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639 P.T. Ong Street, Brgy.
Suklayin, Baler, Aurora

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know more about fauvism
Josias Abrielle Meneses
Matrisse, H.

(1905). Woman

and a Hat. [oil

on canvas].

Woman with a Hat depicts Henri’s wife, Amelie.

The painting is currently being exhibited at the San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art. This piece of
WHAT IS FAUVISM? separated color from its usual art is known for the use of non-natural colors and
representational and realistic role, giving form for depiction of woman’s face. This artwork
Fauvism, is a term applied to works of art new, emotional meaning to the colors. represented the new ways of coloring.
characterised by high-contrast colours and
strong brushwork, that exhibit a more raw
and less natural form of expression, produced Henri Matrisse (1869-1954)
by a group of artists referred to as Les Fauves He was a French painter, draughtsman,
(the wild beasts, will now be referred to as printmaker, and sculptor. He was also the
The Fauves). The use of color and form in co-founder of the Fauvism art style, and one
works such as Gauguin's became the of the most influential painters of the 20th
inspiration for Fauvism, which lasted from century. He was also considered as the
1903 to 1908. It was started by French Father of Fauvism.
painters Henri Matisse and André Derain.
Maurice de Vlaminck, Albert Marquet, and
Henri Manguin also later joined the
movement. The characteristics of Fauvism Derain, A. (1906). The Dance. [oil on
Andre Derain (1880-1954) canvas].
include a radical use of unnatural colors that A French painter, sculptor, printmaker, and
designer who was one of the principal The Dance (1906) by André Derain reflected his

Fauvists. Derain studied painting in Paris at eclectic style and interest in a variety of Western
the Académie Carriere from 1898 to 1899. He
and non-Western artistic traditions.
was a co-finder of Fauvism along with Henri

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