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Chapter 5




Indian railways network provides convenient, reliable and economical

means of transportation to millions of people. Though bulk of revenue of the
railways is generated from freight transport, passenger transport is the more
visible face of Indian railways as it directly touches the lives of millions who
avail rail passenger transport services. Operations of Indian Railways have
direct impact on passengers including introduction and maintenance of
trains. Though efforts are made by Indian Railways to provide more
amenities provided to the passengers, certain issues needs to be considered.
Railways need to undertake measures to improve their services so as to
prevent transfer of commuters from railways to other modes of transit.

The universe in this study of passenger satisfaction assessment is

the entire population of the country; hence a definite statistically sound
sample was not feasible. To evaluate the passenger satisfaction towards
Indian Railways, a sample survey is conducted in the two divisions of
Southern zone of Indian Railways through a random sample of 300
respondents, selected from Thiruvananthapuram and Palakkad divisions.

The divisions are confined to the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and part of
Karnataka. Thiruvananthapuram division is a passenger oriented division
and earns greater revenue through passenger transit. Of the total 81 railways
stations in the division, 3 stations belong to A1 category, 10 to A category, 5
to B category, 18 to D category, 36 to E category and 9 to F category.
Palakkad railway division has 89 railway stations in its jurisdiction. There is
1, A1 category station, 11 A category stations, 3 B category stations, 14 D
category stations, 36 E category stations and 24 F category stations. Stations
are classified on the basis of revenue obtained by each station. One station
from each category is selected for the purpose of the study in the two
divisions. The stations selected from the Thiruvananthapuram division are
Thiruvananthapuram Central (A1), Ernakulam Town (A), Guruvayur
(B),Wadakancheri (C), Ettmannur (D) and Ezhupunna (halt) (F). The
stations selected for the study from Palakkad division are Kozhikode (A1),
Mangalore Junction (A), Quilandy (B), Kumbala (D), Kottikulam (E) and
Kalanad (F). The study was conducted during the period January 2012-
March 2012, with 150 respondents from each division. The data are
collected through structured schedule consisting of 78 questions which
measured passenger satisfaction in various aspects of Indian Railways-
online ticketing/ bookings, ticketing/ booking, train fare, information
transmission in railway stations, support for the disabled and elderly persons
in railway stations, behaviour and attitude of railway staff, facilities and
maintenance in railway stations, linkage with other modes of transport
,security at railway station ,train schedules, information transmission in
trains, services and maintenance in trains, food and refreshments in trains,
support to ladies/disabled/elderly in maintenance in trains, security on board.
Suggestions and opinions of the passengers were also collected. The
schedule has been constructed on five point Likert scale with satisfaction
levels from the highest to the lowest. Likert scale enables to quantify
opinion based items. The maximum score of 4 was given to the best,

followed by 3, 2, and 1 to the lower level of satisfaction. For no opinion

answers, the score assigned is 0. The questionnaire is analysed using
statistical index and variables are graded into different levels of passenger
satisfaction. Passenger satisfaction is high for variables with index scores
ranging from 66.66 - 100, moderate for index scores ranging from 33.33-
66.66 and low index scores ranging from 0-33.33. A brief profile of the
respondents collected through the sample is given in table 5. 1.

Table 5. 1
Sample frame

Sl. Number of
Title Category Percent
No. respondents
1 Sex Male 167 55.57
Female 133 44.33
2 Age 18-24 31 10.33
25-39 112 37.33
40-55 101 33.67
56 and above 56 18.67
3 Nature of residence Urban 202 67.33
Rural 45 15
Semi urban 53 17.67
4 Educational +2 47 15.67
qualification Degree 110 36.67
Post Graduate 91 30.33
Professional qualification 52 17.33
5 Occupation Self employed 24 8
Salaried 112 37.33
Business 41 13.67
Professional 33 11
Others 90 30
6 Monthly income Less than 10000 85 28.33
10000-20000 77 25.67
20000-30000 56 18.67
30000-50000 41 13.67
50000 and above 41 13.67
7 Marital Status Married 225 75
Unmarried 65 21.67
Widow 9 3
Divorcee 1 0.3
8 Number of members 2-3 75 25
in the family 4-7 216 72
8 and above 9 3
Source :Primary survey.

Table 5.1 indicates that 55.57 percent respondents are males and 44.33
percent are females. 37.33 percent of the respondents fall in the age group
25-39 and 33.67 respondents fall in the age group 40-55. Majority of
passengers are middle aged. 67.33 percent come from urban areas and 15
percent and 17.67 percent from rural and semi urban areas respectively.
36.67 percent of respondents are graduates and 30.33 percent of the
respondents are post graduates. 15.67 percent have qualification up to +2
and 17 percent have professional qualification. Salaried persons constitute
37.33 percent of respondents. 13.67 percent of the respondents are doing
business and 30 percent form others comprising of housewives, students,
unemployed and retired. 54 percent of the respondents earn income less than
20000, 27 percent earn income above 30000.75 percent of respondents are
married. 72 percent of the respondents have a medium size family of 4-7. To
sum up it is noted that majority of passengers are males in the age group 25-
39 belonging to urban areas. A large percentage is graduates and salaried
class belonging to middle class section of the society. Salaried class who
operate daily or weekly between place of work and their homes constitute a
large part of rail travelers. Middle income groups find railway as a cheap
and convenient mode of transit. Rural population has difficulty in
approaching railway stations hence they are more dependent on road transit.

Table 5.2 points out that 43.67 percent of respondents travels 2-3
times yearly, 28 percent travels 2-3 times monthly and 11 percent travel
daily. 9.67 percent rarely travels by train. 87 percent of respondents are not
season ticket holders. 60.33 percent of the passengers travel by II class and
14 percent travel by III tier AC. Businessmen and professionals generally
opt for higher classes of travel for better facilities. 29.33 percent of the
respondents have marked others as purpose of travel. This includes
pilgrimage, visits to native place and relative houses. 26.33 travel mainly in
trains for leisure. 24 percent of the respondents travel mainly to their place
of work. Railways are preferred by 51.33 percent of respondents as they are

convenient. 29.33 percent opt railways as means of travel as it is economical

compared to other means of public transport.14 percent has opted railways
as it is comparatively more secure.

Table 5. 2

Respondents and train Travel

Sl. Number of
Title Category Percent
No. respondents
1 Frequency of Daily 33 11
Travel 2-3 times weekly 23 7.67
2-3 times monthly 84 28
2-3 times yearly 131 43.67
Rarely 29 9.67
2 Season ticket Yes 39 13
holder No 261 87
3 Class of II tierAC 41 13.67
Travel III tierAC 42 14
I class 36 12
II class 181 60.33
4 Purpose of Work 72 24
travel Education 28 9.33
Business 33 11
Leisure 79 26.33
Others 88 29.33
5 Prefer Convenient 154 51.33
railways Secure 42 14
Faster 15 5
Economical 88 29.33
Punctual 1 0.33
6 Other mode Private vehicle 158 52.67
of travel Bus 134 44.67
preferred Airways 8 2.67
Waterways -. -
Source : Primary survey.

Private vehicle is opted as alternate means of transport by 52.67

percent of respondents. 44.67 percent prefer bus and only 2.67 percent prefer
airways as an alternative to railways. It may be inferred that majority of
respondents travels 2-3 times yearly but prefer to travel in II class since it is
cheaper than other classes. Respondents have opted railways mainly for
other purposes, leisure and work. Convenience and cheapness has attracted
the respondents towards rail travel. Majority of the respondents have pointed
out private vehicle or bus as alternatives to railways.


With the computerization of Indian Railways the convenience of

online ticketing and booking has been enhanced. It is easier for the
passengers to book for different trains online. IRCTC is most popular rail
booking website and also provides information of reservation status, arrival
and departure of trains, fares and so on. Online ticketing provides i ticketing,
e ticketing and tatkal reservation facilities. E- tickets are send to the
commuters email id and the passenger can print the tickets instantly. The
i-tickets are similar to tickets in the booking counter and the tickets booked
online are couriered to the addressee.

Table 5.3
Online ticketing/booking - level of passenger satisfaction
Sl.No Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Convenience of e ticketing
50 136 83 22 9 66.33 I
2 Convenience of i ticketing
14 107 89 17 73 47.67 III
3 Refunding system in e
15 119 134 18 14 58.58 II
Source: Primary Survey.
* 1 to 4 depicts degrees of satisfaction from highest to lowest
# No opinion
^ 1x 4+ 2 x 3+3 x 2+4 x 1+5 x 0 X 100

Table 5.3 points out the level of passenger satisfaction on the basis
of the online ticketing/ booking. Passengers are moderately satisfied in the
case of the three variables under online ticketing/ booking with index
ranging from 66.33 for e-ticketing system to 47.67 for i-ticketing system.
Majority of the passengers have high degree of satisfaction for e ticketing;
some have low satisfaction for the system. It may be due to lack of
knowledge about the system or the difficulty in getting access to the sites
providing the e-ticketing facilities. Comparative ease of accessing to the
ticketing process, minimum service charge and increased availability of
computer and printer facilities are pointed out as advantages of e-ticketing.
A good number of the respondents are moderately satisfied with the
refunding system in e-ticketing. Despite minor errors the passengers feel that
they are of advantage to them. The i-ticketing facilities show comparatively
low satisfaction, this is attributed to lack of awareness on the part of
passengers about the advantage of i-ticketing system and further e ticketing
is found to be more user friendly than i-ticketing. 1Proposal is made in
Railway Budget 2012-13 to enhance internet ticketing time from 0030 hours
to 2330 hours and to make e-ticketing possible through mobile phones. To
enhance the speed of ticket reservation next generation eticketing system has
been proposed which support 7200 tickets a minute as against present 2000
per tickets per minute today.


Even though online ticketing has become a great hit with the rail
passengers, the crowd in the ticketing counters is not less. The introduction
of automatic ticket vending machines also relieves the passengers of the rush
in the platforms. Moreover issues related to ticketing should be simplified
for the convenience of the passengers.

Table 5. 4

Ticketing/booking - level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Provision of Tatkal II
17 138 111 27 7 60.92
2 Ticket booking facilities III
21 129 125 3 22 60.33
with credit /debit cards
3 Advance booking facilities 22 149 117 8 4 64.75 I
4 Number of Ticket V
4 79 147 63 7 50.83
5 Ease of buying tickets 6 61 173 56 4 50.75 VI
6 Mechanical ticketing IX
devices like automatic 1 36 89 146 28 36.33
ticket vending machines
7 Refunding system in IV
3 113 132 44 8 54.92
8 Ticket conversion facility VII
1 88 113 75 23 47.42
with respect to class/date
9 Ladies quota in ticket VIII
5 51 104 98 42 39.92
Source: Primary Survey.

Ticketing /booking and level of passenger satisfaction is depicted in

table 5.4. All the variables are ranked as moderately satisfied with index
ranging from 64.75 for advance booking facilities to 36.33 for mechanical
ticketing devices like automatic ticket vending machines. Mechanical
ticketing devices like automatic ticket vending machines are not available in
all railway stations and are often not in proper working condition in
available ones. Thiruvananthapuram Central, Kottayam, Ernakulam
Junction, Aluva, Thrissur, Kozhikode, Coimbatore and Mangalore Junction
have the facility of automatic ticket vending machines. Highest ranking is
given to the facilities for advance booking. The index does not move to
highly favourable category which may be attributed to manipulations and

blocking of tickets by agents or staff and hence advance tickets are not
accessible to ordinary passengers. Tatkal reservation comes next in ranking.
Passengers find it advantageous but they face certain problems regarding
refunding of the tickets under the Tatkal system. Further more concessions
are not provided for different categories under Tatkal reservation. Budget
2013-14 proposes reduction of advance reservation period to one day and
also restrict the issue of only one tatkal ticket per train per day to web
agents. Passengers find ticket booking facilities with credit and debit cards
helpful especially in the case of e-ticketing. But the cards of all the banks are
not accepted for e payment which causes inconvenience to the passengers.
The variable, number of ticket counters has an index of 50.83. The
passengers stress the need for increased number of ticket counters with well
trained staff to facilitate speedy delivery of tickets especially during peak
hours. The ease of buying tickets is less as passengers have to wait in long
queues in front of the counters and often miss the trains. 2The extension of
Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS), Automatic Ticket Vending Machines
(ATVMs), Coin-operated Ticket Vending Machines (CO-TVMs) and
scheme of Jan- Sadharan Ticket Booking Sevaks (JTBSs) is proposed in
Budget 2013-14 to enable speedier and easier delivery of tickets and
simplify the process of ticketing.

Ticket conversion facility needs to be improved; facilities should be

made to change classes, trains or dates without cancellation if there is
vacancy. Adequate quota should be made available for ladies in case of
ticket booking. The availability of mechanical ticketing devices can simplify
the process of ticketing and reduce the queues in front of ticket counters.
Passengers feel that the system should be made available at different points
in the station. The mechanism for refunding tickets should be simplified.


Railways are preferred by majority of the passengers as it is

economical. The passenger rates of the railways are subsidized with the
enhanced rates of freight transit. Recently railways has increased its
passenger rates to provide for the increased amenities and also to meet the
increased cost of operation.

Table 5. 5

Train fare - level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Rail tariffs in relation to
3 83 174 34 6 53.58 I
2 Concession for frequent
6 110 110 41 33 51.25 II
Source: Primary Survey.

Table 5.5 shows the rail fare and level of passenger satisfaction. The
index of the variables point out that the passengers are moderately satisfied.
Passengers are satisfied with the train fare since it is lower than other modes
of transport but expect that the fares commensurate with the classes and
facilities. On account of introduction on new private and low cost airlines
and consequent reduction in air ticket rates, passengers feel that fares of
higher classes in railways are more or less equivalent to airlines.
Concessions for frequent travelers (season tickets) are provided but
passengers find it necessary that railways issue at least first class season
tickets in long distance trains. Passengers feel that the train fare may be
enhanced to provide better amenities and to ensure greater passenger travel
through railways.


Information should be imparted to the passengers at the right time

and with accuracy. The arrival of trains, facilities available in the railway
platforms, reservation chart etc should be properly displayed for the
convenience of the passengers especially female, disabled and senior

Table 5.6
Information transmission in railway stations - level of passenger satisfaction
Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Provision of information
about train 6 89 156 49 0 54.33 III
2 Sign Boards Display in
7 102 139 52 0 55.33 II
3 Clarity of electronic
2 86 147 63 2 51.92 VI
information display
4 Frequency of
9 140 105 45 1 59.25 I
5 Clarity of announcements 10 102 128 59 1 55.08 IV
6 Display of reservation
4 101 130 58 7 53.08 V
chart in the stations
7 Display of porter charges
1 39 101 119 40 36.83 VII
in stations
Source: Primary Survey.
All the variables in information transmission has an index between
50.00 to 60.00 except display of porter charges in stations with index of
36.83. Porter charges are not displayed prominently in all railway stations,
and hence it leads to overcharging of the passengers by the porters.
Frequency of announcements is on the top with index of 59.25.
Announcements are often made but passengers are of the opinion that the
announcements should be made reasonably well in advance and with
maximum possible clarity. Sign Board display in platforms has an index of

55.33. The announcements should be audible in all relevant areas of

different platforms. More simple methods such as SMS alerts, manual
response regarding enquired trains should be adopted for public
convenience. Passengers find calling 139 for online enquiry more strenuous
and time consuming.
Proposal is made in the Budget 2013-14 to provide SMS alerts to
passengers on update reservation status. Arrangements should be made to
provide information in all platforms and display sign boards indicating
general utility services available on all platforms and railway stations. Hard
copy of the reservation chart may be displayed for the benefit of passengers
from rural areas.


Large number of passengers travelling by train are elderly people, as

they find it comfortable rather than travelling by other modes. But there are
certain problems faced by senior citizens and differently abled in the railway
platforms which needs to be addressed.

Table 5. 7
Support for disabled and elderly persons - level of passenger satisfaction
Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Concession for senior
17 123 106 40 14 57.42 I
2 Provision of ramps and
wheel chairs for 6 44 110 129 11 42.08 II
disabled passengers
3 Assistance and
information for disabled 5 39 106 144 6 41.08 III
or elderly people
Source: Primary Survey.
Table 5.7 shows the level of passenger satisfaction on the basis of
support for disabled and elderly persons in railway stations. All the variables

indicate that the passengers are moderately satisfied. Concession for senior
citizens is at the top of the ranking with index of 57.42. Passengers are
satisfied with the concession facilities in fare offered by railways to the
senior citizens and disabled. But passengers are aggrieved with regard to non
availability of concession in Tatkal reservation. Passengers opine that there
is lack of adequate ramps and wheel chairs and facilities for inter platform
transfer for free movement of the aged and the disabled. Assistance and
information for disabled or elderly people has an index of 41.08. Moreover
assistance is not provided to these categories which hinder their mobility and
hence prefer to travel by private vehicles by incurring higher expenditure.

Assistance at least with nominal payment may be provided to the

elderly and disabled to make their journey comfortable. 4To facilitate the
easier movement of differently abled and elderly in the stations railway
budget 2012-13 proposes to provide provision of 179 escalators and 400 lifts
in A1 and other major stations and for increased number of wheel chairs and
battery operated vehicles for smoother movement of the disabled and
elderly. Proposals for provision of escalators is made in
Thiruvananthapuram Central, Ernakulam Junction, Chengannur, Aluva,
Nagercoil, Alappuzha and Kozhikode.


Counter staff needs to be sensitized to public dealing. Their

operational constraints has to be addressed to bring improvements in counter

The variables, attitude of ticketing staff and information provided by

ticketing staff has an index of 60.25 and 62.75 respectively and passengers
are satisfied with the attitude, behaviour and service of staff at ticket
counters to a great extent. They feel that lack of proper skill and certain
constraints felt by the counter staff, overcrowding, shortage of staff and
counters and so on should be addressed to improve counter services. The

variables, mechanism to monitor the services in the stations and mechanism

to redress grievances has index of only 43.42 and 40.00 respectively. The
passengers indicate that there is no sufficient mechanism by the railways for
monitoring the services in the stations and lack of measures for immediate
grievance redressal.

Table 5.8

Behaviour and attitude of railway staff- level of passenger satisfaction

Sl. Rank
Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^
1 Attitude of ticketing
2 147 128 18 5 60.25 II
2 Information provided by
18 147 109 22 4 62.75 I
ticketing staff
3 Mechanism to monitor
the services in the 0 41 152 94 13 43.42 III
4 Mechanism to redress
1 25 149 103 22 40.00 IV
Source: Primary Survey.

The operational constraints of the counter staff should be addressed to

bring improvements in counter services. The grievance redressal mechanism
needs to be strengthened as railways can address passenger concerns more
effectively. Monitoring mechanism of various amenities should be
strengthened for their effective maintenance.


With accelerating pace in modernization a traveler expects enhanced

amenities from Railways. The provision of better passenger amenities both
in railway platforms and on trains should be one of the important objectives
of Indian Railways. Railways should strengthen the monitoring mechanism
to ensure the amenities provided in the stations are effectively maintained.

Table 5. 9

Facilities and maintenance in railway stations - level of passenger


Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Provision of seating
arrangement in the 2 100 154 44 0 55.00 IV
2 Availability of proper
0 49 164 87 0 46.83 VIII
lighting and fans
3 Availability of waiting
rooms and retiring 5 69 135 82 9 48.25 VII
rooms for passengers
4 Availability of Cloak
5 41 145 89 20 43.50 XI
Room facility
5 Provision of drinking
1 60 117 115 7 44.42 X
6 Availability of clean
0 20 64 210 6 33.17 XIV
7 Cleanliness and
maintenance of station 0 18 106 175 1 36.75 XIII
8 Availability of quality
0 46 159 95 0 45.92 IX
food and refreshments
9 Provision of public
11 90 142 56 1 54.50 V
10 ATM provision in the
22 126 112 28 12 59.83 I
11 Availability of licensed
1 121 90 52 36 49.92 VI
12 Availability of First aid
2 30 127 126 15 39.83 XII
and medicines
13 Availability of essential
33 101 94 69 3 57.67 II
14 Convenience to board
1 120 139 37 3 56.58 III
and alight trains
Source: Primary Survey.

Table 5.9 depicts the level of passenger satisfaction with respect to

facilities and maintenance in railway stations. The index of the variables
vary from 33.17 to 59.83. The passengers are moderately satisfied with
respect to all variables except the provision of clean toilets, for which the
passengers point out their low satisfaction level with index of 33.17 . The
highest ranking is for the ATM provision in the station. The availability of
sufficient stationery and convenience to board and alight trains has an index
of 57.67 and 56.68 respectively. Cleanliness and maintenance of station
facilities with an index of 36.75 followed by availability of first aid and
medicines with index of 39.83 are on the bottom of the category.
Availability of waiting rooms and retiring rooms for passengers has an index
of 48.25. Online booking of retiring rooms is facilitated in select stations of
the divisions. An exclusive dormitory and air conditioned waiting rooms for
ladies is set up at Thiruvananthapuram Central, the first of its kind in
Southern Railway.

Certain suggestions are brought out by the passengers for improving

facilities in the railway stations. There is a need to increase and improve the
waiting seats in the platform. Proper lighting facility should be provided in
all the platforms. Respondents bring out the need for increasing the
availability of waiting rooms with toilets and bathrooms for passengers of all
classes. Cloak room facility or facilities for storing luggages should be made
available in all railway stations. Availability of clean and sufficient drinking
water should be ensured at various points. Sufficient hygienic toilets with
enough water should be ensured. Railway stations and surrounding should
be kept neat and clean. Quality and affordability in food and refreshments
should be ensured. Availability of public telephone facilities, ATM, first aid
and essential stationery may be enhanced. Authorised porters may be
deployed to meet the passenger requirements. Facilities to board and alight
trains may be considered to meet the requirements of different age groups.


Railway stations should be connected with other modes of public

transport for easier mobility of the passengers. Intermodal linkages are
advantageous both to the passengers and the railways.

Table 5.10

Linkage with other modes of transport - level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Availability of prepaid
2 48 127 117 6 43.58 III
taxi and auto service
2 Connection to other
modes of public 3 74 111 109 3 47.08 I
3 Sufficiency and
affordability of protected 1 41 153 97 8 44.17 II
parking facilities
Source: Primary Survey.

Passenger satisfaction is moderate in the case of variables in the table.

The index varies from 43.58 to 47.08. The availability of prepaid taxi and
auto service has the lowest index in this category. Often there is a
collaboration of the taxi and auto drivers with the police which makes the
journey uncomfortable for the commuters. Passengers feel that railways may
join hands with local administration to provide public transport facilities
from and to railway stations. Public transport facilities are to be provided
connecting railway stations and bus stand for easier passenger mobility.
Protected facilities for vehicle parking should be made available by railways
to its passengers at reasonable cost. Railways should ensure the safety of the
vehicles in the parking lot.
Work is underway in Thiruvananthapuram Central for provision of
Skywalk linking central bus stand. A similar walkway is proposed at

Ernakulam Junction linking Kerala State Road Transport Corporation bus



Security is a matter of concern for the railways with increasing crimes

both on the railway platforms and on trains. There should be coordination
between Railway protection force, police, railway authorities and public for
protecting the commuters.

Table 5.11

Security - level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Personal security in the
1 33 153 105 8 42.83 II
2 Service of security
2 24 177 95 2 44.08 I
Source: Primary Survey.

The variables, personal security in the station and service of security

personnel has an index of 42.83 and 44.08. Passengers are of the opinion
that rising crimes against passengers and their baggage should be the
concern of railways and the service of railway protection force should be
assured at all times. 6For integrated security service-CCTV surveillence is
envisaged in 5 railway stations of Thiruvananthapuram and Palakkad
divisions-Thiruvananthapuram Central, Ernakulam Junction, Coimbatore
Junction, Kozhikode and Mangalore.


In the recent budgets Railways have given an impetus to increase the

train services to ensure greater convenience to the passengers. It is noted that

the increase in trains is limited to certain zones which needs to be attended


Table 5.12

Train schedules- level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Frequency of the trains 1 87 128 77 7 49.83 III
2 Adequacy of trains
during holidays and 3 42 158 95 2 45.75 VI
3 Timing of trains 2 122 117 55 4 55.25 I
4 Availability of
2 60 145 83 10 46.75 V
connecting trains
5 Punctuality and
0 76 132 92 0 48.67 IV
reliability of the trains
6 Convenience for short
6 106 122 64 2 54.17 II
distance travels
Source: Primary Survey.

Table 5.12 shows the level of passenger satisfaction on the basis

of train schedules. The index varies from 55.25 for timing of trains to 45.75
for adequacy of trains during holidays and festivals. The passengers are
moderately satisfied with respect to variables in the table. Passengers point
out that certain improvements should be made in train schedules to attract
more passengers. More trains should be introduced during peak hours and in
busy routes. Short distance speed trains may also be introduced between
different stations especially during peak hours. In 2012-13 two Mainline
Electric Multiple Unit (MEMU) trains were started between Kollam and
Ernakulam, and Ernakulam and Palakkad. Punctuality and reliablity has an
index of 48.67. Punctuality should be ensured except under emergency
circumstances. Delay in services pose problems for senior citizens and
families travelling with children.

At festivals and holidays there should be routine special trains rather

than trains at short notice. Publicity should be given to special trains for the
knowledge of the commuters. While issuing tickets for unreserved
compartments the capacity strength of the compartments should be taken
into consideration to avoid undesirable overcrowding. Schedule of
connecting trains should be well planned. Railway timing should be well
planned without compromising safety.


There should be effective methods for transmission of information to

the passengers in the trains. It would be of convenience for the passengers to
get information on board regarding the stations, route etc especially in the

Table 5.13

Information transmission in trains - level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
Signs and information on
1 3 43 125 125 4 43.00 II
Display of reservation
2 5 56 140 99 0 47.25 I
Provision of information
3 3 21 132 143 1 40.17 III
on board
Source: Primary Survey.

The passengers are moderately satisfied with respect to information

transmission in trains. The index of the variables in table 5.13 varies
between 43.00 to 40.17. Passengers point out that the railway information
on compartments is overshadowed by commercial advertisements. They
prefer display of reservation charts on the compartments and electronic
display of nearest stations made within the compartments. 7Proposals are
made in Budget 2013-14 to provide announcement facility and electronic

display boards in trains for disseminating information on board to

passengers about approaching stations, late running and arrival platforms.


With the increasing preference for better and improved amenities on the
part of the commuters, railways are duty bound to provide better facilities to
attract more commuters to this mode. Railways should ensure that the
services provided in the trains are beneficial to the passengers and not divert
traffic to other alternate modes.

The variables in table 5.14 depict services and maintenance in trains

and level of passenger satisfaction. Of the 15 variables, 13 variables indicate
that passengers are moderately satisfied, and 2 variables that are sufficiency
of clean toilets and availability of internet connectivity point out passengers
have low level satisfaction. Comfort in relation to various classes is on the
top with an index of 52.75. Passengers are moderately satisfied in relation to
comfort levels of different classes offered by railways. Though comfort in
berth facilities and seating has an index 50.25 and 47.08 passengers feel that
the clean and neat berth and seating facilities may be enhanced to
commensurate with the requirements of the passengers. There is a need for
improving the space per passenger. Proper lighting facility should be
provided in all the compartments. Passengers have stressed the requirement
for certain improvements in the trains to facilitate easier, safe and
convenient transit of the passengers. Clean and sufficient availability of
drinking water should be ensured in all trains and compartments. Stern
sanction is to be taken against passengers crowding in toilets and its path for
want of space. Maintenance and cleanliness of compartments should be a
major concern of railways. Trains should be clean, made litter free and free
from insects, bugs and rats. Disinfectants should be used to prevent the
spread of infections as railways play the role of bulk carrier.

Table 5.14

Services and maintenance in trains- level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
Sufficient seating
1 1 48 158 93 0 46.42 V
capacity for passengers
2 Comfort in seating 1 42 178 79 0 47.08 III
Adequacy of lighting
3 0 48 165 87 0 46.75 IV
and fans
Comfort in relation to
4 0 92 150 57 1 52.75 I
various classes
Maintenance and
5 cleanliness of 1 10 83 204 2 33.67 XII
Availability of staff on
6 0 25 106 167 2 37.83 VII
Comfortable and
7 convenient berth 1 68 165 65 1 50.25 II
Provision of drinking
8 2 19 76 196 7 34.42 IX
Sufficiency of clean
9 1 6 42 248 3 29.50 XIV
Provision of first aid and
10 1 11 92 181 15 33.50 XIII
medical facilities
Emergency services on
11 0 15 98 165 22 33.83 X
Efficiency of chain
12 8 67 123 78 24 46.42 V
pulling system
Availability of internet
13 1 20 52 166 61 27.83 XV
Provision for mobile
14 4 34 124 116 22 40.17 VI
phone charging
Provision of break van
15 2 43 121 70 64 37.42 VIII
Source: Primary Survey.

Mobile phone charging facility has an index of 40.17,the facility is

available in upper classes but there are only 1 or 2 points in the other classes
which carry a large number of passengers. Emergency services with the
index of 33.83 points out the need for increased attention on the part of
railways to provide for emergencies like doctor on call, service of railway
protection force etc
Budget 2012-13 has proposed provision for progressive extension
of bio toilets on trains and extension of On Board Housekeeping Schemes
(OBHS) and Clean Train Stations (CTSs) to more stations and trains.
Provision of first aid and medical facilities, facilities for meeting emergency
requirements, qualified medical attendants are essential requirements to be
made available in trains. Staff on call should be available to deal with any
emergency situation. A proposal is made in the Budget 2013-14 for
launching a pilot project to facilitate the passengers to contact on board staff
through phone or email for prompt response for coach cleanliness. The
facility for mobile phone charging may be enhanced in ordinary, unreserved
compartments. In the modern age of information technology internet
facilities may be enhanced. Budget 2012-13 has proposed the provision of
free Wi Fi facility to cater to the increased aspirations and requirements of
the youth and other valued customers. Better awareness regarding the break
van facility should be made to reduce loading of excessive luggage in the
trains thereby causing discomfort to the passengers.


With the establishment of Indian Railways Catering and Tourist

Corporation (IRCTC) railways have outsourced the catering services to the
IRCTC. As per the new railway catering policy (2010) railways is expected
to take over the job of catering from IRCTC in phased manner on account of
increase in complaints about food and food related services.

Table 5.15
Food and refreshments -level of passenger satisfaction
Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
1 Availability of quality
food in long distance 0 14 124 160 2 37.50 II
2 Affordability of food in
0 81 141 77 1 50.17 I
3 Mechanism to monitor
the food served and 0 13 80 200 7 33.25 III
hygiene of catering staff
Source: Primary survey.

Table 5.15 points out the level of passenger satisfaction with

respect to food and refreshments. Affordability of food in trains has an index
of 50.17 but the index of availability of quality food and mechanism to
monitor the food served and hygiene of catering staff is 37.50 and 33.25,
which points out the need for increased attention to these variables. The
variables point out that the passengers are moderately satisfied. Passengers
point out that though the food served in trains is affordable to a certain
extent, the quality and quantity of available food needs to be improved.

A proper and well designed mechanism to monitor the food served

and hygiene and attitude of the catering staff should be ensured to have a
greater passenger satisfaction. Railways have introduced a Centralised
Catering Services Monitoring Cell with a toll free number 1800111321 with
effect from 18th Jan 2013 for redressel of complaints. 9ISO certification is
insisted in base kitchens in the budget 2013-14.


Ladies, elderly and disabled are vulnerable sections and special

provisions are to be made to provide facilities for their easy mobility and
safe travel.

Table 5. 16

Provision to ladies/disabled /elderly -level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
Special compartment for
1 5 88 160 41 6 53.75 I
Seat reservation for
2 ladies in unreserved 1 29 109 141 20 37.50 III
Assistance and
3 information for disabled 0 28 114 144 14 38.00 II
or elderly people
Source: Primary Survey.

Passengers are moderately satisfied with respect to facilities for ladies

and elderly in the compartments. The provision of ladies compartments in
trains has an index of 53.75. Ladies compartments are often places for
wanderers, beggars and so on. Though passengers are satisfied with the
special compartment for ladies, they point out that the compartment may be
put in the middle of the train for their security. It is also pointed that it is
better to provide seat reservation in general compartments rather than the
insecure ladies compartments. Assistance and facilities for disabled and
elderly should be enhanced and special compartments may be arranged with
assistance to facilitate easier transit.10 Railway Budget 2013-14 proposes
fixing of Braille stickers on coaches indicating coach layout and also making
coaches, wheel chair friendly.


Failure of proper security measures in railways is widely discussed

today. Strong policies are to taken by railway authorities to prevent crimes
and also punish the criminals in a befitting manner

Table 5.17

Security on board -level of passenger satisfaction

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^ Rank
Personal security on
1 0 13 152 130 5 39.42 I
Source: Primary Survey.

Passengers point out the satisfaction level for the variable, personal
security on trains is moderate with an index of 39.42. With the increase in
crimes against passengers especially women, passengers have felt the need
for increased security within the trains. The service of railway police should
be strengthened and they should be more customer friendly to prevent any
untoward incidents. 11To increase the safety of female passengers Railways
have created 4 companies of Women Rapid Action Force personnel and is in
the process of setting 8 other units.

Table 5.18

Variables depicting low level of passenger satisfaction with index 0-33.33

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^
1 Mechanism to monitor the
food served and hygiene of 0 13 80 200 7 33.25
catering staff(on Board)
2 Availability of clean toilets
0 20 64 210 6 33.17
(in railway stations)
3 Sufficiency of clean toilets
1 6 42 248 3 29.50
(on Board)
4 Availability of internet
1 20 52 166 61 27.83
connectivity(on Board)
Source: Primary Survey.

Passengers have a very low level of satisfaction regarding the

availability of internet facilities on board. They are also not satisfied with

the sanitation facilities both in railway platforms and on trains. Passengers

stress the need for sufficient mechanism to monitor the food served and
hygiene of catering staff to avoid any undesirable consequences.

Table 5.19

Variables depicting moderately low level of passenger satisfaction with

index 33.33-50

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^
1 Availability of licensed
1 121 90 52 36 49.92
porters(in railway stations)
2 Frequency of the trains 1 87 128 77 7 49.83
3 Punctuality and reliability of
0 76 132 92 0 48.67
the trains
4 Availability of waiting rooms
and retiring rooms for
5 69 135 82 9 48.25
passengers(in railway
5 Convenience of i ticketing
14 107 89 17 73 47.67
6 Ticket conversion facility
1 88 113 75 23 47.42
with respect to class/date
7 Display of reservation chart
5 56 140 99 0 47.25
(on Board)
8 Comfort in seating (on
1 42 178 79 0 47.08
9 Connection to other modes of
3 74 111 109 3 47.08
public transport
10 Availability of proper
lighting and fans((in railway 0 49 164 87 0 46.83
11 Adequacy of lighting and
0 48 165 87 0 46.75
fans(on Board)
12 Availability of connecting
2 60 145 83 10 46.75
13 Sufficient seating capacity for
1 48 158 93 0 46.42

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^
14 Efficiency of chain pulling
8 67 123 78 24 46.42
system(on Board)
15 Availability of quality food
and refreshments in railway 0 46 159 95 0 45.92
16 Adequacy of trains during
3 42 158 95 2 45.75
holidays and festivals
17 Provision of drinking water
1 60 117 115 7 44.42
in railway stations)
18 Sufficiency and affordability
1 41 153 97 8 44.17
of protected parking facilities
19 Service of security personnel
2 24 177 95 2 44.08
in railway stations)
20 Availability of prepaid taxi
2 48 127 117 6 43.58
and auto service
21 Availability of Cloak Room
5 41 145 89 20 43.50
22 Mechanism to monitor the
0 41 152 94 13 43.42
services in the station
23 Signs and information on
3 43 125 125 4 43.00
24 Personal security in the
1 33 153 105 8 42.83
25 Provision of ramps and wheel
chairs for disabled passengers 6 44 110 129 11 42.08
(in railway stations)
26 Assistance and information
for disabled or elderly 5 39 106 144 6 41.08
people(in railway stations)
27 Provision of information on
3 21 132 143 1 40.17
28 Provision for mobile phone
4 34 124 116 22 40.17
charging (on Board)
29 Mechanism to redress
grievances(in railway 1 25 149 103 22 40.00
30 Ladies quota in ticket
5 51 104 98 42 39.92

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^
31 Availability of First aid and
2 30 127 126 15 39.83
medicines(in railway stations)
32 Personal security on trains 0 13 152 130 5 39.42
33 Assistance and information
for disabled or elderly people 0 28 114 144 14 38.00
(on Board)
34 Availability of staff on trains 0 25 106 167 2 37.83
35 Availability of quality food in
0 14 124 160 2 37.50
long distance trains
36 Seat reservation for ladies in
1 29 109 141 20 37.50
unreserved compartments
37 Provision of break van facility 2 43 121 70 64 37.42
38 Display of porter charges in
1 39 101 119 40 36.83
39 Cleanliness and maintenance
0 18 106 175 1 36.75
of station facilities
40 Mechanical ticketing devices
like automatic ticket vending 1 36 89 146 28 36.33
41 Provision of drinking water 2 19 76 196 7 34.42
42 Emergency services on trains 0 15 98 165 22 33.83
43 Maintenance and cleanliness
1 10 83 204 2 33.67
of compartments
44 Provision of first aid and
1 11 92 181 15 33.50
medical facilities(on Board)
Source: Primary Survey.

Variables depicting moderately low level of passenger satisfaction

are shown in the table. The provision first aid and medical facilities are at
the bottom of the table with index of 33.50, emphasizes the increased need
for better provision of first aid and medical facilities in the trains. The other
5 variables in the bottom category are maintenance and cleanliness of
compartments, emergency services on trains, provision of drinking water,
availability of mechanical ticketing devices like automatic ticket vending
machines and cleanliness and maintenance of station facilities. The top five

variables in this category are availability of licensed porters(in railway

stations), frequency of the trains, punctuality and reliability of the trains,
availability of waiting rooms and retiring rooms for passengers (in railway
stations) and convenience of i ticketing system

Table 5.20
Variables depicting moderately high level of passenger satisfaction with
index 50-66.66
Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^
1 Convenience of e ticketing
50 136 83 22 9 66.33
2 Advance booking facilities 22 149 117 8 4 64.75
3 Information provided by 62.75
18 147 109 22 4
ticketing staff
4 Provision of Tatkal reservation 17 138 111 27 7 60.92
5 Attitude of ticketing staff 2 147 128 18 5 60.25
6 Ticket booking facilities with 60.33
21 129 125 3 22
credit /debit cards
7 ATM provision in the station 22 126 112 28 12 59.83
8 Frequency of announcements 9 140 105 45 1 59.25
9 Refunding system in e
15 119 134 18 14 58.58
10 Convenience to board and
1 120 139 37 3 56.58
alight trains
11 Availability of essential
33 101 94 69 3 57.67
12 Concession for senior citizens 17 123 106 40 14 57.42
13 Sign Boards Display in
7 102 139 52 0 55.33
14 Timing of trains 2 122 117 55 4 55.25
15 Clarity of announcements 10 102 128 59 1 55.08
16 Provision of seating 55.00
2 100 154 44 0
arrangement in the platform
17 Refunding system in ticketing 3 113 132 44 8 54.92
18 Provision of public
11 90 142 56 1 54.50
telephone(in railway stations)

Title 1* 2* 3* 4* 5# Index^
19 Provision of information about 54.33
6 89 156 49 0
train schedules/platforms
20 Convenience for short
6 106 122 64 2 54.17
distance travels
21 Special compartment for ladies 5 88 160 41 6 53.75
22 Rail tariffs in relation to 53.58
3 83 174 34 6
23 Display of reservation chart in
4 101 130 58 7 53.08
the stations
24 Comfort in relation to various
0 92 150 57 1 52.75
25 Clarity of electronic
2 86 147 63 2 51.92
information display
26 Concession for frequent 51.25
6 110 110 41 33
27 Number of Ticket Counters 4 79 147 63 7 50.83
28 Ease of buying tickets 6 61 173 56 4 50.75
29 Comfortable and convenient
1 68 165 65 1 50.25
berth facilities
30 Affordability of food in trains 0 81 141 77 1 50.17
Source: Primary Survey.

Variables depicting moderately high level of passenger satisfaction

are shown in table 5.20. Passenger survey points out that none of the
variables showed passengers are highly satisfied with respect to facilities
offered by Indian Railways. Thirty variables point out the satisfaction level
is moderately high and by taking into account the passenger’s requirement
and suggestions the rating of satisfaction can be made to a higher level. The
six variables on the top of the list includes passenger satisfaction towards e
ticketing system, advance booking facilities, information provided by
ticketing staff, tatkal reservation, attitude of ticketing staff and ticket
booking facilities with credit and debit cards.

The study identifies the factors that determine passenger satisfaction

with the quality and quantity of services provided by the Indian Railways in
general and in the railways stations and on board. Passenger satisfaction
survey conducted under 17 heads points out that of the 78 variables, 74
variables denote passengers satisfaction level with regard to railways is
moderate. Four variables- mechanism to monitor the food served and
hygiene of catering staff on board availability of clean toilets in railway
stations, sufficiency of clean toilets on board and availability of internet
connectivity on board points out the low passenger satisfaction levels.

The satisfaction of the passengers should be the prime objective of

any mode of transportation. Railways being a public sector enterprise should
provide better amenities for the commuters and minimum cost. The survey
provides indications to the railway administration for identifying the
services which needs improvement.


1 Railway Budget Speech- 2013-14, para 27,

2 Ibid para 21
3 Ibid para 26
4 Ibid para 24
7 Railway Budget Speech- 2013-14, para 21,
8 Ibid
9 Ibid para 29
10 Ibid para 24
11 Ibid para 19

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