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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Zamboanga Peninsula


Quarter 2 (MODULE 1 and 2)

1. Which of the following is NOT in cheer leading?

a. Cheerleader simply stands and use the movement of his/her arms and the muscles in
his/her legs to jump and tumble.
b. Cheerleaders stand and run with arms forward.
c. Cheerleader simply use any movement of his/her arms legs.
d. Cheerleaders use his/her arms in all stunts.
2. Which of the stunts done a cheer leader simply stands and uses the movement of his/her arms
and the muscles in his/her legs to jump and tumble?
a. Standing b. Tumbling c. Standing tumbling d. Running tumbling
3. What is tumbling?
a. Sequences and pyramids are some of the most exciting feats to watch in a cheer dance
b. It is one of the hardest and most dangerous elements of cheer dance.
c. Cheer dance routines and chants.
d. Aspects of both cheer dance and cheerleading are motion
4. What dance considered the same with cheer dance?
a. Zumba b. Gymnastic c. Aerobics d. Cheerleading
5. Who among the following is a respected pep squad?
a. Rhufa Rosario, b. Claire Fuente
c.. Carlo del Rosario d. Luz Cortez
6. Which of the following statements best differentiates cheer dance and cheer leading?
a. Physical activities involve organized routines that feature a combination of aerobic
dance and stunts.
b. Physical activities that involve aerobic dance
c. Physical activities that involve organized routines that feature a combination of
dance, tumbling, jumps, cheers, yelling, and stunts.
d. Physical activities that combines tumbling and jumping
7. Which of the following steps is done when the arms are vertical below the shoulders?
a. Low Touchdown b. High V c. Low V d. Touchdown
8. When does a cheer leader relaxes his/her shoulders then shapes his/her arms in a shape of
large V, straight up reaching diagonal over the shoulders?
a. When executing T b. When executing High V
c.. When executing Low V d. When executing Tabletop
9. What is the difference between a standing tumbling and running tumbling?
a. Standing and tumbling uses movement of the entire body. While running and
tumbling executing different stunts.
b. Standing tumbling simply uses movement of his/her arms and legs. While running
and tumbling demonstrate their tumbling tricks.
c. Standing tumbling simply stands and uses the movement of his/her arms and the
muscles in his/her legs to jump and tumble. While running and tumbling gives more
power to demonstrate their tumbling tricks. It is a run or take a couple of steps
followed by a power up and then the tumble.
d. Standing and tumbling use only the lower part of the body. While the running
tumbling uses both arms and legs.
10. What is the most important aspect of both cheer dance and cheerleading?
a. The basic steps b. The different motions
c.. The different stunts d. The different tricks
11. When can an individual usually experience an injury in dancing?
a. When an individual is careless
b. When an individual did not perform warm up
c. When and induvial did not follow safety protocol
d. When an individual is out of focus
12. Which of the following should be done in a cheer dance and cheer leading?
a. Legs are put in a wide motion while arms are in High V. The body should look like
an X if done correctly.
b. Legs must be pulled up and bent or hooked under the body while your arms are in
Low V
c. Arms are raised vertical above the shoulders, diagonal and straight reaching up.
d. Touchdown except arms are parallel below the shoulders.
13. Which of the following should NOT be done in cheer dance and cheer leading?
a. Wear appropriate attire.
b. Sign up for training camps.
c. Eat any comfort food.
d. Try various physical activities.
14. Mike was told by their coach to do warm up in tossing, tumbling and the pyramids act.
What should be done first by Mike?
a. Tossing b. Warm up c. Tumbling d. pyramid
15. Who should have a physical examination and must be assessed by conditioning trainers
before allowing to join cheering squads?
a. Coaches b. Anyone c. Aspiring cheer dancers d. Dancers
16. What should the coaches, parents and athletics must have before letting the athletes join
and play in a game that makes sure that all parties have the knowledge regarding risk,
tendencies, and benefits in joining to a cheering squad?
a. Coaches, athletes and parents must have access emergency plans. Conditioning
coaches and physicians must be also present during trainings if possible.
b. Coaches, parents, and athletes must have a written agreement signed by all parties
indicating the knowledge regarding risk, tendencies, and benefits in joining to a
cheering squad.
c. Athletes should have a physical examination and must be assessed by conditioning
trainers before allowing to join cheering squads.
d. Athletes especially the bases and spotters must have adequate body strength, core
stability and balance.
17. What do you call to the person who is certified in proper spotting for stunts safety and
basic prevention of injuries?
a. Coach b. Qualified coach c. assistant coach d. all of the above
18. Which of the following must be the least priority in cheer leading or cheer dancing?
a. Practicing of the technical skills of the stunts such as pyramids, tossing, and tumbles
b. Cheering squad must be supervised by qualified coaches
c. Have a physical examination
d. Have complete supply of their needs
19. Alessandra acquired an injury during practice two days before the event. What should the
coach do for Alessandra before she may join the team in the event?
a. Have a clinical record
b. Have a written agreement signed by each parties
c. Have an audition
d. Have an authentication of papers
20. Emily and Emilio are siblings who are both in cheerleading club. They were practicing in
their club’s designated room together with the rest of the cheer leaders but they failed to
do all the safety protocols left by their coach as a reminders… Emily and Emilio
experience an accident which caused in injury to the both of them. Who is to be blame?
a. Emily and Emilio
b. the whole team
c. the principal
d. the coach

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