(an individual or a team) is needed to syn-
model, being the right-hand part of the circle.
chronize all actions and interactions around
After the development phase, technologies enter
the innovation circle. For the Dutch water
sector, the Netherlands Water Partnership the phase of deployment (Perez, 2002). For this
acts as a successful circle captain. phase, the upper left-hand side of the model plays
a modest role; it is all about using these technol-

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Connecting technological capabilities with market needs using CIM

ogies in the engineering cycle to create new pro- together with industry leaders to make this trans-
ducts and services for existing and emerging mar- formation occur. In terms of CIM, moving to a
kets. ICT is a typical example. With existing ICT sustainable society requires a process of symbiosis
platforms, innovation occurs in the engineering around the entire innovation circle.
and service cycle. Examples are the emerging
product-service combinations based on radio fre-
quency identification (‘tagging’), broadband com- 5. Conclusions
munication (think of telecare) and new services
facilitated by web 2.0 (and soon web 3.0). All these From the above, it follows that the innovation
innovations are changing society (and the related circle acts as a socio-technical framework that
markets) in a significant manner, but here the offers insight into the heart of the innovation
natural and life sciences are not in the driving seat. process by asking the relevant questions, such as:
Instead, we see in the deployment phase an What needs to be done where? Who are the
increasing impact of the social and behavioural collaborating parties? Where are they active in
sciences, bringing us to the lower left-hand side of the circle? Is there a balance in investments
the circle. Today, consumers are generally well- between the different parts of the circle? Nobel
educated and they communicate with each other laureate Robert Lucas (1988) points out that
on products and services via social networks. exchange of ideas is the principal driver for
Traditional marketing approaches do not work innovation. Therefore, in terms of the innovation
anymore. Firms must collect reliable information circle (Figure 4), the key issue is whether there
about customer needs and emotions in society. exists sufficient interaction around the circle.
This is not only a matter of statistics; it is Particularly, for disruptive innovations an envir-
particularly a matter of the scientific knowledge onment must be created where a large diversity of
behind statistics. The same applies for govern- people with a broad range of backgrounds can
ments: effective regulations cannot be built with- freely interact, discuss ideas and exchange infor-
out understanding the behaviour of their citizens. mation. This type of environment requires a
And the same also applies to the emotions in significant change in the current institutional
society with respect to sustainability. Today, there cultures and social structures, as disciplinary
is an increasing pressure on the ecological and boundaries are deeply rooted in our organizations
social footprint of future production systems. and solutions are often a collection of segmented
This type of research is an essential component optimizations. We expect that synergetic alliances
in the transition to a fully sustainable economy. It and complementary partnerships will empower
also resides in the lower left-hand side of the the innovation processes along the innovation
model; social and behavioural scientists are the circle far beyond what we see today.
key players in such research. The proposed framework provides a new van-
In conclusion, science plays a role in creating tage point from which to view innovation. It
new technologies and assisting business to utilize characterizes an open work environment that
these technologies in the early phase of applica- crosses institutional boundaries. It brings to-
tion (cyclic interaction in the upper part of the gether the natural sciences and economics, as
circle). In the deployment phase of technologies, well as the social sciences and engineering. We
it is primarily a matter of the industry (cyclic argue that the family of linear models is a false
interaction at the right-hand side of the circle); representation of what really happens in innova-
here, the role of scientists in the upper left-hand tive environments. Innovation projects must not
side of CIM is (and should be) small. In the be managed along the familiar linear pipeline but
deployment phase, however, major changes may should be organized via cross-disciplinary net-
occur in society. These changes should be identi- works along an innovation circle with ample
fied and assessed by scientists active in the lower internal feedback paths. Innovation may start
left-hand side of the innovation circle. Their role anywhere on the circle and previous innovations
should be large. will inspire new ones: innovations build on in-
Finally, the transformation to a sustainable novations. Although an innovation can originate
society may be the biggest challenge mankind is in any of the four basic cycles of the innovation
facing. It requires changes in technology as well as circle, the involvement of the other cycles is
in behaviour. The aim is to make CIM the indispensable. Innovations cannot arise from the
innovation framework for the cleantech transfor- confines of a single cycle; only modifications and
mation. The hard and soft sciences should work improvements can. Innovation needs the colla-

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r 2010 The Authors R&D Management 40, 5, 2010 489

R&D Management r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann and Paul Trott

Woodward, J. (1965) Industrial Organization: Theory Dr A.J. (Guus) Berkhout (http://www.aj-berkhout.

and Practice. New York: Oxford University Press. nl) is Professor of Geosciences and Energy Inno-
Xu, Q., Chen, J., Xie, Z., Liu, J., Zheng, G. and Wang, vation at the Delft University of Technology in
Y. (2007) Total innovation management: a novel The Netherlands (TU Delft). He is a member of
paradigm of innovation management in the the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
21st century. The Journal of Technology Transfer,
and the Netherlands Academy of Engineering
32, 9–25.
(AcTI). His scientific research is dedicated to
geophysical imaging technology for natural re-
sources and to the future of our global energy
system. His research programme is sponsored by
Notes 35 international companies (
Dr Dap Hartmann (1960) has a PhD in astronomy
1. This does not mean that we assume that these types from the University of Leiden. He held research
of linkages are good or helpful for universities.
positions at Harvard University and the Univer-
Indeed, many would argue that it is the role of
sity of Bonn and is the author of the Atlas of
universities to concentrate on basic fundamental
research and let the industry use some of this Galactic Neutral Hydrogen (Cambridge Univer-
research and to invest in more applied R&D to sity Press). Since 2003, he is assistant professor of
help with innovation and competiveness (see Nel- Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
son, 1959; Arrow, 1962). In addition, Bok (2003: p. at Delft University of Technology.
156) states that ‘closer ties between university
science and industry create all sorts of risks for
Dr Paul Trott is Professor of Innovation & En-
compromising the openness, objectivity and inde- trepreneurship at Delft University of Technology,
pendence of academic research’. The Netherlands and Reader in Innovation Man-
2. The innovation policy in the EU aims at R&D agement at the Business School, University of
budgets of the member states that amount to at Portsmouth, UK. He received his PhD from
least 3% of their GNP. Cranfield University.

490 R&D Management 40, 5, 2010 r 2010 The Authors

R&D Management r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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