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Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman and David Sang Cambridge Checkpoint Science Workbook 8 Sg Cammmpge {Camber Mebourne, Made Cape Town, ‘Shape, Sto Poy Dea Ms Cy Comtege Users Pres ‘The Ear Bag, Cambridge C2 RL, UK somcantrig on Teas oe i le wc or/9781107679610 (© CanbridgeUsvery Pe 2012 “Thispucson iin cope Subjota mnsory epi edo the proton of lone lee lata spent, treatm af patna tak ae witout writen [misono Came Unies Pres Fon pte 012 ‘rated an tnd i te Used Kingda by the MPG Boks Group eg tf is pai foe Dt {SBN 570-107679040 Papen (CambegeUserty Pe hana reponsy ete perience ot ‘cei € URLs extra or hip tet wee rere in ‘he ttn and de opus ht ny cnet on ach eer, ‘wl ean tect oso Irian ein pce, el "he dn ot pining ha Carbide Uateraiy Bra os tt parte he securny of bch inrmation here, Introduction What is this workbook for? “This workbook wil help you to develop your knowledge an sls in science, ‘As you work carefilly tough you should find that you get gradually better sid Detter at doing thing sch a *+ using your knowledge to workout the answers o questions, rather than just remembering the anmwers + organising, playing and using data from secondary sources + planning experiment, recording result, drawing graphs and making ‘oncusions How is the workbook organised? ‘The workbook exeries are arranged inthe same order asthe topics in your coursebook. ach exercise has the same number atopic in the coursebook. ‘There is not always an exercise for each topic Fr example, here ian exerci for cach of topics 11, 1.2, 1. and 14. Thre sno specie execs for topic 13 ‘The exercises wil lp you to develop the skis yo need to dowel scence “The exereises are not quite the same asthe questions that you will meetin the Pogresion Tests or your Checkpoint examination. ‘Thies becansethe exerci are to help you to get beter at doing particular thing, rather han testing bow well, you can do them. Inroduton (G YP) contents Se nweduction Biology Unita im Plants ‘The begining of photoynthesis Drawing leaves 6 a ‘The effec of diferent colours of light an the rate f photosynthesis 10 14 Plinsin ace Exemion Unit2 Food and digestion 21 Rein bed 22 Roery rere 23 igen 24 Finctonsof the digesve em 26 How dove pin digest? Unit3 The circulatory system 8 Blod sown the human celatory syst 32° Hamming 33. Adaping to high aktude— Extension Unies Respiration ALA modelo the human repzatry tem 42 Lang sures sea and boy maa 43. Aninestgnton wing hydeogenebonaie inate id Nace era 45 Senting tats Units Reproduction and development 51. Esteli 53° Themmrmloes 54 Gexaton periods 35 Human goth 56 Doeacaf afc intel? Chemistry Unité States of Matter 61 Paice tery 62 Dif 63 Iovesignng fon 65 Guoprasue Unity Elements and compounds 2h Atoms 73 The evade Tae ©) wes 13 6 1 19 21 2 2 % 28 30 2 3 32 56 38 60 6 Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman and David Sang Cambridge Checkpoint Science Workbook 8 @ Sager (Cambs Now Ye Moore Maid, Cape Town, Senor Sao Pl, Det Meso iy Cambie Uivesty Pres “The Engh Dug, Cambridge CB2 SRL, UK. scambigone Terman nh ie: wencambrigog/97 107879610 Canis Unies ren 2012 “Tispaicson ninco. Soc oan xpi sehen of leant cle eng agreement tepodtin of any puny tk pe vita the writen in of Came Unersy Pree Fe pb 2012 ‘sno and Dun i the Ue King y the MPC Boks Group ele i atone elf eB bay ISBN 978-110. 6796-0 Paper ‘CambrgeUnversy Pes han poniy te prenes oe ‘Soy URLs or eaeral or apart wee een ‘input, and dso ern at any cotton ach wes tren cara oper Inet regen in ‘cater and other acl frm enn sweet oreo {bein fit prming at Care Ue Pre dos or pxraie the earch of mach inematon eeie. Introduction ‘What is this workbook for? ‘This workbook wil help you wo develop your knowledge and sills in science. As you work carefily through it you should ind chat you get gradually beter and ‘etter a doing thing eich a “+ using your knowledge to workout the answers to questions rather than just remembering the answers + erganising, playing and wsing data from secondary sources + planning experimens, recording rel, drawing graphs and making oaclusons How is the workbook organised? “The workbook exercises are arranged inthe same order asthe topics in your coursebook, ach exercise has the same number as atopic the coursebook, “There snot aways an exercise for each topic. For example, there ian exercise for ‘each of topics 1.1, 1.2, 1 and 14. There no specific exerci for topic 1.5 ‘The exercises wll help you to develop thesis you ned to do we ‘The exercises are not quite the same asthe questions tat you will eet nthe Progression Tes or your Checkpoint examination, This because the exercises are to help you t get beter t doing particular dings, ater than testing how well you can do them, vintsaon Borers Inwoduetion Biology Unies MI Plants ‘The begining of photosynthesis 12° Drawing leaves 13 Theeectot dient sours of ght onthe rte of photoes 14 Pin in gace~ Exenion Unit2 Food and digestion 21 Fibrein ied 22 Baergyreuiements 23. Digation 24 Function ofthe digestive stem 26 Howdo eth hepin digestion? Unit The crulatory system 1 Blod flow nthe human cular sytem 32 Hummingbirds 33 Adapting to high ata ~ Extension Unit Respiration 441 Amode ofthe human respiratory sem 42. Lingsurace aren and body mas 43 An investigation using hydogencabonate indicator 44 Recningtenthing te al dept 45 Smmngsatnics, Units Reproduction and development S11 External eriiaon 53. Themensrual ee 54 Geation penods 55 Human grow 5 Doeseatine affect biteigh? Chemistry Units States ormatter 61 Parle theory 62 Dison 6S —_Tevetiating iii 65 Garpraure Unit7 Elements and compounds 21 Atoms 73 ‘The Periodic Tbe ©) wes 4 2 so 3 8 40 2 46 8 74 Componnds 75 Using formule units Mitures 81 Miures 82 Moresbout mixes 4 Chromatograpy 23 Scouute terme asedtocaluone 86 Solbity 87 Solbty invexigaon Unity Material changes 9.1 Physi and chemical changes 93 Reaction with aids 844 Before and afer the reaction 93° Explaning unexpeced rene 96 Deterng cheniea vescions 87 Way does ion rae Physics Uniti0 Measuring motion 101 Allabout movement 103 Galsationsinvhing sped 104 Patterns of movement 105 Alina graph Units: Sound TLL aking msc 113 ‘Thespeedof wound 114 Lender and louder 115 Range of bearing unita2 ight 121 Tewveling ight 122 Shadows 123 Secingby recon 124 Relfacion of lite 126 Colowed ight Units Magnetism 13.1 Magnes and magnetic material 132 Magnetic vey taking mages 133 Representing magnetic eli 183 Magnes and cetromagnes 138 Roving mages and cecomagoes cane (Q) 6 66 o 70 2 Bl 16 7 0 a a 86 88 2 9 lol lot 106, 108 ML us M5 16 19 a i ir 18 coats > Unit 4 Plants gy ne t Exercise 1.1 The beginning of photosynthesis This earls wll remind you about how we can use rock to find out what ‘happened long ago. You wil also need to think about whats produced by photosynthesis ‘The char shows some important events that occured during the very cay story of the Earth 1500 million years ago “The Sst, very simple animal ike congas appeared, 000 million years ago ‘The ist organs that could photosythesee appeared. ene 4000 million years ago Living onganisms ret appeared on Earth \ eee 4600 million years ago) Unit 4 Pints @® 4 How long ater the formation of Earth dd he fist ite appear? 2. Suggest how we know when the diferent kinds of organisms rst appeared on Earth. 3 Upto about 3000 millon years ago, there was no oxygen in the Barth's atmosphere, Today about one fith ofthe atmosphere is xygen ga. Use the information on page 6 to suggest what caused this change. 4 Soggest why animal-ike organisms did nt appear on Earth unt after the fist ‘organisms that could photosynthesbe had appeared &® Unita Piants Exercises.2 Drawing leaves. You dor need to be a good aris tobe able to make good sclenticdawings This exerelse will help youtoleam some ofthe important things to think about when you redrawing biological specimen, {Choose an intesestng leaf Inthe space provided below; make a lage labelled drawing of the upp surface of hela Before you star, read through the checklist the ext page. When you have ‘completed your drawing, give yourself a mark ou of three fr each statement © 4 Pleas Unit a pions @® Cheekise 1 iat even try Tred but didnt do very well 1 id quite well 35 Tali realy well ‘Statement tol used a sharp pal orm Sawing used a good eraser and completely eased al the mistakes made nat use ay calouror shading on my drawn made my drevingbggerthan the atl ea “The shape and proportions of my caving are rai Ue those of he ak showed the edges ofthe eal very cleat shaved he pate f vison he ef very cle labelled test tes things on my ving Tse alert daw the labeling Une image sre heen ofeach abel lin Touched the pat he el was labeting woe the able rund he droning nat ontop ah “ota asirum posible mark~ 39), @® Unit 4 Plants Exercises.3 The effect of different colours of light on the rate of photosynthesis ‘Sunil wanted o find out which colour of ight would make plant photosyuthese fasts. “The diagratn shows the apparits that he et up. red eophane — ‘Sri shone alight ont each piece of pondwed. He counted the number of bubbles that was given fin one minute He dd this three times foreach piece of pondweed, "These are his result red = 10,12, 11 blue ~ 8, 12,10 ‘green ~ 4,5, 6 colourless ~ 1, 13,12 @) + ros Unit Punts @ ‘What was the variable that Sunt changed inhi experiment? What was the variable that Sunil measured in his experiment? [List ehree variable that Sunil should have kept the same in his experiment. firs variable. second variable third variable Daw a reels able inthe space below and in Sun's eu o that they are ‘eagy to understand. Remember to include corn where you can writen the ‘ean vale foreach set of rau, 4 Plants @Q) vu '5 Complete the bar chart o show Sur Is resus, tt “elon 6 Write down a conclusion tat Sunil an make fom his els @) + ros Unit Pants @ Exercise 1.4 Plants in space - Extension ‘You wll need to use both your own knowledge andthe information inthe box toanswerthese questions. Some ofthe questions will make you think backto topes that you leant about lst year ~ gravity and sol Read the information, and then snare the quentone that Flows “The Intermtional Space Station hasbeen orbiting the Barc ince the year 2000, More than 200 astronauts fom many different countries, have worked ‘on the Space Staton. Some ofthe astronauts carry out experiment to invetgate how plat gro inspace. The plant are grown in smal enclosed, transparent containers ‘They are given arial ight Aie and water are pumped around thei root. “The experiments show tat, when there tno gavty at all, the plant oot and shoots grow randornly in all directions, So some ofthe plants re spun gealy ina machine called a cenrfuge. This produces a force to which the plants respond just a they would respond to graviy One experiment has ested how the plants grow in diferent Kinds of sols. Ifa soil has very large partic, the water int escapes easly The water forms ithe ‘roplts an floss sway into the a Ifthe particles inthe soil ae very small, then air doesnot low through t easly and the rots don't get enough oxygen “The plas grown in the Space Station include dwar wheat, strawberries and rizuna I humans ever rset Mar, they will eed plans to provide them ‘wth oxygen and fod The experiment lio show thatthe astronauts enjoy _rowing the plants 4 Suggest wy the plants in the Space Staton are grown in enclosed containers 2 Suggest why water has tobe pumped dredyto the plant root, rather than just poured into the contain frm a watering can. cme © @ Unit a ptants 3 @ Explain why the root of a plant grow in ll iesios if dhere sno gray 1b Describe how this problem hasbeen sole in the Space Staton. ‘4 Explain why a sandy sol wold not be a good choice for growing plants in the Space Station. (Use what you know about so, nd also dhe information on page 13, to help you write your answer) §5 Describe three reasons why it would be wel for astronauts aveing on a Jongourney to grow plant in their spaceship fist reason second reason thindreason. ® sme Unit 2 Food and digestion Ke f wae Exercise 2.1 Fibre in food Tis exercise asks you to use data na table, and to look ora pacar pattern nthe data. Yul also practise drawing a bar chart. “The table shows the fibre content of some dierent fod Food ‘Grams of dietary Rove [apples banana ah ies Gatto ci) plantain potatoes [spinach see polates 4 Explin why we need bein our food. 22 Which kinds of food do met contain any fibre? 2 nenecmes G @® Unit 2 Food and cigestion 3 Cleat the total amount of fibre dhere won be ina meal containing 200 of chicken, 200g of rice and 100g af spinach, Show your working, 4 Choose any ten of the foods in the table, and draw a bar chart o show how ‘much fibre they contain. Think about a sense erin which to arrange the slferent foods in your bar char, Remeber o label each ans flly 2 Food ana gestion Unit 2 Food and aigestion i) Exercise 2.2 Energy requirements Tn this exerse, you wl practise nding information Ina witen passage, and Ina bar char. Make sure thatyou write the answers in your wards ~ don't ust copy sentences from the passage Read the information, and then anewer the quertins. ‘The ells in your body are alway using energy: All oftheir energy comes fom the nutrients in the Food that you ext especially from carbohydrate and ft Cs can also ge energy fom protein 1 you eatt90 much ofthese nutrients, your ells do no se allo the energy from dhe, Your ody tars the extra nutrients nt it, The fit i stored ‘mostly jst below the kin, 1 you dont cat enough of these nutziens to provide all the energy your cll ‘eed, the cells have find anaer source af ener: They break down the ‘body's ft store a pred energy. You lose weight Different people need diferent amounts of energy each day In general, men ‘se more energy than women. People who have active lies use more energy than people wh spend a lot of time siting down. 4 Which two nutrient prove mat of the energy forthe cells inthe body? 2 Arman eats food containing more energy than he wes up each day What wil happen wo his weight? Explain your answer 2 somesenton GH) @® Unit 2 Food and sigestion 3 The har chart shows che average enengy needs of six diferent groups of people reams LOPES 2 Whatare the average daily energy needs ofan eight year-old gil? b Approximately how much energy should an ight year-old gi take in (as food) each day? © Suaguest why most eight-year-old boys need less energy each day tha & teenage boy. 44 Suggest why, on average, an adale woman needs less energy each day than fan adult man, Exercise 2.3 Digestion Wie chs fortis eossword. Unit 2 Food and digestion @® This wcrc will Rep you to think about the exact meanlngs of several othe words associated wth dit and digest PeEeP LE PreL 1 Pmfolt[el« ife fel: * Across 3 2 atatsnesin @ vm Unit 2 Food and digestion @® Exercise 2.4 Functions of the digestive system “Theresa diagiam showing the diferent organs nthe digestive system on page 24 in your coursebook. Ther unctions are described on page 25 This ‘2ecise wil help you to lear the position ofeach organ andtolinkeach organ t ts function Decide which organ caries out each of the functions in the ist below ‘Then ws aruler to daw a label ine to the orga in the diagram, al abel faneion. You could write inthe name of the organ, too, if you like ‘You will eed to writen some of the functions more than once, because dey are ‘anid out by more than one oe. Functions + muthes pancreatic juice + small molecules of nutrients are + produces hydrochloric acid absorbed throug the wal + protein i digested here ‘+ water is absorbed through the walls + starch is digested here + ake ile + tis digeted here + store bile + salva is produced here + foods chewed into smaller pieces 2 rototasesion @® Unit 2 Food and digestion Exercise 2.6 How do teeth help in digestion? Tis exercise gives you praclicein planning an Fnvetgation wil also help youto think about how teeth and enzymes each havea part playin gestion. You may beable to cary out your investigation aker your teacher hha checked it Iso, do make improvements oit you tink of any while you are working ‘We use our teeth to break food up into smaller pices. This helps eneyes to get a allpats of the food, s dey ean break the large molecules into smal molecules Plan an investigation to answer this question Does chewing food help amylase to beeak clown the starch in bread faster? You dont nee to actualy chew the bread. You ca just break cup into smaller Pieces 41 Which variable wil you change a your investigation? 2 How will you change this variable? 3 Which variables willyou keep the same? 4 How wil you measure how quickly the anyase breaks down the starch? @) 2 Food end digestion Unit 2 Food and cgestion @® 5 How wil you record your results? Draw a results table that you could se 6 Predict the results you would expect Explain why you would expect this to happen, yy. ji (CLP unit 3 The circulatory system er Exercise 3.1 Blood flow in the human circulatory system This exercise willhelpyou To remember how the human cheulatory system works. The diagram snot quite the same asthe ane inthe coursebook, 50 you wil have otink abou. Remember to take care when drawing labels ~ use ‘arulerto dram label ine and make sure the end ofthe line sin exactly the "iat place. ‘The diagram on the opposite page shows a plan ofthe human circulatory system, 4 Draw an arrow inside each of the four blood vesels hat connect with the Incr, showing which way the blood flows inside them, 2 Draw two arrows inside the heare~one on each sd —to show how the blood flows through it Your arrows can be curved fy wih 3 Label each of thee pars Tangs artery carrying blood to the lungs vein carrying blood from the lungs kidneys artery carrying blood to the kidneys vein carrying blood funn dhe kidneys 4 Use red pene lighy shade all he parts that contain oxygenated blood 5 Usea blue pen tightly shade al the parts that contain deoxygenated blood @ 2 me it 3 The circulatory system ©) 3 Theci stem (GL Uni seven @® Unit 3 The circulatory system Hummingbirds ae very small and very activ bitds They feed on nec, which they collect by inserting their beaks into Hower as they hover Scientists measured the body masses often hummingbirds. "They also measured the mas of dhe heat ofeach hummingbird. These ae their resus. Jhammingird 1 humming 2 thummingbicd 3 humaninghied 4 Ihuramingbird hummingbird 6 hummingbird 7 hummingbird 8 ‘huraingbird 9 hummingbird 10 body mass 2.2, hear mas 005g body mass 75g, heart mas 0.13g body mass 984 heart mas 0.18 body mast 6.2 heart mas 0.14 body mass 7.8 heart mas 0.165 body mass 354, heart mas 0.06 body mast 12.05, heart mas 0.23, body mass 42, heart mat 0.10g ody mass 9.5g, heart mass 0.15 body mass 58g, heart mass 0.133 4 Recor hese results in a table inthe space below Think abou the est order in which ts arrange the results: Rememfir tn give lear headings tthe colarane > veccrmne Unit 3. the circulatory sistem @ 2 Draw line graph wo show thes elt, Put body mast onthe wan the one along the bottom), Put heart mas onthe ais he one up the side). Draw 3 best fitine through your plotted points. 3 he sits conde hat heb coraton between they mas of and the mas ofits heat. (A "orrlation’ means that there ita lato betwen the to mae) Esplin how heres prove ‘evidence fr their conelision. 4 Suga ett fr the elation hetwwen the bly mane and hummingbird a recession @) @® Unit 3. the circulatory system Exercise 3.3. Adapting to high altitude ~ Extension ‘Do you know he altuce at which you lve? This exercise asks you to think hard about how the human body ean make changes to allow a person to Ive feven avery high altkudes, where oxygen isin short suppl. You will ned 0 link together information given in wing, Information given in two graphs, and alsa your own knowledge. Not eas "There is much less oxygen in the ar at high aludes than there i at low alte ‘When a person moves quickly fom a low alice oa high atu, they may {tout of breath very quickly and fe il, This i because the cannot get enough tomygen int their blood However if they move upwards more gradually, ther body has ime to respond 8 the change by making more red blod ells [Apart of teers wanted to walk: from Phang to Everest Base Campin [Nepal They planned thes trek eareflly o give thee bodies ime oat to the changes inate The graph shows ther plan. ist anoe sess ‘tinge nos 41 How many day did the teers predict it would take the to walk fom Phatiing to Everest Base Camp? 22 What isthe alitude at Name? '3, How long ithe reers plan stay at Namche? wera renee ‘4 Soggest why hey planned to stay at Namche and Tengboche for several dys before continuing to climb upwards (Onc of te uehhers was dtu Se wok ed saul us Here ad the other trehers during thei wek- She measured the amount of exygen in the blood, ‘The graph shows the esl, amourtt gen eng tine ore 5 Explain why the amount of oxygen in the reer’ blood decrease daring the tae. 6 Wa peron trance quickly from Phang to Everest Base Camp, the amount of oxygen in their blood becomes so low that they may become very il. Explain wy thas dd not happen to the teers 7D) Unit 4 Respiration Exercise 4.1 Amodel of the human respiratory system ‘You maybe able to make or use a model ike the one descbed inthis ‘exercise. Thinking hard about how ftwarks wl elpyou to understand how breathing movements make a move into and out ofthe lungs. You wil need to use whatyou know about gas pressure, which i explained on pages 76 0 Trinthe coursebook, ‘The diagram shows a simple model ofthe human respizatory sat. 4 Suggest which parts ofthe model represent each ofthese part ofthe body the hangs the diaphragm the trachea the ib cage @) 4 rei Unit 4 Respiration @ 2 & Whathappens w the ace inside dhe bell jar when the stretchy rubber i pale dovenwart? Complete this sentence about gas pressure: “The more apace gs has the presence {© What happens othe presue of the air inde the bel jar when the stretchy rubbers pulled downwards? '3, When the stretchy rubber is pled downwards, the balloons inflate, “ere i some more information about gases and presse: + ‘The pressure of the air outside the bell jar doesnot change when the srechy rubber is polled downwards + Gases low fom a high presure area to alow pressute are, ‘Use this information, and your answers to 28, band to explain why the ‘allo inflate when the tzechy uber i pulled downwards, one ® Unit 4 Respiration Exercise 4.2 Lung surface area and body mass This exercise provides you with data about sik diferent marimals, You wil practise looking forcortelationsin data, and suggesting explanations forthe pattems thatyou find. ‘The table shows the Body mass of si mammal. alo shows the total surface area ofthe asc thee ang [itsmmat Body mass/g | Total surface area ofar sacs ar [Prva 00 3 sheep oe eo fox 20000 2 4 The entries in dhe table are notin a very help orden. Complete the table below by reorganising the entries in a way that makes it cease 1 see any pattems in he data, @ ve Unit 4 Respiration @ 12 Describe the relationship between body mast and total surface area of the air '3 Suggest an explanation forthe relationship you have described BD vars wt Exercise 4.3 An investigation using hydrogencarbonate indicator probabiy used imewater to test for carbon dioxide In this exercise, lean about another way to test fortis gas, using an inclator, You vl also ed to use your sis in planning investigations thinking about vatiabes, using results to make conclusions and making predictions. iydrogencarbonate indicator change colour acconing to how much carbon oxide there iin it + The indicator is purple when ther eno catbon dioxide + The indicator isred when there is alow concentration of caebon dioxide. + ‘The indicators yellow when there ia high concentration of carbon dioxide. Kushi set up four boiling tubes ke this togencaonst ‘Kushirecorded the colour of the indicator in each tbe atthe stato her experiment. Then she left he tubes nthe laboratory fortwo hour, an econdee the colour again ‘This i what she wrote down, A red yellow Bred red © red yellow D red red & ve Unit 4 Respiration @® 4 Suggest why Kashi used a gauze plato in each tube, 2 Suggest why Kush puta bung in each tube, 3 Describe two variables that Kushi Rept the same in her experiment 4 Construct a results table in dhe space belo, and complet ita show Kush’ results, @® Unit 4. respiration 5 Explain Kuss results 6 Predict dhe esl that Kushi would obtain if she setup another tube containing some ile ving preen pants Explain @ sev Unit 4 Respiration @ 7 Plan an experiment, using the apparatus that Kush used to find the answer to this question: ‘Do bean seeds respze fiter Wan pea seeds? [Remember to tink about the variable you wil chang, the variables you wil Jeep constant, and the variable you will measure on © @® Unit 4 Respiration Exercise 4.4 Recording breathing rate and depth People who are keen on keeping i often like to measure thelr breathing rates ven they are exercising. n this exercise, you vill workout some values fom sight iferet kind of raph thon you have used befor. Once you have found these values, you wil to explain ther Pietro used a machine to measure his breathing rate. He breathed in and out of the machine. The machine recorded the volume of ait he breathed in and out with each breath, for one mint, Piero collected a set of results when he was siting il, and another set when he wos running on the pot. “Then he printed out che rls thatthe machine ecorded ‘This is wh they AIOE - time/s ties @ smn Unit 4, respi 41 How many breaths did Pietro take in one mite when he was resting? 2-&_Usethe graph to work ou the volumes of air breathed in with each ofthe rst ten breaths that Pietro took when he was resting, Write them down 1b Galeuate the mean volume ofthese ten breaths ‘3, How many breath dd Pero tke in ne minate when he was running? 4 & Use he graph to work out the volumes of ai breathed in with ach of the firs ten Breaths chat Pieto took when he was running, Write them down, 1b Calculate the mean volume ofthese ten breaths '5 Explain the reasons fr the dilerences in Pietwos breathing hen he was resting and when he was running @® Unit 4 Respiration Exercise 4.5 Smoking statistics In this exercise, you wil practise displaying ase of data as a bar char. ist, ‘though, you wl ty ond some data for yoursel, sing the internet. You wil then need to think about he labels forthe axes of your ar chat the sales that you willuse ana how o draw the bars. Once you have drawn your bar chart, you wll use tt help ou to answer some questions, “The abl shows the percentage of women and men wo were smokers inten ‘countries in 2009 Country Percentage of women | Percentage of men who i whoweresmokers | were smokers Tusa Federation 24 58 eile 2 38 [indonesia 5 a | nethernd a 31 on 2 31 saves i 2 Eat T a Pakistan 6 33 Tn 3 6 Niger + 10 1 1 your country snot sted inthe table, se the internet ta find the data frit. I your country islited, find data for another country tha you ae intexestd in, Country Percentage of women who smoked Percentage of men who smoked 2 On the grid below construct bar chart oda the data inthe able and the ‘other data that you have found. tet In which country di the greatest percentage of women smoke in 2009? In which country i he greatest percentage of men smoke in 2008? ‘women who smoked, and the percentage of men who smoked? a rpmse @ ey Unit 5 Reproduction and development ¢ ZF Exercise 5.1 External fertilisation “his eercise involves using new information, and what youhave aeady leamt, to workout the answers to questions. You wl also think about how siferent animals are adapted to reproduce in diferent ways. [Read the information below and then answer the questions that follow OO ‘In mammals, including humans, fertination happens inside the body. A perm cel fuses with an egg cell inside the ove. Thi called internal eiisaton. ‘in most amphibians and fish, frilisation happens outside the body. The female lays her eggs in water ‘Then the male adds sperm orl to thems, The sperm cell swim through the wate find the eggs and fertilise dem. Amphibians, such as ree fog, have wo go hack to water ta breed, Tite fogs ‘often lay thei eggs in ite pools of water that are trapped in hoes in reso jn bromelia plants, 4 Explain the meaning ofthe term fertilisation, ® 15 Reproduction and development Unit 5 Reproduction and development @ 2 Explain the diflerence beeen internal fertilisation and external fertilisation. 13 Extemalferiation ean only happen in water Suggest why. ‘4 Most animale hat have external ertilsation produce more eggs than animal ‘hat hae internal ertlsaon. For example, humans produce ony one egg cell ata time. Fish produce thousands of eggs ata ime. ‘Suggest some reasons fo this ne (GD) Units eerreeueion na deetopment Exercise 5.3 The menstrual cycle This eels gives you pra retng Information prow raph 4 Draw one line fom each word to join it its definition. “The graph shows how the lining of the uterus changes duriag one menstrual yc + wrt Unit 5 Reproduction and development @® 22 How many weeks does the menstrual eye shove in the graph ae? 13 The ist day ofthe cyle was on Ist June. On which date did ovulation Iappen? f 44 On which of these dstes could fertilisation happen? Cire the correct answer IstJune 12th June 15th Jane 5. Explain why ics important forthe fining of the uterus to xat to get thicker before oration happens. 5 tevosicsnsssnaionen B @® Unit 5 Reproduction and development Exercise 5.4, Gestation periods In this exercise, you will practise organising data nthe best way. You wale thinkabout the meaning ofthe word ‘correlation’ supportan argument "and practise using datato ‘The gestation period of s mammals the ie between feisation andthe bith of a baby animals the ime do inside the moze’ utenas The table shows the mean mass ofan adult female of ‘mammal, and the mean gestation peo for that species, ring which the young anal develops ight diferent species of Species ‘Mean mass ofa female7kg | Mean gestation peiod/days ‘moose el) 550, 25 ams 38 330 oat 8 50 wall 1° 64 ‘abst : 2 elephant seo Guo chimpanzee oo = nthe table below rearrange the datas that iti easier tose if there fa ‘loionsip between the mean rato a female a ithe mean gestation time. ‘Spaces ‘Mean mass ofa female/kg ‘Mean gestation period / days L © 5 essen Units renosucionsndontionen (S) 2 lo there a correlation benween the mean mas of a female and the mean gestation ime? Explain your answer, and use gure fom ee able o support it 3 Suggest why he figures ia the table are shown a “Mean mas anl‘Mean gestation time’ ater than simply “Maw and “Gestation ime. 5 reason mteoeionat (G) (2) units npmscened coroner Exercise5.5 Human growth This exercise gives you practice in eading graphs You wil have think Carefully about how you can wok out the ate from a graph. The rate of _rowth show quickly size changes overtime. So you wil ned to lookat the eepness ofthe line onthe graph to answer the questions about rate ‘The graph shows the mean heights of oys and gis of different ages. Resitien sede 4 What the mean height of boy at age 122 2 Hecween what ages isthe mean height of gs greater than the mean height ot boy? 3 Between which of the following agesisthe rate of growth of boys the greatest? Circle the core answer O-2years AG years 16-18 years @ svete etry Unit 5 Reproduction and development @® 14, Thezeia a growth spurt~ thats the rate of growth increases ~at pubes: Use the graph to suggest when puberty happens in gis in bo 5 aun stsonerner G @® Unit 5 Reproduction and development Exercises.6 Does caffeine affect birthweight? In this exercise, you willookat some data collected by researchers in Sweden ‘You wil practise using data to make conclusions, ane thinking tboxt how an Investigation could be improves ‘A study was cared out in Sweden ta investigate the ea that women who tink 2 lot of eofee daring pregnancy might have smaller babies. 1037 pregnant ‘women took part They each answered a questionnaire about how much coffee they drank. ‘When their abies were bor, cei birthweight were measured, The results re shove in the table ‘Mean caffeine intake per day/mg_| Mean bithweight/ Testa 60 ~ | 3660 10910299 3668 30010499 3597 500 0° more 3654 41 Pot thee results as ar chart on the grid. Think carefully about he range for the scale onthe axis. Remember that you do not eed to begin at 0 @ serve ncn Unit 5 Reproduction and development @ 2 What conclusion can you make ffom thes results? Explain your answes, and ‘we figures fom the tablet support. 13 Suggest two ways in which the researchers could ave improved thee ty. VJ n yy Unit 6 States of matter Exercise 6.1 Particle theory his exercise will help you to understand and remember particle theory. Remember that explaining’ something means that you have o say not only ‘what happens, but also how or why ithappens. Explaining Is mre dificult than describing 4 Inthe boxes below, dav diagrams to show how the patces are arranged in ‘solid, aliquid and a gas Remember that ll he particles shouldbe the same O Solid Liquid Gas 2 Explain in terms of particle theory, what happens when ces heated and melts to form water [3 When the soli iron bar in the diagram is heated, eno longer fis the holder. 6 States ofmater Unit 6 states ofmater ® ‘Use partic theory to explain why this happens, ‘Use the terms below to match the statements belove Each word may be sed ‘once, more than once oF not tll boil compressed condensation _ evaporation freeze gas -hest’ ‘Liquid melting move solid vibrate 8 Astate of matter where the particles donot touch each other: 1b When agasit cooled to forma qui Particles in a soli do i: 4 Solid changing to a Bi (© When igi changes int a ga The panicles quid and gases can do hi 18 Thestate of mater that canbe compressed @® Unit 6 states of mater Exercise 6.2 Diffusion In this exercise you wl use particle theory to explain hom afsion takes lace, this exercise wil also give you practice answering questions Involving data 41 When you pass food stall you can smell what sheng cooked. Explain, using parte chery how this happens, 22 When there san unpleasant mela a room, what can you do to get rid of i? Explain why tht works in ters of parte theory. 13 Marco and Jaden are investigating difision. They have 12 Pes dishes ied with agar ely that hasbeen made up with slighty adie water and Universal Indiatr solution, The jelly ed ‘Marco and Jaden have cut icles rom the centre of the ely using cork borer. They have been given four botles of sodium hydroxide of dierent concentrations. The botdes ar labelled A, B,C and D “The students place a measured volume ofthe sodium hydroxide rm bottle A into the well inthe jelly. Aer 10 mits they mark and manure how fr the ium hydroxide asi into the jelly. They repeat the test vier more. Unit 6 states of matter @® ‘They do this forthe sum hydroxide from botlesB, Cand D. Here are their eel, ‘Seaium [stance afused ino minutes/em | hydroxide [“frstattempt | second attempt | thirdattempt| mean a 2 23 35 8 07 2 25, € “5 2a 26 ° 16 1 3 ‘What safety precautions should Marco and Jaden take? ‘b Explain how Marco and Jaden know how fa the sodium hydroxide has ditieed (© Look at he student’ results table, Cirle any resale which ou think oes ot fi the pattern 4 Complete the table by calculating the mean distances died ia 10 minutes (Remember odo the right thing about any result that you think dos oti the pattern) © Which bt contains the strongest sodium bydeaxide? fEsplain how you know tis muna © ) Unit 6 states of mater Exercise 6.3 Investigating diffusion |i this exercise you will use ideas about difusion and ideas about Investigation sis, 41 You are mang tea for some end, Serena likes her tea very weak, Jos ies his very strong and you prefer yours somewhere in between. Explain, using particle theory, how you make tea for everyone. 2 Imagine that you have four food dyes to tex, A,B, Cand D. Imagine that you are gong to investigate which fod dye difies mos quickly 2 Which variable wl you change? 'b Which variable wal you measure? Hove wll you do this? You can draw a Aiagram i hlpe you to explain, © Which variables wallyou keep the same? ©) 6 saecctrater Unit 6 states of matter {4 How many times wil you carry out each test? Explain why you will repeat the tet {© How will you know which dye difises dhe most quickly? Draw arenas table to show how you woud dplay the resus, Flin the headings ofthe rows and columns (Of course, you cannot lin dhe est, ofthe table, because you dont have any results) {& Why did you choose this way to display the result? &® Unit 6 states ot mater Exercise 6.5 Gas pressure This exercise wil give you the: causes gas pressure fo make sure you understand what 4 For each sentence aw a cle round the set of words that coretly completes it Gas pressure is caused when pats: collide with eachother olde withthe sufaces around thea Gas pressure increases when paris ar: squashed into a smaller space Allowed to spread ou into a larger space Gas pressure increases when agai made colder made hoter 2 Adira is at an airport. He has a packet of rice crackers The packet contains aga @) 6 sues Unit 6 states of mater @® Ashraf takes the packet onto an aroplane. When the aeroplane i high in the ‘thea presi inside the cabin gets les. The packet inflates. ‘a When Ashraf was at he szpor, the gas inside the packet was tthe samme pressure athe ai around it ‘What dos thismean? Undesine the correct answer: + Gas pats inside the packet clided wit the packet more often than se particles outside the packet + Gas particles inside the packet clided with the packet ess often than gu particles outside the packet. + Gas particles inside the packet collide with the packet just as often as ss particles outside che packet. 1b What changed when Ashraf wasin the aeroplane? Underline the corect, ‘Gas parses ouside the packet collided with tes often than they i atthe airpor. + Gas partes ouside the packet collided with ie more ofen than they id atthe siport. (© Use your answers toa and b to explain why the packet nfted when Ashraf asin the aeroplane. DP unit 7 Elements and compounds ae Exercise7.4 Atoms This exercise wil help yout remember the diferences between atoms and molecules, F.|[eel[e, 22 What canbe sail aboutall the stom in an clement? 33 Atoms and molecules are both particles. Explain the eiference between an stom and a molec. 7 Elements and compouns Unit7 cemensandconpaints (DY 4 Draw atoms or molecules inthe boxe. Use a cc to represent an stom. 6 individual atoms 4¢molecues each made of 2 atoms 3 molecules each made of 2 atoms, and molecules each made of atoms ® Unit 7 ctements and compounds Exercise7.3 The Periodic Table This exercise wil help you te remember the properties of metals and nor meals and some basi information about the Periodic Table. Questions 3 and ‘il help you to practise using symbols 41 Wiite tne or fe next o each of the following statements, Allnonsmetals are ges. “Metals have high meng points “Metals conduct elec [Nonsmetals have a dl surface. [Non-metal re found on the lft side of the evade Table, Inthe Periodic Table, a group rns dow the table 2 Draw cices around the examples below tha are non-metal, chlorine silver hetiurn casbon fron mercury calcium, neon sodium sulfa a ine Uat7 anne etomns () 13 Choose the symbols om the Hist and match them with the names of the detent Be SKC Bar O NG GH elem ‘Symbol of element berlin Tose poison ‘iotne ‘4 Some elements have symbols that do not appear to match their names For ‘example, the smb fr sodium i Na. Why’ his? ® Unit 7. elements and compounds Exercise7.4 Compounds (Citic exercise wil help you to name compounds made om diferent elements 44 What the name of the compound formed when the following elements are combined together? 4 ironand chlorine 1b jodi and oxygen calcium, carbon and oxygen 4 tydrogen and orn. © potasum, nitrogen and oxygen fpotasiam and nitrogen 2 Which elements ate found inthe flowing compounds? 4 magnesiumoride 1b cartondinide © copper slfue calcium chlorate © suminium chloride sodium slide @) 7 semesnscnsones Unit 7 Elements and compounds (® Exercise 7.5 Using formulae “his exercise wil help you to practise using a compound's name to workout \ahatit contains. You wilalo practise using a formula to workout not only Uthat the compound contains, but also what its name's. 4 The formula for potassium hydroxide ie KOH, Which element doe it contain? 12 Which two clements do all hydrides contin? 13 The formula for sulfwic acid is H,S0, 12 Name the three laments shat sulfuric acid contain. 1 2 8 b How many atom ofeach clement are contained in one molecule of salfurie acid? 4 Complete the table: ‘Chemical name Formula | What the compound contains 50 sul die ~ ‘ne suuratom bonded too amino aide ‘one aluminium ton bonded a I the caine atone ‘aiian sade one caleom atom bonded one eae sulfur atom a Mae, 1 - | \ Unit 8 mixtures Exercise 8.1 Mixtures This exercise wl give you pactce in denying mibtues containing elements and compounds ‘The diagrams show particle diagrams ‘Use the diagrams inthe boxes below to answer the questions 4 Which boxes contain gases? 2 Which boxes contain a mixture? 13, Which box contains liquid? 4 Which boxes contain a mixture of element? 5 Which box contains a mixture of compounds? Unit 8 wiaues (@ Exercise 8.2 More about mixtures Tis eerie wil gv you practice in handling, alspayig and interp at ‘When people alk about gold, you might have heard them ay iis 4 cara or Bears What dae tare monn lta nil deseo ho pare he ga 24 cara go's pre gold I the cra mur lower than 24 then the gold ‘mixed with anther mel ~ies an ally The other metals oa sive ot coppee carat stands or one went fourth So you can we the unto work out early ‘iat proportion of an alo go. 1a wan Ins erento venous gol 0s prego a 2 tis nine twenty-fourth gold. 26 carat golds 24 1 cana gods “The remaining teen twenty-fourth are other metals low hard the ‘golds depends on the amount of gold used and the typeof metal used to make te alloy An assistant na jewellery store adhises a customer to buy a gold rng thats es than 2¢ carat. He ells the customer that a ring with lower proportion of gold Toke almost dhe same as pure gold but itis harder 1s this rue? The table shows some data on the hardness of “ol [Payot id aio eats | Warnes aria ts ri t in 4 30 8 0. swam @ @® Unit 8 mitures 4 Plot a graph of the information nthe table. Take care with he seale onthe horizontal ax hardness) ryunts 4g, arty eats Unit 8 mixtures 2 Is the advice that the assistant gave the customer based on science or opinion? Explain your answer 13 eseibe the pattern shown bythe graph 44 You may have expected thatthe 9 carat gold would be harder than the 1 or 18 carat gold Te data shows that tis not. (Gan you suggest why thsi 0? (Clue ~ there another variable, other than the movin of gold in the alo that could be affecting the hardness?) sum @ @® Unit 8 wocures Exercise 8.4 Chromatography “This ecrcse wil ave you pralice In interpreting a cromatowam, ‘A fod scientist is testing the food colouring weed in cans of drink, She as to check that any colouring used does no contain any banned chemical She ples drops ofthe drink on chromatography paper She allows the colouring voaeparate using water, ‘She also makes another chromatogram, wing drops of all he pestited chemical colourings If she finds anything that doesnot match with these colouring, she wll have to carey out Frter te “The diagrams show he wo chromatograms. e ® ® Clvomatyam fom eink —_ehomsiogan ofthe penited hens 41 Whyisthe spotof eink placed above the water ine atthe tar of the proces? 2 How many diffrent colourings has the sce found in the drink? 3. Draw a cicle around the dye in the drink that i maton the permite st of| ealowsings, ‘4 Explain why te scents should carry out further tes on thi colouring found inthe drink 8 wires 2 wam (Q) Exercise 8.5 Scientific terms related to solutions “his exercise wl give you practice nung the corel terms valved in thistopie. 41 Use the terms given below to label he diagrams, Each term may be wed once, sme than ones or nt atl dissolves evaporates —_Biltate insoluble ‘mixture saturated solid solute solution solvent temperature volume @ Unit 8 mistures Exercise 8.6 Solubility “his exercise wil give you practice in working owt information froma graph, The solubility of mos solutes inceass when the temperature increases. A useful way of showing the diferent values of the solubility at fferent temperate to plot graph. ‘The temperatures pote along the horizontal axis and the vlilty on the versal aie “This graph shows the solubilities for copper sulfate, lead nitrate and potassium chloride, ~ = temper) | 4 What name i given a solution in which no more solute can be doled? 2 Explain how you would find the solubility of a solute, Unit 8 wisewes @® 3 Why isitimportantto give the temperature when you state the slubly of & solute? 4 What she solubility of lead nitrate at 40°C? 5: Whatis he soll of potassium corde at 20°C? 6 Which of the thee solutes the least soluble a 30°C? 7 Wihich of the three solutes theless soluble at 80 °C? {8 Whatis the slubily of potassium ehorde and copper sulfate at 75°C? 5 vies @® ( ® Unit 8 mixtures Exercise 8.7 Solubility investigation ‘Nadia and Lucy have been investigating the effect of changing the temperature oa the solubility of copper sulle. They used 100g of water each time. Here ate their resus *C_| Solubility of copper sullate/gins00g water 22 38 80 or Here isthe graph they produce fom their esl, » 7% Sehbity of copper sulfate 30 Zon 009 water oS © temporotare of water 4 What do you notice about dhe temperatures Nadia and Lacy have weed? 2 Explain what they could do to improve this, :) Unit 8 micures @® 3 Use the grap to find out the soli of copper sulfite at 30°C, 44 What could you do wo estimate ce solubility of copper sulfate at 100°C? '5 What do you estimate the slubilty of copper sulle will beat 90°C? {6 What evidence i there that Nadia and Ley’ els are selisble? 7 Galeulate how much copper sulfite would be needed to make a saturated solution of copper sulfite with 400g of water at 20°C. Show how you worked this out Funes G Exercise 9.1. Physical and chemical changes ntving physical and chemical This exercise will gve you pret changes. 41 Give one diference between a phyical and a chemical change. 12 Copy the ellosing changes nto the coreet column in the table below ico melting ‘a wax candle burning ‘wax candle melting toasting bread ‘mixing the ingredients for cake cocking a cake ‘water boiling and giving off steam Unit 9 Materia changes @® Exercise 9.3 Reactions with acids This exrcse will test your knowedge of veactons tha lnvolve adds, an you practice musing woed equations 4 When a metals added oan acid it bubbles and yives oa gs, a Whatiethe name of this gu? 'b Explain how you would est for this gas 2 Complete the fellowing word equations: es Chloride 5 solic | [ magnesium +) acid calete | « o |r| «| ton catbonate eal an magesiom ] Tsitric |_| magneiom ‘axon 2 +} acid || sate fF) 8° 1+) oxide 3 How would you text forthe gas carbon diaide? 7 @® Unit 9 material changes Exercise 9.4 Before and after the reaction This exercise wil help you to understand and explain what happensto the atoms ina chemical ection. Italo gives you Some practice nung the Kea of conservation of mass 4 The produes of chemical reaeton contain the elements calcium, chlorine, Inydrogen, oxygen and carbon What element were presen inthe reactants? 22 The particle diagram shows the reactants and one product ina chemical Complete the word equaton ad draw a patcediagasn forthe mising re 8 28 nie + ae ® 9 Matera chonges Unit g material changes @® 13 This isthe wort equation forthe reaction of magnesium carbonate with hyrocHorie acid, carbon | + [ water tose ‘magnesium | { ydeociorc |—[ magnesam | carbonate |” | acd chloride 42 Which element are present in magnesium carbonate? Which elements are presen in carbon dixie? Water contains the elements oxygen and hydrogen. Whee ddl the Inyrogen in the water come rom inthis reaction? 4 Where did the chlorine nthe magnesium corde come fom in thi reatca? 4 IF the mass of the products of the action above was 45g, what was the mass ofthe reactant? 15 When magnesium reacts with sulfuric acid the product are magnesium sulfite and hydrogen there are 15 of magnesium a the star of the reaction how mach ‘magnesium wil be present inthe magnesium sulfite? 6 Explain what in rmeant by the tem conservation of mass. CD) vats sone Exercise 9.5 Explaining unexpected results “his ecrise requires yout think about dealing with unexpected resus in experiments tl also help you tink bit more about the idea of conservation of mass ‘Mareo is investigating the idea of consereation of mas, ‘+ He places some anc in a beaker and finds the mass ofthe rnc ‘+ Heplaces some dite slfre acid in another beaker and finds the mass ofthe sulfuric ai. + He then mixes the ine metal and the acid in another beaker. + When the reaction has Snished, he finds the mas of the contents of the beaker ine prs Marco starts with 100g of zine and 150g of sulfur acid 4 What isthe mas of the products ofthis reaction? 2 Wiite the word equation fr this reaction. 13 Atche end of the reaction, Marco find that the mas of the contents ofthe ‘beaker is 247 ¢ He repeats the experiment and gets the same esl. 2 Hashemade a mistake? Suggest why Marco go his rau povsonm Unit 9 material changes ro) ‘4 When scientist ges an unexpected resin an experiment what should they do? @® Unit 9 material changes Exercise 9.6 Detecting chemical reactions exerise wl Fel you to ideatly when a chemical reaction has taken place. You wil also needto use some chemical knowledge that you learnt in eater unis 1 Give ewo ways you can tll dats chemical reaction has taken place. 2 Suresh adds some potassium to a beaker of water, The pots izes asa gas ie given off When the izing has stopped, Suresh adds Universal Indicator solution to the 2 What colour will the Universal Indicator be whe itis mixed with the water? b Explain why the Universal Indicator wll be ths clout, (© Hasa chemical reaction taken place? Explain your answer. 13 Joanie dissolves some sodium hydride ina beaker of water. The pH changes from 7 w 10. Has chemical reaction taken place? Explain your answer vat noses (Q) 4 Alisa mixes a otion of potassium odie wit a solution of lead nitrate Both ofthe solutions are clear and colourless, The resulting mixtures aud and yellow 2 State ewo clues that suggest a renton has taken place. The yellow presptate lea, one of the producti this reaction, ‘What isthe mame of the ther prodic? (© Thissecond produc is nota precipitate, Suggest where this product 2) vos wees Exercise 9.7 Why does iron rust? In this exercise you wl practise using what you know about why ron goes sy, Rasting is a chemical reaction dat snot we Sureya is investigating the conditions needed to make iron mal rust. She has et up the experiment a below 4 What the chemical name for rst? 22 In which ube wil the mail go rusty? 23 How do the conditions in tube prevent air reaching the on nail? 44 Tn Surrigas experiment she notices that he naa ube A goes ite ry 8 a thisan expected rent? bb Suggest how di nail could have rusted. '5 What could Sura dot stop piece of ron fom rusting? Suggest two ideas @) vento Unit 9 Material charges @® 6 Plan an experiment to ind out if anion ail ats moe qui when itis ‘warm than when tical Remember think about the variable you wil change, the variables you wil keep constant, and the variable you wil mesure. 7d Dunit 10 Measuring motion Exercise 10.1 Allabout movement “These questions will make you thinkabout movement and how we can measure speed, 4 The paragraphs elow describe a boy's journey to school. ‘Omar wasn’t looking Forward wo school. He walk slowly along the rou "Then he heard footstep behind hi Ie was his rend Wabi, ranning catch up with him Togetes, they walled tothe comer of the street to wat forthe bus. Acar hurried past, throwing up clouds of dst. On the wall nearby a spider was creeping along. lzard dashed out and eaught the spider (Omar saw an aircraft ying overhead, leaving a white vapour tea, He ‘ought it would be good to ly 30 high, or even to 200m offto Mars in speeding spacecraft | Inthe paragraphs above, dra ccs around al he words that show that something # moving, bb In the space below it all dhe things that are moving, fom the fastest co the swt Fastest Slowest ® 40 easuing motion Unit 10 Measuring mation @ 2 Imagine that you ar inex, ding slong a main road, ‘Along the road, there are sgn teling you how fa it isto dhe nex town, ‘Ac the radsde, there may be marker posts every 100 mete, Describe how you could use these roadsign to work ou the average speed of thecar @ Unit 10 Measuring motion Exercise 10.3. Calculations involving speed This exercise wl gve you practice in calculating speed, Take care with units. Speed may be in m/s or kh ance and time: 4A bird is 75m in 158, Calulate its speed. 2 Abas travels from one city to another, dance of 8Okm. Te takes 1.6 hours, CCatulate is average speed on the journey 5 Aspier nuns along the top ofa walla speed of 0.24 m/s. How far wilt un inde Unit 10 measuring motion 44 Anadvertisment fora new cr states thats top speed i 180km/b It could travel at his speed for 3h, how fr woud it go? 55 Ahab has been sent to the shops by his mesther. “The shops are 1200: from hi home. If Aab can un at an average speed of 6/s how log wil take im ‘oreach the shops? 6 8 Japanese ballet ain can trael at 300km/h, Hove long wilt take to cover a section of track 180k in eng? ) Unit 10 measuring motion 7 The table shows the World Records for male sprinters in 2011 over fens slstances. Complete the table by calculating the average speed of each runnet Distance inmetres | Timein seconds | Speedin m/s 109 958 300 939 eo (Over which tance do sprinters have the greatest average speed? 18 A robber isin fst cas, hurrying aay fom the scene of his crime, His car ean ‘goat 150km/h, Fe wil be safe if he can reach the border, 40km away. ‘A police car arrives a the scene ofthe crime, The police are late! The robber has alteady travelled km towards the border. ‘The police car sets fin hot rst. |2 How fri the robber fom dhe border a his ie? 1b Calculate how longi wil take the robber to each the bordet @ 2 vesensmre Unit 10 Measuring motion @® {© How fas mus the poe car wavelif tis to catch the robber before he reaches the border? 28 wassncenos @ Unit 10 measuring motion Exercise 10.4 Patterns of movement These questions wil help yout understand how an objec's movement can be represented in iferent ways. 48 AGickertimer can show the pattern of movernent of an object. The timer ‘marks a dot on the tape 50 times each second. The tape below was made by pulling iat steady speed through the timer. The dats on the tape are evenly spaced, (On the blank tape shown below draw the pattern of dots you would ‘expect to see for an abject moving at a faster, eady speed aan aD aaa 1b The tape below was attached oan object chat wa speeding up. The dots con the tape get further apart a the object goes faster (On the blank tape shown below draw the pattem of dots you woud respect tose for an object hat was slowing down. (Mark the “art poit fon the tape) Unit 10 measuring motion @® © Onthe blank tape shown below; dra the pattern of dots you would expect tose for an objec that speeds up and then moves ata scady speed. (Mark the sare’ poin on the tape) “Three distance graph are sketched below. Which graph (A,B or ©) represents the movernent of an object whose speeis decreasing? 1b Lookat the dstance/time graph below shows the movement of a car travelling at constant speed along road. Addl x scond ine to represent the motion of another ear which is als traveling at constant sped, but rmore sw than the fist ea @) unit20 nessuing not 2 3. Allway timetable can provide information which ean be turned into a dstance/time graph. The timetable below show some ofthe stopping points ofthe Ffimchal Express, a train that runs northyards fem Delhi to Hunchal iain Sinton] Departs ine | Distancia km | Tine sce deprive vais oe ee sets * 3 “Samalkhe 00:14 oe 8 ‘Kamal or06 23 ma a oT 205 ioe ae = “Ghanauli 95:30, 8 Tanelian | ars 2 Complete the last column to show the time since depart from Dehli ©) se worn Unit 10 measuring motion @® >Use theinformacon to draw a dtance time grap fo thisjourney. (© Calculate the average speed of the Himchal Express so nonsenen @ @ Unit 10 measuring motion Exercise 10.5 Allina graph This exercise Mustates how much Information you can exact om a | distanceftime graph, “The graph below alo shown in your coursebook) represent yelist's journey up ‘shill and down the other side isceim oe ee vines 1 Insection Ac the journey the graph sa straight Hine sloping upwards. This shows tae the eyeli s moving ata steady speed, {8 How fr does the eyes travel during section A? 1b How long does section A tke? {€ Calculate the eye ped during section A. Qn Unit 20 Measuring motion ® 12 These questions are about section B ofthe journey ow can you tel fom the graph that the cyelisis taveling at a steady speee? 1b How can you tl om the graph thatthe eyes is taelling more soy than in section A? Why ithe cyl traveling more hoy? 4 Calculate the eit sped daring ection B, '3 This queation it about section of the journey. Howe can you tel ftom the graph thatthe cyl is stationary (not moving? so wnmaran @ &® Unit 10 measuring motion 44 These questions ae about section Eo the journey 2 How can you tel fram the graph that this the fastest section of the journey? 1b Whyis the cylst waveling most icy in this section? © Galeuate the eyetists speed during ection E. 5 Pocthe sections of the journey inorder, fom slowest to fastest pT “= Unit 41 sound Exercise 11.1 Making music This exercise wil help you to understand how diferent sounds can be| produced using musieal instruments “Musicians can play many diferent notes on thei instrument. They can play loud potee ad soft nots, They ca py high-pitched nee and lncithed notes. Your tasks to iterview a musician about how they play thei instrument. (You ray beable to answer the questions for youre if you play a instrument) Frilin the spaces below with rswers fom your interview 4 a Name of instrument Name of musician € Type of insrument (ringed, wind, percussion) san @ @® Unit 11. souna 2 How can the musician change the loudnes of note? 13 How can che musician change the pitch of a note? Explain what changes can produce a note with higher pitch, Unit 11. sound @® Exercise 11.3 The speed of sound atthe speed of sound exercise, you wil interpret information low fast does sound travel? When someone speaks to you, you can hear what they say almost a 30m a they start speaking, isa bit diferent f you see a ighiang stke. The thunder and ighaning are produced at the sume de. However, you se che lash first. A ite later, you hear the thunder This show that sound (hinds) travels mare showy than ight he fash of lighming. 4 The picture shows an experiment to measure the speed of sound. The perton “wth the timer stat feehen he ees the smoke from the starting pistol and tops itwhen he hears the bang @) vnter an "The mer shows 5.03 when the person stops it {2 Use the information in the picture on page 101 to calculate the peed of| sound in it Distance tavlled by sound = ‘Time taken = Speed of sound in air= 1b How far woul sound travel at this pce in 105? © Doyou tink this isan accurate way to measure the speed of sound in ir? Explain your answer ® 48 Sound Unit 4. sound @® 22 The table shows the speed of sound in fren substances. Material ‘Speed of soundinn/s) ar 0. ‘2 Does sound travel ister in tel or in water? 1b Sound travels twice as fsin concrete as in water. Tue or fale? © Whalescallto eachother when they are underwater, Thr alls can travel ‘ery long distances How long wl take ora whale call reach another ‘whale ata distance of 6Okm? @® Unit 11 sound Exercise 11.4 Louder and louder rnd Tn is exercise, you wilinterpret data concerning the loudness ‘Our eats can hear a great range of sounds from very soft very loud. The loudest of «sound i measured on a sale called the decibel wale. The decibel (4B) the uni of loudess "The diagram below shows the scale and shows some sypical sources of sounds with thee loudness wee Answer these questions, based on the diagram. 4 Which end ofthe sae ef or right) has the loudest sounds? 2 Which isloudes, ar or motorbike? 13 According tothe diagram, what isthe Jones of a teevson set? ‘4 The diagram shows that the loudness of conversation is about 50d. Do you ‘think that all conversations have the same lowdnen? Explain your answer ® 1 sound Unit 41 sound @® 5 Loud sounds can damage you hearing, Coulda crying baby ease damage? Explain how you can tel fom the diagram. 6 Eeapdain why peopl who work at an airport may have tower ee protectors 77 Sounds louder than 904B can damage Nearing, Young people can damage ‘their hearing by Iiening to msc that soo loud. They may do this by turing Lup the volume of ther headphones, or by standing bythe loudspeakers at ‘concert or ata cub. In the space below, design a pater to encourage young people to ook afer their hearing by avoiding tenn to oud muse. ssn © (Q) vane so Exercise 11.5 Range of hearing you wil interpret data concering the diferent equencies of Sound which we can hear “The frequency of a sound tellus the number of witratons per vecond in a sound Frequency is measured in units called her (Hs). 1a =I vibration per second. igh frequencies are measured in kilohert (RH) ka = 1000 Fi = 1000 vibrations per second “The range of human heating is ftom 20H t 20000 Hz. 4 What is 20000 Hein ke? 2 Could « person with normal hearing hear a sound of 4SKH2? Aspeople get oles dei range of hearing decreases. ‘The graph shows how the highest frequency which ean be heard decreases as someone get older. sronennee agers ‘earing/ahe eels +5 Whats the highest able frequency when a person is 60 years old? 4 Acuat age does the range of hearing start to decrease? 5 Could a person aged 40 hear a sound of frequency 15K? @) + sons won QD ‘Mice can hear sounds with frequencies between 1kET2 and 70% 6 Arether frequencies which mice an hear but humans cannot? 7 Which frequencies can humans hear but mice cannot? “The picture above shows an experiment to find out the highest requences which studs can hear 8 On the picture, label the signal generator and the loudspeaker. ‘When the teacher turns the dil, the frequency of the sound fom the loudspeaker increases, The students put heir hands down when they can no longer bea the ound, 19 Some students ave their hands up while ers have put their hands down, ‘What conclusion ean you draw from this observation? 40 The teacher suspect that some student re not giving honest responses; they ave heepng their hands up even when they can no loge hear the sound, lowe could he heck if height? ® Unit 12 Light Exercise12. Travelling light Tn this execs, you wll use and interpret info about how ight raves 41 We can se objects that are laminous. They are sources of light § | [Name the lungs object shown above [Name some other laminous objec ‘one ia your home ‘one that ving creature Are you a luminous oe non-Luminows objec? [Beplain how a fhiend can se you on a sunny day @® 2m | Unit 22 Lene @® ‘2: How fat does light travel? Te travels very fst indeed. Bary scientists found it ‘ery hard to measute the speed of light The pictre shows how Galle tried to tmeasire the speed of Hight in the seventeenth century. “This method worke fine for sound but fot for light + His fiend stood on a distant hil + Galileo flashed hit lp and started his lock at the same moment. + When his fend saw the light, he ashe hs lamp back towards Galileo, + When Galileo sar the fash, he note the time taken an his clock, ‘Unfortunately, cis method dda’ work. This was becaute dhe ight taveled very quickly from one hl othe other It took ony ny fraction of recon Tttook much longer for his end to see the ight and react it, Aashing his own lamp, 4 Thirmethod would work quite well if Galileo wanted to measure the speed of sound this fiend was 301m away, how lng woul the sound take to travel between the wo hil? The speed of sound is about 3001m/s, ae ® @ Unit 32 Light bb Light waves one milion tines faster than sound. How long woul ight take to travel from one hil ode oder? {How quickly can you react when someone flashes a lamp? Suggest how you could find ont an answer to this question, Unit 12 ushe @® Exercise 12.2 Shadows Tn this exercise, you will use what you hve ean about how shadows or, 4 Shadows form when lights Blocked. "The picture blow shows a scene on 8 sunny day. Your tack sto show where there willbe shadows on the ground, ‘The Sun is shining Two rays of sunlight are shown. They are parallel to cach other ‘Add tothe pictare by drawing moce rays of Fight, Remember that they snus all be parallel to eachother ‘Use a black pen or pen to mark the areas on the ground where there wl beshadows 2 Inthe middle of the day, the Sun is much higher in the sky and shadows ate such shorter. On the pictare below draw parallel ays of sunlight at iday and mark where the shadows vl be. a G @ Unit 22 Ligh 3 When the astronomer Galileo firs looked through a telescope atthe Moon in The sw thats surface was covered in mountains and craters. He could sce theve bese they were i up by slight and they had very lear shadows ‘Your tasks to find sme photographs or drawings of craters on the Moon. ‘Study them carefly and inthe space below sketch typical crater and label the shadows, Draw an artow to show dhe dzetion of the sunlight which is lighting up the rater Unit 22 ight @® Exercise 12.3 Seeing by reflection Tn this ever reflected lt. you wil evaluate statements about how we see by We se things because light rays rave from them into our eyes. The pictre shows ‘boy looking ina mivor. The gi can also see the boy. Study each sentence blow + Ice sentence i cores, put ack (7 ) atthe end + Ifthe sentence incorrect, cross out the incorrect words and, dhe space ‘elon; write words which wll make the sentence correct. 4 The lamp iss nonuinows objec. 2 Light fom dhe lamp spreads out ato the rom, aux © (>) Unit 42 Light © 1 Light rays travel fom the g's eyes to the boys hai ‘4 Theboy can sce an image of his hair the mirror 15 Angle Qs greater than Angle P. {6 ‘The law of reflection allows us to predict he decton of a ray of light when it isrelected by a at iron. Qew Unit 22 ight ® Ta tis exetse you wil apply what you have leart about how light Ierefacted Exercise 12.4 Refraction of light 4 Complete the sentences below using the phrases inthe box [ends toward the normal pists fiom one material another ist be transparent TF light sto pas through a material, the material 1b Refraction is the bending of ght when it © When aray of light passes rom aint gsi 22 Complete the diagrams to show how each ght ry wil travel aun © @ Unit 12. ight Exercise 12.6 Coloured light Tn this eerie, you wil use what you have leant about light and colourto devise questions fora qui Invcach part ofthis exercise, you wll be given some information. You wil have. answer one question, based on the information a You wil also have to devise 0 {gue questions of your wa, an give the answers (band c} 4 ‘The diagram shows how a spectrum of white Hight ean be produce, using prim, {@ What colourisat the opposite nd af the spectrum tore Daw Unit 22 sgn @® 12 The diagram shows what happens when diferent colours of light combine, Thies colour addition, ‘8 What ov colours combine to give yellow igh? @® Unit 22 tight 33 The diagram shows what happen when white igh falls ona blue object. Blue lights rellected. Ths colour subuaction. 18 What colours of ight are absorbed when white ight fllson a geeen object? ‘4 Are filter les red and orange Hight pas dough. Ttabsorbs the other colors of ight. White ght shines through are iter on toa ue car What colour will, te ear appear? . / Unit 13. magnetism « CC ad Exercise 13.1 Magnets and magnetic materials This exercise wll hep yout check hat you know how diferent mates behave when you bing a magnet clase to them 4 Mohammed i testing dierent material to discover which are magnetic. 1b Thetable shows the tems he tested. Indicate inthe second comm ‘whether each item would be attracted by a bar magnet ic) or not atacted (08), item “tracted (7) or no attracted 09 ‘copper coin ‘sea paper cp nam ay ‘atc cup | wooden stick Tron all waterina cap {€ Name another item that would be attracted bya permanent magnet. 4 Name another iter that would not be attracted bya permanent sage sume @ @® Unit 23 magnetism 2 The picture shows the corner af the door of a refrigerator, c irsweedtn | [Explain wy the door stays shut after thas been closed @) 2 wom Unit 23. Magnetism @® Exercise 13.2 Magnetic forces, making magnets wl test how wellyou understand what and magnetic materials are brought clase together. eng when magnets 4 Nikita’ teacher gives her some pices of metal ta test They have been wrapped ‘upto ar Nika cannot ll whether they are maghets or not j | ‘a Nikita brings objects A and B lose together, The objets attract each other [Nikita writes “Objects and B are both permanent magnets, because they react each other” Do you agree with Nikita? Expain your answer, Nikita brings objects C and D together The objet epel each other ‘What can you say about objects @ and D? Explain your answer. @® Unit 23. magnetism ¢ Nikita brings objects X and ¥ together. The objects neither attract nor tepel [Nikita writes ‘Nether X nor Visa permanent magnet” [Nikita might be rght but dhe might be wrong, Explain how you would est her answer to see if she score. 2. Why doesa piece of iron become magneived when you stoke it with permanent magne? Scientists imagine that apiece of iron i made up uf sua ny region called long, Each domain behaves likey magnet wih sown magnetic eld «+ na pee of wnmagnesised ion, the domains ae al jumbled up. Their magni feds cancel each ther out «When the iron stroked witha magnet, each domain s attracted by the apagnet ‘The domain all turn rund 0 that they become lined up. Then all their majetc fel add together to make a strong fel ‘a Loot the diagrams bel The sows represent the magnetic domains LUnderneathhe diagrams ald labels wamagnetised iron and smagnetised iron @) 19 va Unit 13 Magnetism 2) 1b The nex diagram shows what happens when a bar magne is cut in al. Describe the result of ettng a bar mage inal ke this annem © BD) vores mene Exercise 13.3 Representing magnetic fields This exercise wll help you to understand how we represent mag using magnetic felines. 4 The picture below shows the magnetic field around a bar magnet 2 Onthe dingra, label the north (N) and south (8) pols of the magne. 1b Explain how you know wiich isthe north poe. (€The to circles on the diagram represent compasses, Draw the nee of ‘each compass, showing how iwi line up ia the magnetic eld of the magnet 4 Explain how you can tel rom the diagram that the magnetic fields strongest clos othe magne’ poles @) 22 woes Unit 13, magnetism @® © Inthe diagram below, you can see the ouine of bar magnet. Using a penel shade the area around the magneto show how strong the magnetic Baldi 1 Use dark shading to show where the fle strong, + Uselight shading to show where the fle weak Give a reason why fel lnes are a beter way of shoming a magnetic fied pattern than shading, @® Unit 23. magnetism 2 The dngram below shows two magnets 2 Onthe diagram, label the north (N) and south (8) poles of each magnet. Are the magnets attracting or repelling each other? Explain how you know, {€ Add force arrows othe diagram ta show the force each magnet exrs on ‘the other, Label the arrows force of A.on Band force of Bon 4d mayine that you could place a compas exactly half way between the 70 magnets Add an arow ta the diagram to show how its needle ‘woul point Unit 23 magnetism @ Exercise 13.5 Magnets and electromagnets Bach statement below isincorrct. + Coots ot the incorrect part of each tatement, + Inthe space below; waite a correction so thatthe statement i cotrect. 4 Abarat is noth pole! need and a wx ae athe other 2 The non poe oa mage ata he Bar south pol 2) Atarmagot chan cei py ome wrk, 4) Toca aroaget at be mado no-ngeal 5 Anclecromagnet remains magnetied when the electric current in its cai it ‘itched of 6 Decreasing the curentin an electromagnet will make i magnetic eld stronger. @® Unit 13, magnetism Exercise 13.6 Revising magnets and electromagnets (Cits eres wiltestwhat you have learnt in his tope ) ere are some ter that you have learn while stdyng magnetism, ‘magnetic field leetromagnet magnetic pole magnetic field ine compass ike poles 4 The table below shows definitions of four of thes terms, Wit the terms inthe spaces inthe first column. 12 Now write the remaining four terms in the other spaces inthe ist column, Write a definition of each of these inthe second column. Tem Definition permanent magne wich can turn el inthe Eas gnats Two north magne poles, oro South magnet poles Tnsument sed io measure elec arent “line drawn 0 show the ection of manatee

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