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Risks/Benefits (Possible Outcomes)

Vaginal Delivery Cesarean Delivery

Neonatal Laceration Not Applicable 1-2%
Birth trauma Shoulder dystocia Shoulder dystocia
0.2-2.0% (not applicable)
Brachial Plexus Brachial plexus
Injury 2-5/1000 injury 2.1/1000
Fracture 1-2% Fracture 1-2%
Physiologic Normal adaptation “Altered”
adaptation adaptation
Respiratory Respiratory
morbidity <1% Morbidity 1-4%
(term) (term)
Immune system RDS, TTN,NICU
Gastrointestinal Changes in
flora hematologic system
Altered gut flora
Colic, diarrhea,
Short term Surgical Serve morbidity Severe mornidity
(immediate) Complications 0.9% 2.7%
PPh 1-5% PPH 1-8%
Hysterectomy Hysterectomy
trelative to vaginal
AFE 3.3-7.7/100.000 AFE 15.8/100.000
VTE <1/1000 VTE (2.21)
Maternal death Maternal death
3.6/100.000 13.3/100.000
Other complication: Other complication
not applicableunless Bowel injury 
failed labor then Bladder injury 1-2%
increased related to
caesarean without
Anesthesia Regional 0.06/1000 Regional 0.13-
complications procedures 0.29/1000
General: not Risk of death 2x
applicable higher relative to
vaginal delivery
Perineal Trauma 3rd/4th degree 3rd/4th degree
laceration 2-5% laceration not
Urinary in Urinaryu
continence 21-32% incontinence 3%
Fecal incontinence Fecal incontinence
10-20% 3%
Long Term Infection Fever 1-2% Fever 2,5%
(subsequent) Wound infection Wound infgection
0.05% 3%
Bacteria 11%
Avoid “major” Avoid potential
surgery complications
Shorter costs Longer costs
Surgical Not applicable Uterine Rupture
complications <1%
Abnormal placenta Repeat caesarean
Abrubtion 0.74% Abnormal Placenta
Previa 0.38% Abruption 0.95%
Previa 
Fertility outcome Not applicable Fertility ()
Ectopic ()
Stillbirth ()
Perineal Uterine rupture ()
preservation Repeatcesarean 8%
Infant bonding Breast feeding likely Breastfeeding less
Pregnancy Not applicable “Other”
complication cpmplication
(preecalmpsia, low
birth weight) 

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