Urinalysis (Test For Albumin/Sugar in The Urine)

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An examination of urine by the use of benedict’s solution and acetic acid to test the presence of
albumin of sugar.


 To test for the presence of Albumin and sugar.

 To identify if the client needs medical attention.


 Test tube w/ test tube holder

 Test tube rack
 Alcohol lamp
 Match
 Medicine dropper
 5 cc syringe
 Paper lining
 Sterile bottle
 Benedict solution
 Acetic acid

Procedure Rationale Remarks

A. Test for Albumin using heat and the Acid Test using Acetic Acid

1. Arrange the paper and the equipment on To save time and energy and
the table in a straight line. avoids any unnecessary

2. The 5 cc urine specimen should be In the morning the urine is more

collected early in the morning before concentrated and abnormalities
are easier to detect. An early
morning specimen is also
relatively free of dietary
influences and changes due to
physical activity. The middle
portion of the urine is collected
because it is the most
Procedure Rationale Remarks

3. Heat, but do not bring to boil the upper Shaking the test tube will mix the
portion of the test tube with urine without urine solution that may alter the
shaking to be able to compare the results result. Albumin is coagulated
with the bottom part of the test tube. when heated, which is
precipitated at the iso-electric
point, when acetic acid is added.
4. If there is no change in the heated Acetic acid helps double checking
portion, the result is negative. It is not the result if it shows positivity.
Negative result means the kidney
necessary to add acetic acid.
is doing okay.

5. If cloudiness appears at the heated Acetic acid ensures the

portion, add 2-4 drops of acetic acid. Heat consistency of the result as the
again to rule out the presence of solution gets more concentrated.
phosphates. If cloudiness disappears, the Presence of albumin in urine
results are still negative, but if it persist in means the kidneys are damaged
spite of the addition of acetic acid, or even therefore, abnormal amounts
deepens, the result is positive. of albumin leak into the urine.
B. Test for the presence of Sugar-use of Benedict Solution

1. Wash hands and wipe dry To prevent the spread of


2. Explain the procedure Explaining facilitates cooperation

and lessens anxiety.

3. Give the sterile bottle to the patient and To give knowledge to the client.
instruct her on how to collect the urine.

4. Prepare the equipment. To save time and energy.

5. Place all the needed equipment on the Newspaper makes the

table with newspaper lining. perfect liner; it absorbs the urine
and lessens the odor.

Benedict's reagent contains blue 
copper(II) ions Cu2+ which are
reduced to copper(I) ions Cu+ .
6. Light the burner, then pour 5 cc of
These are precipitated as red
Benedict Solution into the test tube and
heat over the flame. copper(I) oxide which is insoluble
in water. In this process aldehyde
group is oxidized to Carboxylic
7. Drop 3-5 drops of urine and boil. When Benedict’s reagent solution
and reducing sugars are heated
together, the solution changes its
Procedure Rationale Remarks

8. Let the test tube stand in the test tube The color changes according to
rack and wait until the precipitates settles the concentration of glucose
down before reading. The degree of
positivity will depend on the change of color present in urine.
from yellow green to brick red.
Test for sugar results: Blue color is nil or no reducing
sugar is present.
Greenish blue and cloudy has 0.5
Positive -------- Blue % of the concentration of
reducing sugar while greenish
+ ----- Greenish blue
blue with yellow precipitate is
++ ---- Yellow Green 0.25%. Both are considered
+++ --------- Orange
traceable amount of reducing
sugar is present.
++++ ---------- Red Yellow precipitate has 1%
considered as small amount of
reducing sugar is present.
Orange has 1.5 % considered as a
moderate amount of reducing
sugar is present.
Red is 2% or more considered as a
large amount of reducing sugar is

PERFORMANCE Excellent Good Unacceptable
Improvement SCORE
PREPAREDNESS Performed the Performed the Performed the The student is
procedure procedure procedure unprepared,
guidelines with guidelines with guidelines but there is
great accuracy, minimal showing little inaccuracy,
completeness, inaccuracy, unpreparedness incompleteness
and confidence incompleteness during the steps, of the
with some performance
of the
COMPLETENESS Performed Performed Performed the Performed the
entirely the totally the procedure with procedure with
procedure procedure some lots of
guidelines guidelines with inadequacy of inadequacy and
correctly minimal steps incompleteness
CONSISTENCY The student is The student is The student is The student is
competent competent but partially not yet
observant, less observant, competent, not competent and
accurate, and accurate, and observant, distracted in
focus in doing focus in doing accurate and doing the steps
the steps of the the steps of the focus in doing of the
procedure procedure the steps of the procedure
ABILITY TO Answer Answer Some Information
ANSWER questions question with information is included has
QUESTIONS comprehensively mostly good not connected to little connection
points the topic to the topic
Total Score

Name of Student: MERRY GRACE AMOLO Clinical Instructor: RICHARD T. DUMAGUIT

Signature above Printed Name Signature above Printed Name

Date Signed: ____________

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