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So now you know me a little I hope. I am Sep, 26 years old.

Let me tell you my motivation for this project: When I visited Togo in Summer
2018 and October 2018 I realised the money difference between Togo and the
Netherlands. Average income difference is like 30x! In Togo, when you earn
30.000 CFA/Month this is comparable with 1.000.000 CFA/Month in the
Netherlands. How is this possible, in this time when the world is connected?

Now I told you I am an online entrepreneur. I am selling things and I have a lot
of employees. One of them, his name is Ivo, lives in Finland. I don’t see him in
my office in Amsterdam, he is just working at home in a different country...
but he earns the same salary as other employees in Netherlands. Why?
Because he has got internet and he has got the right knowledge. That’s all
you need!

Now the first TEST project I told you about with my team of 8 people in Togo,
confirmed for me: every individual at this moment with only the right mindset
(way of thinking) can use this opportunity!

From nothing, now they are selling stuff to people in France, Netherlands and
Canada. Sometimes just 1 product could be sold for 60.000 CFA!!

There is no reason for this big money difference between Africa and Europe
from this moment. Because internet is here now. So my motivation is to bring
two continents together. You can be part of this. I would love to help you.

But I already told you, it will not be easy..

My team in Togo took 10 steps to become successful. I want it to clear the
road for you, to make it easy. Maybe you already passed some steps.. would
be nice. Know this is only an overview, I am here from now on to help you get
through the steps, do not feel alone! Also my team of experts in Lomé are
there to teach you their experiences. Just read the steps carefully.

STEP 1 - Make a decision, you will change your life by focusing on learning
how to earn money with your computer

Life is about making decisions. Your process will only start if you make your
decision. Only the people that dedicate to the work make it through the
process. And then keep reminding yourself everyday how big this internet
opportunity is. 99% of people will go in other directions, because there are
still sleeping.. .. .. But you will take your own your road. That’s why you need
this definite decision, because you have to be strong when people judge you
when you start.

STEP 2 - Get yourself internet access

WIFI is like your new blood. It is ALL YOU NEED. But without it you are lost,
you are small, you are not connected. Don’t give yourself the excuse of
money. If you can buy it, buy it of course! If not, you know there are internet
cafes out there, you know some of your friends who got access, you know
some organisations or universities that can give you access. One way or
another make sure you get access to internet (every day!!) and try to make
your connection better each day. How can I coach you from the Netherlands
what to do, if you do not have access to internet? FIX THIS. priority number
one. Seriously. If only you took this step serious, you will already change your

STEP 3 - Try to get yourself a good phone and a good computer

My coaching, it’s not about material stuff or investing. You don’t need lots of
money. No! With big motivation and little money I can help you. It’s about your
mindset (way of thinking). But let’s look at the way you spend your money.
Write down what you buy from it... Is all this necessary?

People talk a lot about investments... like buying land and houses for example.
I am telling you, the best investment you can make (after internet/WIFI) is
getting yourself a good phone and a good computer. Realise that if you got
WIFI+Computer/Phone your way is totally free and you are directly
connected with the rest of the world.
If you are already in possession of internet, you are lucky +unlucky.
Lucky because you can be faster inside of the process.
The unlucky part is, there is a high chance you are abusing it now and not
using the potential of your internet connection. You don’t know the real value
inside of your hands. Just using it for Whatsapp with your friends, watching
Youtube or Facebook for fun.. while you don’t know that these tools could
bring you directly to your financial goals.

STEP 4 - Start learning how to use your computer like crazy

Learning to use the keyboard, typing fast. Google, youtube (not watching
funny videos, but learn stuff! There is a lot of information on Youtube).
Really.. all the information you need is just out there. The only question is,
are you using it? I am going to learn you this most effective way in learning
the knowledge you really need. Directly to the goal, earning money yourself.

STEP 5 - Write/translate an online book or create another online product

You know lots of people think they can’t do business with Europe because the
shipping costs are so high! Can be true! But that’s not you! Let’s skip the
shipping costs. Be that creative person who creates a product that you don’t
need to ship. Online products are a big secret.

STEP 6 - Learn how to create a website

While most people will focus on learning Microsoft Office and other programs,
you will learn that too, but just a little. You are going to focus more directly
on the goal of earning money. So you will spend your time learning how to
present yourself and your product online. Of course a website is THE #1 way
to present your product internationally.

STEP 7 - Learn some basic marketing skills

Me, I am a professional marketeer in Netherlands. I learned for years very

hard how to get yourself and your products out there on the internet. Good
news! You do not need to be a professional. I am just going to teach you the
basic things you need to reach your goals. But realise that a website is not
enough, you need to present yourself and get people to visit your website. A
website is like your local shop, but now instead of only your local people, now
the WHOLE WORLD is your potential customer. You think there are some
chances out there?
STEP 8 - Make your first sales online

How good of a salesperson are you?

If you are not strong, we need to fix that! I am going to help you. Selling is
just helping people, remember that for now. It’s not a trick.

If you are already good at selling, you have a bigger problem! Most of you sell
the wrong things. People in my test team were selling shoes on the street
before they started to work with me. I think they were pretty good sellers..,
but they earned so little money! Such a big effort, such a small win! No, that’s
not my plan for you. Let’s do big efforts, but also get big results!

We can get big results in Europe. It’s not only salary which is 30x higher, it is
also products! You know, people are buying ONLINE books for 15.000 CFA
per piece all the time? Ask the team in Lomé! But would you ever sell a
Togolese person AN ONLINE book for 15.000 CFA? I don’t think so! You
know, people are paying 3.000.000 CFA in Europe if you can build a great
website for them or help them with online marketing. The prices are
different.. much higher than in Togo! This is your chance. Don’t get too
enthusiastic, selling is extremely difficult, but I will guide you the way. But
start learning today!

STEP 9 - Get in contact with European Businesses and ask for salary or jobs

I told you about the salary difference. 30x! There is a big chance that you can
do very important work for people in Europe from your home in Togo and
receive the same value as European employees!
So in this step, I will motivate you to take action in this direction. There are a
lot of companies and investors in Europe of course, you must get in contact!
But if you just reach out without any experience there is a small chance you
will succeed. But since I will first learn you how to present yourself online
and the fact that you would be able to show your skills with your website,
marketing and selling knowledge, will make you strong. It may sound difficult
now, but if you follow the steps, we will get there. Don’t worry. Don’t jump
over the steps. Just run through the steps one by one ;).

STEP 10 - Be an independent person who earns money with internet.

This where I want to take you. From here I want to take you even further, but let’s
talk about that later. First things first. INDEPENDENT...such an important word. In
this world of opportunities, why shall you be dependent of so many other people. You
can shape your own life. That is where I want to get you. You have the same right to
earn money as every other individual in the world. But realise ‘excuse time’ is over
now. 10 years ago you could say, the world is not fair.. we are not ‘connected’ to the
rest of the world. Very true. But not today my friend. It’s up to you.

So, keep checking your mail, because as I said I will keep teaching you the stuff you
need and get you through these steps.

Because I know some of you are hungry and want to go fast, I will even do more to
help you.

I will give you a FREE consultancy call.

 I will get you in contact with some members of my team in Togo. They are in
contact with me every day for the last 15 months, know exactly my fast
growing strategies and so they will take you to the next level. They will
investigate where you are in the stages of the 10 steps, discuss your goals
with you and make a plan together with you how you can reach your goals.
Please check your phone when they are calling, this will be one of the most
important phone calls of your life, I am telling you! Prepare it. They are going
to ask questions about you, your life, your goals, why these goals? Your
strong points, your knowledge. Realise they will spend their valuable time to
call you (because they got websites to run and products to sell). Also realise
they will speak to more people. Make sure you are ready for it and don’t
waste their time. You only get this opportunity once!

What you need to do?

Send a reply to the e-mail you received and answer these questions:

1. How much do you earn/month at this moment?

2. What is your financial goal and why?
3. What is the best we can help you with?
4. What is your level with computer skills?
5. Which languages do you speak?
6. Which date and which time you are available for a call? Please give multiple
options/possibilities to have a better chance one of our consultants is available.

Thanks for reading and I can’t wait for you to take action. Send the mail back and
prepare the call!

We speak soon,

Here is me in my office in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. Would be nice to meet you
one day here or maybe in Lomé when I will be visiting again.

P.S. I would appreciate if you would let know by mail some of your questions, and
how you feel after reading this document!

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