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Name:- Bilal Anwar

Roll No:- 63
Date:- 9/3/2020
Department:- Bs Agriculture
Semester:- 2nd
Session:- 2019_2023
Assignment:- Technical writing
Topic:- Narrative Essay
Submitted To:- Mam Hina Altaf
The University Of Poonch Rawalakot

Structure of Narrative Essay

 Introduction: Introduce the topic, and the incident that you're going to
describe. Explain why it's important to you.
 Thesis statement: Quickly sum up what you learned as a result of the
incident you're describing.
 Main body: You'll now talk about the incident involved. As you do so,
make sure you're including all the important points. Who was involved? Where did
it happen? Why did it happen? Describe exactly what happened, including your
thoughts and feelings on the matter.
 Conclusion: Refer to your thesis again, and how your experiences impacted
your understanding of the topic at hand.

Feature of Narrative Essay

Narrative essay can be one of the most interesting writing assignments as the
main purpose of it is to tell a story using the basics of fiction. As in a novel, a
narrative essay includes an interesting plot, main characters and story detail, of
course. All the developments in the paper are ordered in a chronologic way.
However, unlike the novel, the narrative essay is about your own personal
experience the main purpose of which is to teach its readers a lesson. As every
novel does, a narrative essay has to have a moral to the story.
On of the most important part of every homework narrative essay are characters.
They bring life into your story, by making it more realistic and lifelike. It is highly
essential to include only main characters, which are directly related to the story.
Try to show the characters' personalities, their internal world, likes and dislikes.
The dialogs are very important; however it is better to include descriptions of
what is going around. While setting the character don't forget to describe his/her
appearance, visual details.
Characters, settings and dialogs are not the only thing that you will have to
include in your narrative essay. Add some details and descriptions with the help
of special writing techniques. Add to your narrative essay some figurative
language, like synonyms, descriptions, metaphors etc. Those simple literary
devices will help you to increase the quality of any written assignment, from a
simple essay to a real dissertation or a thesis paper in your university. In a
narrative essay figurative language will help you to build personal contacts with
your essay text and with the topic itself. Another great plus to your narrative
essay is good humor. A good joke may help you to draw the reader’s attention
and make them want to read your paper till the end.
As it was already told in the beginning a narrative essay is written in a chronologic
way. It means that all the described events in your story should follow a strict
occurrence way. Special transition vocabulary will help to make it possible. Use
words like meanwhile, later, tomorrow, firstly, in a while etc.
The best way to wrap up your homework narrative essay is to include the moral
of your story. You are absolutely free to reflect and express your own attitude
towards the events, characters in the story, the lesson that you have learned from
the experience described in the paper and so on.
Narrative Essay on a Life Changing Moment
In life, many events affect human behavior and decision making. Basically, people
have experienced some of the events in life that have such a big impact, and they
have completely changed their life. For me, the event that changed my life
occurred when I was in college a few years ago. Since then, January was a special
month for me. This month is the month that reminds me of this event, because this
event completely changed my life and I remember seeing it from a completely
different point of view. My life

When I joined the freshman year, I naturally noticed the freedom of new discovery.
I want to experience something that I can not participate because I am very curious
but I can not feel free because of this freedom. What I do not know is that the
whole experience of entering university and entering college life is to completely
change my life. For beginners, when I first entered college, I mentioned another
place, not the place my parents raised me. For other people in my dormitory, the
process of dormitory life and integration into the house feels naturally, but that is
not easy for me. As I felt so comfortable in the room just like betraying my
parents, the whole process was very emotional to me. They always taught that our
house is the most important place. Like the room in my house, I feel that my
parents are not nearby. But in general this process has taught me important lessons,
important things to leave with my parents and build my own life.

Another question about participating in my first year is part of the whole life
changing event, which is part of my new friend. It is always easy to make friends
at home, as our house is in a closed community and my parents often go to
neighborhoods. When they do, they will introduce me to the neighbors' kids, so
that provides a good basis for me to make friends. To make things better, most of
the neighboring children went to my school. Therefore, when I entered school, I
made a soft landing to make friends. But at college, I have to make friends from
the beginning, this is a very humble and insightful moment.

Remember that when you read your articles in this type of article, you should
remember that the audience should be able to draw vivid pictures in their minds.

Furthermore, if you are describing events in a certain stage of your life, please
make sure you do not explain your daily life.

AdvancedWriters can write articles for you from the beginning! You can get
ordered story stories written and ordered online on our website.

Recently writing stories of stories about changing the moment of life has become a
very popular issue at schools, universities, and universities. Some people say this is
not a big deal, but for others it would be very difficult to write a paper on events
that would change life. Life, in particular it must be written to attract readers'
interests. "Introduction" and "Conclusion" are the first and last paragraphs of
stories of stories about changes in the moment of life. The first or first part of the
text introduces the reader to your subject, introduces it to the text body, and
presents the point of your work. Please do not take too long to introduce. It is
enough to make it 1 paragraph or 2 paragraphs. The main idea here is to make the
reader interested and read the rest of the paper.
In my opinion, there is a moment to change you in everyone's life. For me, this
moment is June 30th, 2008. Before explaining the moment when I changed my
life, I must return to where it started. Everything began when I was 8 years old. I
am the only child, my parents, and we have decided that we want to join our
family. I decided that it was time to adopt it. I remember what it was like
yesterday; how did my parents ask me about my adoption? This is the beginning of
it. We began adopting that process. Interviews, visits by social workers, followed
by extensive paperwork. It is slightly overwhelming. I will wait for something that
will last forever

Book Reference:- The compitavitve essay

Author Name :- M Subhan Ch

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