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I. Topic: Industrial Revolution

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II. Objectives
After reading and doing the tasks in this module, you should be able to
A. Discuss the impact of industrial revolution to economy and world view
B. Describe the interaction between science and technology during the industrial revolution
C. Identify the stages of the continuing industrial revolution
D. Name the dominant technologies in the different stages of industrial revolution

III. Introduction
Science can change the worldview of society but it is a long process as shown in the
medieval scientific revolution and the Darwinian revolution. Science’s influence on technology,
and technology’s impact to society however are different stories. This module discusses how
application of science in technology played a role in the industrial revolution. The advancement
in technology since the industrial revolution went through different stages. How these stages are
characterized and how they impacted society are also discussed in this module.

IV. Discussion
The Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution started in the textile industry in Britain in 1750. Textile production
was greatly improved by the spinning jenny (1764) which allowed textile workers to work eight
time faster than the single-spindle method. Figure 1 shows the single-spindle foot powered
spinning wheel and the spinning jenny. The main difference between the two technologies is the
numerous spindle frame in the spinning jenny. Both machines were operated manually. The
advancement in iron founding led to the development of bigger mills driven by water. Later on
these mills would be driven by steam engines.
Steam engines was first designed to pump water from mines. James Watt, being
knowledgeable of thermodynamics saw the engine as very inefficient. In 1775, he improved the
efficiency of the steam engine by putting a condenser. He improved it further to produce a rotary
motion which led to its application in textile mills. James Watt’s improvement of the steam engine
is considered as the first significant application of science in technology.

Figure 1 Human Powered Textile Machines

Foot Powered Spinning Wheel Spinning Jenny

(Images and

The industrial revolution ended feudalism as agricultural workers flock to factories. This
started urbanization. The industrial revolution also led to a new labor set up which is the factory
system. Capitalists thrived in this set up raking in enormous profits especially when they exploited
their laborers. Labor unions emerged to address labor exploitation and other unfair labor
practices. Discrimination against women in the factories led to early feminist movements. The
struggle of the early factory workers left a legacy of labor rights for the modern laborers. The
advancement of technology as manifested in the industrial revolution had its own effect on the
mindset of the people. Since the early days of industrial revolution, people leaned more and more
towards consumerism. People nowadays are even enframed by the “standing reserve” idea.

The Continuing Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution set off a continuing development in science and technology.
Some emerging technologies become dominant at certain period of times and become the core
of the continuing technological progress. This is what others call as phases of the continuing
industrial revolution. Figure 2 shows the technologies that defined each of the phases. The first
phase refer to the 18th century industrial revolution in Britain. This phase is characterized by the
application of steam power in running factory machines. The second phase is defined by the
utilization of another energy –electricity. The generation of electricity during this times powered
motors and other fixtures in industries. The third phase is the electronic automation and the
incorporation of information technology in industrial operations. The last phase which includes
the present time is defined by the interfacing of cyber and physical systems. This phase is also
called industry 4.0.

Figure 2 The Four Phases of Industrial Revolution

1st Phase
(End of 18th Century )

Steam Powered Industrial


2nd Phase
(Start of 20th Century )

Electric Powered Industrial


3rd Phase
(Start of 1970's )

Industrial Automation
Through Electronics and IT

4th Phase
( Present Time)

Industrial Operation
Based on Cyber-Physical

For further learning watch “The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course European History #24” at
V. Summary

Industrial revolution is characterized by science-based technological developments.

It showed that the union of science and technology could speed up the advancement of both.
The industrial revolution brought capitalism which later caused the onset of consumerism.
The technology for production continues to evolve and is said to be in the 4th stage already
called industry 4.0.

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