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American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB)

Faculty of Engineering
Assignment:2 [Section: F]
Course Name: Introduction to Electrical Circuits Course Code: EEE 2109
Faculty Name: Dr. Md. Kamrul Hassan Semester: Summer 2019-20
Submission Date: /11/2020

Student Name: Abeer Hossain Student ID: 19-41584-3

Department: CSE Section: F

Marking (to be filled by Faculty):

Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5
Comments: Total Marks (Out of 10):

Instruction Related to Used Variables:

Note that this assignment uses the variables m1, m2, m3, m4, and m5, which are the five digits of middle of your student
ID. For example, if your student ID is: 09-15985-3, then you must consider: m1=1; m2=5; m3=9; m4=8; m5=5
Write in the following Table the variables value according to your ID:
m1 m2 m3 m4 m5

4 1 5 8 4

With the solution of given problems add this cover page and the answer should be hand written.

Rename the file as: IEC_Assignment_2_Sec_F_YourID_YourFullName (AIUB Format)

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Assignment on Introduction to Electrical Circuits (Section: F)
Deadline for Submission: 15/11/2020 (Total Marks:10)
1 Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit seen at terminals a-b of the circuit in Fig. 1.
Find the value of R for maximum power transfer in the following circuit and the amount of maximum power.
Where, E = [80 + (2 ×m3) + (4 × m5) volts and R4 = [10 +( 2 × m5)] ohms [Fix from your ID]

Figure for problem no. 1

2. Obtain the node voltages V1 and V2 at the node 1 and 2 in the circuit in Fig. 2.

Figure for problem no. 2

3. Calculate the mesh currents i1 and i2 in the circuit of Fig. 3.

Figure for problem no. 3

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4. Using superposition, find the current I2 through resistor R2 of the network in Fig. 4. Where E1 = [ 20 + (2× m5)]
volts and E2 = [45 + 3× m4] volts. [Fix from your ID]

Figure for problem no. 4

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