INHS Hygienic Review 2005 Issue 1

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Editorial - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005



Welcome Hygiene versus Medicine

by Dr. John Fielder CONTENTS:
to the
magazine of
Hygiene and Medicine, are two diametrically opposed Back to the
disciplines. It is important, and very necessary for us to Startpage
keep this in mind at all times when considering them and
organisation their application and when discussing any matters to do with Editorial
for discussing health and disease. It is especially necessary when we are
& teaching reviewing the capabilities and knowledge of those trained in In the News
Natural the various health disciplines, be they medicine or otherwise.
Hygiene, a
scientific view All forms
on health and of Garden Corner
disease with medicine,
roots as far be they Theme:
back as 1822. orthodox WHAT IS
Our motto: alternative, Unity of Disease
"trust the are in fact Knowledge Needed
the Cause of Disease
Our of effect,
philosophy: and not,
By following as in
Hygiene, Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
rules of the the
socalled LIFESTYLE:
possible, of cause. To move from a state of the use of
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
medication for the treatment of disease, to that of no all-raw
medicine, and complete trust in the self-healing, or Rachel's food
lasting health self-reparative power of our bodies, requires a massive Anna's kitchen
& optimal change in consciousness, a quantum leap, so to speak. And
energy. Energy - the
there are very few people, once having been trained in
orthodox medicine who are able, or perhaps even capable, Chief Factor
Our goal is of making this quantum leap. In the final analysis they will
to teach, usually, if not always, revert to their medical teachings. Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the In conclusion, it is important to always bear in mind that Body & Spirit
best healing being trained in medicine does not fit one to practice
methods Hygienically. That in fact , far from doing so, may well be a What's Our
available. If major deterrent. By the same token, a training in Hygiene View?
The Truth About
they are does not give one a medical degree or the ability to practice Herbs?
low-cost or medicine.The study of medicine teaches us that disease Symptom
(acute) is something to be feared. That we are in fact Suppression?
free, so much
Raw Chocolate?

1 of 4 02/10/2010 14:04
Editorial - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

We teach victims of some outside entity which is attacking us and Theme:

that drugs causing us to be ill. It gives lip-service to the self-healing, WHAT IS
are self-reparative action of our bodies, then claims that it is DISEASE?
unnecessary insufficient to deal with the situation and requires external Unity
and will help which they provide with the help of their
Acute Disease
usually delay medications.This is in fact a process of giving away our Chronic Disease
healing and power. Tumors

cause new
diseases. Hygiene, on the other hand, is the restoration of our power. ANHS Library
It says we are not victims at all.That the process which we
We present refer to as disease (acute) is in fact a self-restorative and Links
excellent self-regenerative one, and if approached Hygienically will, in
the vast majority of cases, where we have not damaged our
bodies beyond all possible hope of repair, restore itself to
methods for
health and harmony (homeostasis). And even when it may
well appear that such damage has occurred, recovery is
often possible.
tested and
perfected by This is not in any way
doctors for meant to denigrate those
over 175 who believe and practice
years. disciplines other that
Hygiene. It is, as Dr
We want to Shelton so well pointed out
promote when he said that if we
health don't wish to have medical
independence treament then we must not
and critical turn to those trained in
thinking. medicine, an expectation in
what could be termed as
This the impossible. We can
webpage is only expect to receive
part of our Hygienic care from those
free online well grounded and trained
magazine, in the principles and practice of Hygiene.
produced by
volunteers. Medicine is the treatment of disease, whereas in Hygiene,
we see the disease as vital action as the body acts to heal
itself of the damage that we have inflicted, knowingly or
INHS has
unknowingly, upon it through our un-Hygienic ways of living.
It is a process to be thankful for. Thankful that there is
sufficient vital force to indeed carry out this process, so that
chat group we may not further damage ourselves beyond repair.
and articles.
We have much to be thankful for, and the self healing
properties of our bodies is, if not the most out-standing,
Visit INHS equally so with any other factor of which we might conceive.
WebSite It has been said that there are no miracles, yet by practicing
and living an Hygienic lifestyle, so-called miracles occur
Visit INHS daily, if not at every moment. Those that have been given
Review's days, weeks, months to live, often find they are able to be
Home Page restored to fullness of life, in spite of these dire

During the early stages of the adoption of the Hygienic

Lifestyle, usually the first three to four months, it may well

2 of 4 02/10/2010 14:04
Editorial - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

appear to the novice and newcomer who has no prior

knowledge of what to expect, that they are indeed becoming
worse instead of better as the body commences its process
of regeneration. This process is often referred to as "detox",
yet this is really only a very minor part of the process as our
body sets about restoring the damage that has occurred
over the whole of our lifetime. This is a massive task for
even a relatively young person, it is especially so if we
happen to be 50 or 60 years of age or so. Let us always
bear in mind that it requires the complete and total
replacement of every cell in our bodies. Yet, if we will only
persevere, we will find, in due course that slowly and
inevitably surely, after that initial period, we will reap the
benefits of our efforts.

This process

Dr. Fielder between 2 medically educated hygienic doctors

Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Haag

"regeneration" often manifests itself in the form of what is

orthodoxly termed as "acute" disease. A fever, the flu,
rashes, boils, or just a common cold, are not unusual forms
for it to take. It may well be accompanied by pain, for pain
is a part of the healing process. There can be swellings and
inflammation too. And if we will accept these for what they
are, a part of the healing process, and not medicate them
and further suppress them, then we assuredly will find, in
due course, that we are better than we previously were. To
not fear the process, for fear can of itself surely kill us. And
by continuing our regime of Hygienic Living we continue to
reap the benfits and regain the joy of living.

I say to all, whilst there is life there is hope. Do not give up

hope. There is another way other than that of medicine, be
they orthodox or alternative, and that is the Hygienic Way.
Try it, I am sure you will not be disappointed.


"Do not give up hope. There is another way

other than that of medicine, be it orthodox or
alternative, and that is the Hygienic Way. Try
it, I am sure you will not be disappointed."

3 of 4 02/10/2010 14:04
Editorial - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

John L. Fielder D.O, DC, ND.(Adel)

Osteopath & Lifestyle Consultant
Academy of Natural Living
Cairns, Australia

Visit Dr. Fielder's website:

Natural Health & Energy

INHS Hygienic Review

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Who are
the persons to the

4 of 4 02/10/2010 14:04
News - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005


News - with comments from a Natural Hygiene
Welcome perspective CONTENTS:
to the
magazine of
BIRD FLU Back to the
Plans for a global response to a mass Startpage
organisation outbreak of bird flu in humans are Editorial
for discussing taking shape, but are far from
& teaching
complete. Public health experts and In the News
Hygiene, a
epidemiologists are issuing shrill
warnings about the dangers a pandemic Interview
scientific view
on health and would pose to human health around the
Garden Corner
disease with world. Air travel could be among the first
roots as far casualties of a global panic as Theme:
back as 1822. governments try to prevent the disease WHAT IS
spreading. DISEASE?
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the Knowledge Needed
/4184496.stm Cause of Disease
European Union veterinary experts on
Our Thursday discussed concerns that an Method
philosophy: outbreak of bird flu in Russia could
By following spread to Europe and weighed what Dr. Robert
the simple precautions the EU's 25 member nations Walter
rules of the
should take, as experts in Britain warned
socalled LIFESTYLE:
that avian flu would "inevitably" be
brought there by migrating birds. Food
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
Rachel's food
lasting health /25/news/flu.php Anna's kitchen
& optimal COMMENT:
energy. Aren't the poor birds blamed for something that doesn't exist Energy - the
(virus-transmitted disease)? According to NH & Orthopathy, flu Chief Factor
Our goal is instead results from toxins or unsanitary conditions, and cannot
to teach, be transmitted. Also, bacteria, virus & bacilli change form, and Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & have a beneficial role. Victoria Moran:
improve the We agree with Shelton (1967): "The serums and vaccines that Body & Spirit
best healing are supposed to confer immunity often cause troubles that are
methods worse than the disease they are supposed to immunize one What's Our
available. If against. ..... The vaccinating and inoculating program is merely View?
The Truth About
they are a commercial one. While it nets huge profits to the traffickers in Herbs?
low-cost or vaccines and serums, it provides no health for the people. " Symptom
free, so much
Raw Chocolate?
We teach WHAT IS
that drugs DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 5 02/10/2010 14:08
News - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

WEST NILE VIRUS Disease/Health
and will Acute Disease
usually delay A 47-year-old man has become San Chronic Disease
healing and Diego County's first resident to be
cause new diagnosed with West Nile virus this ANHS Library
diseases. year. County health officials believe he
became infected while camping near Links
We present
Lake Elsinore in late July. Statewide,
health officials have reported about 370
methods for people in 20 counties who fell ill because
health of West Nile.
tested and /news/metro
perfected by /20050827-9999-7m27nile.html
doctors for COMMENT:
over 175 Here the poor mosquitos are blamed, and our comment is the
years. same as for the bird flu above.
Also note that for those who fall ill and it is blamed on West Nile
We want to Virus, the best solution is to stop eating and go to bed until the
promote symptoms stop. Serums and vaccinations may cause worse,
health sometimes even fatal, diseases. To be used only if your biggest
independence concern is the health of drug company profits.
and critical

part of our Breast is best - or is it? Breast milk of a
free online startling number of mothers in the
magazine, northwestern United States and
produced by neighbouring Canada contains toxins
from widely used flame retardents, a
INHS has
study showed on Friday. PBDEs are a
free common insulator and fire inhibiter used
membership, in furniture, textiles and electronic gear,
chat group according to Derry.
and articles.
Toxins are probably the biggest scourge of our times. This is
Visit INHS another example of the new toxic dangers of today, which
WebSite contribute to serious diseases, especially cancers, at younger
and younger ages. Not even breast milk is free from toxins
Visit INHS nowadays. A wake-up call!
Home Page


New Chinese drug effective in
reducing malaria deaths
Trial of a drug derived from an ancient
Chinese herb has been shown to reduce
the risk of death in malaria patients, says
a study. Researchers found a clear
benefit over standard treatment of
quinine on them.

2 of 5 02/10/2010 14:08
News - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

All drugs, even Chinese herbs, create big problems long-term,
and create new diseases. Herbs may suppress the outward
malaria symptoms, but do not remove the actual disease, since
the cause is untouched.
Instead follow the advice of Dr. Shelton: "During the acute stage
the malarial patient should be cared for as in any other acute
"diseases" - rest, warmth, fasting. Dr. Weger says: "Rigid dietary
discipline must be enforced after fever subsides. No quinine or
other medicines are given." (Orthopathy 1941)

Homeopathy ineffective, study finds
People who take homeopathic medicines
may as well be taking a sugar pill,
according to the latest review that finds
this form of complementary therapy acts
no better than a placebo. ... Practitioners
of homeopathic medicine, invented in the
late 1700s by German physician Samuel
Hahnemann, believe that the weaker the
solution, the more effective the medicine.
Homeopathy allows weak solutions of drugs. This is a small step
towards Natural Hygiene, which does not allow any drugs, and is
strongly against suppressing disease symptoms.The less
amount of toxic drugs given, the better, and the faster true
recovery will take place. Therefore homeopathy must be less
symptom-suppressing than medical drugs and herbs, and
thereby allow more true healing.
So our conclusion must be that drugs and medical herbs are
most likely far more ineffective than homeopathy.


Lawsuit filed over labeling potato
chips and French fries
California Attorney General Bill
Lockyer sued nine fast-food giants
yesterday, saying the law requires them
to tell the public their potato chips and
French fries contain a toxic chemical.
Lockyer sought a court order compelling
the companies to place warnings on their
cooked potato products because they
contain higher levels of a suspected
carcinogen, acrylamide, than other

3 of 5 02/10/2010 14:08
News - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Applauded. But it is best to avoid all deep-fried foods, which can
be devastating for long-term health. Natural Hygiene advice: eat
as raw as possible, avoid the wrong fats & oils, and avoid
cooked starches like potato. Eat fresh minimally-cooked
non-processed foods instead.

Africa Epidemic: What we can do
The World Health Organization
announced that tuberculosis is cutting a
deadly swath across the Africa, killing
500,000 people every year. The ravaged
immune systems of those who are
HIV-positive fall prey to the TB bacteria.
The rate at which TB is spreading in
Africa can only be described as
terrifying.With five new vaccines being
tested by the end of this year, there's
hope for better treatments.
Vaccines are not the answer to tuberculosis. Bacteria are not the
Dr. Shelton writes:
"Tuberculosis has a developing stage of several years,
beginning with enervation, toxemia, catarrh of the stomach,
infection of the glands of the lungs, and finally, tuberculosis. It is
the endpoint of an evolutionary process begun with toxemic
crises. Recovery almost never occurs under the prevailing
medical care.
Prevention: Fresh air, an abundance of sunshine, wholesome
outdoor play, plenty of fresh fruits and green vegetables,
cleanliness and plenty of rest and sleep will prevent
tuberculosis. It is largely an outgrowth of the social injustices and
economic inequalities of our hypertrophied commercialism."

Coffee a good source of antioxidants
If your hand is trembling over your third
coffee of the morning, do not despair.
You could be getting more healthy
antioxidants from your liquid fix than are
from the fruit or vegetables you eat,
according to a study of US diets.
Yes, coffee may contain many nutrients, but this is of little value

4 of 5 02/10/2010 14:08
News - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

for us. The toxins in coffee - which is what gives us the

stimulation and the fix - take precedence. The body has to use
all energy on toxin-removal, just to avoid serious damage. And
whatever energy is left will rarely be enough to extract any
nutrients. Read here about another popular food item with the
same effects.

Natural Health & Energy

INHS Hygienic Review

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Who are
the persons to
the right?

5 of 5 02/10/2010 14:08
Interview - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005


to the
magazine of
Back to the
for discussing
& teaching
In the News
Natural Dr. Vetrano with daughter Tosca in 1960's San Antonio
Hygiene, a
scientific view
on health and INTERVIEW
Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
Continued interview with Dr. Virginia Theme:
back as 1822.
Vetrano - #3 WHAT IS
Our motto: Unity of Disease
I loved geology. And I was studying geology. And Shelton said:
"trust the Knowledge Needed
you shouldn't be studying that, why don't you study physiology? Cause of Disease
So he got me into physiology. And that was just as interesting,
maybe even more so. After that I wanted to be a writer. I was Scientific
Our Method
studying to be a writer, and I started going to school to take
philosophy: writing courses.
By following Dr. Robert
the simple Then some chiropractic students at San Antonio College talked Walter
rules of the me into going to chiropractic school. Dr. Shelton didn't want me
socalled to, he wanted me just to study physiology. I decided, well if I am LIFESTYLE:
LAWS OF going to write and I am going to write about Hygiene too, I may Food
LIFE we can as well have the knowledge. By this time Tosca was already 4-5 Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
years old, and I was perhaps 26. So I switched my major from
Rachel's food
lasting health English to the basic sciences, and prepared myself to go to the Anna's kitchen
& optimal chiropractic school. I went to Trinity University to get my bachelor
energy. of sciences degree first. I majored in Biology and had double Energy - the
minors in Chemistry and French. Chief Factor
Our goal is
to teach, After I graduated, Shelton wanted me to stay out of school for Weight Loss:
one year. Just study Hygiene. I had already studied Hygiene when Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the I was in France, when I got Shelton's magazines, his books, Body & Spirit
best healing everything he wrote that he sent me. Shelton wanted me to stay
methods out, period. And so I did, I waited a year, but that's the year that What's Our
available. If killed him, because if I hadn't waited a year I would have View?
they are graduated a year early. And he would not have had to push The Truth About
himself for that last year of running the health school, to keep it
low-cost or Symptom
open when he started to get sick. Suppression?
free, so much
So I stayed out that year and studied Hygiene with Shelton, and Raw Chocolate?
took tests with him. And Dr. Karl Corealae was there and I learnt
a few things from him and took a few tests. He is an early Theme:
We teach hygienic practitioner. He was a friend of Dr. Gian-Cursio and Dr. WHAT IS
that drugs Esser. DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 6 02/10/2010 14:10
Interview - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary Disease/Health
and will Tosca grew up basically at the Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay health school. She was there Tumors
healing and from about 3 ½ when she first
cause new came back from Europe, and
ANHS Library
diseases. when I decided to go to
college, she was only six. And
We present so she was baby-sat there. All
excellent the nurses were looking after
no-drugs her, and she would play
methods for outside. There were about 3
health nurses. They'd keep an eye
Note: We are
on her, they'd feed her meals adding articles little
while I'd be away at school. It by little
tested and When the issue is
was in the country and there
perfected by finished we'll make
were often some kids that had a print-friendly
doctors for Dr. Herbert Shelton at a ANHS convention
come with their parents who version
over 175 were fasting, and she played with them.
She would go and see the patients with Dr. Shelton, she would
We want to make the rounds with him when she was little, and they'd ask her
promote little questions, and they used to be really surprised that she knew
health her food combining. At six years old she knew every rule of food
independence combining, and the patients would ask her: how do you know all
and critical that stuff? At about the same age she also saw her very first
thinking. person ever eat raw sweet potato. This was a patient who did not
want to eat cooked food, and they had made her a beautiful
This plate.
webpage is
part of our Tosca was 11, I think, when the new health school was built and
free online we moved out to the country. And when we did, she'd ride the bus
magazine, home, get dropped off, and go right up to the health school.
produced by Because her mother was at the health school and nobody was at
volunteers. home, she was always there, she was in and out all the time.

INHS has Then, after one year at the health school I went to chiropractic
free school. Tosca loved skipping her school and go to chiropractic
school with me. There were a lot of cute boys around and she
loved to sit through the classes. One day she was sitting there,
chat group
when we were studying the mandibular nerve, and I think she was
and articles.
there drawing the same picture as we were, off the board, that
the doctor had drawn for us to memorize. Where the branches of
the nerve went to. And so she wrote "mandipular ", it was really
Visit INHS cute – anyway, the teachers loved her.
I went there 4 years and graduated, and the minute I stepped out,
Visit INHS Shelton collapsed. Because he had been pushing himself for that
Review's whole extra year to keep it open so it would be open when I
Home Page finished school. That's why I say, that's what killed him.

But anyway I graduated in

'65, and Dr. Shelton quit and
took a 30 day fast, the
minute I graduated. I took
over that minute, because
you see he was just shuffling
along. He was killing himself.
When I was in school I knew
he was running down, but
there was nothing I could do
except continuing to
graduate. So when I

2 of 6 02/10/2010 14:10
Interview - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

graduated I just took over the health school. But we never got to
run it together as was his plan, so that neither of us would be

It was a big health school. It had a capacity of 30 people. And

that's big, you know, when you are taking care of all these
people, and you have to be called every night, for a crisis. And
the staff, and you've got the whole management of the whole
school. You are a doctor, a manager, a lecturer, you do all the
editing, you publish the magazine. I had to do all that, and learn all
that, in my first year of working.

In 1965 after I graduated and passed my state boards, I started

working solely at the health school. I now did everything.
Tosca was 15 when I graduated, and that's when she started
working with Shelton. He couldn't work anymore, he couldn't get
up. That's exactly when she started to come over in the evenings,
in the afternoon, after school. I ran the health school and she did
the books with him. Shelton was bed-ridden, pretty much. He still
could talk. When he couldn't get enough energy to push the air out
to be heard, he would whisper. It came later that he couldn't talk.

And it was after Tosca started working with Shelton that she put
out the first hygienic newsletter for children, that was probably at
the age of 15 or 16, when she started that newsletter. And it
caught on – she had so many subscribers. It was called the New
Dawn, just like the hygienic review but it was geared for children,
for young people, and had a lot of articles in there. It was darling,
I still have some copies of it.

She had a whole mailing list, that's how she got her money to
publish it. Everybody in ANHS knew that she were putting this
paper out, so they all wanted their children to have it. She
hand-printed it, she had this gel, like this old type mimeograph
material that the teachers use, it was a gel and ink and a paint
tray. She would lay out the sheet on this gel and it would copy.
That was the first copying machine, hand-done copies on this gel.
It took her about a month to put it out, but she got it out every
month. The information was just out of her knowledge, and she
had little stories in it.

The patients at the health

school were very good, I
gave them 2 lectures a week.
A live lecture twice a week,
and every other day in the
morning they would have
audio-tapes. And later when I
had my own health school I
lectured every morning. I
could give a short lecture and
then demonstrate exercises,
and give a longer hygienic
lecture on the other days.

When there was a crisis, the

nurses or the night girl at the
health school would call me
and say please come over
and see what's going on. At
Dr. Shelton & Tosca by the pool
least 3 times a week I had to
get up and go to the retreat in the middle of the night – go to the

3 of 6 02/10/2010 14:10
Interview - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

health school and take care of the problem. Sometimes all night.
It was not too far, but I had to drive all the way up on the
highway, then go almost half a mile, and then up his driveway.

Because Tosca had horses we had to have a gate at my house.

Shelton didn't have a gate. So my place was completely fenced,
and I would have to go out the front gate in the middle of the night
you know and it wasn't that much fun. Being alone, go out that
gate, and shut it – you didn't know who was there. You didn't
know what could happen in the middle of the night.

Finally we made a driveway between our two places, between

the health school and my house, so that I didn't have to go on the
highway, because it was kind of scary at night. Then we had a
cattle guard, so that the horses wouldn't get out. So all I had to
do was drive over. We were neighbors, ½ a mile or so, our
properties were adjacent.

Now I didn't feel I had enough physiology and anatomy, and the
basic sciences – I wanted deeper study. I didn't just want the
superficial Hygiene that any layman can have, can read books and
get that knowledge. I wanted to get into the physiology of it, and
teach Hygiene more specifically, more scientifically. That's why I
went to chiropractic school in the first place, and also continued
studying after I graduated.

Somebody told me about the Kansas City Naturopathic School.

So I started going there every month for 3 days. Friday evenings
we would have classes from about 6 to 9, and then all day
Saturday, and Sunday morning . Then we would have a couple of
tests, and when we passed we got credit for all those hours. I
flew there each month. Shelton had all these degrees – why
shouldn't I have some more?

At the health school we had a 30 patients limit, but we got so full

at that time that I purchased 2 mobile homes and put them on
Shelton's property. And he had a septic tank system built so I
could take the extra people in my mobile home place. Instead of
giving me a raise, Shelton let me just put my excess people over
there. That would be my raise you know. I would be working
double. I worked my trailers, plus I worked the health school too.
Many times I was taking care of fifty people. Then it got so
crowded that I had to split my shift, I had to do half one day and
half the other day. But at the time when I was doing that we did
have an intern there, who could sort of look after them.

And I still went once a month to Kansas City for the college work.
And one time we had to go to The University of Mexico in Mexico
City for the course in surgery.
After that I studied homeopathy, because I had studied some of
that in the naturopathic school, and I went over to Florida and
took the homeopathic state board examination to become a
homeopath. This was probably another 2 years later, when I was
32 or something. I didn't finish my naturopathic before I went into
homeopathy. I should have, because I had only 11 more hours to
go, probably only one weekend.

Next I started studying

medicine, that's what
happened. And I got my
medical degree because of all
the credit that I had from the

4 of 6 02/10/2010 14:10
Interview - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

naturopathic school, that counted in my favor, plus these extra

studies. Just adding on. A college in Oakville Ontario, the United
American Medical College, gave me the degree, it was before
1975. I didn't have to go there, because a doctor who was a
teacher there gave me an examination in Florida and issued the
degree. It wasn't tough, because I had studied very well in
chiropractic school, and we have the same textbooks. The only
thing we don't learn is the medical pharmacology.

Dr. Shelton was sick then. He was sick 18 or 19 years, and he

died around 1983. Tosca worked for him. He would dictate
articles for her, she would type them out. She was the only one
who could understand him. She worked a long time for Shelton.

Right after high school Tosca didn't want to go to college, instead

she wanted to go to secretarial school for a while. She took a
very good course as a secretary in one of the best schools in San
Antonio. Right out of high school at 18. So she was working for
Shelton and she was the only one that could understand him after
his voice left. Tosca had also been working with Shelton through
her high school years. Right after high school she'd come home
and stay in his room with him while I was running the health
school. She would be in there writing articles with him, all
afternoon. She did this until she was 25. For 10 years. She
started reading with him, working with him, when she was 13 or
14, pretty much.

Tosca edited Fasting for Renewal of Life, she was the one who
wrote it with Shelton. She is the one who typed up the articles he
would dictate from his notes. And they'd cut and paste and put
the book together. I edited his magazines, but Tosca edited the
books with him. And there was another one she did with him,
Hygienic Care of Children. When ANHS wanted to publish it the
first time and re-do it, she re-read that thing and edited it with

to be continued

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Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"When evaluated by cost, my formula

More works out to be much more economical
magazines than any other approach."

to the
magazine of
Back to the
non-profit Building Fertile Soil The Easy Way
organisation by Steve Solomon
for discussing
& teaching In all subsequent installments of this
column I will recommend using In the News
Hygiene, a varying amounts of a "complete
organic fertilizer" recipe I've worked Interview
scientific view
on health and out, or COF. COF is ideal for all
types of vegetables, putting into them Garden Corner
disease with
the highest possible nutritional values
roots as far
to sustain the humans who eat them. Theme:
back as 1822.
In case you are not the sort who reads the fine print, or not one to DISEASE?
Our motto: Unity of Disease
go to the trouble to search out the several ingredients I am
"trust the suggesting, may I say at this point that strong chicken manure
Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
body" based composts, which are often available premade at
supermarkets and garden centres, when applied at double or Scientific
Our triple the quantities that I suggest for Complete Organic Fertilizer, Method
philosophy: will seem to do almost as well if in addition you give each ten
By following square metres of your garden one half to one litre of agricultural Dr. Robert
the simple lime per year. I say "seem to do almost as well" because it is my Walter
rules of the long-considered conclusion that using Complete Organic Fertilizer
socalled mix will result in a much higher nutritional content in your LIFESTYLE:
LAWS OF vegetables. Food
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
achieve Many gardeners depend on tankage (meat meal) to boost their all-raw
Rachel's food
lasting health vegetables' growth; this substance has a high nitrogen content, Anna's kitchen
& optimal true, but lacks other nutrients. It is not a balanced fertilizer.
energy. Energy - the
When evaluated by cost, my formula works out to be much more Chief Factor
Our goal is economical than any other approach – you get nearly double the
to teach, amount of NPK per dollar from COF compared to chicken manure Weight Loss:
discuss & composts. Smarter fat-loss
Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
best healing
(COF) View?
available. If
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
The perfect fertilizer for home-garden vegetable crops would be a
low-cost or Symptom
dry, odourless, finely-powdered, completely organic material that Suppression?
free, so much
would not burn leaves if sprinkled on them, would not poison Raw Chocolate?
better. plants or soil life if somewhat over-applied. It would slowly deliver
to the plants about 5% nitrate-nitrogen (N); 5% phosphorus (P) in Theme:
We teach fairly available form and only 1% potassium (K, from kalium, its WHAT IS
that drugs Latin name). It would also contain substantial and perfectly DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary balanced amounts of calcium, magnesium and all the other Disease/Health
and will essential minerals such as iodine, cobalt, manganese, boron, etc. Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay It would release slowly so the nutrients didn't wash out of the Tumors
healing and topsoil with the first excessive irrigation or heavy rain.
cause new ANHS Library
diseases. "The perfect fertilizer for home-garden
vegetable crops would be a dry, odourless, Links
We present finely-powdered, completely organic
excellent material that would not burn leaves"
methods for Major nutrients in this ratio (5:5:1) with plenty of Ca and Mg (at a
health Ca:Mg ratio of about 6:1) produce high levels of nutrition in the
recovery, food we grow. You could markedly and inexpensively increase
tested and bulk yield by boosting potassium levels but the nutritional content
perfected by of the vegies would decrease as the potassium (and the bulk it
doctors for creates) went up. Most commercial growers, be they chemical
over 175 growers or organic growers, push potassium to high levels
years. because this element is inexpensive and makes them larger yields
and higher profits. But this result happens at the expense of the
We want to health of the consumers' health.
health COF approaches my target of 5-5-1 but
independence probably comes out more like 5-4-2
and critical (NPK). If you include all the suggested
thinking. ingredients, it also abundantly supplies all
minor (or trace) nutrients.
Complete organic fertilizer is created
webpage is
inexpensively by the gardener by mixing
part of our
materials obtained at relatively low cost per unit of weight, buying
free online
it from farm- or animal-feed suppliers in bulk sacks of 25-40 kg
magazine, each. City gardeners are going to have to make a journey a bit
produced by beyond the farthest suburbs in order to find such a supplier. This
volunteers. trip will be worth it! All materials are measured out by volume:
that is by the scoop, bucket, jar, shovels-full, etc. Proportions
INHS has varying plus or minus 10% of the targeted volume will be exact
free enough; perfect measurement is not necessary. Do not attempt to
membership, make this formula by weight.
chat group
and articles. Blend as uniformly as possible:

4 parts any seedmeal except coprameal

WebSite 3 parts any seedmeal except coprameal and 1
part meatmeal (tankage). This higher-nitrogen
Visit INHS
option is slightly better for leafy crops in spring
Home Page OR
4.5 parts coprameal supplemented with 1.5
parts blood-and-bone meal to boost the nitrogen

½ part ordinary agricultural lime, and
½ part dolomite lime

(for the very best results)
½ part phosphate rock or guano
½ to 1 part kelpmeal

2 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Seedmeal, blood-and-bone meal, and the two sorts of limes are

the most important ingredients. These alone will grow a great-
looking garden.
Guano and kelpmeal may be harder to obtain but including them
adds considerable "fortitude" to the growing plants and greatly
increases the nutritional content of your vegetables.

"Complete organic fertilizer is created

inexpensively, buying it from farm- or
animal-feed suppliers in bulk sacks of
25-40 kg each"

Go as far down the list as you can afford to, but if you can't find
the more exotic materials I wouldn't worry overly much. If money
is a concern that stops you from obtaining kelp or guano, please
consider this: in my opinion, a person can't spend too much
money creating maximum nutrition in their food because any
money spent here saves heaps in health costs of all sorts – and
how do you place a money value on the experience of suffering?

COF works out to be less costly than chicken manure composts

or Dynamic Lifter, which is pelletized chicken manure sold in
Australia, because it is half again stronger. Unlike Lifter, it has no


Seedmeals are normally used as

animal feed supplements (mainly for
horses and dairy cattle) and are a
by-product of extracting oil from
canola seeds, cotton seeds, coconut
meat (called coprameal), flax seeds
(linseedmeal), soybeans, etc.

Most seedmeals analyse (NPK) about 6-4-2, although coprameal

is about one-third weaker and for this reason its use is not highly
recommended. However, if coprameal was the only oilseed waste
I could obtain I would be glad to use it.
The amount of minor nutrients – calcium, magnesium and trace
nutrient minerals – varies enormously from meal to meal and lot to
lot; this depends upon the soil quality that produced the oil seeds.
Because most broadacre farm soils are severely depleted, most
seedmeals in commercial trade are probably rather poor in terms
of supplying nutrients other than NPK.
Seedmeals will not be sold by their plant nutrient content, but are
rated by their protein content because of their main use--animal
feed. As a rough rule of thumb, for every six percent protein the
meal will contain one percent nitrogen.

If more than one sort of meal is available, choose which ever type
is the cheapest per unit of protein because the largest portion of
the cost of distantly-produced sorts is usually freight. Sources are
animal feed dealers and farm stores, usually in sacks weighing
from 50 lbs to 40 kg depending on your country. Seedmeals are
stable and will store for years if kept dry and protected from mice
in a metal rubbish bin.
Canolaseedmeal is currently the cheapest seedmeal in Tasmania
where because canola oil is being produced here. When I lived in
Oregon I used cottonseed meal from California. People in the

3 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

midwestern USA will probably find soybean meal the most

obtainable. Those in the South of the USA will probably use
cottonseed meal.
I am certain to receive complaints and objections from some
readers about the pesticide and herbicide residues they are
certain will be in these seedmeals. All I can say to such people is
that I don't worry overmuch about this. Most toxic residues are
oil-soluble and are removed when the oil is extracted from the
seed. The waste of this process (seedmeal) is a relatively clean
substance. Besides, this industrial waste is then mixed into soil
where it is thoroughly decomposed before it becomes fertilizer.
Besides, in this industrial civilization of ours, the only way to obtain
fairly clean soil amendments is to grow them entirely yourself, in
other words, garden only with composts and manures produced
organically. This restriction is beyond the ability of most of us to

"In the midwestern USA - soybean meal.

In the South of the USA - cottonseed meal.
In Tasmania - canolaseed meal."

Lime(s). There are two useful sorts: "agricultural lime," which is

nearly pure calcium carbonate; and then there is dolomitic lime, a
variety of limestone containing both calcium and magnesium
carbonates, usually in more or less equal amounts. (Do not use
quicklime, burnt lime, hydrated lime, or other "hot" limes.) If you
had to choose one lime you're probably better off using dolomite,
but best off by far is using a mixture of the two types. Lime is not
expensive if bought in 25-50 kg sacks from a farm store. The
whole subject of liming gets DEEP! I cannot deal with the
complexity in this short article. The bottom line is that even if your
garden has been limed, even if by soil test its pH is quite
acceptable, use lime(s) in the fertilizer mix because vegetables
need calcium and magnesium as nutrients, and in the right
balance, which is about 4-8 parts calcium to each part of
magnesium. That is why I stress using a mixture of two sorts of
limes, so as to produce that 4-8 to 1 ratio.

Phosphate rock or guano slightly boosts phosphorus levels and

is also rich in trace elements.

Kelpmeal seems quite expensive but a 25 kg sack will last the

average gardener many years and will supply a wide range of
trace minerals and growth regulators that act like plant vitamins,
increasing plant resistance to cold, frost and other stresses. I
suggest that you purchase your kelpmeal by price; some places
have much higher labour costs so kelpmeal from Scandinavia
costs heaps more than the same product from Korea.


Preplant: atop each 10 square metres of raised bed or each 20

metres of planting row, uniformly broadcast 4 to 6 litres of
fertilizer. Hoe or spade the fertilizer in, blending well. If you "no
dig" your garden, just spread it. Soil animals will eat it and mix it in
for you. This amount provides a degree of fertility sufficient to
grow carrots, beets, parsley, beans, peas, perhaps enough for
leaf lettuce, and other 'low-demand' vegetables. Clay soil usually
needs a generous six litres per 10 sq. metres for the first few
years until it has become saturated with nutrients; then it'll need
less to maintain itself. If using less-potent coprameal as the basis

4 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

of your mixture, err on the side of being generous.

Side dress: A few weeks after

seedlings have come up, sprinkle
small amounts of fertilizer around
them, thinly covering the area that
the root system will grow into over
the next few weeks. As the plants
grow, side dress every three or
four weeks, placing each dusting
further from the plants' centres. Each side dressing will take a bit
more fertilizer than the last. As a rough guide on how much to
use, side dress about four to six additional litres per ten square
metres of bed, total, during a full crop cycle.

Side dress anything you want to make grow FAST, like broccoli,
tomatoes, capsicums, pumpkins, etc. If an application provokes
no growth response, side dressing wasn't needed so do it no

"Side dress anything you want to make

grow FAST, like broccoli, tomatoes,
capsicums, pumpkins."


Once animal manures were about the only garden fertilizer,

except where there were no flush toilets. Manure was the soil
conditioner, the soil loosener, the increaser of soil moisture
retentiveness, the source of the high levels of nutrients most sorts
of vegetables demand. That method is so deeply set in peoples'
awareness that I find it is hard to get people to consider anything
else. But there are reasons to consider other methods than
dependence on manures.

A century ago soils generally were far less degraded than they
are at present, so the manures produced by animals eating from
those soils were more potent – were useful as fertilizer. These
days, manure does not necessarily equal fertilizer.

A century ago people had a far higher understanding of the

differences among animal manures and they carefully chose a
material whose properties suited their purpose. It was generally
understood that there were two sorts of horse manure: "long" and
"short." And there were a great many horses to make it – well-fed
working horses that had to be in fit condition, not sickly hobby
horses. There was cow, sheep, chicken, perhaps hog manure,


Here's a brief rundown on these manures.

Short horse manure is free of bedding of any kind. It is a

reasonably potent substance if the horse has been properly fed.
After careful composting with fresh garden vegetation, short
horse will grow a pretty decent-looking garden, if used in large
quantities. By proper feeding I mean not some sorry nag having to
graze from a depleted paddock. I mean a horse eating top quality
hay and fresh grass from a fertile field. The owners of that

5 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

well-cared-for horse may also make sure it gets high-protein

grain. It is possible to find high-quality horse manure these days,
but most of what is offered the gardener these days is not that

Long manure is horse manure plus the bedding in the horse's stall.
In the old days that bedding was usually straw. "Long" has the
advantage that the bedding soaks up urine, which contains about
half the nutrients exiting the animal. It has the disadvantage of the
bedding, which is very low in nitrogen. If long manure is to have
much fertilizing effect it must first be thoroughly composted.
Properly composted long manure makes a low-potency product
that is quite useful for growing crops such as fodder turnips,
Swedes, potatoes, beans, carrots and beetroot – these are often
called low-demand vegetables.

These days horses are usually bedded on sawdust, a far less

valuable substance than straw. Sawdust takes forever to
decompose and if very much of it is put in your garden without
having fully decomposed, it will tie up the fertility of your soil for a
year or more, actually worsening vegetable growth. To
decompose sawdusty horse manure in a compost heap can take
over a year and several turnings with thorough waterings to
remoisten it. If the starting material was about as much sawdust
as manure, make that two years to decompose. And if the
starting material was mainly sawdust, make it three years. I have
found that after thorough composting sawdusty horse manure is
best used as a surface mulch under fruit trees and cane fruit. It is
not fertilizer.

"However, I urge you to regularly add

only thin toppings of animal manure, or

Cow manure plus the

bedding below those cows
has about the same value as
long horse manure. If the
bedding is straw and the
manure is thoroughly
composted, it acts like weak
fertilizer. If much
unbroken-down sawdust is
present, it acts like the
reverse of fertilizer.

I maintain my garden soil's

organic matter with feedlot
manure. At a price of under
$25 per cubic metre
delivered to me in loads of
7-8 metres, it is about the
best value I know of available in northern Tasmania. This manure
has little fertilizing value. Using enough to try to produce a strong
fertilizing effect would thoroughly disorder my soil.

Mushroom "compost" is cow poo plus bedding straw. It has been

only partially decomposed by the mushroom spawn and if spread
under trees or berry plants as a mulch, will grow them quite
nicely. However, unless you can buy it in bulk for around
$25/cubic metre instead of in plastic bags holding about 20 litres
each for three dollars each (exceeding $100/cu metre), then I

6 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

believe its cost greatly exceeds its benefits. It has slightly more
fertilizing value than feedlot waste but not strong enough to grow
really big vegetables, nor balanced enough to grow vegetables of
high nutritional content. You might get a second crop of
mushrooms however, adding to its value.

Sheep manure is usually pure manure, in fertilizing value about

like short horse manure. When purchased in bags for a few
dollars each the cost may exceed the benefits.

Poultry manure is very potent stuff, especially if nearly pure.

Dynamic Lifter is an Australian product — pelletized chicken poo.
Chicken manure is best regarded as a strong fertilizer, not as a
soil building substance. If used exclusively the crops get more
than enough fertility before the soil gets enough organic matter,
so your garden's organic matter content may run down, the soil
becoming ever lower on humus the more chicken manure you use.
Pure fresh chicken poo can also be mixed with straw or garden
waste and composted first. This is a better way to use it. Poultry
manure, usually a form of seed waste, produces vegetables of
higher nutritional content than does manure from ruminants,
usually a form of leafy grass waste.


Most forms of organic matter we can buy are not potent enough
by themselves to grow a good garden. So I do not recommend
using most manures as fertilizers. Manures and composts and
organic industrial wastes are, however, a useful and necessary
source of organic matter.

Adding organic matter is one thing every garden demands, so

long as it is not overdone. So I suggest that before sowing or
transplanting you always spread a thin topping of compost, or
well-rotted manure, or other processed plant waste (mint straw,
poppy trash, etc), and rake it into the surface. This little bit
maintains organic matter levels nicely. Working partially
decomposed organic matter into the surface few centimetres
won't disorder the entire soil ecology the way you can disorder it
by deeply digging in larger quantities of it. That's because the
surface is where there's lots of oxygen to encourage soil
organisms. There, right on the surface, half-finished organic
matter will be rapidly decomposed by worms and other small soil
animals, and will gradually be transported deeper as the soil life
moves about, excreting deeper down in digested form
(decomposed) what they've eaten near the surface.

"Before sowing or transplanting - always

spread a thin topping of compost, manure,
or processed plant waste, and rake it into
the surface."

Highly nutritious vegetables come only from soil containing enough

organic matter. But the process of gardening usually causes a
rapid loss of soil organic matter. It must be replaced on an
ongoing basis. However, I urge you to regularly add only thin
toppings of animal manure and/or compost and/or organic
industrial waste. The reasons for this frugality have much to do
with maximizing the nutritional content of your food.

By a thin topping of decomposed organic matter I mean a layer

7 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Garden Corner - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

only ½ to one cm thick. In a year or two that slight but repeated

addition will cause your soil to fill with earthworms, your soil will
retain more moisture and become looser and easier to work, your
plants will be healthier and have fewer problems with insects or
diseases. More than that small amount is not merely a waste – it
is actually a harm, because too much will lower the nutritional
content of your food. If that statement challenges your beliefs or
understanding, I am sorry. But it is a true statement to the best of
my knowledge. Proving it here would be beyond the scope of an
inexpensive book.
I refer this earnestly inquiring person to a website I create, Follow the links there to the
Agricultural Library and in that library read all the materials by
William Albrecht, Donald Hopkins and Sir Albert Howard.


Besides bringing in feedlot waste I also make compost. After all

one must dispose of old garden vegetation and kitchen garbage
somehow. However, the entire output of organic waste from any
vegie garden is not nearly enough, after composting, to cover the
soil one half centimetre deep once a year. Not even enough to
cover half the garden that deep.
But if two additional volumes of horse, cow
or sheep manure and about 5% soil by
volume were mixed into the waste
vegetation generated by a garden, and the
mixture properly composted, that might be
enough to make a half-centimetre layer
once a year. And if the manure used, cow,
horse or sheep, were of the highest
possible quality and purity (no sawdust),
and your climate offered HOT summers that cause organic matter
to decompose rapidly and release its nutrients fast, then the
compost you make with it might grow a fairly decent garden.
However, I find it cheaper and far easier to buy a load of
semi-decomposed industrial organic waste every year or two than
to seek out and haul in fresh pure high-quality manure and make
compost with it.

And then I use COF, complete organic fertilizer, as described

above. But there is no reason nor need to use chemical fertilizer!


Read an earlier Garden Corner article:

Why I grow a big vegie garden

"There is no reason nor need to use

chemical fertilizer!"

Steve Solomon

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Who are
the persons to
the right?

9 of 9 02/10/2010 14:11
Unity of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...

"Instead of there being hundreds of diseases there

More are simply many variations in form and
magazines manifestation of the disease process - the curing
to the
magazine of
WHAT IS DISEASE? Back to the
organisation Unity of Disease and Symptoms Editorial
for discussing
& teaching The UNITY OF DISEASE is a central concept in Natural
In the News
Natural Hygiene. When we talk of the unity of all diseases, we mean the
Hygiene, a unity of disease and symptoms.
scientific view There are not thousands of diseases, instead there is only one
on health and disease process, with different stages - the familiar "irritation,
Garden Corner
disease with inflammation, ulceration, ...." (more here)
roots as far Below, Dr. Bass and Dr. Shelton explain how it works.
back as 1822.
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the The Unity of Disease Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
All diseases, even though they use the Scientific
Our same one vital force in manifesting
philosophy: through the various progressive
By following stages in tissues and organs, for
Dr. Robert
the simple thousands of years since the
rules of the beginning of medical practice, have
socalled traditionally been named according to
the location of where the disease is LIFESTYLE:
LIFE we can present.
Dr. Fielder eats
For example, rhinitis is the all-raw
inflammation of the mucous Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
membrane in the nose, sinusitis is the
& optimal
mucous membrane inflammation of
energy. Energy - the
the sinuses, hepatitis is the
Chief Factor
inflammation of the liver, colitis of the
Our goal is colon etc.
to teach, Note, the process is the same in all Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & locations, and the stages of healing are the same, but the Victoria Moran:
improve the variations in symptoms differ in each organ because of the Body & Spirit
best healing differences in tissue structures between each organ.
methods What's Our
available. If View?
The Truth About
they are Dr. Stanley S. Bass Herbs?
low-cost or read more: Energy - Its Oneness and Unity As the Chief Factor Symptom
free, so much in Health and Disease
Raw Chocolate?
We teach "The stages of healing are the same in all WHAT IS
that drugs locations." DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 6 02/10/2010 14:12
Unity of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...

unnecessary Disease/Health
and will Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay Tumors
healing and
cause new The Unity of Diseases and Symptoms ANHS Library
The Unity of Disease means simply that all "diseases" by Links
We present whatever name they are called are one and the same thing.
excellent Instead of there being hundreds of diseases there are simply
no-drugs many variations in form and manifestation of the disease
methods for process - the curing process.
recovery, This is a most revolutionary principle and when finally understood
tested and and acted upon will simplify medicine and result in the passing
perfected by away of nearly all of what now passes for science in the realm of
doctors for medicine. It is possible to see all symptoms and all symptom
over 175 complexes in terms of their essential unity. We can go still farther
years. and show that the phenomena of health and the phenomena of
disease are essentially one. Instead of health and disease
creating, for us, the puzzles of nosologists and epistemologists,
We want to
they are but two phases of the same thing - life or living.
"This is a most revolutionary principle and when
and critical finally understood and acted upon will simplify
thinking. medicine."

This ....
webpage is But if disease is a unit
part of our and the disease process
free online is the same wherever
magazine, located and however far
produced by advanced, how are the
volunteers. apparent different
diseases accounted for.
This question may, at
INHS has
first, seem difficult to
answer. However, the
difficulties are more apparent than real.
chat group The so-called different diseases are disease in different organs or
and articles. in different structures. The apparent differences are given to them
by the differences in the affected organs and the degree of
Visit INHS
WebSite The brain can't vomit and the stomach can't become insane. The
liver can't urinate and the kidneys can't produce bile. The bowels
Visit INHS can't cough and the lungs can't give rise to a diarrhea. The heart
Review's can't sweat and the skin can't miss pulsations.
Home Page Each tissue has its own work to perform and when affected or
deranged gives rise to its own peculiar symptoms; that is, each
deranged organ speaks its own language or dialect.

The symptoms of any disease are characteristic of the part

affected. The distinguishing symptoms of the "different" so-called
diseases are due to the differences in the organs affected.

"The brain can't vomit and the stomach can't

become insane."

Thus, if the meninges of the brain and cord are affected, stupor
and delirium will be present; if the lungs are affected, respiratory
difficulties are present: if the stomach, intestine or bowels are

2 of 6 02/10/2010 14:12
Unity of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...

affected, the symptoms will be characteristic of these organs. It is

the tissue that is affected and the degree of the affection that
lends individuality to disease. All the specific characters of
disease are derived from the tissue or organ affected and not
from some specific character of the "disease" itself. Disease is
not an entity.

The reason for calling one form of disease catarrh, another

diarrhea, or appendicitis or phrenitis, or tonsilitis, or metritis, or
nephritis, or asthma or headache, etc., is not because of any real
essential difference in the "disease," nor even in the cause of the
"disease," but rather because of the difference in location. Each
organ has its own way of acting and feeling and this gives rise to
"different" symptoms. The real difference in one disease and
"another" disease is in the structure and function of the organ
affected. All disease is essentially one, every form having
essentially the same general characteristics and, at basis, due to
the same causes.

Catarrhal inflammation may

exist in any mucous surface
in the body and may be
either acute or chronic. Or
inflammation may begin in
one mucous surface and, as
time passes, extend to other
mucous surfaces.
Thus a woman who has
catarrh of the nose and
throat may develop metritis
and the woman who has
asthma or hay fever almost
always has leucorrhea and
metritis. The same
constitutional derangement is
at the bottom of each of
these "diseases." Hay fever is but an aggravated case of catarrh.
Bronchial asthma is a bronchial catarrh.

The symptoms in these "diseases" are fundamentally the same.

The distinguishing symptoms are those of location or structure.

Asthma is a special disease only because it is located in the

bronchial tubes and not in the nasal passage or colon.
Dr. Tilden sagely observes that if the structural changes occurring
in the nasal mucosa during an attack of hay fever, or in the
bronchial mucosa during an attack of asthma, were also to occur
in the neck of the womb their presence there would afford a
complete and adequate explanation of the phenomena of
dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation. "This simile," he adds:
"can be carried to every passage and cavity of the human body
that is lined with mucous membrane. The fact is, there is no
difference between a catarrhal state of one part of the body and
that of some other part."

The same blood and flesh condition that causes asthma can and
does cause uterine and ovarine diseases to develop and exist at
the same time the asthma exists. The asthma is not the cause of
the uterine troubles nor vice versa. They both stem from the same
fundamental cause.

Herbert M. Shelton,

3 of 6 02/10/2010 14:12
Unity of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...

"Human Life - Its Philosophy and Laws", Chapter XV, read more

"All 'diseases' by whatever name they are called

are one and the same thing"

Disease is a Unit

Dr. Benjamin Rush, who signed the

Declaration of Independence (1776, USA),
and who also insisted, when the
Constitution was being framed, that
provisions for medical liberty equal to
that of religious and political liberty be
made, also accepted the idea of the
unity of disease. Dr. Rush was one of
the greatest minds of the Revolutionary
period, a scientist and painstaking
Benjamin Rush, 1745 - 1813 investigator. He declared:

"Disease is as much a unit as fever. . . . Its different seats and

degrees should no more be multiplied into different diseases
than the numerous and different effects of heat and light upon
our globe should be multiplied into a plurality of suns.

"Science has much to deplore from

the multiplication of disease. It is as
repugnant to truth in medicine as
polytheism is to truth in religion. The
physician who considers every
different affection of the different parts
of the same system as distinct
diseases, when they arise from one
cause, resembles the Indian or
African savage who considers water,
dew, ice, frost, and snow as distinct
essences; while the physician who considers the morbid
affections of every part of the body, however diversified they
may be in their form or degree, as derived from one cause,
resembles the philosopher who considers dew, ice, frost, and
snow as different modifications of water, and as derived simply
from the absence of heat."

We agree perfectly with Dr. Rush in placing those who see in

every "abnormal" manifestation of life a different and specific
disease on the intellectual level of savages.

"Disease should no more be multiplied into

different diseases than the numerous and different
effects of heat and light upon our globe should be
multiplied into a plurality of suns."


4 of 6 02/10/2010 14:12
Unity of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...


Dr. Benjamin Rush:

"By the rejection of the artificial
arrangement of diseases, a
revolution must follow in
medicine. . . .
The road to knowledge in
medicine by this means will
likewise be shortened; so that a young man will be able to
qualify himself to practice physic at a much less expense
of time and labor than formerly, as a child would learn to
read and write by the help of the Roman alphabet, instead
of Chinese characters.



Herbert M. Shelton, Human Life - Its Philosophies and Laws,


"We agree with placing those who see in every

"abnormal" manifestation of life a different and
specific disease on the intellectual level of

Note: there is also a unity of disease and health.

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Who are
the persons to
the right?

6 of 6 02/10/2010 14:12
Cause of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review ...

"Processed foods, altered foods, preservatives, food

More colorings, irradiation, overcooking, etc. contribute to
magazines toxemia and enervation."
to the
magazine of WHAT IS DISEASE? Back to the
What are the causes of disease?
Bacteria, viruses, germs? Poisons & toxins? Exhaustion? Old age? Editorial
for discussing
What is the Natural Hygiene standpoint? Do you know the 3 causes of
& teaching
disease? In the News
The concepts below doctors have arrived at by trial and error from the
Hygiene, a
1820's onward. Interview
scientific view
on health and
Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
back as 1822.
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
Our Method
philosophy: Dr. Stanley Bass: The Cause of Disease
By following Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
rules of the 1. Enervation - loss of energy which cause a slowdown and
socalled retention of body wastes leading to:
LIFE we can 2. Toxemia - retained body wastes and metabolic toxins. Dr. Fielder eats
achieve These produce further enervation or all-raw
A Rachel's food
lasting health weakening of body energies leading to
greater and increased toxemia, establishing a
waste Anna's kitchen
& optimal
recurring vicious cycle until a saturated of Energy - the
toxemic state is produced forcing an energy! Chief Factor
Our goal is elimination process called acute disease.
to teach, Energy loss is also caused by the use of toxic Weight Loss:
discuss & stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol, Smarter fat-loss
Victoria Moran:
improve the tobacco, drugs, environmental poisons, etc. Body & Spirit
best healing Also negative mental and emotional states,
methods loss of rest and sleep. What's Our
available. If Processed foods, altered foods, preservatives, food View?
colorings and many toxic chemicals added to flavor foods, The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or irradiation, overcooking, etc. contribute to toxemia and Symptom
free, so much enervation. Also included are overeating especially, Suppression?
overexercising, or overwork. Raw Chocolate?
We teach 3. Deficiencies - caused by refining of food, which removes WHAT IS
that drugs vital substances, or food from depleted soils. This is very DISEASE?
are common and almost worldwide in prevalence today. Unity
unnecessary Acute Disease
and will Chronic Disease
Dr. Stanley S. Bass Tumors
usually delay
read more: Energy - Its Oneness and Unity As the Chief Factor in
healing and

1 of 4 02/10/2010 14:14
Cause of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review ...

cause new Health and Disease ANHS Library

We present "Leading to greater and increased toxemia, a
excellent recurring vicious cycle until a saturated toxemic
state is produced forcing an elimination process
methods for
called acute disease"
tested and
perfected by
doctors for
over 175

We want to
promote Dr. Stanley Bass: The Cause of Disease
health from How Important is Diagnosis?
and critical Barring injury, emergencies, or complications resulting from injury, such as
thinking. hemorrhaging, broken bones, etc.., let us begin with conditions that are
classified as diseases.
webpage is Only 3 causes
part of our Generally speaking, diseases are caused by any or all of 3 factors - namely:
free online enervation, toxemia or deficiency.
produced by
volunteers. Toxemia
There are 2 sources of toxemia:
INHS has 1. Toxemia which is caused by the ingestion and accumulation of
free substances which are foreign to the body and toxic in nature,
such as chemicals, drugs, etc. These produce irritation,
inflammation and pathology in bodily organs and systems.
chat group
2. Toxemia which is due to the accumulation of toxic wastes
and articles.
resulting from the food and beverages we eat and drink;
unnatural food or natural food in excess beyond what the body
can use at the moment. Retention of this excess leads to
Visit INHS decomposition of the food and the production of irritating and
WebSite toxic chemical wastes, which provide a fertile field for the growth
of microbes and various species of bacteria, which further
Visit INHS increase the toxic state.
Review's Deficiency
Home Page Deficiencies: The insufficiency of necessary food substances, such as
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, enzymes etc., lead to
breakdown of cells, tissues and organs which is given names of
diseases, according to its location.

John Henry Tilden, M.D., formulated a theory of the cause of disease
as due to a recurring cycle of enervation and toxemia.
Enervation is the reduction or loss of energy occasioned by
1. the lack of rest or sleep, or
2. the excessive use of emotion, negative thoughts, worry, stress,
3. the overdoing of physical actions, overeating etc.


Enervation leads to a reduction of the body's ability to digest,
absorb, assimilate and excrete body wastes - thus leading to a
retention of wastes in the cells and tissues and thereby causing
Disease, in turn, causes a depletion of the body's energies,
requiring more energy to maintain the normal state of
homeostasis than ordinarily needed. This excess expenditure of
power leads to a slowdown in bodily function, which is followed

2 of 4 02/10/2010 14:14
Cause of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review ...

by an increased retention of bodily toxins in a cycle as follows:

This ingenious cycle of enervation and toxemia as being the

cause of all diseases (barring accidents or trauma) may be
regarded as absolutely true if you add the additional factor of
deficiencies (which is omitted in the theory).

All body-parts are affected by toxins

The next important thing to be understood is this - the function of the blood and
its circulation. Related to this is the understanding of the lymph circulation, the
collateral circulatory system.
All food and beverages which are consumed finally enter the bloodstream and
are circulated in an endless flow to all bodily parts. All the food nutrients are
supplied to every cell and all cellular wastes are removed in this unceasing
dual function.

Now, if disease occurs in one bodily organ or part from the presence of toxins
or food excesses or uneliminated cellular wastes and excretions, you may be
certain that these same wastes are being carried to all bodily organs and cells
by this same bloodstream.

"These same wastes are being carried to all bodily organs

and cells by this same bloodstream"

Each body-part responds differently to toxins

The weakest organ breaks down first manifesting disease. In time, the next
weakest or overworked organ indicates malfunction, and is given a name of
disease. The important thing to remember is that all bodily parts and cells are
affected at the same time, with the weakest part manifesting first, followed by
the next weakest.

Likewise, in the reverse manner, when you detoxicate the body by reducing
the amount of food ingested, either partially (by a restricted diet or juice
program), or totally, (by fasting or abstaining from all food except for the use
of water), the blood removes all excessive wastes from all bodily parts and
cells at the same time, a certain amount each day.

Dr. Stanley S. Bass

read more at - How Important is Diagnosis?

Dr. Herbert Shelton: Do germs/virus/bacteria cause disease?

"The weakest organ breaks down first manifesting disease."


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Who are
the persons to the

4 of 4 02/10/2010 14:14
Enemas - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

More "Despite all the propaganda and all the claims that have been made for
magazines it,
the enema is an evil."
to the
magazine of THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Back to the
INHS, a Startpage
non-profit Why Dr. Shelton decided to discontinue enemas
organisation Editorial
for discussing In INHS email group we always come back to this topic: the scientific method in Hygiene. Is NH a science,
& teaching using scientific methods? In the News
Natural - Listen to Dr. Shelton describe HOW he concluded that enemas were NOT helpful, rather the opposite.
Hygiene, a Using Interview
scientific view (1) nature observations made by others, and
on health and (2) nature observations in his own practice. And Garden Corner
disease with (3) tests/experiments.
roots as far And note how he in a similar way decides that lots of water-drinking in fasting is not necessary, by observing Theme: WHAT
back as 1822. animals in nature. IS DISEASE?
Unity of Disease
Our motto: Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
"trust the
body" Scientific
philosophy: Dr. Robert
By following Walter
the simple
rules of the LIFESTYLE:
socalled Food
LAWS OF Dr. Fielder eats
LIFE we can
AVOID M ore detoxification, of Rachel's food
More health without Anna's kitchen
lasting health enemas ENEMAS! blood & tissues, without
enemas Energy - the
& optimal
energy. Chief Factor

Our goal is Weight Loss:

Smarter fat-loss
to teach, Victoria Moran: Body
discuss & Dr. Herbert Shelton: from the article "Observations of Nature" & Spirit
improve the
Hunters in the north woods learned many things about bears. They noticed their eating habits, the winter What's Our
best healing
hibernation and the fact that, though they sleep through four or five months of winter, they do not foul their dens View?
methods The Truth About
available. If with bowel movements. Enema advocates should take notice of this four and five months without bowel
they are movement. Symptom
low-cost or Raw Chocolate?
The hunters noticed two other significant facts that have been fully confirmed by
free, so much
scientists. When they killed the bears in the spring, they always found a plug, which
better. Theme: WHAT
they called a "tappin" or a "dottle" in the rectum. They thought the bear prepared this
stopper and placed it in the rectum before going to sleep for winter to prevent the Unity Disease/Health
We teach escape of any of the food in the intestine. Acute Disease
that drugs Chronic Disease
are Tumors
Biologists, studying the matter, found this "tappin" to be a hardened piece of feces. It
unnecessary occurs automatically and not by intent. I have seen the same thing more than once in
and will ANHS Library
fasting patients.
usually delay Except in cases of hemorrhoids or incipient hemorrhoids, these plugs never give any trouble.
healing and Links
cause new The second feature noticed by the hunters is that when a bear just settled for the winter is shot and the bowel
diseases. opened the stench is "overpowering", the flesh "nauseating, fishy and unfit for food. " Jan Welzl, a hunter, says,
in his Thirty 'Years in the Golden North, "It is useless to shoot him (the bear) at the beginning of his winter
We present sleep, because he is then very fat, and has a disgusting smell of fish oil. The meat smells just as bad. "
no-drugs But the picture is different at the end of the winter's sleep. Welzl says: "But at the end of the winter sleep he
methods for has used it (the fat) all up and then bear's meat is a delicious treat. " Canadian government biologists confirm
health this, saying, that by spring the bears flesh has undergone a complete and remarkable change. It has then
recovery, become "the most sought after of all northern foods. " Very little residue is found in the alimentary tract. "The
tested and bowel was odorless" say the biologists, "and quite sterile. No cultures of any of the intestinal flora or bacilli
perfected by could be obtained. "
doctors for
over 175 Enema advocates are especially requested to notice the contrast between the foulness of the intestines and the
years. unsavoriness of the flesh at the beginning of winter when regular bowel movements have been experienced and
the odorlessness and sterility of the intestines and savoriness of the flesh after four to five months without a
bowel movement.
We want to
I repeat: There is a wealth of valuable information to be gained by observing living nature. We cannot
hope to learn about life by going always to the morgue. Dissecting frogs and cats and mounting butterflies is a

1 of 3 02/10/2010 14:15
Enemas - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

independence poor introduction to the science of life.

and critical
"I found they recovered in less time, that they are more comfortable, and that bowel
This function after the fast is much more efficient, if enemas had not been used."
webpage is
part of our
free online When I first read an article on fasting (back in 1911), I had been previously prepared to accept fasting by having
magazine, seen many sick animals fast. I was not prepared to accept the supposed need for lots of water drinking in
produced by sickness and especially in acute illness. For, I had repeatedly observed that the acutely sick animal refuses
volunteers. water. I had actually attempted to force side cows to drink by taking them to the water and sticking their noses
in it. Sometimes a sick animal will take a sip or two of water, but it does not drink much or often.
INHS has
I accepted the enema, especially as a measure to be employed during the fast, and employed it for the first
five years of my practice. But I could not close my eyes to it's many evils and it's unpleasantness. Finally, I
began to think the matter over. I recalled that fasting animals did not use enemas. If they do not need them, I
chat group
asked, why do my fasting patients need them.
and articles.
I began a search of fasting literature. I discovered that Jennings, Graham, Trall, Dewey, Tanner and others had
not employed it in caring for their fasting patients. I was told that their patients would have recovered sooner
Visit INHS had they employed the enema. In view of the known and admitted enervating effect of enemas, this did not
WebSite seem reasonable.

Visit INHS I still employed the enema. When I wrote Fundamentals as Nature Cure (1922) I advised the enema during the
Review's fast. When Dr. Claunch reviewed this book in Health First, he questioned the use of the enema. It is not a
Home Page natural method, he pointed out. This was obvious. I decided to try omitting the enema during the fast. I did so
cautiously at first, and for only short periods. Gradually I lengthened the periods between the enemas. Then, at
the end of 1924, I discontinued their use.

Did I find that my patients required longer time in which to get well? Did I find that they developed symptoms of
intestinal poisoning? No. I found

they recovered in less time,

that they are more comfortable without than with the enema, and
that bowel function after the fast is much more efficient if enemas have not been used.

"The fasting body is capable of breaking up (digesting) all germs, viruses and
parasites, visible and invisible and using them as food. It is fully capable of protecting

If the fast has not been long, the first movement is often very foul. But this foulness never
gets into the blood stream as is popularly believed. I once cared for a man who had used
enemas so long they no longer induced bowel movements. He would take an enema one
morning and expel the water the following morning.
There was never any evidence that any of this water was absorbed.
There were no symptoms of poisoning.
There was no decrease in the sense of thirst.
There was no increase in urination.
The amount of water expelled the following morning was the same as that injected the
morning before.

If toxins are absorbed from the colon they would certainly be more readily and more abundantly absorbed when
the feces are liquified, as in the above case, than when the feces are in semi-solid form. There is no more
reason why the colon should (or does) absorb fecal matter held in it for some time than there is why the bladder
should absorb urine held in it for hours before being voided.

The facts revealed by the study of the bears show that the fasting body is capable of breaking up (digesting) all
germs, viruses and parasites, visible and invisible and using them as food. It is fully capable of protecting itself.

Observations of nature, both in the wild state, in the domestic state and in human beings are sufficient
to show beyond doubt that the enema is not a necessary or a helpful expedient. Despite all the propaganda that
has been employed to popularize the enema and all the claims that have been made for it, the enema is an evil.

Herbert M. Shelton, 1944, Hygienic Review --- click here for the complete article

Avoid enemas & colonics while fasting - 12-step fasting article by Dr. Shelton

Enemas waste energy - Read about the importance of rest during fasting - and why enemas, colon cleansing
should be avoided - article by Dr. Shelton

"Observations of nature, both in the wild state, in the domestic state and in human
beings are sufficient to show beyond doubt that the enema is not a necessary or a
helpful expedient."

Another enema example

- this Natural Hygiene doctor also observes nature: himself.

2 of 3 02/10/2010 14:15
Enemas - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Q: What about enemas while fasting?

A: Many years ago, when I first started out I fasted many times while using enemas (colon cleansing). My
experiences were negative, I often got weak and dizzy and experienced two blackouts. So I stopped the enemas,
and never had any problems after that. Later I found out the Drs. Cursio and Shelton had had similar experiences,
and also recommended against enemas.

Dr. Stanley S. Bass

"My experiences were negative, I often got weak and dizzy and experienced two

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Who are
the persons to the right?

3 of 3 02/10/2010 14:15
Dr. Walter - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"He was a man of brilliant mind; a keen thinker and

More careful logician."

to the
magazine of
Back to the
INHS, a Robert Walter M.D., 1841 - 1921
organisation QUOTE: "Natural Hygiene science 'cures' sick people by removing
for discussing the cause of disease. It removes the disease by removing the
& teaching necessity for it. It believes Nature is right, and hence does not seek to
In the News
Natural thwart her operations. It declares that disease is a natural process of
Hygiene, a purification, and should not be stopped, but aided. Its remedies are
scientific view Nature's health preservatives. Obedience to Nature is its greatest
on health and panacea. Air, light, food, water, exercise, rest, sleep, etc., in such
Garden Corner
disease with manner and degree as Nature can use are its curatives. Remove the
roots as far Cause, and the effect will cease. THIS IS NATURAL HYGIENE
back as 1822. SCIENCE."
Our motto: "He was forced to study the matter himself, because Unity of Disease
"trust the physicians are interested in 'disease', not in health." Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
"There must be a way to live
Our exactly right, which, if a man
does, he will grow into Method
By following health," said a young school
teacher to himself a half Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
century or more ago.
rules of the
He was beginning to despair
socalled LIFESTYLE:
of life because every doctor
to whom he went diagnosed
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
his condition differently and all-raw
achieve proceeded to make him much Rachel's food
lasting health worse than ever. Anna's kitchen
& optimal Then began a long series of
energy. experiments upon his own Energy - the
body, and years of study of Chief Factor
Our goal is the subjects that relate to
to teach, health and impaired health. Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss &
Victoria Moran:
improve the This young man, Robert Walter by name, later became one of the Body & Spirit
best healing most outstanding leaders in the Hygienic movement. He was born
methods February 14, 1841, and died October 26, 1921. Like Graham, Trall, What's Our
available. If Tilden and many others, who have turned to hygiene, he was forced to View?
The Truth About
they are study the matter himself, because physicians are interested in Herbs?
low-cost or "disease," not in health. I am informed that his degree in medicine was Symptom
free, so much obtained at the Hygieo-Therapeutic College founded and administered Suppression?
Raw Chocolate?
better. by Trall. To Trall, Jackson and Jennings he gives most credit for his
own work. Theme:
We teach WHAT IS
that drugs His hygienic institution at Wernersvllle, Pennsylvania, was a large
institution and was famed throughout the world for the excellence of Unity
results obtained there in the care of all forms of impaired health Disease/Health
unnecessary Acute Disease
including the so-called incurable conditions. He was a man of brilliant
and will

1 of 4 02/10/2010 14:16
Dr. Walter - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

usually delay mind; a keen thinker and careful logician. Someday he, along with Chronic Disease
healing and Jennings, Graham, Trall, Taylor, and Tilden will take their justly Tumors
cause new deserved places in America's Hall of Geniuses.
diseases. ANHS Library
Besides the books mentioned in Volume I of this series, Dr. Walter is
We present the author of several small treatises, as, for instance, his The Links
excellent Nutritive Cure, 1881: Hygienic Hydropathy, in which he tried to get
no-drugs away from the harsher forms of water application; Philosophy of
methods for Health Reform; Hygienic Treatment - What is it?; How Sick People
health are Cured; A Defense of Hygienic Treatment; Drug Medicines as
recovery, Causes of Disease; AlcohoL as a Cause of Disease; one on
tested and Diphtheria and others. He was also editor of The Laws of Health.
perfected by
Herbert M. Shelton,
doctors for The Hygienic System, Vol. VII, Orthopathy, Chapter I
over 175

We want to
and critical

webpage is
part of our
free online
produced by

INHS has Dr. Robert Walter's Sanitarium, Wernerville, Pennsylvania

chat group "Remove the Cause, and the effect will cease. THIS IS
Robert Walter

Visit INHS

Visit INHS
(Also called The Laws of Vitality by Dr. Robert Walter)
Home Page
Dr. Robert Walter formulated "Life's Great Law" as follows:
"Every living cell in the organized body is endowed with an
instinct of self-preservation, sustained by a force inherent in the
organism, usually called vital force or life, the success of whose work
is directly proportioned to the amount of the force, and inversely to
the degree of its activity."

Dr. Stanley S. Bass, The Laws of Life

Note: there is an alternatve formulation of this law - that you can find here.


by Robert Walter M.D.

2 of 4 02/10/2010 14:16
Dr. Walter - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Out from the invisible realm of power comes all power, whose
manifestations, however, can never exceed its source. This power of
life comes to us as a daily income which we cannot anticipate, a fact
which prevents any man from alienating his inheritance by early
dissipations, for the facts prove that he may still attain to long years of
usefulness if he "ceases to do evil and learns to do well."

But while we cannot alienate our inheritance we may deplete our

reservoir of power and so appear to borrow on the future. "As thy
days so shall thy strength be," is as good science as it is religion; we
may borrow through the use of stimulants, from the stock of power
already possessed, which stimulants while they exhaust the reservoir,
prevent recuperation, and make chronic invalids, but do not necessarily
appreciably shorten life. The feeblest may yet become strongest if
youth and inherent capacity continue, and full recuperation is permitted.

Time is the important element in such a case; the invalid must learn to
live by faith, and await the accumulation of power which he can
become conscious of only by spending, in the doing of which be delays
or prevents recovery. It is the stimulating and toning methods of
present-day practice that has filled our country with chronic invalids.
Recuperation is prevented because of the desire of physician and
friends to see, and the patient to feel his improvement, which ceases,
in a measure, at least, in the very act of making it obvious.

The development of power through

gymnastics is another excellent form of
development. But it must be conducted with
A good illustration of both power and method
was observed in Boston's strong man thirty
years ago. This man had developed capacity
to lift 2700 pounds, which fact is surely
excellent testimony to the value of the
methods pursued. What were these methods? He went to his
gymnasium once daily and lifted all that he could, adding each day a
pound or two to the previous day's record.

The balance of the twenty-four hours was devoted to recuperation

through rest, no further severe labors or taxations being imposed, so
that he returned each day fully prepared for a repetition of his lift. Does
any one suppose that if he had lifted all he could three times per day
that he could have developed his enormous strength? We believe the
reader will agree that only the most complete rest, alternating with
exercise, could have produced the result. But even then the
development was abnormal and excessive, and ended in heart-failure
and death.

A better form of development is carried out in our schools and

colleges, also in debating societies and political contests, all of which
constitute the arena of social and political development. The first
teaches "the young idea how to shoot;" the second is intended to make
men capable and wise, laying deeply the foundations for future
success; the third makes ready men, while the last develops men into
citizens, which, by the very fact of their development, makes their
country great.

In all these cases recuperation through rest is quite as important as the

exercise. Continuous study defeats the object in view; rest
corresponding to the activity rather than violent exercise, will be found
essential to success.

3 of 4 02/10/2010 14:16
Dr. Walter - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"only the most complete rest, alternating with

exercise, could have produced the result"

Dr. Stanley S. Bass provided the article

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Who are
the persons to the

4 of 4 02/10/2010 14:16
Food1 - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

to the DIET EXAMPLE - Dr. Fielder eats all-raw
magazine of
Back to the
INHS, a On this day in 2001, Dr. Fielder had 2 meals. The first meal with fruit, some nuts and Startpage
non-profit perhaps lettuce.
organisation The second meal with lettuce and other raw vegetables.
for discussing (Note: Animal foods perhaps once a week to a month, and then all-raw.)
& teaching
In the News
Hygiene, a A fruit meal
scientific view
on health and
Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
back as 1822.
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
Our Method
By following Dr. Robert
A plate of cut-up Mexican "prickly pears", or cactus pears.
the simple Walter
rules of the
socalled LIFESTYLE:
Dr. Fielder's Classic "Sandwich"
The ingredients are: lettuce, tomatoes and avocado. Roll-up pieces of tomato and
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
avocado in leaves of lettuce. Eat. Chew well. all-raw
Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
& optimal
energy. Energy - the
Chief Factor
Our goal is
to teach, Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
best healing
methods What's Our
available. If View?
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or Symptom
free, so much
Raw Choco late?
We teach WHAT IS
that drugs DISEASE?
are Unity
unnecessary Acute Disease
and will Chronic Disease
usually delay Tumors

healing and
cause new ANHS Library
Dr. Fielder's Classic "Sandwich" - another one
We present
Eating several of them, until satisfied.
methods for

1 of 2 02/10/2010 14:16
Food1 - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

tested and
perfected by
doctors for
over 175

We want to
and critical

webpage is
part of our
free online
produced by

INHS has
membership, And here is another day's version
chat group This time with lettuce, avocado, tomato, cucumber and okra:
and articles.

Visit INHS

Visit INHS
Home Page

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Who are
the persons to the

2 of 2 02/10/2010 14:16
Food2 - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

to the DIET EXAMPLE - Rachel's garden produce and
magazine of favorite foods Back to the
for discussing
& teaching
In the News
Hygiene, a
scientific view
on health and
Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
back as 1822.
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the Knowledge Needed
The first thing I eat during the day between 11 and 2 is fruit. I Cause of Disease
love blueberries and have had grapes the past few days.
Mangoes and bananas are also a favorite. Scientific
Our Method
By following Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
rules of the
socalled LIFESTYLE:
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
& optimal
energy. Energy - the
Chief Factor
Our goal is
to teach, Now that summer is here and I have fresh tomatoes from my Weight Loss:
garden, I eat a bunch of those every day. Purple Cherokee, Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the yellow pear and brandywine varieties are what I have ripe at the Body & Spirit
best healing moment.
methods What's Our
available. If View?
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or Symptom
free, so much
Raw Chocolate?
We teach WHAT IS
that drugs DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 3 02/10/2010 14:17
Food2 - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary Disease/Health
and will Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay Tumors
healing and
cause new ANHS Library
We present
methods for
tested and Sometimes I have some raw cheese with them. If I desire a
perfected by third meal, I will usually eat a carrot a few hours before bed.
doctors for
over 175

We want to
and critical

webpage is
part of our When my bell peppers ripen to red, I assume those will take the
free online place of the tomatoes. Red peppers are my all time favorite!
produced by

INHS has
chat group
and articles.

Visit INHS

Visit INHS
Rachel, 8-2005
Home Page

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3 of 3 02/10/2010 14:17
Food3 - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

to the DIET EXAMPLE - from Anna's kitchen
magazine of
Back to the
INHS, a I usually start the day with a blended salad - usually lettuce & Startpage
non-profit tomatoes & cucumber finely chopped in a food processor. Or
organisation whatever other veggies I have at home. Preferably eaten within
for discussing 10 minutes of chopping. Usually as brunch, an hour or so before
& teaching noon.
In the News
Natural A little while afterwards I may have one or more egg yolks,
Hygiene, a organic, preferably from outdoors free-roaming hens (Supposedly
scientific view more nutritious, more omega-3). Sometimes I eat the egg white also,
on health and which I usually heat to coagulation - I do this to diminish the
toxic avidin in the white. I may add a spoon of flax oil or fish oil, Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far for more omega-3.
back as 1822.
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
Our Method
By following Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
rules of the
socalled LIFESTYLE:
LIFE we can After I had been a vegan (almost-vegan) for over a decade, and Dr. Fielder eats
achieve then went on a stone-age type diet, I had an big craving for all-raw
Rachel's food
lasting health eggs. I ate up to 10 a day for a year, after which the craving Anna's kitchen
& optimal disappeared. And I still love eggs.
energy. Energy - the
Chief Factor
Our goal is
to teach, Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
best healing
methods What's Our
available. If View?
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or Symptom
free, so much
Raw Chocolate?
We teach WHAT IS
My major meal is in the evening - usually a big salad, and some
that drugs DISEASE?
animal food.
are Unity

1 of 3 02/10/2010 14:17
Food3 - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary Disease/Health
and will Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay Tumors
healing and
cause new ANHS Library
We present
methods for
tested and
perfected by
doctors for Here is one animal food example: "fena-laar", a Norwegian
over 175 winter delicacy - a raw air-dried (hanging cold for months) leg of
years. lamb. Sliced thin it is delicious. The Norwegian lambs/sheep are
very healthy, having roamed the mountain areas all summer.
This leg was dipped in a salt-brine before drying, so it has a
We want to
salty surface which is non-optimal. (Since removing an excess of salt is an
energy-drain for our bodies.) An example of a compromise, as can be
common when living in conventionally eating surroundings.
and critical

webpage is
part of our
free online
produced by

INHS has
chat group I eat my vegetables raw, sometimes as juices - but my animal
and articles. foods are often only partly raw, e.g. quick-seared. My big
concern now is sugar and starches. Not over-eating on those I
currently think this might be of more importance than all-raw
Visit INHS eating. Especially since our primitive ancestors probably started
WebSite using fire quite early. When it comes to fruit I am far from
perfect, e.g. I easily over-eat on cherries.
Visit INHS Sometimes I eat conventionally, e.g. with friends and at
Review's restaurants, but then try to pick and choose, and may also
water-fast or eat less the next day.
Home Page

Anna, 8-2005

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3 of 3 02/10/2010 14:17
Energy - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"All diseases without exception obtain their energy

More from this one energy source or vital force." Stanley S.

magazine of
Back to the
Energy is the basis for health and disease. The Laws
of Life are all about energy. Editorial
for discussing
Life's Great Law states that we all have inherent
& teaching
energy, and Dr. Bass explains how disease depends In the News
on this one enery source of the body.
Hygiene, a
scientific view
on health and
Energy is the basis Garden Corner
disease with
Robert Walter M.D. (1841-1924) is credited with beginning to
roots as far formulate the "Laws of Life" or "Laws of Vitality" as he called them - Theme:
back as 1822. including the basis: "Life's Great Law". It states that the overriding WHAT IS
goal is self-preservation/survival. And that the success of life DISEASE?
Our motto: depends upon the amount of energy available. Lots of energy equals Unity of Disease
"trust the health, while low energy equals disease: Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
Life's Great Law: Scientific
Our Every living cell of the organized body is Method
philosophy: endowed with an instinct of
By following self-preservation, sustained by an Dr. Robert
the simple inherent force in the organism called Walter
rules of the "vital force" or "life force" or "Nerve
socalled Energy." The success of each living LIFESTYLE:
LAWS OF organism - whether it be simple or complex - is directly Food
LIFE we can proportioned to the amount of its life force and inversely Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
proportional to the degree of its activity. Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
& optimal
energy. To read more about Robert Walter, and his original formulation of Energy - the
the law - click here. Chief Factor
Our goal is
to teach, Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
best healing
methods "This force, called by various names, strives always What's Our
available. If to preserve and maintain the organism in as near View?
The Truth About
they are perfect condition as possible." Herbs?
low-cost or Symptom
free, so much Suppression?
Raw Chocolate?
better. Herbert Shelton: About Life's Great Law
We teach .... We however, do not require to know the essential nature of life in WHAT IS
that drugs order intelligently to obey its laws any more than the chemist must DISEASE?
are know the essential nature of matter, or the electrician must know Unity

1 of 4 02/10/2010 14:18
Energy - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary what electricity is in order to work with these intelligently. Whatever Disease/Health
and will hypothesis a chemist may hold in regard to the essential nature of Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay matter he must still observe the same laws in his work as a chemist Tumors
healing and as his fellow chemist who perhaps holds to an essentially different
cause new hypothesis of what matter is. Just so, in giving us power, light and
ANHS Library
diseases. heat all electricians, whatever their ideas concerning the nature and
essense of electricity, must observe the same laws.
We present
excellent Just as our ideas about the essential nature of matter and electricity
no-drugs do not change them one iota, just so, our ideas about the essential
methods for nature of life do not change the phenomena and laws of life. Life will
health not change it's "fixed order" to suit our changing conceptions of its
essential nature. It continues to "saw wood" at the same old stand
and in the same old way.
tested and
perfected by
All the various conditions and requirements
doctors for
of life herein set forth, that is, air, water,
over 175 food, light, warmth, exercise, rest, sleep and
years. freedom from poison and violence, structural
and functional integrity of the organism, etc.,
We want to are not life nor the causes of life. These are
promote but the necessary conditions of life without
health which life would cease. But these conditions
independence cannot produce life. The responses of the living organism or of the
and critical fertile seed or egg to these conditions are the results of the
thinking. operations of a force inherent in and peculiar to the living being.

This This force, called by various names, strives always to preserve and
webpage is maintain the organism in as near perfect condition as possible. The
part of our reaction of the living thing to any adverse condition or circumstance
free online is always calculated to defend and preserve its integrity. In fact, so
magazine, strong and universal is this effort at self-preservation that it has been
produced by called the first law of nature. The instinct of self-preservation is
volunteers. inherent

INHS has 1. in the smallest microscopic unit of organic existence,

free 2. in cells associated as a community,
membership, 3. in cells organized into distinct organs, and
4. as organized into organisms.
chat group
and articles.
Every particle of living matter is under the control of life or vital
force and is endowed with the instinct of self-preservation.
Self-preservation is the primary or controlling expression of life and,
Visit INHS normally, is subordinate to no other law except, at times, to the
WebSite instinct of race preservation, in which case the individual often
sacrifices itself for the protection of the young or of the flock.
Visit INHS However, in such cases, there is no true sacrifice, but rather, the
Review's individual is killed while trying to defend itself and young or herd from
Home Page danger.

Herbert M. Shelton, Human Life - Its Philosophies and Laws, Ch.

The Laws of Life, 1928

"In fact, so strong and universal is this effort at

self-preservation that it has been called the first law
of nature. "

Energy - Its Oneness and Unity As the Chief

Factor in Health and Disease

2 of 4 02/10/2010 14:18
Energy - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

(How It Acts Under 2 Different Conditions)

by Dr. Stanley S. Bass

The chief factor in all living creatures and

life forms is Energy, Life Force or Vital
Force, the Life Principle which does all the
work in the body at all times. When it is
present, the organism is alive. When it is
absent, death exists.

The greater the amount of energy

which is present in the body, the greater the ability to use and
express the energy in vital action.
The lower the amount of energy present, the more restricted
the amount of work and vital action the organism is able to

Energy is oneness. There is only one energy in existence. Its many

forms of expression vary according to the nature of the substance it
is expressing through.

A) In man, in a normal state of health, it expresses its

activities in eating, digestion, assimilation, nourishment of
cells and tissues, growth, repair, elimination of food and body
wastes, etc. this same energy is used by all the senses in
thinking, feeling, emoting, tasting, smelling, hearing, etc.

B) In a state of illness or disease, it is that very same energy

acting in the body which is called forth to rally its forces to
evict the offending toxins, poisons or threat to the vital
domains or the body's existence, to restore the conditions to

To paraphrase this as principles, we may logically state that:

Health is energy expressing itself in the body under conditions

which are normal.
Disease is energy expressing itself in the body under
conditions which are abnormal.

The Oneness of Disease

3 of 4 02/10/2010 14:18
Energy - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

All diseases without exception obtain their

energy to manifest through the tissues from
this one energy source or vital force.
The proof of this is that no symptoms or
stages of diseases occur in a dead body
which has lost its vital force. These
responses can occur only in a living body
possessed of vital force.

Dr. Stanley S. Bass

read more: Energy - Its Oneness and Unity As the Chief Factor in
Health and Disease, 2005

Also read Dr. Herbert Shelton: The Hygienic Etiology, 1973

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4 of 4 02/10/2010 14:18
Weightloss - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"Maximize the energy needed for healing,

More repair and the elimination of wastes or
magazines toxins (the raw materials of cellulite)"
to the
magazine of WEIGHT LOSS IDEAS Back to the
Smart fat-loss with Natural Hygiene
for discussing
What is a smart way of approaching
& teaching weight loss? In the News
Hygiene, a 1. CLASSIC NATURAL HYGIENE Interview
scientific view First - let's look at the classic Natural
on health and Hygiene approach. Compare: to get rid Garden Corner
disease with of disease, we need to remove as many
roots as far disease causes as possible. Let's look Theme:
back as 1822. at over-weight in the same way, as being created by the same 3 WHAT IS
causes: DISEASE?
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the 1. too many toxins & waste-products (toxemia), Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
body" 2. lack of nutrients (deficiency),
3. lack of nerve energy (enervation, low vitality). Scientific
Our Method
philosophy: Here is a quick example of a Natural Hygiene approach:
By following Dr. Robert
the simple A. WHAT TO DO
rules of the First we need to know what to do physically. Here it is a
socalled good idea to understand the physical causes of excess
LAWS OF fat, and systematically go after these causes, as many
LIFE we can as possible: Dr. Fielder eats
achieve - To get rid of toxemia, we can e.g. change our diet to all-raw
toxin-free, waste-free (example: minimize cooking, remove wrong Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
fats, eat less)
& optimal
- To get rid of deficiency, we can e.g. change our diet
energy. Energy - the
to raw, nutrient-rich (example: add raw green juices, add correct fats)
Chief Factor
- To get rid of low vitality & low energy, we can e.g.
Our goal is
food-combine**, eat minimally**, sleep more, or
to teach, Weight Loss:
optimize our mental & emotional & spiritual* well-being. Smarter fat-loss
discuss &
The more vitality we have the faster our body can Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
transform and move excess fat.
best healing Note: We'll get back to this in later articles.
methods What's Our
available. If View?
they are Herbs?
low-cost or Second we must also overcome resistance, which is Symptom
free, so much often the biggest hurdle. Here as well a systematic Suppression?
approach may be worthwhile. Raw Chocolate?
- To get rid of the physical cravings, we can e.g. get
We teach rid of 1. toxins (which cause "stimulation", an enervation problem) and
that drugs 2. deficiencies in our diet.
are Unity

1 of 4 02/10/2010 14:18
Weightloss - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary Disease/Health
and will - To get rid of the emotional/mental "cravings" for Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay food, we can e.g. increase our body vitality/energy via Tumors
healing and diet, exercise, sunshine etc, to increase joy & well-being. Or try
cause new different emotional/mental/spiritual techniques. These ANHS Library
diseases. "cravings" can be defined as enervation problems.
Note: We'll get back to this in later articles.
We present
health *Example 1: Read the Victoria Moran article "The Body and The
recovery, Spirit " here for an energy-saving spiritual technique, for
tested and overcoming resistance to weight loss.
perfected by **Example 2: Also, see "Preventing Cellulite" below for an
doctors for approach by Dr. Gian-Cursio to save energy physically, and
over 175 thereby get rid of cellulite.
Excerpts from "Preventing
We want to Cellulite" by Dr. Christopher
promote Gian-Cursio:
independence SAVE ENERGY WITH
thinking. Called sequential or "layered"
eating, the program is designed to
This conserve the energy used by the
webpage is body for the digestion and absorption
part of our of foods - in order to maximize the
free online energy needed for healing, repair
magazine, and the elimination of wastes or WHAT IS
produced by toxins (the raw materials of CELLULITE?
volunteers. cellulite). Our muscles are
covered with a
INHS has SAVE ENERGY WITH padding of fatty
free MODERATION tissue, in a waste-
membership, "Eat sparingly and remember that removing liquid. If
chat group quantity is all-important," maintains the waste removal
and articles. Dr. Cursio, "even when you're eating system fails, waste
only wholesome foods. The more we eat, & toxins can
the more waste is produced, and the more energy collect in hard
is needed for waste elimination. pockets in the fat,
Visit INHS pressing on blood
WebSite RESULT - TOXIN REMOVAL capillaries &
(Note: The Preventing Cellulite article also lymph system, and
Visit INHS describes how raw foods will help remove
producing an
Review's As the body's vitality is enhanced "orange peel"
Home Page and its capacities are improved, the effect.
cleansing or "detoxifying" of its
tissues follows as a natural
by-product - it simply happens.


Second - a fantastic new tool is
available today, which can make
fat-loss even more efficient. It is
the new knowledge of sugar &

2 of 4 02/10/2010 14:18
Weightloss - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

starches in our diet, their impact

on blood sugar and transformation
to saturated body-fat. This physical
cause for overweight (carbohydrates) has been written about a lot over the last decade.

Conclusion: the possibly biggest cause of over-weight today is

eating too much sugar & starches

Removal of body-fat will most easily take place when our blood is
free of sugar/glucose. Therefore, we must break the chain of
adding sugar/glucose to the blood. This will enable fat-loss at the
most rapid rate. We'll get back to this in later articles.

Difficulties: Sugar is highly addictive, due to the insulin

mechanism. Also, teaching our bodies to use fat for energy
(instead of sugar) can take several days of extreme sluggishness,
causing many to give up. We'll get back to these problems.

Possible analysis: How does this fit into the toxemia-deficiency-

enervation causes-of-disease? Perhaps as "over-eating of a
nutrient (sugar)" creating "wastes" (stored in fat-layers)? Our
need for sugar/carbohydrates is supposedly very small. We'll try
to sort this out later....

By using a Natural Hygiene approach, a Natural Hygiene way of
looking at disease, we now can evaluate different weightloss
strategies more easily.

In this magazine issue we have included a weight loss article

about enervation: Read about how we can use a spiritual
technique to increase body vitality in The Body and The Spirit.
Quote: "Food addiction is serious and, like other addictions,
progressive. Few genuine addicts have ever recovered without a
spiritual basis."

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4 of 4 02/10/2010 14:18
V. Moran - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"When the inner malaise itself is addressed, both

More the harmful eating patterns and the resultant
magazines overweight lose their source and sustenance"
to the
magazine of WEIGHT LOSS IDEAS Back to the
The Body and the Spirit
by Victoria Moran Editorial
for discussing
& teaching Like stepchildren in fairy tales, our bodies get blamed for a lot. When we criticize In the News
Natural them, we put ourselves down, too. If you've ever said, "I hate my thighs," or "I
Hygiene, a used to be pretty but now I'm a wreck," or "Look at this fat - I'm really disgusting! Interview
scientific view ", you've been your own evil stepmother.
on health and
Garden Corner
disease with "Your weight may be a problem, but it isn't the problem. It's a
roots as far symptom." Theme:
back as 1822.
Your weight may be a problem, but it isn't the problem. It's a symptom - usually a DISEASE?
Our motto: symptom of out-of-control eating. You can be rid of the symptom while the real Unity of Disease
"trust the problem flourishes. Getting thin is not a cure. Any size six bulimic can attest to Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
body" that. Nevertheless, if you deal with the cause of the overweight, your body will
reflect a weilness, a balance, and a beauty that go far beyond how you look in a Scientific
Our pair of shorts. Method
By following Dr. Robert
rules of the
socalled LIFESTYLE:
LIFE we can The little flow chart above should help explain it. We have a continuum here. It Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
starts with what I'm calling inner malaise. That's a catchall term to cover the fear
Rachel's food
lasting health and discontent, stress and impaired self-image, childhood leftovers or anything Anna's kitchen
& optimal else that stands between us and our being at peace with ourselves and our
energy. world. Inner malaise can lead to a variety of inappropriate or self-destructive Energy - the
behaviors. Destructive eating is the one we're concerned with here. It generally Chief Factor
Our goal is shows up as extra weight.
to teach, Traditionally, we've gone after the obvious: Weight Loss:
the weight. And why not? We can see it. Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the We can even weigh it, for heaven's sake! Body & Spirit
best healing But when it's gone (via diets, exercise, pills,
methods you name it), the inner malaise can still be What's Our
available. If active, resulting in further destructive View?
eating. In fact, as long as the inner malaise The Truth About
they are Herbs?
goes unchecked, even dieting is destructive
low-cost or Symptom
eating (or destructive noneating). It will Suppression?
free, so much
eventually lead to gaining back the lost Raw Chocolate?
weight, or to some variation on the theme,
such as bulimia. Theme:
We teach This is not to say that there are no physical reasons for overweight. There are WHAT IS
that drugs several. Refined sugars and greasy, salty snacks actually cause an addictive DISEASE?
are reaction in some people and lead to overeating (you'll read more about this in Chapter 6
unnecessary when we discuss binge foods). Too much fat in the diet can result in too much fat on the Acute Disease
and will body, and lack of exercise can lower the metabolic rate, encouraging fat storage. Chronic Disease
usually delay Tumors
Dieting is also a factor: "The body cannot distinguish dieting from starvation. . . .
healing and We are automatically driven to gorge ourselves in anticipation of recurrent
cause new famine." (*) ANHS Library
diseases. These physical phenomena have become widely known in recent years. Knowing
about them and doing something about them are obviously two very different Links

1 of 7 02/10/2010 14:18
V. Moran - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

We present things. What is it that keeps people from doing what they know would bring them
excellent what they want? For a great many people - and only you can decide if you're one
no-drugs of them - inner malaise blocks their attempt to put into practice the good things
methods for they already know about nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
recovery, "As long as the inner malaise goes unchecked, even dieting is
tested and destructive eating (or destructive noneating)."
perfected by
doctors for Some people have realized that attacking the weight is a hopeless maneuver and
over 175 they have proposed alternative plans of action that focus on the middle of the
years. chart, the eating itself. Their strategy is generally behavior modification -
techniques such as taking small bites and putting the fork down between them, or
We want to forgoing the fork altogether and giving chopsticks a try. The idea is to shut out
promote old habits with new ones, like not eating alone or after seven in the evening.
These can be positive practices, but most of the time they fail over the long haul.
Why? They fail because our actions ultimately grow out of ourselves. Unless we
change, our actions are not likely to change.
and critical
On the other hand, when the inner malaise itself is addressed, both the harmful
eating patterns and the resultant overweight lose their source and sustenance.
Tiny miracles transpire one by one. We take those smaller bites. We aren't
This hanging on to the fork as if it were a life preserver. Breathing gets easier.
webpage is Clothes get looser. And although we never asked for this one, life gets better. It
part of our has to, because it is being lived in a new and decidedly better way.
free online
When the healing comes like this, from within, it's healing at the desire level. It's
INHS has no longer wanting a candy bar and settling for an orange. It's wanting the orange
free and relishing every bite of it. This does not mean that there will never again be
membership, food choices to make. There are healthful and unhealthful food choices just as
chat group there are healthful and unhealthful life choices. Only by dealing with the inner
and articles. malaise, though, are we able to truly make choices about what we eat.
Otherwise, the choices are made for us, and we usually regret them.

Visit INHS "It's healing at the desire level. It's no longer wanting a candy
WebSite bar and settling for an orange. It's wanting the orange and
relishing every bite of it."
Visit INHS
Review's When we turn to unhealthful or excessive food (or any other damaging substance
Home Page or practice) in order to feel better, it's because something is missing in our lives.
Although it seems that what we lack is outside ourselves - the right job, the right
mate, the right body, the right memories - the emptiness is core-deep. To make
satisfying, lasting changes in how we nourish our bodies requires that we
learn to get some vital nourishment from within. We do that by connecting
with our spiritual selves, by making practical contact with the Divine,
whatever we perceive that to be.
Words like "spiritual" and "Divine" (capitalized, no less!) can be loaded with
emotional definitions that aren't likely to show up in the dictionary, but which can
vividly color our personal interpretations. It may be that you're not a religious
person and you've got me pegged as a holy roller. Or perhaps you are religious
and you wonder if I'm from some cult that collects money in airports. I'm neither
(honest!), but what's important to get you free from the food fix is not what I am
but what you are.
If you can get past the binge/diet syndrome by some other means, terrific. I
couldn't. I'd stressed my resolve and my willpower until, like overworked
peasants, they chose to revolt. That insidious urge to smooth life's rough edges
with a nibble that could turn into a nightmare would overtake me just when I was
convinced that I had everything under control. My intelligence and good intentions
were of no more use than lighting fixtures in a house with no wiring. I needed
power and I didn't have it. I needed to tap into a Higher Power, one that would
always be there.

"It was such a strange notion. My problem had seemed so


It was such a strange notion. My problem had seemed so physical. I ate

quantities of physical food and it showed quantitatively on my physical body, yet
paradoxically the answer to my problem was spiritual. It didn't make sense to me

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V. Moran - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

at first, and it may not make sense to you until you realize that, as human beings,
you and I are like icebergs. What people see, our physical selves, is only the tip
of who we are. There's lots more beneath the surface. We're splendid beings
with complex emotions and intellects, and underlying our hearts, minds, and
bodies is a spiritual essence. It is uniquely ours, yet it connects us to every living
thing. It connects us to Life itself.
The part of you that shows, your body, is important
because it is a part of you and you are important.
You can think of your body as the vehicle by which
you journey through this life, as your radio receiver
for picking up the signals of the outside world, or as
an instrument in an orchestra, allowing you to play
your music for the rest of us. A symphony needs
French horns and oboes, cellos and violins, tinkling
little triangles, and booming bass drums. You might
even be a grand piano!
Abusing food can interfere with your ability to
appreciate your special physical self. In an all-out
binge, it's necessary to, in effect, cut off diplomatic
relations between the body and the mind. Since it's a rare person who
consciously wants to be miserable, most people who binge separate their
conscious (thinking) selves from their sensory (physical) selves by reading
working driving or watching television while they eat. They may absentmindedly
grab snacks throughout the day or tastes while cooking a meal. Swearing off the
distractions that remove you from the present moment may seem like the
antidote, but it isn't. If you have the need to binge, you will find a way to shut off
your mind - with all its "shoulds" and "oughts" and "know betters" - and go for the

"Most people who binge separate their conscious (thinking)

selves from their sensory (physical) selves by reading,
working, driving or watching television while they eat."

The need to binge is a spiritual hunger. It can only be assuaged with spiritual
food. You know how koala bears eat nothing but eucalyptus leaves? The soul is
something like that It can only be nourished by Love. (There's that capital again.)
You see, all genuine love is good - love from your family, your friends, even your
companion animals - but the kind you need for this purpose can't be filtered
through anyone else. It has to be from the Source: Love that's within you so you
don't have to look for it, that's already yours so you don't have to earn it, that
can't stop loving so you needn't worry about losing it.
I think that was the kind Rilke was referring to when he wrote in Letters to a
Young Poet, "... believe in a love that is being held for you like an inheritance and
trust that in this love there is a strength and a blessing, out beyond which you do
not have to step in order to go very far!" (**)
That inheritance is yours. You claim it first by wanting it. Once you do, you'll be
eager to put into practice the principles you'll learn in this book. The first are

1. Accept that your food problem is serious, that you can't deal with it on
your own.
2. Open your mind to the idea that a Higher Power can help
3. Allow that Power - call it Love, call it God, call it whatever feels absolutely
right to you - to work some wonders in your life.

"The need to binge is a spiritual hunger."

If you're familiar with the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, adopted by

Overeaters Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Co-dependents Anonymous,
and numerous other groups, you'll recognize these three concepts as an
interpretation of the first three Steps.
People in the Anonymous programs sometimes abbreviate these Steps as, "I
can't, God can, I'll let Him (or Her or It)." However worded, this formula is
common to men and women of all ages and cultures who have built, or rebuilt,
their lives on a spiritual basis, letting go of old ways that didn't work and inviting in
something that does.


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V. Moran - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Spiritualizing your thoughts and attitudes is an adventure that can last a lifetime.
To instigate the process, particularly as it affects your eating, take the following
actions today and every day for the next month.

1. Each morning before your feet touch the floor, ask your Higher Power to
help you eat reasonably that day, and say thank you at night even if your
eating didn't seem perfect.
2. When you get to a mirror to wash your face or shave, look yourself in the
eye and say, "I love you just the way you are." You don't have to believe
it, just do it.
3. Read over the "Revolutionary Concepts" (below) morning and evening.
4. Get some quiet time to yourself every single day - at least ten minutes
worth. If you have to take this time in the bathtub to get privacy, fine.
During your quiet minutes, read over the first three of the Twelve Steps
(Appendix D) and think about them. Do you really believe that you're
powerless over your addiction or is there something else you'd like to try?
Can you contemplate the possibility that a Higher Power could help? Can
you consider making a decision to put that Higher Power in charge of your
will and your life?
(Writing your thoughts on this in ajournal isn't required, but it can be
5. Do not diet. Think instead in terms of not eating for a fix one day at a time.
Get three reasonable meals every day and before each one ask your
Higher Power to help you eat wisely. If you want to eat between meals,
converse with your Higher Power. If you're really hungry, have a piece of
6. Do two nice things for yourself today - one that you think you "should"
(make the bed, floss your teeth, swim laps), and one that's just for fun
(take a bubble bath, rent a video, call a friend long-distance). Don't be
surprised if it's easier to enjoy the work than the play.
7. Enlist some support. At the very least, read this book with a friend and
then help each other along. You'll do yourself a far greater favor if you
hook up with a support group already organized that uses proven
principles to help food addicts recover. I recommend Overeaters
Anonymous. OA will teach you to incorporate the Twelve Steps into your
life while providing an unparalleled support system of people who
understand. OA meetings are in every major city and most smaller ones,
and there is no charge for membership. (For more information, see the listing for
Overeaters Anonymous in Appendix C, "Some Helpful Organizations.")

"When you get to a mirror, look yourself in the eye and say, "I
love you just the way you are." You don't have to believe it,
just do it."

If you're feeling overwhelmed by all this, relax.

You're not in a competition and you don't have to
pass a quiz. Many of the ideas you have just read
are probably new to you. Give yourself time to let
them settie, and feel free to read this chapter
more than once before you go further. You're
embarking on a transformational journey. That's
no small thing. It's certainly understandable if
you're feeling some trepidation. There is a lot at
stake here. Old patterns of doing things are going
to be replaced. They don't want to get fired.

While you're making layoffs, you may also want to

consider trading any old images of a punishing,
wrathful deity for a Higher Power that loves you
no matter what You II need one that isn t just interested in great, cosmic events
but one that's interested in you and seeing you out of your food addiction. The
image I like is that if God were the sun, each and every one of us would get our
own personal beam, keeping us safe and warm. You can use any image that
speaks to you. Just get used to being loved unconditionally. Before long, you'll be
loving yourself unconditionally, too. (Unconditional, you know, includes thighs.)

And you are not only lovable. You are also, whether you realize it or not, spiritual.
Do not think for an instant that because the solution to food addiction is spiritual,

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V. Moran - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

food addicts themselves somehow aren't.

In the midst of a binge, anyone's spirituality is on temporary hold, but your
inherent spiritual identity persists. Being overweight, bulimic, or in some
other way obsessed with food or with your body does not negate that
All the inner growth you've done up to this point counts, too. Only you and God
know how far you've had to come to get here, to the point where you can look
honestly at yourself and what you are eating. Give yourself some credit, and
resist the urge to compare yourself to anyone else. Many people have never had
a serious problem with food. Others have overcome food addictions while you
were growing through something else. All that matters now is that you've suffered
with this long enough. It's your turn to be free - body and spirit.


Do you ever have fat days? On fat days you feel fat regardless of your size.
These days can be precipitated by eating too much, a little too much, or just what
you think is too much. They can also be brought on by such seeming irrelevancies
as having dirty hair or an argument with someone who's important in your life.
Losing weight isn't a fully satisfactory response to fat days since they're so
subjective. As an extreme but telling example, think of anorexics. I've visited
some in hospitals who were painfully, even frighteningly, emaciated, yet who felt
fat. For them, every day was a fat day, although they had literally been in danger
of dying from malnutrition.

"Spiritual recovery means more than an end to eating for a fix.

It also implies befriending your body."

While anorexia is a psychiatric disorder that requires professional help, seeing

the body in a distorted way is so common that it's generally accepted as the way
things are. But what if instead of fat days you had poison ivy days, when you
itched all over even though there was nothing organically wrong? It would seem
like a problem, wouldn't it? Well, fat days are a problem, too, because they're
days on which you tend to love yourself less than you deserve. You are lovable
every day. You can't force yourself to believe that, but you can allow for the
possibility that it's true to enter your world view. Allowing for such possibilities is
a spiritual activity because it happens deep within you.

A long time ago a friend said to me, "When I'm 150

pounds going up, I'm the fattest, ugliest person on
earth, but when I'm 150 coming down, I'm absolutely
beautiful." In the years since she made that
statement, my friend has done a lot of inner work to
realize that she's beautiful all the time. It so happens
that she hasn't had an eating binge in a dozen years,
so the whole notion of "going up" and "coming down"
only touches her life today as it relates to elevators
and airplane trips.
Spiritual recovery means more than an end to eating
for a fix. It also implies befriending your body. You
don't wait to do that until after you've reached some
arbitrary goal weight. You do it today, the first day that you put your food
choices in the hands of a loving Higher Power.
The imaging ability of the mind that can be twisted to give you fat days can be
uplifted to give you attractive and healthy days. As these days go by, your
physical body will catch up with your mental image. Since the body is subject to
physical laws, it will take some time for its form to change, but the time it takes
for you to be happy and to have an attractive, healthy day is no time at all. Enjoy


These revolutionary concepts aren't for taking over embassies, they're the
beginners' basics for revolutionizing your relationship with your body and how you
feed it. Read them over morning and evening for thirty days, paying particular
attention to those with which you may feel uncomfortable. It's possible that those
won't apply to you at all, but it's more likely that they're precisely the ones that

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V. Moran - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

can mean the most in your recovery.

You are acceptable right now, regardless of what you ate yesterday or
what the scale has to say about you.

Abusing food is a sign of internal imbalance, and overcoming it is largely

an inside job.

Food addiction is serious and, like other addictions, progressive. Few

genuine addicts have ever recovered without a spiritual basis.

Your spirituality is personal. You don't have to take on someone else's


You are a spiritual being living in a physical body. Your body is an

integral part of the totality that is you.

Your body is not an independent entity; it reflects what's going on inside

you - emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

It's okay to feel beautiful right now. If you wait until you're thin to feel
beautiful, you may never get there.

If you don't eat for a fix today, that long string of tomorrows that seems
so foreboding will take care of itself.

Your body is not your enemy. You are in this together. When you do
something nice for your body, you're doing something nice for yourself.

Having a food addiction does not make you a bad person. Both medicine
and psychology recognize addiction as an illness, not a moral issue.

You don't have to be perfect to get well, and it's even all right to be a little
bit scared.

Ideas you're not sure of can be tried out, like taking a car on a test drive. If, for
example, the thought of a spiritual solution to your food problem doesn't seem
logical, you can consider it a possibility, a working hypothesis.

"Food addiction is serious and, like other addictions,

progressive. Few genuine addicts have ever recovered without
a spiritual basis."

Vicoria Moran
from The Love-Powered Diet - When Willpower Is Not Enough, Ch. 2, 1992

*) Neal D. Barnard, M.D., The Power of Your Plate, p. 88. This "restrained eater phenomenon" is detailed by
Dr. Barnard in his chapter, "New Strategies for Weight Control." See Appendix A, "Suggested Reading."
**) Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters To A Young Poet, translation by M. D. Herter Norton H~. (NewYork:W.W,.
Norton & Co., Inc., rev. ed., 1954), p. 40.

This excerpt comes from Victoria Moran's 1992 book The Love-Powered Diet. It is out of
print, although copies of this book and a 1997 revised edition under the title Love
Yourself Thin are usually available used through A newer book by Victoria
on this subject is Fit from Within: 101 Simple Secrets to Change Your Body & Your Life
(Mc-Graw-Hill, 2003), avaialable wherever books are sold. Victoria has been speaking
about her ideas at ANHS conferences. You can read more about Victoria by visiting her

Learn more about the Twelve Steps at Overeaters Anonymous

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V. Moran - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

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Who are
the persons to the

7 of 7 02/10/2010 14:18
Herbs - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"Here we have a large group of men, who seem

More unable to free themselves from fallacies that
magazines were born in the fecund brain of the ancient
shaman." Dr. Shelton
to the
magazine of
WHAT'S OUR VIEW? Back to the
organisation What is the Truth About Herbs? Editorial
for discussing
& teaching We hear a lot about all the positive effects of herbs. Herbs are In the News
Natural a staple of "Alternative Medicine".
Hygiene, a Natural Hygiene is instead an "Alternative To Medicine", and Interview
scientific view has always warned about (medical) herbs. But why? We'll try to
on health and explain.
Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
back as 1822.
"Around 2,000 years ago, Shen Nong WHAT IS
first referred to schizandra. Since then, DISEASE?
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the it has remained one of the most Knowledge Needed
popular adaptogenic herbs in China, Cause of Disease
where it is taken to promote mental
Our function, strengthen the sex organs
philosophy: and beautify the skin....."
By following Dr. Robert
the simple "Garlic, parsley, sage, ginger, basil
rules of the and rosemary all offer positive healing
socalled effects without the dangerous negative side effects often
LAWS OF associated with prescription drugs. ....."
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
achieve "Tulsi protects against and reduces stress; enhances all-raw
stamina and endurance; increases the body's efficient Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
& optimal use of oxygen; boosts the immune system; reduces
energy. inflammation; protects against radiation damage; lessens Energy - the
aging factors; supports the heart, lungs and liver; has Chief Factor
Our goal is antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties; is a general
to teach, vitalizer and increases physical endurance; ....." Weight Loss: Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
best healing
available. If
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or Symptom
free, so much
Raw Chocolate?
First, what does Dr. Herbert Shelton say? Theme:
We teach WHAT IS
that drugs DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 7 02/10/2010 14:19
Herbs - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary Disease/Health
and will Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay Tumors
healing and
cause new ANHS Library
We present "Where the powers of life are inadequate to the work of cure,
excellent or where the body's curative efforts are suppressed by
no-drugs treatment, death or chronic disease result. The acute process
methods for cannot be continued indefinitely. Accomodation and a subdued
health struggle against cause must occur, if death does not result
recovery, before this can take place. Chronic disease is continuous
tested and because its cause is continuous - it is a protest against chronic
perfected by provocation."
Dr. Shelton
doctors for
over 175

We want to
"The so-called "medicinal" herbs were not
harmless. Many of them, on the contrary, can be
deadly, as deadly as any drug the physicians now
and critical
This by Dr. Herbert Shelton
webpage is
part of our Some of the self-styled "natural therapists" never tire of extolling
free online the virtues of the simple "home remedies," by which they mean
magazine, herbs, that were employed in the past, and which they tell us
produced by were "harmless." The so-called "medicinal" herbs were not
volunteers. harmless. Many of them, on the contrary, can be deadly, as
deadly as any drug the physicians now use. None of them
INHS has removed the cause of the patient's trouble; all of them were
free directed at the suppression of symptoms; all of them gave rise
membership, to evils of their own.
chat group
and articles. The herbal practice was the original drugging practice and only
those drugs were used that occasioned marked defensive
actions on the part of the body. They were given to produce
Visit INHS vomiting, purging, diuresis, diaphoresis and expectoration, to
WebSite reduce fever, relieve pain, allay coughing, to produce blistering,
as sedatives, stimulants, narcotics, etc., etc. They are still
employed for the same purposes, despite all the loose talk
Visit INHS
about their alleged richness in minerals and vitamins. Few of
them have ever been analyzed to determine their mineral and
Home Page
vitamin content. That they are possessed of these food factors,
as all plants are, is not denied; that they are superior sources of
such nutrients has not been proved. Certainly a drug that
induces vomiting and one that occasions purging does not yield
up any minerals and vitamins to the sick organism.

The sick organism is suffering from poisoning, not from

deficiency. Deficiencies do exist, but the so-called deficiency
diseases are not numerous. The acutely sick patient is as
unable to digest and assimilate medicinal herbs as he is to
digest and assimilate the nonpoisonous herbs. The presence of
poisons in herbs renders their digestion all but impossible.
Imagine trying to digest a salad of fresh green tobacco leaves!

2 of 7 02/10/2010 14:19
Herbs - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"None of them removed the cause of the patient's

trouble; all of them were directed at the
suppression of symptoms; all of them gave rise to
evils of their own."

A self-styled "natural therapist" who uses
and advocates a great medley of herbs,
many of them highly poisonous, so far
forgets the basic tenets of his herbal
practice as to parrot (repeat without
understanding) the Hygienic principle that
people are sick because of their errors in
living and that they can escape from their
ills only by correcting their ways of life.
He goes so far as to repeat the Hygienic
teaching that responsibility for disease
rests squarely upon the shoulders of the sick and suffering and
that responsibility for recovery rests upon the same shoulders.
After he has repeated these Hygienic teachings, he offers his
readers a great array of herbal "remedies." Can he give herbs
to stop sexual excesses and abuses; will herbs correct gluttony;
will they cause the patient to control his emotional life or to
secure more sleep; will they render white bread adequate or
make unclean living safe? What have herbs to do with right and
wrong living? He speaks of the necessity for making "amends
for past transgressions." Perhaps the herbal "remedies" will
make amends.

Too many of the "natural therapists" are trying the impossible

task of riding two horses at once, the horses going in opposite
directions. The mental gymnastics and logical somersaults that
they perform in trying to reconcile their two opposite courses of
action fill all rings of a five ring circus. But their antics are neither
amusing nor entertaining. To be intelligent and informed, these
things are saddening. Here we have a large group of men,
represented in almost all parts of the world, who have
hibernated in antiquity and who seem unable to free themselves
from fallacies that were born in the fecund brain of the ancient
shaman. Physically, they live in the second half of the twentieth
century; intellectually they are with the cave man.

Herbert M. Shelton, 1978, from the article Herbal Medicine —


"The presence of poisons in herbs renders their

digestion all but impossible. Imagine trying to
digest a salad of fresh green tobacco leaves!"

3 of 7 02/10/2010 14:19
Herbs - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005


Is there any use for herbs in NH? (I don't mean veggies.) jerry

Some herbs help make delicious salad dressings--marjoram,

oregano, sage, rosemary, lemon grass, coriander (cilantro to
you N. Americans) etc. Steve

Herb composition: This is the way I see it: Everything we eat

contains these 3 parts: nutrients, fiber
(inert stuff) and toxins. The best food has
minimal toxins and maximal nutrients, and
(optionally) some fiber.

All herbs have nutrients, but they also

have toxins. You want to choose the ones
that NOT have too much toxins. E.g.
parsley is dark green, has lots of nutrients, and a little toxins.
We know it is a little toxic because of its somewhat sharp taste.
And because this taste stops us from eating a whole plate of
We could use an herb if we can use its nutrients. And if there is
so little toxicity, that the body can deal with the toxins quickly,
and still have time/energy to digest the nutrients. (But we would
lose less energy, and get more nutrients, on e.g. the same
amount of dark green salad.) We want to avoid toxins, as much
as possible, in NH. Why? Because it is an energy drain for the
body to remove them. Toxins are a chemical threat, and have to
be removed immediately by the body, to avoid damage. (If there
is not enough energy to remove the toxins, our body will be
damaged.) But we always have a choice.
Example: We can choose to eat an herb with our food, and lose
a little energy - while perhaps saving energy on being more
happy because we like the taste. Unhappiness is an energy
drain as well.
Why are herbs used for "medical" purposes?
Because people are after the toxicity. The toxic
A waste of
effect has several side-effects - we feel energy!
stimulated because of the sudden rush to
throw the toxin out. And we lose so much
energy that certain disease symptoms will stop
(because the detox will stop temporarily). So it
will LOOK LIKE the disease has stopped.
But as hygienists we want to keep the detox going, and we
want to have high energy, because we want the CAUSE of our
diseases to disappear. We don't want a cosmetic solution, Anna

4 of 7 02/10/2010 14:19
Herbs - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

And here's the rest of the story. Herbs, spices, dressings,

chutneys, relish, sauces, and gravies cause us to eat more of a
food than we would without them. As a result, we eat too much
of some things and too little of others. Frequent exposure to
intense flavours blunts our senses of taste and smell, so we find
natural food bland without them. Intense flavours are stimulating
and enervating -- and addictive. Cravings for a flavour fix kick in
long before hunger does. If you don't want plain food, then
you're not hungry. Wait. - Stefan

"If you don't want plain food, then you're not

hungry. Wait."

I believe Stefan is correct. Steve

Hi Stefan, I couldn't agree more. -- Peace be with you, Stefan.


I think Stefan is correct too. John

right on, stefan... and i find combining foods tricks me into

eating more than i would if i eat one food at a time norm :))~


Anything that goes into the body is digested and used according
to body needs. If it can be used, it is a food. The living body will
not absorb but reject herbs as toxic. Herbs are not employed as
foods but drugs. Herbs, like all drugs, are used to suppress and
temporarily relieve symptoms and thereby enervate the body
and cause toxemia. Herbs do not remove the causes of
disease. The dictionary defines as a drug, "any substance,
whether vegetable or mineral, used for medicinal purposes." An
herb is defined as a "plant or plant part valued for its medicinal,
savory, or aromatic qualities." As America's foremost
herbologist, Michael Moore of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA,
wrote, "Herbs have cumulative toxic effects. Most medicinal
herbs have little or no value as nutrients and should be viewed
instead as purposely ingested mild toxins."
HERBS DO NOT "CURE" All herbal "cures"have two things in
common-they do not remove causes, and they do not constitute
normal needs of health and life. No herbal substance foreign to
the body can "cure" the body. Something that makes a healthy
person sick, cannot make a sick person healthy. Only
substances and practices that promote health can enable the
return of health. You "cure" ham, not living beings. Many
mistakenly believe that certain herbal therapies or treatments
can perform specific actions upon the body to effect a "cure".
The idea is that some extra-vital herbal agent or influence can,
of its own power, restore health to a sick living being.
HERBS EATEN Only your inherent intelligence, your God within,
can homeostatically heal your body. If a sick person who has
taken an herb recovers, he/she self heals, in spite of the herb,
not because of the herb. The alleged '"curative" effects of all
herbs are the efforts of the body to resist and expel them.

5 of 7 02/10/2010 14:19
Herbs - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Herbs, instead of being digested and being utilized as foods, are

expelled as toxic.
LARGE DOSES All plants are herbs. There are millions of
different plants and herbs on earth. They also contain toxins.
The inherent intelligence, the God within, tells us which plants
and herbs to eat, by their respective palatability. If something is
to be eaten as a food, it can be digested and absorbed and
may become part of the body's structure, blood, cells, tissue,
nerve, etc., and the body thereby, feels and functions
satisfactorily. Unprocessed herbs as grown in the wild, generally
are bitter, strong, foul tasting, repulsive and nauseating. If you
eat an unpalatable herb, your body rejects it by causing you to
vomit, to have diarrhea, to increase urination, to increase
sweating, walls it off by the formation of a cyst or tumor or in
any other manner speedily expels it. If something to be eaten, is
not palatable, it is toxic for the living being. All herbs are fatal
when taken in large enough doses. Those unprocessed plants
that are palatable, will not kill you, if eaten in large quantities.
Wild animals refuse to eat many of the plants growing around
when eaten, cause the inherent intelligence, the God within, in
an attempt to expel the herbs, to produce pain, dizziness, other
physiological discomforts, mental distress, such as
hallucinations and delusions and spiritual dysfunction.
Herbalists do not use herbs for their nutritive qualities. In
addition to using herbs as drugs, they also use them as home
remedies, cosmetics, gourmet condiments, seasonings,
perfumes, household scents, packs, compresses, ointments,
insect repellents and antiseptics. Bernarr

Hi Jerry, As I understand it, the term herb covers a wide range

of plants that can be divided into two categories - medicinal
herbs and edible herbs. Those coming within the range of
medicinal being toxic to the human body, and those being edible
and non-toxic. Further that in the true definition of the term all
edible plants are herbs. John

"Herbs, like all drugs, are used to

suppress and temporarily relieve
symptoms and thereby enervate the
body and cause toxemia:"

6 of 7 02/10/2010 14:19
Herbs - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"Too many of the "natural therapists" are trying

the impossible task of riding two horses at once,
the horses going in opposite directions."
Dr. Shelton

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Symptom suppression - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Revi...

"it practically suspends the operations of the

More body in throwing off toxins and repairing
magazines damage" Dr. Shelton

to the
non-profit Do We Really Want Suppression of Disease Back to the
organisation Symptoms? Startpage
for discussing
& teaching Why should we avoid (medical) herbs? The reason is central to Editorial
Natural understand the hygienic view on disease and health. It is the
Hygiene, a same reason as to why we should avoid drugs. It has to do In the News
scientific view with properly understanding disease symptoms, and the role
on health and these play in keeping us alive. Interview
disease with Do herbs really cure disease? Or do the toxins in herbs cause
roots as far our bodies to suppress our disease symptoms temporarily?
Garden Corner
back as 1822. Listen to Dr. Shelton and Dr. Bass.
Our motto: WHAT IS
"trust the DISEASE?
Knowledge Needed
Whenever any poison is ingested Cause of Disease
philosophy: into the body - in this instance it is
By following the caffeine in the coffee -
the simple the presence of this dangerous
enemy in the vital domain is spotted
rules of the Dr. Robert
by the autonomic nervous
socalled Walter
The nervous system sends a
warning signal to the appropriate
achieve Food
brain center, which tells the body
lasting health Dr. Fielder eats
that an enemy has invaded the household and to prepare for all-raw
& optimal
battle. Rachel's food
energy. Since the caffeine is a poison and can damage the body, the Anna's kitchen

brain center which is concerned with the survival of the body

Our goal is Energy - the
against internal enemies sends a signal to the heart, telling it to
to teach, Chief Factor
pick up speed
discuss & so that the blood will circulate more rapidly to the organs of
improve the Weight Loss:
elimination and thus discard this caffeine as soon as possible to Smarter fat-loss
best healing avoid internal injury. When the heart beat (or pulse) accelerates Victoria Moran:
methods in tempo, this increases the blood circulation and Body & Spirit
available. If it registered in the mind as a feeling of exhilaration or
they are What's Our
wellbeing, such as the excitement we experience when we
low-cost or View?
engage in sports or any vigorous exercise. The Truth About
free, so much Herbs?
better. ..... Symptom
In its struggle to cast out the enemy, the body A waste Suppression?
Raw Chocolate?
We teach (through its increased heart and circulatory effort) of
that drugs has expended an enormous amount of nervous energy! Theme:
are energy which it subsequently attempts to

1 of 3 02/10/2010 14:19
Symptom suppression - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Revi...

unnecessary recuperate in order to preserve life. The heart

and will which was overactivated now slows down, the WHAT IS
usually delay blood circulation decreases and the nerves begin DISEASE?
healing and to rest. This registers in the brain as fatigue, Unity
cause new weariness and mental depression. The more Acute Disease
diseases. rapid the heart beat or pulse was, the more Chronic Disease
accentuated these feelings of depression are which follow as
We present an inevitable consequence.
excellent ANHS Library
no-drugs Dr. Stanley S. Bass: The Stimulation and Depression Mechanism (
methods for Links
tested and
perfected by
doctors for
over 175
years. "In its struggle to cast out the enemy, the body
(through its increased heart and circulatory
We want to effort) has expended an enormous amount of
promote nervous energy" Dr. Bass
and critical
webpage is A physician is called to see a sick
man. He finds him in severe pain
part of our
and administers an anodyne. This
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provides a temporary respite
from pain, but it practically
produced by
suspends the operations of the
volunteers. body in throwing off toxins and
repairing damage.
INHS has
free If the case is one of pneumonia,
membership, and the cough is "relieved," the lungs fill with secretion and the
chat group patient dies; if it is one of diarrhea in an infant, and the diarrhea
and articles. is checked, the infant may die of the "relief." Maltreated
pneumonia may end in death or in tuberculosis.

Visit INHS Maltreated pleurisy may end in pyothorax (pus in the pleural
WebSite cavity). If the pus is well drained, and the patient is otherwise
properly cared for, he will make a full recovery. If drainage is
Visit INHS imperfect, pus absorption follows and the patient will be kept in
Review's a state of semi-invalidism with the possible development of one
Home Page or more abscesses in some vital organ or organs. In such a
case, ultimate death from exhaustion is the contingency to be
expected. ....

There is one important rule of life that all informed people

should know and serve, and this is: When feeling bad, cease all
eating, This is one of the most important rules that may be
observed in the care of the ailing body.

2 of 3 02/10/2010 14:19
Symptom suppression - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Revi...

Herbert M. Shelton: Healing Versus "Curing"

"There is one important rule of life that all

informed people should know and serve, and this
is: When feeling bad, cease all eating," Dr. Shelton

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3 of 3 02/10/2010 14:19
Chocolate - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"They have mistaken stimulation for strength, a waste of vital

More power for supply, poison for food, disease for health." Dr. Shelton

magazine of
Back to the
non-profit Is Raw Chocolate Healthy??
for discussing
& teaching IS THIS TRUE?
In the News
Natural At we found this
Hygiene, a information:
scientific view Cacao As A Superfood
on health and - over 300 chemically identifiable compounds
Garden Corner
disease with - nandamide (bliss chemical), arginine (nature's
roots as far Viagra), dopamine (neurotransmitter), epicatechins
(antioxidants), histamine, magnesium, serotonin Theme:
back as 1822.
(anti-stress neurotransmitter), tryptophan (anti- WHAT IS
depressant amino acid), phenylethylamine (PEA), DISEASE?
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the polyphenols (antioxidants), tyramine, and salsolinol. Knowledge Needed
body" - heart-supporting magnesium. Cause of Disease
- super-rich in antioxidant flavonols..
Our Method
David Wolfe's forthcoming book on raw chocolate:
* Eat less, lose weight, and live more * Heal and open your heart * Alleviate
By following Dr. Robert
depression and lost love * Increase your sensuality and beauty * Double
the simple Walter
your joy * Nourish your brain * Accelerate your nutrition * Attract prosperity
rules of the into your life * Experience the world's most wonderful aphrodisiacs * Make
socalled the most outrageous beverages, desserts, cakes, ice creams and many LIFESTYLE:
LAWS OF other super treats! Food
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
lasting health TOXIC! Anna's kitchen
& optimal
energy. Energy - the
Chief Factor
Our goal is
to teach, "Too many of the "natural therapists" Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & are trying the impossible task of riding Victoria Moran:
improve the two horses at once, the horses going in Body & Spirit
best healing opposite directions." Dr. Shelton
methods What's Our
available. If View?
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or Symptom
Avoid getting into a raw chocolate habit: Suppression?
free, so much
Raw Chocolate?
We teach Dr. Shelton about the coffee habit WHAT IS
that drugs (which is equally true for raw DISEASE?
are chocolate): Unity
unnecessary Acute Disease
and will Habit is often difficult to escape. This is doubly so when the sick person's whole Chronic Disease
usually delay environment tends to fasten these habits upon him. But there is an even more Tumors

healing and fundamental reason than this: namely, people derive a certain satisfaction, a
cause new sense of well-being and a feeling of strength from their habits. ANHS Library
Following the medical lead, they have mistaken stimulation for strength, Links
inflammation for nutrition, fever for a heat-forming principle, a waste of vital power
We present

1 of 4 02/10/2010 14:19
Chocolate - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

excellent for supply, poison for food, disease for health. And they have done all this on the
no-drugs basis of the erroneous principle that lifeless matter acts on living matter.
methods for
health Thus, as Graham remarked, "the very means of our relief serves to aggravate our
recovery, diseases. When coffee is taken to "relieve a coffee-induced headache, when
tested and morphine is taken to "relievethe sufferings of the morphine addict, when tobacco
perfected by is taken to "steady nerves that have been unsteadied by the use of tobacco, the
doctors for poor victim of the poison disease mistakes his fictional relief for genuine benefit
over 175 and returns again and again to the real source of his miseries.
Dr. Walter said that in a long experience in dealing with invalids he "found it to be
We want to invariable that what makes the man sick is the thing which he never wants to
promote relinquish. This is true because to relinquish the evil thing is to suffer, while to
health resort to it again is to smother the suffering. For this fictional relief millions have
independence given their lives.
and critical
Dr. Shelton, Living Your Way to Health, Hygienic Review 1978

webpage is
part of our
free online
produced by
First, the toxin gives a big (stimulation) kick.
INHS has With time, the same amount of toxin gives a smaller kick!
free Therefore people must increase the dose, to keep getting the same kick, or stimulation.
membership, Dr. Shelton also writes:
chat group
and articles. Because the organism is enervated by the continued use of the poison, the user
must frequently increase the size of the dose - whether the poison is tobacco,
alcohol, tea, coffee, arsenic, salt, pepper, or other noxious substance - if he is to
Visit INHS continue to induce the same apparent effect.
Dr. Shelton, Adaptation and Toleration, Hygienic Review 1978

Visit INHS
Home Page

"To relinquish the evil thing is to suffer, while to resort to it

again is to smother the suffering." Dr. Shelton

Raw chocolate is a stimulant:


Whenever any poison is ingested into the body - in this instance it is the caffeine in
the coffee -
the presence of this dangerous enemy
in the vital domain is spotted by the A waste
autonomic nervous system.

2 of 4 02/10/2010 14:19
Chocolate - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

The nervous system sends a warning signal to the appropriate brain center,
which tells the body that an enemy has invaded the household and to prepare for
Since the caffeine is a poison and can damage the body, the brain center which
is concerned with the survival of the body against internal enemies sends a signal
to the heart, telling it to pick up speed
so that the blood will circulate more rapidly to the organs of elimination and thus
discard this caffeine as soon as possible to avoid internal injury. When the heart
beat (or pulse) accelerates in tempo, this increases the blood circulation and
it is registered in the mind as a feeling of exhilaration or wellbeing, such as the
excitement we experience when we engage in sports or any vigorous exercise.

Read more about stimulants here

Dr. Stanley S. Bass

"When the heart beat accelerates in tempo, it is registered in

the mind as a feeling of exhilaration or wellbeing" Dr. Bass

Raw chocolate is an energy-robber:




What's true for herbs is equally true for chocolates. Raw chocolate contains
a little fiber.
When eating chocolate (raw or heated), our bodies priotize removing all
damaging toxins first. There will seldom be enough energy over to extract any
nutrients from the chocolate.

Compare herbs and chocolate's stimulant effect. Read about herbs


Natural Health & Energy

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4 of 4 02/10/2010 14:19
Unity of Disease & Health - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic...

"Healthy action and sickly action are all vital

More action - ALL ONE. Health and Disease are the
magazines same thing differing only in degree." Dr. Shelton

to the
magazine of
Back to the
Unity of Disease and Health Editorial
for discussing
& teaching
When we talk of the UNITY OF DISEASE in Natural Hygiene In the News
we usually mean the unity of disease and symptoms - but there
Hygiene, a
is also a unity of disease and health. Interview
scientific view
Health and disease are different degrees of the same thing,
on health and
and it may be more correct to say "good health" versus "poor Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
Compare e.g. light and darkness, and all the shades Theme:
back as 1822.
inbetween. And how heat and cold are degrees of temperature, WHAT IS
with many intermediate degrees. And how dirty and clean DISEASE?
Our motto: Unity of Disease
conditions pass over into one another, and are as much under
"trust the Knowledge Needed
our control as diseased and healthy conditions. Cause of Disease
Our Method
Dr. Shelton: Gradual Transition Between Normal
(Health) and Abnormal (Disease)
By following Dr. Robert
the simple In what respect does disease Walter
rules of the differ from health? There is no
socalled sudden cessation of the "healthy LIFESTYLE:
LAWS OF action" and immediately Food
LIFE we can subsequent establishment of Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
"diseased action," or of an action
Rachel's food
lasting health the tendency of which is adverse Anna's kitchen
& optimal to health. There is no reversal of
energy. the laws of life, no confusion of the Energy - the
vital forces, no assumption by the Chief Factor
Our goal is organs of the body, of functions or
to teach, actions for which they were not Weight Loss:
designed and constituted. Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
best healing "The action of any part of the body in Disease, is
methods the same as its action in Health. Its action may be What's Our
available. If impaired, but it is not changed." View?
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or The organs of the body, have not (and cannot) taken on wrong Symptom
free, so much action. They must obey the laws of their constitution, and so Suppression?
long as they have power to act at all, act correctly. The action Raw Chocolate?
of any part of the body in disease, is the same as its action in
health. Its action may be impaired, but it is not changed.
We teach WHAT IS
that drugs DISEASE?
Whether we have rapid breathing or slow breathing, it is still
are Unity

1 of 6 02/10/2010 14:20
Unity of Disease & Health - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic...

unnecessary breathing. Whether heart action is slow or rapid, it is still heart Disease/Health
and will action. Breathing and heart action are slow when we are lying Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay down; they are rapid when we run. But neither of these Tumors
healing and represent wrong action. On the contrary we all recognize these
cause new as right actions. Why not in disease, also. ANHS Library
Healthy action and sickly action are all vital action - ALL ONE. Links
We present Health and disease are the same thing differing only in degree.
excellent We have previously learned how natural a thing disease is - how
no-drugs natural a thing is recovery.
methods for
health The very same phenomena, the same actions, and the same
recovery, powers as are natural to the body, and which when manifesting
tested and easily and smoothly constitute the state of Health, are the same
perfected by powers and phenomena, these latter slightly modified, that are
doctors for observed in disease. The state of disease implies no new or
over 175 additional powers, no action or phenomena other than those that
years. belong to the organism in health.

We want to "Health and disease are relative states of the

promote living body. They are both natural conditions of
health the living organism."
and critical Health and disease are relative states of the living body. They
thinking. are both, in the truest meaning of the term natural conditions of
the living organism. Not being different things, but only variations
and natural variations of one and the same thing, no successful
effort to set a precise boundry between health and disease is
webpage is
possible. The normal passes so gradually into the abnormal and
part of our
the abnormal repasses so gradually back into the normal that is
free online not possible to say where one begins and the other ends.
produced by Disease is so like health
volunteers. that the powers
concerned in it are
INHS has themselves adequate to
free the cure of it. The living
membership, organism is a unity; and
chat group its vital powers are the same in Health and in Disease, - the
and articles. same also in Recovery, which is Health regained by the
operation of these powers.

Visit INHS The habitual tendency of all the vital operations is ever and
WebSite always in the direction of the highest degree of health. This is
the inherent bent or propension of all the vital powers and
Visit INHS processes of the living organism. All the energies of the body
Review's are always directed toward health. This is equally as true of
Home Page their actions in disease as in health. Disease action is not a
mere haphazzard process, but serves a distinct and a useful
purpose or end - the removal of offenses.

"Disease action is not a mere haphazzard

process, but serves a distinct and a useful
purpose or end - the removal of offenses."

Acute disease is a temporary, an evanescent, state. It arises

under those conditions, as before explained, when unusual
defensive action is required if life is to be preserved. The
occasion or cause of disease removed or corrected, so that it is
no longer operative, the organism quickly subsides into its usual
tranquil state.

2 of 6 02/10/2010 14:20
Unity of Disease & Health - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic...

This is to say, as soon as the body, by means of the disease,

has succeeded in freeing itself of danger, it returns to its normal
state of ease and equilibrium.

In certain "diseases"
there occur changes
which, if permitted to
remain, would
endanger life. The
organism possesses
power to effect the
removal and
correction of these,
and bring about a
more or less
completely natural condition in the parts. As an example notice
the retrograde changes which occur in the absorption of the
exuded serum in the lungs in pneumonia, and the restoration of
normal circulation through the lungs. The limit of this condition is
determined by the power of the body to remove it. The exudate
is not self-limited.

If there is no necessity for a protracted disease - a prolonged

renovating process - the vital forces can be driven into one only
by "care and treatment" that produce such a necessity. If a cold
is all that is required to cleanse the organism, a pneumonia,
pleurisy, smallpox or measles, etc., will not be developed. Only
such disease manifestations are developed as are needed.
What is more, once these operations have thoroughly completed
their work, the body cannot be driven again through the same.

Herbert M. Shelton, Human Life - Its Philosophies and Laws, 1928

"The normal passes so gradually into the

abnormal and the abnormal repasses so gradually
back into the normal that is not possible to say
where one begins and the other ends." Dr. Shelton

"Nay, more, I have seen diseases begin, grow up

and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass
into cats."


Florence Nightingale: Diseases are Adjectives -

not Nouns

Florence Nightingale, who taught the English physicians and

surgeons the value of cleanliness, declares in her Notes on
Nursing (1860), pp. 32-3:

"Is it not living in a continual

mistake to look upon disease,
as we do now, as separate
entities, which must exist, like
cats and dogs? Instead of
looking upon them as
conditions, like a dirty and a

3 of 6 02/10/2010 14:20
Unity of Disease & Health - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic...

clean condition, and just as

much, under our own control;
or rather as the reactions of
kindly nature, against the
conditions in which we have placed ourselves.
"I was brought up, both by scientific men and
ignorant women, distinctly to believe that
small-pox, for instance, was a thing of which there
was once a first specimen in the world, which went
on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of
descent, just as much as that there was a first
dog, (or a first pair of dogs) and that small-pox
would not begin itself any more than a new dog
would begin without there having been a parent
"Since then I have seen with my eyes and smelt
with my nose small-pox growing up in first
specimens, either in close rooms, or in
overcrowded wards, where it could not by any
possibility have been 'caught' but must have

"Nay, more, I have

seen diseases begin,
grow up and pass into
one another. Now, dogs
do not pass into cats.
"I have seen, for
instance, with a little
continued fever grow up; and with a little more,
typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus, and
all in the same ward or hut.
"Would it not be far better, truer, and more
practical, if we looked upon disease in this light?
"For diseases, as all experience shows, are
adjectives, not noun substantives."

Miss Nightingale distinctly recognized the unity of "Morbid"

phenomena and saw that the names of the nosology are merely
terms descriptive of varying conditions and not names for
entities or things. She saw as well that this wealth of terms only
confuses and misleads both the laity and the professions.

Herbert M. Shelton, Human Life - Its Philosophies and Laws, 1928

"Look upon disease as conditions, like a dirty and

a clean condition, and just as much, under our
own control."


is closely related to

4 of 6 02/10/2010 14:20
Unity of Disease & Health - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic...

Conventional medicine relies on Pasteur's theories about

while Natural Hygiene/Orthopathy supports Bechamp's

Also read Dr. Herbert Shelton: The Unity of Normal and

Abnormal Processes, 1973

"Inflammation may develop simultaneously in different organs;

or, what is more frequently the case, one organ may become
congested and inflamed; and, as time passes and the general
health of the individual declines, one after another of several
structures may become congested or inflamed. .....

The sick man sets out, at the beginning of his suffering with
dyspepsia. After ten or twenty years he finds that he has
disease of the throat and lungs, bowels, liver, kidneys, heart
and perhaps of the spine. "

"As time passes and the general health of the

individual declines, one after another of several
structures may become congested or inflamed."

"The living organism is a unity; and its vital

powers are the same in Health and in

"This wealth of terms only confuses and misleads both

the laity and the professions."

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6 of 6 02/10/2010 14:20
Purpose of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review...

"The power of the disease is also the power of life." Dr. Shelton

magazine of
Back to the
There are two types of disease, acute and chronic. Acute disease is often violent, with Startpage
colds, fevers, weakness, convulsions etc. Chronic disease is a later stage and
develops only after several failed attempts to remove toxins - it equals a lower level of Editorial
for discussing
functioning and a lower level of vitality. The following is what Dr. Shelton says about
& teaching
acute disease. In the News
Hygiene, a
scientific view
on health and
Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
back as 1822.
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
Our Method
philosophy: Gould and Pyle say, Cyclopedia of Medicine and Surgery, second edition: "The pre-eruptive stage of
an exanthematous disease, especially scarlet fever, is sometimes ushered in by one or
By following Dr. Robert
two convulsions followed by coma. The temperature is high, the pulse is rapid, and the
the simple Walter
respirations are frequent. The coma disappears with the appearance of the eruption."
rules of the
socalled LIFESTYLE:
These same authorities say of smallpox: - "The fever rises rapidly from 103° to 104° F.,
within 48 hours, where it remains until the third or fourth day, or until papular eruption
LIFE we can appears, when it falls several degrees" Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
& optimal
energy. Energy - the
Chief Factor
Our goal is
to teach, Weight Loss:
The lesson of these two cases is obvious. Smarter fat-loss
discuss &
The eruption rids the system of the poisons that are endangering life. Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
The high temperature, convulsions and coma in the first case and the high fever in the
best healing second are preliminary preparations for the eruptions.
methods What's Our
The eruptions serve the same purpose of elimination, they do in secondary syphilis. That
available. If View?
this is so is evidenced by the ending of the coma and the decline of the temperature The Truth About
they are immediately upon the appearance of the eruption. Herbs?
low-cost or Symptom
free, so much Thus is manifest the truth of the oft repeated Raw Choco late?
better. assertions of Louis Kuhne, when dealing with
smallpox, measles, scarlet-fever, and other Theme:
We teach eruptive diseases that WHAT IS
that drugs "the more profuse the eruption the less is DISEASE?
are the child's life endangered. Unity
unnecessary The less abundant and slighter the eruption, on the other hand, the greater is the Acute Disease
and will danger." Chronic Disease
usually delay "The smaller that portion of the skin which co-operates in expelling the morbid matter, Tumors

healing and by admitting and eruption to break out, the greater the danger."
cause new "As soon as the rash is fully developed, vital danger is over in most cases." ANHS Library
This may be questioned by some because confluent smallpox is more severe than the Links
We present discrete form. But this is only an apparent contradiction. Such cases represent, it is true,
excellent more severe forms of the disease but the greater severity is not due to more rash but to
more cause for the rash.
methods for
The fact still stands, I believe, that the greater the area co-operating in the work of

1 of 3 02/10/2010 14:20
Purpose of Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review...

recovery, elimination (eruptions) in these cases, the less is the danger to life in the individual case.
tested and
perfected by
doctors for
over 175

We want to A young boy was all his life, up to six and one-half years, in poor health. He was
promote underweight, suffered with frequent nose bleeds, with the beginning of each spring had
health bronchitis, and had gone the usual round of treatment and operations. Tonsils and
independence adenoids had been removed. He had been carried from one hospital to another and had
and critical had his lungs X-Rayed a number of times in search of evidence of tuberculosis.
At six and one-half years of age he developed a very severe case of scarlet fever. His
This life was dispaired of. The eruption was great and scaling afterwards was as great. But
after this the whole condition of the boy changed. His weight became normal, his nose
webpage is
bleeds ceased, he had no more bronchitis, and, upon being examined at school, was
part of our
given a health percentage of perfect.
free online
produced by
"Improved health follows all eruptive diseases if they are not
suppressed by the treatment."
INHS has
free If this were an isolated case, it might be regarded as proving nothing. But it is not an
membership, isolated case. This improved health follows all eruptive diseases if they are not
chat group suppressed by the treatment.
and articles.

Visit INHS
A few years ago a brilliant young English Nature Cure physician showed from the official
statistics of that country that wherever an epidemic of smallpox had existed it was
always followed, in that locality, by a falling off in the cancer rate. The rate of falling off
Visit INHS in cancer was far in excess of the number of deaths that occurred during the smallpox.
Home Page Previous to this, however, a Dr. Wallace in a work entitled "Cholera" and in another
entitled "Necessity for Smallpox" had shown that acute diseases have saved many lives.
An acquaintance of the present author was always in very poor health until he had a
case of smallpox. For many years thereafter he enjoyed excellent health.

Is there any wonder Dr. Claunch declares smallpox to be almost a cure-all. There is no
means of estimating how many people are saved from tumors and cancers and other
degenerative diseases by the cleansing and reconstructive work accomplished by acute
disease. Were it not for acute disease, man's present mode of living would produce far
more physical degeneracy than exists at present, and would produce it much earlier in

Herbert M. Shelton, Human Life - Its Philosophies and Laws, 1928

"Were it not for acute disease, man's present mode of living would
produce far more physical degeneracy, much earlier in life."

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the persons to the

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Chronic Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...

"Nature's repeated warnings had gone unheeded

More and now he is paying the penalty." Dr. Shelton

to the
magazine of WHAT IS DISEASE? Back to the
Acute disease is an all-out effort to remove toxins by the body.
Chronic disease is a later stage and develops only after Editorial
for discussing
several failed attempts to remove toxins - it equals a lower
& teaching
level of functioning and a lower level of vitality. Listen to Dr. In the News
Shelton about chronic disease:
Hygiene, a
scientific view
"Such a condition does not develop suddenly."
on health and
Garden Corner
disease with
roots as far
back as 1822.
That person who DISEASE?
Our motto: conserves his nervous energies, Unity of Disease
"trust the who does not indulge in excesses and dissipations, Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
body" who eats sensibly and moderately,
who secures plenty of rest and sleep, Scientific
Our who takes daily physical exercise, and Method
philosophy: who secures an abundance of fresh air and sunshine,
By following will not be troubled with catarrh or any other disease. Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
rules of the
socalled LIFESTYLE:
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
achieve A man goes along in average health until he reaches the age of all-raw
forty. There are occasional headaches, colds, perhaps gastritis, Rachel's food
lasting health Anna's kitchen
& optimal and constipation for which he uses laxatives, but he feels well
energy. most of the time, is "never sick," has a good appetite, is never Energy - the
forced to be absent from his work because of illness, and he Chief Factor
Our goal is therefore considers himself in good health.
Then at forty from one cause or another Weight Loss:
to teach,
he has an examination made and Smarter fat-loss
discuss &
discovers that he is suffering with Victoria Moran:
improve the Body & Spirit
diabetes which is considerably
best healing advanced.
methods What's Our
Nature's repeated warnings had gone
available. If View?
unheeded and now he is paying the The Truth About
they are penalty. Herbs?
low-cost or These pre-clinical symptoms - discomforts and mild functional Symptom
free, so much disturbances - Orthopathy regards as marking the Raw Chocolate?
better. commencement of the second division of the descending
pathological transition the first manifestation of waning vitality. Theme:
We teach This is the answer to the question once put to Dr. Jennings: "My WHAT IS
that drugs wife has a fever, what has that to do with living?" DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 3 02/10/2010 14:20
Chronic Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...

unnecessary Disease/Health
and will Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay "That they all stemmed from the same basic Tumors
healing and cause, were mere steps or stages in the
cause new progressive degeneration, did not enter into their ANHS Library
diseases. considerations."
We present
excellent A lady became sick enough to call in a doctor. Her trouble was
no-drugs palliated in the usual way. Trouble after trouble developed while
methods for others remained.
health For years she
recovery, suffered with
tested and intestinal catarrh
perfected by when ulceration
doctors for developed. During
over 175 this time she was
years. operated on eight
times. Gall-stones
We want to and probably the
promote gall-bladder were removed, the appendix and coccix bone were
health each removed. Three operations were performed on the rectum
independence and two sinus operations were performed. Finally cancer of the
intestine developed.
and critical
Her physicians regarded each of her affections as distinct
diseases, of local origin, and the removal of the affected organ
was supposed to cure the disease.
That they represented local manifestations of a general or
webpage is systemic condition, that they all stemmed from the same basic
part of our cause, were mere steps or stages in the progressive
free online degeneration of the woman's body, did not enter into their
magazine, considerations.
produced by That there was any connection between intestinal catarrh and
volunteers. the gall-stones, appendicitis or ulcer, or that intestinal catarrh
and sinusitis were the same condition in two locations did not
INHS has enter into their philosophy.
chat group
and articles.

Visit INHS
Chronic disease may begin in the liver or pancreas or kidney
and develop gradually and insiduously until the affected organ is
Visit INHS beyond repair before the owner of the organ becomes aware
Review's that there is anything wrong with him. He may consider himself
Home Page to be in good health. He practices certain destructive habits for
years. He is apparently in good health. His friends indulge in the
same habits. His doctor and nurse do likewise.
Nothing arouses his suspicions
that he is not in good condition.
He does not even suspect that
his habits are not all right.
Then, at forty he begins to fail
rapidly. Perhaps there is a
sudden development of uremia.
An examination shows him to
be in the advanced stages of
chronic Bright's disease with his kidneys beyond repair.
He suddenly finds that all the time he was boasting that "nothing

2 of 3 02/10/2010 14:20
Chronic Disease - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1...

hurts me, I do as I like," "I can eat anything," "I always enjoy
three square meals a day," "tobacco never hurts me," "alcohol
won't harm one if he takes it in moderation," and imagining
himself in good health, he was really standing with one foot in
the grave, and the other on a banana peel.

Such a condition does not develop suddenly. It is the result of

causes that operate in the daily life of the individual.

Herbert M. Shelton, Human Life - Its Philosophies and Laws,


"He suddenly finds that all the time he was

boasting - 'I can eat anything' - he was really
standing with one foot in the grave, and the other
on a banana peel." Dr. Shelton

Natural Health & Energy

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the persons to
the right?

3 of 3 02/10/2010 14:20
Tumors - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

"Radical cure of tumors requires a removal of all causes of metabolic

More perversion and a restoration of normal nutrition. When this is done,
magazines tumors tend to disappear."

to the
magazine of Back to the
for discussing
Chronic Disease Example --- Tumors are Life-Saving
& teaching
In the News
Natural The purpose of all disease is to restore health, and if this is impossible, at least to prolong
Hygiene, a life. Tumors are body-efforts to erect barriers against toxins and irritation, and thereby Interview
scientific view prolong life.
on health and For the tumors to disappear, the irritations must be stopped, and the causes removed. The Garden Corner
disease with natural tumor disappearance process is an example of autolysis.
roots as far Theme:
back as 1822.
Herbert M. Shelton: TUMORS DISEASE?
Our motto: Unity of Disease
"trust the Definition: A tumor is a morbid growth of tissue not normal to the Knowledge Needed
Cause of Disease
body" part. Tumors are divided into benign (innocent) and malignant
(cancer). Cancer will be discussed in the succeeding chapter. Hence Scientific
Our we shall here confine ourselves to the so-called benign tumors. Method
By following TUMORS ARE FLESH & BLOOD & BONE Dr. Robert
the simple Tumors are made up of flesh and blood and bone; are composed of Walter
rules of the tissues, the same kind of tissues, in fact, as the other tissues of the
socalled body. There are many names for the different kinds of tumors, but Photo by Tampa plastic LIFESTYLE:
LAWS OF the names all indicate the kind of tissue of which the tumor is surgeon Guernere
LIFE we can composed. .... Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
Rachel's food
lasting health TUMORS HAVE A POSITIVE PURPOSE Anna's kitchen
& optimal We do not see how it can be maintained that tumors grow independently of the body and
energy. we do not believe that it can be shown that they serve no useful purpose. It will not be Energy - the
denied that those portions of a cyst, or at least some cysts, which are genetically related to Chief Factor
Our goal is neoplasms, serve a very definite and imminently useful purpose. A cyst which forms around
to teach, a foreign body, a parasite for example, is definitely useful and protective. Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
Body & Spirit
best healing A process similar to this is seen in plants that have been invaded by parasites. The large,
rough excresences seen on oak trees form about the larvae of a certain fly. This fly lays its What's Our
eggs beneath the bark of the tree. The larvae which develop from the eggs secrete a View?
available. If
substance that results in the formation of the huge tumorous mass. Large tumor-like masses The Truth About
they are Herbs?
form on the roots and stalks of cabbages as a result of parasitic invasion.
low-cost or Symptom
The olive tree also develops tumors from a similar cause, while Suppression?
free, so much cedar trees present peculiar growths called "witches brooms," as a Raw Chocolate?
better. result of a fungus growing on them.
There are many other examples, and they are all quite obviously Theme:
We teach protective measures. WHAT IS
that drugs DISEASE?
unnecessary Tumor formation is, undoubtedly due to a variation in the complex Acute Disease
and will relations determining normal growth, and is of a distinctly protective Chronic Disease
usually delay Tumors
nature. A tumor is not a source of danger until it begins to break
healing and down.
cause new ANHS Library
It is our opinion that tumor-formation is always and ever orthopathic, and that it prolongs life Links
We present in the face of causes, which, except for the tumor-formation, would produce death much
excellent earlier.
methods for
health "Tumor formation is of a distinctly protective nature.The tumor
recovery, actually prolongs life."

1 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Tumors - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

tested and
perfected by
doctors for Symptoms: Tumors, per se, produce no symptoms. They often are so located and grow to
over 175 such sizes that they produce pressure, occlusion or obstruction, or, by pressure upon a
years. nerve, produce neuritis, and nerve degeneration. Pressure on the optic nerve may produce
blindness. A tumor in the intestine may produce obstruction....
We want to
health Etiology: Tumors begin as hardening and thickening
independence of the tissues at a point of irritation as a means of
and critical defense. Hardening and thickening of the tissue may
thinking. occur in any and all parts of the body to resist
constant irritation. ....
This Were it not for the erection of the barrier, the causes against which it is erected would
webpage is destroy life long before they ultimately do.
part of our The tumor actually prolongs life.
free online
magazine, Herbert M. Shelton: Orthopathy - Chapter 22

produced by
volunteers. "Tumors begin as hardening and thickening of the tissues at a point of
irritation as a means of defense. "
INHS has
chat group
and articles.

Visit INHS
WebSite Tumors have the same causes as other diseases -- read more here.
If we don't succeed with our daily toxin-removal - perhaps due to large intake of new
Visit INHS toxins - our bodies slowly will get into chronic disease, and perhaps even early death.
Review's Tumor formation is an advanced stage of chronic disease.
Home Page
One reason for advanced chronic disease could be that longterm "treatments" (drugs,
herbs) have made daily self-healing & toxin-removal difficult:


abnormal versus normal functioning SYMPTOMS:
one disease process produces many

This is what our bodies are designed

for - return to normal as soon as our
life-style improve This is what can happen if no better
lifestyle --- therefore no return to normal
--- then tumors may form slowly

THE 7 STAGES OF DISEASE - and tumors are formed in stage 6

Induration is the result of long-standing, chronic inflammation with bouts of acute
inflammation interspersed. The chronic inflammation causes an impairment or
sluggishness of circulation: and because some cells succumb, they are replaced with
scar tissue. This is the way we lose good, normal-functioning cells - by chronic
inflammation and death of cells. Toxins may or may not be encapsulated in a tumor,
sac, wen, or polyp. ...
Read more here

2 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Tumors - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Before we get to the induration (tumor) stage, we must
have ignored the preceding 5 stages (enervation,
toxemia, irritation, inflammation, ulceration). These
stages must have produced warnings. Only if we don't
listen, and continue the disease-causing life-style, will the
disease continue to the next stage.
(Note: stage 6 = (benign) induration/tumors; stage 7 = (malignant) cancer.)
Read more here

Herbert M. Shelton: TUMORS

Care of the Patient:

Doctors and surgeons commonly believe that there is no "cure" for
fibroid tumor except its surgical removal. While surgery is still
preferred for other types of tumors, X-ray and radium are frequently
used in treating them. Neither removal of tumors by the knife nor
their destruction by X-ray or radium removes their cause and they
usually recur, often in malignant form.

Radical cure of tumors requires a removal of all causes of metabolic
perversion and a restoration of normal nutrition. When this is done,
tumors tend to disappear.

Tumors being composed of tissues, the same kinds of tissues as the other structures of the
body, are susceptible of autolytic disintegration, the same as normal tissue, and do, as a
matter of experience, undergo dissolution and absorption under a variety of circumstances,
but especially during a fast. The reader who can understand how fasting reduces the
amount of fat on the body and how it reduces the size of the muscles, can also understand
how it will reduce the size of a tumor, or cause it to disappear altogether. He needs, then,
only to realize that the process of disintegrating (autolyzing) the tumor takes place much
more rapidly than it does in the normal tissue.


Due to a variety of circumstances, some known, others unknown - the type of tumor, its
location, the amount of weight carried by the patient, the general state of the body, local
conditions, etc. - the rate of absorption of tumors in fasting individuals varies. Let me cite
two extreme cases to show the wide range of variation in this process.

A woman, under forty, had a uterine fibroid about the size of an average grapefruit. It was
completely absorbed in twenty-eight days of total abstinence from all food but water. This
was an unusually rapid rate of absorption.

Another case is that of a similar tumor in a woman of about the same age. In this case the
growth was about the size of a goose egg. One fast of twenty-one days reduced the tumor to
the size of an English walnut. The fast was broken due to the return of hunger. Another fast a
few weeks subsequent, of seventeen days, was required to complete the absorption of the
tumor. This was an unusually slow rate of tumor-absorption.


Tumor-like lumps in female breasts ranging from the size of a pea to that of a goose egg
will disappear in from three days to as many weeks. Here is a remarkable case of this kind
that will prove both interesting and instructive to the reader.

A young lady, age 21, had a large, hard lump - a little smaller than a
billiard ball - in her right breast. For four months it had caused her
considerable pain. Finally she consulted a physician who diagnosed
the condition, cancer, and urged immediate removal. She went to
another, and another and still another physician, and each made the
same diagnosis (an unusual thing) and each urged immediate removal.

3 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Tumors - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Instead of resorting to surgery the young lady resorted to fasting and in

exactly three days without food, the "cancer" and all its attendant pain
were gone. There has been no recurrence in thirteen years and I feel
that we are justified in considering the condition cured.

Hundreds of such occurrences under fasting have convinced us that many "tumors" and
"cancers" are removed by surgeons that are not tumors or cancers. They cause us to be
very skeptical of the statistics issued to show that early operation prevents or cures cancer.

In Europe and America literally thousands of tumors have been autolyzed during the past
fifty years, and the effectiveness of the method is beyond doubt. ...

Herbert M. Shelton: Orthopathy - Chapter 22


Dr. Ben Kim's Natural Health Newsletter

August 16, 2005

Last week was a mighty busy one at our fasting clinic. The highlight was one of our guests
waking up on day 7 of her water-only fast and discovering that she could no longer feel the
large uterine fibroid that she had been carrying around for years in her lower abdomen.
I can confirm from the evaluation that I did on her first day with us that she had a mass
that was about the size of a medium-sized adult fist in her lower abdomen, diagnosed by
ultrasound as a uterine fibroid before she arrived. I couldn't find even a trace of a mass
when I did a thorough re-check of her abdomen on day 7.
I was, of course, extremely happy for her healing experience. Although some of the guests
who visit our clinic experience obvious symptoms of cleansing and detoxification like
diarrhea and vomiting, it never gets old to see a dramatic change like the melting away of
a benign tumour. ...

Dr. Ben Kim

Ben Kim's Clinic is in the

Toronto area, north of the
Niagara Falls

Important: today, avoid water-only fasting for detoxification. Instead - start with raw
diets = to build strength. Do short fasts later.
Why? ---- For safety-reasons.


Why "safety-reasons"? - Because - at least in USA and other industrialized countries -
today people are more toxic than ever before, which also makes them deficient. And with
too high toxicity & deficiency, we must avoid prolonged fasting. Instead we must prepare
for fasting with raw foods or raw juices. This will make the fasting safe!
(EXCEPTION: If you have never had industrial-processed food, & never been on medical
drugs, & are non-deficient - then you may possibly go ahead the old-fashioned way, with a
longer fast.)

EXAMPLE for new-comers: Start out with a one-day fast, and break it correctly on raw
foods or raw juices, followed by a raw diet (or almost-raw). Repeat the 1-day fast a couple
of times. Then try a 2-day fast, a couple of times - then a 3-day fast. Inbetween a
mainly-raw diet (with veggies & animal foods).
THE LATEST UNDERSTANDING: Raw foods + short fasts is safer & will give better
results than a long fast (for new-beginners). Fasting is more difficult today, than during the
mid-1900's!! (At least for typical Westerners, who nowadays are both too toxic & deficient;

4 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Tumors - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

typically with hundreds of toxins in their blood.)

EXAMPLE of RAW cancer diet in Remarkable Recoveries by Dr. S. Bass -- free pdf
booklet to download -- with article about a successful cancer recovery via raw diet

Read about fasting here - article by Dr. Shelton

Natural Health & Energy

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Who are
the persons to the

5 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Library - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

to the ANHS library is now in Austin, Texas
magazine of
Back to the
INHS, a INHS has contacted the Startpage
non-profit Kinesiology Department
organisation of The University of
for discussing Texas and talked to
& teaching Terence Todd, who told
In the News
Natural us about the
Hygiene, a Todd-McLean Physical
scientific view Culture Collection,
on health and where ANHS library - or
Garden Corner
disease with Dr. Herbert Shelton's
roots as far collection - is now
back as 1822. housed.
Our motto: Jim Lennon at ANHS old library in Tampa Florida Unity of Disease
"trust the American Natural Knowledge Needed
body" Hygiene Society) was closed down, it's library was given here, Cause of Disease
approximately in 2001. ANHS library consisted of 2000+ books,
mainly books that Dr. Shelton had donated to ANHS. There was Scientific
Our Method
philosophy: also a collection of audio and video tapes, but this was relatively
small and is now in the offices of NHA, the National Health
By following Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
rules of the
Terry and Jan Todd are both professors at The University of
socalled Texas, and they have initiated and kept this research library with LIFESTYLE:
LAWS OF collections of old books in physical culture and natural health. Food
LIFE we can Currently the library is in a temporary location, accessible by Dr. Fielder eats
achieve all-raw
appointment only and the books must be read within the library - Rachel's food
lasting health but there are plans for the university to build a proper library for Anna's kitchen
& optimal them, in perhaps 3 years. U of T has a multitude of research
energy. libraries. Energy - the
Chief Factor
Our goal is The natural health part contains 3 large groups:
to teach, Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & 1. Dr. Gian Cursio's collection of 5000+ books, 1500 Victoria Moran:
improve the pamphlets & journals Body & Spirit
best healing 2. a collection by Dr. Jesse Mercer Gehman - who wrote
methods Smoke over America, a naturopath in Pennsylvania, and What's Our
available. If editor of the Vegetarian Magazine View?
3. Dr. Herbert Shelton's collection - (ANHS library) - 2000+ The Truth About
they are Herbs?
low-cost or books Symptom
free, so much
For a detailed list of the collections, see Raw Chocolate?
We teach WHAT IS
that drugs DISEASE?
The Todd-McLean Physical Culture Collection was started
are Unity

1 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Library - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary thanks to the Todd's close friendship with Victor Boff, Disease/Health
and will well-known owner of health food stores in New York. And a Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay winter bather on Coney Island - several times a week all winter. Tumors
healing and It was Victor who had good connections with Cursio and
cause new Gehman, and helped transfer their libraries to U of T after their ANHS Library
diseases. death.
We present E.g. Cursio had a 35,000+ books, housed in 9 library-like rooms
excellent in his big house in New York. Not all were on health, he had
no-drugs many other interests. The family after his death threw most of it
methods for in the trash, but a good friend of Cursio used to come by every
health trash-pickup day, and save books from the trash.
recovery, Jesse Mercer's family likewise was not interested in his books,
tested and and some were in pretty bad condition when they finally arrived
perfected by at the library.
doctors for
over 175 Note: There is a project to digitize books of the library, but this
years. is only just started.

We want to
Todd-McLean Physical Culture Collection
and critical
at The University of Texas
The following info is from the website
This :
webpage is
part of our
Preservation: For
free online
many decades,
magazine, traditional libraries
produced by purchased very few
volunteers. journals and books
published in the field
INHS has of physical culture
free and alternative
membership, health care.
chat group Furthermore, few
and articles. private individuals
involved in these
fields thought to
Visit INHS deposit their
WebSite personal papers and
Visit INHS collections in public
Review's libraries. By
Home Page establishing this collection at The University of Texas in 1984,
the Todds aimed to provide a long-term home at a major
research institution for these rare and culturally significant
documents and to find means and methods to preserve these
documents through perpetuity.

Research: By establishing the Todd-McLean Physical Culture

Collection, the Todds hoped to encourage academic scholarship
in such fields as physical fitness, weightlifting, bodybuilding,
naturopathy, athletic training, and alternative medicine. Over the
past two decades, scholars and graduate students from the
United States as well as Canada, Italy, Bulgaria, Iceland,
Germany , Australia, Great Britain, and Norway have used the

2 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Library - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

collection for a wide variety of projects.

Timeless Teachings - Herbert Shelton Library - 1995

Health Science article

ANHS continues the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Dr

Shelton's birth with a look inside the ANHS Herbert Shelton
The extraordinary heritage of Natural Hygiene is safely
preserved in the Herbert Shelton Library, located at the ANHS
National Headquarters in Tampa, Fla. The collection consists
of hundreds of books and periodicals; many are one-of-a-kind.
Most of these irreplaceable items were collected over a
lifetime by Dr. Shelton.

Herbert M Shelton (1895-1985) was one of the co-founders of

the American Natural Hygiene Society Before his death, ANHS
purchased Dr Shelton's priceless collection of books on the
extensive history of Natural Hygiene dating back to the 1830's.
Beginning with Isaac Jennings, M.D., in the 1830s, an
unbroken line of physicians worked tirelessly to formulate the
comprehensive science of health that we call Natural
Hygiene.The writings of these men and women were far ahead
of their times.
Some of the more prominent authors, in addition to
Dr.Jennings, include William A.Alcott, M.D.; Russell TTrall,
M.D.; Harriet Austin, M.D.; James C.Jackson, M.D.;Thomas
L. Nichols, M.D.; Mary Gove Nichols; Charles F. Page, M.D.;
Susannah W. Dodds, M.D.; Felix L. Oswald, M.D.; and John
H.Tilden, M.D.

This image of Dr Shelton - rescued from an old severely damaged pri nting
plate (center), was reprinted (left) and fully restored (right) using computer
A rescued photograph
During a visit to Dr. Shelton's home in San Antonio,Texas,
ANHS Executive Director James Michael Lennon met with Dr.
Shelton's children, Willowdeen Rossner and Walden Shelton,
who donated many valuable items to the Library. These
included an old printing plate showing a picture of Dr. Shelton
as a young man. The printing plate had been badly scratched
and damaged during the decades since it had been made. But
with the generous help of ANHS member Stan Darrah, who is
a printer, we were able to make a print from the plate. Then,
with the help of computer technology, we were able to have all
of the damage repaired.The fully-restored picture shows a
young, handsome Dr. Shelton. Now we have a rare and
previously-unknown photograph of Dr. Shelton that would have
been lost.

3 of 5 02/10/2010 14:21
Library - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Preservation continues with help from

Now in its 11th year, the
Herbert Shelton Library is a
tribute to the support of ANHS
members who have helped to
assure its preservation and
growth. Hundreds of members
have made contributions to
help, and the name of every
ANHS member who has made
a gift to the library is recorded
in a Friends of the library book on view in the
library. The important preservation work of the
library continues. Many books are in need of
repair due to broken bindings and general decay
over time. These books are kept safely in glass
bookcases, and some are so fragile that they
cannot be handled.
A duplicate copy section of the library is being
created so that members can read through these
classics when they visit.
Health Science, magazine of ANHS, 1995

The tradition continues

The pioneering work of the early Hygienists has continued into
the 20th century through the efforts of the members of the
International Association of Professional Natural
Hygienists.These men and women are licensed physicians who
make Hygienic care the focal point of their practices.
Health Science, magazine of ANHS, 1995

Natural Health & Energy

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Who are
the persons to
the right?

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Links - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

Links to Natural Hygiene articles
to the Here is a selection of web articles by hygienic doctors.
magazine of
Back to the
non-profit Links to hygienic physicians with information about fasting
organisation and detoxification: Editorial
for discussing
& teaching Dr. Virginia Vetrano (Texas): Russia Explores In the News
Natural Fasting
Hygiene, a Dr. John Fielder (Australia): Introduction to Interview
scientific view Principles & Practice of Fasting
on health and Dr. D.J. Scott (Ohio): Fasting - Health by Garden Corner
disease with God's design
roots as far Dr. D.J. Scott (Ohio): Lab-tests, and list of diseases benefiting Theme:
back as 1822. from fasting
Dr. Stanley S. Bass (New York): My first water fast. - Q&A
Our motto: about fasting. Unity of Disease
"trust the Dr. Stanley S. Bass (New York): How important is diagnosis? Knowledge Needed
Dr. Paul Goldberg (Atlanta,GA): Patient information - Cause of Disease
Our Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac (Hawaii): Fasting Testimonials
philosophy: Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac (Hawaii): Benefits of Fasting
By following Dr. Ben Kim (Canada): Questions and Answers on Fasting
Dr. Ben Kim (Canada): Fasting Information Dr. Robert
the simple Walter
rules of the Dr. Keki Sidhwa (England): Some practical hints for a detoxifying
socalled LIFESTYLE:
Dr. Keki Sidhwa (England): What is this toxaemia?
Dr. Keki Sidhwa (England): How soon can you get well?
LIFE we can Dr. Fielder eats
Dr. Alec Burton (Australia): Fasting & Rejuvenation all-raw
Dr. Alec Burton (Australia): The Paradox of Health Rachel's food
lasting health Dr. Ralph Cinque (Austin,TX): Facts about Fasting Anna's kitchen
& optimal Dr. Ralph Cinque (Austin,TX): Quit-for-good - fasting to
energy. overcome addictions Energy - the
Dr. Robert Sniadach (Texas): Fasting - Basic facts Chief Factor
Our goal is Dr. Robert Sniadach (Texas): When is juice fasting preferable to
to teach, water fasting? Weight Loss:
Smarter fat-loss
discuss & Victoria Moran:
improve the More about fasting: Body & Spirit
best healing Dr. Herbert Shelton and Arnold DeVries: Fasting articles
methods What's Our
available. If View?
The Truth About
they are Herbs?
Links to hygienic physicians with information about certain
low-cost or Symptom
conditions: Suppression?
free, so much
Raw Chocolate?
Dr Gregory Haag, M.D (Texas): Why "Just Say No" Just Won't
Work (about drug addiction) Theme:
We teach Dr. Paul Goldberg (Atlanta,GA): Arthritis and Rheumatism WHAT IS
that drugs Sufferers: The Forgotten Patients DISEASE?
are Unity

1 of 2 02/10/2010 14:21
Links - Natural Health & Energy - INHS Hygienic Review 1-2005

unnecessary Dr. Paul Goldberg (Atlanta,GA): Exploring Chronic Fatigue Disease/Health

and will Syndrom Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
usually delay Dr. Paul Goldberg (Atlanta,GA): Fibromyalgia - Another Name Tumors
healing and for Impaired Health
cause new Dr. Paul Goldberg (Atlanta,GA): Inflammatory Bowel Disease ANHS Library
diseases. (Colitis, Crohn's disease)
Dr. Ben Kim (Canada): A Natural Approach to Treating Uterine Links
We present Fibroids
excellent Dr. Ben Kim (Canada): Understanding Blood Pressure
no-drugs Dr. Ben Kim (Canada): A Natural Approach to Curing and
methods for Preventing Acne
health Dr. Ben Kim (Canada): Getting to the Root of Eczema
tested and Interviews:
perfected by
doctors for Dr. Virginia Vetrano (Texas): Interview in this magazine
over 175 Dr. John Fielder (Australia): Doctor in the Australian Bushland
years. Dr. Ralph Cinque (Austin,TX): Dr. Cinque remembers Herbert
We want to Dr. Robert Sniadach (Texas): Dr. Sniadach on exercise,
promote sunscreen, enemas, acupuncture etc.
health Dr. William Esser (Florida): Interview with Dr. Esser
Dr. David Scott (Ohio): Interview with Dr. Scott
and critical

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