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N@Uesrr cn: MICHAEL MCCARTHY JEANNE MCCARTEN HELEN SANDIFORD WORKBOOK isd sais ina hurry 1. Craigis a careful driver. 2. Lucia always arrives early. _ Craig is a veclless Aviver, 7, Tamara plays tennis badly, 8. Joe and Kay are dressed inappropriately. Unit 7 The way we are _2Mynewjobl email =) | Hidana, y | started my new job teday! But can you believe it? | almost slept late. My alarm clock always | goes off automatic “automaticaly, but today it did't ring. Luckily, | woKe up ea! | I chose my outfit very careful / carefully because | wanted to dress nice / nicely for my first day. ‘And | didn't want to anive late /ately, so! eft home early, | always get impatient / impatiently | and stressed when the traffic is slow / slowly, And then there are al those reckless / recklessly drivers! Anyway, | made it to work with no problems. My boss seems relly serious / seriously. He likes everyone todo their work proper / properly, and he feels strong / strongly that everyone needs to get along good / well. There was a lot to learn, but || he patient /patiently explained all my responsibilities. The job is very similar to my old one, but they |= dothings ait diferent / differently nee He alo inroduced me to eveyone I's hard toemenber | all my co-workers’ names, but | need to learn them quick / fast. | Anyway, the day went by quick / quickly, and t'm back home row. meal ied, but lcan'twalt to go | i back to work tomorrow, Cho __3 Are you fast? Grammar! A Complete the answers with an adjective or adverb, Sometimes more than one ‘yocatuiay | ansiver is possible. 1, A Are youa fast reader? No, actually, read very __slowly _ Do you think you're lazy? No, actually, 'ma__worker. Do you have difficulty remembering names? I don’t think so, | remember names very. 4. A Do you eat your meals quickly? B Yes, 'ma__ eater. 5. 4 Are youa good singer? B Well, no, People say I sing 6. A Are you good at sports? B Yes, | play most sports reo ae B Write true answers to the questions in part A. 1. Yes. lam, |vead everything very quickly. a 3. 4 5. 6. cla | Personality and characier _____1 What are they like? 2 Aboutyou, mar; Complete each question with the opposite of the adjec B Complete the sentences with the words from part A. My aunt likes to paint. She has creative ideas and is incredibly__talenteA _ Ellie is totally _____.. She can never find her car keys and is always losing her cell phone. My friend Steve is extremely down-to-earthand ____. He gives useful advice Billis really ___. He isn't shy at all. ‘My dad bought me a laptop computer for college. He’s very kind and__ like that Maxis usually good about completing his work. He's fairly =; Alice is pretty laid-back and She never gets upset about anything My little sister never shares anything. She’s so ex PR ee NS e given. vocabulary | Then write true answers. . Are you honest or_Aishonest_? _ I'm lsat Lalways tell the buth, . Is your doctor friendly or Is your best friend reliable or__? Are you organized or? Are you patient or__? __ eee Are your neighbors considerate or___ 1, Brian’s not talented at all. a, He sings, dances, and acts, (B) He can’t sing, dance, or act! 2, Jennifer's extremely generous. a. She gives a lot of money to charity. b, She gives a little money to charity. 3, My sister is incredibly smart, a. She's the best student in her class, b. She does fairly well in school, 4, Amir is so funny. a. His jokes don't make me laugh at all. b. His jokes always make me laugh. 4 About you 2— ‘Then add a second sentence about yourself. Unit 7 The way we are Samantha is fairly outgoing a. She never goes to parties. b. She sometimes goes to parties. My math teacher is really helpful. a. She gives great explanations. , She sometimes gives bad explanations. Adam is pretty laid-back. a, He gets upset about everything. b. He doesn’t get upset about most things. . Jack is completely inconsiderate. a. He never helps his family around the house. b. He sometimes helps his family around the house. Use the expressions in the box to write true sentences about someone you know. not impatient at all ~ pretty reliable ‘airly easygoing incredibly friendly really practical very honest My older brother's pretty veliabble, | think I'm pretty unveliable, L 2, 3. 4, { Canversation’ ©The people in this office don’t work very hard. Look at the picture, and write Llrategies' hat each person is always doing. 1. Jedd i Jeayi wh 4, Kayo 2. Reba . 5, Yasmin 3. John » 6 Chad _____2 Individual habits. 1 Write a response to each statement with always and a continuous verb. Use the expressions in the box, buy things cancel plans help people —_lose stuff _tell jokes 1. ( Beth is so unreliable. ) { 1 know. she’s always canceling plans! 2. { Matt is incredibly disorganized. (That's forsure, 7 X 3.{ Elizabeth is very funny.) (That's tru. a - 4. { Theresa isnt practical with money. | You're right. 5. ( Kenny is generous with his time, }{ Yeah, heis, 4 About you ynplainis, complaints == Complete each conversation with always and a continuous verb. Then add at least to the response when appropriate. L Sam My sister hardly ever talks to my friends when they come over. She ’s always doing (do) something else. I mean, she says “Ili,” but that’s all. Fatema Well, ___sheisn’t rude to them 2. Jody \ast year, my roommate in college ______ (borrow) my books and stulf without asking. Pam That's too bad - ‘itsounds like she was really inconsiderate, 3. Sandy My last boss was really nice but completely disorganized. She ____(caneel) meetings at the last minute. Natsuko Yeah, ____ it's hard to work for somebody like that. 4, Daniel My brother___ (listen) to his MP3 player. He's always got his headphones on. Sarah Well, his music isn’t loud. 5, Alejandra (never see my kids these days. They (go) to their friends’ houses to play basketball or baseball or something. Diana Well, you know, __ they're interested in sports. A lot of kids just play computer games all the time. Complete each sentence with true information. Use always and a continuous verb. 1. When I waslittle,_lwas always eating candy 2 2. My friends and 1 3. Thave some bad habits. I 4. My best friend Ss — 5. My parents 6, My favorite teacher in high school 7. Myneighbor ‘ Unit 7 The way we are ___4 Star qualities | A Read the article. Circle the two adjectives that describe actor Aishwarya Rai Little-known facts - saat in each column. ‘amous) accomplished | inconsiderate generous arrogant influential down-to-earth univiencly talented seffish beautiful nice Atshwaryo Rai THE QUEEN Aishwarya Bal is the Queen of Bollywood, India’s version (of Hollywood and the film capital of the world. With over 18000 Web sites devoted to er, she is India’s and possibly the workds, best-known actot Yet, perhaps surprisingly, Rai stil ives at home with her parents ‘Aishwarya Ral wasborn in Mangalore, india, on November 1, 1973.She was raised in atraditional, | middle-class family. When she was four her family ‘moved to Mumbai (Bombay), where she still lives today, Ral started modeling for fun when she was in colege | studying architecture. She also received many offers to act 4 However, her first priority was ‘school, so she said no to all ‘movie offers. Then in 1994, at the age of 21, Rai won the title of Miss World. oon after that, she accepted her first movie re. ‘Now an accomplished actor, Rai won Filmfare’s Award for Best Actress for her role in ‘lum Dit De Chuke Sanamin B Read Rai’s biography again. Then correct these false sentences. with her pavents 1. Aishwarya Rai lives oypherseHin Mumbai. 2. Rai was born in Mumbai 6 Rai makes movies in four languages. 3, Rai started modeling in high school. 7, Rai has a statue in Cannes, France. 4, Rai studied acting in college. a oF BOLLYWOOD 5. Rai won the title of Miss World when she was 19. Rai feels that it’s important to be beautiful. 2000..She also started in Bolywood’s most. successful intemational blockbuster, Devdas. Rai acts in five different languages: Hind, Kannada, Tamil Urcu, ‘and English In 2008, Ral wes in The magazine’ list ofthe 100 most. fluential people in the world, and it's easy to see why, She the frst Bollywood star to be a juror at the Cannes Fim Festival in France, lo appear in Roling Stone magazine and to be on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Rai is also the first Indian woman to have a stalue in London's wax museum, Madame Tussauds. Aishwarya Rais one of the most beautiful women in the World Dut when Oprah Winfrey asked her about her beauty, she simply sald “Beauty is as beauty does” meaning that what you do is more important than how you look, Tiss perhaps why Rai created a charitable organization calle the ‘Aishwarya Rai Toudation, which helps women, children, the ‘elderly, and animals. Her philosophy is very simple: to beimportant, but it's important to be nice” called can be started was born and raised accomplished at the age of Midori Goto Midori Goto is an incredibly talented violinist. She was born and vaisea in Oska, Japan. She ______ studying the violin with her mother, and ier seven, she gave her first public performance in Osaka, Studying musi very demanding, as well as rewarding. When she was only 10, Midori moved to New York City to study music at the Juilliard School, She also attended the Professional Children's School for her academic B Write a short profile about someone you adm ! | | Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. [M = 1 know how to 2 use manner adverts and adectives correctly (use regular and irregular adverbs | use adverbs to make adjectives and adverbs stronger | Clad prefixes to adjactives to make opposites name atleast 12 adverts name at least 15 personality adjectives need to review how to... Unit 1 The way we are studies. By the time Midori turned 1 and had performed with the New York Philharmonic. Midori is also very generous. In 1992, she created an organization Midori & Friends that provides free music education for children in city schools, re. to these pages in the Student's Boo! use always and a continuous verb to describe in use at /east to point out the positive side of a situation wwite a short profile about sa idual habits 6 suis Hopes and dreams __4 Have you or haven’tyou?, = {ame} A Read the “to do” list. What things have you done? What things haven't you done? Write true sentences using the present perfect. 1, Lheven't Aviven a spevts caw, J shubad phelegsaghy 2, Levee! gene sts Prat sled Cure 3. Laver t leaned o seesal leguonge osel_Ward sure 9g 3 4, Lhavea't fhe bay Habel e 8. Tl win on qward B Complete the sentences using the present perfect and the expressions in the “to do” list in part A. Use the negative form where necessary. 1. Len i " \ce or twice. Heloves to drive. 2, My sister colt bee pee ty many times. We love the snow. } 3. My brothers _1, One speaks Mandarin and one } speaks Cantonese, 4, We haure!'/ seta bhe bag Malai —__, but I really want to go to India one day. } 5, Myteacher_has sluded sebgpashy —Z—. She takes beautiful travel photos. 6. Soland Rhea Droste bemwalea be eonage before, but they hope to go next year. 7, Gary_heg! poet sind He's afraid of the water. 8. Megan a for being the school's fastest swimmer. Unit 2 Experiences mia?| Write sentences with the present perfect. 1. My teacher (go / many times) to the United States. My teacher's been te the United States many Humes. o. v 0 ited States many times. 2. My boss (ski / several times) in the Swiss Alps. 3._T(always / want) to go on a roller coaster. 4, My neighbor (never / go / before) to Canada. 5. My parents (see / five times) the movie Dr. Zhivago. 6. My brothers (try / once or twice) Vietnamese food. uit you Seegco ieee _ _ Answer the questions with true information. Add a frequency expression where necessary, 1, What's something exciting you've done? I've gone skydAivi 2. What's something scary vou've done? 3, What's something boring you've done in the last month? _- 4. How many times have you been late to class recently? 5. What country have you always wanted to visit? 6, What kind of food have you never tried before? 7. What movie have you seen several times? n Unusual experiences 1 Have youever...?2 [Gramaér! Complete the conversations with the simple past or present perfect. 1. A _Have youpver_gone _ (go) cliff diving? B No, thw’ «It sounds too scary! Di _—_4you_de 7 (da) ive A Yeah, tt gave 46) last weoend. B Wow! You're brave. How . (be) i? A Itwas incredible! 1 Lvey _—tlove) it. - ae A Lhe “rover -tavet (travel) alone. How about you?_~ B No, but! we alway sure it’s exciting, 4 [think so, too. Do-you know my friend jill? she ‘ck, ao ahiking trip alone last year. hue spale($peak) to her about it last week, (wand) to, 'm 2 I know, 3.A hue yor'ever teed “ (try) horseback riding? , ys B Yeah. l actually (do) itonce several a o years ago. ¢ A Really?_dd_you__Lthai_ Tike) itt B No, not really. {t_beea. tba very scary. A Ob, too bad. I go all the time. T gella (get) really good. 7 = Dd ~ you do — ae last weekend? } 4 Myo pod ik lee ake arideina hot-air balloon! _hwe __ yotever_ben ~ (be) in one before? = A No, Thaveat Ad Foe ns ea it? B Yeah, we Yl aes ) every minute! It was amazing! 12 orno? | Complete the questions with the simple past or present perfect form of the verbs in the box, Then answer the questions with true information. break eat vgo have lose S ride = visit. = win 2, lave you ever bara —yourleg?s . t buwea't becky e b. 3, Weve youever_“0" _aspeliing contest? Hot haven‘! una Unit 2 Experiences 1. Dia you 3 to the zoo yesterday? _No,| didn’t go to the z00 yesterday, we Was a corte, 4, Did you_e abike to school yesterday? No, £dido!t vurbfe ¢ grand pork [ZL sure 8, Did _you_vist* _yourgrandparents last summer? Me C dude ya bye greed pareachy 6. dove youever bd abadcold? ts Tt taal <7 dad of. ae 7, Sid you__hove _ a big breakfast this morning? 8, Hove youever_hs! —yourwallerz Wo Chase’? + your walle (t you = 2 im Use the cues to write questions in the simple past or present perfect. Then write true answers, 1. (try any new foods / on your last vacation) Did you try any new foods on your last vacation? Yes. did. | tried oysters, They're delicious, 2, (ever / hike in the mount 3, (see a lot of movies / last summer) 4. (ever / walk across a tightrope) 5. (ever / find someone's cell phone) ae 6._(over / forget a friend's birthday) 13 ___1 Tell me more! —__ aw, ee i Complete the conversations with the responses in the box. _ Strategies, - Cool. Do you have a favorite place? That sounds great. How do you get there? | I've heard her tests are hard. How did you do? ‘That's too bad. Did you study? Oh, that sounds hard. Did you finish? v Yeah, | am, Do you want to come? 1, Jake Hey, Alex! Are you going surfing this weekend? Alex Yeal lew, Do you want te come? Jake Well, I'm working this weekend, And, actually, Tve never surfed before. = Alex Really? I started surfing three years ago, _, Jakel Alex Yeah, | like to go to Cove Beach. Have you heard of it? Jake Yeah, Uhave, but Ive never been there, Alex You should come sometime. [can teach _/ you the basics. Jake Alex Tusually drive. You can ride your bike there, but it’s a bit far, Jake Allright. Tell me the next time you're planning to go. 2. KEWon Hi, Erin. You look upset. What's wrong? Erin_L just took Mrs. Chen's English test. Ki Won Erin Tdon't think Tdid ian wall KiWonl > Evin Yeah, | studied x KiWon Erin Well, it was both. There were 30 wiultiple-choice questions and an essay question! KiWon Erin Yeah, [finished it, but I didn’t have time to check my answers. Ki Won Well, maybe you did better than you think! 4 Unit 2 Experiences __2Did you? | Complete each conversation with a response question to show interest. 1. A Lwenton a roller coaster last weekend. 5. A Ttidemy motorcycle on the weekends. B _Dia you? That sounds like fun. 8 Di ys *_ I've never ridden a motorcycle. 2, A love going to the movies! 6, A Ive broken my arm twice. Deo ws Let's go sometime! Ty jo.2_ That's too bad. 3. A¥won first prize in the art contest! 7. AAG years old today! Dyye that’s wonderfull cal Happy birthday! \ Un really afraid of both snakes and spiders. 8, I've seen the new Tom Cruise movie 20 times. Dee _wai_Lam too. B Did yw' tshe your favorite actor? ___3 Extreme sports _ a oisey Respond to these statements with a response question. Then add a follow-up question to ask for more information. 1. [inthe summer, love to go hang gliding. | (Be yeu? bit scary? fe + 2. { 1've gone scuba diving several times. | [ | St 3 (Last spring, went dep-sea fishing. es | 4. [tmapretty good windsurter | ) F \ 5. { labsolutely love sailing. ae 6. [I started surting last year |_) 15 16 Travel blogs Gisele Gisele ‘TravelJoe Re: Finally here! ‘Gsele's Blog | We arrived yesterday morning in Puccn, in Chile's Lake District. We're exhausted from traveling, but Puctn seems like a | fun placa, and we'l stay here forthe next few day. Today we rented a canoe and went swimming in the lake. There's ‘also an active voicano nearby — you can see it from the lake. I's relly cool ta see smoke coming out ofthe op! (ur hotel is reat. I's right inthe middle of town, and ithas a café where a lt of {people come tu hang out, There area lt of travelers here because it's cheap and {Ete food is good. we mei some pepe from Canada lst night. They've been tothe + -matonal park where we plan to go next, so we got lots oF useful information fom them | We haven't decided where to stay in Torres del Paine National Park, Has anyone ever "en there? I it better to camp or stay inthe refugios? | Posted January 25, at 9:57 a.m. | The refugios are nice places to stay. They're like lodges - some even have cafeterias — but | think camping Is a. good 1 option this time of year. The refugias will be too crowded. | was at Torres del Paine in February two years ago, and the ‘weather was perfec for camping. Good luck! Posted January 26, at 10:24 p.m. | Last day in Pucén ‘Today we went horseback riding to see some waterfalls. | was worried about falling off the horse, but it was OK. ‘We saw some scenery that you can't see on foot, and it was spectacular. ‘Tomorrow we leave for Torres de! Paine. I'm so excited ~ I've always wantad to go to Patagonia! Thanks for {the info, TravelJoe. We brought our tents along, just in case. 1 Posted January 28, at 819 p.m. | Wow! + We just sgent a week in Torres del Paine. We did the “W,” which is @ five-day hike ‘that zigzags through the park. We stopped To camp each night along the way. Fortunately, it dint rain, was amazing! We sew pink flamingos and a quanaen, wich isan anime ‘that looks like a furry horse with a llama’s head. The mountains were awesome. | didn’t ‘want to leave. Tonight we stay in Santiago, ad then itso the airport and home Posted February 5, at 4:45 p.m, B Read the blog again. Then answer the questions. 1, When did Gisele arrive in Puc6n? She awvivea in Pucdn om Januery 24, 2 Ways hnghere ponylap wih yale 3. What did the Canadians tell her about 4, Why does TravelJoe think she should camp in Torres del Paine?| T 5. Howlong does it take to do the “W" hiked 6. Where did Gisele sleep in Torres del Pains fortunately, unfortunately, ox amazingly. ortunately, ... . saxo alc Mey A Read Ian's blog entry about his trip to Belize. Complete the sentences with (OOO. tan Blog an | We were very ted when we got off fe us, anueo(valely ir | was already contest — ¢ Taking an exciting trip + Having afun picnic + Trying a new activity Belize City, but_Portunately , our host was there to meet. reat my hag aor wat Wo tena i and headed tor Maya Mountain Le Biya Zan, ng Ny when we got to the lodge, my luggage ee ning, We st ott on our fst tp. ‘The mountain road was narrow and curvy, | —_tor Junertt| fr driver drove carefuly. Our first stop was at a big waterfall, Y 4 , it was raining when we got there, snes ‘the bus. Our next stop ws atthe cle loon Poo It wes ht, so everyone went wining dirt have my bathing suit with me, so | couldn't go. The views ware so beautiful that took alt ef pictures. [28> | Tim not usually @ good photographer, but asa zt) bp my pictures were great nor Wale Ss TEE B Write ablog entry about one of the following experiences. Use adverbs like fortunately and amazingly to show your feelings about what happened. O Ons, ae log = Unit 2 Progress chart Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. ([4 =1know howto... [7] = I need to review how to... to these pages in the Student's Book. use Do you?, Did you?, Are you? or Have you? to show interest 1g use the present perfect with regular and irregular verbs 12 and 13 use the present perfect to say what | have and haven't done 13, 14, and 15 | C7 ask and answer questions beginning with Have you ever... | 14and 15 use the simple past to answer questions in the presert perfect | 14 and 15 name at least 12 irregular past participles 13, 14, and 15 keep a conversation going by showing interest 16 7 7 » Human wonders | That’s expensive! Complete the questions with superlatives. Then match the questions with the correct pictures and information below. 1, What's _the west expensive (expensive) musical instrument ever sold? _ 2. Which country has (long) school year?__ 3. What sport has (fans) in the world? __ 4, Who's (young) number-one classical artist?_ 5. Where's (smal) house in the world? _ 6. What's _ (famous) statue in the United States?___ % (tall) hotels in the world? ___ 8. What's (fast) carin the world? ___ The Burj al-Arab Hotel’ | Almost 4 million )* Millions offans | The Thrust $8G.can go in Dubaiis321 meters people visitthe Statue | around the world | up to 1,227 kilometers _ (1,060 feet) tal. of Liberty each ye watch soccer, (763 miles) per hour. Welsh soprano Charlotte 2) —— Church was only 12 years a ‘The QuayHouse in Conwy, | “The Lady'Tennant” old when her album, Voice Chinese children ‘Wales, is 3.09 meters high violin by Antonio: ofan Angel, soldovertwo goto school 251 by 1.8 meters wide (10 feet__—_‘Stradivari sold at auctis million co inthe UK, | daysa year. high by 5.9 feet wide). for over $2 million. 18 . unit 3 Wonders of the world re is! = — 2, a; 3 About you == eee! -_ 4 This airplane is so big. # Yeah. I's___the wiggest____airplane I've ever been on. A It’s very easy to get to the airport by subway. B Yes. The subway is way to get there. A This restaurant isn’t really expensive at all. B I know. It’s restaurant in the city. A This subway is very crowded. B Itsure is, It's always subway line, A That's large cruise ship! B it’s the Queen Mary 2. It's cruise ship in the world. A That guy over there is very thin. B You're right. He's person I've ever seen. A This is a pretty good price for these pants. B Yes, itis, Actually, I think this store has___prices in the mall. . A This is a nice gallery, but the new exhibition has some really bad paintings. B Yeah. They're some of ___ paintings I've ever seen. Grammar} Complete the questions with superlatives. Then write true answers. L 3. Where's _the cheapest (cheap) place to go shopping around here? the cheapest place to go shopping is downtown, And where’ (bad) place to go shopping? Which neighborhood has ____ {nice} restaurants? What (quiet) neighborhood in your city? What's (amazing) building you've ever seen? Whats (busy) steetin your eity? os What's nderrful) city you've ever visited? . Where can you buy___ (delicious) pastries in your city? 19 <4 Natural wonders L , Pas of the earth a A Look at the pictures, and complete the puzzle. Then write the answer to the question below. 6 B Complete these sentences with the words from part A. 1. The Grand _Cawyen __ in Arizona is 1,600 meters (5,249 feet) deep in some parts, 2, The Pacific is about 10 times larger than the Arctic. 3. K2, the second highest in the world, is 8,610 meters (28,250 feet) high. 4, In the Sahara __, temperatures can reach 54 degrees Celsius (130 degrees Fahrenheit), . Angel Falls in Venezuela is the highest in the world, ou Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines is an active -Ielast erupted in 1991. 20 paso Unit 3 Wonders of the world Look at the pictures. Complete each question with How + adjective. Then write the answers. 1. Q Hew wide are the Khane Falls on the Mekong River? A They'ee 10.8 kil ja 2Q is the Amazon Rain Forest? A ae can it get in Antarctica? A $$ 40 is the Mississippi River? A [raniner'| Write How: questions based on the guidebook page. Then answer the questions. 1. Q Hew long is the Waikato River? A _Ie’s 425 kilometers | = NP ee A = 3.Q a [ im Now Zetec ————————_| | atest rout 4 ‘Mount Cook ~ YT [tit metre it ____4 Really? { Conversation | Complete the conversations with the sentences in the box. ‘salegies | Itrreally was. ig. sbatagies | It'sure does. 1, Danielle I think Hawai'i is one of the most interesting states in the US. Mark Yeah it really is. Did you know more than one third of the world’s pineapples are from Hawai'i? Danielle No, | didn't! T know it has eight major islands, though — all from volcanoes. Mark Yeah, and it has some of the best surfing beaches. ‘They get the highest waves there. Danielle 3. Chika Kacie Chika Kacie Chika Kacie ~ Yeh, it realy is. It sureis. Really? | didn't know that. They really are. Pete Pete Iknow. The weather was terrible last weekend. Twanted to go tothe beach, but it was too cold. So what did you do? Well, I stayed home and watched DVDs. ‘That doesn’t sound like much fun. I hear next weekend's going to be warm and sunny. We should go to the beach then. - Let's plan on it! We really should, | Maria Mount Sorak in South Korea is so beautiful, especially in the fall, Pete You're right. Have you ever hiked there? Maria Uh-huh, I've hiked there several times with my friends. Maria Yeah. I especially love the waterfalls. ‘They're the best. Unit 3 Wonders of the world __2.The best and the worst) === | Complete the conversations with superlative adjectives for emphasis. A Chichén Itza in Mexicohas__the codlest (cool) Mayan ruins. Have you ever been there? B Yeah, Thad (good) time climbing the pyramids. 2. A The food at that restaurant was (bad)! B Tknow, but at least the waiter was nice, 3. A How was your weekend? B Wonderful! We went to (incredible) lake and rented a boat. We just sailed around forhours! 4. A Have you ever hiked the Appalachian Trail? B No, unfortunately, Thaven't, But I hear it has (amazing) scenery. __3 Jt really is the best! You're camping with your friend. Write responses with really or sure to show you are a supportive listener. Then add a sentence using a superlative adjective for emphasis. i It sure fels good to be on vacation } [ tesure dees! dnd comping ws olest iAea! 2 { Our hike yesterday was great. ) L BS _) 3. { We should go swimming in the lake today.) (== 4, [it's sonnice to bein the country, } { __4 About you _ a tion | Write true sentences about your last vacation or special day. Use superlative ! adjectives for emphasis. Iwent _te Cesta Rica, ana | think their beaches have the softest sand Istayed Tsaw PEN Imet Tate Lvisited ee 23 | A Look at the topics below. Then read the article, and write the number of the paragraph where the topic is explained in detail. 3 the driest weather __ the strongest winds ___ the most time zones ____ the most ice __ the smallest population —__ the most daylight __— the farthest south the coldest temperature a) ‘Antaieees la the c coldest, windiest, and drieat | continent on Earth, It’s the fifth largest of the © © world’s seven continents. A layer of ice almost || 5 kilometers (3 miles) thick covers the island in ‘some places. In fact, 90% of the world’s ice is © in Antarctica, = _ 2 The westher in Antarctica is the coldest on arth, The lowest temperature ever recorded, _ -89.2 degrees Celsius (1286 degrees Fahrenheit), was in 1983 at the Vostok Station, afvold Russian research base. At the South ole, the temperature varies from -35 degrees Celsius (Gi degrees Fahrenheit) in the midsummer te -70 degrees Celsius (-94 degrees Fahrenheit) in the midwinter. 3 ee an only me world’s coldest continent but also the driest place on Earth. | Sometimes called the world’s largest desert, it gets about the same amount of rain each year as the Sahara Desert, Antarctic winds are the ‘strongest on the planet, reaching up to 320 ‘lometers (189 railes) per hour. fey AMAZING 2 a a roouda ‘South Pole, ‘Antarctica is eerie south of any. Sane ‘The South Pole gets six months of aaa daylight from September through March. Then. it gets six months of nonstop darkness. And because it's so far south, Antarctica covers the most time zones - all of them! 5 Explorers first visited Antarctica in 1821. Then in 1899, a Norwegian explorer set up a research, station on Antarctica, and for the first time, people could live there. Now there are about 60. research bases there, set up by many different. ‘countries. The population of Antarctica grows. from about 1,000 in the winter to about 4,000 during the summer. It has the smallest population of any continent. Vostok Station B Read the article again. Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence. Then correct the false sentences, its wi 1. Antarctica is the world’s seventrlargest continent, _F_ 2. 90% of the world’s ice is in Antarctica. _ 3. Antarctica gets more rain than the Sahara Desert. 4, Antarctica’s six months of nonstop daylight begins in March, __ 5. About 1,00 people live in Antarctica during the summer. __ Unit 3 Wonders of the world The dry facts te - [Wiltiag} A Read the facts about the Sahara Desert, Combine each pair of sentences to form one sentence, Othe Serara Desert is the largest desert inthe world, We covers 93 lomete's of land in North Altica. = 1. The Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the weld, covers 4,| willion sauewe Kilometers of lana ix Noth Africa. B Write four to six pieces of information about your favorite place. Then combine the facts to make sentences. ancien. ims ; ey I fark the boxes below to rate your progress. ~—~S*S*«~CST Tee gO Da | =tknowhow to... [7 =! need to review how to... tothese pages in = I | the Student's Book. © "| Cluse the superlative form of adjectives | 22 and 23 | use the superlative with nouns 22 and 23 j (J ask and answer questions using how + adjective 24 and 25 | name § human wonders 21, 22, ane 23 “]name 5 natural wonders 21, 24, and 25 “use short responses with really and sure to show I'ma 26 supportive listener 25 a20) Family gripes Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in the box. change = do. help read use clean do play stay, watch 1, Jeff When I was young, my parents never let me_watch_TV. Paul Really? Why not? Jeff They wantedme __ books and my imagination, not just watch TV. Paul My parents were pretty easygoing about watching TV. Jeff What do you mean? Paul Well, they just made me my homework first. ‘Then could watch all the TVI wanted. 2, Liz Theard youbroke your arm. What happened? Kaya My grandmother asked me __alightbulb in the ceiling fan. I lost my balance and fell off a ladder. Liz Ouch! What did your doctor say? Kaya He told me home for a week Liz Yeah. And you should get someone younext time. 3. Kyle Thate Mondays! Naomi Me too. They're the worst. Kyle Yeah, Monday is when my mom has me____the entire house. Naomi Really? By yourself? My brother always helpsme___my chores. Kyle Well, my litte sister never helps. My mom just lets her video games all day! Naomi That's not fair! 26 Unit 4 Family He uipes and grumbles = mar | Complete the sentences using the words given. 1. My brother loves anchovies, 5, My daughter is always on her cell phone. He can't_get we to tyy one . She always (get try one) ‘want /pay he bil) 2, My father is pretty strict, 6. Mymom never has enough time to cook. He always 4 She often we (have 7 come homeeanly) Gsk/ prepare dinner 3. My parents want me to be a pianist. 7. Mykids don't like to clean. ‘They . ‘They rarely Timake practice every day) help 7 wash the dishes) 4, My sister is always watching TV, 8, My grandfather can't hear very well Shenever Healways Tei have the remote) {all speak Touder Complete these sentences with true information. My parents wantme _te go te a veally competitive college My best friend often asks me ‘Our English teacher sometimes has us Talways tell my friend Tcan't get my family members ——— Parents shouldn't let their kids NOOR ee My friends help me 8. Ican't make my parents 28 “aunt brearanamonet vimmediate Laiece] CEE] 6 (Dreptew] (stepdaughter) cia) 1. Mysister, Melissa, is the most talented member of my _ivmediate family. She's a great musician. 2. My mother's sister, Jessica, is my __aunt__. I'm Jessica's favorite 3, Jessica’s husband, Max, ismy mother's__and my. 4, Max and Jessica's son, Evan, is my 5. Evan is my mother's only 6. My parents got divorced when I was 12. My father later married Helena. She's es 7. My father and his second wife had twin boys, Keith and Noah. They're my 8. With Helena, Keith, and Noah, I grew up ina family. 9. Helena has a daughter from her first marriage. Her name is Kristen. She's my father’s 10, My___ «Irene, is the oldest member of my extended family. She's my grandmother's mother.

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