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l. Choose the words that best complete the sentences in the text.

It only (1) the completion of the reconstruction of the human genenti( map for a
whole host of hereditary diseases to be (2). Originally, it was forecast that the
venture would take until the beginning of the 21st century to be
(3). At present, it is clear that the task can be finished much earlier.
Hundreds of scholars have gone to (4) to help (5)
the mystery of the human genetic structure with an ardent hope for
(6) mankind from disorders such as cancer, cystic fibrosis or arthritis.
The progress in this incredible undertaking is (7) by an accurate interpretation of
the information (8) in the chromosomes forming the
trillions of the cells in the human body. Locating and characterizing every single gene may
(9) an implausible assignment, but very considerable
(10) has already been made. What we know by now is that the hereditary code is assembled in DNA,
some parts of which may be diseased and (1 1) to the uncontrollable transmission
of the damaged code from parents to their children.
Whereas work at the completion of the human genom may last for a few years more, notions like gene
therapy or genetic engineering don't (12) much surprise any longer. Their potential
application has already been (1 3) in the effective struggle against many viruses or
in the genetic treatement of blood disorders. The hopes are, then, that hundreds of maladies that
humanity is
(14) with at present might eventually cease to exist in the not too
(15) future.

1. a) expects b) requires c) anticipates d) remains

2. a) terminated b) interfered c) eradicated d) disrupted

3. a) accomplished b) discharged c) dismantled d) exterminated
4. a) maximum b) utmost c) supreme d) extremes
5. a) dissolve b) interrogate c) respond d) unravel
6. a) liberating b) surviving c) insulating d) averting

7. a) dependent b) reliant c) qualified d) conditioned

8. a) associated b) contained c) involved d) derived
9. a) sound b) hear c) voice d) perceive
10. a) headline b) heading c) headway d) headship
11. a) amiable b) conceivable c) evocative d) conducive
12. a) evoke b) institute c) discharge d) encourage

13. a) examined b) inquired c) accounted d)corroborated
14. a) aggravated b) teased c) persecuted d) plagued
15. a) far-away b) outlying c) distant d) imminent
Il. Put the words in the correct form.

1. The key to the peaceful coexistence of a multiracial community is the reduction of the social
inequalities (EQUAL).
2. What you suggest isn't acceptable (ACCEPT) at all. We can't agree to carry out the military tests in
this province.
3. The jury found him guilty of a theft (THIEF) and a few other minor offences and he was sentenced to
five months in prison.
4. Mark has been concerned about his fitness (FIT) ever since the doctor warned him to lose weight
and take up physical exercise.
5. Are you sure you want to invest all your life savings (SAVE) in such a risky business?
6. It was the most splendid wedding reception (RECEIVE) I have ever attended. I guess they must have
spent a lot of money preparing it.
7. According to the recent report, this dreadful drought (DRY) has ruined sixty per cent of the crops in
the region.
8. All the workers in the office were standing still while the directors were having their noisy agrument
9. Paul's hatred (HATE) for the occupants grew much stronger when he learned about his parents'
10. Nothing wrong will happen to you as long as you follow the strict guidelines (GUIDE) set by the
11. The pottery we have found under the rocks is the most evident proff (PROVE) of human existence on
the island.
12. Lend me five hundred pounds, please and I promise to settle the debt in monthly payment (PAY) Of
one hundred pounds.
13. The bad boy ought to be punished for his wrongdoing as there was no
justification (JUST) for acting the way he did.

14. The Reauchefort Company had been our major supplier (SUPPLY) of stainless steel until we signed a
contract with you.
15. The view that came into perspective was breathtaking (BREATH) . No wonder, they lingered on the
hill enchanted by the lush tropical forests and the haze of moist air hanging above their heads.

Ill. Insert the correct prepositions.


1. It looks as if John has got addicted to cigarettes. The boy smokes one packet a day.
2. I advise you to stop chewing the gum when you talk to the boss. He is rather intolerant of any
3. We didn't see much of the landscape because our father drove at high speed all along the way.
4. Patrick is too intent on his picture painting to take care of any housework.
5. On June the first, it will have been seven years since I graduated from university.
6. Apart from the constant electricity shortage, we were also deprived of the possibility of taking
everyday showers.
7. We are in for a lot of trouble unless George manages to repair the radio station.
8. Five participants have been expelled from the survival course for their abject disobedience.
9. According to the weather forecast, the coastal area will soon be under threat of the destructive
force of a typhoon.
10. There were no protests to the chairman's proposal to do away with the standard procedures and
advance to the major point of the debate.
1 1. Before you go and check your abilities in practice, you must learn to follow the traffic regulations.
12. The serial murderer has been convicted of six homicides and a rape and sentenced to death by
13. When I entered the classroom I was surprised at the scene I saw. Several pupils were lying on the
floor and the rest were sleeping in their benches.
14. He never told us he was Italian and that his real name was Franco. We all knew him under the name
of Eddie.
15. The president will be delivering a speech in memory of the war victims and the representatives from
around the world will be laying wreaths at the tomb.

IV. Rewrite the sentences using the given forms so that they retain their original meaning.

1. However unfavourable our position is, we mustn't surrender. (bold face)

However unfavourable our position is, we must put a bold face.

2. This water is too cold to brew tea. (enough)

Come on! This water is not hot enough to make tea.

3. I can't lend you any money as I don't have much myself. (short)
I can't lend you any money as I am short of it myself.

4. How much did you have to pay for their service? (owe)
How much did you owe them for their service?
5. Take this map, it can be very useful if you get lost in the city. (case)
Take this map, in case you get lost in the city.

6. She says she finds nothing unusual about stormy weather in this country. (used)
She says she is got used to stomy weather in this country.

7. We were surprised to learn that Brian had become a monk.

It came as a to us that Brian had become a monk.
8. This loud music makes me nervous.
Turn down the radio! This loud music gets onmy nerves.
9. I can't understand a bit of what he says. (any sense)

Could you explain that theory to me? I can’t make sense of it.

10. She hasn't decided yet whether to buy this house or not. (hesitating)
Finally, they have made up their mind to launch the rocket next month.

V. Choose the correct answer.

1 . The matter was so delicate that none of the ministers knew how to

a) manipulate b) deal c) handle d) affect

2. Betty told her younger sister to her alone because she didn't feel like playing
a) put b) leavec) set d) make
3. The students have asked their professor to making a test until after Christmas.
a) postpone b) interrupt c) awaitd) terminate
4. Now that the 9.30 train has been cancelled, we have got plenty of time to
before the next one arrives.

a) expire b) spare c) abound d) exhaust

5. Mr Smith ate his breakfast in great so as not to miss the bus to Liverpool.
a) speedb) pace c) rush d) haste
6, The handwriting is completely This note must have been written a long time
a) inedible b) indellible c) illegible d) unfeasible
7. To everybody's , the doctor declared the boys life was out of danger.
a) calmness b) soothe c) peace d) relief
8. This species of mosquito can be dangerous, but happily, it is rather in this area.
a) rare b) minor c) few d) scarcely
9. The whole situation is getting out of . Let's do something before it turns into a
bitter row.
a) capacity b) charge c) hand d) discipline
10. I know it works in theory, but try putting it into and you'll find out it's a failure.
a) operation b) exercise c) performance d) procedure
11. I wouldn't have realized about the possible risk of setting the factory on fire if Bob
hadnltmy attention to it.

a) sought b) drawn c) showed d) caught

12. It was mindless of you to Sam in the face. You should never have
done it if you expect him to love you. d) clasp the aim she has
a) stam b) clap c) slap
13. I can hardly think of Jenny being able to
c) triumph d) succeed
a) implement b) accomplish
14. It had been assumed Phillip would take over the manager's post after the man retired. But, it never
came tosince he'd decided to change his place of work.
a) final b) pass c) occurence d) being
15. Eric's father works as an interpreter. The man is in three languages.
a) fluent b) outspoken c) speechless d) knowledgeable
16. Our karate master is as quick as
a) wave b) thunder c) current d) lightning
17. Her perfect manners and exceptional erudition is an effect of her strict upper-class

a) upstanding b) upkeep c) upbringing d) uphold

18. This pupil is notorious for playing from his mathematics lessons.
a) truantb) runaway c) absent d) joyride
19. Andrew is a very disciplined employee. He great importance to coming to work
in time.
a) affixesb) attributes c) admits d) attaches
20. The scientists broke down as they realized that all their efforts had gone to

a) loss b) failure c) waste d) collapse


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