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Exam practice 1, TRB p.178 And thinllg, what kind ofsalarg wouldgou be
Paper 1: Reading
1E 2B 3A 4D SAID 6D/A 7C 8D
9E 1OE hA 12C l3F I4AIE 1SE/A / hope ing application S ofinterest togou. lam
available for interview’ atgour earliest convenience.
Paper 3: Use of English
Part 4 Yours/àith/icllg
1 drop 2 depth 3 led 4 running 5 settled
1 never been to a more 2 been going to dancing 2
classes 3 it is unlikely that Yasmin 4 is said to
be the most S book in advance are entitled SOCIAL ACTIVITIES
6 deadline for handing in your assignment Here are some ideas of things to do in the
7 have/stand little chance of 8 is responsible for evening during your stay.
The town has an excellent Olympic-size
Paper 2: Writing swimming pool with additional facilities, such
Suggested answers (NB Question 3 is designed for as sauna and a warm-up gym area. Use of the
students who are taking the set-text option in the swimming pooi and gym costs £3 per visit,
Writing paper and answers are dependent on the
whilst use of the sauna is £2. It is not necessary
novel they have read.)
to book.
There’s also a leisure centre with indoor
Dear Sir or Madam, tennis, five-a-side football, bowling and many
With reforence to gour newspaper advert.icement other activities. The centre charges £10 per visit,
plus a book of tickets which you use for each
of2sth Ma~ lam writing to express interest in
activity. Tickets are £1 each. You need to book
the post oftemporarg assistant at the art
in advance, stating your choice of activity.
gallerg for the summerperiod. / am 26gears old,
Just outside of town, there’s a place where you
single andyraduated in Modern Languages last
can go horse-riding. This costs £15 per hour if
gear I have a valid driving licence.
you can already ride, while the cost of an
/ have a certain amount ofexperience as aguide, instructor is £10 extra per hour. Horse-riding can
having spent two months lastgear working at a be booked online or by phone (010-334-445 7).
localfolk museum. Thisjob involved
For those who prefer something less energetic,
accompanginggroups offore(qn tourists around the town offers various museums and a
the museum. Two gears ago, / workedpart time modern art gallery, which are all definitely
as a courierfor a local travel agencg, takaig worth a visit. Highly recommended is the
touriLcts to areas ofcultaralinterest fri the region Museum of Sculpture which has works by
many famous international artists as well as
where I live.
local sculptors. Entrance is free to local
Mg first language is Italian, but lam fluent hi
museums, but the art gallery charges £5 (group
English and have agood command ofFrench discount may be available).
and German, plus a limited knowledge of
Shopping is, of course, a favourite amongst
Spanish. I believe lam the r(qht sort ofperson to
visitors, and most shops are open until 9 p.m.
work as aguide, as I amgenuinelg interested in The Burrlngton Mall is extremely popular,
historg and art and enjog dealing with large but not particularly cheap. In the small streets
groups ofpeople. behind the mall, local craftsmen still produce
AIthough gour adverttcement was quite hand-made jewellery and pottery. They are
informative, there are afàw points I would like to always willing to give demonstrations of
their work.
clars’,4 with gou. First ofalt what period would
thejob cover? Secondlg, as thegallerg is not in Paper 4: Listening
mg town, wouldgou be able to help me find 1 website 2 2,068/two thousand and sixty-eight
accommodation, or suggest someone who could? 3 lucky charm(s) 4 Touch wood 5 ladders 6 science
7 teenagers 8 developing/evolving (either order)


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