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If any business needs a dose of creativity, it’s

health care. A systematic assessment of the
industry’s innovation ills suggests some remedies
and offers a framework for thinking about the
obstacles to new ventures in any business.

Why Innovation in
Health Care Is So Hard
by Regina E. Herzlinger

H ealth care – in the United States,

certainly, but also in most other
developed countries – is ailing and in
the outlay, more than 40 million people
have no health insurance.
Such problems beg for innovative so-
Despite this enormous investment in
innovation and the magnitude of the
opportunity for innovators to both do
need of help. Yes, medical treatment lutions involving every aspect of health good and do well, all too many efforts
has made astonishing advances over care–its delivery to consumers, its tech- fail, losing billions of investor dollars
the years. But the packaging and de- nology, and its business models. Indeed, along the way. Some of the more con-
livery of that treatment are often in- a great deal of money has been spent on spicuous examples: the disastrous out-
efficient, ineffective, and consumer the search for solutions. U.S. government come of the managed care revolution,
unfriendly. spending on health care R&D, which the $40 billion lost by investors to bio-
The well-known problems range from came to $26 billion in 2003, is topped tech ventures, and the collapse of nu-
medical errors, which by some accounts only by the government’s spending on merous businesses aimed at bringing
are the eighth leading cause of death in defense R&D. Private-sector spending economies of scale to fragmented physi-
the United States, to the soaring cost of on health care R&D – in pharmaceuti- cian practices.
health care. The amount spent now rep- cals, biotechnology, medical devices, So why is innovation so unsuccessful
resents about one-sixth of the U.S. gross and health services – also runs into the in health care? To answer, we must
domestic product; it continues to grow tens of billions of dollars. According to break down the problem, looking at
much faster than the economy; and it one study of U.S. companies, only soft- the different types of innovation and

threatens the economic future of the ware spawns more new ventures receiv- the forces that affect them, for good or
governments, businesses, and individu- ing early-stage angel funding than the ill. (See the sidebar “Six Forces That
als called upon to foot the bill. Despite health field. Can Drive Innovation – Or Kill It.”) This

58 harvard business review

see a doctor, according to a 2003 study
by the American Medical Association.
More seriously, they often must travel
from one facility to another for treat-
ment, especially in the case of chronic
diseases that involve several medical
Technology. New drugs, diagnostic
methods, drug delivery systems, and
medical devices offer the hope of better
treatment and of care that is less costly,
disruptive, and painful. For example, im-
planted sensors can help patients mon-
itor their diseases more effectively. And
IT innovations that connect the many
islands of information in the health care
system can both vastly improve quality
and lower costs by, for example, keeping
a patient’s various providers informed
and thereby reducing errors of omission
or commission.
Business model. Health care is still
an astonishingly fragmented industry.
More than half of U.S. physicians work
in practices of three or fewer doctors;
a quarter of the nation’s 5,000 commu-
nity hospitals and nearly half of its
17,000 nursing homes are independent;
and the medical device and biotech-
nology sectors are made up of thou-
sands of small firms. Innovative busi-
ness models, particularly those that
integrate health care activities, can in-
crease efficiency, improve care, and save
consumers time. You can roll a number
method of analysis, while applied here Consumer focused. Innovations in of independent players up into a sin-
mainly to health care in the U.S., also of- the delivery of health care can result gle organization – horizontal integra-
fers a framework for understanding the in more-convenient, more-effective, and tion – to generate economies of scale.


health care problems of other devel- less-expensive treatments for today’s Or you can bring the treatment of a
oped economies – and for helping man- time-stressed and increasingly empow- chronic disease under one roof–vertical
agers understand innovation challenges ered health care consumers. For exam- integration – and make the treatment
in any industry. ple, a health plan can involve consumers more effective and convenient. In the
in the service delivery process by offer- latter case, patients get one-stop shop-
A Health Care Innovation ing low-cost, high-deductible insurance, ping and are freed from the burden of
Catalog which can give members greater con- coordinating their care with myriad
Three kinds of innovation can make trol over their personal health care providers (for example, the ophthal-
health care better and cheaper. One spending. Or a health plan (or service mologists, podiatrists, cardiologists, neu-
changes the ways consumers buy and provider) can focus on becoming more rologists, and nephrologists who care
use health care. Another uses technology user-friendly. Patients, after all, are like for diabetics). Such “focused factories,”
to develop new products and treatments other consumers: They want not only to adopt C. Wickham Skinner’s term,
or otherwise improve care. The third a good product – quality care at a good cut costs by improving patients’ health.
generates new business models, particu- price – but also ease of use. People in Furthermore, they reduce the likelihood
larly those that involve the horizontal or the United States have to wait an aver- that an individual’s care will fall be-
vertical integration of separate health age of three weeks for an appointment tween the cracks of different medical
care organizations or activities. and, when they show up, 30 minutes to disciplines.

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The health care system erects an array managed-care insurance plans. Unless times last decades, may see far more
of barriers to each of these valuable innovators recognize and try to work value in an innovation with a long-term
types of innovation. More often than not, with the complex interests of the differ- cost impact, such as an obesity reduc-
though, the obstacles can be overcome ent players, they will see their efforts tion treatment or an expensive diagnos-
by managing the six forces that have an stymied. tic test, than would a commercial in-
impact on health care innovation. Funding. Innovation in health care surer, which typically sees an annual
presents two kinds of financial chal- 20% turnover. An additional complica-
The Forces Affecting lenges: funding the innovation’s devel- tion: Innovations need to appeal to doc-
Innovation opment and figuring out who will pay tors, who are in a position to recom-
The six forces – industry players, fund- how much for the product or service it mend new products to patients, and
ing, public policy, technology, custom- yields. One problem is the long invest- doctors’ opinions differ. From a financial
ers, and accountability–can help or hin- ment time needed for new drugs or perspective, a physician who is paid a
der efforts at innovation. Individually therapies that require FDA approval. flat salary by a health maintenance or-
or in combination, the forces will affect While venture capitalists backing an IT ganization may be less interested in, say,
the three types of innovation in differ- start-up may be able to get their money performing a procedure to implant a
ent ways. out in two to three years, investors in a monitoring device than would a doctor
Players. The health care sector has biotech firm have to wait ten years even who is paid a fee for such services.
many stakeholders, each with an agenda. to find out whether a product will be ap- Policy. Government regulation of
Often, these players have substantial re- proved for use. Another problem is that health care can sometimes aid innova-
sources and the power to influence pub- many traditional sources of capital tion (“orphan drug”laws provide incen-
lic policy and opinion by attacking or aren’t familiar with the health care in- tives to companies that develop treat-
helping the innovator. For example, hos- dustry, so it’s difficult to find investors, ments for rare diseases) and sometimes
pitals and doctors sometimes blame
technology-driven product innovators
for the health care system’s high costs. The competing interests of different players aren’t
Medical specialists wage turf warfare always permanent. The AMA and the tort lawyers,
for control of patient services, and insur-
ers battle medical service and technol- bitter foes on malpractice, have lobbied together
ogy providers over which treatments to allow patients to sue managed care plans.
and payments are acceptable. Inpatient
hospitals and outpatient care providers
vie for patients, while chains and inde- let alone investors who can provide hinder it (recent legislation in the
pendent organizations spar over mar- helpful guidance to the innovator. United States placed a moratorium on
ket influence. Nonprofit, for-profit, and A frequent source of investor confu- the opening of new specialty hospitals
publicly funded institutions quarrel sion is the health care sector’s complex that focus on certain surgical proce-
over their respective roles and rights. system of payments, or reimbursements, dures). Thus, it is important for innova-
Patient advocates seek influence with which typically come not from the ulti- tors to understand the extensive net-
policy makers and politicians, who may mate consumer but from a third party– work of regulations that may affect a
have a different agenda altogether – the government or a private insurer. particular innovation and how and by
namely, seeking fame and public adula- This arrangement raises an array of is- whom those rules are enacted, modi-
tion through their decisions or votes. sues. Most obviously, insurers must ap- fied, and applied. For instance, officials
The competing interests of the differ- prove a new product or service, and its know they will be punished by the pub-
ent groups aren’t always clear or per- pricing, before they will pay. And their lic and politicians more for underreg-
manent. The AMA and the tort lawyers, perception of a product’s value, which ulating – approving a harmful drug,
bitter foes on the subject of physician determines the level of reimbursement, say – than for tightening the approval
malpractice, have lobbied together for may differ from patients’. Furthermore, process, even if doing so delays a useful
legislation to enable people who are insurers may disagree. Medicare, whose innovation.
wrongly denied medical care to sue relationships with its enrollees some- A company with a new health care
idea should also be aware that regula-
Regina E. Herzlinger ( is the Nancy R. McPherson Professor of tors, to demonstrate their value to the
Business Administration at Harvard Business School in Boston. She is the author public, may ripple their muscles occasion-
of “Let’s Put Consumers in Charge of Health Care” (HBR July 2002) and the editor of ally by tightly interpreting ambiguous
Consumer-Driven Health Care: Implications for Providers, Payers, and Policymakers rules or punishing a hapless innovator.
(Jossey-Bass, 2004). She has written numerous Harvard Business School case studies on Technology. As medical technology
health care innovation, which she teaches in her course “Innovating in Health Care.” evolves, understanding how and when

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W h y I n n o vat i o n i n H e a l t h Ca re I s S o H a rd • B I G P I C T U R E

to adopt or invest in it is critically impor-

tant. Move too early, and the infrastruc-
ture needed to support the innovation Six Forces That Can Drive Innovation –
may not yet be in place; wait too long,
and the time to gain competitive advan-
Or Kill It
tage may have passed. Players
Keep in mind that competition exists The friends and foes lurking in the health care system that can destroy
not only within each technology–among or bolster an innovation’s chance of success.
drugs aimed at a disease category, for
example–but also across different tech- Funding
nologies. The polio vaccine eventually The processes for generating revenue and acquiring capital, both of
eliminated the need for drugs, devices, which differ from those in most other industries.
and services that had been used to treat Policy
the disease, just as kidney transplants The regulations that pervade the industry, because incompetent or fraud-
have reduced the need for dialysis. Con- ulent suppliers can do irreversible human damage.
versely, the discovery of an effective mo-
lecular diagnostic method for a disease Technology
such as Alzheimer’s would greatly en- The foundation for advances in treatment and for innovations that
hance the demand for therapeutic drugs can make health care delivery more efficient and convenient.
and devices. Customers
Customers. The empowered and en- The increasingly engaged consumers of health care, for whom the
gaged consumers of health care – the passive term “patient” seems outdated.
passive “patient” increasingly seems an
anachronistic term – are a force to be Accountability
reckoned with in all three types of health The demand from vigilant consumers and cost-pressured payers that
care innovation. Sick people and their innovative health care products be not only safe and effective but also
families join disease associations such cost-effective relative to competing products.
as the American Cancer Society that
lobby for research funds. Interest groups,
such as the elderly, advocate increased
funding for their health care needs health care innovators. For instance, sions of the industries they regulate.
through powerful organizations such as they require that technology innova- For instance, JCAHO and the National
AARP. Those who suffer from various tors show cost-effectiveness and long- Committee for Quality Assurance, the
ailments pressure health care providers term safety, in addition to fulfilling agencies primarily responsible for mon-
for access to drugs, diagnostics, services, the shorter-term efficacy and safety re- itoring compliance with standards in
and devices they consider effective. quirements of regulatory agencies. In the hospital and insurance sectors, are
What’s more, consumers spend tre- the United States, the numerous indus- overseen mainly by the firms in those
mendous sums out of their own pockets try organizations that have been cre- industries.


on health care services–for example, an ated to meet these demands haven’t But whether the agents of account-
estimated $40 billion on complemen- fully succeeded in doing so. For exam- ability are effective or not, health care in-
tary medicine such as acupuncture and ple, a study found that the accreditation novators must do everything possible to
meditation–that many traditional med- of hospitals by the Joint Commission on try to address their often opaque de-
ical providers believe to be of dubious Accreditation of Healthcare Organiza- mands. Otherwise, innovating companies
value. Armed with information gleaned tions (JCAHO), an industry-dominated face the prospect of a forceful backlash
from the Internet, such consumers disre- group, had scant correlation with mor- from industry monitors or the public.
gard medical advice they don’t agree tality rates.
with, choosing, for example, to shun cer- One reason for the limited success of The Barriers to Innovation
tain drugs doctors have prescribed. A these agencies is that they typically Unless the six forces are acknowledged
company that recognizes and leverages focus on process rather than on out- and managed intelligently, any of them
consumers’ growing sense of empower- put, looking, say, not at improvements can create obstacles to innovation in
ment, and actual power, can greatly en- in patient health but at whether a pro- each of the three areas.
hance the adoption of an innovation. vider has followed a treatment process. In consumer-focused innovation.
Accountability. Increasingly, empow- However well intentioned, these bodies The existence of hostile industry players
ered consumers and cost-pressured pay- usually aren’t neutral auditors focused or the absence of helpful ones can hin-
ers are demanding accountability from on the consumer but rather are exten- der consumer-focused innovation. Status

may 2006 61
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quo organizations tend to view such conveniently located, no-appointment- the collective clout of an insurance com-
innovation as a direct threat to their needed health care centers in the east- pany. It was a classic do-good, do-well
power. For example, many physicians ern and midwestern U.S. for patients venture, but it failed to flourish.
resent direct-to-consumer pharmaceu- who were seeking fast medical treat- The main obstacle was the health
tical advertising or for-profit attempts ment and did not require hospitaliza- care industry’s absence of marketing
to provide health care in convenient tion. Although designed to serve peo- and distribution channels for individ-
locations, such as shopping malls, and ple who had no primary care doctor ual consumers. Potential intermediaries
use their influence to resist such moves. or who needed treatment on nights weren’t sufficiently interested. For many
Conversely, companies’ attempts to and weekends, Health Stop unwittingly employers, adding this service to the
reach consumers with new products found itself competing with local com- subsidized insurance they already of-
or services are often thwarted by a lack munity doctors and nonprofit hospital fered employees would have meant new
of developed consumer marketing and emergency rooms for business. administrative hassles with little benefit.
distribution channels in the health care Guess who won? The community doc- Insurance brokers found the commis-
sector as well as a lack of intermedi- tors bad-mouthed Health Stop’s quality sions for selling the service–a small per-
aries, such as distributors, who would of care and its faceless corporate own- centage of a small referral fee – unat-
make the channels work. Opponents of ership, while the hospitals argued in tractive, especially as customers were
consumer-focused innovation may try the media that their emergency rooms purchasing the right to participate for
to influence public policy, often by play- could not survive without revenue from a one-time medical need rather than re-
ing on the general bias against for-profit the relatively healthy patients whom newable policies. Without marketing
ventures in health care or by arguing Health Stop targeted. The criticism tar- channels, the company found that its
that a new type of service, such as a fa- nished the chain in the eyes of some pa- customer acquisition costs were too high.
cility specializing in one disease, will tients. Because Health Stop hadn’t fully HealthAllies was bought for a modest
cherry-pick the most profitable custom- anticipated this opposition, it hadn’t amount in 2003. UnitedHealth Group,
ers and leave the rest to nonprofit hos- worked in advance with the local physi- the giant insurance company that took
pitals. Innovators must therefore be cians and hospitals to resolve problems it over, has found ready buyers for the
prepared to respond to those seeking and to sufficiently document to the company’s service among the many em-
accountability for a new product’s or medical community the quality of its ployers it already sells insurance to.
new service’s cost-effectiveness, efficacy,
and safety.
It also can be difficult for innovators Because insurers tend to analyze their costs in silos,
to get funding for consumer-focused they may resist approving, say, an expensive new
ventures because few traditional health
care investors have significant expertise heart drug even if it will decrease the company’s
in products and services marketed to payments for cardiac-related hospital admissions.
and purchased by the consumer. This
hints at another financial challenge:
Consumers generally aren’t used to pay- care. The company’s failure to foresee In technology-based innovation.
ing for conventional health care. While these setbacks was compounded by the The obstacles to technological innova-
they may not blink at the purchase of lack of health services expertise of its tions are numerous. On the accountabil-
a $35,000 SUV – or even a medical ser- major investor, a venture capital firm ity front, an innovator faces the complex
vice not traditionally covered by insur- that typically bankrolled high-tech start- task of complying with a welter of often
ance, such as cosmetic surgery or vita- ups. Although the chain had more than murky governmental regulations, which
min supplements–many will hesitate to 100 clinics and generated annual sales of increasingly require companies to show
fork over $1,000 for a medical image. more than $50 million during its hey- that new products not only do what’s
Insurers and other third-party payers day, it was never profitable. The busi- claimed, safely, but also are cost-effective
also may resist footing the bill for some ness was dissolved after a decade. relative to competing products.
consumer-focused services – for exam- HealthAllies, founded as a health care As for funding, the innovator must
ple, increased diagnostic testing – fear- “buying club”in 1999, met a similar fate. work with insurers in advance of a
ing a further increase in their costs. By aggregating purchases of medical launch to see to it that the product will
These barriers impeded – and ulti- services not typically covered by insur- be eligible for reimbursement (usually
mately helped kill or drive into the arms ance – such as orthodontia, in vitro fer- easier if it’s used in treatment than if
of a competitor – two companies that tilization, and plastic surgery – it hoped it’s for diagnostic purposes). In seeking
offered innovative health care services to negotiate discounted rates with pro- this approval, the innovator will typi-
directly to consumers. Health Stop was viders, thereby giving individual cus- cally look for support from industry play-
a venture capital–financed chain of tomers, who paid a small referral fee, ers – physicians, hospitals, and an array

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W h y I n n o vat i o n i n H e a l t h Ca re I s S o H a rd • B I G P I C T U R E

of powerful intermediaries, including

group purchasing organizations, or
GPOs, which consolidate the purchasing
power of thousands of hospitals. GPOs
typically favor suppliers with broad
product lines rather than a single inno-
vative product. The intermediaries also
include pharmaceutical benefit manag-
ers, or PBMs, which create “formularies”
for health insurers–that is, the menu of
drugs that will be made available at rel-
atively low prices to enrollees.
Innovators must also take into ac-
count the economics of insurers and
health care providers and the relation-
ships among them. For instance, insur-
ers do not typically pay separately for
capital equipment; payments for proce-
dures that use new equipment must
cover the capital costs in addition to the
hospital’s other expenses. So a vendor of
a new anesthesia technology must be
ready to help its hospital customers
obtain additional reimbursement from
insurers for the higher costs of the new nal of Medicine claiming the techniques a new billing code for the device–before
devices. would cause an explosion of unneeded marketing the product. Without these
Even technologies that unambigu- surgeries. reimbursement protocols in place, physi-
ously reduce costs – by substituting cap- A little-appreciated barrier to tech- cians and hospitals were reluctant to
ital for labor, say, or shortening the nology innovation involves technology quickly adopt the new procedure.
length of a hospital stay – face chal- itself–or, rather, innovators’ tendency to Perhaps the biggest barrier was the
lenges. Because insurers tend to analyze be infatuated with their own gadgets company’s failure to consider a formida-
their costs in silos, they often don’t see and blind to competing ideas. While an ble but less-than-obvious competing
the link between a reduction in hospital innovative product may indeed offer technology, one that involved no sur-
labor costs and the new technology re- an effective treatment that would save gery at all. It was an approach that
sponsible for it; they see only the new money, particular providers and insur- might be called the “Tums solution.”
costs associated with the technology. ers might, for a variety of reasons, prefer Antacids like Tums – and, even more ef-
For example, insurers may resist approv- a completely different technology. fectively, drugs like Pepcid and Zantac,
ing an expensive new heart drug even if, One technology-driven medical de- which had recently come off patent –


over the long term, it will decrease their vice firm saw a major product innova- provided some relief and were deemed
payments for cardiac-related hospital tion foiled by several such obstacles. The good enough by many consumers. As
admissions. company’s product, an instrument for a result, the technologically innovative
Innovators must also take pains to performing noninvasive surgery to cor- device for noninvasive surgery was
identify the best parties to target for rect acid reflux disease, simplified an ex- adopted very slowly, permitting rival
adoption of a new technology and then pensive and complicated operation, en- firms to enter the field.
provide them with complete medical abling gastroenterologists to perform a Similarly, a company that developed
and financial information. Traditionally procedure usually reserved for surgeons. a cochlear implant for the profoundly
trained surgeons, for instance, may take The device would have allowed surgeons deaf was so infatuated with the technol-
a dim view of what are known as mini- to increase the number of acid reflux ogy that it didn’t foresee opposition
mally invasive surgery, or MIS, tech- procedures they performed. But instead from militant segments of the hearing-
niques, which enable radiologists and of going to the surgeons to get their buy- impaired community that objected to
other nonsurgeons to perform opera- in, the company targeted only gastroen- the concept of a technological “fix” for
tions. In the early days of MIS, a spate terologists for training, setting off a turf deafness.
of articles that could be interpreted as war. The firm also failed to work out In business model innovation. The
an attempt by surgeons to protect their with insurers a means to obtain cover- integration of health care activities –
turf appeared in the New England Jour- age and payment – it didn’t even obtain consolidating the practices of indepen-

may 2006 63
B I G P I C T U R E • W h y I n n o vat i o n i n H e a l t h Ca re I s S o H a rd

dent physicians, say, or integrating the to lack the capital to buy one another. may not be immediately obvious to
disparate treatments of a particular dis- While capital is usually available for people in the health care industry,
ease–can lower costs and improve care. funding for-profit ventures that are which is near the bottom of the ladder
But doing this isn’t easy. Many manage- based on horizontal consolidation, ver- in terms of IT spending and uniform
ment firms that sought to horizontally tically integrated organizations may en- data standards.
integrate physician practices are now counter greater difficulties in securing Such obstacles contributed to the
bankrupt. And specialty facilities de- investment, because there typically isn’t problems of MedCath, a North Carolina–
signed to vertically integrate the treat- reimbursement for integrated treat- based for-profit chain of hospitals spe-
ment of a particular disease, from pre- ment of a disease (think of breast can- cializing in cardiac surgical procedures.
vention to cure, have generally lost cer). Instead, payment is piecemeal. In each of the 12 markets where it
money. Although Duke University Medical Cen- opened in the late 1990s and early
As with consumer-focused innova- ter’s specialized congestive heart failure 2000s, the company faced resistance
tions, ventures that experiment with program reduced the average cost of from general-purpose hospitals. They ar-
new business models often face opposi- treating patients by $8,600, or about gued that instead of offering cheaper
tion from local hospitals, physicians, and 40%, by improving their outcomes and care and better outcomes because of
other industry players for whom such therefore their hospital admission rates, its specialized focus (as the company
innovation poses a competitive threat. the facility was penalized by insurers, claimed), MedCath was simply skim-
Powerful community-based providers which pay for care of the sick and not ming the profitable patients. In some
that might be harmed by a larger or for improving people’s health status. cases, local hospitals strong-armed com-
more efficient rival work to undermine The healthier its patients were, the mercial insurers into excluding Med-
the venture, often playing the public pol- more money Duke lost. Cath from their lists of approved provid-
icy card by raising antitrust concerns or Technology also plays a part in the suc- ers, threatening to cut their own ties
making the most of prejudices or laws cess or failure of such operations. With- with the insurers if they failed to black-
against physician-owned businesses. out a robust IT infrastructure, an orga- ball MedCath.
Nonprofit health services providers nization won’t be able to deliver the The resistance was further fueled by
cannot easily merge, because they tend promised benefits of integration. This resentment among local doctors toward

Managing New Products and Services

for Strategic Competitive Advantage
june 25-28
october 8-11

A program where the business world’s most

courageous minds tackle its most challenging

MedCath physicians, all of whom were against MinuteClinic, making the estab- Executive
part owners of the chain. The owner- lishment of in-network relationships
Development Program
ship issue also raised problems on an- with major health plans relatively easy.
other front. Spurred by arguments that Medtronic was one of the first makers
july 9–28
conflicts of interest were unavoidable at of implantable heart pacemakers, but
MedCath and other physician-owned over the years, the Minneapolis-based Managed Care
hospitals, Congress in 2003 placed a company branched into other medical july 23–26
moratorium on the future growth of and surgical devices. The company’s
such facilities. success is partly based on its ability to
Business Marketing
avoid some of the barriers to technology
Avoiding the Obstacles innovation that beset the previously Strategy
Only legislators can remove the barriers mentioned developer of an acid-reflux july 30–august 4
to health care innovation that are the re- device. For example, when Medtronic
Corporate Governance:
Companies are far from helpless in the face of Effectiveness and
obstacles to health care innovation. A few simple Accountability in
the Boardroom
steps can position your business to thrive. september 5–8

sult of current laws and regulations (see expanded into implantable heart defib-
Pricing Strategies
the sidebar “Prescriptions for Public rillators, it worked directly with the sur-
Policy”). But companies are far from geons who would be implanting them and Tactics
helpless. A few simple steps can posi- so that the company could identify september 10–13
tion your business to thrive, despite the problems and set procedures. It con-
obstacles. First, recognize the six forces. firmed the devices’ safety and efficacy in Customer Insight Tools:
Next, turn them to your advantage, if clinical trials, which greatly simplified
Turning Insight into
possible. If not, work around them, or, reimbursement approval from insurers.
if necessary, concede that a particular in- And, of course, there was no effective Effective Marketing
novative venture may not be worth pur- Tums equivalent as an alternative. Strategies
suing, at least for now. HCA (originally known as Hospital september 17–20
MinuteClinic, a Minneapolis-based Corporation of America) successfully pi-
chain of walk-in clinics located in retail oneered a business model innovation that
Integrated Marketing
settings such as Target stores, avoided allowed it to consolidate the manage-
some of the obstacles that hobbled ment of dozens of facilities and thereby Communications
Health Stop in its effort at consumer- realize economies of scale unknown in Strategy
focused innovation. Like Health Stop, the fragmented health care industry. september 17–20
MinuteClinic offers basic health care de- The national chain – currently 190 hos-


signed with the needs of cost-conscious pitals and 200 outpatient centers – suc-
Negotiation Strategies
and time-pressed consumers in mind. It ceeded in part because it didn’t try to
features short waits and low prices – compete head-to-head with politically for Managers
even lower than Health Stop’s, because powerful academic medical centers. In- september 17–20
MinuteClinic treats only a limited set stead, it grew mostly through expansion
of common ailments (such as strep into underserved communities, where
throat and bladder infections) that don’t customers were grateful for a local hos-
require expensive equipment. But the pital and where doctors welcomed the
big difference is that MinuteClinic chance to work in modern facilities. The Upcoming programs where the business
hasn’t antagonized local physicians. Be- certainty of reimbursement from insur- world’s most courageous minds tackle
cause care is provided by nurse practi- ers and Medicare enabled HCA to bor- its most challenging issues.
tioners, the company doesn’t represent row heavily for construction, and its ac-
a direct competitive threat. Although cess to the equity markets as a public
some doctors have grumbled that nurse company offered funding that was un-
practitioners might fail to spot more se- available to nonprofit hospitals. In the
rious problems, especially in infants, late 1990s, HCA was investigated for
there has been no widespread outcry Medicare and Medicaid fraud and paid

may 2006
B I G P I C T U R E • W h y I n n o vat i o n i n H e a l t h Ca re I s S o H a rd

a settlement of $1.7 billion, the largest

fraud settlement in U.S. history. No
criminal charges were brought against
Prescriptions for Public Policy the company, and some people won-
In the United States, a few policy changes would jump-start the health dered whether a nonprofit institution
care industry’s ability to innovate. would have paid so dearly for its alleged
Universal coverage. Ensuring that the 46 million or so uninsured misdeeds. But the publicly traded com-
people in the U.S. have health insurance would spur innovation by pany weathered the crisis and, with a
dramatically increasing the size of the market. But is it achievable? new management team in place, has
Universal coverage is, after all, one of the most contentious political continued to perform well.
issues of our time. Switzerland offers some possible answers. The
country requires people to buy health insurance, subsidizing the sick
An All-Purpose Treatment
and those who can’t afford coverage. Although the Swiss government The framework described in this arti-
constrains the design of benefits, Swiss insurers have greater incen- cle–the three types of health care inno-
tives to respond to consumer needs than do U.S. insurers, which sell vation and the six forces that affect
primarily to employers or to government-based organizations. Swit- them – offers a useful way to examine
zerland’s excellent health care system costs only 11% of GDP, versus the barriers to innovation in health care
16% for the United States. More detail on the Swiss experience can systems outside the United States, too.
be found in an article I coauthored,“Consumer-Driven Health Care: For example, in certain European coun-
Lessons from Switzerland” ( Journal of the American Medical Association, tries, the government’s role as the pri-
September 8, 2004). mary payer for health care has created
A consumer-driven system. Giving U.S. consumers control over a different interplay among the six forces.
their health insurance spending would transform the health insurance For obvious reasons, the single-payer
market, better aligning consumers’ and innovators’ interests. We are system hinders customer-focused inno-
already seeing this in the case of the increasingly popular low-cost, vation. But it also seriously constrains
high-deductible health insurance policies offered by many employers. technology-based innovation. The gov-
To create a completely consumer-driven system, we’d need to replace ernment’s need to strictly control costs
tax laws favoring employer-based insurance with individual tax credits translates into less money to spend on
for health insurance spending, thereby prompting the transfer of funds care of the truly sick, who are the target
that employers currently spend on employee health insurance to the of most technology-based innovation.
employees themselves. Consequently, a large venture-capital
Market-based pricing. A system in which insurers set the prices community hasn’t grown up in Europe
that providers charge consumers is inefficient and a barrier to innova- to fund new health technology ven-
tive attempts to integrate health care activities. Think of Duke Univer- tures. Centralized health care systems,
sity Medical Center’s innovative congestive heart failure program: The with their buying clout, also keep drug
problem has been that the more patients it could successfully treat and medical device prices low – delight-
without lengthy and expensive hospital admissions, the less money it ing consumers but squeezing margins
would make in insurance reimbursement. Disincentives to provide for innovators. The centralized nature of
lower-cost care are common; making patients healthy usually doesn’t the systems would seem to offer the po-
pay. And integrating care – offering the medical equivalent of an auto- tential for innovation in the treatment
mobile, rather than a wheel, an engine, and a chassis – typically doesn’t of diseases where a lot of integration is
have a reimbursement code. needed, but the record is mixed.
An SEC for health care. In a consumer-driven health care market, Modified to fit the situation, this
how can you shop if you don’t know the prices or, more important, the framework can also be used to analyze
quality of what you’re buying? The best mechanism for transparency the barriers to innovation in a variety of
exists in the financial markets in the form of the U.S. Securities and industries. Cataloging the types of inno-
Exchange Commission. While it has its flaws, the SEC generally ensures vation that can add value in particular
that consumers have adequate information by requiring companies to fields and identifying the forces that aid
publish financial results that are verified by an independent auditor. and undermine those advances can un-
In health care, the outcome data of individual providers of care are cover insights on how to treat chronic
rarely available, and, when they are, they may be of dubious integrity innovation ills – prescriptions that will
because they aren’t audited by certified, independent professionals. make any industry healthier.

Reprint R0605B; HBR OnPoint 4303

To order, see page 159.

66 harvard business review

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