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Design Thinking

e Define Idea Prototype

1. Empathize.
In this stage, you should identify:
Customers’ Insights:
The deep motivations that make them to behave or act as t
Customers’ Needs:
What could be really useful for them.

2. Define.
In this stage you should:
List all the conclusions reached in the previous stage.
Start defining potential solutions for them.

3. Idea.
In this stage you should:
Start figuring out different product approaches that could fulfill your cu
You should also ensure:
Being optimistic but realistic.
Not innovate just for innovating.
Don’t lose the focus on the customer.

4. Prototype.
In this stage you should:
Build feasible final products for your customers.
You also must ensure:
Fulfill the customers’ requirements.
Guarantee a solid working final prototype.
5. Test.
In this stage you should:
Distribute your final prototype among potential customers and receive fe
Go back to a certain stage (if required by the customers) in order to impr
Prototype Test

them to behave or act as the do.

s that could fulfill your customers’ requirements.

l customers and receive feedback.
ustomers) in order to improve the final product.

Customer Insights:

What is driving the customer inside?

Observation: How do they behave?:


Personal Interview; Why do they behave like that?:

3 Whys method for identifying a Customer Insight:

First Why: Why do you choose what you choose.
Second Why: But, these reason, why is so important?
Third Why: And why is that?



Customer Needs:

What do customers really Need?

Observation: What do they purchase? Which product is their favourite option?


Personal Interview: Why have they chosen that option?

3 Whys method for identifying a Customer Need:

First Why: Why did you select that option?
Second Why: But, why this product instead of that one?
Third Why: Is there any other "need" you are covering?

Needs identifyed:



ourite option?
d of that one?
are covering?

Characteristics that the product should have:

After identifying Insights and Needs, how can we translate it into product characteristics?

First Group of Characteristics: Technological characteristics for example)


Second Group of Characteristics: Design characteristics (for example)


Third Group of Characteristics: Price characteristics (for example)


Fourth Group of Characteristics: Sustainability characteristics (for example)


ct characteristics?

istics for example)

s (for example)

s (for example)

stics (for example)


Initial Ideas:

That could link together the higher amount of Characteristics Defined in the previous stage:

Product Ideas:


Final Ideas:

That could be feasible:

Feasible Final Ideas: From all the Ideas above, which ones could be really feasible?


* Ideally you should end up with just one or two feasible dinal Ideas.

the previous stage:

be really feasible?

dinal Ideas.

Features that must be guaranteed:

From al the characteristecs defined, which ones can be guaranteed to be solid?

Charachteristics' strength in Idea 1: how accomplished can they be?

- Characteristic 1
- Characteristic 2
- Characteristic 3

Charachteristics' strength in Idea 2: how accomplished can they be?

- Characteristic 1
- Characteristic 2
- Characteristic 3

Characteristics to ensure in the Prototype:

The final Key features that the product/s must have.

Key Characteristics to guarantee in the Final Product 1:


Key Characteristics to guarantee in the Final Product 2:


* The ones that can not be guaranteed a

100%, must be neglected.

Feedback Received by beta-customers:

What do your first beta-customers think about the final product (or prototype)?

Good Feedback Points:


Need to be improved:


Changes to introduce:

After all the feedback, what changes need to be introduced in the Final Product?


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